Minor fix
- Add possibility to override the error message in the login template shown when the user is already authenticated.
Minor bugfix
- [#16] Fixed redirect_to feature in the admin login
The library is now considered feature complete.
- [#9] Added built-in support for djano-hijack
- Added more test helpers
- Confirmed support for Django 3.2 to allow migrating existing projects
Fixed packaging mistake
- Ensure the .mo files are bundled in the package
Patch release after upgrading some projects
- Fixed system check dependency on URLconf being loaded
- Added/modified Dutch translations
MVP release - this release offers the same features as our django-two-factor-auth fork, you should be able to replace it with this library now.
The installation requirements require Django 3.2+ to facilitate upgrading to Django 4.2. The templates/styling have not been tested on Django 3.2 yet.
Implemented the "account security" page and links to it
Implemented page to manage backup tokens and links to it
Implemented and tested the backup code/token recovery flow
Added support for django-webtest in
test decoratorAdded API reference documentation
- Documented the decorator(s)
- Documented the test helper(s)
- Documented template blocks available for override
Added tests
Initial proof of concept.