Magic Trackpad's inertial scroll Detector
Apple's Magic trackpad emits pseudo inertial scroll event. This module determines wheter a wheel event is a real event (generated by a user's action) or a pseudo inertial event.
Working Demo
npm instasll --save @hscmap/magic-trackpad-detector
Example (source code of the working demo)
import { MagicTrackpadDetector } from "@hscmap/magic-trackpad-detector"
window . addEventListener ( 'load' , e => {
const trackpad = document . querySelector ( '.trackpad' ) as HTMLDivElement
const canvas = document . querySelector ( 'canvas' ) as HTMLCanvasElement
const history : [ number , boolean ] [ ] = [ ]
const mtd = new MagicTrackpadDetector ( )
const historyCanvas = new HistoryCanvas ( history , canvas )
trackpad . addEventListener ( 'wheel' , e => {
e . preventDefault ( )
history . unshift ( [ e . deltaY , mtd . inertial ( e ) ] )
if ( history . length > canvas . width )
history . splice ( canvas . width )
historyCanvas . refresh ( )
} )
historyCanvas . refresh ( )
} )
class HistoryCanvas {
private ctx : CanvasRenderingContext2D
private w : number
private h : number
constructor ( private history : [ number , boolean ] [ ] , canvas : HTMLCanvasElement ) {
this . ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) !
this . w = canvas . width
this . h = canvas . height
refresh ( ) {
this . clear ( )
this . drawInertialAreas ( )
this . drawAxis ( )
this . drawHistory ( )
private clear ( ) {
this . ctx . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , this . w , this . h )
private drawInertialAreas ( ) {
const ctx = this . ctx
let state = false
let start : number
this . history . push ( [ 0 , false ] )
for ( let x = 0 ; x < this . history . length ; ++ x ) {
const [ , i ] = this . history [ x ]
if ( state != i ) {
if ( state = i )
start = x
else {
ctx . fillStyle = '#ccf'
ctx . fillRect ( start ! , 0 , x - start , this . h )
this . history . pop ( )
private drawHistory ( ) {
const ctx = this . ctx
ctx . strokeStyle = '#f00'
ctx . beginPath ( )
for ( let x = 0 ; x < this . history . length ; ++ x ) {
const [ y , ] = this . history [ x ]
ctx . lineTo ( x , y + this . h / 2 )
ctx . stroke ( )
private drawAxis ( ) {
const ctx = this . ctx
ctx . beginPath ( )
ctx . strokeStyle = '#777'
ctx . lineTo ( 0 , this . h / 2 )
ctx . lineTo ( this . w , this . h / 2 )
ctx . stroke ( )