diff --git a/src/Build/Clean.bat b/src/Build/Clean.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac526f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Build/Clean.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+RMDIR /S /Q KeePass
+RMDIR /S /Q KeePass_Distrib
+RMDIR /S /Q KeePassLib
+RMDIR /S /Q KeePassLibDoc
+REM RMDIR /S /Q KeePassNtv
+RMDIR /S /Q ShInstUtil
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Ext\Output
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\KeePass\obj
+DEL ..\KeePass\KeePass.csproj.user
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\KeePassLib\obj
+DEL ..\KeePassLib\KeePassLib.csproj.user
+REM RMDIR /S /Q ..\KeePassLibSD\obj
+REM DEL ..\KeePassLibSD\KeePassLibSD.csproj.user
+REM RMDIR /S /Q ..\ShInstUtil\obj
+REM DEL ..\ShInstUtil\ShInstUtil.csproj.user
+DEL ..\ShInstUtil\ShInstUtil.aps
+DEL ..\ShInstUtil\ShInstUtil.ncb
+DEL /A:H ..\ShInstUtil\ShInstUtil.suo
+DEL /Q ..\ShInstUtil\*.user
+DEL /A:H ..\KeePass.suo
+DEL ..\KeePass.ncb
+REM DEL /Q ..\KeePassNtv\*.aps
+REM DEL /Q ..\KeePassNtv\*.user
+RMDIR /S /Q ArcFourCipher
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Plugins\ArcFourCipher\obj
+DEL ..\Plugins\ArcFourCipher\ArcFourCipher.csproj.user
+DEL /A:H ..\Plugins\ArcFourCipher\ArcFourCipher.suo
+RMDIR /S /Q KPScript
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Plugins\KPScript\obj
+DEL ..\Plugins\KPScript\KPScript.csproj.user
+DEL /A:H ..\Plugins\KPScript\KPScript.suo
+RMDIR /S /Q SamplePlugin
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Plugins\SamplePlugin\obj
+DEL ..\Plugins\SamplePlugin\SamplePlugin.csproj.user
+DEL /A:H ..\Plugins\SamplePlugin\SamplePlugin.suo
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Plugins\SamplePluginCpp\Build
+DEL /Q ..\Plugins\SamplePluginCpp\*.aps
+DEL /Q ..\Plugins\SamplePluginCpp\*.user
+DEL /Q ..\Plugins\SamplePluginCpp\*.ncb
+DEL /A:H ..\Plugins\SamplePluginCpp\SamplePluginCpp.suo
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Translation\TrlUtil\Build
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Translation\TrlUtil\obj
+DEL ..\Translation\KeePass.config.xml
+DEL ..\Translation\KeePass.exe
+DEL ..\Translation\KeePass.exe.config
+DEL ..\Translation\KeePass.pdb
+DEL ..\Translation\KeePass.XmlSerializers.dll
+DEL ..\Translation\TrlUtil.exe
+DEL ..\Translation\TrlUtil.exe.config
+DEL ..\Translation\TrlUtil.pdb
+DEL ..\Translation\TrlUtil.vshost.exe
+DEL ..\Translation\TrlUtil.vshost.exe.manifest
+DEL /A:H ..\Ext\KeePassMsi\KeePassMsi.suo
+RMDIR /S /Q ..\Ext\KeePassMsi\.vs
+RMDIR /S /Q KeePassMsi
+RMDIR /S /Q KPScript
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll b/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c0f0d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll differ
diff --git a/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml b/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdaeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3152 @@
+ KeePassLib
+ A class containing various static path utility helper methods (like
+ stripping extension from a file, etc.).
+ Get the directory (path) of a file name. The returned string may be
+ terminated by a directory separator character. Example:
+ passing C:\\My Documents\\My File.kdb in
+ and true to
+ would produce this string: C:\\My Documents\\.
+ Full path of a file.
+ Append a terminating directory separator
+ character to the returned path.
+ If true, the returned path
+ is guaranteed to be a valid directory path (for example X:\\ instead
+ of X:, overriding ).
+ This should only be set to true, if the returned path is directly
+ passed to some directory API.
+ Directory of the file.
+ Gets the file name of the specified file (full path). Example:
+ if is C:\\My Documents\\My File.kdb
+ the returned string is My File.kdb.
+ Full path of a file.
+ File name of the specified file.
+ Strip the extension of a file.
+ Full path of a file with extension.
+ File name without extension.
+ Get the extension of a file.
+ Full path of a file with extension.
+ Extension without prepending dot.
+ Ensure that a path is terminated with a directory separator character.
+ Input path.
+ If true, a slash (/) is appended to
+ the string if it's not terminated already. If false, the
+ default system directory separator character is used.
+ Path having a directory separator as last character.
+ Get the host component of a URL.
+ This method is faster and more fault-tolerant than creating
+ an Uri object and querying its Host
+ property.
+ For the input s://u:p@d.tld:p/p?q#f the return
+ value is d.tld.
+ Expand shell variables in a string.
+ [0] is the value of %1, etc.
+ The fully qualified name of the form.
+ Serialization to KeePass KDBX files.
+ Serialization to KeePass KDBX files.
+ Serialization to KeePass KDBX files.
+ Serialization to KeePass KDBX files.
+ File identifier, first 32-bit value.
+ File identifier, second 32-bit value.
+ Maximum supported version of database files.
+ KeePass 2.07 has version 1.01, 2.08 has 1.02, 2.09 has 2.00,
+ 2.10 has 2.02, 2.11 has 2.04, 2.15 has 3.00, 2.20 has 3.01.
+ The first 2 bytes are critical (i.e. loading will fail, if the
+ file version is too high), the last 2 bytes are informational.
+ Load a KDBX file.
+ File to load.
+ Format.
+ Status logger (optional).
+ Load a KDBX file from a stream.
+ Stream to read the data from. Must contain
+ a KDBX stream.
+ Format.
+ Status logger (optional).
+ Save the contents of the current PwDatabase to a KDBX file.
+ Stream to write the KDBX file into.
+ Group containing all groups and
+ entries to write. If null, the complete database will
+ be written.
+ Format of the file to create.
+ Logger that recieves status information.
+ Default constructor.
+ The PwDatabase instance that the
+ class will load file data into or use to create a KDBX file.
+ Call this once to determine the current localization settings.
+ Detach binaries when opening a file. If this isn't null,
+ all binaries are saved to the specified path and are removed
+ from the database.
+ Contains KeePassLib-global definitions and enums.
+ Default identifier string for the title field.
+ Should not contain spaces, tabs or other whitespace.
+ Default identifier string for the user name field.
+ Should not contain spaces, tabs or other whitespace.
+ Default identifier string for the password field.
+ Should not contain spaces, tabs or other whitespace.
+ Default identifier string for the URL field.
+ Should not contain spaces, tabs or other whitespace.
+ Default identifier string for the notes field.
+ Should not contain spaces, tabs or other whitespace.
+ Maximum time (in milliseconds) after which the user interface
+ should be updated.
+ The product name.
+ A short, simple string representing the product name. The string
+ should contain no spaces, directory separator characters, etc.
+ Version, encoded as 32-bit unsigned integer.
+ 2.00 = 0x02000000, 2.01 = 0x02000100, ..., 2.18 = 0x02010800.
+ As of 2.19, the version is encoded component-wise per byte,
+ e.g. 2.19 = 0x02130000.
+ It is highly recommended to use FileVersion64 instead.
+ Version, encoded as 64-bit unsigned integer
+ (component-wise, 16 bits per component).
+ Version, encoded as string.
+ Product website URL. Terminated by a forward slash.
+ URL to the online translations page.
+ URL to the online plugins page.
+ Product donations URL.
+ URL to the root path of the online KeePass help. Terminated by
+ a forward slash.
+ URL to a TXT file (eventually compressed) that contains information
+ about the latest KeePass version available on the website.
+ A DateTime object that represents the time when the assembly
+ was loaded.
+ Default number of master key encryption/transformation rounds
+ (making dictionary attacks harder).
+ Default identifier string for the field which will contain TAN indices.
+ Default title of an entry that is really a TAN entry.
+ Prefix of a custom auto-type string field.
+ Default string representing a hidden password.
+ Default auto-type keystroke sequence. If no custom sequence is
+ specified, this sequence is used.
+ Default auto-type keystroke sequence for TAN entries. If no custom
+ sequence is specified, this sequence is used.
+ Check if a name is a standard field name.
+ Input field name.
+ Returns true, if the field name is a standard
+ field name (title, user name, password, ...), otherwise false.
+ Check whether an entry is a TAN entry.
+ Search parameters for group and entry searches.
+ Construct a new search parameters object.
+ String comparison type. Specifies the condition when the specified
+ text matches a group/entry string.
+ Only for serialization.
+ Memory protection configuration structure (for default fields).
+ Interface for objects that are deeply cloneable.
+ Reference type.
+ Deeply clone the object.
+ Cloned object.
+ Validate a key.
+ Key to validate.
+ Type of the validation to perform.
+ Returns null, if the validation is successful.
+ If there is a problem with the key, the returned string describes
+ the problem.
+ Name of your key validator (should be unique).
+ Generate HMAC-based one-time passwords as specified in RFC 4226.
+ A dictionary of ProtectedString objects.
+ Construct a new dictionary of protected strings.
+ Get one of the protected strings.
+ String identifier.
+ Protected string. If the string identified by
+ cannot be found, the function
+ returns null.
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Get one of the protected strings. The return value is never null.
+ If the requested string cannot be found, an empty protected string
+ object is returned.
+ String identifier.
+ Returns a protected string object. If the standard string
+ has not been set yet, the return value is an empty string ("").
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Test if a named string exists.
+ Name of the string to try.
+ Returns true if the string exists, otherwise false.
+ Thrown if
+ is null.
+ Get one of the protected strings. If the string doesn't exist, the
+ return value is an empty string ("").
+ Name of the requested string.
+ Requested string value or an empty string, if the named
+ string doesn't exist.
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Get one of the entry strings. If the string doesn't exist, the
+ return value is an empty string (""). If the string is
+ in-memory protected, the return value is PwDefs.HiddenPassword.
+ Name of the requested string.
+ Returns the requested string in plain-text or
+ PwDefs.HiddenPassword if the string cannot be found.
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Set a string.
+ Identifier of the string field to modify.
+ New value. This parameter must not be null.
+ Thrown if one of the input
+ parameters is null.
+ Delete a string.
+ Name of the string field to delete.
+ Returns true if the field has been successfully
+ removed, otherwise the return value is false.
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Get the number of strings.
+ A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The algorithm is unknown.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The character set is invalid.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'There are too few characters in the character set.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Failed to initialize encryption/decryption stream!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The data is too large to be encrypted/decrypted securely using {PARAM}.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'entry'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'An extended error report has been copied to the clipboard.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Expect 100-Continue responses'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Fatal Error'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'A fatal error has occurred!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file is corrupted.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file header is corrupted.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Data is missing at the end of the file, i.e. the file is incomplete.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Less data than expected could be read from the file.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Failed to load the specified file!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file is locked, because the following user is currently writing to it:'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'A newer KeePass version or a plugin is required to open this file.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'A newer KeePass version is required to open this file.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The target file might be corrupted. Please try saving again. If that fails, save the database to a different location.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Failed to save to the specified file!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file signature is invalid. Either the file isn't a KeePass database file at all or it is corrupted.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file is encrypted using an unknown encryption algorithm!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file is compressed using an unknown compression algorithm!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The file format version is unsupported.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Failed to create the final encryption/decryption key!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The .NET Framework/runtime under which KeePass is currently running does not support this operation.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'General'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'group'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The master key is invalid!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Make sure that the master key is correct and try it again.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Found invalid data while decoding.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'In order to import KeePass 1.x KDB files, create a new 2.x database file and click 'File' -> 'Import' in the main menu. In the import dialog, choose 'KeePass KDB (1.x)' as file format.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ '{PARAM}-bit key'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Database files cannot be used as key files.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The key and the hash do not match, i.e. the key or the hash is invalid.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The length of the master key seed is invalid!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The selected file appears to be an old format'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Passive'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The path contains a backslash. Such paths are not supported (for security reasons).'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The pattern is invalid.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Pre-authenticate'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Failed to generate a password.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Structures are nested too deeply.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Timeout'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Please try it again in a few seconds.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'An unknown error occurred.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Unknown header ID!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Unknown key derivation function!'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'The operating system did not grant KeePass read/write access to the user profile folder, where the protected user key is stored.'.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'User agent'.
+ Algorithms supported by CryptoRandomStream.
+ Not supported.
+ A variant of the ARCFour algorithm (RC4 incompatible).
+ Insecure; for backward compatibility only.
+ Salsa20 stream cipher algorithm.
+ ChaCha20 stream cipher algorithm.
+ A random stream class. The class is initialized using random
+ bytes provided by the caller. The produced stream has random
+ properties, but for the same seed always the same stream
+ is produced, i.e. this class can be used as stream cipher.
+ Construct a new cryptographically secure random stream object.
+ Algorithm to use.
+ Initialization key. Must not be null
+ and must contain at least 1 byte.
+ Get random bytes.
+ Number of random bytes to retrieve.
+ Returns random bytes.
+ Character stream class.
+ Size of a character in bytes.
+ Start signature of the text (byte order mark).
+ May be null or empty, if no signature is known.
+ A class containing various string helper methods.
+ Convert a string to a HTML sequence representing that string.
+ String to convert.
+ String, HTML-encoded.
+ Convert a Color to a HTML color identifier string.
+ Color to convert.
+ If this is true, an empty string
+ is returned if the color is transparent.
+ HTML color identifier string.
+ Format an exception and convert it to a string.
+ Exception to convert/format.
+ String representing the exception.
+ Removes all characters that are not valid XML characters,
+ according to https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#charsets .
+ Source text.
+ Text containing only valid XML characters.
+ Normalize new line characters in a string. Input strings may
+ contain mixed new line character sequences from all commonly
+ used operating systems (i.e. \r\n from Windows, \n from Unix
+ and \r from MacOS.
+ String with mixed new line characters.
+ If true, new line characters
+ are normalized for Windows (\r\n); if false, new line
+ characters are normalized for Unix (\n).
+ String with normalized new line characters.
+ Split a string and include the separators in the splitted array.
+ String to split.
+ Separators.
+ Specifies whether separators are
+ matched case-sensitively or not.
+ Splitted string including separators.
+ Create a data URI (according to RFC 2397).
+ Data to encode.
+ Optional MIME type. If null,
+ an appropriate type is used.
+ Data URI.
+ Convert a data URI (according to RFC 2397) to binary data.
+ Data URI to decode.
+ Decoded binary data.
+ Remove placeholders from a string (wrapped in '{' and '}').
+ This doesn't remove environment variables (wrapped in '%').
+ Find a character that does not occur within a given text.
+ Generate random seeds and store them in .
+ Set the value of the private shown_raised member
+ variable of a form.
+ Previous shown_raised value.
+ Ensure that the file ~/.recently-used is valid (in order to
+ prevent Mono's FileDialog from crashing).
+ Member variable name of the control to be translated.
+ A XorredBuffer object stores data that is encrypted
+ using a XOR pad.
+ Construct a new XorredBuffer object.
+ The byte array must have the same
+ length as the byte array.
+ The XorredBuffer object takes ownership of the two byte
+ arrays, i.e. the caller must not use them afterwards.
+ Data with XOR pad applied.
+ XOR pad that can be used to decrypt the
+ byte array.
+ Get a copy of the plain-text. The caller is responsible
+ for clearing the byte array safely after using it.
+ Plain-text byte array.
+ Contains various static time structure manipulation and conversion
+ routines.
+ Length of a compressed PW_TIME structure in bytes.
+ Pack a DateTime object into 5 bytes. Layout: 2 zero bits,
+ year 12 bits, month 4 bits, day 5 bits, hour 5 bits, minute 6
+ bits, second 6 bits.
+ Unpack a packed time (5 bytes, packed by the PackTime
+ member function) to a DateTime object.
+ Packed time, 5 bytes.
+ Unpacked DateTime object.
+ Pack a DateTime object into 7 bytes (PW_TIME).
+ Object to be encoded.
+ Packed time, 7 bytes (PW_TIME).
+ Unpack a packed time (7 bytes, PW_TIME) to a DateTime object.
+ Packed time, 7 bytes.
+ Unpacked DateTime object.
+ Convert a DateTime object to a displayable string.
+ DateTime object to convert to a string.
+ String representing the specified DateTime object.
+ Parse a US textual date string, like e.g. "January 02, 2012".
+ Check equality of two times with precision 1 s, floor-rounded.
+ Ticks finer than 1 s are ignored.
+ Do not remember user name or password.
+ Remember the user name only, not the password.
+ Save both user name and password.
+ For serialization only; use Properties in code.
+ Status message types.
+ Default type: simple information type.
+ Warning message.
+ Error message.
+ Additional information. Depends on lines above.
+ Status logging interface.
+ Function which needs to be called when logging is started.
+ This string should roughly describe
+ the operation, of which the status is logged.
+ Specifies whether the
+ operation is written to the log or not.
+ Function which needs to be called when logging is ended
+ (i.e. when no more messages will be logged and when the
+ percent value won't change any more).
+ Set the current progress in percent.
+ Percent of work finished.
+ Returns true if the caller should continue
+ the current work.
+ Set the current status text.
+ Status text.
+ Type of the message.
+ Returns true if the caller should continue
+ the current work.
+ Check whether the user cancelled the current work.
+ Returns true if the caller should continue
+ the current work.
+ Interface for objects that support various times (creation time, last
+ access time, last modification time and expiry time). Offers
+ several helper functions (for example a function to touch the current
+ object).
+ Touch the object. This function updates the internal last access
+ time. If the parameter is true,
+ the last modification time gets updated, too. Each time you call
+ Touch, the usage count of the object is increased by one.
+ Update last modification time.
+ The date/time when the object was created.
+ The date/time when the object was last modified.
+ The date/time when the object was last accessed.
+ The date/time when the object expires.
+ Flag that determines whether the object expires.
+ Get or set the usage count of the object. To increase the usage
+ count by one, use the Touch function.
+ The date/time when the location of the object was last changed.
+ UUID of the engine. If you want to write an engine/plugin,
+ please contact the KeePass team to obtain a new UUID.
+ Name displayed in the list of available encryption/decryption
+ engines in the GUI.
+ Interface to a user key, like a password, key file data, etc.
+ Get key data. Querying this property is fast (it returns a
+ reference to a cached ProtectedBinary object).
+ If no key data is available, null is returned.
+ Let the user interface save the current database.
+ If true, the UI will not ask for
+ whether to synchronize or overwrite, it'll simply overwrite the
+ file.
+ Returns true if the file has been saved.
+ Latin-1 Supplement except U+00A0 (NBSP) and U+00AD (SHY).
+ Create a new, empty character set.
+ Remove all characters from this set.
+ Add characters to the set.
+ Character to add.
+ Add characters to the set.
+ String containing characters to add.
+ Convert the character set to a string containing all its characters.
+ String containing all character set characters.
+ Number of characters in this set.
+ Get a character of the set using an index.
+ Index of the character to get.
+ Character at the specified position. If the index is invalid,
+ an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
+ Create a cryptographic key of length
+ (in bytes) from .
+ Password generator.
+ Rename/move a file. For local file system and WebDAV, the
+ specified file is moved, i.e. the file destination can be
+ in a different directory/path. In contrast, for FTP the
+ file is renamed, i.e. its destination must be in the same
+ directory/path.
+ Source file path.
+ Target file path.
+ A group containing subgroups and entries.
+ Search this group and all subgroups for entries.
+ Specifies the search parameters.
+ Entry list in which the search results
+ will be stored.
+ Search this group and all subgroups for entries.
+ Specifies the search parameters.
+ Entry list in which the search results
+ will be stored.
+ Optional status reporting object.
+ Construct a new, empty group.
+ Construct a new, empty group.
+ Create a new UUID for this group.
+ Set creation, last access and last modification times to the current time.
+ Construct a new group.
+ Create a new UUID for this group.
+ Set creation, last access and last modification times to the current time.
+ Name of the new group.
+ Icon of the new group.
+ Deeply clone the current group. The returned group will be an exact
+ value copy of the current object (including UUID, etc.).
+ Exact value copy of the current PwGroup object.
+ Assign properties to the current group based on a template group.
+ Template group. Must not be null.
+ Only set the properties of the template group
+ if it is newer than the current one.
+ If true, the
+ LocationChanged property is copied, otherwise not.
+ Touch the group. This function updates the internal last access
+ time. If the parameter is true,
+ the last modification time gets updated, too.
+ Modify last modification time.
+ Touch the group. This function updates the internal last access
+ time. If the parameter is true,
+ the last modification time gets updated, too.
+ Modify last modification time.
+ If true, all parent objects
+ get touched, too.
+ Get number of groups and entries in the current group. This function
+ can also traverse through all subgroups and accumulate their counts
+ (recursive mode).
+ If this parameter is true, all
+ subgroups and entries in subgroups will be counted and added to
+ the returned value. If it is false, only the number of
+ subgroups and entries of the current group is returned.
+ Number of subgroups.
+ Number of entries.
+ Traverse the group/entry tree in the current group. Various traversal
+ methods are available.
+ Specifies the traversal method.
+ Function that performs an action on
+ the currently visited group (see GroupHandler for more).
+ This parameter may be null, in this case the tree is traversed but
+ you don't get notifications for each visited group.
+ Function that performs an action on
+ the currently visited entry (see EntryHandler for more).
+ This parameter may be null.
+ Returns true if all entries and groups have been
+ traversed. If the traversal has been canceled by one of the two
+ handlers, the return value is false.
+ Pack all groups into one flat linked list of references (recursively).
+ Flat list of all groups.
+ Pack all entries into one flat linked list of references. Temporary
+ group IDs are assigned automatically.
+ A flat group list created by
+ GetFlatGroupList.
+ Flat list of all entries.
+ Enable protection of a specific string field type.
+ Name of the string field to protect or unprotect.
+ Enable protection or not.
+ Returns true, if the operation completed successfully,
+ otherwise false.
+ Find a group.
+ UUID identifying the group the caller is looking for.
+ If true, the search is recursive.
+ Returns reference to found group, otherwise null.
+ Find an object.
+ UUID of the object to find.
+ Specifies whether to search recursively.
+ If null, groups and entries are
+ searched. If true, only entries are searched. If false,
+ only groups are searched.
+ Reference to the object, if found. Otherwise null.
+ Try to find a subgroup and create it, if it doesn't exist yet.
+ Name of the subgroup.
+ If the group isn't found: create it.
+ Returns a reference to the requested group or null if
+ it doesn't exist and shouldn't be created.
+ Find an entry.
+ UUID identifying the entry the caller is looking for.
+ If true, the search is recursive.
+ Returns reference to found entry, otherwise null.
+ Get the full path of the group.
+ Get the full path of the group.
+ String that separates the group
+ names.
+ Specifies whether the returned
+ path starts with the topmost group.
+ Assign new UUIDs to groups and entries.
+ Create new UUIDs for subgroups.
+ Create new UUIDs for entries.
+ Recursive tree traversal.
+ Find/create a subtree of groups.
+ Tree string.
+ Separators that delimit groups in the
+ strTree parameter.
+ Get the depth of this group (i.e. the number of ancestors).
+ Depth of this group.
+ Get a list of subgroups (not including this one).
+ If true, subgroups are added
+ recursively, i.e. all child groups are returned, too.
+ List of subgroups. If is
+ true, it is guaranteed that subsubgroups appear after
+ subgroups.
+ Get objects contained in this group.
+ Specifies whether to search recursively.
+ If null, the returned list contains
+ groups and entries. If true, the returned list contains only
+ entries. If false, the returned list contains only groups.
+ List of objects.
+ Add a subgroup to this group.
+ Group to be added. Must not be null.
+ If this parameter is true, the
+ parent group reference of the subgroup will be set to the current
+ group (i.e. the current group takes ownership of the subgroup).
+ Add a subgroup to this group.
+ Group to be added. Must not be null.
+ If this parameter is true, the
+ parent group reference of the subgroup will be set to the current
+ group (i.e. the current group takes ownership of the subgroup).
+ If true, the
+ LocationChanged property of the subgroup is updated.
+ Add an entry to this group.
+ Entry to be added. Must not be null.
+ If this parameter is true, the
+ parent group reference of the entry will be set to the current
+ group (i.e. the current group takes ownership of the entry).
+ Add an entry to this group.
+ Entry to be added. Must not be null.
+ If this parameter is true, the
+ parent group reference of the entry will be set to the current
+ group (i.e. the current group takes ownership of the entry).
+ If true, the
+ LocationChanged property of the entry is updated.
+ UUID of this group.
+ Reference to the group to which this group belongs. May be null.
+ The date/time when the location of the object was last changed.
+ The name of this group. Cannot be null.
+ Comments about this group. Cannot be null.
+ Icon of the group.
+ Get the custom icon ID. This value is 0, if no custom icon is
+ being used (i.e. the icon specified by the IconID property
+ should be displayed).
+ A flag that specifies if the group is shown as expanded or
+ collapsed in the user interface.
+ The date/time when this group was created.
+ The date/time when this group was last modified.
+ The date/time when this group was last accessed (read).
+ The date/time when this group expires.
+ Flag that determines if the group expires.
+ Get or set the usage count of the group. To increase the usage
+ count by one, use the Touch function.
+ Get a list of subgroups in this group.
+ Get a list of entries in this group.
+ A flag specifying whether this group is virtual or not. Virtual
+ groups can contain links to entries stored in other groups.
+ Note that this flag has to be interpreted and set by the calling
+ code; it won't prevent you from accessing and modifying the list
+ of entries in this group in any way.
+ Default auto-type keystroke sequence for all entries in
+ this group. This property can be an empty string, which
+ means that the value should be inherited from the parent.
+ Custom data container that can be used by plugins to store
+ own data in KeePass groups.
+ The data is stored in the encrypted part of encrypted
+ database files.
+ Use unique names for your items, e.g. "PluginName_ItemName".
+ Password generation function.
+ Password generation options chosen
+ by the user. This may be null, if the default
+ options should be used.
+ Source that the algorithm
+ can use to generate random numbers.
+ Generated password or null in case
+ of failure. If returning null, the caller assumes
+ that an error message has already been shown to the user.
+ Each custom password generation algorithm must have
+ its own unique UUID.
+ Displayable name of the password generation algorithm.
+ A list of auto-type associations.
+ Construct a new auto-type associations list.
+ Remove all associations.
+ Clone the auto-type associations list.
+ New, cloned object.
+ Specify whether auto-type is enabled or not.
+ Specify whether the typing should be obfuscated.
+ The default keystroke sequence that is auto-typed if
+ no matching window is found in the Associations
+ container.
+ Get all auto-type window/keystroke sequence pairs.
+ Name of your key provider (should be unique).
+ Property indicating whether the provider is exclusive.
+ If the provider is exclusive, KeePass does not allow other
+ key sources (master password, Windows user account, ...)
+ to be combined with the provider.
+ Key providers typically should return false
+ (to allow non-exclusive use), i.e. do not override this
+ property.
+ Property that specifies whether the returned key data
+ gets hashed by KeePass first or is written directly to
+ the user key data stream.
+ Standard key provider plugins should return false
+ (i.e. don't overwrite this property). Returning true
+ may cause severe security problems and is highly
+ discouraged.
+ This property specifies whether the GetKey method might
+ show a form or dialog. If there is any chance that the method shows
+ one, this property must return true. Only if it's guaranteed
+ that the GetKey method doesn't show any form or dialog, this
+ property should return false.
+ This property specifies whether the key provider is compatible
+ with the secure desktop mode. This almost never is the case,
+ so you usually won't override this property.
+ Implementation of the ChaCha20 cipher with a 96-bit nonce,
+ as specified in RFC 7539.
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7539
+ Constructor.
+ Key (32 bytes).
+ Nonce (12 bytes).
+ If false, the RFC 7539 version
+ of ChaCha20 is used. In this case, only 256 GB of data can be
+ encrypted securely (because the block counter is a 32-bit variable);
+ an attempt to encrypt more data throws an exception.
+ If is true, the 32-bit
+ counter overflows to another 32-bit variable (i.e. the counter
+ effectively is a 64-bit variable), like in the original ChaCha20
+ specification by D. J. Bernstein (which has a 64-bit counter and a
+ 64-bit nonce). To be compatible with this version, the 64-bit nonce
+ must be stored in the last 8 bytes of
+ and the first 4 bytes must be 0.
+ If the IV was generated randomly, a 12-byte IV and a large counter
+ can be used to securely encrypt more than 256 GB of data (but note
+ this is incompatible with RFC 7539 and the original specification).
+ List of objects that implement IDeepCloneable
+ and cannot be null.
+ Object type.
+ Type of the password generator. Different types like generators
+ based on given patterns, based on character sets, etc. are
+ available.
+ Generator based on character spaces/sets, i.e. groups
+ of characters like lower-case, upper-case or numeric characters.
+ Password generation based on a pattern. The user has provided
+ a pattern, which describes how the generated password has to
+ look like.
+ Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator.
+ The returned values are unpredictable and cannot be reproduced.
+ CryptoRandom is a singleton class.
+ Update the internal seed of the random number generator based
+ on entropy data.
+ This method is thread-safe.
+ Entropy bytes.
+ Get a number of cryptographically strong random bytes.
+ This method is thread-safe.
+ Number of requested random bytes.
+ A byte array consisting of
+ random bytes.
+ Get the number of random bytes that this instance generated so far.
+ Note that this number can be higher than the number of random bytes
+ actually requested using the GetRandomBytes method.
+ Event that is triggered whenever the internal GenerateRandom256
+ method is called to generate random bytes.
+ Interface to native library (library containing fast versions of
+ several cryptographic functions).
+ Determine if the native library is installed.
+ Returns true, if the native library is installed.
+ Transform a key.
+ Source and destination buffer.
+ Key to use for the transformation.
+ Number of transformation rounds.
+ Returns true, if the key was transformed successfully.
+ Benchmark key transformation.
+ Number of milliseconds to perform the benchmark.
+ Number of transformations done.
+ Returns true, if the benchmark was successful.
+ If true, the native library is used.
+ Resize an image.
+ Image to resize.
+ Width of the returned image.
+ Height of the returned image.
+ Flags to customize scaling behavior.
+ Resized image. This object is always different
+ from (i.e. they can be
+ disposed separately).
+ Buffer manipulation and conversion routines.
+ Convert a hexadecimal string to a byte array. The input string must be
+ even (i.e. its length is a multiple of 2).
+ String containing hexadecimal characters.
+ Returns a byte array. Returns null if the string parameter
+ was null or is an uneven string (i.e. if its length isn't a
+ multiple of 2).
+ Thrown if
+ is null.
+ Convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string.
+ Input byte array.
+ Returns the hexadecimal string representing the byte
+ array. Returns null, if the input byte array was null. Returns
+ an empty string, if the input byte array has length 0.
+ Decode Base32 strings according to RFC 4648.
+ Set all bytes in a byte array to zero.
+ Input array. All bytes of this array
+ will be set to zero.
+ Set all elements of an array to the default value.
+ Input array.
+ Convert 2 bytes to a 16-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert 2 bytes to a 16-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert 4 bytes to a 32-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert 4 bytes to a 32-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert 8 bytes to a 64-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert 8 bytes to a 64-bit unsigned integer (little-endian).
+ Convert a 16-bit unsigned integer to 2 bytes (little-endian).
+ Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to 4 bytes (little-endian).
+ Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to 4 bytes (little-endian).
+ Convert a 64-bit unsigned integer to 8 bytes (little-endian).
+ Convert a 64-bit unsigned integer to 8 bytes (little-endian).
+ Fast 32-bit hash (e.g. for hash tables).
+ The algorithm might change in the future; do not store
+ the hashes for later use.
+ A user key depending on the currently logged on Windows user account.
+ Construct a user account key.
+ Get key data. Querying this property is fast (it returns a
+ reference to a cached ProtectedBinary object).
+ If no key data is available, null is returned.
+ Function definition of a method that performs an action on a group.
+ When traversing the internal tree, this function will be invoked
+ for all visited groups.
+ Currently visited group.
+ You must return true if you want to continue the
+ traversal. If you want to immediately stop the whole traversal,
+ return false.
+ Function definition of a method that performs an action on an entry.
+ When traversing the internal tree, this function will be invoked
+ for all visited entries.
+ Currently visited entry.
+ You must return true if you want to continue the
+ traversal. If you want to immediately stop the whole traversal,
+ return false.
+ Pool of encryption/decryption algorithms (ciphers).
+ Remove all cipher engines from the current pool.
+ Add a cipher engine to the pool.
+ Cipher engine to add. Must not be null.
+ Get a cipher identified by its UUID.
+ UUID of the cipher to return.
+ Reference to the requested cipher. If the cipher is
+ not found, null is returned.
+ Get the index of a cipher. This index is temporary and should
+ not be stored or used to identify a cipher.
+ UUID of the cipher.
+ Index of the requested cipher. Returns -1 if
+ the specified cipher is not found.
+ Get the index of a cipher. This index is temporary and should
+ not be stored or used to identify a cipher.
+ Name of the cipher. Note that
+ multiple ciphers can have the same name. In this case, the
+ first matching cipher is returned.
+ Cipher with the specified name or -1 if
+ no cipher with that name is found.
+ Get the number of cipher engines in this pool.
+ Get the cipher engine at the specified position. Throws
+ an exception if the index is invalid. You can use this
+ to iterate over all ciphers, but do not use it to
+ identify ciphers.
+ Index of the requested cipher engine.
+ Reference to the cipher engine at the specified
+ position.
+ The core password manager class. It contains a number of groups, which
+ contain the actual entries.
+ Constructs an empty password manager object.
+ Initialize the class for managing a new database. Previously loaded
+ data is deleted.
+ I/O connection of the new database.
+ Key to open the database.
+ Open a database. The URL may point to any supported data source.
+ I/O connection to load the database from.
+ Key used to open the specified database.
+ Logger, which gets all status messages.
+ Save the currently open database. The file is written to the
+ location it has been opened from.
+ Logger that recieves status information.
+ Save the currently open database to a different location. If
+ is true, the specified
+ location is made the default location for future saves
+ using SaveDatabase.
+ New location to serialize the database to.
+ If true, the new location is made
+ the standard location for the database. If false, a copy of the
+ currently open database is saved to the specified location, but it
+ isn't made the default location (i.e. no lock files will be moved for
+ example).
+ Logger that recieves status information.
+ Closes the currently open database. No confirmation message
+ is shown before closing. Unsaved changes will be lost.
+ Load only the unencrypted header of a database file.
+ In the returned database object, any data that is not stored
+ in the unencrypted header is set to its default value.
+ Intended primarily for plugins.
+ Get the index of a custom icon.
+ ID of the icon.
+ Index of the icon.
+ Get a custom icon. This method can return null,
+ e.g. if no cached image of the icon is available.
+ ID of the icon.
+ Width of the returned image. If this is
+ negative, the image is returned in its original size.
+ Height of the returned image. If this is
+ negative, the image is returned in its original size.
+ Get the root group that contains all groups and entries stored in the
+ database.
+ Root group. The return value is null, if the database
+ is not open.
+ IOConnection of the currently open database file.
+ Is never null.
+ If this is true, a database is currently open.
+ Modification flag. If true, the class has been modified and the
+ user interface should prompt the user to save the changes before
+ closing the database for example.
+ The user key used for database encryption. This key must be created
+ and set before using any of the database load/save functions.
+ Name of the database.
+ Database description.
+ Default user name used for new entries.
+ Number of days until history entries are being deleted
+ in a database maintenance operation.
+ The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the data part of the database.
+ Compression algorithm used to encrypt the data part of the database.
+ Memory protection configuration (for default fields).
+ Get a list of all deleted objects.
+ Get all custom icons stored in this database.
+ This is a dirty-flag for the UI. It is used to indicate when an
+ icon list update is required.
+ UUID of the group containing template entries. May be
+ PwUuid.Zero, if no entry templates group has been specified.
+ Custom data container that can be used by plugins to store
+ own data in KeePass databases.
+ The data is stored in the encrypted part of encrypted
+ database files.
+ Use unique names for your items, e.g. "PluginName_ItemName".
+ Custom data container that can be used by plugins to store
+ own data in KeePass databases.
+ The data is stored in the *unencrypted* part of database files,
+ and it is not supported by all file formats (e.g. supported by KDBX,
+ unsupported by XML).
+ It is highly recommended to use CustomData instead,
+ if possible.
+ Use unique names for your items, e.g. "PluginName_ItemName".
+ Hash value of the primary file on disk (last read or last write).
+ A call to SaveAs without making the saved file primary will
+ not change this hash. May be null.
+ Detach binaries when opening a file. If this isn't null,
+ all binaries are saved to the specified path and are removed
+ from the database.
+ Localized application name.
+ Create a deep copy.
+ Unsupported.
+ Length of an encryption key in bytes.
+ The base ICipherEngine assumes 32.
+ Length of the initialization vector in bytes.
+ The base ICipherEngine assumes 16.
+ Represents a key. A key can be build up using several user key data sources
+ like a password, a key file, the currently logged on user credentials,
+ the current computer ID, etc.
+ Construct a new, empty key object.
+ Add a user key.
+ User key to add.
+ Remove a user key.
+ User key to remove.
+ Returns true if the key was removed successfully.
+ Test whether the composite key contains a specific type of
+ user keys (password, key file, ...). If at least one user
+ key of that type is present, the function returns true.
+ User key type.
+ Returns true, if the composite key contains
+ a user key of the specified type.
+ Get the first user key of a specified type.
+ Type of the user key to get.
+ Returns the first user key of the specified type
+ or null if no key of that type is found.
+ Creates the composite key from the supplied user key sources (password,
+ key file, user account, computer ID, etc.).
+ Generate a 32-byte (256-bit) key from the composite key.
+ List of all user keys contained in the current composite key.
+ A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
+ Look up a localized string similar to
+ 'Test'.
+ Get the icon as an Image (original size).
+ Get the icon as an Image (with the specified size).
+ Width of the returned image.
+ Height of the returned image.
+ A class that offers static functions to estimate the quality of
+ passwords.
+ Estimate the quality of a password.
+ Password to check.
+ Estimated bit-strength of the password.
+ Estimate the quality of a password.
+ Password to check, UTF-8 encoded.
+ Estimated bit-strength of the password.
+ The KdbxFile class supports saving the data to various
+ formats.
+ The default, encrypted file format.
+ Use this flag when exporting data to a plain-text XML file.
+ If this property is set to a non-null stream, all data that
+ is read from the input stream is automatically written to
+ the copy stream (before returning the read data).
+ Represents an UUID of a password entry or group. Once created,
+ PwUuid objects aren't modifyable anymore (immutable).
+ Standard size in bytes of a UUID.
+ Zero UUID (all bytes are zero).
+ Construct a new UUID object.
+ If this parameter is true, a new
+ UUID is generated. If it is false, the UUID is initialized
+ to zero.
+ Construct a new UUID object.
+ Initial value of the PwUuid object.
+ Create a new, random UUID.
+ Returns true if a random UUID has been generated,
+ otherwise it returns false.
+ Convert the UUID to its string representation.
+ String containing the UUID value.
+ Get the 16 UUID bytes.
+ Name of the provider that generated the custom key.
+ Compression algorithm specifiers.
+ No compression.
+ GZip compression.
+ Virtual field: currently known number of algorithms. Should not be used
+ by plugins or libraries -- it's used internally only.
+ Tree traversal methods.
+ Don't traverse the tree.
+ Traverse the tree in pre-order mode, i.e. first visit all items
+ in the current node, then visit all subnodes.
+ Methods for merging databases/entries.
+ Icon identifiers for groups and password entries.
+ Virtual identifier -- represents the number of icons.
+ Use default user credentials (provided by the system).
+ Default or Manual, depending on whether
+ manual credentials are available.
+ This type exists for supporting upgrading from KeePass
+ 2.28 to 2.29; the user cannot select this type.
+ Comparison modes for in-memory protected objects.
+ Ignore the in-memory protection states.
+ Ignore the in-memory protection states of standard
+ objects; do compare in-memory protection states of
+ custom objects.
+ Compare in-memory protection states.
+ Empty standard string fields are considered to be the
+ same as non-existing standard string fields.
+ This doesn't affect custom string comparisons.
+ The I/O connection is being opened for reading.
+ The I/O connection is being opened for writing.
+ The I/O connection is being opened for testing
+ whether a file/object exists.
+ The I/O connection is being opened for deleting a file/object.
+ The I/O connection is being opened for renaming/moving a file/object.
+ This flag prevents any handles being garbage-collected
+ before the started process has terminated, without
+ blocking the current thread.
+ UIIcon indicates that the returned image is going
+ to be displayed as icon in the UI and that it is not
+ subject to future changes in size.
+ A class representing a password entry. A password entry consists of several
+ fields like title, user name, password, etc. Each password entry has a
+ unique ID (UUID).
+ Construct a new, empty password entry. Member variables will be initialized
+ to their default values.
+ If true, a new UUID will be created
+ for this entry. If false, the UUID is zero and you must set it
+ manually later.
+ If true, the creation, last modification
+ and last access times will be set to the current system time.
+ Clone the current entry. The returned entry is an exact value copy
+ of the current entry (including UUID and parent group reference).
+ All mutable members are cloned.
+ Exact value clone. All references to mutable values changed.
+ Assign properties to the current entry based on a template entry.
+ Template entry. Must not be null.
+ Only set the properties of the template entry
+ if it is newer than the current one.
+ If true, the history will be
+ copied, too.
+ If true, the
+ LocationChanged property is copied, otherwise not.
+ Touch the entry. This function updates the internal last access
+ time. If the parameter is true,
+ the last modification time gets updated, too.
+ Modify last modification time.
+ Touch the entry. This function updates the internal last access
+ time. If the parameter is true,
+ the last modification time gets updated, too.
+ Modify last modification time.
+ If true, all parent objects
+ get touched, too.
+ Create a backup of this entry. The backup item doesn't contain any
+ history items.
+ Create a backup of this entry. The backup item doesn't contain any
+ history items.
+ If this parameter isn't null,
+ the history list is maintained automatically (i.e. old backups are
+ deleted if there are too many or the history size is too large).
+ This parameter may be null (no maintenance then).
+ Restore an entry snapshot from backups.
+ Index of the backup item, to which
+ should be reverted.
+ Restore an entry snapshot from backups.
+ Index of the backup item, to which
+ should be reverted.
+ If this parameter isn't null,
+ the history list is maintained automatically (i.e. old backups are
+ deleted if there are too many or the history size is too large).
+ This parameter may be null (no maintenance then).
+ Delete old history entries if there are too many or the
+ history size is too large.
+ If one or more history entries have been deleted,
+ true is returned. Otherwise false.
+ Approximate the total size (in process memory) of this entry
+ in bytes (including strings, binaries and history entries).
+ Size in bytes.
+ UUID of this entry.
+ Reference to a group which contains the current entry.
+ The date/time when the location of the object was last changed.
+ Get or set all entry strings.
+ Get or set all entry binaries.
+ Get or set all auto-type window/keystroke sequence associations.
+ Get all previous versions of this entry (backups).
+ Image ID specifying the icon that will be used for this entry.
+ Get the custom icon ID. This value is 0, if no custom icon is
+ being used (i.e. the icon specified by the IconID property
+ should be displayed).
+ Get or set the foreground color of this entry.
+ Get or set the background color of this entry.
+ The date/time when this entry was created.
+ The date/time when this entry was last modified.
+ The date/time when this entry was last accessed (read).
+ The date/time when this entry expires. Use the Expires property
+ to specify if the entry does actually expire or not.
+ Specifies whether the entry expires or not.
+ Get or set the usage count of the entry. To increase the usage
+ count by one, use the Touch function.
+ Entry-specific override URL.
+ List of tags associated with this entry.
+ Custom data container that can be used by plugins to store
+ own data in KeePass entries.
+ The data is stored in the encrypted part of encrypted
+ database files.
+ Use unique names for your items, e.g. "PluginName_ItemName".
+ A string that is protected in process memory.
+ ProtectedString objects are immutable and thread-safe.
+ Construct a new protected string object. Protection is
+ disabled.
+ Construct a new protected string. The string is initialized
+ to the value supplied in the parameters.
+ If this parameter is true,
+ the string will be protected in memory (encrypted). If it
+ is false, the string will be stored as plain-text.
+ The initial string value.
+ Construct a new protected string. The string is initialized
+ to the value supplied in the parameters (UTF-8 encoded string).
+ If this parameter is true,
+ the string will be protected in memory (encrypted). If it
+ is false, the string will be stored as plain-text.
+ The initial string value, encoded as
+ UTF-8 byte array. This parameter won't be modified; the caller
+ is responsible for clearing it.
+ Construct a new protected string. The string is initialized
+ to the value passed in the XorredBuffer object.
+ Enable protection or not.
+ XorredBuffer object containing the
+ string in UTF-8 representation. The UTF-8 string must not
+ be null-terminated.
+ Convert the protected string to a standard string object.
+ Be careful with this function, as the returned string object
+ isn't protected anymore and stored in plain-text in the
+ process memory.
+ Plain-text string. Is never null.
+ Read out the string and return it as a char array.
+ The returned array is not protected and should be cleared by
+ the caller.
+ Plain-text char array.
+ Read out the string and return a byte array that contains the
+ string encoded using UTF-8.
+ The returned array is not protected and should be cleared by
+ the caller.
+ Plain-text UTF-8 byte array.
+ Get the string as an UTF-8 sequence xorred with bytes
+ from a CryptoRandomStream.
+ Get an empty ProtectedString object, without protection.
+ Get an empty ProtectedString object, with protection turned on.
+ A flag specifying whether the ProtectedString object
+ has turned on memory protection or not.
+ Length of the protected string, in characters.
+ A protected binary, i.e. a byte array that is encrypted in memory.
+ A ProtectedBinary object is immutable and thread-safe.
+ Construct a new, empty protected binary data object.
+ Protection is disabled.
+ Construct a new protected binary data object.
+ If this paremeter is true,
+ the data will be encrypted in memory. If it is false, the
+ data is stored in plain-text in the process memory.
+ Value of the protected object.
+ The input parameter is not modified and
+ ProtectedBinary doesn't take ownership of the data,
+ i.e. the caller is responsible for clearing it.
+ Construct a new protected binary data object.
+ If this paremeter is true,
+ the data will be encrypted in memory. If it is false, the
+ data is stored in plain-text in the process memory.
+ Value of the protected object.
+ The input parameter is not modified and
+ ProtectedBinary doesn't take ownership of the data,
+ i.e. the caller is responsible for clearing it.
+ Offset for .
+ Size for .
+ Construct a new protected binary data object.
+ Copy the data from a XorredBuffer object.
+ Enable protection or not.
+ XorredBuffer object containing the data.
+ Get a copy of the protected data as a byte array.
+ Please note that the returned byte array is not protected and
+ can therefore been read by any other application.
+ Make sure that your clear it properly after usage.
+ Unprotected byte array. This is always a copy of the internal
+ protected data and can therefore be cleared safely.
+ Get the data xorred with bytes from a CryptoRandomStream.
+ A plugin can provide a custom memory protection method
+ by assigning a non-null delegate to this property.
+ A flag specifying whether the ProtectedBinary object has
+ turned on memory protection or not.
+ Length of the stored data.
+ Class containing self-test methods.
+ Perform a self-test.
+ Application-wide logging services.
+ Represents an object that has been deleted.
+ Construct a new PwDeletedObject object.
+ Clone the object.
+ Value copy of the current object.
+ UUID of the entry that has been deleted.
+ The date/time when the entry has been deleted.
+ Master password/passphrase as provided by the user.
+ Get the password as protected string. This is null
+ unless remembering the password has been turned on.
+ Get key data. Querying this property is fast (it returns a
+ reference to a cached ProtectedBinary object).
+ If no key data is available, null is returned.
+ A list of ProtectedBinary objects (dictionary).
+ Construct a new list of protected binaries.
+ Clone the current ProtectedBinaryList object, including all
+ stored protected strings.
+ New ProtectedBinaryList object.
+ Get one of the stored binaries.
+ Binary identifier.
+ Protected binary. If the binary identified by
+ cannot be found, the function
+ returns null.
+ Thrown if the input
+ parameter is null.
+ Set a binary object.
+ Identifier of the binary field to modify.
+ New value. This parameter must not be null.
+ Thrown if any of the input
+ parameters is null.
+ Remove a binary object.
+ Identifier of the binary field to remove.
+ Returns true if the object has been successfully
+ removed, otherwise false.
+ Thrown if the input parameter
+ is null.
+ Get the number of binaries in this entry.
diff --git a/src/Build/PrepMonoDev.sh b/src/Build/PrepMonoDev.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af5ffcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Build/PrepMonoDev.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Mono's resource compiler/linker doesn't support ICO files
+# containing high resolution images (in PNG format)
+ cd "${kpRoot}"
+ local kpSln="KeePass.sln"
+ # Update solution format to 11 (this targets Mono 4 rather than 3.5)
+ sed -i 's!Format Version 10\.00!Format Version 11\.00!g' "${kpSln}"
+ cd "${kpRoot}/KeePass"
+ local kpCsProj="KeePass.csproj"
+ sed -i 's! ToolsVersion="3\.5"!!g' "${kpCsProj}"
+ sed -i 's!true!false!g' "${kpCsProj}"
+ sed -i '/sgen\.exe/d' "${kpCsProj}"
+ cp -f "${kpIco}" KeePass.ico
+ cp -f "${kpIco}" Resources/Icons/KeePass.ico
+ cp -f "${kpIcoG}" Resources/Icons/KeePass_G.ico
+ cp -f "${kpIcoR}" Resources/Icons/KeePass_R.ico
+ cp -f "${kpIcoY}" Resources/Icons/KeePass_Y.ico
+ cd "${kpRoot}/KeePassLib"
+ local kpCsProj="KeePassLib.csproj"
+ local kpXmlUtilEx="Utility/XmlUtilEx.cs"
+ sed -i 's! ToolsVersion="3\.5"!!g' "${kpCsProj}"
+ sed -i 's!true!false!g' "${kpCsProj}"
+ sed -i -E 's!(xrs\.ProhibitDtd = true;)!// \1!g' "${kpXmlUtilEx}"
+ sed -i -E 's!// (xrs\.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing\.Prohibit;)!\1!g' "${kpXmlUtilEx}"
+ cd "${kpRoot}/Translation/TrlUtil"
+ local kpCsProj="TrlUtil.csproj"
+ sed -i 's! ToolsVersion="3\.5"!!g' "${kpCsProj}"
+ cp -f "${kpIco}" Resources/KeePass.ico
+cd "${kpBuild}"
diff --git a/src/Docs/Chm/KeePass.hhp b/src/Docs/Chm/KeePass.hhp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f9e08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Docs/Chm/KeePass.hhp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Compatibility=1.1 or later
+Compiled file=KeePass.chm
+Contents file=KeePassContents.hhc
+Default topic=help\base\index.html
+Display compile progress=No
+Full-text search=Yes
+Language=0x409 Englisch (USA)
+Title=KeePass Help
diff --git a/src/Docs/Chm/KeePassContents.hhc b/src/Docs/Chm/KeePassContents.hhc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8601085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Docs/Chm/KeePassContents.hhc
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
KeePass features an "Auto-Type" functionality. This feature allows you to define
+a sequence of keypresses, which KeePass can automatically perform for you. The
+simulated keypresses can be sent to any other currently open window of your choice (browser windows,
+login dialogs, ...).
By default, the sent keystroke sequence is {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER},
+i.e. it first types the user name of the selected entry, then presses the Tab key,
+then types the password of the entry and finally presses the Enter key.
For TAN entries, the default sequence is {PASSWORD},
+i.e. it just types the TAN into the target window, without pressing Enter.
+Auto-Type can be configured individually for each entry using the
+Auto-Type tab page on the entry dialog (select an entry → Edit Entry).
+On this page you can specify a default sequence and customize specific
+window/sequence associations.
+Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation is supported (making
+Auto-Type resistant against keyloggers).
Additionally, you can create customized window/sequence associations, which override the
+default sequence. You can specify different keystroke sequences for different windows for each entry.
+For example, imagine a webpage, to which you want to login, that has multiple
+pages where one can login. These pages could all look a bit different (on one
+you could additionally need to check some checkbox – like often seen in forums).
+Here creating customized window/sequence associations solves the problems: you simply
+specify different auto-type sequences for each windows (identified by their window
Invoking Auto-Type:
+There are three different methods to invoke auto-type:
Invoke auto-type for an entry by using the
+context menu command Perform Auto-Type while the entry is selected.
Select the entry and press Ctrl+V
+(that's the menu shortcut for the context menu command above).
Using the system-wide auto-type hot key. KeePass will
+search all entries in the currently opened database for matching sequences.
All methods are explained in detail below.
Input Focus:
+Note that auto-type starts typing into the control of the target window
+that has the input focus. Thus, for example for the default
+sequence you have to ensure that the input focus is set to the
+user name control of the target window before invoking auto-type using any of
+the above methods.
+Requirements and Limitations
+For auto-type to work, KeePass must be running with the same or higher
+rights as the target application. Especially, if the target application
+is running with administrative rights, KeePass must be running with
+administrative rights, too. For details, see
+Windows Integrity Mechanism Design.
+An example are certain instances of VMware Workstation that run on
+a higher integrity level.
Remote Desktops and Virtual Machines:
+KeePass does not know the keyboard layout that has been selected in
+a remote desktop or virtual machine window.
+If you want to auto-type into such a window, you must ensure
+that the local and the remote/virtual system are using the same
+keyboard layout.
When performing auto-type into a remote desktop or virtual machine
+window, the following characters may be problematic (depending on the
+exact circumstances) and should therefore be avoided, if possible:
+" (U+0022),
+' (U+0027),
+^ (U+005E),
+` (U+0060),
+~ (U+007E),
+¨ (U+00A8),
+¯ (U+00AF),
+° (U+00B0),
+´ (U+00B4),
+¸ (U+00B8),
+spacing modifier letters (U+02B0 to U+02FF),
+and characters that cannot be realized with a direct key combination.
+On a Unix-like system with a Wayland compositor, there may be further
+limitations; see the Auto-Type on Wayland page.
+Context Menu: 'Perform Auto-Type' Command
This method is the one that requires the least amount of configuration and is
+the simpler one, but it has the disadvantage that you need to select the entry
+in KeePass which you want to auto-type.
The method is simple: right-click on an entry of your currently opened database
+and click 'Perform Auto-Type' (or alternatively press the
+shortcut for this command). The window that previously got the focus
+(i.e. the one in which you worked before switching to KeePass) will be brought
+to the foreground and KeePass auto-types into this window.
The sequence which is auto-typed depends on the window's title. If you didn't
+specify any custom window/sequence associations, the default sequence is sent. If
+you created associations, KeePass uses the sequence of the first matching
+association. If none of the associations match, the default sequence is used.
+Global Auto-Type Hot Key
This is the more powerful method, but it also requires a little bit more
+work/knowledge, before it can be used.
Simple Global Auto-Type Example:
Create an entry in KeePass titled Notepad with values for user name and password.
Start Notepad (under 'Programs' → 'Accessories').
Press Ctrl+Alt+A within Notepad.
+The user name and password will be typed into Notepad.
The KeePass entry title Notepad is matched with the window title of
+Notepad and the default Auto-Type sequence is typed.
How It Works - Details:
KeePass registers a system-wide hot key for auto-type. The advantage of
+this hot key is that you don't need to switch to the KeePass window and
+select the entry. You simply press the hot key while having the target window
+open (i.e. the window which will receive the simulated keypresses).
By default, the global hot key is
+(i.e. hold the Ctrl and Alt keys,
+press A and release all keys).
+You can change this hot key in the options dialog
+(main menu 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab
+here, click into the global auto-type hot key textbox and press the hot key
+that you wish to use. If the hot key is usable, it will appear in the textbox.
When you press the hot key, KeePass looks at the title of the currently opened window and
+searches the currently opened database for usable entries. If KeePass finds multiple
+entries that can be used, it displays a selection dialog.
+An entry is considered to be usable for the current window title when
+at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
The title of the entry is a substring of the currently active window title.
The entry has a window/sequence association, of which the window specifier matches
+the currently active window title.
The second condition has been mentioned already, but the first one
+is new. By using entry titles as filters for window titles, the configuration amount
+for auto-type is almost zero: you only need to make sure that the entry title
+is contained in the window title of the window into which you want the entry to be
+auto-typed. Of course, this is not always possible (for example, if a webpage has a
+very generic title like "Welcome"), here you need to
+use custom window/sequence associations.
+Custom window/sequence associations can be specified on the 'Auto-Type' tab
+page of each entry.
+The associations complement the KeePass entry title.
+Any associations specified will be used in addition to the KeePass entry
+title to determine a match.
An auto-type keystroke sequence is a one-line string that can contain
+placeholders and special key codes.
A complete list of all supported placeholders can be found on the page
+Placeholders. The special key codes can
+be found below.
Above you've seen already that the
+default auto-type is {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}. Here,
+{USERNAME} and {PASSWORD} are placeholders: when auto-type
+is performed, these are replaced by the appropriate field values of the entry.
+{TAB} and {ENTER} are special key codes: these are replaced
+by the appropriate keypresses. Special key codes are the only way to specify special
+keys like Arrow-Down, Shift, Escape, etc.
Of course, keystroke sequences can also contain simple characters to be sent.
+For example, the following string is perfectly valid as keystroke sequence string:
+{USERNAME}{TAB}Some text to be sent!{ENTER}.
+This command sends the
+virtual key of value X.
+The parameter F is optional and may be a combination of the following
+Press and hold down the key (without releasing it).
+Release the key (without pressing it).
The values E and N are mutually exclusive.
+It is recommended to specify neither E nor N,
+if possible; KeePass then determines automatically whether the virtual key
+is typically realized using an extended key.
The values D and U are mutually exclusive.
+If neither D nor U is specified, KeePass
+sends a keypress (i.e. down and up).
On Linux systems, KeePass automatically converts most Windows virtual key codes
+to Linux key codes (i.e. the {VKEY ...} command works on both
{VKEY 13}
+Presses and releases the primary Enter key.
+This is equivalent to {ENTER}.
{VKEY 13 E}
+Presses and releases the Enter key of the
+numeric keypad.
{VKEY 91 D}e{VKEY 91 U}
+Sends Win+E
+(i.e. it presses and holds down the left Win
+key, presses and releases the E key, and
+releases the Win key),
+which starts Windows Explorer (on Windows).
+This is not equivalent to {LWIN}e
+(which first presses and releases the left Win key
+and then presses and releases the E key).
+Note that Windows Explorer can also be started using
+(the {CMD:/.../}
+placeholder can run arbitrary command lines).
+Do not use the {VKEY ...} command to change the state of the
+Shift, Ctrl and
+Alt modifiers. For this, use +,
+^ and % instead (see above).
+Keys and special keys (not placeholders or commands) can be repeated by
+appending a number within the code. For example, {TAB 5}
+presses the Tab key 5 times.
+Types the entry's title, a Tab, the user name,
+a Tab, the password of the
+currently selected entry, and presses Enter.
+Presses the Tab key, enters the entry's password and
+presses Enter.
+Types the user name, presses Tab, presses
+Ctrl+V (which pastes data from the Windows
+clipboard in most applications), and presses Enter.
Toggling Checkboxes:
+A checkbox (e.g. "Stay logged in on this computer") can
+usually be toggled by sending a space character (' ').
+If there is a form with a user name field, a password field and a checkbox,
+this sequence would enter the user name, the password and toggle the checkbox
+that follows the password control.
Pressing Non-Default Buttons:
+Pressing non-default buttons works the same as toggling checkboxes: send
+a space character (' ').
+Note that this should only be used for non-default buttons; for
+default buttons, {ENTER} should be sent instead.
When creating a custom window/sequence association, you need to tell
+KeePass how the matching window titles look like. Here, KeePass supports
+simple wildcards:
String with Wildcard
Matches all window titles that are named exactly "STRING".
Matches all window titles that start with "STRING".
Matches all window titles that end with "STRING".
Matches all window titles that have "STRING" somewhere in the window title. This includes the string being directly at the start or at the end of the window title.
+Wildcards may also appear in the middle of patterns.
+For example, *Windows*Explorer* would match
+Windows Internet Explorer.
+Additionally, matching using
+regular expressions is supported. In order to
+tell KeePass that the pattern is a regular expression, enclose it in
+//. For example, //B.?g Window// would
+match Big Window, Bug Window and Bg Window.
By using wildcards, you can make your auto-type associations browser-independent.
+See the usage examples for more information.
+Change Default Auto-Type Sequence
The default auto-type sequence (i.e. the one which is used when you don't specify
+a custom one) is {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}. KeePass allows you
+to change this default sequence. Normally you won't need to change it (use
+custom window/sequence definitions instead!), but it is quite useful when some
+other application is interfering with KeePass (for example a security software that
+always asks you for permission before allowing KeePass to auto-type).
+By default, entries inherit the auto-type sequence of their containing group.
+Groups also inherit the auto-type sequence of their parent groups. There is
+only one top group (the first group contains all other groups). Consequently, if
+you change the auto-type sequence of this very first group, all other groups
+and their entries will use this sequence. Practically, this is a global override.
+To change it, right-click on the first group, choose 'Edit Group' and switch
+to the 'Auto-Type' tab.
+Usage Example
Now let's have a look at a real-world example: logging into a website. In this example,
+will we use the global auto-type hot key to fill out the login webpage.
+First open the test page, and afterwards create a new entry
+in KeePass with title Test Form and a user name and password
+of your choice.
Let's assume the global auto-type hot key is set to
+Ctrl+Alt+A (the default).
+KeePass is running in the background, you have opened your database and the workspace is unlocked.
When you now navigate to the test page and are being prompted for your user name and password,
+just click into the user name field and press
+KeePass enters the user name and password for you!
Why did this work? The window title of your browser window was
+"Test Form - KeePass - Internet Explorer" or
+"Test Form - KeePass - Mozilla Firefox", depending on the browser
+you are using. Because we gave the entry in KeePass the title Test Form, the
+entry title is contained in the window title, therefore KeePass uses this entry.
Here you see the huge advantages of auto-type: it not only doesn't require
+any additional browser software
+(the browser knows nothing of KeePass – there are no helper browser plugins required),
+it is also browser-independent: the one entry that you created within KeePass works
+for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox (and other browsers) without
+requiring any modifications or definitions.
When you would use window/sequence associations
+(instead of entry title matching), you can achieve the same
+browser-independent effect using wildcards: you could for example have used
+Test Form - KeePass - * as window filter. This filter matches both
+the Internet Explorer and the Firefox window.
The URL field can execute any valid URL for which a protocol handler is defined.
+On most systems at least the http://, https://,
+ftp:// and mailto: protocols are defined.
+KeePass supports all protocols that Windows supports.
For example, if you globally (i.e. using the Windows Explorer) register PuTTY for ssh:// URLs,
+KeePass will automatically use PuTTY for ssh:// URLs, too.
+Executing Command Lines
Instead of a URL, you can also execute command lines using the URL field.
+To tell KeePass that the line you entered
+is a command line, prefix it using cmd://. For example if you would like to execute
+Notepad, your URL could look like this:
The virtual cmd:// protocol also supports parameters for executable
+files, in contrast to
+the file:// protocol. This was the main reason why cmd://
+was introduced; with file:// you
+aren't able to pass any parameters to started applications. Use the cmd://
+protocol instead.
The paths for the cmd:// protocol don't need to be encoded. For example,
+you do not have to replace space characters by %20, as it is normally
+required for other URLs. KeePass just cuts away the cmd:// virtual
+protocol prefix and passes the remaining command line to the system.
If the file path contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotes (").
Environment Variables:
+System environment variables are supported.
+The name of the variable must be enclosed in '%' characters.
+For example %TEMP% is replaced by the user's temporary path.
UNC Paths:
+Windows-style UNC paths (starting with \\) are directly
+supported, i.e. do not need to be prefixed with cmd://.
Double Quotes (") and Backslashes (\):
+There are multiple rule sets for parsing command lines
+CommandLineToArgvW function,
+Microsoft C/C++ startup code, etc.).
+These rule sets are contradictory; command lines are interpreted differently.
+For example, in the SHELLEXECUTEINFOW structure documentation,
+backslashes have no special meaning, whereas the
+CommandLineToArgvW function sometimes interprets a backslash
+as an escape character.
+Another example: A"""B C"""D is
+interpreted as one argument (namely A"B C"D)
+by the Microsoft C/C++ startup code, whereas the CommandLineToArgvW
+function returns two arguments
+(namely A"B and C"D).
+KeePass cannot know how the executed application will interpret its
+command line, and there is no command line encoding that is
+interpreted as intended by all applications.
+Therefore, we recommend:
Use double quotes (") only to indicate the start and the end of
+the file path or of an argument. Do not use a quote in data that
+requires encoding. For example, if your command line contains a
+the password should not contain a quote.
Use a backslash only when the next character is not a quote,
+i.e. avoid \".
+Especially, avoid data ending with a backslash if a quote follows on
+the command line. For example, if the command line contains an
+argument like -pw:"{PASSWORD}", the password should
+not end with a backslash, because otherwise the placeholder replacement
+results in the problematic \" sequence.
Unix-like Systems:
+On Unix-like systems, KeePass assumes that double quotes (")
+and backslashes (\) must be encoded.
+Furthermore, KeePass assumes that single quotes (')
+only occur in contexts where they must not be encoded (e.g. within
+double quotes). So, if any of your arguments may contain a single quote,
+you have to ensure that it occurs within such a context.
+On Windows, this is irrelevant, as single quotes do not have a special meaning here.
In the URL field, you can use several placeholders that will get automatically replaced
+when the URL is executed. For example:
For this entry, KeePass will replace {USERNAME} by the data of the username field and {PASSWORD}
+by the data in the password field when you execute the link.
For a complete list of supported placeholders, see the page
Also note that the special placeholders are supported, too. For example,
+the {APPDIR} placeholder is replaced by the application
+directory path of the currently running KeePass instance. It's the absolute path of the
+directory containing the KeePass executable, without a trailing backslash.
+If you would like to start a new KeePass instance, you could set the URL to:
To use different browsers for entries, you can use URLs like the following:
+cmd://{INTERNETEXPLORER} "https://www.example.com/"
+cmd://{FIREFOX} "https://www.example.com/"
+cmd://{OPERA} "https://www.example.com/"
+cmd://{GOOGLECHROME} "https://www.example.com/"
+cmd://{SAFARI} "https://www.example.com/"
+The browser placeholder will be replaced by the browser's executable path (if the
+browser is installed).
+Changing the URL Handler (URL Override)
The URL field behavior can be overridden individually for each entry
+using the field 'Override URL' (tab 'Properties' in the entry dialog).
+This allows you to execute a specific URL, while still using the URL
+field to (only) store data.
+When double-clicking the URL field of the entry in the main window, the
+specified command line (in the URL override field) will be run.
Using a different browser:
+If your default browser is Firefox and you want to open a specific site with
+Internet Explorer, specify the following in the URL override field:
KeePass will open Internet Explorer and pass the data from the URL field
+as the parameter. This uses a placeholder to find Internet
Globally changing the URL behavior:
+If you want to change the default URL action for a URL scheme
+(e.g. http://, https:// or ftp://),
+you can define a URL scheme override
+in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Integration' → 'URL Overrides'.
+This for example allows to specify a browser as default for websites
+(in the dialog you can find several overrides for browsers like Internet Explorer,
+Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome).
URL scheme overrides can also be used to define new protocols. For example,
+if you want to define a protocol kdbx:// that opens another KeePass database,
+specify the following as override for the kdbx scheme (on Windows):
+cmd://"{APPDIR}\KeePass.exe" "{BASE:RMVSCM}" -pw-enc:"{PASSWORD_ENC}"
+or on Unix-like systems (Mono):
+cmd://mono "{APPDIR}/KeePass.exe" "{BASE:RMVSCM}" -pw-enc:"{PASSWORD_ENC}"
+If an entry now has a URL looking like kdbx://PathToYourDatabase.kdbx
+and the master password for this database in the password field,
+double-clicking the URL of the entry in the main window opens the other database.
+The -pw-enccommand line parameter and
+the {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder
+allow passing the master password of the other database in encrypted form,
+i.e. process monitors and similar utilities aren't be able to read the master password.
+Starting RDP/TS Sessions
You can use the URL field of entries and the virtual cmd://
+protocol to start remote desktop connections.
For this, enter the following in the URL field of an entry:
When you now double-click the URL field of the entry in the main window, a
+Windows remote desktop connection is initiated.
MSTSC is the Windows terminal server connection program (remote desktop connection).
+You can pass a path to an existing RDP file to the program to open it. For example,
+the following URL opens the specified RDP file:
cmd://mstsc.exe "C:\My Files\Connection.rdp"
MSTSC also supports several command line options:
/v:<Server[:Port]> Defines the terminal server to connect to.
/console Connects to the terminal session of the server.
/f Starts the client in full screen mode.
/w:<Width> Defines the width of the remote desktop screen.
/h:<Height> Defines the height of the remote desktop screen.
/edit Opens the specified RDP file for editing.
/migrate Migrates old connection files to new RDP files.
+Executing Built-In Shell Commands
The URL field can be used to start applications/documents and URLs.
+If you want to execute a built-in shell command, like COPY for
+example, this however doesn't work directly, because there is no COPY.EXE
+(in Windows 9x times there actually was one, but on all modern Windows operating
+systems these commands are built-in to the command line window).
In order to execute built-in shell commands, you need to pass them to the
+command line interpreter cmd.exe.
For the COPY command you would specify cmd.exe
+as executable file and /C COPY from to as arguments (where
+'from' and 'to' are paths). The /C
+parameter tells cmd.exe to execute the command line that
In the URL field, your URL would look like the following:
+cmd://cmd.exe /C COPY from to
+In other locations, like command lines in the trigger system,
+you can leave out the cmd:// URL prefix.
You can pass a file path in the command line in order to tell KeePass to open
+this file immediately after startup.
Switches can be either prefixed using
+a minus (-) or two minus characters (--).
+On Windows, a slash (/) is another alternative.
+The prefixes are equivalent; it doesn't matter which one you use.
Database file.
+The database file location is passed as argument. Only one database file is allowed.
+If the path contains a space, it must be enclosed in quotes (").
+Passwords can be passed using the -pw: option. In order to
+pass 'abc' as password, you would add the following argument to the command line:
+-pw:abc. Note that there must be no space between the ':' and the
+password. If your password contains a space, you must enclose it in quotes. For
+example: -pw:"my secret password".
Using the -pw: option is not recommended, due to
+security reasons (the operating system allows reading the command line
+options of other applications).
When passing the -pw-stdin option, KeePass
+reads the password from the StdIn stream.
+This option is intended for programmatically passing the password to KeePass.
+For entering the password by hand, it is recommended to use the
+normal master key dialog instead (because in this dialog the password
+is hidden by bullets/asterisks and it is encrypted by the process memory
Key file.
+For supplying the key file location, the -keyfile: switch
+exists. The same rules as above apply, just that you specify the key file location:
+-keyfile:D:\pwsafe.key. You also need to quote the value, if it contains
+a space, tab or other whitespace characters.
+In order to just preselect a key file, use the -preselect: option.
+For example, if you lock your database with a password and a key file, but
+just want to type in the password (so, without selecting the key file manually),
+your command line would look like this:
KeePass would then show a prompt for the password for the database, but in
+the key file list, the C:\pwsafe.key file is selected already. When using the
+-preselect: switch, KeePass by default activates the key file switch and
+sets the focus to the password edit window.
Note the difference! The -preselect: switch just preselects the key file
+for you and displays the login prompt. In contrast, the -keyfile: switch
+doesn't prompt you for the (maybe missing) password.
+The -minimize command line option makes KeePass start up minimized.
+This option may not work when KeePass runs on Mono (due to a bug in Mono).
The -auto-type command line option makes other already opened
+KeePass instances perform a global auto-type.
+Additionally, the -useraccount switch is supported. If specified, the
+current user account credentials will be used.
+The -iocredfromrecent switch makes KeePass load file
+system credentials (not database key) from the most recently used files list.
+Alternatively, the file system credentials can be specified using the
+-iousername: and -iopassword: parameters.
+The optional -ioiscomplete switch
+tells KeePass that the path and file system credentials are complete
+(the 'Open URL' dialog will not be displayed then).
+The -pw-enc: parameter is similar to -pw:, but
+it requires the password to be encrypted. Encrypted passwords can be
+generated using the {PASSWORD_ENC}
+The -entry-url-open option makes other already opened KeePass instances
+search for an entry and open its URL. The entry is identified by its UUID,
+which you can pass as -uuid: command line parameter.
+The -auto-type-password option is similar to -auto-type,
+but auto-types only the password of a matching entry.
+-auto-type-selected performs auto-type for the currently selected entry.
+The -cancel option causes all other KeePass instances to
+cancel opening/saving a database file.
+The path of the local configuration file can be changed
+using the -cfg-local: command line parameter.
The order of the arguments is arbitrary.
+Usage Examples
Open the database file 'C:\My Documents\MyDatabase.kdbx' (KeePass will prompt you
+for the password and/or key file location):
KeePass.exe "C:\My Documents\MyDatabase.kdbx"
If you got a database that is locked with a password 'abc', you could open it like this:
If your USB stick always mounts to drive F: and you've locked your database with a key file
+on the USB stick, you could open your database as follows:
You have locked your database using a password and a key file, but only
+want to have the key file preselected (i.e. you want to get prompted for the
+password), your command line would look like this:
Batch files can be used to start KeePass. Mostly you want to
+specify some of the parameters listed above. You can theoretically
+simply put the command line (i.e. application path and parameters)
+into the batch file, but this is not recommended as the command
+window will stay open until KeePass is closed. The following
+method is recommended instead:
START "" KeePass.exe ..\MyDb.kdbx -pw:MySecretPw
This START command will run KeePass (which opens the
+..\MyDb.kdbx file using
+MySecretPw as password). KeePass is assumed to be in the same
+directory (working directory) as the batch file, otherwise you need to
+specify a different path.
START executes the given command line and immediately exits,
+i.e. it doesn't wait until the application is terminated. Consequently,
+the command window will disappear after KeePass has been started.
Please note the two quotes (") after the
+START command. These quotes
+are required if the application path contains quotes (in the example
+above, the quotes could also be removed).
+If you want to learn more about the START command syntax, type
+START /? into the command window.
+Closing/Locking KeePass using a Batch File
To close all currently running KeePass instances, call
+KeePass.exe with the '--exit-all' parameter:
KeePass.exe --exit-all
All KeePass windows will attempt to close. If a database has been modified,
+KeePass will ask you whether you want to save or not. If you wish to save in
+any case (i.e. a forced exit without any confirmation dialog), enable the
+'Automatically save database on exit and workspace locking' option
+in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced'.
The KeePass instance that has been created by the command above is not visible (i.e.
+it does not show a main window) and will immediately terminate after sending close
+requests to the other instances.
The --lock-all and
+--unlock-all command line options lock/unlock the workspaces
+of all other KeePass instances.
Details about how and where KeePass stores its configuration.
KeePass supports multiple locations for storing configuration information:
+the global configuration file in the KeePass application directory,
+a local user-dependent one in the user's private configuration folder, and
+an enforced configuration file in the KeePass application directory.
+The first one is called global,
+because everyone using this KeePass installation will
+write to the same configuration file (and possibly overwriting settings of other
+users). The second one is called local, because changes made to this configuration
+file only affect the current user.
+Configuration files are stored in XML format.
On Linux systems, the local configuration file is typically stored in
+'$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/KeePass' (which often is '~/.config/KeePass',
+where '~' is the user's home directory).
+Installation by Administrator, Usage by User
If you use the KeePass installer and install the program with administrator rights,
+the program directory will be write-protected when working
+as a normal/limited user. KeePass will use local configuration files, i.e. save and load
+the configuration from a file in your user directory.
Multiple users can use the locally installed KeePass. Configuration settings
+will not be shared and can be configured individually by each user.
+Portable Version
If you downloaded the portable version of KeePass (ZIP package), KeePass will
+try to store its configuration in the application directory. No configuration
+settings will be stored in the user directory (if the global configuration file is
+Create Portable Version of Installed KeePass
If you are currently using a locally installed version of KeePass
+(installed by the KeePass installer) and want to create a portable version of it,
+first copy all files of KeePass to the portable device. Then get the configuration file
+from your user directory (application data, see above) and copy it
+over the configuration file on the portable device.
This section explains in detail how loading and saving the configuration works.
When KeePass starts up and finds both global and local configuration files, it must
+decide the order in which KeePass tries to get the configuration items.
+This is controlled by the
+(Kee)PreferUserConfiguration flag in the global configuration
+file. If it is not present, it defaults to false.
The flag is set to true in the global configuration file of the
+KeePass installer package. The portable ZIP package does not contain a configuration file,
+consequently the flag defaults to false.
Try to get the configuration item from the enforced configuration file.
+If found, use this one.
If the PreferUserConfiguration flag is true, use the item from
+the local configuration file, otherwise use the item from the global one.
+If the chosen configuration file does not contain the item, use the default value.
If the PreferUserConfiguration flag is true, try to store
+all configuration items into the local configuration file.
+If this fails, report the error and try to store them into the global configuration file.
+If this fails, report the error.
If the PreferUserConfiguration flag is false, try to store
+all configuration items into the global configuration file.
+If this fails, report the error and try to store them into the local configuration file.
+If this fails, report the error.
+The path of the local configuration file can be changed
+using the '-cfg-local:' command line parameter.
diff --git a/src/Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html b/src/Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e854936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+ Acknowledgements / Credits - KeePass
Acknowledgements / Credits
Thanks to various people for contributions and/or work.
At this place I want to thank a lot of people very much for their help,
+source code, suggestions and other contributions (in no particular order).
Developing high-quality applications takes much time and resources.
+Donations make it possible to keep up the current development standard.
+Therefore, many thanks to all who donated to the project.
More information about donations and a list of people who donated
+can be found here:
+Source Code Acknowledgements
KeePass uses some classes and libraries written by different
+people and given away for free. Here I want to thank them for writing
+these classes and libraries.
Class / Library
Szymon Stefanek
C++ implementation
+of the AES/Rijndael encryption algorithm.
Niels Ferguson
C implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm.
Brian Gladman
C implementation
+of the SHA-2 (256/384/512) hashing algorithms.
Alvaro Mendez
MFC class for validating edit controls (CAMSEdit).
Many thanks to Christopher Bolin for creating the main KeePass icon
+(see top left on this page) and its
+Many thanks to Victor Andreyenkov for refining the application icons.
Many thanks to David Vignoni for creating the nice 'Nuvola' icon theme.
+Most of the icons used in KeePass and on its website are icons of this theme. You can find the
+original images on the website
+of the author, and the license below.
Furthermore, thanks to the authors of the following icons that KeePass uses:
Many thanks to all people who created translations for KeePass.
+Plugin Acknowledgements
Many thanks to all people who wrote plugins for KeePass. Without you, KeePass
+would be a lot less powerful and useful!
+Tools Acknowledgements
Thanks to Jordan Russell for creating Inno Setup. This
+tool is used to create the KeePass installation program.
Thanks to Dimitri van Heesch for the Doxygen utility, which is used to compile the source
+code documentation.
+Hosting/Distribution Acknowledgements
+Thanks to SourceForge
+for hosting the KeePass downloads / translations / plugins and for providing the
+project support platform (forums, feature requests / bug trackers, ...) for free.
+Thanks to domain)FACTORY
+for hosting the KeePass website.
+Thanks to datensysteme-lenk
+for hosting the German KeePass support forum in the past.
+Suggestions and Forum Support Acknowledgements
Thanks to all the people answering questions of others in the KeePass
+forums! A product is only as good as its support is, and I alone could
+never provide such an excellent individual help platform.
A few persons should be mentioned here, because of an extraordinary amount
+of suggestions (features, bug reports, ...) and helping others in the forums:
+Paul Tannard, Wellread1 and Michael Scheer.
+Special Acknowledgements
Thanks to Daniel Turini for suggesting "KeePass"
+as the name of the project.
An especially big thanks to Bill Rubin. He not only contributed a lot of
+source code to KeePass, he also had an enormous amount of feature and improvement suggestions,
+helped people in the KeePass forums, and wrote a KeePass plugin for backing up
+databases. He's also the reason why many of the sections in the KeePass Help
+are very precise, helpful, clear and easy to understand.
+In our countless hours long IM chats, we not only discussed much about the design
+of KeePass, Bill also told me a lot about C++ and other stuff. Thanks!
+Licenses of Components/Resources/etc.
Nuvola Icon Theme
Usage of the icons is allowed under the terms of the LGPL license (which you can find
+here: GNU Lesser General Public License), plus
+an addition.
+AUTHOR: David Vignoni | ICON KING
+SITE: http://www.icon-king.com
+MAILING LIST: http://mail.icon-king.com/mailman/listinfo/nuvola_icon-king.com
+Copyright (c) 2003-2004 David Vignoni.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+version 2.1 of the License.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library (see the the license.txt file); if not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+MA 02111-1307 USA
+#######**** NOTE THIS ADD-ON ****#######
+The GNU Lesser General Public License or LGPL is written for software libraries
+in the first place. The LGPL has to be considered valid for this artwork
+library too.
+Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x is a special kind of software library, it is an
+artwork library, it's elements can be used in a Graphical User Interface, or
+Source code, for this library means:
+ - raster png image* .
+The LGPL in some sections obliges you to make the files carry
+notices. With images this is in some cases impossible or hardly usefull.
+With this library a notice is placed at a prominent place in the directory
+containing the elements. You may follow this practice.
+The exception in section 6 of the GNU Lesser General Public License covers
+the use of elements of this art library in a GUI.
+dave [at] icon-king.com
+Date: 15 october 2004
+Version: 1.0
+Icon theme for KDE 3.x.
+Icons where designed using Adobe Illustrator, and then exported to PNG format.
+Icons shadows and minor corrections were done using Adobe Photoshop.
+Kiconedit was used to correct some 16x16 and 22x22 icons.
+Released under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
+Look at the license.txt file.
+David Vignoni
+e-mail : david [at] icon-king.com
+ICQ : 117761009
+http: http://www.icon-king.com
Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
+obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
+this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
+execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
+Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
+do so, all subject to the following:
+The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
+the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
+must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
+all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
+works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
+a source language processor.
Twofish Implementation
Fast, portable, and easy-to-use Twofish implementation,
+Version 0.3.
+Copyright (c) 2002 by Niels Ferguson.
+The author hereby grants a perpetual license to everybody to
+use this code for any purpose as long as the copyright message is included
+in the source code of this or any derived work.
SHA-2 Implementation
Copyright (c) 2003, Dr Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
+The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
+form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
+ 1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ 2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+ in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
+ 3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
+ built using this software without specific written permission.
+ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
+may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
+in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
+This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
+in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
+and/or fitness for purpose.
+Issue 01/08/2005
Copyright (c) 2004 lallous <lallousx86@yahoo.com>
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+The Original SendKeys copyright info
+SendKeys (sndkeys32.pas) routine for 32-bit Delphi.
+Written by Ken Henderson
+Copyright (c) 1995 Ken Henderson <khen@compuserve.com>
Command Line Classes
Copyright (c) 2006, Bill Rubin <rubin@contractor.net>
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of Quality Object Software, Inc., nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
Argon2 Implementation
Argon2 reference source code package - reference C implementations
+Copyright 2015
+Daniel Dinu, Dmitry Khovratovich, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, and Samuel Neves
+You may use this work under the terms of a Creative Commons CC0 1.0
+License/Waiver or the Apache Public License 2.0, at your option. The terms of
+these licenses can be found at:
+- CC0 1.0 Universal : http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
+- Apache 2.0 : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+The terms of the licenses are reproduced below.
+Creative Commons Legal Code
+CC0 1.0 Universal
+Statement of Purpose
+The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
+exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator
+and subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
+authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
+Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for
+the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and
+scientific works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear
+of later claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other
+works, reuse and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever
+and for any purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes.
+These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free
+culture and the further production of creative, cultural and scientific
+works, or to gain reputation or greater distribution for their Work in
+part through the use and efforts of others.
+For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any
+expectation of additional consideration or compensation, the person
+associating CC0 with a Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she
+is an owner of Copyright and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily
+elects to apply CC0 to the Work and publicly distribute the Work under its
+terms, with knowledge of his or her Copyright and Related Rights in the
+Work and the meaning and intended legal effect of CC0 on those rights.
+1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
+protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
+Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not
+limited to, the following:
+ i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display,
+ communicate, and translate a Work;
+ ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
+iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or
+ likeness depicted in a Work;
+ iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
+ subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
+ v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data
+ in a Work;
+ vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
+ European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
+ protection of databases, and under any national implementation
+ thereof, including any amended or successor version of such
+ directive); and
+vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the
+ world based on applicable law or treaty, and any national
+ implementations thereof.
+2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention
+of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently,
+irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of
+Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights and associated claims and causes
+of action, whether now known or unknown (including existing as well as
+future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories
+worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or
+treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future
+medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever,
+including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional
+purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes the Waiver for the benefit of each
+member of the public at large and to the detriment of Affirmer's heirs and
+successors, fully intending that such Waiver shall not be subject to
+revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or any other legal or
+equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work by the public
+as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason
+be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the
+Waiver shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into
+account Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the
+extent the Waiver is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected
+person a royalty-free, non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive,
+irrevocable and unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and
+Related Rights in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the
+maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future
+time extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number
+of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without
+limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the
+"License"). The License shall be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was
+applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the License for any
+reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such
+partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder
+of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she
+will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related
+Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims and causes of
+action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to Affirmer's
+express Statement of Purpose.
+4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
+ a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
+ surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
+ b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or
+ warranties of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied,
+ statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of
+ title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non
+ infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or
+ the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all to
+ the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
+ c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
+ that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without
+ limitation any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work.
+ Further, Affirmer disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary
+ consents, permissions or other rights required for any use of the
+ Work.
+ d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
+ party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to
+ this CC0 or use of the Work.
+ Apache License
+ Version 2.0, January 2004
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+ 1. Definitions.
+ "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+ and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+ "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+ the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+ "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+ other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+ control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+ "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+ direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+ outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+ "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+ exercising permissions granted by this License.
+ "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+ including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+ source, and configuration files.
+ "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+ transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+ not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+ and conversions to other media types.
+ "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+ Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+ copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+ (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+ "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+ form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+ editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+ represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+ of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+ separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+ the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+ "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+ the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+ to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+ submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+ or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+ the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+ means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+ to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+ communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+ and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+ Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+ excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+ designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+ "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+ on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+ subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+ 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+ publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+ Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+ 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+ this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+ worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+ (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+ use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+ where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+ by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+ Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+ with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+ institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+ or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+ or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+ granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+ Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+ modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+ meet the following conditions:
+ (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+ Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+ (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that You changed the files; and
+ (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+ that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+ attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+ excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+ the Derivative Works; and
+ (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+ distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+ include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+ within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+ pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+ of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+ as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+ documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+ within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+ wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+ of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+ do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+ notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+ or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+ that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+ as modifying the License.
+ You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+ may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+ for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+ for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+ reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+ the conditions stated in this License.
+ 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+ any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+ by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+ this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+ Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+ the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+ with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+ 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+ names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+ except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+ origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+ 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+ agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+ Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+ appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+ risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+ 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+ whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+ unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+ negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+ liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+ incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+ result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+ Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+ work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+ has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+ the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+ and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+ or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+ License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+ on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+ of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+ defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+ incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+ of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
If you like KeePass and would like to help the developers in some way:
+This is the best way of helping, if you don't have that much time or experience
+in application development.
Make a translation
+If you have some free time, you could make a translation of KeePass (of course only if you're
+language isn't offered already).
Test new releases and report bugs
+KeePass is under constant development, new features get implemented, bugs get fixed. If you
+have some free time, you could
+test new releases thoroughly and report bugs. If you're a programmer, look through the sources to
+find bugs and maybe even submit fixes.
Spread the word
+If you like KeePass, tell all your friends how great KeePass is, publish articles
+about it, press it on CDs/DVDs, ship USB sticks preinstalled with it, submit it to software
+archives, talk in forums about it, etc.!
+May KeePass be used in a company?
Yes. KeePass is free software and you don't have to pay any
+fees. You may freely use KeePass under the terms of its
But of course, if you like KeePass,
+are always greatly appreciated.
+You might be interested in this page:
+Customization (2.x).
+What about a centralized KeePass Internet server?
The idea on the first glance sounds simple and useful: there should be a centralized
+KeePass Internet server, on which all users can store their passwords. By having
+Internet connection, you'd have access to all your passwords.
Note that this idea is different from simply providing webspace. KeePass 2.x already
+supports storing databases on servers using HTTP/FTP. The point is
+having one server for all users.
When creating such a server, there are several difficulties:
A fairly complex synchronization and caching mechanism will be required.
+You won't want to transfer the complete database, otherwise the service will be unusable
+for everyone storing attachments, etc.
Directly related to the previous point: in order to do synchronization, the server needs
+to be able to read and understand databases, i.e. some dedicated KeePass server
+would need to be written. While the transport way could be secure HTTPS, the server
+certainly has some user data as plain text in memory for some time. One needs
+to be very careful here. What to do if the server gets compromised? The security
+implications would be horrible, if an attacker could read any user data.
How to avoid server compromises? If a normal Internet server is compromised,
+the security implications are minimal: in the worst case all user accounts and data for this
+website are lost. But with a KeePass server, whole identities would be lost. An attacker
+couldn't only impersonate someone on this particular server, but on the complete Internet
+and real world, depending on what is stored in the databases.
+Therefore, banking-level security systems would be required for a KeePass server.
+Keeping PHP / ASP / Linux / Windows (or whatever will be used) up-to-date definitely
+is not enough here.
Basically you offer people webspace for their databases, therefore the service
+obviously will cost something. By charging people, they expect reliability and you
+need to make up-time guarantees. Therefore, at least 2 servers are required (by
+different hosters), which need to be synchronized.
Summary: a centralized Internet server currently is out of range. If someone wants
+to start a company providing such a service, feel free to use KeePass as base
+application (of course respect the Open Source terms).
But what can and probably will be done later is a local intranet KeePass server (for
+companies for example).
+Employees could log in to the company's password server and use it. But a centralized Internet
+server – no chance.
+I've saved my options, but when I reopen KeePass I get the old options. What's wrong?
KeePass supports two different locations for storing configuration information:
+the global configuration file in the KeePass directory and a local, user-dependent
+one in the user's private configuration folder. Most likely you do not have write
+access to your global configuration file.
Symptoms: When trying to run KeePass 2.x on Windows ≤ XP,
+an error message like the following is displayed:
+"A required .DLL file, MSCOREE.DLL, was not found" or
+"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)".
Cause: KeePass 2.x requires Microsoft .NET Framework ≥ 2.0.
Resolution: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher.
+It is available as a free download from the Microsoft website:
+Microsoft .NET Framework.
+Alternatively, you can install it through
+Windows Update (the framework is an optional component).
KeePass 1.x does not require this framework.
+Why does KeePass 2.x crash when starting it from a network drive/share?
Symptoms: When trying to run KeePass 2.x from a network drive/share,
+you get an error message like the following:
+"Application has generated an exception that could not be
+handled" or
+"KeePass has encountered a problem and needs to close".
Cause: The strict default security policy by the Microsoft .NET
+Framework disallows running .NET applications from a network drive/share.
Recommended resolution: Copy/install KeePass 2.x onto a local hard
+disk, and run the copy.
Alternative, not recommended resolution:
+Configure the security policy to allow running .NET applications from
+network drives/shares. Ask your administrator to do this (administrative
+rights are required). If you have administrative rights and want to do
+it yourself, you can use the
+Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe)
+that ships with the .NET framework (helpful instructions can be found
+here and
+Does KeePass 2.x use FIPS-validated algorithm implementations?
KeePass uses many algorithms. This FAQ answer focuses on the algorithms
+used for encrypting/decrypting a database file.
+Typically, KeePass primarily uses AES-256, SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-256 and SHA-512
+here (unless the user has specified a different
+encryption algorithm or a different
+key derivation function in the
+database settings).
+For these algorithms, the .NET Framework provides classes, and KeePass
+uses these.
Since version 4.8, the .NET Framework supports using FIPS-validated
+implementations of the algorithms above
+(see 'What's new in .NET Framework 4.8').
For compatibility with older .NET Framework versions, KeePass ignores
+the FIPS mode by default. If all your PCs have the .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
+installed, you can enable the usage of FIPS-validated algorithm
+implementations by opening the 'KeePass.exe.config' file using a text editor
+and deleting the line
+'<enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false" />'.
Implementations of other algorithms (such as ChaCha20 and Argon2) are not
+FIPS-validated. If Microsoft provides validated implementations of those
+algorithms in the future, we will consider using them.
+Why doesn't the CHM help file work?
Symptoms: When trying to open the KeePass CHM help file from
+a remote computer or shared network drive, it's not displayed correctly
+(navigation aborted, ...).
+Where can I find more application icons for Windows shortcuts?
+Application icons are icons in Windows ICO format. They can be used in
+Windows shortcuts and/or as file association icons. The KeePass executable
+contains various application icons which can be used for these purposes.
+Additional application icons are available from the "Ext/Icons_*"
+directories of the KeePass source code package.
+Most of them, shown at right, are slight variations of the main KeePass icon.
+Even more, contributed icons (by users) can be found on the
+plugins page.
+If you have multiple KeePass databases, you can use differently colored KeePass
+application icons in order to distinguish them.
+These icons are not included in the binary distribution because this would make
+the application file too large.
+How can I add more client icons for password entries?
+Client icons are the icons used for password entries and groups within KeePass.
+Each entry can be assigned its own icon.
+You can import your own icons into KeePass databases. For this, click the 'Add...'
+button in the icon picker dialog.
+Supported formats are BMP, EMF, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WMF.
+This does not apply to KeePass 2.x.
+Why doesn't Auto-Type work correctly on Polish systems?
On Polish systems, the default auto-type hot key
+conflicts with a system command and is frequently used in typing.
+Therefore, auto-type is often executed accidentally.
The global auto-type hot key can be changed to a different key combination
+in the KeePass options (see
+Auto-Type for details).
+Why doesn't printing work in KeePass 1.x?
Symptoms: When trying to print a password list in KeePass 1.x,
+nothing happens after clicking OK in the 'Print Options' dialog.
Cause: KeePass 1.x uses the application associated with .html
+files to print the password list. If this application doesn't support the
+"print" shell verb (like Mozilla Firefox), nothing happens.
Resolution: Associate .html files with a different
+application that supports the "print" shell verb (like Internet Explorer).
Alternative Resolution / Workaround:
+Click 'File' → 'Print Preview' in KeePass 1.x and
+manually print the document in the application that just opened the file.
+Why does KeePass try to connect to the Internet?
KeePass has an option to automatically check for updates on each program start.
+In order to check for updates, KeePass downloads a small version information
+file and compares the available version with the installed version.
+No personal information is sent to the KeePass web server.
Automatic update checks are performed unintrusively in the background.
+A notification is only displayed when an update is available. Updates are not
+downloaded or installed automatically.
The option is disabled by default. You can enable/disable it in
+'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced'.
+Does the GUI support dark themes?
Yes. KeePass supports all system themes, including dark ones.
On Windows 11, a (dark) theme can be selected in the
+Windows Settings → 'Accessibility' → 'Contrast themes'.
On Windows 10, a (dark) theme can be selected in the
+Windows Settings → 'Ease of Access' → 'High contrast'.
On Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, a (dark) theme can be selected in the
+Windows Control Panel → 'Appearance and Personalization' → 'Personalization'.
Example (Windows 11, 'Dusk' theme):
Option 'Choose your (default app) mode' → 'Dark'.
+Windows 11 has an option 'Choose your mode' (on Windows 10, it is called
+'Choose your default app mode'), which can be set to 'Dark'.
+Note that this option applies to UWP apps only, not to regular Windows applications.
+Windows allows the UWP option to contradict the system theme
+(e.g. a light system theme may be active even when the UWP option is set to 'Dark').
+KeePass is a regular Windows application, not a UWP app,
+thus it follows the system theme, not the UWP option.
+This is the expected behavior; KeePass does not have anything to do
+with UWP options.
Custom appearance.
+If you want to change KeePass' appearance independent of the active
+system theme, you might be interested in the
+KeeTheme plugin.
+How to change the GUI font (size)?
KeePass uses the default graphical user interface (GUI) font that has
+been specified in the operating system settings.
+So, if you want to change the font (especially the size of the font)
+that KeePass uses, change it globally.
On Windows 11, the font size can be changed in the Windows Settings →
+'System' → 'Display' → 'Scale & layout' →
+option 'Scale'.
+Restart Windows after changing this option.
+Do not use the option 'Text size' (in the
+Windows Settings → 'Accessibility' → 'Vision'),
+because this option does not scale all texts properly.
On Windows 10, the font size can be changed in the Windows Settings →
+'System' → 'Display' → 'Scale & layout' →
+option 'Change the size of text, apps, and other items'.
+Restart Windows after changing this option.
+Do not use the option 'Make text bigger' (in the
+Windows Settings → 'Ease of Access' → 'Display'),
+because this option does not scale all texts properly.
On Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, the font size can be changed in the
+Windows Control Panel → 'Appearance and Personalization' → 'Display'.
On Linux systems with KDE 5 or higher, the font can be
+changed in the system settings → 'Fonts'.
On Linux systems with GNOME 3 or higher, the font can be
+changed using GNOME Tweaks → 'Fonts'.
In addition to supporting these system settings, KeePass allows
+to customize the fonts that are used in lists and for passwords
+(in the options dialog; these settings affect KeePass only,
+no other applications).
+Is Auto-Type keylogger-safe?
Is the Auto-Type feature resistant to keyloggers?
+By default: no. The Auto-Type method in KeePass 2.x works the same as the one in
+1.x and consequently is not keylogger-safe.
+However, KeePass features an alternative method called
+Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation (TCATO),
+which renders keyloggers useless. This is an opt-in feature (because it
+doesn't work with all windows) and must be enabled for entries manually.
+See the TCATO documentation for details.
+Can Auto-Type locate child controls?
No. Auto-Type only checks whether the title of the currently active top level
+window matches.
Browsers like Mozilla Firefox completely draw the window (all controls)
+themselves, without using standard Windows controls. Consequently it is
+technically impossible for KeePass to check whether a URL matches (methods
+like creating a screenshot and using optical character recognition
+are not reliable and secure). Also, it's impossible to check which child
+control currently has the focus. These problems can only be avoided by using
+browser integration plugins, i.e. not using auto-type at all.
The user must make sure that the focus
+is placed in the correct control before starting auto-type.
+Could you add the ... encryption algorithm to KeePass?
+AES (Rijndael) and ChaCha20 are supported.
+There exist various
+that provide support for additional encryption algorithms,
+including but not limited to Twofish, Serpent and GOST.
+If you'd like to implement an algorithm, have a look at the ArcFourCipher sample plugin.
+Why doesn't KeePass lock while a sub-dialog is open?
KeePass has various options to lock its workspace automatically
+(after some time of inactivity, when the computer gets locked or the user
+is switched, when the computer gets suspended, etc.).
+However, the workspace is not locked automatically while a sub-dialog
+(like the 'Edit Entry' dialog) is open.
To understand why this behavior makes sense, it is first important to know what happens
+when the workspace gets locked. When locking, KeePass completely closes the database
+and only remembers several view parameters, like the last selected group, the top visible
+entry, selected entries, etc. From a security point of view, this achieves the best
+security possible: breaking a locked workspace is equal to breaking the database itself.
Now back to the original question. Let's assume a sub-dialog is open and
+one of the events occurs that should automatically lock the workspace.
+What should KeePass do now?
+In this situation, KeePass cannot ask the user what to do,
+and must make an automatic decision. There are several possibilities:
Do not save the database and lock.
+In this case, all unsaved data of the database would be lost. This not only applies to
+the data entered in the current dialog, but to all other entries and groups
+that have been modified previously.
Save the database and lock.
+In this case, possibly unwanted changes are saved. Often you open files, try something,
+having in mind that you can just close the file without saving the changes.
+KeePass has an option 'Automatically save database when KeePass closes or the workspace
+is locked'. If this option is enabled and no sub-dialog is open, it's clear what to do:
+try to save the database and if successful: lock the workspace. But what to do with
+the unsaved changes in the sub-dialog? Should it be saved automatically, taking away the
+possibility of pressing the 'Cancel' button?
Save to a temporary file and lock.
+This appears to be the best alternative at first glance, but there are several problems with
+it, too. First of all, saving to a temporary file could fail (for example, there could be too
+few free disk space, or some other program like a virus scanner could block it).
+Secondly, saving to a temporary file isn't uncritical from a security point of view.
+When having to choose a location, typically the user's temporary directory on the hard
+disk is chosen (because it likely has enough free space, required rights for access, etc.).
+KeePass databases could be leaked and accumulated there.
+It's not clear what should happen when the computer is being shutdown or crashes while being
+locked. When the database is opened the next time, should it use the database stored in
+the temporary directory instead? What should happen if the 'real' database has been modified
+in the meanwhile (a quite realistic situation if you're carrying your database on an
+USB stick)?
Obviously, none of these alternatives is satisfactory.
+Therefore, KeePass implements the following simple and easy to understand behavior:
KeePass doesn't lock while a sub-dialog is open.
This simple concept avoids the problems above. The user is responsible for the
+state of the program.
Note that opening a sub-dialog is typically only required for
+editing something; it is not required for using
+entries, as the main window provides
+various methods for this.
Locking when Windows locks.
+On Windows XP and older, the Windows service 'Terminal Services'
+should be enabled. If this service is disabled, locking KeePass
+when Windows locks might not work. This service isn't required on newer
+operating systems.
+Printing creates a temporary file. Will it be erased securely?
KeePass creates a temporary HTML file when printing password lists and showing
+print previews. This file is securely deleted when closing the database.
You must wait for the file being printed completely before closing KeePass
+(and close the print preview before closing KeePass), otherwise it could happen
+that the printing application blocks KeePass from deleting the file.
There is no way around the temporary file in the current printing system.
+If you want to write a plugin that directly sends the data to the printer, you can
+find a plugin development tutorial here:
+KeePass 2.x Plugin Development.
+Why the estimated quality of a password suddenly drops?
For estimating the quality/strength of a password, KeePass not only uses
+statistical methods (like checking which character ranges are used,
+repeating characters and differences), it also has a built-in list of
+common passwords and checks for patterns. When completing a common password or a
+repetition, the estimated quality can drop.
+How to store and work with large amounts of (formatted) text?
+KeePass has a built-in editor that allows working conveniently with
+large amounts of (formatted) texts.
+To add a large text to an entry, import the file as attachment
+(or click 'Attach' → 'Create Empty Attachment').
+The built-in editor supports *.TXT (simple text) and *.RTF (formatted text) files.
+In order to edit an attachment, right-click onto the entry in the main window,
+point on 'Attachments' and click 'YourFile.*'. Alternatively,
+if the text file
+is the only attachment, you can open it by just double-clicking onto
+it in the main window (enable showing the attachment column in 'View' →
+'Configure Columns' → 'Attachments'). Alternatively, it's also possible to click the name of
+the attachment in the entry details view in the main window.
+For TXT files, the built-in editor supports standard operations like cut,
+copy, paste, undo, word wrap, etc. For RTF files, additionally standard formatting
+commands are available: choosing the font, font size, bold, italic, underline,
+strikeout, text and background colors, align left/center/right, etc.
+Can an e-mail address field be added?
A few times it has been requested that a standard entry field for e-mail addresses
+is added (on the main tab page in the entry editing dialog).
+The short answer: an e-mail address field will not be added
+due to usability reasons. Now the long answer.
First of all, let's assume that most of the entries stored in KeePass
+contain information for logging in to websites.
+When you register an account for a website, you often have to specify a
+user name as well as an e-mail address. When you regularly
+log in later, you usually only need to provide either user name + password
+or e-mail + password (never user name + e-mail + password).
+Here the first part (which is either user name or e-mail) serves as
+identification: you tell the website who you are.
+The second part (password) provides authentication: you prove to the
+website that you're really the one who you claim to be.
There are various methods how KeePass can transfer data to
+other applications. All of these methods by default assume that the content
+of the user name field is used for identification. For example,
+the default auto-type sequence of
+an entry is
+configuration uses the user name, etc.
+Now on the one hand some websites require an e-mail address instead
+of a user name. On the other hand we want the default data transfer configuration
+to work for most websites (such that the work that the user has to put
+into the configuration is kept minimal and only needed for
+websites using special login forms).
The solution is simple: instead of interpreting the 'User Name' field
+strictly as a field containing a user name, users should rather interpret
+it as a field in which the data required for identification is stored.
+This data can consist of a user name, an e-mail address or something else
+(e.g. an account number for an online banking website).
+By handling it like this, the default data transfer configuration will work for most
+websites, i.e. zero amount of work needs to be put into
+the configuration.
+If you had to provide both a user name and an e-mail address at
+registration time, the other information (which isn't required
+on a regular basis) can be stored e.g. in
+the notes field or a custom string field of the KeePass entry.
Now assume a separate e-mail field would be added.
+When users store both a user name and an e-mail address,
+KeePass cannot know which of the two is required for identification.
+So, in order to setup data transfer for the entry, users would be forced
+to choose which of the two fields should be used.
So, adding an e-mail field would be a step back in usability,
+because it forces users to put additional time into data transfer configuration.
+The current system ('User Name' containing identification information,
+without a separate e-mail field) doesn't require this, and thus is
+the better solution.
For users that are willing to manually configure the data transfer for each
+entry, there are multiple ways to get a separate e-mail address field.
+After switching to the 'Advanced' tab in the entry editing dialog,
+an e-mail address field can be added as custom string.
+If the field should appear on the main tab page of the dialog, the
+KPEntryTemplates plugin can be used.
KeePass can insert data stored in different
+entries into fields of an entry.
+This means that multiple entries can share a common
+field (user name, password, ...), and by changing the actual data entry,
+all other entries will also use the new value.
To create a field reference, you can either use the
+convenient field references wizard (in the entry editing window,
+click the 'Tools' button at the bottom left and select
+'Insert Field Reference'), or insert the placeholder manually
+(see the syntax below).
Note that field references are intended for referencing data stored
+in different entries. If you want to insert data from the
+same/current entry, you should use local placeholders, like
+{TITLE} and {S:FieldName};
+see Placeholders.
+Placeholder Syntax
The placeholder syntax for field references is the following:
The WantedField and SearchIn parts need to be replaced by
+1-letter codes identifying the field:
User name
Other custom strings (KeePass 2.x only)
The Text part is the search string, which describes the text(s)
+that must occur in the specified field of an entry to match.
If multiple entries match the specified search criterion, the first
+entry will be used.
+To avoid ambiguity, an entry can be identified by its UUID, which is unique.
+{REF:P@I:46C9B1FFBD4ABC4BBB260C6190BAD20C} would insert the
+password of the entry having 46C9B1FFBD4ABC4BBB260C6190BAD20C as UUID.
+Referencing fields of other entries only works with standard fields, not
+with custom user strings.
+If you want to reference a custom user string, you need
+to place a redirection in a standard field of the entry with the custom string,
+using {S:<Name>},
+and reference the standard field.
+Custom strings can locally (i.e. within an entry) be referenced using
+see the page Placeholders for details.
+You can use the O code to make KeePass search the database for
+custom string fields (to identify the referenced source entry),
+but O cannot be used to retrieve data from custom fields (i.e. the
+code can't be used as WantedField).
Let's assume you have two entries: one with title "Example Website"
+and one with "Example Forum", and you want to insert the user name
+of the website account into the URL of the forum entry. Within the forum entry's
+URL, you could reference the user name like this:
+https://forum.example.com/?user={REF:U@T:Example Website}
A short tutorial showing you the basic usage of KeePass.
This short tutorial will show you how to actually use KeePass. It describes
+only the basic usage, advanced features are covered on separate pages.
Creating a new database
The very first step is creating a new password database. KeePass will store all
+your passwords in such a database. To create one, click
+'File' → 'New...' in the main menu or click the leftmost toolbar button.
+A window will appear, which prompts you for a master password and/or key file.
+The database will be encrypted with the password you enter here. The password
+you enter here will be the only password you'll ever have to remember from on
+now. It should be long and built up of mixed characters. Keep in mind that when
+someone gets your database file and guesses the password, he could access all
+passwords you stored in the database.
For this tutorial, we'll just use a password, not a key file. Click into the password edit
+field and enter a password of your choice. The password edit control isn't limited in length, so
+feel free to even enter a whole sentence (just keep in mind that you'll need to
+remember it).
+After clicking [OK], a second dialog appears. In this dialog you can configure
+some generic database properties. For now, just leave everything as it is and
+click [OK].
Now you see the main window. On the left, you see the entry groups. On the
+right, you see the actual password entries. The password entries are
+grouped together into the password groups you see on the left. So, depending
+on which group on the left you selected, it'll show you the entries in this group
+in the right view. KeePass has created a few default groups for you, but you're
+totally free to delete them and create your own ones.
Adding an entry
Time to store your very first password in the KeePass database! Right-click
+into the right password entry view and choose 'Add Entry...'. A window
+will pop up. In this window you can now edit your entry: enter a title for
+it, a user name, a URL, the password, etc. If you don't need some of the
+fields, just leave them empty. When you're done, click [OK].
Using entries
Your new entry is displayed in the
+main entry list now.
+There are various ways how you can use it.
For example, you can copy the user name of the entry into the clipboard.
+In order to invoke the 'Copy User Name' command, double-click onto the
+user name cell in the main entry list.
+Alternatively, the command can be invoked via the main menu,
+the context menu, the toolbar button, or by pressing
+When the user name is in the clipboard, you can paste it into the
+target window.
Copying passwords and other fields works analogously.
Alternatively, you can drag&drop fields into other windows.
+For details, see Drag&Drop.
Saving the database
It's time to save your database. Click onto the 'Save' toolbar button
+(which has a disk icon).
That's it! You've made the first steps in using KeePass! You can now have a look
+at the more advanced features of KeePass.
Passwords and Key Files: In the tutorial above we've encrypted
+the database using a password. But KeePass also supports key files, i.e. you can
+lock your database using a file (which you can carry around on your USB stick
+for example). It even supports combining those two methods for maximum security.
TAN Entries: TAN entries are one-time passwords. Many
+banks are using TANs for better security. KeePass supports TAN entries, by
+making them expire automatically when using them.
Auto-Type: The auto-typing functionality is a very
+powerful feature. In the tutorial above you've copied the user name and password
+of an entry to the clipboard. Wouldn't it be nice if KeePass would just type
+those strings for you into other windows? Wouldn't it be nice if you could define
+whole sequences of keypresses that KeePass should type for you? That's exactly
+what the auto-type feature does: it sends simulated keypresses for you to
+other windows!
URL Field: The URL field supports URLs
+of course. In the tutorial, you've learned that you can enter simple URLs into
+this field and KeePass will open the browser window for you. But the URL field
+can do more! It actually supports many different protocols (not just http)
+and supports executing
+Windows command lines through the cmd:// virtual protocol. The
+field also features a powerful substitution engine, replacing codes
+by other fields (user name, password, ...) of this entry.
Command Line Parameters: You can open .kdb(x) files by
+passing the file name to the KeePass executable file. But did you know that you can
+also send the password for the database and key file location over the command line?
+You can also use the command line to preselect a key file for you.
+KeePass features a powerful plugin architecture.
+If you miss some functionality, have a look at the plugins page to see if there
+are other people that have already written plugins for this. Many plugins exist
+to import/export data from/to other file formats.
Unfortunately there isn't any standard password database format. Every password
+manager uses its own file format. Anyway, almost all support exporting to CSV or XML
+files. This sounds good at first glance, but CSV and XML files aren't specialized password
+database formats, they only specify a low-level layout of the stored data (for CSV: data fields
+are separated by commas; for XML: hierarchical form using tags). These formats do not
+specify the high-level arrangement of the data (for CSV: order/meaning of the fields; for
+XML: tag names and structure). Because of this, many users are confused when application #1
+exports data to CSV/XML and application #2 can't read the CSV/XML file, although it claims
+that it can read those files.
This help page details the expected CSV and XML file formats. Knowing the formats which
+KeePass expects, you can reformat CSV and XML files exported by other password managers to
+match the KeePass formats. CSV files can be reformatted using e.g. LibreOffice Calc
+(see below).
+XML files can be reformatted using an XML editor.
KeePass can import many password database formats directly (see top of this page).
+Additionally, there are specialized KeePass
+plugins available
+for importing more formats (like AnyPassword CSV, Oubliette files, PINs TXT, ZSafe files,
+and many more). Using these plugins, you don't need to manually reformat the output of
+other password managers; you can directly import the exported files.
If no import plugin exists for importing data from your previous password manager,
+feel free to post a request for it in the
+KeePass Feature Requests Tracker
+or in the
+Discussion forum.
+File Format: CSV (KeePass 1.x)
KeePass imports and exports data from/to CSV files in the following format:
The 'Account' field in a CSV file corresponds to the title field of
+a KeePass entry, 'Login Name' corresponds to the user name,
+'Web Site' corresponds to the URL, and 'Comments' correspond to the notes.
+The CSV field names differ from the KeePass entry field names
+in order to ensure the compatibility with certain other applications.
For a detailed example, download this file:
+This file is zipped only in order to ensure correct encoding (if not zipped, browsers or
+download managers could automatically convert the file to a different encoding). When importing
+a CSV file, it must not be zipped!
Important notes about the format:
The file must be encoded using UTF-8 (Unicode). Other encodings are not supported.
CSV files only support the following fields: title, user name, password, URL and notes.
+Other fields like last entry modification time, expiration time, icon, entry file attachments,
+etc. are not supported. If you want to transfer such information, you have to use
+a different format (like XML).
All fields must be enclosed in quotes ("). These quotes are mandatory, unquoted fields are not allowed.
Quotes (") in strings are encoded as \" (two characters).
+Backslashes (\) are encoded as \\.
Multiline comments are realized through normal line breaks. Encoding line breaks
+by \n is not supported.
Microsoft Excel by default does not enclose fields in quotes (").
+It is recommended that you use
+LibreOffice Calc
+to create a correct CSV file (see below), or use the Generic CSV Importer
+of KeePass 2.x (import your CSV file into KeePass 2.x, then export the data to a
+KeePass 1.x KDB file), or fix the CSV file by manually adding the quotes using a text editor.
If you want to transfer data between KeePass 1.x databases, you must
+not change the default export options of KeePass.
+Do not export additional fields or uncheck any options, otherwise
+KeePass will not be able to re-import the CSV file, because it does not comply to the
+specification above any more.
Using LibreOffice Calc to create a CSV file:
+LibreOffice Calc
+can be used to create CSV files that can be imported correctly into KeePass. Follow these steps:
Make sure you got 5 columns as described above.
Select everything, right-click and select 'Format Cells'. In the dialog, choose Text
+as category. Click [OK].
Go 'File' → 'Save As...', choose a location and the
+'Text CSV' file type, and make sure that the check box
+'Edit Filter Settings' is enabled. Click the 'Save' button.
Choose 'Unicode (UTF-8)' as character set. The field separator must be set to a comma.
+The text separator must be ". Make sure that the
+'Quote all text cells' option is checked, and that the 'Fixed column width'
+option is not checked. Click [OK].
+File Format: XML (KeePass 1.x)
This section describes the KeePass 1.x XML format. Note that this format
+is different from the XML format used by KeePass 2.x (anyway, KeePass 2.x
+can import KeePass 1.x XML files).
You can download a detailed XML sample file here:
+This file is zipped only in order to ensure correct encoding (if not zipped, browsers or
+download managers could automatically convert the file to a different encoding). When importing
+a XML file, it of course must not be zipped!
Important notes about the format:
The files must be encoded using UTF-8 (Unicode). Other encodings are not supported.
The following five entities must be encoded: < > & " '. They are encoded
+by < > & " '.
The UUID is a hex-encoded 16-byte string (i.e. an 32 ANSI hex
+character string in the XML file). It
+is unique (also across multiple databases) and can be used to identify entries.
Dates/times are encoded in the standard date/time XML format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss):
+first the date in form YYYY-MM-DD, a 'T' character, and the
+time in form HH:mm:ss.
+Generic CSV Importer
KeePass 2.x features a generic CSV importer.
+This tool can import almost all CSV formats. The CSV
+files are loaded and you can manually specify the encoding / character set, assign columns
+to data fields, and specify how the low-level structure looks like (usage of quotes, etc.).
To start the generic CSV file importer, click 'File' → 'Import' and
+choose 'Generic CSV Importer'.
Details about the generic CSV importer (with descriptions of the
+options, examples, etc.) can be found on the
+Generic CSV Importer help page.
+How to Import CodeWallet TXT
CodeWallet is a password manager that supports different card types (fields).
+KeePass cannot know which of the CodeWallet fields correspond to the KeePass
+standard fields (title, user name, ...), because they don't have fixed names (language-dependent,
+user-customizable, ...).
+Therefore all fields from the CodeWallet file are imported into custom string fields
+of KeePass entries. After importing the file, you can move some of the strings
+to the correct standard fields (by clicking the 'Move' button on the second tab page
+of the entries dialog.
+How to Import PINs TXT
In order to successfully import a PINs TXT file, you need to do the following:
Switch PINs language to 'English'.
In PINs export dialog: Enable all fields.
In PINs export dialog: Set separator to 'tab'.
In PINs export dialog: Enable 'Quote texts'.
After exporting a TXT file using the settings above, import it using
+'File → Import' in KeePass 2.x.
+How to Import Data from RoboForm
Export your logins to a HTML file. To do this, open
+RoboForm's Passcard Editor ('Edit Passcards' or 'RoboForm Editor'
+in the Windows start menu)
+and in the editor's main menu go 'Passcard' → 'Print List'
+(in newer versions you have to click the 'RoboForm' button and go
+'Print List' → 'Logins'). In the
+dialog that opens, click the 'Save' button. Choose a location and file name,
+and click 'Save'.
Open your KeePass 2.x database file and go 'File' → 'Import'.
+Choose 'RoboForm HTML' as format and select the HTML file you just exported,
+then click 'OK'.
+How to Import Data from Steganos Password Manager 2007
Warning! It is possible that the transfer fails and that KeePass accidently
+overwrites your existing passwords in Steganos Password Manager. Therefore, back up your
+SEF file before starting the import! In any case you should restore your passwords by
+restoring the backup you just created after the import process! Even if you think
+KeePass hasn't changed anything, restore from the backup!
Unfortunately Steganos Password Manager (SPM) lacks any form of export functionality. As the
+SEF file format (in which the data is stored) is proprietary and no specification
+is available, KeePass needs to try to get all the data out of the windows of
The import process works as follows. First you start SPM and open your password
+database. The main password management window should be open (i.e. the one which lists
+your items in the middle of the screen, and got toolbar-like buttons at the top). Make
+sure that all your items are displayed in the list (select the correct filter in
+the combobox above the item list).
Now switch to KeePass 2.x and open your KeePass database. Go File → Import and
+choose Steganos Password Manager 2007. Click [OK]. Now read the rest before continuing.
After pressing the [Yes] button in the KeePass import confirmation dialog, you got
+10 seconds to switch to the SPM window. Select the very first entry within the SPM window
+(but do not open it, just select it). This is important! The first entry must have the
+keyboard focus and must be selected.
When the 10 seconds are over, KeePass will start importing. You will see how
+KeePass opens the SPM items, copies the data, closes the item's window, select the
+next item, etc. Everything goes automatic now and you can just sit back and watch.
+Sometimes Windows playes a ding sound, this is normal.
Note that it can take quite some time to import your items. Do not do
+anything while KeePass is importing! One single mouse click or keypress can ruin the
+complete import process.
The last item will be scanned twice. When completed, KeePass will
+show a message "The import process has finished!".
It is possible that KeePass failed to import some items (mainly caused by SPM's
+unpredictable slow response times). It is highly recommended that you compare each of
+the entries.
In KeePass 2.x, there is an option 'Additionally export parent groups'
+in the export dialog.
+If this option is turned on, the parent groups of the selected groups/entries
+are exported, too (all up to the root group of the database).
+Unselected groups/entries in parent groups are not exported.
If the selected file format does not support groups, the option
+has no effect.
+When exporting the whole database (via 'File' → 'Export') or the
+root group, the option is disabled, because the root group has no parent
Properties of the parent groups (icons, notes, auto-type settings, etc.)
+are exported, if the selected file format supports them.
+When importing a file, the properties of the groups in the current database
+may be overwritten by the properties of the groups in the file
+(depending on the import mode and the last modification times).
+Assume that the user selects the entry 'Entry B' that is stored in
+the groups 'Group 1' → 'Group 1.2' of a database.
Root Group
Group 1
Group 1.1
Group 1.2
Group 2
User Name
Entry A
Entry B
Entry C
Exporting the selected entry (via 'Entry' → 'Data Exchange' →
+'Export Entry') to a KDBX database file without turning on the option results in:
Root Group
User Name
Entry B
In contrast, exporting the selected entry to a KDBX database file with
+the option turned on results in:
Today, you have to remember many passwords. You need a password for a lot of
+websites, your e-mail account, your webserver, network logins, etc.
+The list is endless.
+Also, you should use a different password for each account, because
+if you would use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password,
+you would have a problem: the thief would have access to all of your
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage
+your passwords in a secure way. You can store all your passwords in one
+database, which is locked with a
+master key. So you only have to remember one
+single master key to unlock the whole database. Database files are
+using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known
+(AES-256, ChaCha20 and Twofish).
The database consists of only one file, so it can be transferred
+easily from one computer to another.
+Data can also be imported/exported
+from/to various other formats
+(import from more than 40 different formats of other password managers,
+generic CSV importer,
+...). Of course, printing entries is supported, too.
KeePass supports groups, which allow you to organize your entries
+conveniently. For quickly locating specific entries, there are search
There are various methods for transferring entry data (like user names
+and passwords) from KeePass to other applications
+drag&drop, etc.). The powerful
+auto-type feature can simulate keypresses.
KeePass has a strong password generator
+(you can define allowed characters, length, generation rules, ...).
The program features a plugin architecture. Plugins can add features
+in many areas (integration, transfer, backup, network, even more
+import/export formats, and much more).
As KeePass is open source,
+you can have a look at its full source code and check whether the security
+features are implemented correctly.
This documentation applies to
+KeePass 2.x.
To quickly switch back from an application to KeePass, you can use the
+global hot key that restores the KeePass main window.
If you have multiple instances of KeePass running, pressing the global hot
+key will restore the first instance that has been started.
The global hot key is Ctrl+Alt+K.
+The hot key can freely be changed to a different key combination
+(or disabled) in the 'Options' dialog, tab page 'Integration'.
+Limit to Single Instance Option
If you enable the 'Limit to Single Instance' option, at most one KeePass instance can
+be running at a time. If you try to start a second KeePass instance, it is
+immediately terminated, and the first instance is brought to
+the foreground.
+KeePass 2.x can open multiple databases in one instance/window (a tab bar appears,
+which allows you to conveniently switch between the databases).
+When multiple databases are opened in one instance and you press the
+global auto-type hot key, auto-type searches in all opened databases for
+matching entries. Note that only exactly one KeePass instance can register
+the global hot key; so when you disable the single instance option and
+open databases in different instances, only the first instance searches
+for matching entries when global auto-type is invoked, not the others.
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+ Master Key - KeePass
Your KeePass database file is encrypted using a master key.
+This master key can consist of multiple components:
+a master password, a key file and/or a key that is protected
+using the current Windows user account.
For opening a database file, all components of the
+master key are required.
If you forget/lose any of the master key components (or forget the
+composition), all data stored in the database is lost.
+There is no backdoor and no universal key that can open your database.
+Master Password
If you use a master password, you only have to remember one password or
+passphrase (which should be good!) to open your database.
KeePass features a protection against brute-force and dictionary attacks;
+see the security help page
+for details.
+Key File
A key file is a file that contains a key (and possibly additional data,
+e.g. a hash that allows to verify the integrity of the key).
+The file extension typically is 'keyx' or 'key'.
A key file must not be modified, otherwise you cannot open your database
+anymore. If you want to use a different key file, open the dialog for
+changing the master key (via 'File' → 'Change Master Key')
+and create/select the new key file.
Two-factor protection.
+A key file is something that you must have in order to be able
+to open the database
+(in contrast to a master password, which you must know).
+If you use both a key file and a master password, you have a two-factor
+protection: possession and knowledge.
+As mentioned above, the idea of a key file is that you have
+something. If an attacker obtains both your database file and your
+key file, then the key file provides no protection.
+Therefore, the two files must be stored in different locations.
+For example, you could store the key file on a separate USB stick.
Hiding the location.
+The key file content must be kept secret, not its location
+(file path/name).
+Trying to hide the key file (e.g. by storing it among
+a thousand other files, in the hope that an attacker does not know which
+file is the correct one) typically does not increase the security, because
+it is easy to find out the correct file (e.g. by inspecting the last access
+times of files, lists of recently used files of the operating system,
+file system auditing logs, anti-virus software logs, etc.).
+KeePass has an option for remembering the paths of key files,
+which is turned on by default; turning it off typically just decreases
+the usability without increasing the security.
+You should create a backup of your key file (onto an independent data
+storage device).
+If your key file is an XML file (which is the default), you can also create
+a backup on paper (KeePass 2.x provides a command for printing a key file
+backup in the menu 'File' → 'Print').
+In any case, the backup should be stored in a secure location, where only
+you and possibly a few other people that you trust have access to.
+More details about backing up a key file can be found in the
+KeePass supports the following key file formats:
XML (recommended, default).
+There is an XML format for key files.
+KeePass 2.x uses this format by default, i.e. when creating a key file
+in the master key dialog, an XML key file is created.
+The syntax and the semantics of the XML format allow to detect certain
+corruptions (especially such caused by faulty hardware or transfer problems),
+and a hash (in XML key files version 2.0 or higher) allows to
+verify the integrity of the key.
+This format is resistant to most encoding and new-line character changes
+(which is useful for instance when the user is opening and saving the
+key file or when transferring it from/to a server).
+Such a key file can be printed (as a backup on paper),
+and comments can be added in the file (with the usual XML syntax:
+<!-- ... -->).
+It is the most flexible format; new features can be added easily
+in the future.
32 bytes.
+If the key file contains exactly 32 bytes, these are used as
+a 256-bit cryptographic key.
+This format requires the least disk space.
+If the key file contains exactly 64 hexadecimal characters
+(0-9 and A-F, in UTF-8/ASCII encoding, one line, no spaces),
+these are decoded to a 256-bit cryptographic key.
+If a key file does not match any of the formats above,
+its content is hashed using a cryptographic hash function
+in order to build a key (typically a 256-bit key with SHA-256).
+This allows to use arbitrary files as key files.
+You can use one key file for multiple database files.
+This can be convenient, but please keep in mind that when an
+attacker obtains your key file, you have to change the master keys
+of all database files protected with this key file.
+In order to reuse an existing key file, click on the 'Browse' button
+in the master key creation dialog.
+Windows User Account
+KeePass can make the database dependent on the current Windows user
+account. If you enable this option, you can only open the database when
+you are logged in as the same Windows user when creating the database.
+Be very careful with using this option. If your Windows user account
+gets deleted, you won't be able to open your KeePass database anymore.
+Also, when using this option at home and your computer breaks (hard disk
+damaged), it is not
+enough to just create a new Windows account on the new installation with the
+same name and password;
+you need to copy the complete account (i.e. SID, ...). This is not
+a simple task, so if you don't know how to do this, it is highly recommended
+that you don't enable this option.
+Detailed instructions how to recover a Windows user account can be found here:
+Recover Windows User Account Credentials
+(a short technical tutorial can be found in a Microsoft TechNet article:
+How to recover a Vault corrupted by lost DPAPI keys).
+You can change the password of the Windows user account freely;
+this does not affect the KeePass database.
+Note that changing the password (e.g. a user using the Control Panel
+or pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del
+and selecting 'Change Password') and
+resetting it to a new one (e.g. an administrator using a
+NET USER <User><NewPassword>
+command) are two different things.
+After changing your password, you can still open your KeePass database.
+When resetting the password to a new one, access usually is not possible
+anymore (because the user's DPAPI keys are lost), but there are exceptions
+(for example when the user is in a domain, Windows can retrieve the user's DPAPI keys
+from a domain controller, or a home user can use a previously created
+Password Reset Disk).
+Details can be found in the MSDN article
+Windows Data Protection and in the support article
+How to troubleshoot the Data Protection API (DPAPI).
+If you decide to use this option, it is highly recommended not to rely
+on it exclusively, but to additionally use one of the other two options (password
+or key file).
+Protection using user accounts is unsupported on Windows 98 / ME.
+For Administrators: Specifying Minimum Properties of Master Keys
Administrators can specify a minimum length
+and/or the minimum estimated quality that master passwords must have in
+order to be accepted. You can tell KeePass
+to check these two minimum requirements by adding/editing
+appropriate definitions in the
+INI/XML configuration file.
+The value of the
+Security/MasterPassword/MinimumLength node specifies
+the minimum master password length (in characters). For example, by setting
+it to 10, KeePass will only accept
+master passwords that consist of at least 10 characters.
+The value of the
+Security/MasterPassword/MinimumQuality node specifies
+the minimum estimated quality (in bits) that master passwords must have.
+For example, by setting it to 80, only master passwords
+with an estimated quality of at least 80 bits will be accepted.
+The Security/MasterKeyExpiryRec node can be set to an
+XSD date or an XSD duration (see
+XSD Date and Time Data Types).
+If the master key has not been changed since the specified date or
+if the time span between now and the last master key change exceeds
+the specified duration, KeePass recommends to change it.
+This setting applies to all databases that are opened with this
+KeePass instance; a master key expiry can also be configured for
+each database individually (in 'File' → 'Database Settings' →
+tab 'Advanced').
+By specifying KeyCreationFlags and/or KeyPromptFlags
+(in the UI node), you can force states (enabled, disabled,
+checked, unchecked) of key source controls in the master key creation and
+prompt dialogs. These values can be bitwise combinations of one or more of
+the following flags:
Flag (Hex)
Flag (Dec)
Don't force any states (default).
Enable password.
Enable key file.
Enable user account.
Enable 'hide password' button.
Disable password.
Disable key file.
Disable user account.
Disable 'hide password' button.
Check password.
Check key file.
Check user account.
Check 'hide password' option/button.
Uncheck password.
Uncheck key file.
Uncheck user account.
Uncheck 'hide password' option/button.
+The values of KeyCreationFlags and KeyPromptFlags
+must be specified in decimal notation.
+For example, if you want to enforce using the user account option, you could
+check and disable the control (such that the user can't uncheck it anymore)
+by specifying 263168 as value (0x40000 + 0x400 = 0x40400 = 263168).
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+ LGPL License - KeePass
LGPL License
GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+ This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+ We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+ To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+ Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+ Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+ When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+ We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+ For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+ In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+ Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+ A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+ The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+ "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+ b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+ charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+ d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+ table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+ the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+ is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+ in the event an application does not supply such function or
+ table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+ its purpose remains meaningful.
+ (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+ a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+ application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+ application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+ be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+ root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+ Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+ This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+ 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+ If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+ However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+ When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+ If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+ Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+ 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+ You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+ a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+ machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+ changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+ Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+ with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+ uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+ user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+ executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
+ that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+ Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+ to use the modified definitions.)
+ b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+ copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+ rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+ will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+ the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+ interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+ c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+ least three years, to give the same user the materials
+ specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+ than the cost of performing this distribution.
+ d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+ from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+ specified materials from the same place.
+ e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+ materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+ For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+ It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+ 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+ based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+ facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
+ Sections above.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+ that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+ where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+ 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+ 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+ 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+ 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+ 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+ If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+ To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
Both KeePass 1.x and 2.x allow multiple users working with one database,
+which is typically stored on a shared network drive or a file server.
All users use the same master password and/or key file to open the
+database. There are no per-group or per-entry access control lists (ACLs).
In order to restrict write access to the database file (i.e. only a select
+set of users may change the stored data), use file system access rights.
+KeePass 1.x: Office-Style Locking
+With KeePass 1.x, a database can be stored on a shared network drive and used by multiple
+users. When a user tries to open a database that is already opened by
+someone else, a prompt asks whether to open the database in read-only
+or normal mode (see image on the right).
+By opening a database in normal mode, the current user takes ownership
+of the file (i.e. subsequent opening attempts will show the current user
+as owner).
+KeePass 1.x does not provide synchronization, i.e. by saving the database you
+are saving your current data to disk. If another user has changed an entry
+in the meanwhile (i.e. since you loaded the database), these changes are overwritten.
If you want to use KeePass 1.x with a database on a shared network drive, it
+is recommended to let an administrator write to the database and let
+users only read it (ensure this using file system access rights).
+By using the -readonly command line switch,
+KeePass will automatically open
+a given database in read-only mode (i.e. not show the mode prompt). Users
+would open the database using a shortcut that contains this command line
If there is no central administrator managing the database, users need to
+be careful to not overwrite each others changes.
+KeePass 2.x: Synchronize or Overwrite
+With KeePass 2.x, a database can be stored on a shared network drive and used by multiple
+users. When attempting to save, KeePass first checks whether the file on disk has been
+modified since it was loaded. If yes, KeePass asks whether to synchronize or
+overwrite the file (see image on the right).
+By synchronizing, changes made by other users (file on disk)
+and changes made by the current user are merged.
+After the synchronization process has finished,
+the current user also sees the changes made by others (i.e. the data in the
+current KeePass instance is up-to-date).
+If there is a conflict (multiple users edited the same
+entry), KeePass uses the latest version of the entry based on the last
+modification time.
Note: the synchronize prompt is only triggered by the 'Save' command,
+not by the 'Save As' command. When executing the 'Save As' command and
+manually selecting a file, this file will always be overwritten.
KeePass uses the abbreviation "Spr" for "String placeholder replacement".
+An Spr-compiled field is a field where placeholders are replaced
+when performing an action with this field (like copying it to the
+clipboard, sending it using auto-type, etc.).
References in a field to (parts of) the field itself are
+unsupported. For example, the {URL:HOST} placeholder
+cannot be used in the URL field (but it can be used in the
+'Override URL' field).
+Entry Field Placeholders
User name
+Custom strings can be referenced using {S:Name}.
+For example, if you have a custom string named "eMail",
+you can use the placeholder {S:eMail}.
Is Replaced By
Entry URL without scheme name.
Scheme name of the entry URL.
Host component of the entry URL.
Port number of the entry URL.
Path component of the entry URL.
Query information of the entry URL.
User information of the entry URL.
User name of the entry URL.
Password of the entry URL.
UUID of the entry (32 hexadecimal characters).
+An example for the {URL:...} placeholders can be found below.
+Entry Field References
Fields of other entries can be inserted using
+Field References.
+Paths and Date/Time Placeholders
Is Replaced By
Path to Microsoft Edge, if installed.
Path to Mozilla Firefox, if installed.
Path to Google Chrome (or Chromium
+on Unix-like systems), if installed.
Path to Internet Explorer, if installed.
Path to Opera, if installed.
Path to Safari, if installed.
Is Replaced By
KeePass application directory path.
Is Replaced By
Name of the entry's parent group.
Full path of the entry's parent group.
Notes of the entry's parent group.
Name of the group that is currently selected in the main window.
Full path of the group that is currently selected in the main window.
Notes of the group that is currently selected in the main window.
Full path of the current database.
Directory of the current database.
File name (including extension) of the current database.
File name (excluding extension) of the current database.
File name extension of the current database.
Directory separator ('\' on Windows, '/' on Unix).
This is
+%ProgramFiles(x86)%, if it exists, otherwise %ProgramFiles%.
Is Replaced By
Current local date/time as a simple,
+sortable string. For example, for 2012-07-25 17:05:34 the value is 20120725170534.
Year component of the current local date/time.
Month component of the current local date/time.
Day component of the current local date/time.
Hour component of the current local date/time.
Minute component of the current local date/time.
Second component of the current local date/time.
Current UTC date/time as a simple, sortable string.
Year component of the current UTC date/time.
Month component of the current UTC date/time.
Day component of the current UTC date/time.
Hour component of the current UTC date/time.
Minute component of the current UTC date/time.
Second component of the current UTC date/time.
+Environment Variables
System environment variables are supported.
+The name of the variable must be enclosed in '%' characters.
+For example %TEMP% is replaced by the user's temporary path.
+Text Transformations
Searches the regular expression Search in Text
+and replaces all matches by Replace.
+See below.
+{T-REPLACE-RX:/Text/Search/Replace/} – Replace
+Using Regular Expression:
+This placeholder searches the
+regular expressionSearch in Text
+and replaces all matches by Replace.
+All parameters are Spr-compiled, i.e. placeholders can be used within them.
+The first character after the first ':' specifies the
+separator character. Any character except '}' can be used as separator
+It must not appear within the parameters.
+For example,
+{T-REPLACE-RX:/A/B/C/} and
+{T-REPLACE-RX:!A!B!C!} are equivalent.
+The last separator character (before the '}') is required.
+Usage example.
+Let the user name field contain the e-mail address 'myname@example.com' and
+the URL field '{T-REPLACE-RX:!{USERNAME}!.*@(.*)!https://$1!}'.
+When running the URL field, KeePass opens
+{T-CONV:/Text/Type/} – Convert:
+This placeholder converts Text to Type.
+All parameters are Spr-compiled, i.e. placeholders can be used within them.
+Supported types are:
Upper or U:
Lower or L:
+Let the user name of an entry be 'Bob' and
+the URL 'https://example.com/?user={T-CONV:/{USERNAME}/L/}'.
+When running the URL, KeePass opens
+The Base64 encoding of the UTF-8 representation of the text.
+The Hex encoding of the UTF-8 representation of the text.
+The URI-escaped representation of the text.
+The URI-unescaped representation of the text.
+Spr-compiles Text without encoding the result for the current context.
+Let the user name of an entry be '+'.
+The auto-type sequence '{USERNAME}a' results in the text
+'+a', whereas the auto-type sequence
+'{T-CONV:/{USERNAME}/Raw/}a' results in the text
+(because this placeholder inserts '+' into the auto-type
+sequence without encoding it, and
+'+a' means to press Shift+A,
+which results in the text 'A').
+Other Placeholders
Shows a dialog to pick certain characters from an entry string.
+See below.
Shows a dialog to pick a field
+whose value will be inserted.
+{PICKCHARS} – Picking Characters:
+The {PICKCHARS} placeholder shows a dialog, in which you can
+pick characters of an entry string (like the password) at certain positions.
+{PICKCHARS} without any parameters lets you pick an arbitrary
+amount of characters from the password of the entry.
+A different entry string can be specified by appending a ':'
+and the name of the field; e.g. {PICKCHARS:UserName}.
+The names of the standard fields are Title, UserName (without a space),
+Password, URL and Notes. A custom entry string can
+be referenced by its name (without an S: prefix).
+Additionally, the placeholder supports various (optional!) options. Options are appended
+after the field name, separated by a ':'. If you want to specify
+multiple options, separate them by a comma ','. Options are
+key-value pairs, separated by a '='. The following options
+are supported:
ID: Specifies an alphanumeric ID for the placeholder (see below).
C or Count: Specifies the number of characters to pick from
+the string. When enough characters have been picked,
+the dialog closes automatically (i.e. you don't need to manually click [OK]
Hide: If set to False, the picked characters in the dialog
+are shown as plain text by default, i.e. not hidden by asterisks.
+By default, KeePass uses the hiding setting of passwords in the main window.
Conv: Specifies how to convert the picked characters.
+When this parameter is omitted, no conversion is performed, i.e. the selected
+characters are auto-typed directly. The option supports the following values:
D: Convert the picked characters to down arrow keypresses; e.g.
+'2', 'c' and 'C' are converted to 2 down arrow keypresses.
+A fixed number of
+down arrow keypresses can be added by specifying them using the Conv-Offset
+option. For example, if you specify Conv=D, Conv-Offset=1,
+then '2', 'c' and 'C' are converted to 3 down arrow keypresses.
+By using the Conv-Fmt option, you can specify the layout of comboboxes.
+By default, KeePass assumes a combobox containing values from 0 to 9 or from A to Z.
+If the combobox contains values 0-9A-Z (i.e. first all ten digits, immediately followed
+by all characters from A to Z), specify Conv=D, Conv-Fmt=0A.
+Similarly, if it contains values A-Z0-9, specify Conv=D, Conv-Fmt=A0.
+If digits start with 1 instead of 0 (i.e. the 0 appears after the 9), use
+1A and A1 instead of 0A and A0.
+If the combobox contains values 0-9A-Za-z (i.e. case-sensitive characters),
+specify 0Aa. All combinations of '0', 'A',
+'a' and '?' are supported.
+If 'A' and 'a' are not specified both,
+characters are treated as case-insensitive.
+'?' skips a combobox item.
+If you want to show the character picking dialog multiple times within one sequence,
+assign different IDs to the placeholders.
+If an ID is specified multiple times (or no ID is specified
+and the placeholders are the same),
+KeePass shows the character picking dialog once and reuses the picked characters
+in all following placeholders with the same ID.
+Usage examples:
+First a dialog is shown in which the user can pick exactly 5 characters
+from the entry password.
+Afterwards KeePass types the user name into the target window, presses
+Tab, types the 5 picked characters and presses
+{S:Memorable}{TAB}{PICKCHARS:Password:ID=1, C=1, Conv=D,
+Conv-Offset=1}{TAB}{PICKCHARS:Password:ID=2, C=1, Conv=D,
+Conv-Offset=1}{TAB}{PICKCHARS:Password:ID=3, C=1, Conv=D,
+First the character picking dialog is shown three times and each time the user
+can pick exactly one character from the entry password.
+Afterwards the auto-type process starts:
+KeePass types the contents of a custom entry string named "Memorable"
+into the target window.
+The focus is switched to the next control by pressing Tab,
+and the first previously picked character is converted to
+down arrow keypresses (with one additional keypress; e.g. a '1' is converted
+to two down arrow keypresses).
+This is repeated two more times with the other picked characters,
+and finally Enter is pressed.
+Note this is not equivalent to picking three characters at once.
+If you'd use {S:Memorable}{TAB}{PICKCHARS:Password:C=3, Conv=D, Conv-Offset=1},
+all the down arrow keypresses are sent to the same, currently active control.
+In some browsers (e.g. Opera), setting the focus to a combobox can
+be slow. If you experience auto-type failures, consider slowing down
+the focus changes, e.g. by adding {DELAY 250} after each {TAB},
+or slowing down the whole sequence, e.g. by prepending {DELAY=150}.
+– Generating New Passwords:
+The {NEWPASSWORD} placeholder
+generates a new password for the current entry, based on the 'Automatically
+generated passwords for new entries' generator profile.
+This placeholder is evaluated only once in an auto-type process, i.e.
+for a typical 'Old Password' - 'New Password' - 'Repeat New Password'
+dialog you can use
+as auto-type sequence.
+In order to use a different password generator profile, use
+{NEWPASSWORD:/Profile/}, where Profile
+is the name of the profile.
+If the specified profile cannot be found, the
+'Automatically generated passwords for new entries' profile is used.
+When specifying '~' as name of the profile
+(i.e. when using the placeholder {NEWPASSWORD:/~/}), KeePass derives
+a profile from the current entry password.
+Not recommended, as the quality can decay.
+{PASSWORD_ENC} – Encrypting Passwords:
+The {PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder is replaced by the password
+of the current entry in encrypted form. The password is encrypted using
+credentials of the current Windows user. The encrypted password should
+not be stored and only works for the current user.
+It is intended to be used in conjunction with the
+-pw-enccommand line parameter
+(see the URL Field page for
+an example how to define a URL to open an additional KeePass database).
+The placeholder cannot be used to transfer passwords to other applications
+(except KeePass), because the target applications don't know how to decrypt
+encrypted passwords generated by {PASSWORD_ENC}.
+One-Time Passwords (OTPs):
+KeePass provides menu commands in the main window for generating one-time
+passwords ('Copy HMAC-Based OTP', 'Show HMAC-Based OTP', 'Copy Time-Based OTP',
+'Show Time-Based OTP').
+Furthermore, one-time passwords can be generated during
+auto-type using the {HMACOTP} and
+{TIMEOTP} placeholders.
The parameters for the OTP generation are stored as entry strings and
+can be edited conveniently using the 'OTP Generator Settings' dialog
+(which checks the entered values, shows a preview, etc.).
+Alternatively, you can edit the entry strings directly, as documented below.
{HMACOTP} – Generating HMAC-Based One-Time Passwords:
+The {HMACOTP} placeholder generates an HMAC-based one-time
+password (HOTP) according to RFC 4226.
The shared secret and other parameters can be specified using the
+following entry string fields (which can be added/edited in the entry
+dialog on the 'Advanced' tab page):
+Exactly one of these fields must be present, and its value must be set
+to the shared secret in the corresponding encoding.
+In the first case ('HmacOtp-Secret'), the UTF-8 encoding of the
+value is used as shared secret.
HmacOtp-Counter (automatic)
+This field stores the counter value in decimal representation.
+The default value is 0.
+When the {HMACOTP} placeholder is replaced (i.e. when generating
+a one-time password), KeePass updates the counter value automatically.
{TIMEOTP} – Generating Time-Based One-Time Passwords:
+The {TIMEOTP} placeholder generates a time-based one-time
+password (TOTP) according to RFC 6238.
The shared secret and other parameters can be specified using the
+following entry string fields (which can be added/edited in the entry
+dialog on the 'Advanced' tab page):
+TimeOtp-Secret-Base32 (most common)
+Exactly one of these fields must be present, and its value must be set
+to the shared secret in the corresponding encoding.
+In the first case ('TimeOtp-Secret'), the UTF-8 encoding of the
+value is used as shared secret.
+Most services use the Base32 encoding.
TimeOtp-Length (optional)
+Specifies the length of the generated one-time password.
+The default value is 6; the maximum is 8.
TimeOtp-Period (optional)
+Specifies the time-step size in seconds.
+The default value is 30.
TimeOtp-Algorithm (optional)
+Specifies the cryptographic algorithm used for the generation
+of the one-time password. The following algorithms are supported:
+The default value is HMAC-SHA-1.
The date and the time of your system must be correct, otherwise
+the service/server may reject the generated OTP.
Usage example.
+Create a new entry and change its default auto-type sequence to
+Open the 'OTP Generator Settings' dialog, set the shared secret
+for HMAC-based OTPs to '12345678901234567890' and select the UTF-8 encoding.
+When performing auto-type, KeePass sends the user name, presses
+Tab, sends the password, presses Enter,
+waits 3 seconds, generates and sends a HMAC-based OTP and finally presses
+Enter again.
+The counter value for the OTP generation is updated automatically.
+With the shared secret above and initial counter value 0, the following
+OTPs are generated: 755224, 287082, 359152, 969429, 338314, ...
+(more generated OTPs can be found in the example in RFC 4226).
+There are plugins
+that add support for non-standard OTPs (e.g. Steam) and
+provide additional functions related to OTPs.
+{URL:...} and {BASE:...}:
+The {URL:...} placeholder is replaced by the specified part
+of the current entry's URL; this typically is useful in an
+entry-specific URL override (defined on the 'Properties' tab of the entry dialog).
+The {BASE:...} placeholder is replaced by the specified part
+of the URL being overridden; this typically is useful in a
+global URL override (defined in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Integration' →
+button 'URL Overrides'), because there no entry context may be available.
+Usage example. For the entry URL
+the placeholders return the following values:
+{BASE} supports exactly the same parts as {URL}.
+{CMD:/CommandLine/Options/} – Running a command line:
+The {CMD:/CommandLine/Options/} placeholder
+runs the specified command line.
+A command line consists of a path to an executable file or a document
+and command line parameters.
+If the path contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes (").
+The character after the first ':' specifies the separator
+character. It can be chosen freely (except '{' and '}'),
+but it must not occur in the command line or any of the options.
+For example, {CMD:/Notepad.exe/W=0/} and
+{CMD:!Notepad.exe!W=0!} are equivalent.
+The separator character at the end (before the '}') is mandatory.
+An option is a key-value pair, separated by '='.
+Multiple options must be separated using commas ','.
+Specifies the method for running/opening the executable/document.
+The default value is S.
+Use the system shell (via ShellExecute).
+With this, executable files are executed and documents are opened
+using their associated applications.
+However, no standard input/output is supported.
+Run an executable file (EXE or COM, via CreateProcess);
+documents are not supported.
+Standard input/output is supported.
+Specifies what to do with the standard output of the executed application.
+The default value is 1.
+Ignore the standard output. The placeholder is replaced by an empty string.
+Replace the placeholder by the standard output.
+Specifies whether to wait for the termination of the executed application.
+The default value is 1.
+Do not wait.
+Specifies the window style. Not all applications support this option.
+The default value is N.
+Specifies the verb (action to be performed),
+e.g. 'Open' or 'Print'.
+When using the verb 'RunAs', the application is executed with administrative
+rights (this may require a confirmation via the UAC dialog).
New-line characters at the end of the output are removed (analogous to
+'$(...)' and '`...`' shell command substitutions).
+Usage examples:
+Runs Notepad and continues immediately.
{CMD:/PowerShell.exe -Command "(Get-FileHash '%SYSTEMROOT%\Win.ini'
+-Algorithm SHA256).Hash"/M=C,WS=H/}
+The placeholder is replaced by the SHA-256 hash of Windows' Win.ini file.
This password generation method is the recommended way to generate random passwords.
+Other methods (pattern-based generation, ...) should only be used if passwords must
+follow special rules or fulfill certain conditions.
Generation based on a character set is very simple. You simply let KeePass know
+which characters can be used (e.g. upper-case letters, digits, ...) and KeePass will
+randomly pick characters out of the set.
Defining a character set:
+The character set can be defined directly in the password generator window. For convenience,
+KeePass offers adding commonly used ranges of characters to the set. This is done by
+ticking the appropriate check box. Additionally to these predefined character ranges, you
+can specify characters manually: all characters that you enter in the 'Also include the
+following characters' text box will be directly added to the character set.
The characters that you enter in the 'Also include the following characters'
+text box are included in the character set from which the password generator randomly
+chooses characters from.
+This means that these additional characters are allowed to appear in the
+generated passwords, but they are not forced to.
+If you want to force that some characters appear in the generated passwords,
+you have to use the pattern-based generation.
Character sets are sets:
+In mathematical terms, character sets are sets, not vectors. This means that characters
+cannot be added twice to the set. Either a character is in the set or it is not.
For example, if you enter 'AAAAB' into the additional characters box, this is
+exactly the same set as 'AB'. 'A' will not be 4 times as likely as 'B'!
+If you need to follow rules like 'character A is more likely than B', you must
+use pattern-based generation + permuting password characters.
KeePass will 'optimize' your character set by removing all duplicate characters. If
+you'd enter the character set 'AAAAB' into the additional characters box,
+close and reopen the password generator, it'll show the shorter character set 'AB'.
+Similarly, if you tick the 'Digits' check box and enter '3' into the
+additional box, the '3' will be ignored because it is already included in the
+'Digits' character range.
Supported characters:
+All Unicode
+characters in the ranges [U+0001, U+D7FF] and [U+E000, U+FFFF]
+except { U+0009 / '\t', U+000A / '\n', U+000D / '\r' } are supported.
+Characters in the range [U+010000, U+10FFFF] (which need to be encoded
+in UTF-16 using surrogate pairs from [0xD800, 0xDFFF]) are not supported.
+Subsequent processing of passwords may have further limitations
+(for example, the character U+FFFF is forbidden in XML/KDBX files
+and will be replaced or removed).
+Generation Based on Patterns
The password generator can create passwords using patterns. A pattern is a
+string defining the layout of the new password. The following placeholders
+are supported:
The \ placeholder is special: it's an escape character. The next character that follows
+the \ is written directly into the generated password. If you want a \ in your
+password at a specific place, you have to write \\.
Using the {n} code you can define how many times the previous placeholder
+should occur. The { } operator duplicates placeholders, not generated characters. Examples:
+» d{4} is equivalent to dddd,
+» dH{4}a is equivalent to dHHHHa and
+» Hda{1}dH is equivalent to HdadH.
The [...] notation can be used to define a custom character set, from which
+the password generator will pick one character randomly. All characters between the '['
+and ']' brackets follow the same rules as the placeholders above.
+The '^' character removes the next placeholders from the character set.
+» [dp] generates exactly 1 random character out of the set
+digits + punctuation,
+» [d\m\@^\3]{5} generates 5 characters out of the set "012456789m@",
+» [u\_][u\_] generates 2 characters out of the set upper-case + '_'.
Below are a few examples how the pattern generation feature can be used to generate
+passwords that follow certain rules.
Important! For all of the following examples you must enable the 'Randomly permute
+characters of password' option!
Must consist of 2 upper-case letters, 2 lower-case letters and 2 digits.
Must consist of 9 digits and 1 letter.
Must consist of 10 alphanumeric characters, where at least 1 is
+a letter and at least 1 is a digit.
Must consist of 10 alphanumeric characters, where at least 2 are
+upper-case letters and at least 2 are lower-case letters.
Must consist of 9 characters of the set "ABCDEF" and
+an '@' symbol.
+Security-Reducing Options
The password generator supports several options like 'Each character must occur at most once',
+'Exclude look-alike characters' (O0, Il1|)
+and a field to explicitly specify characters that should not appear in generated passwords.
These options are reducing the security of generated passwords. You should
+only enable them if you are forced to follow such rules by the website/application,
+for which you are generating the password.
The options can be found in the 'Advanced' dialog / tab page.
+If you enable a security-reducing option, an exclamation mark (!)
+is appended to the 'Advanced' tab.
+Creating and Using Password Generator Profiles
Password generator options (character set, length, pattern, ...) can be saved
+as password generator profiles.
Creating/modifying a profile:
Open the Password Generator window.
Specify all options of the new profile.
Click the
+'Save as Profile' button.
Enter the name of the new profile, or select an existing profile name from
+the drop-down list to overwrite it. Close the dialog with OK.
If you want to immediately create a password using the new profile,
+click OK/Accept. Otherwise click Cancel/Close (the profile is not lost;
+profile management is independent of password generation).
Using a profile:
+To use a profile, simply select it from the drop-down profiles list
+in the password generator window. All settings of this profile will be
+restored accordingly.
Meta-profile 'Derive from previous password':
+When this meta-profile is selected, a password is generated based on
+a character set derived from the previous password. The new password
+has the same length as the old one, and every character of the old
+password turns on the character subset that contains this character.
+For example, if the old password contains the letter 'R', then the character
+set used for generating the new password contains the range 'A' to 'Z'.
+Warning! This meta-profile should not be used blindly
+(i.e. without reviewing the used character set).
+The new password does not necessarily contain at least one character
+from each character subset (see 'Generation
+Based on Character Sets'), thus blindly generating new passwords
+with this meta-profile can result in a quality degradation of the
+effectively used profile.
+Configuring Settings of Automatically Generated Passwords for New Entries
When you create a new entry, KeePass will automatically generate a random
+password for it. The properties of these generated passwords can be configured
+in the password generator dialog.
To configure, specify the options of your choice and overwrite the
+'(Automatically generated passwords for new entries)' profile (see
+section above).
Disabling automatically generated passwords:
+To disable automatically generated passwords for new entries, select
+'Generate using character set' and specify 0 as password length.
+Overwrite the appropriate profile (see above).
KeePass can repair corrupted databases in some cases.
KeePass has quite some features to avoid database file corruption
+(transacted database writing, device buffer flushing, ...). However,
+data corruption can still be caused by other programs, the system or
+broken storage devices (note that KeePass by default is verifying the integrity
+of database files immediately after writing them, i.e. at this point of time,
+KeePass guarantees file integrity; however, KeePass of course can't do anything
+when the data becomes corrupted/unreadable at a later point of time).
In these cases, the database repair functionality might help you.
+Here, KeePass tries to read as much data as possible from the corrupted file.
+In repair mode, the integrity of the data is not checked
+(in order to rescue as much data as possible).
+When no integrity checks are performed, corrupted/malicious data might
+be incorporated into the database.
+Thus the repair functionality should only be used when there really is no other solution.
+If you use it, afterwards you should thoroughly check your whole
+database for corrupted/malicious data.
+In order to use the repair functionality in KeePass 2.x, first
+create a new database file. Then, go 'File' → 'Import' and import
+the corrupted database file, using 'KeePass KDBX (2.x) (Repair Mode)'
+as format.
Anyway, if you've lost the master key for the database, the repair functionality
+cannot help you. Also, if the header of the database (first few bytes) is
+corrupted, you're out of luck, too: the repair functionality won't be able
+to restore any entries (because the header contains information required
+to decrypt the database).
The repair functionality should be seen as last hope. Regularly making
+backups of your databases is much better and has to be preferred.
+Backups have no cryptographic security implications.
+There are plugins that automate the backup process, see the
+KeePass plugins page.
+File Header/Signature
If your database file has been deleted and you want to try recovering
+it using a tool that supports a file header/signature detection:
+below you can find the first bytes (in hex notation) with which all
+database files begin.
KeePass 1.x KDB File:
+03 D9 A2 9A 65 FB 4B B5
KeePass 2.x KDBX File:
+03 D9 A2 9A 67 FB 4B B5
The file header does not contain a field that specifies the length
+of the file. If the length cannot be determined from the file system,
+try to recover sufficiently much data (i.e. the database file data and
+maybe some subsequent, unnecessary data) and use the
+repair functionality above, which will simply ignore any subsequent data.
In this mode, KeePass searches the specified terms in the selected fields.
+For an entry to match, all terms must match.
Multiple terms.
+In order to search for multiple terms, separate the terms using spaces.
+If you want to search for a term containing spaces, enclose the term
+in double quotes ("...").
Exclusions (2.x).
+In order to find entries that do not contain a certain term,
+prepend a minus sign to the term.
An entry matches if the specified terms can be found as substrings.
+If you want to find exact matches instead, use a
+regular expression
+(see the example 'Exact term').
Multiple terms
Find what:
Michael Home
☑ Title
Finds every entry whose title contains both the term
+'Michael' and the term 'Home' (in any order).
Terms with spaces
Find what:
Michael "Web Server"
☑ Title
Finds every entry whose title contains both the term
+'Michael' and the term 'Web Server'.
Exclusions (2.x)
Find what:
Michael -Home
☑ Title
Finds every entry whose title contains the term
+'Michael', but not the term 'Home'.
+Search Mode 'Regular Expression'
In this mode, KeePass searches for matches of a regular expression
+in the selected fields.
Information about regular expressions and tools can be found here:
In order to see your database in the KeePass 2.x XML format, you can
+export it (via 'File' → 'Export') to a 'KeePass XML (2.x)' file.
If you want to find and replace data using XPath and regular
+expressions, see the XML Replace feature.
Find what:
//Entry[(IconID = '3') and not(CustomIconUUID)]
Finds every entry that has a
+ icon.
Expired in specific year
Find what:
//Entry/Times[(Expires = 'True') and starts-with(ExpiryTime, '2022-')]/..
Finds every entry that has expired in 2022.
Custom string field
Find what:
//Entry/String[(Key = 'Telephone') and contains(Value, '12345')]/..
☑ Other strings
Finds every entry that has a custom string field
+named 'Telephone' whose value contains '12345'.
Attached PDF files
Find what:
//Entry/Binary/Key[(string-length(.) >= 4) and (substring(., string-length(.) - 3) = '.pdf')]/../..
Finds every entry that has a file attachment whose
+name ends with '.pdf'.
If you want to find large entries instead, use the
+'Large Entries' command in the 'Find' menu.
Background color
Find what:
//Entry[BackgroundColor = '#CCFFCC']
Finds every entry that has a
+light green
+background color.
The standard background colors are
+light red (#FFCCCC),
+light green (#CCFFCC),
+light blue (#99CCFF) and
+light yellow (#FFFF99).
Multiple tags (AND, exact)
Find what:
//Entry[contains(concat(';', Tags, ';'), ';Home;') and
+contains(concat(';', Tags, ';'), ';Private;')]
☑ Tags
Finds every entry that has both the tag 'Home'
+and the tag 'Private'.
In contrast to this, searching with the
+simple expression 'Home Private'
+also finds entries that have 'Home' and 'Private' as substrings in
+the tags.
History entry count
Find what:
//Entry[count(History/Entry) >= 4]
☑ History
Finds every entry that has at least 4 history entries.
Group notes
Find what:
//Group[contains(Notes, 'Private')]/Entry
Finds every entry whose (direct) parent group
+contains the word 'Private' in the notes (of the group, not of the entry).
+If there are multiple such groups, the entries of all these groups are found.
+Search Profiles (2.x)
KeePass can save search parameters as a search profile.
+This can be useful when you are regularly performing similar searches.
Creating a profile.
+In order to save the current search parameters specified in the 'Find' dialog,
+click the
+profile creation button. KeePass then shows a dialog where you can enter
+a name for the new profile.
Overwriting a profile.
+Overwriting an existing profile works the same as creating a profile,
+except that you select an existing profile name in the name dialog.
Using a profile.
+There are two ways to load a profile and perform a search with it:
Open the 'Find' dialog (via the menu 'Find' or
+Ctrl+F), click on the 'Profile'
+combo box and select the desired profile; this causes KeePass to load
+the profile. If necessary, adjust the search parameters.
+Finally, click the 'Find' button.
In the menu of the main window, click 'Find' → 'Search Profiles'.
+In this menu, all profiles are listed. For each profile,
+there are commands to directly perform a search with the profile
+(commands 'Find ...') and commands to show the profile in the
+'Find' dialog (commands 'Open ...').
Deleting a profile.
+In order to delete a profile, select it in the 'Find' dialog and
+click the profile deletion button.
In order to indicate that the search string is a regular expression,
+enclose it in '//'.
+For example, '//A{6}//' finds all entries containing
+the string 'AAAAAA'.
+Note that this special syntax does not work in the 'Find' dialog;
+in this dialog, you need to select the regular expression mode
+and specify the regular expression as-is, i.e. without enclosing it
+in '//'.
+The 'Find' dialog and the quick search box are independent;
+options/parameters in the 'Find' dialog do not affect quick searches.
+Options for quick searches can be found in the options dialog
+(menu 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Interface').
KeePass was one of the first password managers featuring secure edit controls. The
+edit controls used in KeePass are resistant to password revealers and password
+control spies. Additionally, the entered passwords are protected against
+memory dumping attacks: the passwords aren't even visible in the process memory space
+of KeePass!
KeePass uses secure edit controls only when the hiding behind asterisks option
+is turned on! If you show the passwords in plaintext, they won't be protected
+(secure edit controls are just disabled then, replaced by standard Windows edit
There exist various
+that provide support for additional encryption algorithms,
+including but not limited to Twofish, Serpent and GOST.
These well-known and thoroughly analyzed algorithms are
+considered to be very secure.
+AES (Rijndael) became effective as a U.S. federal government standard
+and is approved by the National Security Agency (NSA)
+for top secret information.
+Twofish was one of the other four AES finalists.
+ChaCha20 is the successor of the Salsa20 algorithm (which is included in the
+eSTREAM portfolio).
The block ciphers are used in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
+block cipher mode.
+In CBC mode, plaintext patterns are concealed.
An initialization vector (IV) is generated
+randomly each time
+a database is saved. Thus, multiple databases encrypted with the same
+master key (e.g. backups) are no problem.
Data authenticity and integrity:
+The authenticity and integrity of the data is ensured using
+a HMAC-SHA-256 hash of the ciphertext (Encrypt-then-MAC scheme).
SHA-256 is used for compressing the components
+of the master key
+(consisting of a master password, a key file, a Windows user account key
+and/or a key provided by a plugin) to a 256-bit key K.
SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function that is considered to be
+very secure. It has been standardized in
+NIST FIPS 180-4.
+The attack against SHA-1 discovered in 2005 does not affect
+the security of SHA-256.
In order to generate the key for the encryption algorithm,
+K is transformed using a key derivation function (with
+a random salt). This prevents precomputation of keys and makes dictionary
+and guessing attacks harder. For details, see the section
+'Protection against Dictionary Attacks'.
+Protection against Dictionary Attacks
KeePass features a protection against dictionary and guessing attacks.
Such attacks cannot be prevented, but they can be made harder.
+For this, the key K derived from the user's master key
+(see above) is transformed using a
+key derivation function with a random salt.
+This prevents a precomputation of keys and adds a work factor
+that the user can make as large as desired
+to increase the computational effort of a dictionary or guessing attack.
Multiple key derivation functions are supported. In the database
+settings dialog, you can select one and specify certain parameters
+for it.
By clicking the '1 Second Delay' button in the database settings
+dialog, KeePass computes the number of iterations that results in a
+1 second delay when loading/saving a database.
+Furthermore, KeePass 2.x has a button 'Test' that performs a key
+transformation with the specified parameters (which can be cancelled)
+and reports the required time.
The key transformation may require more or less time on other
+devices. If you are using KeePass or a port of it on other devices,
+make sure that all devices are fast enough (and have sufficient memory)
+to load the database with your parameters within an acceptable time.
Supported key derivation functions:
AES-KDF (KeePass 1.x and 2.x):
+This key derivation function is based on iterating
In the database settings dialog, you can change the number of
+iterations. The more iterations, the harder are dictionary and guessing
+attacks, but also database loading/saving takes more time (linearly).
+On Windows Vista and higher, KeePass can use Windows' CNG/BCrypt API
+for the key transformation, which is about 50% faster than the
+key transformation code built-in to KeePass.
Argon2 (KeePass 2.x only):
+is the winner of the Password Hashing Competition.
+The main advantage of Argon2 over AES-KDF is that it provides a better
+resistance against GPU/ASIC attacks (due to being a memory-hard function).
The official specification of the Argon2 algorithm defines three
+variants: Argon2d, Argon2id and Argon2i.
+Argon2i is the least suitable variant in our case (KeePass database file);
+therefore, KeePass only offers Argon2d and Argon2id.
Argon2d provides the best resistance against GPU/ASIC attacks.
+The resistance of Argon2id against GPU/ASIC attacks is somewhat weaker,
+but Argon2id additionally makes certain side-channel attacks slightly harder.
Side-channel attacks try to gain information from a system by
+observing its behavior (e.g. the duration and the power consumption of
+certain operations). On servers, side-channel attacks are a real threat.
+On client devices (PCs), side-channel attacks are more difficult (more
+noise, etc.); there are ideas how some might work in theory, but we are
+not aware of any real attack in practice.
+For example, the attack described in the article
+'The Spy in the Sandbox / Side-Channel Attacks in Web Browsers'
+was interesting (JavaScript code was able to detect certain user interactions),
+but not a real threat (no extraction of sensitive data, as mentioned
+explicitly in the article). This may or may not change in the future.
+Note that this has nothing to do with cloud storage; KeePass encrypts/decrypts
+a database file on a client device, and thus it is irrelevant where the
+database file is stored (for side-channel attacks).
+Furthermore, there are side-channel attacks that neither Argon2d nor Argon2id
+(nor Argon2i, nor any other key derivation function) protects against (e.g.
+Spectre/Meltdown side-channel attacks, which allow
+spyware to read all memory).
In the case of KeePass, we currently recommend Argon2d instead
+of Argon2id, because we believe that a better protection against a
+really existing threat (password cracking using GPUs/ASICs is state
+of the art) is more important than a protection against certain
+side-channel attacks that may or may not become a problem on client
+devices in the future.
+If you worry about side-channel attacks (and are willing to sacrifice
+some GPU/ASIC resistance) or if you are developing a software where
+side-channel attacks could be a problem (e.g. a server service that
+operates with KeePass database files), use Argon2id.
Side note: the IRTF CFRG Argon2 Internet standard recommends
+Argon2id by default. For server applications, Argon2id is in general
+indeed more suitable than Argon2d, but our situation (client device)
+is different, as mentioned above.
The number of iterations scales linearly with the required time.
+By increasing the memory parameter, GPU/ASIC attacks become
+harder (and the required time increases).
+The parallelism parameter specifies how many threads should be used.
We recommend the following procedure for determining the
+Argon2 parameters:
Set the number of iterations to 2.
Find out the RAM size of each of your devices on which you want to
+open your database file. Let M be the minimum of these sizes.
+Set the memory parameter to min(M/2, 1 GB)
+(i.e. use the half of M, if it is less than 1 GB, otherwise use 1 GB).
Example 1: if you have a PC with 32 GB RAM and a mobile phone
+with 1 GB RAM (on which you want to open your database file),
+set the memory parameter to 500 MB.
Example 2: if you have a PC with 32 GB RAM and a PC with 8 GB RAM,
+set the memory parameter to 1 GB.
+On Windows 10 and higher, the RAM size can be found in the system settings
+→ 'System' → 'About'.
Find out the number of logical processors of each of your devices.
+Set the parallelism parameter to the minimum of these numbers.
+On Windows 10 and higher, the number of logical processors can be found
+in the Task Manager (right-click onto the taskbar → 'Task Manager')
+on the 'Performance' tab page.
Click the 'Test' button.
If the key transformation takes too much time (longer than you are
+willing to wait when opening/saving the database file, e.g. more than
+1 second), cancel it, decrease the memory parameter and click
+the 'Test' button again.
+Repeat this until the required time is acceptable.
If the key transformation takes too few time (in the case of 1 GB memory),
+increase the number of iterations and click the 'Test' button again.
+Repeat this until you like the required time.
Save the database file and try to open it on each of your other
+devices. If this takes too long on one of the devices,
+decrease the number of iterations (recommendation: not less than 2)
+and/or decrease the memory parameter, and try it again.
When clicking the '1 Second Delay' button, KeePass uses a different
+strategy for determining the parameters (relatively low values for the
+memory and parallelism parameters, relatively high number of iterations),
+because KeePass does not know the RAM and processor details of your other
+devices (the default values should be compatible with most devices).
+If you know these details, it is recommended to follow the
+procedure above instead.
Argon2 on iOS. If you are using a KeePass-compatible app
+on iOS, please note the following limitation of iOS.
+If the app uses a lot of RAM (e.g. due to using Argon2 with a
+large memory parameter), then AutoFill may not work.
+In this case, we recommend to use a relatively low value for the
+Argon2 memory parameter (64 MB or less, depending on the app and the
+database size) and a relatively high number of iterations.
KeePassX. In contrast to KeePass, the Linux port KeePassX
+only partially supports protection against dictionary and guessing attacks.
+Random Number Generation
KeePass first creates an entropy pool using various entropy sources
+(including random numbers generated by the system cryptographic provider,
+current date/time and uptime, cursor position, operating system version,
+processor count, environment variables, process and memory statistics,
+current culture, a new random GUID, etc.).
The random bits for the high-level generation methods are generated
+using a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
+(based on SHA-256/SHA-512 and ChaCha20) that is initialized using the entropy pool.
+Process Memory Protection
While KeePass is running, sensitive data is stored encryptedly
+in the process memory.
+This means that even if you would dump the KeePass process memory to disk,
+you could not find any sensitive data.
+For performance reasons, the process memory protection only applies
+to sensitive data; sensitive data here includes for instance the master key
+and entry passwords, but not user names, notes and file attachments.
+Note that this has nothing to do with the
+encryption of database files;
+in database files, all data (including user names, etc.) is encrypted.
Furthermore, KeePass erases all security-critical memory (if possible)
+when it is not needed anymore, i.e. it overwrites these memory areas
+before releasing them.
KeePass uses the Windows DPAPI for encrypting sensitive data in memory
+(via CryptProtectMemory /
+With DPAPI, the key for the memory encryption is stored in a
+secure, non-swappable memory area managed by Windows.
+DPAPI is available on Windows 2000 and higher.
+KeePass 2.x always uses DPAPI when it is available;
+in KeePass 1.x, this can be disabled (in the advanced options; by default
+using DPAPI is enabled; if it is disabled, KeePass 1.x uses the ARC4 encryption
+algorithm with a random key; note that this is less secure than DPAPI, mainly not
+because ARC4 cryptographically is not that strong, but because the key for
+the memory encryption is also stored in swappable process memory;
+similarly, KeePass 2.x falls back to encrypting the process memory using
+ChaCha20, if DPAPI is unavailable).
+On Unix-like systems, KeePass 2.x uses ChaCha20, because Mono does not provide
+any effective memory protection method.
For some operations, KeePass must make sensitive data available
+unencryptedly in the process memory. For example, in order to show a password
+in the standard list view control provided by Windows, KeePass must supply
+the cell content (the password) as unencrypted string
+(unless hiding using asterisks is enabled).
+Operations that result in unencrypted data in the process memory include,
+but are not limited to: displaying data (not asterisks) in standard controls,
+searching data, replacing placeholders (during auto-type, drag&drop,
+copying to clipboard, ...), importing/exporting files (except KDBX)
+and loading/saving unencrypted files.
+Windows and .NET may make copies of the data (in the process memory)
+that cannot be erased by KeePass.
+Enter Master Key on Secure Desktop (Protection against Keyloggers)
KeePass 2.x has an option (in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Security')
+to show master key dialogs on a different/secure desktop
+(supported on Windows 2000 and higher), similar to Windows'
+User Account Control (UAC). Almost no keylogger works on a secure desktop.
The option is turned off by default for compatibility reasons.
More information can be found on the
+Secure Desktop
+help page.
Note: KeePass was one of the first password managers that allow
+entering the master key on a different/secure desktop!
+Locking the Workspace
When locking the workspace, KeePass closes the database file and
+only remembers its path and certain view parameters.
This provides maximum security: unlocking the
+workspace is as hard as opening the database file the normal way. Also, it prevents
+data loss (the computer can crash while KeePass is locked, without doing any damage
+to the database).
When a sub-dialog is open, the workspace may not be locked;
+for details, see the FAQ.
The internal viewer/editor works with the data in main memory.
+It does not extract/store the data onto disk.
When trying to open an attachment that the internal viewer/editor cannot handle
+(e.g. a PDF file), KeePass extracts the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted)
+temporary file and opens it using the default application associated with this file type.
+After finishing viewing/editing, the user can choose between importing
+or discarding any changes made to the temporary file.
+In any case, KeePass afterwards securely deletes the temporary file
+(including overwriting it).
A separate page exist about the security of plugins:
+Plugin Security.
Each time you start KeePass, the program performs a quick self-test to see
+whether the encryption and hash algorithms work correctly and pass
+their test vectors. If one of the algorithms does not pass its test vectors,
+KeePass shows a security exception dialog.
+Specialized Spyware
This section gives answers to questions like the following:
Would encrypting the configuration file increase security by preventing
+changes by a malicious program?
Would encrypting the application (executable file, eventually together
+with the configuration file) increase security by preventing changes
+by a malicious program?
Would an option to prevent plugins from being loaded increase security?
Would storing security options in the database (to override the settings of
+the KeePass instance) increase security?
Would locking the main window in such a way that only auto-type is allowed
+increase security?
The answer to all these questions is: no. Adding any of these features
+would not increase security.
All security features in KeePass protect against generic threats like
+keyloggers, clipboard monitors, password control monitors, etc. (and against
+non-runtime attacks on the database, memory dump analyzers, ...).
+However in all the questions above we are assuming that there is a spyware
+program running on the system that is specialized on attacking KeePass.
In this situation, the best security features will fail.
+This is law #1 of the
+Ten Immutable Laws of Security
+(Microsoft TechNet article; see also the
+Microsoft TechNet article
+Revisiting the 10 Immutable Laws of Security, Part 1):
+"If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your
+computer, it's not your computer anymore".
For example, consider the following very simple spyware specialized
+for KeePass: an application that waits for KeePass to be started, then hides
+the started application and imitates KeePass itself. All interactions
+(like entering a password for decrypting the configuration, etc.) can be
+The only way to discover this spyware is to use a program that the spyware
+does not know about or cannot manipulate (secure desktop);
+in any case it cannot be KeePass.
For protecting your PC, we recommend using an anti-virus software.
+Use a proper firewall, only run software from trusted sources,
+do not open unknown e-mail attachments, etc.
+Malicious Data
The user should check all data that he enters and/or runs.
If you enter/run data without checking it first, this can lead to
+security problems (like for instance a disclosure of sensitive data
+or an execution of malicious code). This is a general principle;
+it applies to most applications, not only to KeePass.
The URL field of an entry supports running
+a command line.
+So, if you (enter and) run a URL without checking it first,
+you might run a malicious program/code.
When running a URL, a malicious URL override
+(global or entry-specific) may be executed instead, if you did not check it.
KeePass supports placeholders.
+All regular placeholders are of the form '{...}', and
+environment variables
+are of the form '%...%'.
+All data should be checked for malicious placeholders and environment variables.
Field references can insert data of
+other entries into the current data. For example, if you have a Facebook account,
+entering and running the following URL might send your Facebook user name
+and the password to the 'example.com' server:
The {CMD:...} placeholder
+runs a command line. For example, the following URL opens
+'https://example.com/' and runs 'Calc.exe':
The following auto-type sequence
+performs a login and additionally runs 'Calc.exe':
+91}{T-CONV:/%43%61%6C%63%2E%65%78%65/Uri-Dec/}{VKEY 13}
+This sequence typically only works on a Windows system, but similar
+sequences can be constructed for other operating systems
+(like Linux and MacOS).
If you specify weak key transformation
+settings suggested by an attacker, this might make it easier for the
+attacker to decrypt/open your database.
If you enter/use a password generator
+profile (suggested by an attacker) that allows weak passwords only,
+accounts using such weak passwords may not be well protected.
Using the XML Replace feature with malicious parameters may
+result in a malicious modification of data in your database.
Pasting/entering malicious triggers in the triggers dialog without checking
+them can result in security problems.
If the user checks the data that he enters/runs, none of the
+"attacks" above works. Entering data is a manual operation
+(i.e. an attacker cannot do this himself), and only the user can
+decide whether the resulting effect is intended or not.
+Showing warning/confirmation dialogs all the time would not be reasonable.
When opening a database that has been created/modified by
+someone else, you should carefully check all data that you want to use.
+If you do not fully trust the creator of the database, do not
+open any files attached to entries.
+Options for Experts
Most security options can be configured in the options dialog of
+KeePass (menu 'Tools' → 'Options') and in the database settings
+dialog (menu 'File' → 'Database Settings').
However, in KeePass 2.x, there additionally are a few security options
+for experts that cannot be configured in the user interface.
+For example, KeePass can protect its process with a
+discretionary access control list (DACL), and
+its windows can be protected against certain screen capture operations.
+Activating these options for experts may result in compatibility problems and
+may make KeePass unusable. Therefore, these options can only be activated by
+editing the configuration file manually (using an XML or text editor).
+This ensures that users know how they can deactivate the problematic options
+(by editing the configuration file once more)
+in order to make KeePass usable again.
If you know how the configuration
+system of KeePass works, then see the
+help page, on which these options are documented.
+Options for Administrators
Administrators can enforce certain settings, disallow certain functions,
+specify requirements for master passwords, and much more.
+Details can be found on the following help pages:
KeePass supports TANs, i.e. passwords that can be used only
+These special passwords are used by some banks: you need to confirm
+transactions using such TANs. This provides additional security, as
+a spy cannot perform transactions, even if he knows the password of
+your banking account.
+Using the TAN Wizard to add TANs
You can use the KeePass TAN Wizard to add several TANs at once to your
+database. Just open the TAN wizard dialog (menu Tools - TAN Wizard) and enter
+all your TANs. The formatting doesn't really
+matter, KeePass just uses all alphanumerical strings, i.e. characters like line breaks,
+tabs, spaces, dots, etc. are interpreted as separators.
The wizard will then generate several TAN entries from the data you entered into the dialog. Each
+TAN is a standard KeePass entry. The title of a TAN entry always is set to "<TAN>".
+This tells KeePass that the entry is a TAN entry. You cannot change the title, user
+name and URL of a TAN. But you can freely add notes to a TAN entry, if you wish.
+Using TANs
When you use the TAN (e.g. execute the "Copy Password" command on
+it), its expiration date will be set
+to the current time, which expires the entry. It will get a red
+X as icon.
+If you later want to know when you used a specific TAN,
+you can just have a look at its expiration date.
When copying a TAN to the clipboard, the database is marked as modified. You must save
+the file in order to remember the usage of a TAN.
If you accidently used a TAN without needing it, you can reset it (i.e. remove the red
+X and show it as valid TAN again). To do this, open the
+TAN entry (right-click it and choose 'Edit/View Entry...'). Here, uncheck the
+'Expires' checkbox. Click [OK] to close the dialog.
The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality,
+correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
+Liability claims against the author relating to material or non-material
+damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the
+use of incorrect or incomplete information are generally excluded,
+unless it can be proven that the author acted intentionally or
+with gross negligence.
All offers are subject to change and non-binding.
+The author expressly reserves the right to change, extend or delete
+parts of the pages or the entire publication or to cease the publication
+temporarily or permanently without separate announcement.
Referrals and Links
In the case of direct or indirect referrals and links to external
+websites that lie outside the author's area of responsibility,
+liability would only come into force if the author had knowledge of
+the content and it were technically possible and reasonable for him
+to prevent use in the case of illegal content.
The author hereby expressly declares that at the time of setting the
+referral or link no illegal content was discernible on the referred/linked pages.
+The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design,
+content or authorship of the referred/linked pages.
+Therefore, he hereby expressly dissociates himself from all contents of all
+referred/linked pages which were changed after the referral or link setting.
+This statement applies to all referrals and links within the author's own
+Internet offer as well as to foreign entries in guest books, discussion
+forums, link directories, mailing lists and all other forms of databases
+set up by the author to whose content external write accesses are possible.
+For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages
+arising from the use or non-use of information presented in this way,
+only the provider of the page to which the referral/link was made is liable,
+not the person who merely refers/links to the respective publication.
Copyright and Trademark Rights
The author endeavours to respect applicable copyrights in all publications.
+However, if in spite of all efforts a copyright is violated, we will
+remove the relevant item from the publication on notification or
+will insert information on the copyright.
All brands and trademarks mentioned within the publication that are
+subject to property rights of third parties are subject to the
+provisions of the applicable trademark law and the property rights of the
+registered owner without restriction.
+The mere mention of a trademark does not imply that it is not protected
+by third-party rights.
The copyright for any material (images, diagrams, sounds, videos, texts, etc.)
+created by the author is reserved.
+Any duplication or use of such material in other electronic or printed
+publications is not permitted without the author's explicit consent.
If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (e-mail
+addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of this data takes place
+voluntarily. The use and payment of all offered services is permitted –
+if and so far technically possible and reasonable – without
+specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymized data
+or an alias.
The use of published postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and
+e-mail addresses for marketing purposes is prohibited.
+We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against senders of
+so-called spam mails who violate this prohibition.
Scope of Processing of Personal Data
We only process personal data of our users if this is necessary to
+provide a functional website as well as our contents and services.
+The processing of personal data of our users takes place regularly only
+after consent of the user.
+An exception applies in those cases where prior consent cannot be obtained
+for real reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by law.
Legal Basis for the Processing of Personal Data
If we obtain the consent of the data subject for the processing of
+personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a EU General Data Protection Regulation
+(GDPR) serves as the legal basis.
In the processing of personal data required for the performance of a
+contract to which the data subject is a party, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR
+serves as the legal basis.
+This also applies to processing operations that are necessary to carry out
+pre-contractual measures.
If the processing of personal data is necessary to comply with a legal
+obligation to which the controller is subject, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR
+serves as the legal basis.
In the event that the vital interests of the data subject or another
+natural person require the processing of personal data,
+Art. 6 para. 1 lit. d GDPR serves as the legal basis.
If the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests
+pursued by the controller or by a third party and if the interests,
+fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the
+former interest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR serves as the legal basis.
Data Erasure and Storage Time
The personal data of the data subject will be erased or blocked as soon
+as the purpose of storage ceases to apply.
+The data may be stored beyond that if the European or national legislator
+has provided for this in EU regulations, laws or other provisions to which
+the controller is subject.
+The data will also be erased or blocked if a storage period prescribed by
+the aforementioned standards expires, unless there is a need for further
+storage of the data for the conclusion or performance of a contract.
Provision of the Website and Creation of Log Files
Every time you visit our website, our system automatically collects data
+and information of the calling computer.
+The following data is collected:
Information about the browser type and version used.
The user's operating system.
The user's Internet service provider.
The IP address of the user.
Date and time of access.
Websites from which the user's system reaches our website.
Websites that are accessed by the user's system via our website.
The data is also stored in the log files of our system.
+This data is not stored together with other personal data of the user.
The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to
+enable the website to be delivered to the user's computer.
+For this the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration
+of the session.
The data is stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website.
+In addition, the data serves us to optimize the website and to ensure
+the security of our information technology systems.
+An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in
+this context.
The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files
+is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
+Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to
+achieve the purpose for which they were collected:
In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the
+website, this is the case when the respective session has ended.
In the case of storing the data in log files, this is the case
+after seven days at the latest. Further storage is possible;
+in this case, the IP addresses of the users are erased or anonymized,
+so that an association of the calling client is no longer possible.
The collection of the data for the provision of the website and the
+storage of the data in log files is absolutely necessary for the
+operation of the website.
+Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user.
Our website uses cookies.
+Cookies are text files that are stored in the browser or by the
+browser on the user's computer system.
+If a user visits a website, a cookie may be stored on the user's system.
+This cookie may contain a characteristic string that uniquely identifies
+the browser when you return to the website.
We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly.
+Some elements of our website require that the calling browser can
+be identified even after a page change.
The following data is stored and transmitted in the cookies:
Status of the notification about the use of cookies (Cookie Consent).
+Cookie name: RwlConsent, lifetime: ≤ 1 year.
Third-party data (see below).
The purpose of using technically necessary cookies is to simplify
+the use of websites for users.
+Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of cookies.
+For this it is necessary that the browser is recognized even after a page change.
We need cookies for the following applications:
Remembering the status of the notification about the use of cookies (Cookie Consent).
Third-party applications (see below).
The user data collected via technically necessary cookies are not
+used to create user profiles.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies
+is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
+Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
The user's computer stores and transmits cookies.
+Therefore, you as a user also have full control over the use of cookies.
+You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing
+the settings in your browser.
+Cookies that have already been saved can be erased at any time.
+This can also be done automatically.
+Please consult the documentation of your browser.
+Links to the cookie management documentations of some popular browsers:
If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may no longer be possible
+to use all functions of the website to the full extent.
We use third-party advertising companies (Google) to serve ads when you visit our
+website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address,
+e-mail address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites
+in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
+For more information about the methods and how you can prevent this information
+from being used by third parties, see:
In the European Economic Area and California,
+only non-personalized advertising is displayed on our website.
When you visit a page on our website, your browser contacts the
+third party servers.
+The third party provider obtains among other things your IP address,
+the browser type and the address (URL) of the visited page.
The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR;
+our website is financed by advertising.
Contact Form and E-Mail Contact
There is a contact form on our website, which can be used for
+electronic contact.
+When a user takes advantage of this possibility, the data entered in
+the input mask is transmitted to us and stored.
+At the time the message is sent, the current date and time are also stored.
Alternatively, it is possible to contact us via the e-mail address provided.
+In this case, the user's personal data transmitted by e-mail is stored.
In this context, the data is not passed on to third parties.
The data is used only to process the contact or conversation.
The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
+Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
+If the contact is aimed at the conclusion of a contract,
+Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR is an additional legal basis.
If a legal archiving obligation applies, the data is stored for
+the prescribed duration.
+Otherwise, the data are erased as soon as they are no longer necessary
+to achieve the purposes of their collection.
+For the personal data sent via contact form or e-mail, this is the case
+when the conversation with the user is finished.
+The conversation is finished when the circumstances indicate that the
+matter in question has been finally clarified.
You have the possibility to object to the storage of your personal data
+at any time. To do this, send an appropriate e-mail to the controller.
+In this case, all data stored in the course of the contact or conversation
+will be erased without undue delay, and the conversation cannot be continued.
Rights of the Data Subject
If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject in terms of
+the GDPR and have the following rights.
Right of Access
You can ask the controller to confirm whether personal data concerning
+you is processed by us.
If such processing takes place, you can request the following information
+from the controller:
the purposes of the processing;
the categories of personal data concerned;
the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data
+have been or will be disclosed;
the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored,
+if possible, or otherwise the criteria used to determine that period;
the existence of the right to request from the controller
+rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of
+personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;
the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
where the personal data are not collected from the data subject,
+any available information as to their source;
the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling,
+referred to in Art. 22 para. 1 and 4 GDPR and, at least in those cases,
+meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance
+and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.
You have the right to request information as to whether the personal
+data concerning you is transferred to a third country or to an
+international organization.
+In this context, pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR you may request to be informed
+of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.
Right to Rectification
You have the right to rectification and/or completion if the personal
+data processed concerning you is incorrect or incomplete.
+The controller shall make the correction without undue delay.
Right to Restriction of Processing
Under the following conditions, you may request the restriction of the
+processing of personal data concerning you:
if you contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period
+enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal
+data and request the restriction of their use instead;
the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of
+the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment,
+exercise or defence of legal claims;
you object to processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR pending the
+verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override yours.
Where processing has been restricted, your personal data shall,
+with the exception of storage, only be processed with your consent or
+for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the
+protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons
+of important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.
If processing has been restricted pursuant to the above conditions,
+you will be informed by the controller before the restriction is lifted.
Right to Erasure
Erasure Obligation.
+You have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data
+concerning you without undue delay.
+The controller has the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay
+where one of the following grounds applies:
The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes
+for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
You withdraw your consent on which the processing is based (according to
+Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR), and where there is no
+other legal ground for the processing.
You object to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR and
+there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or you
+object to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 2 GDPR.
The personal data have been unlawfully processed.
The personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal
+obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.
The personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of
+information society services referred to in Art. 8 para. 1 GDPR.
Information to Third Parties.
+Where the controller has made the personal data public and is obliged
+pursuant to Art. 17 para. 1 GDPR to erase the personal data, the controller,
+taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation,
+shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform
+controllers which are processing the personal data that you have requested
+the erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of,
+those personal data.
+The right to erasure does not apply where processing is necessary
for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;
for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing by
+Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject or for
+the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the
+exercise of official authority vested in the controller;
for reasons of public interest in the area of public health in
+accordance with Art. 9 para. 2 lit. h and i as well as Art. 9 para. 3 GDPR;
for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or
+historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with
+Art. 89 para. 1 GDPR in so far as the right referred to in
+Art. 17 para. 1 GDPR is likely to render impossible or seriously
+impair the achievement of the objectives of that processing;
for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Right to Notification
The controller communicates any rectification or erasure of personal
+data or restriction of processing carried out in accordance with
+Art. 16, Art. 17 para. 1 and Art. 18 GDPR to each recipient to whom
+the personal data have been disclosed, unless this proves impossible
+or involves disproportionate effort.
You have the right to request to be informed about those recipients
+by the controller.
Right to Data Portability
You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you,
+which you have provided to the controller, in a structured,
+commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to
+transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from
+the controller to which the personal data have been provided, where
the processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a
+or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR or on a contract pursuant to
+Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, and
the processing is carried out by automated means.
In exercising this right, you further have the right to have the
+personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another,
+where technically feasible.
+Freedoms and rights of others must not be affected adversely.
The right to data portability does not apply to processing necessary
+for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in
+the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Right to Object
You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular
+situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you
+which is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e or f GDPR,
+including profiling based on those provisions.
The controller no longer processes your personal data unless the
+controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing
+which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the
+establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes,
+you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data
+concerning you for such marketing, which includes profiling to the
+extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
If you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, your
+personal data is no longer processed for such purposes.
In the context of the use of information society services, and
+notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, you may exercise your right
+to object by automated means using technical specifications.
Right to Withdraw the Data Protection Declaration of Consent
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
+The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing
+based on consent before its withdrawal.
Automated Individual Decision-Making, Including Profiling
You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on
+automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects
+concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.
+This does not apply if the decision
is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract between
+you and the controller;
is authorised by Union or Member State law to which the controller
+is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard your
+rights and freedoms and legitimate interests; or
is based on your explicit consent.
However, these decisions are not based on special categories of
+personal data referred to in Art. 9 para. 1 GDPR, unless
+Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a or g GDPR applies and suitable measures to
+safeguard your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests are in place.
In the cases 1. and 3., the data controller implements suitable
+measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests,
+at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the
+controller, to express your point of view and to contest the decision.
Right to Lodge a Complaint With a Supervisory Authority
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy,
+you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority,
+in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of
+work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the
+processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR.
The supervisory authority with which the complaint has been lodged
+informs the complainant on the progress and the outcome of the
+complaint including the possibility of a judicial remedy pursuant to
+Art. 78 GDPR.
This legal documentation is to be regarded as part of the Internet
+publication from which you were referred to this page.
+If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or
+correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced
+by this fact.
+German (Deutsch)
Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität, Korrektheit,
+Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen.
+Haftungsansprüche gegen den Autor, welche sich auf Schäden materieller
+oder nicht-materieller Art beziehen, die durch die Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung
+der dargebotenen Informationen bzw. durch die Nutzung fehlerhafter
+oder unvollständiger Informationen verursacht wurden, sind
+grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen, sofern seitens des Autors kein
+nachweislich vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Verschulden vorliegt.
Alle Angebote sind freibleibend und unverbindlich.
+Der Autor behält es sich ausdrücklich vor, Teile der Seiten oder das gesamte
+Angebot ohne gesonderte Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu
+löschen oder die Veröffentlichung zeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen.
Verweise und Links
Bei direkten oder indirekten Verweisen und Links auf fremde Webseiten,
+die außerhalb des Verantwortungsbereiches des Autors liegen,
+würde eine Haftungsverpflichtung ausschließlich in
+dem Fall in Kraft treten, in dem der Autor von den Inhalten Kenntnis
+hat und es ihm technisch möglich und zumutbar wäre, die Nutzung im
+Falle rechtswidriger Inhalte zu verhindern.
Der Autor erklärt hiermit ausdrücklich, dass zum Zeitpunkt der
+Verweis- bzw. Linksetzung keine illegalen Inhalte auf den verwiesenen/verlinkten
+Seiten erkennbar waren. Auf die aktuelle und zukünftige Gestaltung,
+die Inhalte oder die Urheberschaft der verwiesenen/verlinkten Seiten
+hat der Autor keinerlei Einfluss. Deshalb distanziert er sich
+hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller verwiesenen/verlinkten Seiten,
+die nach der Verweis- bzw. Linksetzung verändert wurden.
+Diese Feststellung gilt für alle innerhalb des eigenen Internetangebotes
+gesetzten Verweise und Links sowie für Fremdeinträge in vom Autor
+eingerichteten Gästebüchern, Diskussionsforen, Linkverzeichnissen,
+Mailinglisten und in allen anderen Formen von Datenbanken, auf
+deren Inhalt externe Schreibzugriffe möglich sind. Für illegale,
+fehlerhafte oder unvollständige Inhalte und insbesondere für
+Schäden, die aus der Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung solcherart
+dargebotener Informationen entstehen, haftet allein der
+Anbieter der Seite, auf welche verwiesen wurde, nicht derjenige,
+der über Verweise oder Links auf die jeweilige Veröffentlichung
+lediglich verweist.
Urheber- und Kennzeichenrecht
Der Autor ist bestrebt, in allen Publikationen geltende Urheberrechte
+zu beachten. Sollte es trotzdem zu einer Urheberrechtsverletzung kommen,
+werden wir das entsprechende Objekt nach Benachrichtigung aus unserer
+Publikation entfernen oder Informationen zum Urheberrecht hinzufügen.
Alle innerhalb des Internetangebots genannten und ggf. durch Dritte
+geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichen unterliegen uneingeschränkt den
+Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechts und den
+Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer.
+Allein aufgrund der bloßen Nennung ist nicht der Schluss zu ziehen,
+dass Markenzeichen nicht durch Rechte Dritter geschützt sind.
Das Copyright für veröffentlichte, vom Autor selbst erstellte
+Objekte (Bilder, Grafiken, Tondokumente, Videosequenzen, Texte, usw.)
+bleibt allein beim Autor der Seiten.
+Eine Vervielfältigung oder Verwendung solcher Objekte in anderen
+elektronischen oder gedruckten Publikationen ist ohne ausdrückliche
+Zustimmung des Autors nicht gestattet.
Sofern innerhalb des Internetangebotes die Möglichkeit zur
+Eingabe persönlicher oder geschäftlicher Daten (E-Mail-Adressen,
+Namen, Anschriften) besteht, so erfolgt die Preisgabe dieser Daten seitens
+des Nutzers auf ausdrücklich freiwilliger Basis. Die Inanspruchnahme
+und Bezahlung aller angebotenen Dienste ist – soweit technisch
+möglich und zumutbar – auch ohne Angabe solcher Daten bzw.
+unter Angabe anonymisierter Daten oder eines Pseudonyms gestattet.
Die Nutzung der im Rahmen des Impressums oder vergleichbarer
+Angaben veröffentlichten Kontaktdaten wie Postanschriften,
+Telefon- und Faxnummern sowie E-Mail-Adressen durch Dritte zur
+Übersendung von nicht ausdrücklich angeforderten Informationen
+zu Marketing-Zwecken ist nicht gestattet.
+Rechtliche Schritte gegen die Versender von sogenannten Spam-Mails
+bei Verstößen gegen dieses Verbot sind ausdrücklich vorbehalten.
Umfang der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten unserer Nutzer grundsätzlich nur,
+soweit dies zur Bereitstellung einer funktionsfähigen Website sowie
+unserer Inhalte und Leistungen erforderlich ist. Die Verarbeitung
+personenbezogener Daten unserer Nutzer erfolgt regelmäßig nur nach
+Einwilligung des Nutzers. Eine Ausnahme gilt in solchen Fällen,
+in denen eine vorherige Einholung einer Einwilligung aus tatsächlichen
+Gründen nicht möglich ist und die Verarbeitung der Daten durch
+gesetzliche Vorschriften gestattet ist.
Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
Soweit wir für Verarbeitungsvorgänge personenbezogener Daten eine
+Einwilligung der betroffenen Person einholen, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a
+EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) als Rechtsgrundlage.
Bei der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten, die zur Erfüllung eines
+Vertrages, dessen Vertragspartei die betroffene Person ist, erforderlich ist,
+dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage. Dies gilt auch für
+Verarbeitungsvorgänge, die zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen
+erforderlich sind.
Soweit eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten zur Erfüllung einer
+rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich ist, der der Verantwortliche
+unterliegt, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage.
Für den Fall, dass lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder
+einer anderen natürlichen Person eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
+erforderlich machen, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. d DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage.
Ist die Verarbeitung zur Wahrung eines berechtigten Interesses des
+Verantwortlichen oder eines Dritten erforderlich und überwiegen die Interessen,
+Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten des Betroffenen das erstgenannte Interesse
+nicht, so dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO als Rechtsgrundlage.
Datenlöschung und Speicherdauer
Die personenbezogenen Daten der betroffenen Person werden gelöscht
+oder gesperrt, sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt.
+Eine Speicherung kann darüber hinaus erfolgen, wenn dies durch den
+europäischen oder nationalen Gesetzgeber in unionsrechtlichen Verordnungen,
+Gesetzen oder sonstigen Vorschriften, denen der Verantwortliche unterliegt,
+vorgesehen wurde. Eine Löschung oder Sperrung der Daten erfolgt auch dann,
+wenn eine durch die genannten Normen vorgeschriebene Speicherfrist abläuft,
+es sei denn, dass eine Erforderlichkeit zur weiteren Speicherung der Daten
+für einen Vertragsabschluss oder eine Vertragserfüllung besteht.
Bereitstellung der Website und Erstellung von Logfiles
Bei jedem Aufruf unserer Internetseite erfasst unser System automatisiert
+Daten und Informationen des aufrufenden Rechners.
+Folgende Daten werden hierbei erhoben:
Informationen über den Browsertyp und die verwendete Version.
Das Betriebssystem des Nutzers.
Den Internet-Service-Provider des Nutzers.
Die IP-Adresse des Nutzers.
Datum und Uhrzeit des Zugriffs.
Websites, von denen das System des Nutzers auf unsere Internetseite gelangt.
Websites, die vom System des Nutzers über unsere Website aufgerufen werden.
Die Daten werden ebenfalls in den Logfiles unseres Systems gespeichert.
+Eine Speicherung dieser Daten zusammen mit anderen personenbezogenen Daten
+des Nutzers findet nicht statt.
Die vorübergehende Speicherung der IP-Adresse durch das System ist
+notwendig, um eine Auslieferung der Website an den Rechner des Nutzers zu
+ermöglichen. Hierfür muss die IP-Adresse des Nutzers für die Dauer der
+Sitzung gespeichert bleiben.
Die Speicherung in Logfiles erfolgt, um die Funktionsfähigkeit der Website
+sicherzustellen. Zudem dienen uns die Daten zur Optimierung der Website und
+zur Sicherstellung der Sicherheit unserer informationstechnischen Systeme.
+Eine Auswertung der Daten zu Marketingzwecken findet in diesem Zusammenhang
+nicht statt.
Rechtsgrundlage für die vorübergehende Speicherung der Daten und der
+Logfiles ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
+Unsere berechtigten Interessen liegen in den oben genannten Zwecken.
Die Daten werden gelöscht, sobald sie für die Erreichung des Zweckes
+ihrer Erhebung nicht mehr erforderlich sind:
Im Falle der Erfassung der Daten zur Bereitstellung der Website ist
+dies der Fall, wenn die jeweilige Sitzung beendet ist.
Im Falle der Speicherung der Daten in Logfiles ist dies nach spätestens
+sieben Tagen der Fall. Eine darüberhinausgehende Speicherung ist möglich;
+in diesem Fall werden die IP-Adressen der Nutzer gelöscht oder verfremdet,
+sodass eine Zuordnung des aufrufenden Clients nicht mehr möglich ist.
Die Erfassung der Daten zur Bereitstellung der Website und die Speicherung
+der Daten in Logfiles ist für den Betrieb der Website zwingend erforderlich.
+Es besteht folglich seitens des Nutzers keine Widerspruchsmöglichkeit.
Unsere Website verwendet Cookies. Bei Cookies handelt es sich
+um Textdateien, die im Browser bzw. vom Browser
+auf dem Computersystem des Nutzers gespeichert werden.
+Ruft ein Nutzer eine Website auf, so kann ein Cookie auf dem
+System des Nutzers gespeichert werden.
+Dieser Cookie kann eine charakteristische Zeichenfolge enthalten,
+die eine eindeutige Identifizierung des Browsers beim
+erneuten Aufrufen der Website ermöglicht.
Wir setzen Cookies ein, um unsere Website nutzerfreundlicher zu
+gestalten. Einige Elemente unserer Internetseite erfordern es,
+dass der aufrufende Browser auch nach einem Seitenwechsel
+identifiziert werden kann.
In den Cookies werden dabei folgende Daten gespeichert und übermittelt:
Zustand der Benachrichtigung zur Verwendung von Cookies (Cookie Consent).
+Cookie-Name: RwlConsent, Gültigkeitsdauer: ≤ 1 Jahr.
Daten von Drittanbietern (siehe unten).
Der Zweck der Verwendung technisch notwendiger Cookies ist,
+die Nutzung von Websites für die Nutzer zu vereinfachen.
+Einige Funktionen unserer Internetseite können ohne den Einsatz
+von Cookies nicht angeboten werden. Für diese ist es erforderlich,
+dass der Browser auch nach einem Seitenwechsel wiedererkannt wird.
Für folgende Anwendungen benötigen wir Cookies:
Merken des Zustands der Benachrichtigung zur Verwendung von Cookies (Cookie Consent).
Drittanbieter-Anwendungen (siehe unten).
Die durch technisch notwendige Cookies erhobenen Nutzerdaten werden
+nicht zur Erstellung von Nutzerprofilen verwendet.
Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten
+unter Verwendung von Cookies ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
+Unsere berechtigten Interessen liegen in den oben genannten Zwecken.
Cookies werden auf dem Rechner des Nutzers gespeichert und von diesem
+übermittelt. Daher haben Sie als Nutzer auch die volle
+Kontrolle über die Verwendung von Cookies. Durch eine Änderung der
+Einstellungen in Ihrem Browser können Sie die Übertragung von
+Cookies deaktivieren oder einschränken. Bereits gespeicherte Cookies
+können jederzeit gelöscht werden. Dies kann auch automatisiert erfolgen.
+Bitte konsultieren Sie die Dokumentation Ihres Browsers.
+Links zu den Cookie-Management-Dokumentationen einiger gängiger Browser:
Werden Cookies für unsere Website deaktiviert, können möglicherweise
+nicht mehr alle Funktionen der Website vollumfänglich genutzt werden.
Wir greifen auf Drittanbieter (Google) zurück, um Anzeigen zu schalten,
+wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen. Diese Unternehmen nutzen möglicherweise
+Informationen (dies schließt nicht Ihren Namen, Ihre Adresse,
+E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer ein) zu Ihren Besuchen dieser und anderer
+Websites, damit Anzeigen zu Produkten und Diensten geschaltet werden
+können, die Sie interessieren.
+Weitere Informationen über die Methoden und darüber, welche Möglichkeiten
+Sie haben, damit diese Informationen nicht von den Drittanbietern
+verwendet werden können, finden Sie hier:
Im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum und in Kalifornien
+wird auf unserer Website nur nicht-personalisierte Werbung angezeigt.
Beim Aufruf einer Seite unserer Website kontaktiert Ihr Browser
+die Server des Drittanbieters; hierbei erfährt der Drittanbieter unter anderem
+Ihre IP-Adresse, den Browsertyp und die Adresse (URL) der aufgerufenen Seite.
Die Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO;
+unsere Website wird durch die Werbung finanziert.
Kontaktformular und E-Mail-Kontakt
Auf unserer Internetseite ist ein Kontaktformular vorhanden,
+welches für die elektronische Kontaktaufnahme genutzt werden kann.
+Nimmt ein Nutzer diese Möglichkeit wahr, so werden die in der
+Eingabemaske eingegebenen Daten an uns übermittelt und gespeichert.
+Zum Zeitpunkt der Absendung der Nachricht werden zudem das aktuelle
+Datum und die aktuelle Uhrzeit gespeichert.
Alternativ ist eine Kontaktaufnahme über die bereitgestellte
+E-Mail-Adresse möglich. In diesem Fall werden die mit der E-Mail
+übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten des Nutzers gespeichert.
Es erfolgt in diesem Zusammenhang keine Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte.
Die Daten dienen allein zur Bearbeitung der Kontaktaufnahme bzw.
Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der Daten ist
+Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.
+Unsere berechtigten Interessen liegen in den oben genannten Zwecken.
+Zielt der Kontakt auf den Abschluss eines Vertrages ab, so ist
+Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO eine zusätzliche Rechtsgrundlage.
Falls eine gesetzliche Archivierungspflicht gilt, werden die Daten
+für die vorgeschriebene Dauer gespeichert.
+Anderenfalls werden die Daten gelöscht, sobald sie für die Erreichung der Zwecke
+ihrer Erhebung nicht mehr erforderlich sind. Für die personenbezogenen Daten,
+die per Kontaktformular oder E-Mail übersandt wurden, ist dies dann der Fall,
+wenn die jeweilige Konversation mit dem Nutzer beendet ist.
+Beendet ist die Konversation dann, wenn sich aus den Umständen entnehmen
+lässt, dass der betroffene Sachverhalt abschließend geklärt ist.
Sie haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit, der Speicherung Ihrer
+personenbezogenen Daten zu widersprechen.
+Senden Sie dazu eine entsprechende E-Mail an den Verantwortlichen.
+In diesem Fall werden alle Daten, die im Zuge der Kontaktaufnahme bzw.
+Konversation gespeichert wurden, unverzüglich gelöscht, und
+die Konversation kann nicht fortgeführt werden.
Rechte der betroffenen Person
Werden personenbezogene Daten von Ihnen verarbeitet, sind Sie Betroffener
+im Sinne der DSGVO und es stehen Ihnen die folgenden Rechte zu.
Sie können von dem Verantwortlichen eine Bestätigung darüber verlangen,
+ob personenbezogene Daten, die Sie betreffen, von uns verarbeitet werden.
Liegt eine solche Verarbeitung vor, können Sie von dem Verantwortlichen
+über folgende Informationen Auskunft verlangen:
die Verarbeitungszwecke;
die Kategorien von personenbezogenen Daten, welche verarbeitet werden;
die Empfänger bzw. die Kategorien von Empfängern, gegenüber denen die Sie
+betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten offengelegt wurden oder noch offengelegt werden;
die geplante Dauer der Speicherung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten
+oder, falls konkrete Angaben hierzu nicht möglich sind, Kriterien für die
+Festlegung der Speicherdauer;
das Bestehen eines Rechts auf Berichtigung oder Löschung der Sie
+betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, eines Rechts auf Einschränkung der
+Verarbeitung durch den Verantwortlichen oder eines Widerspruchsrechts
+gegen diese Verarbeitung;
das Bestehen eines Beschwerderechts bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde;
alle verfügbaren Informationen über die Herkunft der Daten, wenn die
+personenbezogenen Daten nicht bei der betroffenen Person erhoben werden;
das Bestehen einer automatisierten Entscheidungsfindung einschließlich
+Profiling gemäß Art. 22 Abs. 1 und 4 DSGVO und – zumindest in diesen Fällen –
+aussagekräftige Informationen über die involvierte Logik sowie die Tragweite
+und die angestrebten Auswirkungen einer derartigen Verarbeitung für die
+betroffene Person.
Ihnen steht das Recht zu, Auskunft darüber zu verlangen, ob die Sie
+betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten in ein Drittland oder an eine
+internationale Organisation übermittelt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang können
+Sie verlangen, gemäß Art. 46 DSGVO über die geeigneten Garantien im Zusammenhang
+mit der Übermittlung unterrichtet zu werden.
Recht auf Berichtigung
Sie haben das Recht auf Berichtigung und/oder Vervollständigung,
+sofern die verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie betreffen,
+unrichtig oder unvollständig sind.
+Der Verantwortliche hat die Berichtigung unverzüglich vorzunehmen.
Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung
Unter den folgenden Voraussetzungen können Sie die Einschränkung der
+Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten verlangen:
wenn Sie die Richtigkeit der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten für
+eine Dauer bestreiten, die es dem Verantwortlichen ermöglicht, die Richtigkeit
+der personenbezogenen Daten zu überprüfen;
die Verarbeitung unrechtmäßig ist und Sie die Löschung der
+personenbezogenen Daten ablehnen und stattdessen die Einschränkung der
+Nutzung der personenbezogenen Daten verlangen;
der Verantwortliche die personenbezogenen Daten für die Zwecke der
+Verarbeitung nicht länger benötigt, Sie diese jedoch zur Geltendmachung,
+Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen benötigen;
wenn Sie Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO
+eingelegt haben und noch nicht feststeht, ob die berechtigten Gründe des
+Verantwortlichen gegenüber Ihren Gründen überwiegen.
Wurde die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten
+eingeschränkt, dürfen diese Daten – von ihrer Speicherung abgesehen – nur
+mit Ihrer Einwilligung oder zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung
+von Rechtsansprüchen oder zum Schutz der Rechte einer anderen natürlichen
+oder juristischen Person oder aus Gründen eines wichtigen öffentlichen
+Interesses der Union oder eines Mitgliedstaats verarbeitet werden.
Wurde die Verarbeitung nach den o.g. Voraussetzungen eingeschränkt,
+werden Sie von dem Verantwortlichen unterrichtet bevor die
+Einschränkung aufgehoben wird.
Recht auf Löschung
+Sie können von dem Verantwortlichen verlangen, dass die Sie betreffenden
+personenbezogenen Daten unverzüglich gelöscht werden.
+Der Verantwortliche ist verpflichtet, diese Daten unverzüglich zu löschen,
+sofern einer der folgenden Gründe zutrifft:
Die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten sind für die Zwecke, für
+die sie erhoben oder auf sonstige Weise verarbeitet wurden, nicht mehr notwendig.
Sie widerrufen Ihre Einwilligung, auf die sich die Verarbeitung (gemäß
+Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a oder Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a DSGVO) stützte, und es fehlt
+an einer anderweitigen Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung.
Sie legen gemäß Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung
+ein und es liegen keine vorrangigen berechtigten Gründe für die Verarbeitung vor,
+oder Sie legen gemäß Art. 21 Abs. 2 DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung ein.
Die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten wurden unrechtmäßig verarbeitet.
Die Löschung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten ist zur Erfüllung
+einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung nach dem Unionsrecht oder dem Recht der
+Mitgliedstaaten erforderlich, dem der Verantwortliche unterliegt.
Die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten wurden in Bezug auf angebotene
+Dienste der Informationsgesellschaft gemäß Art. 8 Abs. 1 DSGVO erhoben.
Information an Dritte.
+Hat der Verantwortliche die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten
+öffentlich gemacht und ist er gemäß Art. 17 Abs. 1 DSGVO zu deren Löschung
+verpflichtet, so trifft er unter Berücksichtigung der verfügbaren Technologie
+und der Implementierungskosten angemessene Maßnahmen, auch technischer Art,
+um für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortliche, die die personenbezogenen Daten
+verarbeiten, darüber zu informieren, dass Sie als betroffene Person von ihnen
+die Löschung aller Links zu diesen personenbezogenen Daten oder von Kopien
+oder Replikationen dieser personenbezogenen Daten verlangt haben.
+Das Recht auf Löschung besteht nicht, soweit die Verarbeitung erforderlich ist
zur Ausübung des Rechts auf freie Meinungsäußerung und Information;
zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung, die die Verarbeitung
+nach dem Recht der Union oder der Mitgliedstaaten, dem der Verantwortliche
+unterliegt, erfordert, oder zur Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe, die im öffentlichen
+Interesse liegt oder in Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt erfolgt, die dem
+Verantwortlichen übertragen wurde;
aus Gründen des öffentlichen Interesses im Bereich der öffentlichen
+Gesundheit gemäß Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. h und i sowie Art. 9 Abs. 3 DSGVO;
für im öffentlichen Interesse liegende Archivzwecke, wissenschaftliche
+oder historische Forschungszwecke oder für statistische Zwecke gemäß
+Art. 89 Abs. 1 DSGVO, soweit das unter Art. 17 Abs. 1 DSGVO genannte Recht
+voraussichtlich die Verwirklichung der Ziele dieser Verarbeitung unmöglich
+macht oder ernsthaft beeinträchtigt;
zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen.
Recht auf Unterrichtung
Haben Sie das Recht auf Berichtigung, Löschung oder Einschränkung der
+Verarbeitung gegenüber dem Verantwortlichen geltend gemacht, ist dieser
+verpflichtet, allen Empfängern, denen die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen
+Daten offengelegt wurden, diese Berichtigung oder Löschung der Daten oder
+Einschränkung der Verarbeitung mitzuteilen, es sei denn, dies erweist sich
+als unmöglich oder ist mit einem unverhältnismäßigen Aufwand verbunden.
Ihnen steht gegenüber dem Verantwortlichen das Recht zu, über diese
+Empfänger unterrichtet zu werden.
Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit
Sie haben das Recht, die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten,
+die Sie dem Verantwortlichen bereitgestellt haben, in einem strukturierten,
+gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten. Außerdem haben Sie das
+Recht diese Daten einem anderen Verantwortlichen ohne Behinderung durch den
+Verantwortlichen, dem die personenbezogenen Daten bereitgestellt wurden,
+zu übermitteln, sofern
die Verarbeitung auf einer Einwilligung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO
+oder Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a DSGVO oder auf einem Vertrag gemäß
+Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO beruht und
die Verarbeitung mithilfe automatisierter Verfahren erfolgt.
In Ausübung dieses Rechts haben Sie ferner das Recht, zu erwirken,
+dass die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten direkt von einem
+Verantwortlichen einem anderen Verantwortlichen übermittelt werden,
+soweit dies technisch machbar ist. Freiheiten und Rechte anderer Personen
+dürfen hierdurch nicht beeinträchtigt werden.
Das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit gilt nicht für eine Verarbeitung
+personenbezogener Daten, die für die Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe erforderlich
+ist, die im öffentlichen Interesse liegt oder in Ausübung öffentlicher
+Gewalt erfolgt, die dem Verantwortlichen übertragen wurde.
Sie haben das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen
+Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden
+personenbezogenen Daten, die aufgrund von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. e oder f DSGVO
+erfolgt, Widerspruch einzulegen; dies gilt auch für ein auf diese
+Bestimmungen gestütztes Profiling.
Der Verantwortliche verarbeitet die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten
+nicht mehr, es sei denn, er kann zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die
+Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihre Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten
+überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder
+Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen.
Werden die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet,
+um Direktwerbung zu betreiben, haben Sie das Recht, jederzeit Widerspruch
+gegen die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten zum
+Zwecke derartiger Werbung einzulegen; dies gilt auch für das Profiling,
+soweit es mit solcher Direktwerbung in Verbindung steht.
Widersprechen Sie der Verarbeitung für Zwecke der Direktwerbung,
+so werden die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr für diese
+Zwecke verarbeitet.
Sie haben die Möglichkeit, im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung von
+Diensten der Informationsgesellschaft – ungeachtet der Richtlinie
+2002/58/EG – Ihr Widerspruchsrecht mittels automatisierter Verfahren
+auszuüben, bei denen technische Spezifikationen verwendet werden.
Recht auf Widerruf der datenschutzrechtlichen Einwilligungserklärung
Sie haben das Recht, Ihre datenschutzrechtliche Einwilligungserklärung
+jederzeit zu widerrufen. Durch den Widerruf der Einwilligung wird die
+Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten
+Verarbeitung nicht berührt.
Automatisierte Entscheidung im Einzelfall einschließlich Profiling
Sie haben das Recht, nicht einer ausschließlich auf einer
+automatisierten Verarbeitung – einschließlich Profiling – beruhenden
+Entscheidung unterworfen zu werden, die Ihnen gegenüber rechtliche Wirkung
+entfaltet oder Sie in ähnlicher Weise erheblich beeinträchtigt.
+Dies gilt nicht, wenn die Entscheidung
für den Abschluss oder die Erfüllung eines Vertrags zwischen Ihnen
+und dem Verantwortlichen erforderlich ist;
aufgrund von Rechtsvorschriften der Union oder der Mitgliedstaaten,
+denen der Verantwortliche unterliegt, zulässig ist und diese Rechtsvorschriften
+angemessene Maßnahmen zur Wahrung Ihrer Rechte und Freiheiten sowie Ihrer
+berechtigten Interessen enthalten; oder
mit Ihrer ausdrücklichen Einwilligung erfolgt.
Allerdings dürfen diese Entscheidungen nicht auf besonderen Kategorien
+personenbezogener Daten nach Art. 9 Abs. 1 DSGVO beruhen,
+sofern nicht Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a oder g DSGVO gilt und angemessene Maßnahmen
+zum Schutz der Rechte und Freiheiten sowie Ihrer berechtigten Interessen getroffen wurden.
Hinsichtlich der in 1. und 3. genannten Fälle trifft der
+Verantwortliche angemessene Maßnahmen, um die Rechte und Freiheiten sowie
+Ihre berechtigten Interessen zu wahren, wozu mindestens das Recht auf
+Erwirkung des Eingreifens einer Person seitens des Verantwortlichen,
+auf Darlegung des eigenen Standpunkts und auf Anfechtung der Entscheidung gehört.
Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde
Unbeschadet eines anderweitigen verwaltungsrechtlichen oder gerichtlichen
+Rechtsbehelfs steht Ihnen das Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde,
+insbesondere in dem Mitgliedstaat ihres Aufenthaltsorts, ihres Arbeitsplatzes
+oder des Orts des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes, zu, wenn Sie der Ansicht sind,
+dass die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten gegen
+die DSGVO verstößt.
Die Aufsichtsbehörde, bei der die Beschwerde eingereicht wurde, unterrichtet
+den Beschwerdeführer über den Stand und die Ergebnisse der Beschwerde
+einschließlich der Möglichkeit eines gerichtlichen Rechtsbehelfs nach Art. 78 DSGVO.
Siehe auch die Danksagungen-Seite
+(enthält Lizenzen von Dritten).
Rechtswirksamkeit dieser Bestimmungen
Diese rechtlichen Bestimmungen sind als Teil des Internetangebotes
+zu betrachten, von dem aus auf diese Seite verwiesen wurde.
+Sofern Teile oder einzelne Formulierungen dieses Textes der
+geltenden Rechtslage nicht, nicht mehr oder nicht vollständig
+entsprechen sollten, bleiben die übrigen Teile des Dokumentes
+in ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Gültigkeit davon unberührt.
Depending on which field you double-click in the entry list of the main window,
+different actions are performed:
Title field: open the entry editing dialog for this entry.
+If you hold down the Shift key while double-clicking,
+the title is copied to the clipboard instead.
User name field: copy user name to the clipboard.
Password field: copy password to the clipboard.
URL field: open URL.
+If you hold down the Shift key while double-clicking,
+the URL is copied to the clipboard instead.
+This behavior can be reversed by turning on the option
+'Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them'.
Notes field: copy notes to the clipboard.
Attachment field: [1.x] copy to clipboard, [2.x] open in
+internal editor / viewer.
Other fields (like time
+and UUID fields): copy the contents of that field to the clipboard.
You can drag&drop all fields of KeePass entries into other windows:
Auto-Type is a powerful feature that sends simulated keypresses to
+other applications.
+Introduction: What is Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation?
The Auto-Type feature of KeePass
+is very powerful: it sends simulated keypresses to other applications.
+This works with all Windows applications and
+for the target applications it's not possible to distinguish between
+real keypresses and the ones simulated by Auto-Type.
+This at the same time is the main disadvantage of Auto-Type, because
+keyloggers can eavesdrop the simulated keys.
+That's where Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation (TCATO) comes into play.
TCATO makes standard keyloggers useless. It uses the
+Windows clipboard to transfer parts of the auto-typed text into the
+target application. Keyloggers can see the Ctrl+V
+presses, but do not log the actual contents pasted from the clipboard.
Clipboard spies don't work either, because only parts of the sensitive
+information is transferred on this way.
Anyway, it's not perfectly secure (and unfortunately cannot be made
+by theory). None of the currently available keyloggers or clipboard spies
+can eavesdrop an obfuscated auto-type process, but it is theoretically possible
+to write a dedicated spy application that specializes on logging obfuscated
+When can Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation be used?
TCATO cannot be used with all windows. The target window(s) must
+support clipboard operations and navigation within edit controls using arrow keys.
+Additionally, the target user interface must not contain automation features like
+jumping focus when maximum length of a text box is reached (as seen in registration
+number dialogs for example).
Because it doesn't work with all windows, it's an opt-in feature for each
+entry. You have to enable it explicitly on the 'Auto-Type' tab page in the
+'Edit Entry' dialog.
+How to enable / configure Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation?
All you need to do is to tick the checkbox "Two-channel auto-type obfuscation"
+of an entry ('Auto-Type' tab page of the entry editing window); KeePass will do the rest.
+Technical Overview
Instead of simply sending simulated keypresses to the target application (as normal
+auto-type does), obfuscated auto-type does the following:
Back up the current clipboard contents.
Intelligently split the text into parts.
For each part: check if the clipboard can be used.
If yes: Split it into two subparts (character-wise, like two
+flat intertwining combs). Copy/paste the first part, merge the rest by sending keypresses.
If no: Send it normally using simulated keypresses.
Restore previous clipboard contents.
These steps are described in detail below.
+Intelligently Splitting the Text
The text to be sent must first be split intelligently. Not all parts of the
+string can be sent using the clipboard: special key codes and key modifiers must be passed
+unchanged to the SendInput function. For an example, have a look at the following
This is an example of a typical string sent by KeePass to another application. First
+it types the user's email address, then a Tab,
+then the password, a Tab, toggles a checkbox,
+another Tab and finally presses the Enter key.
+This sequence can be split into the following parts:
For each line, it is checked if the clipboard can be used. If the line contains a '{', '}', '(', ')',
+'+', '^', '%' or whitespace (space), it can only be sent by the SendInput function
+directly. For example, '+' presses the Shift key,
+it should not be copy/pasted as '+' character.
+Spaces cannot be copy/pasted either, because they are usually used to toggle checkboxes.
In the example above, "mymail@myprovider.com" and "MyTopSecretPassword" can
+be sent using the clipboard.
+Splitting the Secrets
Let's transfer "mymail@myprovider.com" to the target application using
First, the secret string "mymail@myprovider.com" is randomly split character-wise
+into two parts like two flat intertwining combs:
y il m o d .c
+m ma @ ypr vi er om
The first string "yilmod.c" is now copied to the clipboard. The string to be
+sent by the SendInput function is now assembled as follows:
Begin with pasting from the clipboard: ^v.
Press the ← key n times,
+with n = length of the clipboard string.
Send the remaining characters and press the →
+key to skip the ones that were already pasted from the clipboard.
In our example above, the key sequence would be assembled to:
This will first paste the clipboard contents, go to its start and fill in the remaining characters,
+building up the original string "mymail@myprovider.com".
The time in which the first string part remains in the clipboard is minimal.
+It is copied to the clipboard, pasted into the target application and immediately
+cleared. This process usually takes only a few milliseconds at maximum.
More about secret string splitting:
+In the above example, the string "mymail@myprovider.com" was
+split and sent. If the string would be split differently each time,
+a malicious application could reassemble the string by
+capturing multiple auto-types and combining them. In order to prevent this,
+KeePass initializes the random number generator for splitting based on a
+hash of the string. This means that each string is split differently,
+but the partitions of a string are uniquely determined. So, by invoking
+auto-type multiple times, an attacker cannot reassemble the original string,
+because he always captures the same half part.
On this tab page you can specify general things like the name of the database and
+a description. Additionally, you can set various defaults like a default user
+name for new entries (created in this database).
+Security Options
On this tab page you can specify various settings related to encryption.
+Only change these settings if you really know what you are doing.
Encryption Algorithm:
+You can choose the algorithm that is used to encrypt the database.
+All encryption algorithms offered by KeePass are well-known, secure algorithms,
+see Database Encryption.
KeePass has a button on this tab page to compute the number of key transformations
+that your computer can do in 1 second. If you for instance only want to wait 0.5 seconds,
+half the number resulted from the benchmark.
+Compression Options
KeePass databases can be compressed before being encrypted. Compression
+reduces the size of the database, but also slows down the database
+saving/loading process a bit.
It is recommended to use the GZip compression option. This algorithm
+is very fast (you won't notice any difference to saving the database without
+compression) and its compression rate is acceptable.
It is not recommended to save databases without compression.
On modern PCs, saving files with compression can actually be faster than
+saving without compression, because the compression process is performed by
+the CPU (which is very fast) and fewer data has to be transferred from/to
+the storage device. Especially when the device is slow (like saving to USB
+stick), compression can reduce the saving/loading time significantly.
Templates are a great way to predefine often used user names or
+additional fields, or combinations of each.
A template is a normal KeePass entry with all required data already
Templates must be kept in a single group.
Do not put real data entries in the template group.
First create a normal group in the main window and then set it as the
+templates group in 'File' →
+'Database Settings' → tab 'Advanced'.
In order to create a new entry based on a template,
+click the drop-down arrow of the 'Add Entry' toolbar button
+and choose the template to be used.
On the tab page 'General', you can specify the main information
+of an account.
+In the title field, the name of the system/service should be entered.
For certain systems/services, it can make sense to ensure that the
+entry title occurs within the target window title, because this allows
+auto-type to associate the entry
+with the target window.
+For details, see global auto-type.
+However, if the target window title does not contain the system/service name
+(e.g. 'Login - Browser Name'), it is recommended to create a
+custom window/sequence association instead.
User name.
+In the user name field, you should specify the data that you are entering
+during a login in order to identify yourself. This typically is a user name,
+an e-mail address or a number.
There is no separate e-mail address field by default, because this
+would decrease the usability. For details, see the section
+'Can an e-mail address field be added?'
+in the FAQ.
When typing into the user name field, KeePass may display a list of
+suggestions for the user name.
+This list is generated dynamically: when opening the entry dialog,
+KeePass collects the user names of all entries stored in the currently
+active database.
+If you see an incorrect user name in the list, you need to search this
+user name in your entries (using the search function) and fix it there.
In the database settings (menu 'File' →
+'Database Settings'), you can define a default user name for new entries.
+By default, KeePass generates a password for a new entry (this can be
+You can use this password or replace it.
There is a button (right of the password repetition field) that opens
+the password generator.
Furthermore, there is a button for disabling/enabling the
+password quality estimation for the current entry.
+Disabling the password quality estimation for an entry also
+excludes the entry from password quality reports (menu 'Find' →
+'Password Quality').
+In the entry list of the main window, an expired entry is displayed
+with a red X icon and a
+strikeout font.
+Expired entries are not deleted/moved automatically.
You can search for expired entries using the menu 'Find' →
+Expired entries can also be displayed automatically when opening
+the database (menu 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced' →
+option 'Show expired entries (if any)').
Custom string fields.
+Each entry may have an arbitrary number of custom string fields.
+Such a field consists of a name and a value.
+The name must be unique (within the entry).
In the main window, the value of a custom string field can be
+copied into the clipboard by right-clicking on the entry, pointing
+on 'Other Data' and clicking on the name of the custom string field
+(this is also possible via the menu 'Entry').
The value of a custom string field can also be used in an
+auto-type sequence;
+see the placeholders help page.
+For example, the value of a custom string field named 'BIC'
+(acronym for Business Identifier Code) can be inserted using the
+'{S:BIC}' placeholder.
In database files, custom string fields are stored in encrypted form
+(see 'Database Encryption').
+The option 'Protect value in process memory' (in the custom string field dialog)
+allows to activate/deactivate the
+process memory protection
+for the value of the custom string field.
+Activating this protection induces certain limitations (e.g. the value must
+be hidden using asterisks for the protection to be effective) and increases
+the time required by various operations. Therefore, it should be activated
+only for really sensitive data (e.g. a second password).
File attachments.
+You can attach arbitrary files to an entry.
Attached files are stored within the database file in encrypted form
+(see 'Database Encryption').
+When importing a file as attachment, KeePass does not delete the
+source file; you need to delete it yourself, if desired.
This feature is intended to store few/small files (e.g. registration files,
+public/private key pair files, etc.).
+Encrypting many/large files is considered to be out of the scope of a
+password manager and it is recommended to use a specialized file encryption
+software (e.g. VeraCrypt) for this task instead (KeePass can be used
+to store the password for the encrypted file container).
+You can assign arbitrary tags to an entry.
+Multiple tags have to be separated by commas (or semicolons).
+When clicking the button right of the tags input field, a menu is
+displayed that allows to add tags found in other entries.
Tags can also be added/removed in the main window: right-click onto
+one or more entries → 'Edit Entry (Quick)' → 'Add Tag' or
+'Remove Tag'.
A common use case is to mark frequently used entries (tag 'Favorite').
In order to show all entries that have a specific tag, click the
+three-keys button
+in the toolbar of the main window (to the right of
+the 'Find' toolbar button) and choose the tag.
+Alternatively, this command is also accessible via the main menu:
+'Find' → 'Tag' → choose the tag.
If you want to see all entries with a specific tag (e.g. 'Favorite')
+when opening a database, you can create a trigger
+for this: click 'Tools' → 'Triggers', add a new trigger,
+enter a name (e.g. 'Show favorites when opening a database'),
+add an event 'Opened database file', and add an action
+'Show entries by tag' with the parameter 'Tag' set to the tag name
+(e.g. 'Favorite').
+A UUID is a 128-bit number that uniquely identifies an object
+(an entry in this case).
In some places (e.g. in field references),
+a UUID needs to be specified in hexadecimal form.
+In some other places (e.g. in KDBX XML files), a UUID is stored in
+Base64 form.
The entry dialog shows both forms (hexadecimal and Base64), such that
+you can directly copy the form that you currently need.
On this tab page, you can configure the auto-type behavior for
+the current entry.
+See the auto-type help page.
Each entry has an own history. When modifying an entry, KeePass
+automatically creates a history entry, which contains the previous data.
+The history entries are listed on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog.
By default, the number of history entries per entry and the
+history size per entry are limited to reasonable values.
+You can change these limitations in the database settings dialog
+(menu 'File' → 'Database Settings').
If you want to delete certain history entries manually,
+there are two possibilities:
On the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog, you can delete
+specific history entries.
In 'Tools' → 'Database Tools' → 'Database Maintenance',
+you can delete all history entries that are older than a specific
+number of days.
When clicking the 'Tools' button (bottom left in the entry dialog),
+a menu is displayed that provides some useful commands.
Copy initial password.
+Copies (to the clipboard) the password that was current when the dialog
+was opened.
+This command can be useful for instance when you try to change the password
+and the website/service requests the previous password as confirmation
+after specifying the new password.
URL field commands.
+These commands edit the URL field.
Insert field reference.
+When clicking one of the commands in this submenu, a dialog is displayed
+that allows to conveniently create a
+field reference in the chosen field.
OTP generator settings.
+Displays a dialog for conveniently editing the
+one-time password
+generator settings of the entry.
+Editing Multiple Entries At Once
The entry dialog supports editing multiple entries at once.
+For this, select multiple entries in the entry list of the main window
+and invoke the 'Edit Entries' command.
If the entries contain different values for a field (e.g. if the
+entries have different user names), the text box in the entry dialog
+shows "(Multiple values)".
+If you do not change this, the values for this field will not be modified.
+If you change it, the new value will be assigned to all entries.
In case of a boolean option, the check box may support three states:
Unchecked. The option is/will be turned off for all entries.
Checked. The option is/will be turned on for all entries.
Indeterminate. For some entries, the option is turned off, whereas
+for the other entries, it is turned on. The states will not be modified.
Controls for data that cannot be modified in multiple entries at once
+(e.g. file attachments) are disabled. Such data will not be modified.
KeePass supports various different dialog banner styles. These styles are
+independent from the operating system and can freely be used on all systems.
In this dialog you can specify a URL, from/to which data is read/written.
By default, KeePass supports FTP, HTTP, HTTPS
+and WebDAV. More protocols may be available on your system
+(if specific providers are installed).
The IOProtocolExt plugin adds support for
Cloud storage:
+If you want to store your database file in a cloud storage:
+for most cloud storages, there is an integration with the local file system
+available (i.e. you can access your stored files using Windows Explorer).
+For example, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive provide such
+an integration.
+If such an integration is available, it is recommended that you access
+your database file this way; this often works better than accessing it
+via a protocol like FTP or WebDAV.
+If no such integration is available and your cloud storage also is not
+accessible via a standard protocol, a specialized KeePass
+for this cloud storage might be available.
+Example: Using FTP Server
In order to load/save your database from/to an FTP server, you first need to
+upload the database file to the server manually. This only needs to be done once.
Then start KeePass and go 'File' → 'Open' → 'Open URL...'.
+Enter the full database path on the server and don't forget the ftp:// prefix!
+This prefix is required, otherwise KeePass doesn't know which protocol to use.
+Enter the FTP credentials and click [OK]. KeePass will download the file and open it.
KeePass can remember the FTP credentials, if you wish. You can choose between remembering
+everything (user name and password), partially (user name only) and not remembering
+the credentials at all.
When you press the 'Save' button, KeePass will automatically upload the new
+database file to the server (same location as before, i.e. overwriting the previous
The program is distributed under the
+terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
For acknowledgements and licenses of components/resources/etc., see the
+Acknowledgements page.
+Version 2, June 1991
+Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a)
+ You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b)
+ You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c)
+ If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a)
+ Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b)
+ Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c)
+ Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.
+Copyright (C) yyyyname of author
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) yearname of author
+Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
+type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome
+to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c'
+for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show
+the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and
+`show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever
+suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright
+interest in the program `Gnomovision'
+(which makes passes at compilers) written
+by James Hacker.
+signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
+Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the
+GNU Lesser General Public License
+instead of this License.
Installation, uninstallation and security of KeePass 2.x plugins.
KeePass features a plugin framework. Plugins can provide additional
+functionality, like support of more file formats for import/export,
+network functionalities, backup features, etc.
If there are no explicit instructions how to install the plugin,
+follow these steps:
Download the plugin from the page above and unpack the ZIP file to a
+new folder.
In KeePass, click 'Tools' → 'Plugins' → button
+'Open Folder'; KeePass now opens a folder called 'Plugins'.
+Move the new folder (containing the plugin files) into the 'Plugins' folder.
Restart KeePass in order to load the new plugin.
To uninstall a plugin, delete the plugin files.
+On some Linux systems, the mono-complete package may be
+required for plugins to work properly.
+PLGX plugins are compiled by KeePass and the generated files are stored
+in a plugin cache, which by default is located in the
+user's application data directory (so, running a PLGX plugin by default
+creates files outside the KeePass application directory).
+These plugin cache files do not need to be copied to other systems though,
+because they are generated on each system and do not contain any user data.
What about the security of plugins? Can't malicious plugins
+'inject' themselves into KeePass?
If plugins can register themselves
+(i.e. have write access to the KeePass directory), they could also just
+replace the whole 'KeePass.exe' file. It's a problem of file access
+rights, not the plugin system.
If you worry about this,
+install KeePass as administrator into the program files directory
+(which is the default, typically in a folder in 'C:\Program Files').
+Afterwards, run KeePass and other applications only as normal user
+(without administrator privileges).
This solves the problem above. As the KeePass directory is write-protected
+for normal users, no other program can copy files into it. KeePass requires the plugins to
+be in the application directory. Therefore, plugins cannot inject themselves anymore.
If you use the portable package of KeePass or installed it into a different
+directory, you need to adjust the directory permissions yourself.
KeePass supports two plugin file formats: DLL and
+A DLL plugin can be loaded directly, whereas KeePass needs to compile a PLGX
+plugin to a DLL plugin first, which is then stored in a
+plugin cache (see the section below).
+By default, the user has write access in the plugin cache directory
+(without administrator privileges).
+If you want to use a PLGX plugin, consider to adjust the access rights of the
+plugin cache directory to require administrator privileges for write access.
+Plugin Cache
PLGX plugins are compiled and stored in a plugin cache directory on the
+user's system. This cache highly improves the startup performance of KeePass.
+Old files are normally deleted from the cache
+automatically (this can be disabled in the plugins dialog).
+The cache does not contain any user data.
By default, the plugin cache is located in the user's application data
+directory. However, this can be overridden using the
+Application/PluginCachePath setting in the configuration file
+(this setting supports placeholders and environment variables).
+So, if you're for example using KeePass on a portable device and don't want
+the cache to be on the system, you could set the path to {APPDIR}\PluginCache.
+Do not relocate the plugin cache into the 'Plugins' folder of the
+KeePass application directory, because this can result in a severe
+performance degradation.
Application policy is a KeePass feature that enables administrators
+to prevent you from accidently compromising the security
+system of your company.
Operations like exporting entries to non-encrypted
+files or printing for example can be prevented effectively
+using the application policy.
If you are using KeePass at home, you can ignore the
+application policy (everything allowed anyway) or reduce
+your rights using the policy yourself, in order to avoid
+accidental leakage of sensitive information.
In order to prevent changing the policy after it has
+been specified, it is recommended to use an
+configuration file.
+Help for Administrators
KeePass can be installed on a network drive and a policy
+can be enforced (like not permitting users to print the
+entry list).
The application policy enforcement is based on
+the mechanism how KeePass stores configuration settings. You
+first need to understand this method before you can continue
+creating a policy; see the
+configuration help page.
A policy-enforcing KeePass installation looks like
+the following: the KeePass application files are stored
+on the network drive and all users are starting KeePass from
+this drive (i.e. they only have links to the executable on
+the network drive). By using an enforced configuration file
+on the network drive
+(remember that this file overrides all others),
+a policy can be enforced.
In order to create such an installation, follow these steps:
Copy KeePass to a shared network drive that supports file
+access rights (like NTFS).
Create an enforced configuration file that enforces the
+application policy settings that you wish.
Adjust the file access rights: allow users only to read and
+execute all KeePass files, no write access.
+Policy Security
Recall what the policy mechanism looks like: KeePass and the
+configuration file are stored on the network drive. If you
+grant your users free access to the Internet or allow them
+to insert CD-ROMs/DVDs/USB-sticks, nothing prevents
+a user to download a separate copy of KeePass and run it. In
+this case the policy isn't enforced, as the downloaded KeePass
+doesn't know anything of the enforced configuration file on the network
Policy enforcement therefore only is effective if your users
+really use the KeePass version installed on the network drive.
When downloading KeePass, you have the choice between 3 different packages:
KeePass-2.xx-Setup.exe: An installer program for Windows.
KeePass-2.xx.zip: A KeePass ZIP package (portable version).
KeePass-2.xx-Source.zip: The source code.
The installer and the portable version are described in detail below.
The source code package contains everything you need to compile KeePass.
+It includes the C#/C++ source code and header files, resource files,
+sources for building the installer, etc.
Updating KeePass:
+When a new KeePass version has been released, you can update your existing KeePass
+installation, without losing any configuration settings. The steps are
+depending on which package you are using (installer or portable), see below.
Translations should also be updated when you install a new KeePass version.
+You can find the latest translation files here:
+KeePass Translations.
+Installer program (KeePass-2.xx-Setup.exe file)
The KeePass development team provides an installer, which copies KeePass
+to your hard disk, creates shortcuts in the start menu and associates
+KDBX files with KeePass, if desired.
Additionally, KeePass is automatically configured to store its settings in
+the application data directory of the current user.
+This way multiple users can use one KeePass
+installation without overwriting each other's settings (each user has his
+own configuration file).
+The setup program must run with administrative
+rights, however KeePass runs fine without administrative rights once it
+is installed.
+To install KeePass, run the KeePass-2.xx-Setup.exe file
+and follow the wizard.
+Run the KeePass-2.xx-Setup.exe file.
+You do not need to uninstall the old version first.
+Your configuration options will not be lost.
+In order to uninstall KeePass, run the uninstallation program, which is
+accessible by a shortcut in the start menu folder of KeePass, or in
+the program section of the system control panel. If you also want
+to remove your configuration settings, you need to delete the configuration
+file in the application data directory of your user profile, see
Silent Installation:
+The KeePass installer KeePass-2.xx-Setup.exe supports command line
+switches for silent installation, i.e. the program gets installed without
+asking the user for target directory or association options. The default settings
+of the installer are used.
The /SILENT command line switch performs a silent
+installation and shows a status dialog during the setup process. No questions
+will be asked though.
The /VERYSILENT command line switch performs a silent
+installation and does not show a status dialog during the setup process.
Destination Path:
+The installer allows to choose the destination path to which KeePass is
+However, when the installer detects an existing KeePass installation, it
+assumes that the user wants to perform an upgrade and thus doesn't
+display the destination path selection page; the old version will be overwritten
+by the new version.
+If you want to move an existing KeePass installation to a different path,
+first uninstall the old version; the installer of the new version will then
+display the destination path selection page again.
The portable version can be carried around on portable devices (like USB
+sticks) and runs on any computer directly from the device, without any
+It doesn't store anything on your system (in contrast to
+the setup package, see above). KeePass doesn't create any new
+registry keys and it doesn't create any configuration files in your Windows
+or application data directory of your user profile.
Make sure that KeePass has write access to
+its application directory. Otherwise, if it doesn't have, it'll attempt
+to store the configuration options (nothing security-relevant though) into the
+application data directory of the currently logged on user.
+For more about that, see this page:
+KeePass does not need to be installed. Just download the ZIP package, unpack
+it with your favorite ZIP program and KeePass is ready to be used. Copy it to
+a location of your choice (for example onto your USB stick); no
+additional configuration or installation is needed.
+Download the latest portable package of KeePass, unpack it
+and copy all new files over the old ones. Your configuration settings will not
+be lost (the settings are stored in the KeePass.config.xml file,
+which won't be overwritten, because KeePass ZIP packages don't
+include a KeePass.config.xml file).
+Simply delete the KeePass folder.
+Running KeePass under Mono (Linux, MacOS, BSD, ...)
In addition to Windows, KeePass 2.x runs under Mono,
+i.e. Linux, MacOS, BSD, etc.
Links to all supported packages can be found on the
+Downloads page.
Debian/Ubuntu Linux:
+Install the keepass2 /
+KeePass 2.x for Debian/Ubuntu Linux package (e.g. using APT).
+A link to a page with more information about this package can be found on the
+downloads page.
Fedora Linux:
+Install the keepass package
+(from the Fedora repository; link on the downloads page).
OpenSUSE Linux:
+Install the keepass package
+(from the OpenSUSE Mono repository; link on the downloads page).
Gentoo Linux:
+Install the keepass package
+(from the Gentoo Linux repository; link on the downloads page).
Arch Linux:
+Install the keepass package
+(from the Arch Linux repository; link on the downloads page).
+Install the KeePass 2.x for MacOS package
+(link on the downloads page).
+Install the keepass package
+(from the FreeBSD ports tree or binary pkg repository; link on the downloads page).
Other Unix-like systems:
+In order to run KeePass, follow these steps:
Install Mono ≥ 2.6 (older versions will not work and are
+not supported). Depending on your platform, the packages to install are called
+mono-stable, MonoFramework,
+mono-devel or mono-2.0-devel; see
+the Mono project page,
+if you are unsure which packages to install.
On some platforms, the Windows Forms implementation (System.Windows.Forms)
+is offered as a separate package.
+KeePass requires this package; so if you see one, install it, too.
On some platforms, the Runtime namespace (System.Runtime)
+is offered as a separate package.
+KeePass requires this package; so if you see one, install it, too.
If you want to use auto-type on Linux/MacOS/BSD/etc., you additionally
+need the xdotool package.
Download the portable version of KeePass (ZIP package)
+and unpack it to a location of your choice.
When being in the KeePass directory, run the command line
+"mono KeePass.exe". Alternatively, right-click onto
+the KeePass.exe file, choose "Open with Other Application"
+and type in mono as custom command.
For the last step you might want to create a shortcut
+or shell script file with this command line (use an absolute path to
+KeePass.exe, if the shortcut / shell script file is in a
+different location).
+On some systems, Mono's clipboard routines don't work properly.
+In this case, install the xsel and xdotool packages.
+If these are installed, KeePass uses them for clipboard operations.
Global Auto-Type:
+In order to use global auto-type,
+you need to create an appropriate system-wide hot key. This only needs to be done
+manually once. KeePass performs global auto-type when it's invoked with
+the --auto-typecommand line option.
Some examples how to create a system-wide hot key for global auto-type,
+for different operating systems:
+On Linux systems with KDE, the hot key can be created in Computer
+→ System Settings → Shortcuts and Gestures:
+in this dialog, go Edit → New → Global Shortcut →
+Command/URL, specify the shortcut on the Trigger tab
+and enter
+mono /YourPathToKeePass/KeePass.exe --auto-type
+into the Command/URL field on the Action tab.
Ubuntu Linux ≥ 11.04 (Unity/GNOME).
+Open the dialog Keyboard Shortcuts in the system preferences,
+click the Add button, enter KeePass Auto-Type as name
+mono /YourPathToKeePass/KeePass.exe --auto-type
+as command, then click [Apply]. Click on Disabled of the newly
+created item (such that the text 'New shortcut...' appears),
+press Ctrl+Alt+A, and close the dialog.
Ubuntu Linux ≤ 10.10 (GNOME).
Press Alt+F2,
+enter gconf-editor and click [OK].
Navigate to apps → metacity → keybinding_commands.
Double-click one of the command_i items, enter
+mono /YourPathToKeePass/KeePass.exe --auto-type
+and click [OK].
Click the global_keybindings node on the left.
Double-click the appropriate run_command_i item
+(for example, when you've used command_5 in the previous steps,
+double-click run_command_5 now) and specify the hot key of your
+choice. For example, to use Ctrl+Alt+A
+as hot key, you'd enter <Control><Alt>a.
Important: for global auto-type, the version of the xdotool package
+must be 2.20100818.3004 or higher! If your distribution only offers an
+older version, you can download and install the latest version of the
+package manually, see the xdotool website.
Auto-Type on Wayland:
+If you want to use auto-type on a system with a Wayland compositor,
+see the Auto-Type on Wayland page.
+For fast key transformations
+using AES-KDF, make sure that the libgcrypt library is installed.
+For fast key transformations
+using Argon2, make sure that the libargon2 library is installed.
+On some Linux systems, the mono-complete package
+may be required for plugins to work properly.
TLS 1.2:
+For TLS 1.2 support, Mono 4.8.0 or higher (or .NET Framework 4.5 or higher)
+is required.
+On some Linux systems, the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package
+may be required.
+Running KeePass under Wine (Linux, MacOS, BSD, ...)
Although you can run KeePass 2.x more or less natively on Unix-like systems
+using Mono (see above), the user interface does not always look pretty.
+Some users therefore prefer running KeePass 2.x under Wine.
In order to run KeePass 2.x under Wine, follow these steps:
Make sure that Wine is installed.
+Typically the package to install is called wine.
Download the latest portable package of KeePass 2.x (ZIP file) and unpack it
+into some directory of your choice.
Run wine KeePass.exe.
+By default, Wine uses the classic Windows theme. If you prefer some other
+theme, you can install it in 'Applications' → 'Wine' → 'Configure Wine' →
+tab 'Desktop Integration'.
+Links to themes can for instance be found on
+Wikipedia: Windows XP visual styles.
+Wine currently does not implement all Windows API functions required for
+auto-type, i.e. auto-type does not work when running KeePass under Wine.
+Migrating from KeePass 1.x to 2.x
In order to migrate from KeePass 1.x to 2.x, follow these steps:
Install KeePass 2.x.
+If you're using the installer, make sure that the component
+'Native Support Library' is being installed
+(by default this component is enabled).
Run KeePass 2.x and create a new KDBX database file (via 'File' →
Import your old KDB database file into your new KDBX database file
+(via 'File' → 'Import', file format 'KeePass KDB (1.x)').
If everything works fine, you can delete your old KeePass 1.x
+installation. The old KDB database file also isn't required anymore,
+but you may want to keep it as a backup.
KeePass 2.x features a powerful, built-in synchronization mechanism.
+Changes made in multiple copies of a database file can be merged safely.
After synchronizing two files A and B, both A and B are up-to-date
+(i.e. KeePass saves the merged data to both locations when performing
+a synchronization).
If the files to be synchronized are accessible via a protocol that
+KeePass supports by default (e.g. files on a local hard disk or a network
+share, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebDAV, ..., see the page
+'Loading/Saving From/To URL' for details),
+then no plugins/extensions are required.
If one of the files to be synchronized should be accessed via
+SCP, SFTP or FTPS, you need the
+plugin, which adds support for these protocols to KeePass.
If one of the files to be synchronized is stored in a cloud storage:
+for most cloud storages, there is an integration with the local file system
+available (i.e. you can access your stored files using Windows Explorer).
+For example, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive provide such
+an integration.
+If such an integration is available, it is recommended that you access
+your database file this way; this often works better than accessing it
+via a protocol like FTP or WebDAV.
+If no such integration is available and your cloud storage also is not
+accessible via a standard protocol, a specialized KeePass
+for this cloud storage might be available.
+Invoking a Synchronization
There are multiple ways how a synchronization can be invoked:
+A synchronization can be started manually by navigating to
+'File' → 'Synchronize' and clicking 'Synchronize with File'
+or 'Synchronize with URL' (depending on whether the file to be synchronized
+with is stored on a local drive / network share or on a server accessible via a URL).
+If you've previously opened or synchronized with the target file, you can
+also simply point on 'Recent Files' (in the 'Synchronize' menu)
+and select the file.
+Manual synchronization is only possible when the currently opened database
+is a local file
+(files on a network share are here considered to be local files);
+when you've opened a file from a server using a URL,
+the 'Synchronize' menu is disabled.
Command 'Save'.
+When invoking the 'Save' command, KeePass checks whether the file on disk/server
+has been modified while you were editing it. If it has been modified,
+KeePass prompts whether you want to overwrite or synchronize with the file.
+Note this applies only to the 'Save' command, not the 'Save As' command.
+See the page
+'Multiple Users' for details
+(section 'KeePass 2.x: Synchronize or Overwrite').
+In more complex situations you can use the synchronization trigger action.
+See the page
+'Triggers' for details.
+In order to perform a synchronization without opening KeePass,
+the synchronization command of KPScript can be used. See the KPScript
+help page
+'Single Command Operations'
+for details.
+Technical Details
The synchronization algorithm is rather complex and it would take
+many pages to describe in detail how it is working.
+Developers interested in this can have a look into the KeePass source code.
+Here are the most important properties of the synchronization algorithm:
In order to decide which copy of an object is the latest one,
+KeePass mainly uses the last modification time of the object
+(which KeePass updates automatically each time the object is changed).
The synchronization is performed on entry level. This e.g. means that
+a combination of user name / password is always consistent
+(synchronization on field level will not be implemented, because
+combinations could become inconsistent with this).
In case of parallel updates and collisions, KeePass tries to store
+all information in an appropriate place. For example, when you have an
+entry E in a database A, make a copy B of A, change E in B, change E in A,
+and synchronize A and B, then E in A is treated as current and the changes
+made to E in B are stored as a history entry of E (see the tab page 'History'
+in the entry dialog), i.e. the changes made in B are not lost.
+Advanced Synchronization Schemes
Local↔Master Synchronization.
+A synchronization scheme that prevents data loss when database files are
+overwritten by other applications (e.g. cloud storage service software),
+using a trigger.
+There are plugins for more complex synchronization schemes,
+for example to synchronize only a subset of the entries.
To install a user interface translation, follow these steps:
Download the translation ZIP file from the
+Translations page
+and unpack it (to the current directory).
In KeePass, click 'View' → 'Change Language' → button
+'Open Folder'; KeePass now opens a folder called 'Languages'.
+Move the unpacked file(s) into the 'Languages' folder.
Switch to KeePass, click 'View' → 'Change Language',
+and select your language. Restart KeePass.
+For moving the unpacked file(s) (in step 2), we recommend to use Windows Explorer.
+Other file managers may have problems with access rights.
+Additional Localized Content
For some languages (not for all) there is additional localized content available,
+like translated help files, tutorials, etc. All this content is available
+from the same page where the user interface translations are downloadable:
+Translations page.
If you'd like to create some translated content yourself, please first ask
+the KeePass team if the thing you're planning to create isn't in work already by
+someone else. If not, you'll make a lot of people very happy by creating translated content!
KeePass features a powerful event-condition-action trigger system.
+With this system, workflows can be automated. For example, you could define
+a trigger that automatically uploads your database to a backup server after
+saving the file locally.
A trigger starts to run when any of the specified events matches.
+When this happens, the conditions are checked. If all conditions
+are fulfilled, the actions of the trigger are performed.
+Actions are performed consecutively; if one action fails, typically the execution
+of the event is aborted (i.e. all following actions aren't performed).
A trigger must be both enabled and on in order to get executed.
+The enabled state is set by the user; a disabled trigger has no
+function. The on state is dependent on the state of the program. By
+enabling the 'Initially On' option, a trigger is on by default.
+If you enable the option 'Turn off after executing actions', the trigger
+will be off after running once. There are actions to turn triggers on and off,
+i.e. triggers can turn themselves and other triggers on and off, which allows
+to define a complex state-dependent system of triggers.
Most strings in the trigger system are Spr-compiled, i.e.
+(except state-changing ones), environment variables, etc. can be used.
Sensitive Data.
+Some trigger events/conditions/actions support fields for potentially
+sensitive data (for instance the password field of the 'Open database file'
+action). As triggers are saved in a plain text
+configuration file,
+it is generally not recommended to directly enter sensitive data in trigger fields.
+If a database is open when the trigger runs, the sensitive data can be
+stored in the database and the trigger field can point to the data using
+a field reference
+(which KeePass resolves when evaluating the field).
+In this way, only the field reference appears in the configuration file
+and the actual sensitive data is stored in the encrypted database file.
I/O Connection Properties.
+Most trigger actions having a file path/URL parameter only allow
+specifying the path/URL and possibly credentials (user name and password)
+for accessing the file; advanced connection properties (like
+timeout, user agent, passive mode, etc.) cannot be specified here.
+If advanced connection properties are required, open the file once
+(using 'File' → 'Open') with the desired connection properties.
+This will create an item in the 'Open Recent' file list
+(which remembers connection properties).
+When a trigger action is executed, KeePass loads the connection properties
+from the corresponding item (same path/URL) in the 'Open Recent' file list.
Application initialized:
+This event occurs when KeePass has finished initializing, but didn't perform
+any main window automations (like opening a default database) yet.
Parameters: None.
Application started and ready:
+This event occurs when KeePass has started up, performed main window
+automations (like opening a default database) and is ready for user actions.
Parameters: None.
Application exit:
+This event occurs when KeePass is about to exit. Databases have been closed
+already, but resources (like fonts, ...) are still valid.
Parameters: None.
Opened database file:
+This event occurs right after a database file has been opened successfully.
File/URL: An optional event filter. If a filter is specified
+(i.e. something is entered in 'File/URL - Filter'), the trigger
+is only evaluated, if the filter matches the actual database file path.
+For example, if you enter F:\ as filter string and specify
+'Starts with' as comparison method, the trigger will only be evaluated,
+if the database (that has just been opened) path starts with F:\.
Saving database file:
+This event occurs right before a database file is saved.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Saved database file:
+This event occurs right after a database file has been saved successfully.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Synchronizing database file:
+This event occurs right before a database file is synchronized
+with another database file.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Synchronized database file:
+This event occurs right after a database file has been synchronized
+with another database file.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Closing database file (before saving):
+This event occurs right before a database file is closed.
+It occurs before KeePass saves the database automatically or asks the
+user whether to save unsaved changes.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Closing database file (after saving):
+This event occurs right before a database file is closed.
+The database file already was saved automatically or unsaved changes were
+saved/discarded depending on the user's choice.
Parameters: See 'Opened database file' event.
Copied entry data to clipboard:
+This event occurs when entry data (user name, password, ...) is copied
+to the Windows clipboard.
Value: An optional value (copied data) filter.
Time - Periodic:
+This event occurs at user-defined intervals.
+The event is raised only if KeePass is not occupied
+with a different task (like showing a subdialog).
Interval: Time span between the events, in seconds.
Restart timer on KeePass activity:
+If this option is turned on, a KeePass activity
+(user interaction, automation, subdialog, plugin activity, ...)
+causes a restart of the timer, i.e. one full interval must
+pass for the next event.
Custom toolbar button clicked:
+This event occurs when the user clicks a custom toolbar button. Custom
+toolbar buttons can be created using the 'Add custom toolbar button'
+trigger action.
ID: ID of the toolbar button that must have been clicked (see action).
Environment variable:
Name: Name of the environment variable to check. The name must not
+be enclosed in percent (%) characters.
Value: The value that the specified environment variable must have
+for the condition to be true.
String: A string (KeePass Spr-compiles this, i.e. you can e.g. use
Value: The value that the specified, evaluated string must have
+for the condition to be true.
File exists:
File: The file that must exist in order for the condition to be true.
Remote host is reachable (ping):
Host: Host to send the ping to.
Database has unsaved changes:
+Evaluates to true, if the specified database has unsaved changes.
Database: The database to check for unsaved changes.
Execute command line / URL:
+The file/URL and arguments are parsed by the Spr engine before they
+are sent to the shell, i.e. generic and database-dependent
+placeholders can
+be used.
+If you want to use built-in shell commands, like COPY, please
+see: Executing Built-In Shell Commands.
File/URL: The string to be executed by the shell.
Arguments: Optional. If 'File/URL' points to an executable
+file, this string is sent to the executable as command line argument(s).
Wait for exit: If this option is checked, KeePass waits indefinitely
+for the started process to exit.
Window style: Specifies how the main window of the executed
+file/URL should be displayed. Not all applications respect this setting.
Verb: Specifies the action to be performed. An empty string means
+to use the default verb. Some applications support additional verbs (e.g.
+"Print" to print the specified document).
+When using the verb "RunAs", the application is executed with
+administrative rights (this may require a confirmation via the UAC
Change trigger on/off state:
Trigger name: Name of the target trigger whose on/off state
+should be changed. If this field is left empty, the target trigger is
+the current one.
New state: Specifies the new state of the target trigger.
Open database file:
+Open a KDBX database file (in a new tab). If the given database file is opened
+already, KeePass brings it to the foreground.
File/URL: Path of the database file to open. If it is a URL,
+the protocol (prefix) must be specified.
I/O Connection - User Name / Password: Optional credentials that are used
+for connecting to the target file system (for example FTP account user name /
+password). These credentials are not used to decrypt the database.
Password / Key file / User account: Optional credentials that are used
+to decrypt the database file.
Save active database:
+Save the currently active database. This action always saves the database,
+even if there are no unsaved changes. To only save if there are unsaved changes,
+use the 'Database has unsaved changes' trigger condition.
Parameters: None.
Synchronize active database with a file/URL:
+Synchronize the currently opened and active database with a file.
File/URL: Path of the database file to synchronize with.
+If it is a URL, the protocol (prefix) must be specified.
I/O Connection - User Name / Password: Optional credentials that are used
+for connecting to the target file system (for example FTP account user name /
+password). These credentials are not used to decrypt the database.
Import into active database:
+Import a file into the currently opened and active database.
File/URL: Path of the source file to import.
+If it is a URL, the protocol (prefix) must be specified.
File format: Specifies the import format (see the import
+dialog for possible values).
Method: Specifies the behavior for groups/entries that exist
+in both the currently active database and the import file.
Password / Key file / User account: Optional credentials that are used
+to decrypt the import file, if required.
+If no credentials are specified, but the import file is encrypted, KeePass
+shows a key prompt dialog.
Export active database:
+Export the currently opened and active database to a file.
File/URL: Path of the target file to export to.
+If it is a URL, the protocol (prefix) must be specified.
File format: Specifies the export format (see the export
+dialog for possible values).
Filter - Group: Specifies the path of the group to export
+(optional; an empty string means the whole database).
+The path must start with the character used as separator, and the
+name of the root group of the database must not be specified.
+For example, to export a group 'B' that is a subgroup of the group
+'A', specify /A/B as group path.
Filter - Tag: Export only the entries that have the
+specified tag (optional parameter).
Close active database:
+Close the currently active database.
Parameters: None.
Activate database (select tab):
File/URL: Path of the database to activate. This may be a
+substring of the actual database path. For example, specifying
+MyDatabase would match a database
Filter: Specifies the databases that are being
+considered. If 'Triggering' is selected and the 'File/URL' field is empty,
+the database that triggered the event is activated.
+Wait for the specified amount of time.
Time span: Number of milliseconds to wait.
Show message box:
+Displays a message box.
Main instruction: First line of the message text
+(which is possibly displayed using a stronger font).
Text: Message text.
Icon: The icon that is displayed next to the message text.
Buttons: Specifies the available buttons.
Default button: The button that initially has the focus.
Action - Condition: Specifies the condition that must be fulfilled
+for the following action to be performed. For example, if 'Button OK/Yes' is
+selected, the action is only performed if the user clicks the 'OK' or
+'Yes' button of the message box.
Action: The action to perform after showing the message box.
Action - Parameters: Parameters for the specified action. For
+example, if executing a command line / URL is specified as action, this field
+must contain the command line / URL.
Perform global auto-type:
+Execute global auto-type (like pressing the global auto-type hot key).
Parameters: None.
Perform auto-type with selected entry:
+Executes auto-type with the currently selected entry as context.
Sequence: The keystroke sequence to send. If this field is empty,
+the default sequence is used.
Show entries by tag:
+Search all entries having the specified tag and show them in the
+entry list of the main window.
Tag: Tag that the entries must have.
Add custom toolbar button:
+Add a custom button to the toolbar in the main window.
ID: ID of the toolbar button (see the event handler).
Name: Text that is shown on the toolbar button.
Description: Text that is shown in the tooltip of the button.
Remove custom toolbar button:
+Remove a custom button from the toolbar in the main window.
ID: ID of the toolbar button (see the event handler).
KDBX files (created by KeePass 2.x) and KDB files (created by
+KeePass 1.x) are not compatible. KeePass 2.x supports
+a lot of features, which 1.x doesn't support, therefore these formats
+are incompatible.
But KeePass 2.x can import KDB files created by KeePass 1.x. For
+this, you first need to create a new database in KeePass 2.x
+and then import the 1.x database using 'File' → 'Import'.
By 'File' → 'Export', KeePass 2.x can also export data to
+1.x KDB files. However note that not all 2.x fields
+are supported by 1.x (i.e. the export is lossy).
XML Replace is a powerful feature that modifies a database by manipulating
+its XML representation.
It creates a KeePass 2.x XML DOM of the current database
+in memory, performs the operation specified by the user
+(e.g. remove nodes or replace text), loads the modified XML tree,
+and merges the current database with the modified database.
+This is a feature for experts. Use with caution!
XML Replace can be invoked via 'Tools' → 'Database Tools' →
+'XML Replace'.
Information about XPath and regular expressions can be found on the
+Search help page.
KeePass protects history entries; XML Replace cannot be used to modify
+these. Furthermore, any changes to database properties
+(database name/description, etc.) may be ignored.
Replace text in all entry titles and notes
Select nodes:
//Entry/String[(Key = 'Title') or (Key = 'Notes')]/Value
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
Within all entry titles and notes, this
+replaces all occurences of TheTextToFind by
Replace all HTTP URLs by HTTPS URLs
Select nodes:
//Entry/String[Key = 'URL']/Value
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
☑ Regular expressions
Within all entry URL fields, this replaces all
Replace group icons
Select nodes:
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
☑ Regular expressions
This assigns the ZIP package icon to all groups that
+currently have a closed folder as icon.
+All icon IDs can be found in the icon picker dialog.
Delete entry strings by name
Select nodes:
//Entry/String[Key = 'TheName']
Remove nodes
Removes all entry strings named
Delete entry attachments by name extension
Select nodes:
//Entry/Binary/Key[(string-length(.) >= 4) and (substring(., string-length(.) - 3) = '.jpg')]/..
Remove nodes
Removes all entry attachments that have a name
+ending in '.jpg'.
Reset background colors
Select nodes:
Remove nodes
Sets the background color of all entries to the
+default (transparent/alternating).
Disable auto-type for entries with empty fields
Select nodes:
//Entry/String[((Key = 'UserName') or (Key = 'Password')) and (Value = '')]/../AutoType/Enabled
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
Disables auto-type for all entries that have an empty
+user name field or an empty password field.
Convert {DELAY= to upper-case
Select nodes:
//DefaultSequence | //KeystrokeSequence
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
Converts all {DELAY= codes
+within auto-type sequence overrides and associations to upper-case
+(by default the case sensitivity option is turned off, thus the 'Find what'
+text matches all cases).
+In KeePass 2.x, placeholders are case-insensitive. However, this XML Replace operation
+may be useful as preparation for the following example (which matches
+{DELAY= in a case-sensitive way).
Prepend {DELAY=50} to all sequences without a {DELAY=
Prepends a {DELAY=50} to all auto-type
+sequence overrides and associations that do not contain any
+{DELAY= already and are not empty.
+Note that the node selection is case-sensitive (independent of the data
+case sensitivity option), thus you need to ensure that all
+{DELAY= codes are upper-case before performing this operation.
+This can e.g. be done using the XML Replace operation mentioned
Change {DELAY= values
Select nodes:
//DefaultSequence | //KeystrokeSequence
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
☑ Regular expressions
Sets the values of all {DELAY= codes
+within auto-type sequence overrides and associations to 50.
Remove {DELAY=x} from all sequences
Select nodes:
//DefaultSequence | //KeystrokeSequence
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
(Leave empty)
☑ Regular expressions
Removes all {DELAY=x} codes from
+all auto-type sequences.
Reset default sequences that contain {DELAY=
Select nodes:
//DefaultSequence[contains(., '{DELAY=')]
Remove nodes
If a sequence has been specified in the field
+'Override default sequence' (in the entry dialog) and it contains
+{DELAY=, the sequence is reset,
+i.e. the option 'Inherit default auto-type sequence from group' is activated.
Copies the entry URL into the title field of the
+entry (overwriting any existing data in the title field).
+If you want the entry URL to be copied only if the title field is empty,
+use the following for 'Select nodes':
+//Entry/String[(Key = 'Title') and (Value = '')]/..
Copy entry titles into empty user name fields
Select nodes:
//Entry/String[(Key = 'UserName') and (Value = '')]/..
Copies the entry title into the user name field of the
+entry, if this field is empty.
Ensure first line is not empty
Select nodes:
Replace data
Inner text
Find what:
Replace with:
☑ Regular expressions
For all multi-line fields,
+this inserts '--' into the first line of the field value,
+if this line is empty and the value has at least two lines.
Most options below are configured by directly editing the
+KeePass.config.xml configuration file. If you're planning to
+deploy a customized KeePass version, you should fully understand the
+KeePass configuration system,
+especially how to enforce some settings and leave others up to users.
Note that KeePass features a rich plugin framework. If there's no
+item in the XML file to configure what you're thinking about, you might
+want to write a plugin.
The state (enabled, disabled, visible, hidden) of several user interface
+(UI) elements can be specified using the UIFlags value
+of the UI node in the configuration file.
+This can be a bitwise combination of one or more of
+the following flags:
Flag (Hex)
Flag (Dec)
Don't force any states (default).
Disable 'Tools' → 'Options' menu item.
Disable 'Tools' → 'Plugins' menu item.
Disable 'Tools' → 'Triggers' menu item.
Disable controls to specify after how many
+days the master key should/must be changed.
Hide password quality progress bars and information labels.
Disable 'Help' → 'Check for Updates' menu item.
Disable 'Tools' → 'Database Tools' → 'XML Replace' menu item.
Disable 'File' → 'Database Settings' menu item.
Hide built-in profiles in the
+password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
Show UI elements related to last access times.
+Note: Databases are not marked as modified when a last access time
+changes. Thus, when only last access times are changed and the user closes the
+database (without saving manually first and without a save forced e.g. by a trigger or plugin),
+the changes to the last access times are lost.
Do not display information dialogs when creating a new database.
Do not display auto-type obfuscation compatibility information dialogs.
Do not clear the quick search terms list when closing/locking a database.
+Note: Even if this flag is set, the list is cleared when exiting
+KeePass. If you frequently perform the same searches, consider using
+tags or
+search profiles.
The value of UIFlags must be specified in decimal notation.
For example, if you want to disable the 'Options' and 'Check for Updates'
+menu items, you'd specify 33 as value for the UIFlags node
+(0x1 + 0x20 = 1 + 32 = 33).
+More Options
+If this option is set to false, KeePass does not save
+any configuration settings (i.e. the configuration is loaded normally,
+but changes to it are discarded when exiting KeePass).
+Specifies the number of days within which entries are considered
+to expire "soon". The default value is 7.
+Specifies the URL that is opened for a help page.
+This overrides all other help sources (local and online).
+the relative help page path is inserted by {BASE}.
+For the 'Windows Favorites' export:
+name of the root folder; the default value is 'KeePass'.
+For the 'Windows Favorites' export:
+prefix for the title of every favorite; the default value is an empty string.
+For the 'Windows Favorites' export:
+suffix for the title of every favorite; the default value is an empty string.
+Specifies the default delay (in ms) between two keypresses sent by auto-type.
+The minimum is 1 ms.
+Note that very small delays may result in target applications not being able
+to process the keypresses correctly.
+This node may contain one or more Window nodes that
+specify disallowed auto-type target windows (the value of each node must
+be a target window filter).
For example, the following configuration disallows auto-typing into
+WordPad and LibreOffice Writer:
+Specifies how often the master key dialog appears when entering incorrect
+master keys. The default value is 3.
+If this option is set to true, KeePass protects its windows
+against certain screen capture operations (on Windows 7 and higher;
+for details, see the
+SetWindowDisplayAffinity function).
+This may also prevent legitimate other software
+(accessibility-related tools like Windows Magnifier, remote desktop
+solutions, etc.) from seeing KeePass windows.
+If this option is set to true, KeePass protects its process
+with a discretionary access control list (DACL).
+Please note that this also blocks legitimate other software
+(accessibility-related tools like Windows Narrator, other security
+products like anti-virus programs or firewalls, tools providing user interface
+enhancements, etc.) from working with KeePass. Furthermore, various problems
+like application hangs, exceptions and crashes may occur.
+Therefore, this option is turned off by default and can only be turned on
+by manually editing the configuration file.
+It only works reasonably in very specific, limited usage scenarios
+and is not recommended for most users.
+This option works on Windows only and requires the KeePassLibC DLL
+(included in default installations and packages).
+If this option is set to true, the KeePass icon in the
+system tray is displayed only if the main window has been minimized
+to the tray.
+Turning on this option can result in denial-of-service problems.
+If you want to hide the KeePass icon, it is recommended to configure
+this in the system settings instead;
+see 'Customize the taskbar notification area'.
This documentation applies to KeePass 2.x plugins. 2.x plugins are fundamentally
+different from 1.x plugins. 1.x plugins cannot be loaded by KeePass 2.x.
Start your favorite IDE and create a new C# Class Library project
+(for the .NET Framework, not .NET Standard/Core).
+In this tutorial, the example plugin we're developing is called SimplePlugin.
+The first thing you need to do now is to add a reference to KeePass:
+go to the references dialog and select the KeePass.exe file
+(from the portable ZIP package).
+After you added the reference, the namespaces KeePass and
+KeePassLib should be available.
It is important that you reference an official KeePass.exe,
+not a development snapshot or own build, because otherwise your
+plugin will be incompatible with official KeePass builds.
All KeePass plugins need to derive from a base KeePass plugin class
+(Plugin in the KeePass.Plugins namespace).
+By overriding methods and properties of this class, you can customize
+the behavior of your plugin.
You can find a fully documented and extended version of this simple
+plugin on the KeePass plugins web page.
This plugin does exactly nothing, but it shows some important conventions
+already, which must be followed by all plugins:
The namespace must be named like the DLL file without extension. Our DLL
+file is named SimplePlugin.dll, therefore the namespace must
+be called SimplePlugin.
The main plugin class (which KeePass will instantiate when it loads your
+plugin) must be called exactly the same as the namespace plus "Ext".
+In this case: "SimplePlugin" + "Ext" = "SimplePluginExt".
The main plugin class must be derived from the KeePass.Plugins.Plugin
+base class.
The Initialize function is the most important one and you
+probably will always override it. In this function, you get an interface
+to the KeePass internals: an IPluginHost interface reference.
+Through this interface you can access the KeePass main menu, the currently
+opened database, etc. The Initialize function is called immediately
+after KeePass loads your plugin. All initialization should be done in this
+method (not in the constructor of your plugin class!). If you
+successfully initialized everything, you must return true. If
+you return false, KeePass will immediately unload your plugin.
A second function that you will need very often is the Terminate
public override void Terminate()
This function is called shortly before KeePass unloads your plugin. You cannot
+abort this process (it's just a notification and your last chance to clean up
+all used resources, etc.). Immediately after you return from this method, KeePass
+can unload your plugin. It is highly recommended to free all resources in this
+method (not in the destructor of your plugin class!).
We're almost done! We now need to tell KeePass that
+our file is a KeePass plugin. This is done by editing the Version Information Block
+of the file. Open the file version editing dialog (in Visual Studio 2005: right-click
+onto the project name → 'Properties' → button 'Assembly Information').
+All fields can be assigned freely except the Product Name field (for more information
+see Plugin Conventions). This field must be set to
+"KeePass Plugin" (without the quotes).
That's it! Now try to compile your plugin and copy the resulting DLL
+file into the KeePass directory. If you start KeePass and go to the plugins
+dialog, you should see your plugin in the list of loaded plugins.
+Providing Menu Items
Many plugins provide menu items (with subitems, if necessary)
+in prominent locations like the 'Tools' menu, the entry context menu, etc.
+Such a menu item can be supplied to KeePass by overriding the
+GetMenuItem method of your plugin class
+(which derives from the Plugin base class).
+In this method, the plugin can construct and return a ToolStripMenuItem,
+which KeePass will then show in the appropriate location.
Users should be able to associate the menu item with your plugin.
+Typically, plugins set the text of the menu item to the name of the plugin or
+a string that starts with the name of the plugin. For example, a plugin 'Abcd'
+that wants to provide one menu item only (for accessing the plugin options)
+could set the text of the menu item to 'Abcd Options'.
+If the plugin supports multiple commands, set the menu item's text to
+the plugin name (e.g. 'Abcd') and add a subitem for each command.
The GetMenuItem method should always construct and return
+a new ToolStripMenuItem. Do not cache the menu item
+or any of its subitems for
+later purposes (KeePass may invoke the GetMenuItem method
+multiple times and show the menu items in multiple places; if your plugin
+would cache a menu item, trying to show it in multiple places would
+result in problems, because a ToolStripMenuItem can have
+only one parent item).
+If you want to update the state of subitems (like disabling certain items
+or showing checkmarks), you can do this for instance
+in an anonymous method that handles the DropDownOpening
+event of the returned menu item (this way you do not need to remember
+menu item references manually); see
+for an example.
KeePass takes ownership of the returned menu item (and its subitems).
+The plugin should not add or remove the item to/from any menu itself;
+KeePass will do this.
If your plugin does not provide a menu item in the location specified
+by the PluginMenuType parameter t,
+return null.
public overrideToolStripMenuItem GetMenuItem(PluginMenuType t)
+ // Provide a menu item for the main location(s)
+ if(t == PluginMenuType.Main)
+ {
+ ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = newToolStripMenuItem();
+ tsmi.Text = "Abcd Options";
+ tsmi.Click += this.OnOptionsClicked;
+ return tsmi;
+ }
+ return null; // No menu items in other locations
+private void OnOptionsClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ // Called when the menu item is clicked
For an example how to create a menu item with subitems (and
+update their states dynamically), see the
+example plugin.
+Plugin Conventions
File version information block:
KeePass uses the file version information block to detect if a DLL file is a
+KeePass plugin and retrieves information from it to show in the plugins dialog.
+The fields are used as follows:
Title: Should contain the full name of the plugin.
Description: Should contain a short description (not more than 5 lines)
+of your plugin.
Company: Should contain the author name of the plugin.
Product name: Must be set to "KeePass Plugin" (without
+the quotes).
Copyright: Not used by KeePass; freely assignable by the plugin.
Trademarks: Not used by KeePass; freely assignable by the plugin.
Assembly version: Should be set to the version of your plugin.
File version: Should be set to the version of your plugin. It is up
+to you how you are versioning your plugin builds, but it should be a scheme that
+allows version comparisons (by comparing the version components).
+Do not use asterisks for creating a version number at build time.
GUID: Not used by KeePass; freely assignable by the plugin.
Name, namespace and class name:
If you want to use the name "KeePass" as part of the name of
+your plugin, directly prepend/append a non-numeric prefix/suffix.
+For example, "KeePassSync" is ok, but "KeePass Sync" is not.
The namespace must be named like the DLL file without
+extension. For example, if the DLL file is named SecretImporter.dll,
+you must call the namespace SecretImporter.
The plugin class must be named like the namespace plus "Ext".
+For the SecretImporter plugin, this would be SecretImporterExt.
+Update Checking
The update check of KeePass ≥ 2.18 can also check for plugin updates.
+Update check support is optional; plugins don't have to support update
In order to support update checks, plugin developers need to do the following:
Provide version information file.
+When an end-user invokes an update check, KeePass downloads a version information
+file, which specifies the current version numbers of one or more plugins.
+Every plugin author hosts an own version information file.
+The format of the version information file is described in detail below.
Let KeePass know.
+In order to be able to check the plugin's version, KeePass must know where
+your version information file is located. To let KeePass know,
+override the UpdateUrl string property of your plugin class
+(the one derived from Plugin)
+to return the full, absolute URL of your version information file.
+This should be an https:// URL
+(for backward compatibility, KeePass also supports http://
+and ftp://, but for security reasons https://
+should be used).
Plugin developers have to update their version information file each time
+they release new versions of their plugins.
Version information file format.
The file is a simple text file. It must be encoded using UTF-8 without
+a byte order mark (KeePass ≥ 2.21 supports UTF-8 BOMs in version information
+files, but for compatibility with KeePass < 2.21 it is recommended
+not to use a BOM).
+All line endings are supported.
The first line of the file must start with a separator character of
+your choice. The separator character may be any character,
+but it must not appear within plugin names and versions.
+Suggested is ':'.
Each of the following lines specifies a plugin name and its currently
+available version, separated by the separator character that was specified in
+the header line.
As plugin name, the value of the 'Title' field in the version information
+block of the plugin must be specified.
+For managed plugins, this is the value specified using the
+AssemblyTitle assembly attribute.
As version number, the value of the file version in the version information
+block of the plugin must be specified.
+For managed plugins, this is the value specified using the
+AssemblyFileVersion assembly attribute.
+Trailing .0 may be removed
+(e.g. specify 1.3 instead of
The file must end with a line containing only the separator character.
You may optionally compress your version information file using GZip
+(note this is not the same as Zip). The file
+name must then end with ".gz".
Example. Let's assume you're developing two plugins: MyPlugin1
+(version 1.5) and MyPlugin2 (version Then your version
+information file could look as follows:
If you've developed multiple plugins, it is recommended to create one
+version information file, list all your plugins in this file and specify
+the URL of the file in all your plugins. When KeePass checks for updates,
+it'll download your version information file only once.
+This reduces network traffic and is faster than downloading a version information
+file for every plugin separately.
Signing. Since KeePass 2.34,
+you can optionally digitally sign your version information file using RSA / SHA-512.
An RSA key pair can for instance be generated like the following:
+All key lengths supported by RSACryptoServiceProvider
+are supported by KeePass (up to .NET 4.5 that is 384 to 16384 bits in 8 bit steps).
+We recommend at least 2048 bits; the main version information file
+(containing the KeePass version) uses 4096 bits.
In order to tell KeePass to accept a specific version information file
+only when it's verifiable with a specific public key, your plugin must call the
+method to associate the specified URL with the specified public key.
+The public key must be an XML string in the format as returned by the
+RSACryptoServiceProvider.ToXmlString method.
+Do not store the private key in your plugin, only the public key.
To sign an unsigned version information file, hash all trimmed non-empty lines
+between the header and the footer line
+using SHA-512, UTF-8 encoding, each line terminated by '\n'
+(not "\r\n").
+Sign the hash using the private key
+(if you're using RSACryptoServiceProvider:
+load the private key using its FromXmlString method,
+then compute the signature using the SignData method).
+Encode the hash using Base64 and append it to the first line of the
+version information file.
+Can KeePass 2.x Plugins be Written in Unmanaged C++?
Yes and no. You can write the logic of your plugin in unmanaged C++ (native
+Win32 APIs can be used). However, you must provide a managed interface to your plugin,
+i.e. you must export a managed class derived from the Plugin base class
+as described in the tutorial.
+Also, managed C++ is required to modify the KeePass internals (entries,
+groups, main window, ...).
For an example how to use unmanaged APIs in a managed C++ plugin assembly,
+see the
+example plugin.
It is highly recommended to develop plugins in C#, not in C++, due to
+compatibility reasons (in the case of native plugins, separate 32- and
+64-bit builds are necessary; native plugins do not run on Unix-like
+systems; etc.).
+PLGX Files
PLGX is an optional plugin file format for KeePass ≥ 2.09.
+Instead of compiling your plugin to a DLL file, the plugin source code
+files can be packed into a PLGX file and KeePass will compile the plugin
+itself when loading it.
One advantage of the PLGX approach is a strong compatibility detection.
+In the case of a DLL plugin, an incompatibility (caused by an API
+change within KeePass) is detected by the runtime when the plugin tries
+to call/access the method/class, not at loading time.
+So, an incompatibility is detected late and might crash KeePass.
+In contrast, when using the PLGX format, an incompatibility is
+detected immediately at loading time: if there is a problem, the
+compile process fails and KeePass can show an informative
+plugin incompatibility message to the user.
+For DLL plugins, KeePass performs an own compatibility check,
+which does not detect all incompatibilities though;
+PLGX is far superior here.
Another advantage of the PLGX approach is compatibility with
+custom KeePass builds.
+A DLL plugin references an official KeePass build, and unless there
+is a change within KeePass that breaks the plugin, the plugin is
+also compatible with all future KeePass builds that are compiled
+with the same assembly signing key (strong name).
+This applies to all operating systems.
+Especially, a DLL plugin that does not use any Windows-specific
+function works fine on Linux with a KeePass build from the
+official portable ZIP package.
+However, some Linux packages compile KeePass from the source code;
+such builds are not signed at all or are signed with a different
+assembly signing key and are thus incompatible with DLL plugins.
+In contrast, PLGX plugins are compatible with custom KeePass builds,
+because KeePass can adjust the KeePass reference of the plugin
+before compiling it.
For users, the procedure to install a DLL plugin is exactly the
+same as for a PLGX plugin; both need to be copied into the 'Plugins'
Compatibility check
Weak only.
Compatibility with custom builds (Linux)
+Partial, see above.
Authenticode signing support
No compilation on the user's system
No plugin cache
So, both formats have unique advantages and disadvantages;
+there is no "best" format.
Dual package.
+You can ship a plugin both as a DLL and as a PLGX in one package
+(e.g. 'SecretImporter.dll' and 'SecretImporter.plgx' within one folder).
+KeePass will load the most appropriate file
+(if KeePass has been signed with the official assembly signing key,
+it will load the DLL, otherwise the PLGX).
+If KeePass loads the DLL, the PLGX is ignored, which especially means
+that only a weak compatibility check is performed (i.e. the strong
+compatibility detection ensured by the PLGX is lost).
+So, a dual package inherits the DLL disadvantages and is not
+the "best" solution either.
+In any case, create a PLGX file (in order to ensure
+compatibility with all KeePass builds).
+If you think that the advantages of a DLL outweigh the risk
+of an undetected compatibility problem, additionally provide
+the plugin in DLL form.
Creating PLGX files.
+PLGX files can be created from plugin sources by calling KeePass.exe
+with the --plgx-create command line option. If you additionally
+pass a path to the plugin sources directory (without terminating separator),
+KeePass will use this one; otherwise
+it'll show a folder browser dialog to allow you selecting the directory. If
+you want to pass the directory location using the command line, make sure that
+you're specifying a full, absolute path; relative paths will not work.
In order to keep the size of the PLGX file small, it is recommended
+that you clean up the plugin sources directory before compiling the PLGX.
+Remove all unnecessary binary files (files in the bin
+and obj directory); especially, delete any plugin assembly DLL
+that you compiled yourself. Temporary files by the IDE
+(like .suo and .user files)
+can also be deleted.
PLGX features.
Extensible, object-oriented file format.
Compression support (data files are compressed using GZip).
.csproj support. KeePass retrieves all information required
+for compiling the plugin assembly from the .csproj file in the
+plugin sources.
Embedded resources support.
Referenced .NET assemblies support. References information is read from
+the .csproj file.
Referenced custom assemblies support. Third-party assemblies required by the plugin
+(references to DLLs) are supported, provided that the third-party assembly is
+located in the plugin source code directory (or any subdirectory of it).
ResX support. .resx files are automatically compiled to
+binary .resources files.
PLGX cache. PLGX files are compiled once and the generated assembly is stored in a cache.
+For all following KeePass starts, no compiling is required.
PLGX cache maintenance. The size of the PLGX cache can be seen in the KeePass plugins dialog.
+Here, the cache can also be marked to be cleared (it will be cleared when KeePass
+is started the next time). An option to automatically delete old files from the
+cache is supported and enabled by default.
PLGX limitations.
Only C# is supported (not Visual Basic or any other .NET language).
The compiler that is included in the .NET Framework supports at most
+C# 5. In order to avoid using features of a newer C# version, it is therefore
+recommended to set the C# version of your plugin project to 5:
In Visual Studio 2017 and earlier, open the project properties →
+tab 'Build' → button 'Advanced' → set the option 'Language version'
+to 'C# 5'.
In Visual Studio 2019 and later, the project XML file must be edited:
+the element 'LangVersion' must contain '5'.
+For details, see
+C# Language Versioning.
Linked resources (in different assemblies) are unsupported.
Dependencies on other projects are unsupported (reorganize your project to
+use custom assembly references instead).
Defining prerequisites. You can optionally specify a minimum
+KeePass version, a minimum installed .NET Framework, an operating system and
+the minimum size of a pointer (x86 vs. x64) using the
+--plgx-prereq-kp:, --plgx-prereq-net:,
+--plgx-prereq-os: and --plgx-prereq-ptr:
+command line options. If one of the plugin prerequisites isn't met, KeePass shows a detailed
+error message to the end-user (instead of a generic plugin incompatibility
+message). Build example:
+KeePass.exe --plgx-create C:\YourPluginDir --plgx-prereq-kp:2.09
Valid operating system values are Windows and Unix.
+When running on an unknown operating system, KeePass defaults to Windows.
+Pointer sizes (checking for x86 vs. x64) are specified in bytes; for example,
+to only allow running on x64, you specify --plgx-prereq-ptr:8.
Build commands.Optionally you can specify pre-build
+and post-build commands using --plgx-build-pre: and
+--plgx-build-post:. These commands are embedded in the PLGX file
+and executed when compiling the plugin on the end-user's system.
In the build commands, the placeholder {PLGX_TEMP_DIR}
+specifies the temporary directory (including a terminating separator),
+to which the files were extracted. In the post-build command, {PLGX_CACHE_DIR}
+is replaced by the cache directory of the plugin (including a terminating
+separator), into which the generated assembly was stored.
These build commands can for example be used to copy additional files into
+the cache directory. Example:
+KeePass.exe --plgx-create C:\YourPluginDir
+--plgx-build-post:"cmd /c COPY """{PLGX_TEMP_DIR}MyFile.txt"""
In order to specify a quote character on the command line, it has
+to be encoded using three quotes (this is Windows standard, see
+line above will actually embed the post-build command
+cmd /c COPY "{PLGX_TEMP_DIR}MyFile.txt"
+into the PLGX, which is correct.
+It is highly recommended to surround paths including PLGX placeholders
+using quotes, otherwise the command will not run correctly if the
+path contains a space character (which happens very often).
If you need to run multiple commands, write them into a batch file and
+execute it (with cmd). If you need to perform more complex
+build tasks, write an own building executable and run it using the build
+commands (typically it is useful to pass the directory locations as arguments
+to your building executable), for example:
+KeePass.exe --plgx-create C:\YourPluginDir
+--plgx-build-post:"{PLGX_TEMP_DIR}MyBuild.exe {PLGX_TEMP_DIR} {PLGX_CACHE_DIR}"
PLGX debugging.
+When the command line option --debug is
+passed and a PLGX plugin fails to compile, the output of all
+tried compilers is saved to a temporary file.
How to automate database operations in KeePass 2.x.
In order to automate KeePass, you need the KPScript plugin/extension.
+You can find the latest version of KPScript on the KeePass plugins
+web page.
+The KPScript.exe file needs to be copied into the directory
+where KeePass is installed (where the KeePass.exe file is).
There are two ways to automate KeePass: single command operations
+and KPS script files.
Single Command Operations:
+KPScript can be invoked using single commands. By passing the database location,
+its key, a command and eventually some parameters, simple operations like adding
+an entry can be performed. The syntax is very simple, no scripting knowledge is
+required. This method is ideal when you quickly want to do some small changes to
+the database. It is not recommended when you need to perform many operations, because
+for each command the database needs to be loaded from file, decrypted, modified,
+encrypted and written back to file.
KPS Script Files: These files are a lot more
+powerful than single command operations, but are also more complicated. You need
+to have heavy experience in C# programming and the KeePass 2.x internals.
+Within KPS files you can do everything that KeePass does.
How to use KPS script files to automate KeePass 2.x.
KPS script files are a lot more powerful than single command operations,
+but are also more complicated. You need
+to have heavy experience in C# programming and the KeePass 2.x internals.
+Within KPS files you can do everything that KeePass does.
What are KPS files?
KPS files are C# files that are loaded,
+compiled and executed by the KPScript.exe program.
+Within the script file, you got full access to the KeePass internals.
The main differences to "normal" C# files are:
No need for using directives.
No need to add a reference to the KeePass assembly.
No need to write a wrapper class. Simply start with Main(). The
+complete script file is embedded in a static class.
Here's the famous Hello World program as KPS script:
public static void Main()
+ MessageService.ShowInfo("Hello World!");
For the most important namespaces, KPScript automatically adds
+using directives at the start of the file before compiling it.
+MessageService for example is located in KeePassLib.Utility,
+but as it's included automatically by KPScript, you can use it directly.
Executing a KPS file:
To run a KPS file, you simply pass it to KPScript:
KPScript.exe C:\KeePass\MyScriptFile.kps
It is important that the file extension is .kps, otherwise KPScript won't
+recognize the file and will interpret it as database for single command operations.
How to use KPScript with single command operations to perform simple
+database operations.
KPScript can be invoked using single commands. By passing the database location,
+its key, a command and eventually some parameters, simple operations like adding
+an entry can be performed. The syntax is very simple, no scripting knowledge is
+required. This method is ideal when you quickly want to do some small changes to
+the database. It is not recommended when you need to perform many operations, because
+for each command the database needs to be loaded from file, decrypted, modified,
+encrypted and written back to file.
Commands are specified by passing -c:COMMAND to KPScript, where COMMAND
+is the command to execute (see below for a list of available commands).
The database location is passed to KPScript by just passing it as a parameter,
+without any option prefix.
+Master Key
The master key for the database can be passed to KPScript
+using one of the following ways:
Command line parameters.
+Using the -pw:, -pw-enc:,
+-keyfile: and -useraccount parameters.
+For example, to pass "Secret" as password, you'd give
+KPScript the following parameter: -pw:Secret. If the password contains
+spaces or other special characters, it must be enclosed in quotes: -pw:"My Top
+Secret Password".
+For -pw-enc:, see the
+{PASSWORD_ENC} placeholder.
+The -keyfile: parameter can
+specify the key file location. If -useraccount is passed to KPScript, the
+user account credentials of the currently logged on user are used, otherwise not.
Reading from StdIn.
+If you pass -keyprompt to KPScript, it will read the
+password, the key file path and the user account flag from the StdIn stream.
+This option is intended for programmatically passing the key to KPScript.
+For entering the password by hand, it is recommended to use the
+normal master key dialog instead (because in this dialog the password
+is hidden by bullets/asterisks and it is encrypted by the process memory
+protection), see -guikeyprompt.
Entering interactively using graphical user interface.
+If you pass -guikeyprompt to KPScript, it will prompt you for the
+key using the normal master key dialog of KeePass.
+Available Commands
Please note that commands are added incrementally based on user requests. If you are
+missing a command, please let the KeePass team know and it will be added to the
+next release of KPScript.
This command lists all groups in a format that easily machine-readable. The output
+is not intended to be printed/used directly. Usage example:
KPScript -c:ListGroups "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPassword
+This will list all groups contained in the MyDb.kdbx database file.
Command: ListEntries
This command lists all entries in a format that easily machine-readable. The output
+is not intended to be printed/used directly. The entry identification
+syntax is exactly the same as in the EditEntry command.
+Usage example:
KPScript -c:ListEntries "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPassword
+Opens the MyDb.kdbx database using 'MyPassword' as password and the MyDb.key file as key file.
+It will output a list of all entries contained in the MyDb.kdbx database file.
Command: GetEntryString
Retrieves the value of an entry string field. The entry identification syntax
+is exactly the same as in the EditEntry command.
+Additional command line parameters:
+The field name can be specified using the '-Field' parameter. Supported
+field names are e.g. Title, UserName, Password, URL, Notes, etc.
+If you pass the option '-FailIfNotExists' and the specified
+field does not exist, the operation is aborted and an error is returned.
+If you pass the option '-FailIfNoEntry' and no entry is found,
+KPScript terminates with an error.
+Spr-compiles the value of the field, i.e.
+placeholders are replaced,
+field references are resolved, etc.
Usage example:
KPScript -c:GetEntryString "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPassword
+-Field:UserName -ref-Title:"Demo Account"
+Opens the MyDb.kdbx database using 'MyPassword' as password.
+It outputs the user names of all entries that have the title
+"Demo Account".
Command: AddEntry
This command adds an entry to the database. To specify the entry details, use the
+standard string field identifiers as parameter names and their values for the contents.
+Supported standard string fields are: Title, UserName, Password, URL, and Notes.
+Usage examples:
+The -GroupName: parameter can be used to specify the group in which the
+entry is created. For searching, KPScript performs a pre-order traversal and uses the
+first matching group (the name is case-sensitive). If no group with the specified name is
+found, it will be created in the root group.
+The full path of the group can be specified using the
+-GroupPath: parameter (use '/' as separator).
+If you do not specify a group name or path,
+the entry will be created in the root group.
+Set the icon of the entry to the standard icon having index ID.
+Set the icon of the entry to the custom icon having index ID.
+Sets whether the entry expires or not. VALUE must be either
+true or false.
+Sets the expiry date/time of the entry.
Use one or more of the following parameters to identify the entries
+to be edited; all of the specified conditions must match:
+The string field FIELDNAME must have the value FIELDVALUE.
+If the value is enclosed in '//', it is treated as a
+regular expression,
+which must occur in the entry field for the entry to match.
+For example, -ref-Title:"//Test\d\d//" matches every entry
+whose title contains 'Test' followed by at least two digits.
+The UUID of the entry must be VALUE.
+The entry must have the specified tags. Multiple tags can be separated using
+commas ','.
+VALUE must be true or false.
+This parameter allows to specify whether the entry expires sometime (i.e. whether
+the 'Expires' checkbox is checked, independent of the expiry time).
+VALUE must be true or false.
+This parameter allows to specify whether the entry has expired (i.e. whether
+the 'Expires' checkbox is checked and the expiry time is not in the future).
+The name of the parent group of the entry must be VALUE.
+The full path of the parent group of the entry must be VALUE.
+Use '/' as group separator in the path.
+Matches all entries.
Use one or more of the following parameters to specify how the
+entry should be edited:
+Sets the string field FIELDNAME of the entry to the value
+Set the icon of the entry to the standard icon having index ID.
+Set the icon of the entry to the custom icon having index ID.
+Sets whether the entry expires or not. VALUE must be either
+true or false.
+Sets the expiry date/time of the entry.
Usage examples:
KPScript -c:EditEntry "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPw -ref-Title:"Existing
+entry title" -set-UserName:"New user name"
If you additionally pass -CreateBackup, KPScript will
+first create backups of entries before modifying them.
Command: MoveEntry
This command moves one or more existing entries. The entry identification
+syntax is exactly the same as in the EditEntry command.
+The target group can be specified using the -GroupPath:
+parameter. '/' must be used as separator
+(e.g. -GroupPath:Internet/eMail moves the specified entries
+to the subgroup 'eMail' of the subgroup 'Internet').
+The -GroupName: parameter can be used
+(see the AddEntry command for details).
Command: DeleteEntry
This command deletes one or more existing entries. The entry identification
+syntax is exactly the same as in the EditEntry command.
Command: DeleteAllEntries
This command deletes all entries (in all subgroups).
Command: Import
This command imports a file into the database.
+The format is specified by
+setting the "-Format" parameter (see names in the
+import dialog of KeePass).
+The file to import to is specified using the
+"-File" parameter.
+If the format supports UUIDs, the behavior for groups/entries that exist
+in both the current database and the import file can be specified using the
+optional "-MM" parameter. Possible values are
+"OverwriteIfNewer", and
+By default, new UUIDs are created.
+For encrypted import files, by default the master key of the target database
+is used. However, it is also possible to specify a different master key,
+using the usual
+master key command line parameters
+with the prefix '-imp_'
+(i.e. -imp_pw:, -imp_pw-enc:, -imp_keyfile:,
+-imp_useraccount, -imp_keyprompt,
Usage example:
KPScript -c:Import "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPw -Format:"KeePass XML (2.x)" -File:SourceFile.xml
Command: Export
This command exports (parts of) the database.
+The format is specified by
+setting the "-Format" parameter (see names in the
+export dialog of KeePass).
+The file to export to is specified using the
+"-OutFile" parameter.
+If a specific group should be exported (instead of the whole database),
+specify the group using the "-GroupPath" parameter (use '/' as separator).
+For the XSL transformation export module, the path of the XSL file
+can be passed using the "-XslFile" parameter.
Usage example:
KPScript -c:Export "C:\KeePass\MyDb.kdbx" -pw:MyPw -Format:"KeePass XML (2.x)" -OutFile:TargetFile.xml
Command: Sync
This command synchronizes the database with another one.
+The other database path has to be specified using the
+"-File" command line parameter. Usage example:
This command changes the master key of the database.
+The new key values are specified using the standard
+options prefixed with 'new', i.e. -newpw:, -newkeyfile:
+and -newuseraccount (all are optional). Usage example:
+The number of passwords can be specified using the
+optional -count: parameter.
+A password generator profile can be specified using the optional
+-profile: parameter
+(the names of all available profiles can be found in the password generator
Usage examples:
KPScript -c:GenPw
+Generates one password using the default generator profile.
KPScript -c:GenPw -count:5 -profile:"Hex Key - 128-Bit (built-in)"
+Generates five 128-bit hex passwords (when no translation is used).
Command: EstimateQuality
Estimates the quality (in bits) of the password specified via the
+-text: parameter.
+Usage example: