see Demo
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.0.6. Used SASS and Typescript. Used node version 16.14.2, npm version 8.9.0
External Libraries:
- ng2-dragula version 3.2.0
- @viselect/vanilla version 3.0.0
- express version 4.18.1
- screenfull version 6.0.2
- ngrx version 14.2.0
- ngx-editor version 15.3.0
- Our development uses reverse proxy server. In this file nginx.conf you can find example proxy settings. Front-end server starts on port 8081 and backend starts in port 3000.
- Frontend: environment.ts
Run npm install
and to start dev server npm run dev
Run npm run build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the build/
Run node front-server.js
to start local . Navigate to http://localhost:8081/
Directories: is not actual, need new checking a little bit later
| |--global.ts
| |--app.module.ts
| |--app.component.ts
| |--app.component.html
| |--app.component.sass
| |--app-routing.module.ts
| |--app-component.spec.ts
| |--camera.component.ts
| |--camera.component.spec.ts
| |--camera.component.html
| |--camera.component.sass
| |--context-menu.component.ts
| |--context-menu.component.spec.ts
| |--context-menu.component.html
| |--context-menu.service.ts
| |--context-menu.component.sass
| |--desktop.component.ts
| |--desktop.component.spec.ts
| |--desktop.component.html
| |--desktop.component.sass
| |--draw.component.ts
| |--draw.component.spec.ts
| |--draw.component.html
| |--draw.component.sass
| |--editor.component.ts
| |--editor.component.spec.ts
| |--editor.component.html
| |--editor.component.sass
| |--file-list.component.ts
| |--file-list.component.spec.ts
| |--file-list.component.html
| |--file-list.component.sass
| |--finder.component.ts
| |--finder.component.spec.ts
| |--finder.component.html
| |--finder.component.sass
| |--fullscreen.directive.ts
| |--fullscreen.directive.spec.ts
| |--mod.module.ts
| |--mod.service.ts
| |--mod.component.ts
| |--mod.component.sass
| |--mod.component.html
| |--actions
| | |--navigator.action.ts
| |
| |--models
| | |--navigator-state.model.ts
| | |--navigator.model.ts
| |
| |--reducers
| |--navigator.reducer.ts
| |--taskbar.component.ts
| |--taskbar.component.spec.ts
| |--taskbar.component.sass
| |--taskbar.component.html
| |--terminal.component.ts
| |--terminal-core.js
| |--terminal.component.spec.ts
| |--terminal.component.html
| |--terminal.component.sass
| |--settings.component.ts
| |--settings.component.spec.ts
| |--settings.component.html
| |--settings.component.sass
| |--css
| | |-- styles.sass
| | |--components/...
| |
| |--img/