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Up to 5 devices simultanious #290

Lennyz1988 opened this issue Feb 22, 2017 · 72 comments

Up to 5 devices simultanious #290

Lennyz1988 opened this issue Feb 22, 2017 · 72 comments
discussion 💬 hardware 🔌 not a problem with the software


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Lennyz1988 commented Feb 22, 2017

I am posting this to describe my experience in trying to get 5 RFID devices (MFRC522) to work at the same time using 1 Arduino.

This is also relevant to these posts:




After a lot of trial and error I got 5 devices to work simultaneously using this library.

  • Make sure to use quality cables! I used CAT5E UTP cables to connect the RFID devices to the Arduino.

  • I started with 5 cables with a total length of 40 meters. I could get 2 devices to work reliable but I could not use the other 3 devices. So I repositioned the Arduino and cut the cables to about 15 meters length total (5 cables, 3 meter each). Maybe if you would use even better quality cables you can increase the length of the cables.

  • Try multiple RFID cards. I noticed after a while that some cards would work on one device but were not recognized on another device.

  • Make sure to have 1 or 2 backup MFRC522. When I couldn't figure out why one device would not read the tags when connected, I swapped it with one of my backups and it started working. Keep in mind that the device that could not read the card still works when connected on my breadbord. So maybe there is just to much interference for that device.

So now after many hours of trial and error I got 5 devices to work reliably, without any extra components, WITHOUT a multiplexer, over a total cable length of 15 meters.

I hope this helps someone.

NOTE: I only tested that it could recognize the card UID. I did not test if it could read the actual data on the card because that's not required for my goals.

@Rotzbua Rotzbua added the hardware 🔌 not a problem with the software label Feb 22, 2017
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Hello ! We have the same problem it's realy annoying !
How did you manage to get 5 devices working ? can you show us the code in witch 5 devices work (what I have never seen) !!

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Lennyz1988 commented Apr 11, 2017

You can just use the standard ReadUidMultiReader example.

  • Add the additional ss pins in the code
  • add the ss pins to the "byte sspins"

That's it.

The code you posted makes no sense at all to me. I suggest you start from scratch.

If you cannot get it to work reliably because of the cable distance, then it's also an option to use 2 Arduino's connected by I2C or Serial and exchange the data between the Arduino's.

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MDLSoft commented Jun 7, 2017

Hello, I'm working with 4 readers and it works ok, It's based on miguelbalboa's multi rfid example

bool getRFID(byte readern)
bool isPICCpresent = false;
digitalWrite(RST_PIN, HIGH); // Get RC522 reader out of hard low power mode
mfrc522[readern].PCD_Init(); // Init the reader
if (mfrc522[readern].PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522[readern].PICC_ReadCardSerial())
memcpy(readedCard[readern], mfrc522[readern].uid.uidByte, 4); // Copy UID to a global array
isPICCpresent = true;
digitalWrite(RST_PIN, LOW); // return to hard low power mode
return isPICCpresent; // returns TRUE if PICC is detected, false if not

But I have a problem setting the gain, I tryed this after the PCD_init():



mfrc522[readern].PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(mfrc522[readern].RFCfgReg, (0x07<<4));

But when I try to change the gain, my readers can't read the rfid tags or read it sometimes. It is annoying that i can't setting the gain fine.

When I did a basic program to test the mfrc522 readers, setting the gain worked fine, but now with the multi-readers and the need of a loop with the PCD_Init() (I need to know that the card is present yet), it doesn't work!

I would appreciate some help. Thanks!

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akeilox commented Jun 8, 2017

i think i saw a snippet of this in a forum but it was deleted when i check back.
can you post the entire .ino file so i can check with similar setup?

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MDLSoft commented Jun 8, 2017

Here is the .ino, this is a test setup, I have a more complex program comparing UIDs, storing it to eeprom, activating outputs and many others functions but the base is this, reading the UIDs of the PICC. I don't need access to PICC memory or do more advanced stuff, only read their UID and know when PICC is over the reader. You can see in the sketch where I tryed to set gain.

//**                     ARDUINO PRO MINI 3.3v 8MHz                                       **
//**                    GND  GND  VCC  RX   TX   /DTR                                     **
//**                 +--------------------------------+                                   **
//**                 |  [ ]  [ ]  [ ]  [ ]  [ ]  [ ]  |                                   **
//**                 |          SERIAL PORT           |                                   **
//**             D1  | [ ]1/TX                 RAW[ ] |   |                               **
//**             D0  | [ ]0/RX                 GND[ ] | <--> GND                          **
//**                 | [ ]RST        SCL/A5[ ] RST[ ] |                                   **
//**                 | [ ]GND        SDA/A4[ ] VCC[ ] |  --> VCC 3.3v                     **
//**             D2  | [ ]2/INT0    ___         A3[ ] |  --> SDA/SS reader #3             **
//**             D3  |~[ ]3/INT1   /   \        A2[ ] |  --> SDA/SS reader #2             **
//**             D4  | [ ]4       /PRO  \       A1[ ] |  --> SDA/SS reader #1             **
//**             D5  |~[ ]5       \ MINI/       A0[ ] |  --> SDA/SS reader #0             **
//**             D6  |~[ ]6        \___/    SCK/13[ ] |  --> SCK (Clock)                  **
//**             D7  | [ ]7          A7[ ] MISO/12[ ] |  <-- MISO (Master In Slave Out)   **
//**             B0  | [ ]8          A6[ ] MOSI/11[ ]~|  --> MOSI (Master Out Slave In)   **
//**             B1  |~[ ]9                  SS/10[ ]~|  --> RST All readers (for now)    **
//**                 |           [RST-BTN]            |                                   **
//**                 +--------------------------------+                                   **
//**                                     **
//**                                                                                      **
//**               MDLSoft(c) 2017   Test setup ver: 1.02                                 **

#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#include <string.h>

constexpr uint8_t NR_OF_READERS = 4;

constexpr uint8_t RST_PIN  = 10;
constexpr uint8_t SS_0_PIN = A0;
constexpr uint8_t SS_1_PIN = A1;
constexpr uint8_t SS_2_PIN = A2;
constexpr uint8_t SS_3_PIN = A3;

byte ssPins[] = {SS_0_PIN, SS_1_PIN, SS_2_PIN, SS_3_PIN};

byte readedCard[NR_OF_READERS][4];  // Matrix for storing UID over each reader
MFRC522 mfrc522[NR_OF_READERS];     // Create MFRC522 instances

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications
  while (!Serial);    // Do nothing until serial connection is opened
  SPI.begin();        // Init SPI bus
  for (uint8_t reader = 0; reader < NR_OF_READERS; reader++) 
    mfrc522[reader].PCD_Init(ssPins[reader], RST_PIN); // Init each MFRC522 card
 pinMode(RST_PIN, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(RST_PIN, LOW);    // mfrc522 readers hard power down.

void loop() 
 for (uint8_t reader = 0; reader < NR_OF_READERS; reader++) 
      Serial.print(F("Reader "));
      Serial.print(F(": Card UID:"));

//******************** Routine for print 4 byte UID to serial ******************************
void printUID(byte *buffer){
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++){
Serial.print(buffer[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
Serial.print(buffer[i], HEX);}}
//********************************END OF ROUTINE********************************************

//************ Routine for scan readers and store the UIDs in readedCard array *************
bool getRFID(byte readern)
  bool isPICCpresent = false;
  digitalWrite(RST_PIN, HIGH);   // Get RC522 reader out of hard low power mode
  mfrc522[readern].PCD_Init();   // Init the reader
  //****** Trying to set antenna gain to max, erratic functioning of the readers ***********
  //mfrc522[readern].PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(mfrc522[readern].RFCfgReg, (0x07<<4)); 
  // mfrc522[readern].PCD_ClearRegisterBitMask(mfrc522[readern].RFCfgReg, (0x07<<4));
  // mfrc522[readern].PCD_SetRegisterBitMask(mfrc522[readern].RFCfgReg, 0x07);
  if (mfrc522[readern].PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522[readern].PICC_ReadCardSerial())
     memcpy(readedCard[readern], mfrc522[readern].uid.uidByte, 4); 
     isPICCpresent = true;
  digitalWrite(RST_PIN, LOW);    // return to hard low power mode
  return isPICCpresent;          // returns TRUE if PICC is detected, false if not
//********************************END OF ROUTINE********************************************

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Khamphai commented Jun 11, 2017

I use Arduino UNO Board and i have a problem with two RFID by pin MOSI and MISO, i follow the code on top my comment, so can help me,
i need to see your circuit thank you

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MDLSoft commented Jun 13, 2017

You shoul use 3.3v for the RFID readers, you could lower the UNO from 5v to 3.3v or use level shifters. Other than that is to have the connections right and as is a relatively high frequency you should take care about contacts in the breadboards or dupont wires. In my case, I soldered flat cables to have better conectivity.

You could show us your circuit, maybe we can help you with it.

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roooney commented Jun 14, 2017

Hi there, I am looking to connect 6 RC522 RFID readers and I have wired them according to this image but I was wondering, do I have to also connect the 3.3V from the Arduino to each of the RC522 Readers as well? Thank you for your help!

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MDLSoft commented Jun 14, 2017

Yes, you have to use 3.3v to Vcc for every RC522. All the communication bus (MOSI, MISO and SCK) and select (SSn) should also work at 3.3v.

Maybe you have already though about this, but I suggest you try first with only one Rc522 reader and then add one by one. It's easier to find bugs and get working multiple rfid readers in the same bus. I haven't tried more than 4 readers but you shouldn't have any problems.

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roooney commented Jun 14, 2017

Thank you @MDLSoft, so i'll dasiy chain all RC522's 3.3V like I would for other wires (MOSI, MISO, etc). Thank you!

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I was hoping I´d find what I´m looking for but sadly no... What I want it is also to use 5 readers, but like access control. Every rfid reader is programmed to ´allow´ 1 tag/card. So when all 5 tags are scanned by the proper reader, a realy switches. How do I do that? It's like combining acces control with multirfidreader but I don't know how to do it.

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DrLou commented Jan 30, 2018 via email

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giz02 commented Mar 8, 2018

I've done 12 (at reasonable distance ~20ft)) cat 5e.

You should have no problem with 4,5 or 6.

I'd pull CS up though - I have never had much luck beyond 3 readers with CS floating. Sky is the limit if you pullup.

Also - I don't level shift. I've seen folks doing it, it's the right thing to do, but could not pull off level shifting beyond 1 reader. Could be the quality of the shifters I was using - I don't know. That said, the readers seem to work well at 5v signals - but I understand you are doing this at your own risk as 5v is over spec.

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Heya giz02 - can you tell me what you mean by pull CS up? I assume you're pulling up a pin with a resister, but I don't recall a pin on the arduino called CD - what am I missing?

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Hello Everyone
i have a question. is it important that all RFID reader have same Firmware?
i want use 5 RFID ( RC522 ) with one arduino.
when i join one RFID it work well and read cards. when i make it 2 RFID it work well yet and rad cards.
but when i join 3 RFID, it don't work and have Error.
my RFIDs version is:
Reader 0: Firmware Version: 0x92 = v2.0
Reader 1: Firmware Version: 0x12 = (unknown)
please help me with that


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Annaane commented Apr 27, 2018

I also managed to make 5 RFID readers to work simultaneously with Arduino Uno and miguelbalboa's library. Check this repo or this is a video that shows that's functional :

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thoka commented May 9, 2018

@amkamyab I had the same issue before I initialized all CS pins to HIGH before the individual setup. Otherwise all RFID devices will respond simultaneously and you get crazy firmware readings.

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may i ask you to explain more what i should do to fix this problem.
and something else. how long distance can have my RFID cable.

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sjoerd1999 commented Jul 25, 2018

I also had this problem.
I first had a project where I used 3 RFID readers and it worked fine.
Later I had to rebuild my project, with 3 RFID readers from other manufacturers, and it didn't work.
The new readers worked individually, but not combined.

I solved this by turning the readers | on, measure, off | one by one. This worked really well.
The readers need about 20mA, which the digital pins can provide.
So what you can do is:
for all readers.

!! BUT !!
The readers need 3.3v, and the digital pins provide 5v. So I used a 3.3v regulator to convert the 5v to 3.3v. Otherwise the RFID readers might explode. I used the LD1117V33.

You can switch them really quickly and it still works. (I tried 10 readings per second).

Also, because of having to use one extra pin per reader now, the maximum amount of readers is 4 now on a normal Arduino.

I anyone needs more information on this, I'll gladly help out! Just message me

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suimani commented Aug 22, 2018

Dear Github Swarm,
I've been looking into your reign whenever I needed help and found it without needing to ask.
The time has come to approach you directly.

This is going to be a long one, just trying to explain the situation as good as possible.

First off, please don't be too harsh, my coding skills are almost none existent, and it takes me a really long time to understand what's happening in a code. While making progress, I'm happily spending more hours than necessary.
The following code I have (partly) written myself and I am almost proud that it is indeed working (again partly).
It is an escape room puzzle (or at least should be, once it works)

The Situation:
An Arduino nano has 3 RFID readers attached.
Each of those 3 RFID readers only shall read their specific RFID tag correctly. So for each reader, there is only one correct tag.
We have 3 lights for each of those readers. A reader reads the correct tag - the corresponding light will shine.
Once all 3 readers read their correct tags at the same time (and all 3 lights are shining) a Relais is activated to power(or depower) a 12V magnet for a small door. There is a timer involved, which works fine, once the readers work.

The Problem:
When plugged in via USB it works perfectly fine.

When plugged in via 12V adapter it works as well, but ONLY every second or third time.
Sometimes it works a couple of times in a row, then a couple of times not. I can't find a logic in the pattern (if one can call it a pattern)

One last fun fact: in the code below Reader#2 is initiated last, - this is the one that doesn't always work.
It is ALWAYS the last initiated reader which doesn't work.

Why does it work when powered via USB, and then not always when powered via 12V VIN?

tags, Cables, Readers, Nanos have been replaced to make sure it's not a hardware error.

To come to an end- I appreciate all help I can get,
so thank you in advance,
best regards,

#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>

#define SS_PIN 10
#define RST_PIN 9
#define SS_PIN2 8
#define SS_PIN3 7
#define LED_R 2 //define red LED
#define Light1 3
#define Light2 4
#define Light3 5
#define relais 6

MFRC522 mfrc1(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);   // Create mfrc1 instance.
MFRC522 mfrc2(SS_PIN2, RST_PIN);
MFRC522 mfrc3(SS_PIN3, RST_PIN);

int zustand1;
int zustand2;
int zustand3;

bool timerGestartet = false;
unsigned long timeAfter2Seconds = 0;

unsigned long currentTime = 0;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);   // Initiate a serial communication

  SPI.begin();      // Initiate  SPI bus


  zustand1 = 0;
  zustand2 = 0;
  zustand3 = 0;
  pinMode(Light1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Light2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Light3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relais, OUTPUT);
  Serial.println("Put your card to the reader...");

void loop()


 zustand1 = digitalRead(Light1);
 zustand2 = digitalRead(Light2);
 zustand3 = digitalRead(Light3);

 currentTime = millis();

if((zustand1 == 1) && (zustand2 == 1) && (zustand3 == 1)) 


bool karteErkannt = (zustand1 == 1) || (zustand2 == 1) || (zustand3 == 1);

//  If any reader recognizes the correct tag AND if no timer has been started, we start one
if((timerGestartet == false) && (karteErkannt == true)) {
    timerGestartet = true;
    timeAfter2Seconds = currentTime + 2000;

if ((timerGestartet == true) && (currentTime > timeAfter2Seconds)) {

    timerGestartet = false;


void reader1()
  // Look for new cards
  if ( ! mfrc1.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
  // Select one of the cards
  if ( ! mfrc1.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
  //Show UID on serial monitor
  Serial.print("UID tag :");
  String content = "";
  byte letter;
  for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc1.uid.size; i++)
    Serial.print(mfrc1.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
    Serial.print(mfrc1.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
    content.concat(String(mfrc1.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));
    content.concat(String(mfrc1.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));
  Serial.print("Message : ");
  if (content.substring(1) == "40 A8 71 A3") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access
    Serial.println("Authorized access");
    digitalWrite(Light1, HIGH);

  else   {
    Serial.println(" Access denied");
    digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);


void reader2() {
  // Look for new cards
  if ( ! mfrc2.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
  // Select one of the cards
  if ( ! mfrc2.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
  //Show UID on serial monitor
  Serial.print("UID tag :");
  String content = "";
  for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc2.uid.size; i++)
    Serial.print(mfrc2.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
    Serial.print(mfrc2.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
    content.concat(String(mfrc2.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));
    content.concat(String(mfrc2.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));
  Serial.print("Message : ");
  if (content.substring(1) == "B0 CD C5 A3") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access
    Serial.println("Authorized access");
    digitalWrite(Light2, HIGH);

  else   {
    Serial.println(" Access denied");
    digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);

void reader3() {
  // Look for new cards
  if ( ! mfrc3.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
  // Select one of the cards
  if ( ! mfrc3.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
  //Show UID on serial monitor
  Serial.print("UID tag :");
  String content = "";
  for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc3.uid.size; i++)
    Serial.print(mfrc3.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
    Serial.print(mfrc3.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
    content.concat(String(mfrc3.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));
    content.concat(String(mfrc3.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));
  Serial.print("Message : ");
  if (content.substring(1) == "B0 A2 89 A7") //change here the UID of the card/cards that you want to give access
    Serial.println("Authorized access");
    digitalWrite(Light3, HIGH);

  else   {
    Serial.println(" Access denied");
    digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);

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Maybe the 12V isn't clean DC ? Like it isn't producing a constant 12V, but rather jumps back and forth around 12V. This could cause problems.
I run MRFC522 RFID cards with a 9V battery all the time, and it works fine.

Other than that I don't know a reason why it doesn't work. Maybe the supply doesn't provide enough current?
You can also try to use a 5V regulator to turn the 12V into 5V and run that into the 5V pin on the Arduino.
You can also just use a powerbank to power it, but I understand it would be better to use the 12V because you also need it for the lock.

I did excaclty the same thing as you. I made an escape room puzzel with 3 RFID chips.
If the right 3 tags are present, a 4-digit code is shown on a small LCD. I had to use a 3.3V regulators and write complicated code, but that was because of multiple chips not working even on USB. Your chips seem to be working fine though so you don't need that.

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sjoerd1999 commented Aug 22, 2018

This code should work if your RFID chips are working fine.

               MFRC522      Arduino       Arduino   Arduino    Arduino          Arduino
               Reader/PCD   Uno/101       Mega      Nano v3    Leonardo/Micro   Pro Micro
   Signal      Pin          Pin           Pin       Pin        Pin              Pin
   RST/Reset   RST          9             5         D9         RESET/ICSP-5     RST
   SPI SS 1    SDA(SS)      ** custom, take a unused pin, only HIGH/LOW required *
   SPI SS 2    SDA(SS)      ** custom, take a unused pin, only HIGH/LOW required *
   SPI MOSI    MOSI         11 / ICSP-4   51        D11        ICSP-4           16
   SPI MISO    MISO         12 / ICSP-1   50        D12        ICSP-1           14
   SPI SCK     SCK          13 / ICSP-3   52        D13        ICSP-3           15


#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>

#define RST_PIN         9          // Configurable, see typical pin layout above

#define SS_1_PIN        6         // Configurable, take a unused pin, only HIGH/LOW required, must be diffrent to SS 2 /3
#define SS_2_PIN        7          // Configurable, take a unused pin, only HIGH/LOW required, must be diffrent to SS 1 / 3
#define SS_3_PIN        8          // Configurable, take a unused pin, only HIGH/LOW required, must be diffrent to SS 1 / 2

#define NR_OF_READERS   3         // How many readers you have?

byte ssPins[] = {SS_1_PIN, SS_2_PIN, SS_3_PIN};

MFRC522 mfrc522[NR_OF_READERS];   // Create MFRC522 instance.

String currentIDs[] = {"00000000", "00000000", "00000000"}; // Current ID's, changes as you play
String correctIDs[] = {"53806d1d", "1692a012", "738811d"}; // Which ID's are correct? , stays constant as it checks this with the current ID's

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
  SPI.begin();        // Init SPI bus

void loop() {
  for (uint8_t reader = 0; reader < NR_OF_READERS; reader++) {
    currentIDs[reader] = "00000000";
    digitalWrite(reader + 2, HIGH);
    mfrc522[reader].PCD_Init(ssPins[reader], RST_PIN); // Init each MFRC522 card
    if (mfrc522[reader].PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && mfrc522[reader].PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
      currentIDs[reader] = getCode(mfrc522[reader].uid.uidByte, mfrc522[reader].uid.size);
    digitalWrite(reader + 2, LOW);

  // Print out the current ID's
  Serial.print(" , ");
  Serial.print(" , ");

  if (currentIDs[0] == correctIDs[0] && currentIDs[1] == correctIDs[1] && currentIDs[2] == correctIDs[2]) { // If all ID's are correct
    Serial.println("ALL 3 CORRECT, YOU WIN");


String getCode(byte *buffer, byte bufferSize) {
  String code = "";
  for (byte i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) code = code + String(buffer[i], HEX);
  return (code);

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Has anyone ever tried using multiple MRFC522 RFID readers bought from china (I guess they are clones)? They work perfectly when using one only, but it looks like there is some noise on the MOSI line even if I turn off the readers that I do not want to read by actively pulling the corresponding SS pins high. The ReadUidMultiReader code works, when I disconnect all the MOSI cables exept from one, but of course that is just helpful for debugging. Or am I missing something else?

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Has anyone ever tried using multiple MRFC522 RFID readers bought from china (I guess they are clones)? They work perfectly when using one only, but it looks like there is some noise on the MOSI line even if I turn off the readers that I do not want to read by actively pulling the corresponding SS pins high. The ReadUidMultiReader code works, when I disconnect all the MOSI cables exept from one, but of course that is just helpful for debugging. Or am I missing something else?

Hi, please look at my posts above.
I got chips from AliExpress that had this problem.

The only solution I found is:
Turn chip 1 on,
Read data chip 1,
Turn chip 1 off.
And repeating that for all sensors.

You are supposed to turn the chips on/off not with the SS pin, but with the 3.3V power input of the MFRC522. The readers need 3.3v, and the digital pins provide 5v. So I used a 3.3v regulator to convert the 5v to 3.3v. Otherwise the RFID readers might explode. I used the LD1117V33.

Please take a look at the code above.

After hours and hours of trying this is the best method I could find.

You can email me at [email protected] in case you still have questions or want more info.

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MDLSoft commented Sep 16, 2018

Mine are from China too and maybe any problem to recognize some rfid tags but all work in the system. Now I have 6 readers working fine. I use an arduino Pro mini at 3.3v so I haven't to convert the supply voltage.
I did a last change in the system, now the SS pin of all RC522 readers are fixed to be always on and use the RST pin to not only power off but turn it to low power consumption.
When I do this, only one reader is on at the same time, no interferences an the fewer consumption possible. The system works for weeks with only three AA 2300mAh batteries, no regulator used.

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Since there's only one reader on at the same time, all chips could also use the same SS pin to save some pins. Don't know if that would work with the RST pin method though.

Using a 3.3V Arduino is smart! Only a bit annoying if you want to use the Arduino to run a 5V component as well.

Could you explain why you are using the RST pin to power it off? In my method I just cut the 3.3V line. Is the RST method better?

Normally the readers take 20mAh each, so when you're only running them one by one for a short period of time, this saves a huge amount of power indeed!

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MDLSoft commented Sep 16, 2018

Of course, using RST pin you use the same SS pin for all readers. This is as I have configured. I suppose that cut the supply line or using the RST is the same, in both cases requires same initialization time. How did you that? The supply is directly one pin from arduino?
For me using the RST pins was the most obvious and easy, one arduino pin to each RST, and shared SS pin. In my case each arduino's output haven't to support any current than internal pull-up but since only one reader working at time, no problem for the arduino.
I desoldered all leds to reduce the consumption, not a drastic change but sure better durability of batteries.

I haven't any problem using 5v input modules supplying it with only 3.3v, or maybe only a simple transistor as digital switch when "power" inductance connected without optocoupler isolation.

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The Arduino digital pins can provide 20mAh, the same as the chips take. So yeah the supply is directly from the Arduino pin in my case.
What code do you use to do the RST thing?
digitalWrite(RSTpin, LOW) when sensing, digitalWrite(RSTpin, HIGH) when off?

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Thanks for quick response...I am trying these at the moment. I am struggling to read any cards at the moment will update

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At the moment with those updates I have still struggled to get any reading on the code. Any other thoughts?

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sjoerd1999 commented Jul 14, 2020

At the moment with those updates I have still struggled to get any reading on the code. Any other thoughts?

Just build the setup really quick with two readers.
My RST code works, only change I needed to make is swap the HIGH and LOW in the digitalwrite() when turning on/off the reset pins :)
Updated code is attached

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got it thanks I guess i changed something else by accident. Genuinely appreciate the time have a good one

@Rotzbua Rotzbua pinned this issue Jul 25, 2020
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sarfer00 commented Aug 9, 2020

Hi @giz02 , you said you've got 12 RFID working with one Arduino. I have 12 RFID with one arduino and I've tested sharing MISO line, sharing SS, but I can't get it work.
I have read this post several times and you and others talk about pullup and pullout de readers, but I don't understand how. Could you explain to me how I should connect the wires?
@MDLSoft , @sjoerd1999 , you also talk about pullup and pullout the readers through RST line. Could you help me?
Thank you very much.

In my original method, I wired all sensors to the same Arduino pins, except the power(3.3V) pins, which each get a unique digital pin. I then only had one sensor on at the same time by only giving power to one sensor, this way they don't interfere. This works great, only the downside is that the reader needs 3.3V, while most Arduino's are 5V. So you need to step down this 5V from the digital pin to 3.3V for each sensor. I did this using a 3.3V regulator for each sensor (LD33CV), this could also be done with a MOSFET/transistor potentially. (if you have a 3.3V Arduino you don't need the regulators/MOSFETS)

But then MDLSoftproposed that you can do the same idea, only have one sensor on at once, by instead of cutting power to the sensor, just switching the reader on/off by using the RST pin of the sensor. This way you don't need the 3.3V regulators or MOSFETS. The wiring is really straightforward, just connect all sensors to the same Arduino pins, except the RST pins, which each get a unique digital pin.

I've attached code below.
RFIDmulti is my previous method with power pins (tested, works with library version 1.3.6)
RFIDmultiRST is MDLSoft's method with RST pins (not tested)

Hi @sjoerd1999 . Thank you very much for your quick response. I've tested your code but I don't get it works. I've bought too LD33V regulators but it doesn't works neither. The sensors are activated one after another like expected but they don't read the UID.
I have checked the voltage received in the sensors and it is less than 3.3V (2,54V approx), i dont know if its because the output of the arduino are not 5v but between 3,23V and 3,64V.

I am using: Arduino Mega 2560, RFID sensord RC522 and LD33V regulators.

What I am doing wrong?
Thank you

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sjoerd1999 commented Aug 9, 2020

Hi @sjoerd1999 . Thank you very much for your quick response. I've tested your code but I don't get it works. I've bought too LD33V regulators but it doesn't works neither. The sensors are activated one after another like expected but they don't read the UID.
I have checked the voltage received in the sensors and it is less than 3.3V (2,54V approx), i dont know if its because the output of the arduino are not 5v but between 3,23V and 3,64V.

I am using: Arduino Mega 2560, RFID sensord RC522 and LD33V regulators.

What I am doing wrong?
Thank you

Using an older library version might help (I used the MFRC522 library from the Arduino IDE library manager, version 1.3.6).

When using the LD33V method, do the lights of the RFID readers turn off completely when not reading, or are they slightly dimmed? I had a problem with some versions of the RC522 where the chips did not turn off completely when disconnected from power and therefore still interfered. They should all blink one-by-one.
Also make sure you connect the LD33V properly, (GND, RC522 3.3V pin, Arduino digital pin)

The RST method worked fine for me, maybe check the wiring again? Also make sure you use the right Arduino code, both methods have different code.
RFIDmultiRST (1).zip


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sarfer00 commented Aug 9, 2020

I am downloading the library version 1.3.6 for testing... if not works i will test the RST method again....
Yes, the readers turn off completely when not reading, they blink one by one. And the LD33V is connected properly ... yes, Ive tested it with external 5V and the output is 3.3V. Input Voltage Min for LD33V is 4.4V and Iam checking that is not enough voltage at input, this is the most strangest thing...

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sarfer00 commented Aug 9, 2020

Library 1.3.6 doesn't resolve the problem. Somebody know why digital output gives 3,6V instead 5V ??

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Library 1.3.6 doesn't resolve the problem. Somebody know why digital output gives 3,6V instead 5V ??

How are you powering the Mega? If you power it via the Vin pin, you need at least 7V.
If the digital pins only give 3.6V, you can also omit the LD33V, as the RC522 can handle voltages up to 3.6V. But it'll be better to fix the 5V problem to prevent stability issues...

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sarfer00 commented Aug 9, 2020

I am powering trough USB for monitoring, and after I will power it with the electric transformer.
If I connect only a wire the digital output is 4,4.
If I connect the LD33V with the output to RFID sensor the digital output is 3,32 (and only 2,36 reaches the RFID sensor).
If I connect the LD33V with the input to RFID sensor (same wire from digital output to RFID 3,3v pin through LD33V) the digital output is 3,03 (and then only 3,03 reaches the RFID sensor).
I am breaking my mind with this, I don't understand it....

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Many thanks @sjoerd1999 for all your help. I've got it works perfectly with 12 sensors!! Finally with RST method (that doesn't work first time I tried out)....

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CiscoGD commented Aug 15, 2020

Many thanks @sjoerd1999 for all your help. I've got it works perfectly with 12 sensors!! Finally with RST method (that doesn't work first time I tried out)....

Gents, I am facing same issues you all described here.
I need 5 RFID working although not simultaneously.
I have tried to RST method without success.
Joerd1999, do you mind share your code and how did you wire them?
I need to finalise my school project. many thanks.

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sjoerd1999 commented Aug 15, 2020

Gents, I am facing same issues you all described here.
I need 5 RFID working although not simultaneously.
I have tried to RST method without success.
Joerd1999, do you mind share your code and how did you wire them?
I need to finalise my school project. many thanks.

This is the code RFIDmultiRST (1).zip
Did you get one RFID reader working? What board are you using?
The wiring is quite straightforward, all readers connect to the same SDA/MOSI/MISO/SCK/GND/3.3V pins. Only the RST pin of each reader goes to a unique digital pin. These RST pins are declared in the code (the RSTpins[] array). Also make sure you use library version 1.3.6, as I don't know if it works with other versions

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CiscoGD commented Aug 16, 2020 via email

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Thanks for such quick replay. Sorry disturbing you again: I am using a MEGA 2560 and 5 x RFID-RC522 I´ve been testing with your code, just modifying SDA pin ( I ´v used pin 30 ) and adding digital pins up to 5 for each RST instead of 3 MOSI,MISO,SCLK and SDA are common connexion and from there to 50,51 and 52 and pin 30 for SDA When running I am just getting “00000000” all the time , no one RFID RC522 is reading. 3.3V are supplied by same Mega, perhaps I need and external P.Supply?

The 3.3V pin of the MEGA can only supply up to 50 mA of current total. Since the readers need 20mA each, you might want to use a different 3.3V power supply. (A 3.3V regulator should work fine). (this might not be needed as the inactive readers don't consume as much, but still worth a try).
Please try it first with 1 or 2 readers, then scale up to 5.
Also, which digital pins are you using as RST pins? Don't use pins 0 and 1, as they are used for Serial.
You could also try to use the ICSP header pins for the MISO/MOSI/SCK pins, instead of 51/50/52

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CiscoGD commented Aug 29, 2020 via email

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after around million of trying and trying I discovered that the correct way to connect 4 RFID RC522 is to put them in the same line on test board except SS pins and the code as usual is ReadUidMultiReader from RFID library ... like this :

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Hello, I have sketched two RFIDs and two load cells. When I combined the program between 2 RFIDs and 2 loadcells, the two RFIDs were read and the first loadcell was read but the second loadcell was not read. If the two RFID programs and loadcell programs are separated then the two RFIDs run normally and the two loadcells run normally. How can I combine the two programs so that they can run normally? Thank you
Two RFID Code .txt
Two Strain Gauge Code.txt

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yahuzz commented Jan 20, 2022

Hi all.
I'm about to abandon the project i'm working on, because of the issues i'm facing... but before this, i would like to be sure i'm doing things correctly.
In my project i should align 4 or 5 RC522 (proto using breadboard + esp32 + 5 antennas) to create an ideal line; each rc522 is separated from the other by 0,5/1 cm because i would like to have a countinous reading line as i don't know where exactly the tag will cross my "line".
So first question is: is it a problem to have the antennas so close one to another?
The second question is about response time: reading distance between tag and antenna is approx 1/1,5cm (so i think it's close enough), but the tag can cross the line quickly... is there something i can do the get tag reading faster?

thanks in advance to all

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I had a problem with antenna gain in a multi-reader setting. I was breadboarding with 2 readers and their physical proximity meant that the increased gain was causing the two readers to see each other's signals and get confused.

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@amkamyab I had the same issue before I initialized all CS pins to HIGH before the individual setup. Otherwise all RFID devices will respond simultaneously and you get crazy firmware readings.

This did the trick for me to solve intermittent initialization. What I did was:

// ---Set up RFID Readers---
  const unsigned long spi_delay = 50;      // Define a delay period to avoid SPI collisions
  SPI.begin();            // Initialize SPI bus
  delay(spi_delay);       // Wait to avoid collisions
  // Warm up the Chip Select (Slave Select) pins to avoid SPI collisions in the next step
  for (uint8_t reader = 0; reader < NR_OF_READERS; reader++) {    
    pinMode(ssPins[reader], OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(ssPins[reader], HIGH);    // Set to high first
  delay(spi_delay);       // Wait to avoid collisions
  // Set up the card and starting condition for each reader
  for (uint8_t reader = 0; reader < NR_OF_READERS; reader++) {    // Cycle through each reader
    mfrc522[reader].PCD_Init(ssPins[reader], RST_PIN);  // Initialize each MFRC522 card by defining the slave select and reset pins
    Serial.print(F("Set up reader "));
    delay(spi_delay);       // Wait to avoid collisions

All of the delays are probably overkill, but after wrestling with intermittent reader initializing (about half the time one random reader would not work, but not the same one each time), I figure it's a cheap price for not messing with it.

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deadygoon commented Feb 14, 2023

I've done 12 (at reasonable distance ~20ft)) cat 5e.

You should have no problem with 4,5 or 6.

I'd pull CS up though - I have never had much luck beyond 3 readers with CS floating. Sky is the limit if you pullup.

Also - I don't level shift. I've seen folks doing it, it's the right thing to do, but could not pull off level shifting beyond 1 reader. Could be the quality of the shifters I was using - I don't know. That said, the readers seem to work well at 5v signals - but I understand you are doing this at your own risk as 5v is over spec.

Hey just used this bit of advice to fix my solution using 8 RC522 and its working great.
I set all the CS pins to be pullups, e.g. pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

Everything is consistent and I get clear data from the devices.

Hopefully this helps others like myself digging through the ancient posts.

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I've done 12 (at reasonable distance ~20ft)) cat 5e.
You should have no problem with 4,5 or 6.
I'd pull CS up though - I have never had much luck beyond 3 readers with CS floating. Sky is the limit if you pullup.
Also - I don't level shift. I've seen folks doing it, it's the right thing to do, but could not pull off level shifting beyond 1 reader. Could be the quality of the shifters I was using - I don't know. That said, the readers seem to work well at 5v signals - but I understand you are doing this at your own risk as 5v is over spec.

Hey just used this bit of advice to fix my solution using 8 RC522 and its working great. I set all the CS pins to be pullups, e.g. pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

Everything is consistent and I get clear data from the devices.

Hopefully this helps others like myself digging through the ancient posts.

Glad it helped.

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Hi guys. I found the same problems using 2 rfid mfrc522. Only one random device worked at a time from the start. Thinking there was some initialization error, I tried to find the bug in the library that was causing the devices to initialize badly. I think the problem is related to how the library handles hard reset in the initialization phase. I SOLVE the problem with this trick: I remove the reset pin from the PCD_Init function with -1 for the rst pin like PCD_Init(ss_pin,-1) and in the setup part I add some code to make one hard reset for all the RFIDs and let the PCD_Init function just make a soft reset for each device. I make a function ad hoc to initialize all the modules for calling it in the setup with the purpose to call also in the loop if some devices stop working to hard reset all and make working again.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>

#define num_ele(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])

#define RST_PIN         10         // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN_A          8         // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN_B          9         // Configurable, see typical pin layout above

byte ssPins[2] = {SS_PIN_A, SS_PIN_B};

MFRC522 rfid[2];  // Create MFRC522 instance

void init_rfids(){
  pinMode(RST_PIN, INPUT);
  if (digitalRead(RST_PIN) == HIGH) {	// The MFRC522 chip is not in power down mode.
  	pinMode(RST_PIN, OUTPUT);		// Now set the resetPowerDownPin as digital output.
	  digitalWrite(RST_PIN, LOW);		// Make sure we have a clean LOW state.
		delayMicroseconds(2);		// 8.8.1 Reset timing requirements says about 100ns. Let us be generous: 2μsl
		digitalWrite(RST_PIN, HIGH);	// Exit power down mode. This triggers a hard reset.
		// Section 8.8.2 in the datasheet says the oscillator start-up time is the start up time of the crystal + 37,74μs. Let us be generous: 50ms.
		pinMode(RST_PIN, OUTPUT);
		digitalWrite(RST_PIN, HIGH); // Exit power down mode. This triggers a hard reset.
  for(uint8_t i=0;i<num_ele(rfid);i++){
    rfid[i].PCD_Init(ssPins[i],-1); //init Rfid Modules with only soft reset
void setup() {

  SPI.begin(); //init SPI bus
void loop(){


I hope you can solve the problem like I do.

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Hello all !
I confirm @NeonBahamutZero post above, if using multiple readers with 1 reset line and multiple CS lines, you need to modify the library to only perform 1 hard reset.
Otherwise on the first hard reset, the first RFID is initialised, the code moves to the second RFID, and I think when reading the RESET line it actually trigger another RESET, leaving the first reader uninitialized.

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aandy51 commented Oct 19, 2024

I propose the following fix to init correctly more than 1 reader:

MULTIREADER BUG FIX: all ss_x must be H (reader disable), before init loop
otherwise the last reader only can init correctly!!!
etc ....

for (MFRC522 reader : readers) {
reader.PCD_Init(); // Init each MFRC522 card. WORKS ONLY IF ALL OTHER SS ARE H!



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stevstrong commented Dec 27, 2024

Hi all,

I just want to share my experience when working with plurality of devices including at least one MFRC522 on the same SPI bus.

Many examples don't work, and the reason is always the same:
The MFRC522 device does not set the MISO output pin to HIGH-Z when powered and not selected.
This means, the MISO pin will tie the line to ground, even when the chip select is inactive (HIGH).
When other devices on the same SPI bus try to communicate, they will not succeed because the MISO line will be disturbed.

Knowing the problem, there are a couple of solutions in order to make this work, but all of them involves additional HW:

  • use a multiplexer to activate the MISO line of MFRC522 only when that chip is selected
  • use a diode: anode to MFRC522 MISO pin, cathode to MCU MISO input, and a 330Ohm...1k resistor from MCU MISO input to GND.
  • for several MFRC522 device on the same bus: use separate diode for all of them, but only one resistor to MCU MISO pin. This way a logical OR is achieved for the connected slave MISO pins.

Of course, another solution would be to use either SW SPI (bitbanging the bits per SW) or use a MCU where you can set separate pins to work as MISO. In this cases use separate MISO pin for each MFRC522 in part.

Good luck!

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