Each course consists of some steps (about 10 steps). Interns should accomplish all steps to graduates the course. The steps are ordered, so to unlock a step, the intern should accomplish its previous step.
Each step is a set of some Study Items and some Tasks.
Study Items are some resources that should be studied. It could be a chapter of a book, an article, a blog post or a video.
If it is an online resource available on the web, its link is provided in the step. If it is a chapter of an eBook or a video which is not available online, the intern should find it herself. Finding the resource is a part of the process itself and improves the search skills for the intern.
Tasks are some pieces of work that intern should do. Examples of tasks are 'Writing a piece of code to do something', 'Achieving a specific badge on StackOverflow', 'Doing a research about a specific concept' and ...
To start a step, the mentor gives the step content to the intern. The intern has 2 days to assess the step and give an estimate which he/she is committed to finish this step. This is very important as it is the main practice for integrity. Mentors are progressively checking the interns for their committment integrity.
To deliver a study item or task, interns should:
- LinkedIn: Post at least one
#cs_internship #[course_specific_tags]
update describing:- What have they learned from this item?
- What was new to them?
- What was their experience studying this item?
- Twitter: At leas a
#cs_internship #[course_specific_tags]
tweet about this item:- Share their feeling while studing the item or doing the task.
- Share their opinion about the quality of the resource or the task.
- Telegram Club:
- What have they learned from this item?
- What was new to them?
- What was their experience studying this item?
Examples of #[course_specific_tags]
#xamarin #bit_framework
To finalize a step, The intern should give a 15 minuts Twitch Presentation and talk about his/her achievents of this step. The studnet have a 15-20 min time, free to talk about anything! She/he should share and stream her/his screen, it could be a block of code, a part of an article or a book, or a powerpoint presentation, or anything! Via this twitch session, the student should demonstrate what she/he achieved within this step and share it with others. The attendees of this sessoins are mentors and the other students. They could ask any question within the session via comments.
Here is some notes about the twitch:
- The Twitch presentation should give an insight of what the intern have learned during the step.
- Other interns of the course and mentors of the course must audit the presentation so the intern should pick a time which all this people (or most of them) are available.
- Initially the Twitch is organized by the mentor and the scrum master for the day which the intern will finish the step. If the intern can not make it to the date and step is not yet finished without postponing the deadline the intern himself should re organize the twitch with the people.
- In case of emergancy if an intern can not set a time for the twitch he/she can record the twitch and publish it on YouTube.