- to keep track of what to do and improvements on the initial plan, I use a checklist.
Initial checklist page 1. | Initial checklist 2 |
Second checklist page 1. | Second checklist page 2. |
- Following the "I think therefore I blog walkthru"
- Install basic packages in GitPod with the following commands:
- pip3 install 'django<4' gunicorn
- pip install dj_database_url psycopg2
- pip3 install dj3-cloudinary-storage
- pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
- django-admin startproject THEGREENTHUMB . (This was incorrect practise, so I used the search function to change all instances of uppercase to lowercase).
- python3 manage.py startapp blog
- pip3 install django-crispy-forms
- Migrate the work using:
- python3 manage.py makemigrations --dry-run
- python3 manage.py makemigrations
- python3 manage.py migrate --plan
- python3 manage.py migrate
- Make sure project deploys in preview (python3 manage.py runserver)
- In envy.py add my Cloudinary API variable, postgres DATABASE_URL.
- Make sure env.py is in the gitignore-file
- Commit all changes to GitHub for initial deployment to Heroku
- git add .
- git commit -m "add message here"
- git push
- Here I realized that I forgot to hide the secret key in env.py.
- Create new secret key and go through the process again adn make sure to add my new secret key into env.py.
- In Heroku Create a new app by:
- In front view- press New->Create new app
- Choose a unique app name, that conforms to heroku naming standard and choose region (Europe). Press Create app
- Attache Heroku Postgres as DATABASE, under Resources
- Under Settings-> Config vars:
- add my Cloudinary API variable
- add DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC, this to prevent accidentally showing debug messages while DEBUG is True in settings.py
- add port 8000
- add SECRET_KEY from app in Gitpod
- Under Deploy choose deployment methos Github and search for my repo. I am already connected since before.
- Make sure branch to deploy is set on main.
- Deploy branch
- Successful deployment, unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot of this. So no picture of the awesome rocket.
- For the final deployment I again follow the videos in "I think therefore I blog walkthru"
- In GitPod:
- Before deployment I've done an intial testing of all features in preview.
- Settings -> Change DEBUG to False.
- git add .
- git commit -m "Deployment commit"
- git push
- Since this did'nt work connection to Heroku was established through login in to heroku through terminal
- heroku login -i
- heroku run python3 manage.py migrate
- heroku run python3 manage.py migrate --app the-green-thumb
- this launched the site successfully
- set debug to false to let CSS come through. -create a superuser in heroku
- heroku login -i
- heroku run python3 manage.py createsuperuser --app the-green-thumb
- In Heroku:
- Deploy manually
- Deployment successfull with all functionality and style.
- set future deploys to automatic.
- In GitPod: