The Morphology from SAR toolbox (MoSARt) is a set of python scripts to retrieve morphology changes from SAR amplitude images.
The user needs to provide a set of coregistered amplitude images and a Digital Elevation Model in radar coordinates, the user can also provide longitude and latitude datasets to georeference the results.
We recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda to create an environment in which to install MoSARt to prevent dependency conflicts.
conda create --n mosart
pip install mosart
MoSARt provides functions to coregister images from ALOS-1 and Sentinel-1 images (bursts). To run these functions the user needs to install hyp3-isce2.
git clone
cd hyp3-isce2
mamba env create -f environment.yml
mamba activate hyp3-isce2
python -m pip install -e .
This repository contains a notebook to illustrate the full workflow from MoSARt to retrieve elevation changes for the 2008 Okmok caldera eruption.
MoSARt was used to retrieve the elevation changes in the 2019-2020 Shishaldin eruption:
- Angarita, M., Grapenthin, R., Plank, S., Meyer, F. J., & Dietterich, H. (2022). Quantifying large‐scale surface change using SAR amplitude images: Crater morphology changes during the 2019–2020 Shishaldin volcano eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB024344.