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BCM5719 Firmware Reimplementation


This library contains a clean-room reimplementation of the BCM5719 firmware based on the Ortega specification.

The firmware has been tested on the Talos II and Blackbird made by Raptor Computer Systems.

Note: This firmware is currently in development. Flashing the firmware to a network card can result in a bricked device when either an external programmer is required, or the external flash must be temporarily disabled during boot-up.


This repository depends on a number of external tools

  • Customized LLVM/Clang compiler for MIPS firmware
  • CMake 3.5.1+
  • Linux (utilities)
  • IPXact generator (optional)

Required Compiler

Due to limitations in the MIPS CPU, this firmware requires a custom compiler to function properly. The custom compiler can be built using the following steps:

git clone -b meklort-10.0.1
cd llvm-project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../llvm -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/llvm-bcm5719 -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="lld;clang"
ninja install


The current version of the code is functional and is able to handle network traffic over NC-SI

  • Libraries:
    • MII Library: Done
    • NVRAM Library: Done
  • Stage1/Stage2
    • Implementation: Functional
    • Testing: Minimal, WIP
    • VPD: Started, not functional
    • WOL: Not started
  • APE
    • NC-SI Handler: Functional
      • Get Version ID: Not Implemented
      • OEM Command: Not Implemented
    • BMC <-> Network Communication: Working
  • Utilities
    • Firmware tool: Functional
    • Register tool: Functional
  • Tests: To be written


To compile the firmware, the following command sequence can be used:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja
cmake --build .


Before proceeding, the Linux driver must be unloaded. On the Talos II, this can be done as root with the following:

echo 0004:01:00.0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0004:01:00.0/driver/unbind
echo 0004:01:00.1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0004:01:00.1/driver/unbind

Backup Firmware

Before proceeding, the original firmware should be backed up.

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmflash/bcmflash -t hardware -b binary

This will result in a firmware image, firmware.fw, being stored in the current directory.

Stage 1 - MIPS Firmware

After compilation, the MIPS firmware is ready to be uploaded to the NIC.

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmflash/bcmflash -t hardware -1 stage1/stage1.bin

APE Firmware (BMC/NC-SI communication)

The APE firmware can be tested by loading it into ram using the following sequence (Note: this may fail unless if stage1 has been loaded):

Testing on the Talos II with port 0 for BMC traffic

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmregtool/bcmregtool --apeboot=ape/ape-port0.bin

Once tested, the APE firmware can be loaded into the device using the following command:

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmflash/bcmflash -t hardware -a ape/ape-port0.bin

Testing on the Blackbird with port 2 for BMC traffic

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmregtool/bcmregtool --apeboot=ape/ape-port2.bin

Once tested, the APE firmware can be loaded into the device using the following command:

cd build
sudo ./utils/bcmflash/bcmflash -t hardware -a ape/ape-port2.bin

Firmware Log

The APE and Stage1 firmware are able to print status messages to a log. This can be accessed in one of two ways:

  • The ./utils/apeconsole/apeconsole utility can be used if no driver is loaded by the host.
  • The EM100Pro console can be used if wired to the SPI bus on the BCM5719. This allows for printouts even when the host is off.