This work is made available by a community of people, which originated from the :inria:`INRIA MIND Project Team <mind>` and :sklearn:`scikit-learn <>` but grew much further.
An up-to-date list of contributors can be seen in on :nilearn-gh:`GitHub <graphs/contributors>`.
Additional credit goes to `Michael Hanke`_ and `Yaroslav Halchenko`_ for data and packaging.
The nilearn core developers are:
- `Alexis Thual`_
- `Bertrand Thirion`_
- `Elizabeth DuPre`_
- `Hao-Ting Wang`_
- `Jerome Dockes`_
- `Nicolas Gensollen`_
- `Taylor Salo`_
- `Yasmin Mzayek`_
Some other past or present contributors are:
- `Alexandre Gramfort`_
- `Binh Nguyen`_
- `Gael Varoquaux`_
- `Julia Huntenburg`_
- `Thomas Bazeille`_
- `Alexandre Abadie`_
- `Alexandre Abraham`_
- `Andrés Hoyos Idrobo`_
- `Ben Cipollini`_
- `Chris Gorgolewski`_
- `Danilo Bzdok`_
- `Elvis Dohmatob`_
- `Fabian Pedregosa`_
- `Jean Kossaifi`_
- `Jerome-Alexis Chevalier`_
- `Kamalakar Reddy Daddy`_
- `Kshitij Chawla`_
- `Loic Estève`_
- `Martin Perez-Guevara`_
- `Michael Eickenberg`_
- `Philippe Gervais`_
- `Pierre Bellec`_
- `Salma Bougacha`_
- `Vincent Michel`_
- `Virgile Fritsch`_
`Alexandre Abraham`_, `Gael Varoquaux`_, `Kamalakar Reddy Daddy`_, `Loic Estève`_, `Mehdi Rahim`_, `Philippe Gervais`_ were paid by the :inria:`NiConnect <parietal/research/spatial_patterns/niconnect/>`. project, funded by the French Investissement d'Avenir.
`Kshitij Chawla`_ was paid by INRIA.
`Yasmin Mzayek`_ is paid by the Human Brain Project
. Previously `Nicolas Gensollen`_ was funded by HBP.
NiLearn is also supported by DigiCosme
and DataIA
There is no paper published yet about nilearn. We are waiting for the package to mature a bit. However, the patterns underlying the package have been described in: Machine learning for neuroimaging with scikit-learn.
We suggest that you read and cite the paper. Thank you.
A huge amount of work goes into :sklearn:`scikit-learn <>`, upon which nilearn relies heavily. Researchers who invest their time in developing and maintaining the package deserve recognition with citations. In addition, the :inria:`INRIA MIND Project Team <mind>` needs citations to the paper in order to justify paying a software engineer on the project. To guarantee the future of the toolkit, if you use it, please cite it.
See the scikit-learn documentation on :sklearn:`how to cite <about.html#citing-scikit-learn>`.