We used PGM-index commit number a4b7a2b
and Sapling commit number 4bbe08e
for suffix array search
query in our paper.
In addition to the human genome (HG38), we have used Gorilla genome (RefSeq Accession GCF_029281585.1) and C.elegans genome (RefSeq Accession GCF_000002985.6) for our experiements.
In addition to the requirements already stated, one will also need the followings:
- Snakemake (for automating all computations)
pipeline can be used to generate the results shown in our paper.
To do this, run cmake
as before, as this will genereate the necessary executables to process the data corresponding to the Snakemake
To build and query pla-index, we need the whole genome 'N' filtered and concatenated, the binary suffix array file and the query files as before.
To produce these files, the executables files inside the pla-index/build
folder can be used.
To filter 'N' from a genome and concatenate the genome to a string:
Parameter description:
Parameter Name | Description |
FASTA-FILE | Fasta file on which pla-index will be built |
OUTPUT-PREFIX | Prefix of the output file. The file name will be OUTPUT-PREFIX.processed.fasta |
The output fasta will have a single header line and a single string containing all the bases (without 'N') concatenated.
To construct suffix array on the concatenated genome:
Parameter description:
Parameter Name | Description |
PROCESSED-GENOME-FASTA | Fasta file name of the concatenated genome without any 'N' character at the bases (one single string). Essentially, this file has only two lines: 1) Header line 2) All bases concatenated single string |
SUFFIX-ARRAY-FILE | Name of the binary file where suffix array will be stored |
We use the suffix array format of mksary
executable output. This is basically a binary file of the suffix array (each index value being a 64 bit integer).
To construct query files:
Parameter description:
Parameter description:
Parameter Name | Description |
PROCESSED-GENOME-FASTA | Fasta file name of the concatenated genome without any 'N' character at the bases (one single string). Essentially, this file has only two lines: 1) Header line 2) All bases concatenated single string |
SUFFIX-ARRAY-FILE | Name of the binary file where suffix array is stored |
PREFIX | Prefix of the query file name |
KMER-SIZE | Kmer size of the query kmers |
NO-OF-QUERIES | How many query k-mers to randomly construct |
NO-OF-FILES | How many query files to construct |
Thus, for example, if we have an ecoli.fasta
file, we can remove 'N' and concatenate the genome by:
./process_fasta ecoli.fasta ecoli
The output file is written at ecoli.processed.fasta
Next, we can build the suffix array of this genome by:
./mksary ecoli.processed.fasta ecoli.sa.bin
The output suffix array is written at ecoli.sa.bin
Next, we can create one query file of 5,000,000 queries of 21 size k-mer for this genome by:
./create_queries ecoli.processed.fasta ecoli.sa.bin ecoli 21 5000000 1
The output query file is written at ecoli.1.query.txt
To automate the index building and querying using snakemake, create a folder containing the genome fasta file, binary file of the suffix array and query files. The snakemake file assumes the following naming conventions:
- Genome folder name without any white-spaces(example: GENOME)
- Fasta file with one entry and only ACGT characters inside the genome folder needs to be named as GENOME/GENOME.processed.fasta
- Binary suffix array file (64 bit integers as suffix array values) inside the genome folder as GENOME/GENOME.sa.bin
- Query files (one kmer at each line) with their tag number as GENOME/GENOME.QUERY_TAG.query.txt
Thus, if one have a fasta file at hand, output from process_fasta
, mksary
and create_queries
(all are inside the build
folder) can be used to format the files necessary for snakemake
For example, let the genome folder name be ecoli
Then, we will have three files inside ecoli
folder: ecoli/ecoli.processed.fasta
, ecoli/ecoli.sa.bin
, and ecoli/ecoli.1.query.txt
being the tag number of the query)
Then, create a config file using CreateConfigFile.py. To see the config options:
python3 CreateConfigFile.py -h
Config options:
usage: CreateConfigFile.py [-h] --genome_folder GENOME_FOLDER --epsilon EPSILON [--index_type INDEX_TYPE]
[--fast_rank FAST_RANK] [--query_type QUERY_TYPE] [--kmer_size KMER_SIZE]
[--code_path CODE_PATH] [--exec_path EXEC_PATH] [--l_bits L_BITS] [--query_tag QUERY_TAG]
[--sdsl_lib_path SDSL_LIB_PATH] [--sdsl_inc_path SDSL_INC_PATH]
PLA-Index config file builder
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--genome_folder GENOME_FOLDER
Name of the folder containing the genome, suffix array and query files [Required]
--epsilon EPSILON Epsilon value to be used to create pla-index [Required]
--index_type INDEX_TYPE
Whether to build "basic-pla" or "repeat-pla" index. "repeat-pla" is generally the better option
but can slow down rank queries unless the -r option is also used.(default: basic-pla)
--fast_rank FAST_RANK
Construct an extra bitvector with the same length as the suffix array. Use this to speed up rank
queries. Possible values: "y" for yes and "n" for no. (default: n)
--query_type QUERY_TYPE
Whether to do "search" or "rank" query. "rank" gives you the value of the first position in the
suffix array where the query is found. "search" on the other hand, also returns the value where
the query appears, but it might not be the very first spot. (default: search)
--kmer_size KMER_SIZE
Kmer size for which pla-index will be calculated (default: 21)
--code_path CODE_PATH
Path where the source code is (default: ../src/)
--exec_path EXEC_PATH
Path where the executables will be stored (default: ../executables/)
--lookup LOOKUP On average on how many elements the binary search on X array will take place. Used to
determine the prefix lookup table. (default: 16)
--query_tag QUERY_TAG
QUERY_TAG to identify which query file to use from GENOME.QUERY_TAG.query.txt (default: 1)
--sdsl_lib_path SDSL_LIB_PATH
Path to the SDSL library folder (default: ~/lib)
--sdsl_inc_path SDSL_INC_PATH
Path to the SDSL include folder (defaul: ~/include)
Here is an example using the ecoli
folder inside the tests
cd tests
mkdir -p ../executables
python3 ../CreateConfigFile.py --genome_folder ecoli --epsilon 15
snakemake -s ../Snakefile --cores=1 -p
To use the read aligner application, run the following command:
git checkout strobealign-application
To use PLA-index-exact
version, check out to the pla-index-exact
branch, and follow the README
instructions there.
git checkout pla-index-exact