diff --git a/draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-over-quic.md b/draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-over-quic.md index 2b80898..93ea3f1 100644 --- a/draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-over-quic.md +++ b/draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-over-quic.md @@ -994,35 +994,35 @@ streams and datagrams. The following error codes are defined for use when abruptly terminating streams, aborting reading of streams, or immediately closing RoQ connections. -ROQ\_NO\_ERROR (0x????): +ROQ\_NO\_ERROR (0x00): : No error. This is used when the connection or stream needs to be closed, but there is no error to signal. -ROQ\_GENERAL\_ERROR (0x????): +ROQ\_GENERAL\_ERROR (0x01): : An error that does not match a more specific error code occured. -ROQ\_INTERNAL\_ERROR (0x????): +ROQ\_INTERNAL\_ERROR (0x02): : An internal error has occured in the RoQ stack. -ROQ\_PACKET\_ERROR (0x????): +ROQ\_PACKET\_ERROR (0x03): : Invalid payload format, e.g., length does not match packet, invalid flow id encoding, non-RTP on RTP-flow ID, etc. -ROQ\_STREAM\_CREATION\_ERROR (0x????): +ROQ\_STREAM\_CREATION\_ERROR (0x04): : The endpoint detected that its peer created a stream that violates the ROQ protocol. -ROQ\_FRAME\_CANCELLED (0x????): +ROQ\_FRAME\_CANCELLED (0x05): : A receiving endpoint is using STOP_SENDING on the current stream to request new frames be sent on new streams. Similarly, a sender notifies a receiver that retransmissions of a frame were stopped using RESET\_STREAM and new frames will be sent on new streams. -ROQ\_UNKNOWN\_FLOW\_ID (0x????): +ROQ\_UNKNOWN\_FLOW\_ID (0x06): : An endpoint was unable to handle a flow identifier, e.g., because it was not signalled or because the endpoint does not support multiplexing using arbitrary flow identifiers. -ROQ\_EXPECTATION\_UNMET (0x????): +ROQ\_EXPECTATION\_UNMET (0x07): : Expectiations of the QUIC transport set by RoQ out-of-band signalling were not met by the QUIC connection. @@ -1190,14 +1190,14 @@ The entries in {{tab-error-codes}} are registered by this document. | Value | Name | Description | Specification | | ------ | ----------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------ | -| 0x01 | ROQ\_NO\_ERROR | No Error | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x02 | ROQ\_GENERAL\_ERROR | General error | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x03 | ROQ\_INTERNAL\_ERROR | Internal Error | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x04 | ROQ\_PACKET\_ERROR | Invalid payload format | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x05 | ROQ\_STREAM\_CREATION\_ERROR | Invalid stream type | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x06 | ROQ\_FRAME\_CANCELLED | Frame cancelled | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x07 | ROQ\_UNKNOWN\_FLOW\_ID | Unknown Flow ID | {{error-handling}} | -| 0x08 | ROQ\_EXPECTATION\_UNMET | Externally signalled requirement unmet | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x00 | ROQ\_NO\_ERROR | No Error | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x01 | ROQ\_GENERAL\_ERROR | General error | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x02 | ROQ\_INTERNAL\_ERROR | Internal Error | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x03 | ROQ\_PACKET\_ERROR | Invalid payload format | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x04 | ROQ\_STREAM\_CREATION\_ERROR | Invalid stream type | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x05 | ROQ\_FRAME\_CANCELLED | Frame cancelled | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x06 | ROQ\_UNKNOWN\_FLOW\_ID | Unknown Flow ID | {{error-handling}} | +| 0x07 | ROQ\_EXPECTATION\_UNMET | Externally signalled requirement unmet | {{error-handling}} | {: #tab-error-codes title="Initial RoQ Error Codes"} --- back