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{"hashtags": [{"tag":"790-ECCLESIASTICAL-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"790 Ecclesiastical Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of t he organization of religion, i.e., specialists, cult groups, and systematized ceremonial.","canEdit":false,"_id":"018w92sSOPqH5RGy"},
{"tag":"435-PRICE-AND-VALUE","realTitle":"435 Price And Value","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Relation of economic values to other systems of value; factors determinative of price and value (e.g., abundance and scarcity, utility, cost of production, precedent); customary prices and conventional values; competitive prices; monopoly prices; price fixing; black market prices; price levels; prices of particular goods (e.g., in money, in purchasing power); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"03ftzhVTpzmLhIxQ"},
{"tag":"216-AUDIOVISUAL-RECORDS-AND-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"216 Audiovisual Records And Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of audiovisual recording; appliances used (e.g., phonographs, tape and wire recorders); uses; products; specialists; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0BV3onwqMpae3sMB"},
{"tag":"143-GENETICS","realTitle":"143 Genetics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on genetic characteristics of the population (e.g., blood groups; incidence of sex-linked characteristics (e.g., color blindness, hemophilia); other data of specific genetic significance; indicated affiliation with other extinct or extant populations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0CGO26L7lwC5Jnhr"},
{"tag":"176-INNOVATION","realTitle":"176 Innovation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Analyses or general summaries of discoveries and inventions originating within the cultural group; factors involved (e.g., accident, genius, cultural base); number, range, and frequency of innovations, inventors and innovators; etc. This category is for discussions of innovation and inventions in general. For information on specific inventions, see the category appropriate to the specific subject.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0EGHg4eScg1Vo4zo"},
{"tag":"867-TRANSMISSION-OF-CULTURAL-NORMS","realTitle":"867 Transmission Of Cultural Norms","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Instilling of norms concerning appropriate behavior for children (e.g., rest and sleep routines); initiation of children into social relationships (e.g., teaching to share and take turns, instruction in etiquette and kinship behavior); training in gender-typed attitudes and values (e.g., ladylikeness, manliness); instilling of respect for property; instruction in social, ethical, legal and political norms; techniques for education in morals and character; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0FrXN8ZLbgAQNMds"},
{"tag":"875-TEACHERS","realTitle":"875 Teachers","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number of general and specialized teachers; degree of training and proficiency; social status of teachers (e.g., prerogatives, disabilities); mode of selection; fees and salaries; tenure and advancement; degree of academic freedom; organization (e.g., associations, unions); extracurricular activities (e.g., research, community activities); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0Fuc7PZK230yd5Oq"},
{"tag":"864-SEX-TRAINING","realTitle":"864 Sex Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adult beliefs, standards, and aims concerning sex behavior in children and methods of sex training; incidence of specifically sexual behavior in infants and children (e.g., masturbation, fingering of genitals, exhibitionism, sex play); rules for the control of such behavior (e.g., imposition, enforcement); training in sexual modesty; imparting of knowledge and beliefs about sex and reproduction; reactions to curiosity of children about sex; normal age for each aspect of sex training; reactions of children to sex training; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0HcEBHIXgMQj8c7l"},
{"tag":"237-ANIMAL-BY-PRODUCTS","realTitle":"237 Animal By Products","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Uses of animal by-products (e.g., bone, teeth, horn, hoofs, claws, eggshells, hides, fur, hair, bristles, feathers, sinews, brains, entrails, urine, manure); processing of such materials not elsewhere described; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0THJUzfsQbnC63yw"},
{"tag":"146-NUTRITION","realTitle":"146 Nutrition","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on nutrition including evidence of malnutrition and/or dietary deficiencies; adequacy of the diet of subgroups and of the population as a whole; chemical analyses of native foods; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0UA7vvudKJ91YZrZ"},
{"tag":"793-PRIESTHOOD","realTitle":"793 Priesthood","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialists in organized religious activities (e.g., priests, priestesses, clergymen, rabbis, mullahs); status and means of support; selection, training, and consecration; hierarchical organization (e.g., chief priests, bishops, cardinals, popes); prerogatives and disabilities of priests; characteristics (e.g., gender, garb, paraphernalia); distinctive behavior (e.g., celibacy); activities (e.g., conducting ceremonies, preaching, teaching, comforting); special priestly personnel (e.g., acolytes, temple prostitutes); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0cbadR7fU3zYKLIc"},
{"tag":"861-TECHNIQUES-OF-SOCIALIZATION","realTitle":"861 Techniques Of Socialization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about childhood training; general methods and discipline in socialization; specific techniques of providing motivation (e.g., inciting, warning, scolding, threatening, punishing); specific techniques of guidance (e.g., leading, demonstrating, explaining, commanding); specific techniques of providing rewards (e.g., helping, recompensing, praising); special emphasis on particular techniques (e.g., in general, at different ages, for particular types of training); consistency or inconsistency in the use of techniques; ages at which conscious parental socialization begins and ends; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0iAZNzQSivrPiNB3"},
{"tag":"542-COMMERCIALIZED-SPORTS","realTitle":"542 Commercialized Sports","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Commercially organized athletic events (e.g., boxing and wrestling matches, ball games, racing events); sponsors (e.g., political units, educational institutions, business entrepreneurs); special facilities (e.g., stadiums, ball fields); promotional activities; seating arrangements and distributions of tickets; specialists (e.g., professional and amateur athletes, coaches, promoters); offering of rewards (e.g., prizes, cups); championships and records; international contests (e.g., modern Olympic games, test matches); behavior of spectators; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0jr56hlCH7lVETzH"},
{"tag":"766-SPECIAL-BURIAL-PRACTICES-AND-FUNERALS","realTitle":"766 Special Burial Practices And Funerals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Abbreviated and extended funerals; distinctive mortuary rites in special cases of death (e.g., for an enemy, stranger, executed criminal, pauper, slave, child, women dying in childbirth, chief, shaman, warrior, person dying abroad, victim of accidental death, suicide, homicide, victim of epidemic or loathsome disease); ceremonies at the death of animals; etc. The term was changed from “Deviant Mortuary Practices” to “Special Burial Practices and Funerals” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0wGPzuF2nBebX26J"},
{"tag":"690-JUSTICE","realTitle":"690 Justice","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the formal procedures and the authorized agents of the community or state through which violations of legal norms are determined and sanctions imposed.","canEdit":false,"_id":"0zSqjif0f3oeCw7i"},
{"tag":"751-PREVENTIVE-MEDICINE","realTitle":"751 Preventive Medicine","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of health and hygiene; health regimen; protective measures (e.g., sun tan lotion, amulets, charms, spells, prophylaxis, immunization); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"10SysUOZthwRWv2T"},
{"tag":"834-GENERAL-SEX-RESTRICTIONS","realTitle":"834 General Sex Restrictions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sexual modesty and decorum; ideas of proper behavior between the sexes; sex taboos observed on particular occasions (e.g., before or during ceremonies, war, hunting, or special industrial activities); miscellaneous sex restrictions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"17gnUXiapbEDB9a1"},
{"tag":"202-TRANSMISSION-OF-MESSAGES","realTitle":"202 Transmission Of Messages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used for to index information on the technologically simple transmission of messages. The category includes information on signaling devices (e.g., fire, smoke, blinker, semaphore); signal codes (e.g., drum language, flag codes, Morse code); cryptography; use of carrier birds and animals; messenger and human courier systems; etc. For information on specific methods of transmission use “Mail” (205), “Telephone and Telegraph” (206), “Radio and Television” (207), and “Internet Communications” (2010). Scope note revised 10-20-2010: last sentence changed from: “For information on more technologically advanced transmission of messages use “Mail” (205), “Telephone and Telegraph” (206), “Radio and Television” (207), and “Internet Communications” (2010).”","canEdit":false,"_id":"1ReT1eCLmxqarYcY"},
{"tag":"759-MEDICAL-PERSONNEL","realTitle":"759 Medical Personnel","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalent types of medical specialists (e.g., herbalists, diagnosticians, physicians, surgeons, dentists, nurses, technicians, midwives); qualifications, training, status, and activities of each type; prerogatives and disabilities of medical personnel; special garb, paraphernalia, and behavior; remuneration (e.g., fees, salaries); penalties for failure; medical organizations; professional ethics; medical cults (e.g., acupuncture, osteopathy); examination and licensing of medical practitioners; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1hgwVQSRMKlpF8kx"},
{"tag":"607-SIBLINGS-IN-LAW","realTitle":"607 Siblings In Law","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between brothers-in-law, between sisters-in-law, and between brothers- and sisters-in law; respective rights, privileges, and powers of the relatives involved; relationships with the spouses of siblings-in-law; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1kTK9aofFGnDlnvq"},
{"tag":"654-RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT","realTitle":"654 Research And Development","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Government-supported research in applied science (e.g., agriculture, fisheries, mining, forestry, nutrition, medicine); public extension and demonstration services; government subsidies to weak or essential industries (e.g., airlines, shipping, agriculture); exploration; coast, geodetic, and geological surveys; meteorological research and weather stations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1loC6V2DPUx0n67X"},
{"tag":"628-INTER-COMMUNITY-RELATIONS","realTitle":"628 Inter Community Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Traditional friendships and rivalries between communities; establishing, maintaining, and breaking relations; blood vengeance; feuds; negotiation and composition (e.g., payment of wergild); mediation and arbitration; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1pZKfNxzFaShFfEE"},
{"tag":"487-ROUTES","realTitle":"487 Routes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Footpaths and trails (e.g., character, distribution); sea and air lanes; trade and caravan routes; marking of routes (e.g., blazes, signposts); route maps and charts; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1qbfzdJX8BUI5ozv"},
{"tag":"184-CULTURAL-PARTICIPATION","realTitle":"184 Cultural Participation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence of “specialties” and “alternatives”; degree of proliferation of subcultures, intra-cultural differences, and special statuses; extent to which the entire culture is socially shared; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"1vpRjHIf9iU8Ox9b"},
{"tag":"582-REGULATION-OF-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"582 Regulation Of Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Minimum and average age at marriage for each gender; postponement of marriage (e.g., for economic reasons to enable an elder sibling to marry first); marriage laws and regulations; physical and mental bars to marriage; endogamous and exogamous restrictions; primary marriage preference and practice (e.g., with a cross-cousin, hypergamy); explanations and rationalizations of marriage restrictions; tests of marriageability (e.g., of skill, prowess, fertility); occurrence of marriages not classifiable elsewhere; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"24EUqixEYivQ5aEM"},
{"tag":"341-ARCHITECTURE","realTitle":"341 Architecture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Styles of domestic and non-domestic buildings; architectural theory and principles; practice of architecture (e.g., solicitation of business; planning, draftsmanship, supervision of construction, fees); specialization (e.g., architects, draftsmen); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"25NQlHNZTCdJbqj0"},
{"tag":"252-FOOD-PREPARATION","realTitle":"252 Food Preparation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Processing of edible materials (e.g., grinding, cutting, mixing); cooking methods and techniques (e.g., broiling, roasting, baking, boiling, frying); use of special apparatus (e.g., mills, motors, earth ovens, stoves); use of cooking implements and utensils; recipes; associated beliefs and practices; etc. Data on culturally elaborated or commercialized techniques of food preparation are indexed for more specialized sibling categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2Acfb3RiqG6lfjX1"},
{"tag":"397-RAILWAY-EQUIPMENT-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"397 Railway Equipment Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Locomotive works; manufacture of rolling stock; production of railway equipment (e.g., rails, signaling devices, brakes); manufacture of special rail vehicles (e.g., trams); industrial specialization; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2B5A4VLlzkcjt293"},
{"tag":"500-WATER,-AIR,-AND-SPACE-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"500 Water, Air, And Space Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the means and facilities for travel and transportation by water, air and space. The term “Water and Air Transport” was changed to “Water, Air and Space Transport” in 2003.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2DWu5csPE7bB1SSj"},
{"tag":"464-LABOR-SUPPLY-AND-EMPLOYMENT","realTitle":"464 Labor Supply And Employment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Availability and scarcity of labor force; skilled and unskilled labor; incidence and types of unemployment (e.g., voluntary, intermittent, seasonal, cyclical, residual, technological); employment opportunities; labor mobility and turnover; employment agencies; regulation (e.g., age and gender restrictions); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2GHeWUhsgSOLLsAF"},
{"tag":"505-WATER-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"505 Water Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number, types, and distribution of shipping services; passenger and freight capacity and traffic; sailing schedules; fares and freight charges; booking arrangements; specialized personnel (e.g., line and engineer officers, crews, longshoremen, traffic agents); organization (e.g., shipping companies); regulation; etc. This category includes all types of water transportation.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2GLhdSfVmteiDOdI"},
{"tag":"245-ARBORICULTURE","realTitle":"245 Arboriculture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized cultivation of trees and shrubs (e.g., woody perennials) for their fruits, nuts, berries, or other edible products (e.g., apple, breadfruit, coconut, cacao, coffee, orange, raspberry, tea, hops); special care and treatment of each (e.g., grafting, picking, drying, packing); viticulture; silviculture (e.g., raising of trees for wood pulp, soil anchor, screens, shade, decoration); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2JoZTixH5OnfW7re"},
{"tag":"910-ARCHAEOLOGICAL-ANALYSES","realTitle":"910 Archaeological Analyses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements about archaeology. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from ARCHAEOLOGICAL MEASURES, TECHNIQUES, AND ANALYSES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2WTBSqLHXzi3xSOf"},
{"tag":"865-AGGRESSION-TRAINING","realTitle":"865 Aggression Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adult beliefs, standards, and aims concerning aggression in children and means of controlling it; incidence and treatment of physical aggression (e.g., striking, biting, kicking, hair-pulling); incidence and treatment of verbal aggression (e.g., insults, profanity, teasing); incidence and treatment of annoying behavior (e.g., crying, whining, noisiness); incidence and treatment of disobedience, defiance, and temper tantrums; incidence and treatment of rivalry and jealousy in children; rules governing the control of aggressive behavior (e.g., imposition, enforcement); approved forms of and occasions for aggression (e.g., rules, training); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2ghvp00vijufgxLA"},
{"tag":"278-PHARMACEUTICALS","realTitle":"278 Pharmaceuticals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Materia medica and pharmacology; manufacture of narcotics, drugs, and poisons; processing techniques; products; organization of labor and production; regulation; specialists (e.g., pharmacists); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2kDb9pmu4b9n5bh6"},
{"tag":"465-WAGES-AND-SALARIES","realTitle":"465 Wages And Salaries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wage levels (e.g., real and money wages); range and variation by occupational categories; composition (e.g., proportion paid in money, in board and keep, in share of product); fees and percentages; determination of wages (e.g., by custom, negotiation, edict, or legislation); payments (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly); regulation (e.g., minimum wage legislation); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"2sd1Am8cFd8KqF2R"},
{"tag":"158-PERSONALITY-DISORDERS","realTitle":"158 Personality Disorders","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence and distribution of hypertension and of symptoms of neurotic or functional disorders (e.g., hysteria, hypochondria, compulsive behavior, generalized anxiety), of motor disturbances (e.g., tics, stammering), of dissociative behavior (e.g., amnesia, somnambulism), of hallucinations and delusions, of manias (e.g., kleptomania, pyromania), of sadistic and masochistic behavior, of addiction (e.g., to drugs or alcohol), and of severe psychic disturbances (e.g., phobias, manic-depressive psychoses, involutional melancholia, schizophrenia); psychiatric interpretations of mental disorders; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"33DGziBJih1Wkr2P"},
{"tag":"422-PROPERTY-IN-MOVABLES","realTitle":"422 Property In Movables","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Culturally defined categories of movables (e.g., food stores, personal clothing and ornaments, artifacts, domestic animals, ceremonial objects); recognized types of title or tenure; rights, privileges, and powers involved in each; relation of types of title to categories of movables; recognized types of ownership (e.g., individual, collective, corporate); legal and statistical distribution of types of ownership according to categories of movables, types of title, and classes of persons; records of ownership (e.g., property marks, registration); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3Kydx1zVlt2ptWLC"},
{"tag":"772-COSMOLOGY","realTitle":"772 Cosmology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the universe; cosmological systems (e.g., heavens and hells); universal categories (e.g., dualism of nature); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3REdcMe7bNsjDVHd"},
{"tag":"560-SOCIAL-STRATIFICATION","realTitle":"560 Social Stratification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of the major differentiations in social status that are commonly hierarchically graded or stratified; origins of stratification. Feb 2011: in see also list, add: Social differentiation at the individual level–550 NAMES, NAMING AND SOCIAL MOBILITY; done MTRT & Ocmindex tables and Aug. 2011","canEdit":false,"_id":"3RdJuyLtmc4GK4HF"},
{"tag":"684-SEX-AND-MARITAL-OFFENSES","realTitle":"684 Sex And Marital Offenses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and penalties for sex offenses (e.g., fornication, seduction, adultery, prostitution, incest, miscegenation, rape, sodomy, bestiality); punishments for marital and family offenses (e.g., nonsupport, desertion, neglect of children); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3lwuGcHzUI1uVxvJ"},
{"tag":"376-WATER-POWER","realTitle":"376 Water Power","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Generation of industrial power by harnessing the energy of flowing or falling water; hydraulic engines (e.g., rams, water wheels, turbines); special installations and facilities (e.g., tidal installations); actual and potential output of water power; specialized personnel (e.g., hydraulic engineers); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3neqZ1msv7mI9uIh"},
{"tag":"583-MODE-OF-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"583 Mode Of Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wife-capture (e.g., actual, ceremonial); marriage by exchange (e.g., of sisters); wife-purchase; marriage by payment of consideration (e.g., substantial bride-price, token bride-price, dowry); bride-service (e.g., premarital, post-marital); marriage by gift exchange; marriage by formal or informal initiation of common residence; temporary and trial marriage; elopement (e.g., motives, subsequent adjustments); prevalence and prestige of each mode; relation to rules of residence; conceptualization of bride-price or dowry (e.g., as purchase price, as compensation for loss of services, as guarantee of marriage stability); content and mode of payment of consideration; contributors and recipients; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3ohFkRw9C6udAJdT"},
{"tag":"672-LIABILITY","realTitle":"672 Liability","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the liability of individuals and groups for breaches of legal norms; extension of liability to others (e.g., parents, spouse, sibmates); exemptions from legal responsibility (e.g., minors, insane persons, chiefs); recognition of extenuating or aggravating circumstances (e.g., youth or old age, gender or class status of aggressor or victim, accident, self-defense, intent, negligence, recidivism); liability of animals or inanimate objects (e.g., “the ox that gored); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3rGiV9HDpH0ap2JB"},
{"tag":"474-COOPERATIVE-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"474 Cooperative Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Producers’ and consumers’ cooperatives; relationship between ownership, control, and management; organization (e.g., Rochdale plan); services to members; collective farms; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3rLzDmYBwoxyxznY"},
{"tag":"242-AGRICULTURAL-SCIENCE","realTitle":"242 Agricultural Science","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Descriptions of practical and scientific knowledge of plant breeding, soils, and parasites; related practices (e.g., seed selection, hybridization, crop rotation, spraying); agricultural experiment and extension work; organization and specialized personnel; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3rUgwlIG7goat0EX"},
{"tag":"222-COLLECTING","realTitle":"222 Collecting","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Edible materials gathered (e.g., roots, fruits, seeds, seaweed, insects, honey, sap, syrup, eggs); techniques and artifacts employed; economic importance of collecting; organization of activities; division of products; associated beliefs and practices; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3vkH6VlGYM1lu8vu"},
{"tag":"761-LIFE-AND-DEATH","realTitle":"761 Life And Death","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theories about life and death; notion of a life force; conception of death (e.g., as natural, as unnatural); beliefs about the cause of death; attitude towards death (e.g., confidence, fear, fatalism); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3washmAjIS60AYx2"},
{"tag":"681-SANCTIONS","realTitle":"681 Sanctions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence and distribution of the major types of sanctions; capital punishment (e.g., hanging, decapitation, strangling, burning, dismembering); corporal punishment (e.g., flogging, mutilation, torture); property sanctions (e.g., damages, fines, confiscation); public humiliation (e.g., ridicule, pillory); deprivation of civil rights (e.g., enslavement, outlawry, imprisonment); theory of sanctions; systematization of sanctions (e.g., wergild, criminal codes); purpose of sanctions (e.g., compensation, punishment, prevention); penology; recipient of fines, damages, confiscated property (e.g., state, injured party); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3xMAug8QJDA86xKc"},
{"tag":"356-HOUSEKEEPING","realTitle":"356 Housekeeping","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the upkeep of dwelling and outbuildings (e.g., painting, repairs); routine indoor chores (e.g., housecleaning, bedmaking); in archaeological contexts, includes unspecified routine domestic tasks that occur outdoor adjacent to a dwelling; use and care of household implements and appliances; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000, 2005, and 2007.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3zQrUsSGvkBrv9oP"},
{"tag":"726-WARFARE","realTitle":"726 Warfare","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wartime mobilization; departure of troops (e.g., public ceremonies, rituals for securing supernatural aid, exhortations to bravery); military expeditions (e.g., marching, scouts, protection of flanks and rear, camping, mounting of guards, foraging, billeting); types of combat (e.g., skirmishes, surprise attacks, assaults, pitched battles, guerrilla warfare, siege operations); joining battle (e.g., choice of time and place, ritual preliminaries and precautions); deploying and coordination of forces; special characteristics of naval and air combat; scorched earth policy; military conventions and rules of war (e.g., flag of truce); personal encounters (e.g., duels between champions); termination of combat (e.g., after first casualty, after desperate last stand); tactical withdrawals; flight and pursuit; surrender; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"3zf7RFfeFj8eqD5G"},
{"tag":"795-RELIGIOUS-DENOMINATIONS","realTitle":"795 Religious Denominations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organized groups of congregations with differing and unreconciled systems of beliefs; crucial divergences in dogma; organization of sects or denominations (e.g., episcopal, congregational); admission of members (e.g., baptism, confirmation); distinguishing characteristics of members (e.g., special garb or behavior); established churches; splinter sects; interdenominational conferences and federations; territorial units (e.g., bishoprics, provinces); etc. The term was changed in 2000 from “Sects” to “Religious Denominations”.","canEdit":false,"_id":"40rU2ZIPtaRXFTuR"},
{"tag":"348-INDUSTRIAL-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"348 Industrial Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of factories and other manufacturing plants; special characteristics of each type; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"43o5XeJ9Q89WrOt9"},
{"tag":"174-HISTORICAL-RECONSTRUCTION","realTitle":"174 Historical Reconstruction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Inferences as to origins, migrations, contacts, prehistory, and culture history from various types of evidence (e.g., anthropometry and language), but excluding written documents; archaeological site reconstruction (e.g., Jamestown); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4ENWSKZjEGY5EuEE"},
{"tag":"825-ETHNOZOOLOGY","realTitle":"825 Ethnozoology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Notions about animals (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, crustaceans, insects); ideas about particular animals (e.g., snakes, fireflies); cultural uses of animals; native terms for animals; associated behavior patterns (e.g., avoidance of snakes); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4U7BHcPP0lIJdR41"},
{"tag":"383-RUBBER-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"383 Rubber Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Processing of natural rubber; refining techniques; methods of shaping and molding; products and their uses (e.g., rubber balls, syringes, automobile tires); organization of labor and production; synthetic rubber industry; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4WfhwwVuRAOsDdjz"},
{"tag":"580-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"580 Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific aspects of marriage. Marriage is a socially sanctioned relationship usually between a man and a woman involving economic cooperation and residential and sexual cohabitation The scope note was rewritten in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4Ya0ThNiZgVIAk5Q"},
{"tag":"360-SETTLEMENTS","realTitle":"360 Settlements","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several specific aspects of the physical configuration and material facilities of settlements ranging in size and complexity from a temporary camp to a great metropolis.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4izf5IxzgOyqOCLo"},
{"tag":"830-SEX","realTitle":"830 Sex","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements about several aspects of sexual ideas and behavior.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4lN7bn5O2V5YSZBW"},
{"tag":"122-PRACTICAL-PREPARATIONS-OF-FIELDWORK","realTitle":"122 Practical Preparations Of Fieldwork","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Source(s) of financial support (expedition expenses, cost of publishing results, etc.); selection and assembly of equipment; coping with problems of transportation and bureaucratic red tape; familiarization with previous descriptive literature; learning language; living conditions in the field; etc. This term replaced “Practical Preparations” in 1997. Changed again from PRACTICAL PREPARATIONS IN CONDUCTING FIELDWORK in 2012.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4sszpm3eKqSMAnbc"},
{"tag":"277-TOBACCO-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"277 Tobacco Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized production of tobacco; specialized techniques and equipment; organization of labor and production; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"4wx2naXMaq8r8mRh"},
{"tag":"250-FOOD-PROCESSING","realTitle":"250 Food Processing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the techniques by which foodstuffs are transformed from their original state into forms more suitable for preservation or consumption.","canEdit":false,"_id":"537COpQZLPuMM5FL"},
{"tag":"351-GROUNDS","realTitle":"351 Grounds","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"House plots and building lots; courtyards; walls, fences, and gates; grading; gardens and ornamental plants; swimming pools; landscape architecture; upkeep of grounds; choice of house site; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5AlynVZYcxtCABNx"},
{"tag":"567-SLAVERY","realTitle":"567 Slavery","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of a servile class of chattel slaves; number of slaves and proportion in the population; activities of slaves; methods of control; treatment; stigmata; rights and privileges of slaves (e.g., to hold property, to marry, to contract debts); rights, privileges, and powers of masters (e.g., to kill, to sell, to hire out); enslavement (e.g., of war captives, for debt, for crime); slave trade; permanency of servile status (e.g., hereditary, for life); redemption (e.g., manumission, adoption, purchase of freedom, escape, asylum); intermarriage between slaves and freemen; status of children of mixed marriages; emancipation; origins of slavery; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5CIpX6aBa3sQfYzX"},
{"tag":"600-KINSHIP","realTitle":"600 Kinship","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific aspects of the general characteristics and component terminology of kinship systems and with the specific patterns of behavior prevailing between kinsmen who do not belong to the same nuclear, extended, or polygamous family.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5LQbSJKGKHV9N13I"},
{"tag":"855-CHILD-CARE","realTitle":"855 Child Care","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Supervision, care, and support of children from earliest independence (e.g., walking, talking) to puberty; distribution of responsibility among parents and other relatives; institutionalized care (e.g., day nurseries); beliefs and standards concerning proper clothing, feeding, and housing of children; provisions for physical and mental health; protection from physical and social dangers (e.g., confinement, removal of dangerous objects); attitude of adults toward children (e.g., indulgent, indifferent, censorious); spoiling and coddling; mistreatment and neglect of children; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5dBEtgzfNII47wtx"},
{"tag":"180-TOTAL-CULTURE","realTitle":"180 Total Culture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Summary statements on the total culture as analyzed, interpreted, or described. The 18* categories are intended to include descriptive and interpretive materials which pertain to the entire culture or which override a number of more specific categories. Consequently much of the material pertinent to the individual topics below will be found only under other headings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5jiVSXVOx4RTqeWA"},
{"tag":"613-LINEAGES","realTitle":"613 Lineages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of unilineal kin groups consisting of persons who can trace actual descent from a common ancestor; affiliation (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal); regulation of marriage (e.g., exogamy, agamy, endogamy); distinguishing characteristic (e.g., names, insignia, totemism, food taboos); traditions; organization; headship and succession; prerogatives and obligations of members (e.g., mutual aid, blood vengeance); solidarity and group responsibility; common property; relationship to extended families and localized kin groups; unilineal kin groups intermediate between lineages and clans; relations between lineages and kin groups intermediate between lineages and clans (e.g., subclans); etc. The scope note was rewritten in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"5rz26yCBgQg6MC7X"},
{"tag":"221-ANNUAL-CYCLE","realTitle":"221 Annual Cycle","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Seasonal distribution and succession of food-getting and other economic activities; seasonal migrations in the gathering or production of food (e.g., transhumance, nomadism).","canEdit":false,"_id":"5vbWYwT5RS3epkNF"},
{"tag":"711-MILITARY-ENGINEERING","realTitle":"711 Military Engineering","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Scientific knowledge of military technology; research and experimentation in applied military science; development and testing of new weapons and equipment; specialized techniques of army engineers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"66CEoY1EOXFucx8g"},
{"tag":"692-JUDICIAL-AUTHORITY","realTitle":"692 Judicial Authority","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which the settlement of disputes, redress of injuries, and application of sanctions is withdrawn from the parties concerned and vested in some constituted authority; degree of identification or separation of judicial and other constituted authority; specialized judges and courts; judicial system (e.g., courts of original and appellate jurisdiction, courts of law and equity, civil and criminal courts); jurisdiction of each type of court; judicial powers and prerogatives; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"67BLOMo8WYq9VP5X"},
{"tag":"640-GOVERNMENT-INSTITUTIONS","realTitle":"640 Government Institutions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with various aspects of the description of governmental institutions at the highest level of political integration, i.e., at the level where ultimate sovereignty resides, whether this be a district of a few communities under a paramount chief or a great empire embracing many nationalities. Material on societies revealing a level of political integration higher than that of the community will be indexed with these categories. The term was changed from “State” to “Government Institutions” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6HLri9RaaS34xXl7"},
{"tag":"490-LAND-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"490 Land Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several of the specialized means and facilities for land travel and transportation.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6M5yias3TufNvzHI"},
{"tag":"306-JEWELRY-MANUFACTURE","realTitle":"306 Jewelry Manufacture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cutting, polishing, and mounting of gems; specialized work in precious metals; lapidary art; manufacture of valuable ornaments and costume jewelry; specialized jewelers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6TOHWnx6koPYLKD6"},
{"tag":"218-WRITING-AND-PRINTING-SUPPLIES","realTitle":"218 Writing And Printing Supplies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Miscellaneous materials and supplies for offices, libraries, and museums; description and manufacture of expendable supplies not elsewhere classified (e.g., stationery, index cards); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6V0MskWE36qSnBeH"},
{"tag":"403-ELECTRICAL-MACHINES-AND-APPLIANCES","realTitle":"403 Electrical Machines And Appliances","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Electric motors, generators, and transformers; machines and appliances operated by electric current (e.g., electric fans, electric razors); electrical supplies (e.g., wiring, insulation, connections, batteries); telephone, telegraph, radio, and television equipment and supplies; electrical engineering; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6Y65IaYrCizzDhfu"},
{"tag":"154-ADJUSTMENT-PROCESSES","realTitle":"154 Adjustment Processes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the incidence, nature and cultural patterning of unconscious mental processes (e.g., free association, dreaming, fantasy, visions, inspiration, intuition); modes of resolving situations involving conflict, frustration, and anxiety; observations and inferences concerning adjustment mechanisms (e.g., repression, regression, displacement, projection, introjection, identification); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6YtK0kZPlrVU2h1s"},
{"tag":"831-SEXUALITY","realTitle":"831 Sexuality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about the male and female sex organs; conceptions of sexual physiology (e.g., erection, nocturnal emission); notions about seminal and vaginal secretions; favorable attitudes toward sex (e.g., as natural, necessary, amusing, sacred); idealization of sex (e.g., romantic love); unfavorable attitudes toward sex (e.g., as dangerous, debilitating, unclean, disgusting, sinful); idealization of continence and chastity; preoccupation with sex (e.g., sexual symbolism in religion and the arts, obscenity, pornography); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6oazeHFhfIGCf07Y"},
{"tag":"877-STUDENTS","realTitle":"877 Students","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Composition of the student body; number of general and specialized students in an academic institution; organization and associations (e.g., student unions); leadership; social status of students; sources of financial support (e.g., private funds, scholarships, fellowships, etc.); degree of academic freedom; extracurricular activities; living and dining accommodations (e.g., dormitories, off-campus housing, sororities and fraternities, etc.); student-community relations; student-faculty relationships; group values and behavior characteristics (e.g., political and social activism, etc.); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6rQUtNt34X5V0W0a"},
{"tag":"774-ANIMISM","realTitle":"774 Animism","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the soul; number of souls; location in the body; characteristics (e.g., shape, visibility, separability); relation of the soul to the body, to the name, to the breath, to dreams, to shadows and reflections, and to life and death; notions of the temporary departure of the soul from the body; attribution of souls to animate and inanimate objects; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"6xxAGhjQjsLFexlC"},
{"tag":"504-PORT-FACILITIES","realTitle":"504 Port Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Boathouses; piers and docks; facilities for mooring, loading, and unloading; storage facilities; supply services (e.g., ship chandlers, fueling stations); facilities for repair and overhaul; use of natural harbors; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"70bftpNfNyS9eLJ5"},
{"tag":"145-ONTOGENETIC-DATA","realTitle":"145 Ontogenetic Data","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data relating to physical growth and mental development during infancy and childhood; eruption of teeth; age at puberty for each sex; age at menopause and onset of senile impotence; characteristics of menstruation and menopause; physical senescence; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7HY7EMEhi9sfYMeL"},
{"tag":"732-DISABILITIES","realTitle":"732 Disabilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of serious physical disabilities (e.g., blindness, deaf-mutism, crippling infirmities and deformities); interpretation of abnormalities and disabilities; care and treatment of disabled (e.g., neglect, persecution, euthanasia, home care, charity, institutionalization); organization, operation, and financial support of special institutions for disabled; adjustments to disabilities (e.g., seeing-eye dogs, prosthetic devices, hearing aids); sterilization of disabled, etc. The term was changed from “Handicapped” to “Disabilities” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7InDB9hy9QagAy6J"},
{"tag":"546-MOTION-PICTURE-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"546 Motion Picture Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Production, distribution, and exhibition of motion pictures; script writing; casting; locations and sets; filming; special equipment and techniques (e.g., Technicolor, sound); products (e.g., film plays, animated cartoons, educational and documentary films); system of distribution (e.g., chains, block booking, runs); motion picture theaters and their operation; specialists (e.g., producers, script writers, actors, cameramen, distributors, operators); economic organization of t he industry; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7KgITnm9AtfnNwci"},
{"tag":"494-HIGHWAY-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"494 Highway Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Use of highways for travel and transportation; animal and vehicular traffic; private and public transport systems (e.g., carting, stagecoaches, cab services, trucking, tramways, bus lines); organization; specialized personnel (e.g. drivers; carters, tram and bus conductors); fares and tolls; regulation (e.g., licenses, traffic rules); highway patrols; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7NIPsVJHwC9kCpm9"},
{"tag":"346-RELIGIOUS-AND-EDUCATIONAL-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"346 Religious And Educational Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of shrines, temples, churches, libraries, museums, schools, and other religious and educational structures; special characteristics of each; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7P1yjjN7vqfp1nnz"},
{"tag":"573-CLIQUES","realTitle":"573 Cliques","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Groups of intimate friends; basis of association; organization and leadership; attitude toward outsiders; clique activities; special types of cliques (e.g., gangs); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7XTCGiBvrHPKOzYS"},
{"tag":"144-RACIAL-IDENTIFICATION","realTitle":"144 Racial Identification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Statements about affiliation with races and subraces; supporting evidence; extent of race mixture; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7gZtRehXfIN0RRi0"},
{"tag":"676-AGENCY","realTitle":"676 Agency","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the delegation of authority; implications and limitations; rights, privileges, and powers of principal and agent; responsibility of a principal for the acts of his agent; intrusting and revocation; commissions and fees of agents types of agents (e.g., factors); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7gnBuuzoFQXiJ19s"},
{"tag":"813-SCIENTIFIC-METHOD","realTitle":"813 Scientific Method","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Relative prevalence of fact-thinking as opposed to wishful thinking; degree of reliance on common sense and experience; areas in which experimental evidence is normally accepted; degree of acceptance and use of exact methods (e.g., precise canons of historical and linguistic research, experimentation, comparative and statistical methods); philosophy of science; evidence bearing upon the relationship of science to magic, technology, and philosophy; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7nMaRz465noNekWE"},
{"tag":"706-NAVY","realTitle":"706 Navy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specific organization of the navy; high command; combat units (e.g., scouting and task forces); organization of a ship (e.g., command, complement, line and engineering specialization, communications personnel); fleet auxiliaries; organization of ports, yards, depots, and other shore establishments; special naval forces (e.g., coast guard, submarine services); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7s3qYiHe8jreJce7"},
{"tag":"873-LIBERAL-ARTS-EDUCATION","realTitle":"873 Liberal Arts Education","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Existence, number, and variety of institutions on the secondary and college levels devoted to instruction in the liberal arts; special objectives (e.g., teaching of aristocratic ideals, preparation for democratic leadership, refinement of personal tastes, preparation for rational choice of careers); sources of financial support; administration; curricula; courses and terms; education aids (e.g., libraries); grading and advancement; degrees; ceremonial (e.g., commencement); extracurricular activities (e.g., sports, politics, debating); special institutions (e.g., finishing schools, adult education); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7uNNgPSKrNuklJ2p"},
{"tag":"764-BURIAL-PRACTICES-AND-FUNERALS","realTitle":"764 Burial Practices And Funerals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Attitude toward the corpse; mortuary toilet (e.g., dressing and decorating the body); laying out in state; preservative techniques (e.g., embalming, desiccation, mummification); determination of time, place, and mode of burial; interval between death and burial (e.g., duration, measures to prevent further deaths, manifestations of grief); vigils and wakes; place of disposal of corpse (e.g., cemetery, ossuary); receptacles (e.g., coffin, canoe, urn, tomb); method of disposal (e.g., abandonment, inhumation, cremation, sea burial, cave burial, tree or scaffold burial); preparation of grave, pyre, or scaffold; transport of corpse to place of disposal; procession to grave; disposition of corpse (e.g., posture, orientation); funerary mounds, monuments, and memorials; burial rites; mortuary sacrifices; disposition of grave goods; roles of relatives at funerals; economic obligations of participants (e.g., fees, contributions); precautions against return of the soul (e.g., silence, disguise, doors of the dead); return from the funeral; purification of participants; etc. The term was changed from “Funeral” to “Burial Practices and Funerals” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"7x6XIY1zEpzqXklU"},
{"tag":"509-AIR-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"509 Air Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number and distribution of airlines; passenger and freight capacity and traffic; mode of conveyance to and from airports; flight schedules; fares and freight charges; booking arrangements; specialized personnel (e.g., pilots, navigator , radio operations, flight attendants, ground crews, sales force); private and public operation; mail subsidies; government regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"85Hqu5w99Cm9trIP"},
{"tag":"232-APPLIED-ANIMAL-SCIENCE","realTitle":"232 Applied Animal Science","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practical and scientific knowledge about animal husbandry; veterinary science; specialized knowledge of animal nutrition and disease control; selective breeding of animals; artificial insemination; raising of hybrids; special elaborations (e.g., raising and breeding of racehorses); veterinary services and fees; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"85lhFiQv9d1kVwoe"},
{"tag":"447-ADVERTISING","realTitle":"447 Advertising","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Uses and degree of elaboration of advertising; media (e.g., handbills, mail advertising, billboards, newspapers and periodicals, radio); special techniques and research; advertising programs; specialized personnel (e.g., counselors, copy writers); advertising agencies; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8DMdPq8EfMsgIh0M"},
{"tag":"668-POLITICAL-MOVEMENTS","realTitle":"668 Political Movements","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Mass movements for substantial political change; types (e.g., messianic, nativistic, nationalistic, radical, revolutionary, reactionary); organization (e.g., into political parties, underground cells); leadership; doctrines, policies, and programs (e.g., socialism, communism, fascism); overt activities (e.g., passive resistance, propaganda, pressure politics, mass demonstrations, fomenting of labor disturbances); covert activities (e.g., infiltration, circulation of disparaging rumors, secret distribution of inflammatory literature, “front” organizations); proportion of population affected; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8FRsEwBRsDOpKOQu"},
{"tag":"816-APPLIED-SCIENCE","realTitle":"816 Applied Science","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which exact science is applied to practical problems; areas of such application; proliferation of laboratory and research facilities; sources of support; applied scientists (e.g., number, activities, organizations); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8FravBZ5xactqP93"},
{"tag":"601-KINSHIP-TERMINOLOGY","realTitle":"601 Kinship Terminology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Lists and application of kinship terms; genealogical kinship charts; use of kinship terms relative to personal names and teknonymy; differentiation of vocative and referential forms; morphological typology (e.g., elementary derivative, and descriptive terms); number of elementary terms; incidence of denotative and classificatory terms; classificatory distinctions observed and overridden (e.g., generation, gender, affinity, collaterality, bifurcation, polarity, relative age, speaker’s gender, decedence); classification of avuncular and nepotic terms (e.g., bifurcate collateral, bifurcate merging, lineal, generation); classification of cousin terminology (e.g., Eskimo, Hawaiian, Iroquois, Crow, Sudanese, Omaha); correlation between terminology and patterns of behavior; historical, structural, and functional interpretations of kinship systems, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8G7BfEXUgQAUxacU"},
{"tag":"270-DRINK-AND-DRUGS","realTitle":"270 Drink And Drugs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of the allaying of thirst and special appetite cravings, with the manufacture of artificial means of satisfying them, and with the preparation of drugs for other purposes. The term was changed from “Drink, Drugs, and Indulgences” to “Drink and Drugs” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8M58tm3U5AmWuxii"},
{"tag":"707-AIR-FORCES","realTitle":"707 Air Forces","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organization of air forces; high command; combat and administrative units (e.g., strategic and tactical forces, wings, groups, squadrons); organization of personnel; organization of ground services; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8OXUck2KgFgVXM7z"},
{"tag":"288-TEXTILE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"288 Textile Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized production of textile products; cotton, woolen, silk, and rayon mills; cordage manufacture; specialized techniques and apparatus; economic importance of and self-sufficiency in textile manufactures; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8RoZrkTC2BI6tJr4"},
{"tag":"902-TEXTS-TRANSLATED-INTO-ENGLISH","realTitle":"902 Texts Translated Into English","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Texts, narratives, verbatim transcriptions, or verbal discourse as translated into English. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8Xc2zzQE6QM8NDkE"},
{"tag":"310-EXPLOITATIVE-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"310 Exploitative Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the extraction from nature of raw materials other than food. Transformation of raw materials into tools, structures, clothing, and other finished products is classified elsewhere.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8gySgKDo67WSFAZV"},
{"tag":"100-ORIENTATION","realTitle":"100 Orientation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index and find information especially likely to be needed by users of a collection as a frame of reference for understanding the materials classified elsewhere; organization of the file, special indexing decisions, and evaluation of the file. This category is not used in eHRAF. In eHRAF, the information is contained in a brief introduction to the collection, “Culture Summary: …”","canEdit":false,"_id":"8sdNx62nt18PEBKZ"},
{"tag":"157-PERSONALITY-TRAITS","realTitle":"157 Personality Traits","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Occurrence of idiosyncratic habits (e.g., biting of lips or nails, twiddling of thumbs, wringing of hands); prevalence of cooperativeness and competitiveness; incidence and distribution of recurrent personality traits (e.g., leadership, submissiveness, aggressiveness); incidence and distribution of recognized types of personality (e.g., introvert, extrovert, obsessional, manic, paranoid, hypochondriac); generalized results of personality tests; indications of cultural selectivity with reference to personality traits and types; evidence bearing upon the existence of a modal or basic personality; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"8u3f7h2vWVCLegrm"},
{"tag":"240-AGRICULTURE","realTitle":"240 Agriculture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category contains general statements dealing with several of the specialized aspects of agriculture detailed below. This category is used to index general data on agriculture. Data on unspecialized agriculture will be indexed using “Tillage” (241).","canEdit":false,"_id":"8yQwpGMorqygniZR"},
{"tag":"650-GOVERNMENT-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"650 Government Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the administrative activities of all governmental agencies usually above the level of the small local community.","canEdit":false,"_id":"92Aod1pgwn3q2Wd2"},
{"tag":"241-TILLAGE","realTitle":"241 Tillage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on plants cultivated and their relative importance; size of fields; special treatment accorded each crop; intensity of cultivation (e.g., brand tillage); clearing of land; soil preparation (e.g., hoeing, plowing); use of fertilizers and irrigation; planting; care and protection of growing crops (e.g., weeding, fencing, scarecrows); pest control; tools and implements used; economic importance, and adequacy for needs, of agriculture; organization of labor and production; distribution of products; agricultural beliefs, taboos, and rituals; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"97PmpEQL5YGvPyEn"},
{"tag":"175-HISTORY","realTitle":"175 History","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data on the history of the culture or ethnic group that is derived from written sources (e.g., chronicles, reports of travelers, official records and documents) and their interpretation; evidence and inferences about prehistoric and historic events from such sources; ethnohistory; summaries of historical development; specific historical information pertinent to an understanding of culture change; etc This term was called “Recorded History” until 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"982WJapUDychyUc6"},
{"tag":"541-SPECTACLES","realTitle":"541 Spectacles","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patriotic celebrations; parades; fireworks displays; military reviews; secular pageants; carnivals, circuses, and rodeos; animal racing and fighting (e.g., horse and dog races, bull baiting, cock fighting); gladiatorial combats; public executions; organization of spectacles; financing (e.g., by profits, voluntary contributions, subsidies); admissions (e.g., gratis, by ticket); specialists (e.g., organizers, performers); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9D1QuzOge7Sx4zMI"},
{"tag":"302-PERSONAL-GROOMING","realTitle":"302 Personal Grooming","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Shaving and depilation; hair styles (e.g., cutting, parting, arranging); care of the hair (e.g., washing, brushing); care of the nails (e.g., cutting filing); body painting; use of cosmetics, ointments and perfumes; age, gender, and status differences in personal grooming; associated beliefs and practices; etc. The term was changed from “Toilet” to “Personal Grooming” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9ELRS736piiKpBax"},
{"tag":"424-INCORPOREAL-PROPERTY","realTitle":"424 Incorporeal Property","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which property is recognized in intangible things (e.g., names, titles, songs, dances, visions, recipes, rituals, inventions); culturally defined categories of intangibles; recognized types of title; rights, privileges and power involved in titles to each type of incorporeal property; recognized types of ownership (e.g., individual, collective, corporate); distribution of types of ownership according to categories of intangibles, types of title, and classes of persons; records of ownership (e.g., registration of patents and copyrights); patent and copyright law; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9EfQPfFLT9wgw0QZ"},
{"tag":"602-KIN-RELATIONSHIPS","realTitle":"602 Kin Relationships","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of kinship; cultural definition of kinship statuses; kinship symbolism and its extensions (e.g., to kings, to gods); interpenetration of kinship with other aspects of culture (e.g., nepotism); analyses of patterned kinship behavior; incidence and interpretations of stereotyped patterns (e.g., joking, respect, avoidance); categories of kin not classifiable elsewhere (e.g., patrikin and matrikin, general affinal relatives) and relationships among them; reciprocal parent-in- law relations (e.g., consuegro); etc. Data on relationships between specific secondary and tertiary relatives will be found in separate categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9F3IhKiUnhVkCWIx"},
{"tag":"660-POLITICAL-BEHAVIOR","realTitle":"660 Political Behavior","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific types of political behavior. Since informal mechanisms of social control do not operate effectively above the level of the community, all government at higher levels depends upon the authority and power to supplement such mechanisms with organized force. Hence political behavior, as opposed to other forms of social behavior, is characterized by the exercise or manipulation of such power, or the striving for it, as a means of accomplishing goals by force or the threat thereof.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9OTrTZtloljk4b9i"},
{"tag":"791-MAGICIANS-AND-DIVINERS","realTitle":"791 Magicians And Diviners","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialists in magic (e.g., wonder workers, exorcists, magicians, fakirs); specialists in divination (e.g., astrologers, oracles, diviners, fortune tellers, seers, mediums); characteristics of each (e.g., personality, gender, training, garb); sources of power; prerogatives and disabilities; organization; fees; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9QusK2vOSRT1b2lj"},
{"tag":"000-MATERIAL-NOT-RELEVANT","realTitle":"000 Material Not Relevant","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index text that, for several possible reasons, is not relevant. Reasons for indexing text with 000 include: the text is about a culture or tradition different from the one that this HRAF collection focuses on; the text is not about cultural information but rather is on something pertaining to the document, such as, it is a table of contents, it is the author statement on the title page, etc. ; the text consists of conjectures, personal data not relevant to the culture, etc. The term and scope note were revised in 2002.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9gWQyrUvQ1a8Y41O"},
{"tag":"648-EXTERNAL-RELATIONS","realTitle":"648 External Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Traditional friendships and rivalries with other societies (whatever their level of political complexity) or governments; relations between sovereign and dependent powers; foreign policy, foreign aid and other programs and services; diplomatic relations and activities of specialized personnel (e.g., consuls), treaties, alliances, trade agreements; international law, relationships with international political organizations (e.g., United Nations) and international politics; etc. The term was changed from “International Relations” to “External Relations” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9ndi74Ff80uE3WhQ"},
{"tag":"508-AIRPORT-FACILITIES","realTitle":"508 Airport Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Air fields; loading, unloading, and fueling facilities; facilities for repair and overhaul; freight and passenger facilities at airports and air terminals; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9nzb2FGcEK83Tj9u"},
{"tag":"462-DIVISION-OF-LABOR-BY-GENDER","realTitle":"462 Division Of Labor By Gender","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Activities customarily performed exclusively or predominantly by males or by females; activities forbidden to or despised by one gender; activities in which both genders participate (e.g., jointly, alternatively); routine tasks and relative economic contribution of each gender; gender-limited occupations and professions; etc. This category is designed primarily for summary statements about gender specialization; incidental information will frequently appear only under the headings for specific activities.","canEdit":false,"_id":"9znAQnpgGYUHIbUP"},
{"tag":"273-ALCOHOLIC-BEVERAGES","realTitle":"273 Alcoholic Beverages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of alcoholic beverages used (e.g., beer, wine, spirits); techniques of preparation (e.g., brewing, distilling); apparatus (e.g., stills); consumption (e.g., users, quantities, occasions); drinking etiquette; craving for liquor; prevalence of drunkenness and behavior under intoxication; associated beliefs and practices; social and legal controls; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"A3CGQjAP10JxyJBg"},
{"tag":"884-MAJORITY","realTitle":"884 Majority","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Concept of legal majority if differentiated from puberty; criteria for its attainment by each gender (e.g., age); ceremonies of admission to full manhood or womanhood; readjustments of behavior and social relationships; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"A3hFqXCZrevaJCxZ"},
{"tag":"255-CANNING-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"255 Canning Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized processing of meat, fish, and vegetable foods in air-tight containers (e.g., cans, jars, bottles); canneries, special factories, and their equipment; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"A6PPElTIUwwiEs4K"},
{"tag":"394-MAKING-OF-HEATING,-LIGHTING-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"394 Making Of Heating, Lighting Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of stoves, furnaces, bakery equipment, and other non-electrical heating appliances; production of ice-making machinery; manufacture of heat-regulating appliances (e.g., incubators, refrigerators, air-conditioning apparatus); manufacture of lamps and other non-electric lighting appliances; industrial specialization; organization of labor and production; etc. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from MANUFACTURE OF HEATING AND LIGHTING APPLIANCES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"A9UfHVQGgpH8g5bn"},
{"tag":"357-DOMESTIC-SERVICE","realTitle":"357 Domestic Service","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and functional differentiation of household servants (e.g., cooks, butlers, chambermaids, gardeners, chauffeurs, governesses); status and activities of each; arrangements for room and board; wages; hiring and firing; master-servant relationships; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AAXx8LPX50bIZOFi"},
{"tag":"458-BUSINESS-CYCLES","realTitle":"458 Business Cycles","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Periods of prosperity and depression; financial panics and recovery; cyclical expansion and contraction of credit; fluctuations in investment capital; inflation and deflation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ACnjxcnPpgCUIODq"},
{"tag":"497-RAIL-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"497 Rail Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Freight and passenger services and accommodations; make-up and operation of trains; schedules; fares and freight charges; traffic control; special services (e.g., railway express, refrigerated freight service); organization and specialized personnel; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AFKzsjDkhaWfHVui"},
{"tag":"610-KIN-GROUPS","realTitle":"610 Kin Groups","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific types of kin groups. In every society, individuals maintain interpersonal relationships, characterized by particular kinship terms and culturally patterned behavior, with each type of relative recognized by the prevailing kinship system. In addition, an individual is normally affiliated with one or more kin groups, each consisting of some, but not all, of his relatives. By “descent” is meant a cultural rule defining the types of relatives with whom an individual is affiliated in a kin group. It need not, and commonly does not, imply that these relatives are more closely akin to him than are those who do not belong to the same group. The major types of kin groups are defined in the narrower terms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AIAXx7q68YzjYKVn"},
{"tag":"296-GARMENT-CARE","realTitle":"296 Garment Care","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods of laundering clothes; repair techniques (e.g., darning, patching); special care and preservation of clothing (e.g., drying, snow removal, waterproofing, storage); organized services (e.g., laundries, dry-cleaning and pressing establishments, shoe-shining and repairing specialists); special techniques and apparatus; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AIXBmzrE8veOgvsZ"},
{"tag":"725-TACTICS","realTitle":"725 Tactics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized tactics of ground, air, and naval forces; combined tactics; offensive tactical maneuvers; defensive tactics (e.g., trench warfare, use of underground installations); special tactics (e.g., parachute attacks, landing operations, raids in depth, tactics of resistance movements); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AMWUUomRjIKr6pcp"},
{"tag":"507-AVIATION","realTitle":"507 Aviation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Aeronautic and astronautic science; operation of aircraft (e.g., takeoff, banking, instrument flying, landing); laying of courses; fixing of positions; adjuncts to aerial navigation (e.g., beacons, radio beams, radar tracking stations, air traffic controllers); regulations governing flying; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ANl6wevF0zWVnmEC"},
{"tag":"666-ELECTIONS","realTitle":"666 Elections","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Voting; informal methods of selecting public affairs officials; organized electoral systems (e.g., election districts, registration of voters, requirements for nomination, polling places, balloting, precautions against fraud); election campaigns (e.g., fund raising, campaign platforms, speaking tours, use of publicity and propaganda); voting behavior and its determinants; electoral intimidation and fraud; methods of minority control (e.g., gerrymandering, rotten-borough system, poll taxes); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ASkj8zFJyAWpphlk"},
{"tag":"133-TOPOGRAPHY-AND-GEOLOGY","realTitle":"133 Topography And Geology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on topography and geology such as altitude above sea level; relief (e.g., hills, mountains. plateaus, passes); bodies of water (e.g., lakes, rivers, arms of the sea, swamps); subsurface water; character of seacoast and adjacent marine floor; tides and currents; floods; areas of volcanic and seismic activity; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AYNPQ3Nrs6VkPm5b"},
{"tag":"629-INTER-ETHNIC-RELATIONS","realTitle":"629 Inter Ethnic Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on interpersonal relations between individuals or groups of individuals of different ethnic and/or minority groups where multiple ethnic groups or “minorities” live together and interact with each other on a “day to day” and “face to face” basis and usually share a “lingua franca.” In most cases, these kinds of interactions occur in large complex nations. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1996.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ae06T0mpCNU9mMQd"},
{"tag":"586-TERMINATION-OF-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"586 Termination Of Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods (e.g., desertion, separation, annulment, divorce); prevalence of each; reasons (e.g., cruelty, infidelity, laziness, sterility); initiative and rights of each gender; procedure; residence readjustments; allocation of children (e.g., to mother, to father, to parent least at fault, division by age or gender); property arrangements (e.g., return of bride-price, alimony); subsequent relations of divorced spouses; social attitudes toward separation and divorce; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AnT4t99V8uvHAjoH"},
{"tag":"704-GROUND-COMBAT-FORCES","realTitle":"704 Ground Combat Forces","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specific organization of the army; high command; specialized combat branches (e.g., infantry, cavalry, artillery, tank corps); combat units (e.g., squads, companies, battalions, regiments, divisions); composition, organization, and special functions of each; specialized combat forces (e.g., scouts, marines, anti-aircraft defense units); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AprqmhGxmzmVDxc5"},
{"tag":"373-LIGHT","realTitle":"373 Light","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of light; methods of producing light; practical and scientific knowledge about lighting; uses of light; outdoor lighting systems (e.g., street lighting); beliefs about light; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Aq5JA7jckJgrBMP9"},
{"tag":"626-SOCIAL-CONTROL","realTitle":"626 Social Control","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incentives to conformity (e.g., expectation of rewards, reciprocity, fear of social and supernatural sanctions, conscience); means of inducing conformity (e.g., example, precept, praise, rewards, warnings, threats); pressure of public opinion; informal mechanisms of social control (e.g., criticism, ridicule, gossip, cursing, sorcery, intentional silence, ostracism); incidence and effectiveness of such sanctions as compared with the application of physical force; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ArXE2OmGKfryewDZ"},
{"tag":"491-HIGHWAYS-AND-BRIDGES","realTitle":"491 Highways And Bridges","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number, location, and distribution of roads; character (e.g., straight, meandering); surfacing and drainage; adjuncts (e.g., culverts, bridges, causeways, tunnels, fords, ferries); highway maintenance (e.g., responsibility, techniques, special apparatus, personnel); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"AvHMALSb7srvp6Ah"},
{"tag":"364-REFUSE-DISPOSAL-AND-SANITARY-FACILITIES","realTitle":"364 Refuse Disposal And Sanitary Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on sewerage system; sewage disposal plants; collection and disposal of garbage and waste; street-cleaning services; purification of water; municipal sanitary facilities and regulations; refuse pits; middens; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"B4FDqC7A4t53H5B5"},
{"tag":"752-BODILY-INJURIES","realTitle":"752 Bodily Injuries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theory of the causation of mishaps and accidental injuries; first aid; treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite, bruises, and sprains (e.g., ligatures, bandages, poultices, massage, cauterization); treatment of snake and insect bites; antidotes for poisoning; treatment of fractures (e.g., bone setting, trepanation); surgical operations; use of sterile techniques; adjustments to pain (e.g., anesthetics); dental surgery; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"BM4ULlIF9zmCimeh"},
{"tag":"805-ORDERING-OF-TIME","realTitle":"805 Ordering Of Time","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sense of time; Conception of a minimal unit of time (e.g., a moment); divisions of the day and night (e.g., hours); divisions of the year (e.g., weeks, months, seasons); longer time spans; solar, lunar, and stellar reckoning of time; methods of dating; calendar and calendric knowledge; use of aids to measure the passage of time (e.g., sundials, clocks); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ba74sTOkPf95M6oH"},
{"tag":"653-PUBLIC-WORKS","realTitle":"653 Public Works","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Government construction of dams, reservoirs, canals, ship channels, railways, highways, sewers, and public buildings; method of accomplishment (e.g., by labor drafts, by contract with private entrepreneurs); public works policies (e.g., to relieve unemployment, to increase public revenues); maintenance of public works; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"BgC6fTLgXNvm5uQ2"},
{"tag":"369-URBAN-AND-RURAL-LIFE","realTitle":"369 Urban And Rural Life","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of differentiation of rural, small town, and urban modes of life; characteristics of each and contrasts between them; effects of urbanization upon social institutions; trends in urban development; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Bn2tC2HBlESFDrTd"},
{"tag":"183-NORMS","realTitle":"183 Norms","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Native and scientific definitions of custom (e.g., as ideal patterns, as ranges of variation within limits, as statistical inductions from observed behavior); positive and negative norms (e.g., folkways, taboos); verbalized and covert norms; investment of norms with affect and symbolic value (e.g., mores, idealization); discrepancies between ideals and behavior; configurations of norms (e.g., culture complexes, institutions); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"BvOigvPUclvtqS43"},
{"tag":"623-COMMUNITY-COUNCILS","realTitle":"623 Community Councils","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Existence of advisory or deliberative bodies within the community (e.g., council of elders, assembly of adult males); membership; mode of selection; organization; functions (e.g., advisory, judicial, legislative); conduct of sessions; power and prerogatives; etc. The term was changed from “Councils” to “Community Councils” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ByKzyXzt33UqI9vj"},
{"tag":"578-INGROUP-ANTAGONISMS","realTitle":"578 Ingroup Antagonisms","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and importance of antagonisms within the society; sources (e.g., economic deprivation, sexual rivalry, political repression, ethnic and religious cleavages, rigor of socialization or social control); expression in individual behavior (e.g., snobbishness, intentional impoliteness, ridicule, insults, vituperation); prevalence, causes and forms of quarrels; participants (e.g., husband and wife, business competitors, rival claimants to property); manifestations (e.g., verbal exchanges, fist fights, duels); reaction of onlookers; repression and control of aggression; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"C1SozxZO9cGurCqT"},
{"tag":"811-LOGIC","realTitle":"811 Logic","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevailing canons and criteria of validity in thought and demonstration; prevalence of non-logical methods of reasoning (e.g., by analogy, free or mystical association, post hoc ergo propter hoc, rationalization); degree of acceptance of precise principles of definition, classification, and use of terms; notions of correct predication; formal principles of logic; development and use of symbolic or mathematical logic; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"C2m8tGCbMfsmNJBs"},
{"tag":"534-MUSICAL-INSTRUMENTS","realTitle":"534 Musical Instruments","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Idiophones (e.g., clappers, gongs, rattles); membranophones (e.g., drums); cordophones (e.g., zithers, lutes, harps); aerophones (e.g., flutes, pipes, trumpets); special instruments (e.g., bullroarers); complex mechanical instruments (e.g., piano, organ); care and repair of musical instruments; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"C3fVcPJA0Db9B9lq"},
{"tag":"553-NAMING","realTitle":"553 Naming","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Bestowal of names in infancy; name givers and namesakes; naming ceremonies; exchange of names; reciprocal relationships created by naming or name exchange; assumption of new names (e.g., occasions, ceremonial); posthumous assumption of names; reasons for name changing; bestowal and assumption of honorific names and titles; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CAFMYvxhxBGye2iW"},
{"tag":"836-PREMARITAL-SEX-RELATIONS","realTitle":"836 Premarital Sex Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of a standard of chastity for the unmarried; variations in the standard (e.g., by gender, by class status); basis of the standard (e.g., material or ethical considerations); prevalence of premarital liaisons; degree of social approval or disapproval; seduction; assignations; permanency and exclusiveness of premarital unions; reciprocal behavior of lovers; incidence of rivalry and jealousy; termination of liaisons; evidence as to infertility of premarital unions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CF2WSUk7nlLxSsss"},
{"tag":"667-POLITICAL-MACHINES","realTitle":"667 Political Machines","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special organizations for the control of elections and offices and the distribution of spoils; personal and party machines; rewards to members and controlled voters (e.g., jobs, contracts, favors, police protection, petty graft); mechanisms of mobility within the machine (e.g., ward heeling, getting out the vote); relations with the underworld; extent of political corruption; attempts at reform; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CKksMFbeE7cU7wn0"},
{"tag":"574-VISITING-AND-HOSPITALITY","realTitle":"574 Visiting And Hospitality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent and occasions of visiting; social relationships characterized by reciprocal visiting; reception and entertainment of visitors; informal and formal hospitality; offering of food and drink; feasts and parties; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CZEXpNQDD3S39ASu"},
{"tag":"265-FOOD-SERVICE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"265 Food Service Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized eating establishments (e.g., restaurants, tea shops, lunchrooms); food carting services; organization and specialized personnel; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CZfqmNkTAeM1UTKT"},
{"tag":"675-CONTRACTS","realTitle":"675 Contracts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of contractual relations; agreements, bargains, promises, and their enforceability; consideration; rights, privileges, and powers of contracting parties; procedure in the conclusion of contracts (e.g., presence of witnesses); terms and stipulations; types of contracts (e.g., legal forms, oral agreements, covenants); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CdOaDZlDRGGIJJ16"},
{"tag":"276-RECREATIONAL-AND-NON-THERAPEUTIC-DRUGS","realTitle":"276 Recreational And Non Therapeutic Drugs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Drugs consumed for non-therapeutic purposes (e.g., tobacco, betel, coca, peyote); techniques of manufacture and preparation; methods of consumption (e.g., eating, chewing, smoking); special apparatus (e.g., cigarette holders, pipes, hypodermic needles); users; quantities consumed; physiological effects; behavior under narcosis and stimulation; associated beliefs and practices; social and legal controls; etc. The term was changed from “Narcotics and Stimulants” to “Recreational Drugs and Non-therapeutic Drugs” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Cp1RFI3irrBYOlVo"},
{"tag":"212-WRITING","realTitle":"212 Writing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Picture writing (e.g., type, technique, use); written symbols (e.g., ideograms, phonograms); systematization (e.g., syllabary, alphabet); reading and spelling; incidence of literacy; writing materials (e.g., parchment, tablets, paper, ink); instruments (e.g., pen, brush); methods (e.g., shorthand, chirography); products (e.g., inscriptions, diaries, letters, personal records, manuscripts); clerical specialists (e.g., scribes, stenographers); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Csz7O5cGlqFgbfuN"},
{"tag":"434-INCOME-AND-DEMAND","realTitle":"434 Income And Demand","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"National, family, and individual income; distribution of income by sources (e.g., wages, interest, rent, profits); economic demand (e.g., potential demand, effective purchasing power); restrictions on demand (e.g., rationing, sumptuary laws); general statements on supply and demand; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"CtVIC0l3nFKTn5QL"},
{"tag":"260-FOOD-CONSUMPTION","realTitle":"260 Food Consumption","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering various aspects pertaining directly to the eating of food.","canEdit":false,"_id":"D3xhGeMqqszWTUU6"},
{"tag":"283-CORDAGE","realTitle":"283 Cordage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of cordage made (e.g., thread, yarn, string, rope); materials used (e.g., bast fiber, cotton, wool, silk, sinew, hair); preparation of materials (e.g., soaking, retting); techniques of manufacture (e.g., twisting, spinning, braiding); special apparatus (e.g., spindle, spinning wheel); specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DC74qAjiwaLiOuyc"},
{"tag":"550-NAMING,-PRESTIGE-AND-STATUS-MOBILITY","realTitle":"550 Naming, Prestige And Status Mobility","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of individual differentiation: names and naming, status mobility, and prestige. The term “status” is here used to connote the position occupied by an individual in any repetitive social relationship. Societies tend to rank certain statuses as higher and lower, and within a status to rank the roles of different individuals in terms of how adequately they measure up to the cultural expectations for that status. The “prestige” of any individual reflects both the level of the various statuses that person occupies and the social estimate of that person’s roles in each. Some statuses are ascribed and not achievable, being gained either automatically or not at all. Individuals can enhance their prestige through their own efforts only by improving the performance of their roles or by moving into achievable statuses of higher social standing. Mobility can also be downward. before Apr. 2011: INDIVIDUATION AND MOBILITY General statements covering several aspects of individuation and mobility; status, names, and naming. The term “status” is here used to connote the position occupied by an individual in any repetitive social relationship. The behavior exhibited by the occupant of a status is his “role,” i.e., his enactment of his part in the relationship. Societies tend to rank certain statuses as higher and lower, and within a status to rank the roles of different individuals in terms of how adequately they measure up to the cultural expectations for that status. The “prestige” of any individual reflects both the level of the various statuses that he occupies and the social estimate of his roles in each. Some statuses are ascribed and not achievable, being gained either automatically or not at all. An individual can enhance his prestige through his own effort only by improving the performance of his roles or by moving into achievable statuses of higher social standing. By “mobility” is meant the means by which these objectives are accomplished. (Analysts: JMB, SHB, TAA, LGD)","canEdit":false,"_id":"DLxdsZGCWXZafvnp"},
{"tag":"887-ACTIVITIES-OF-THE-AGED","realTitle":"887 Activities Of The Aged","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Regimen of the aged (e.g., diet, exercise, rest); economic tasks performed by the aged; leisure time activities of the aged; sexuality in old age; professional activities of the aged; other functions and activities of the aged (e.g., ceremonial, political); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DTqacuoyDEMyvUYy"},
{"tag":"886-SENESCENCE","realTitle":"886 Senescence","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural criteria of senescence and the onset of old age; menopause (e.g., cultural interpretation, adaptive changes in behavior); attitude toward growing old (e.g., resignation, simulation of youth); prescriptions for longevity and rejuvenation; preparations for old age (e.g., insurance); retirement from active life (e.g., gradual, at a prescribed retirement age); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DaoFuAN1IqbjFI2R"},
{"tag":"152-DRIVES-AND-EMOTIONS","realTitle":"152 Drives And Emotions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the nature and intensity of basic impulses or drives (e.g., hunger, thirst, need for oxygen, sex, urination, defecation, pain, heat and cold discomfort, fatigue); information pertaining to the data on the incidence and quality of derived drives and emotions (e.g., aggression, anger, hate, jealousy, fear, anxiety, depression, grief, disgust, homesickness, love, sympathy, elation, excitement, mirth, curiosity, greed, ambition, vanity, inferiority); expression and control of emotions (e.g., stoicism); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DhQ8HfSMbzSnFMFq"},
{"tag":"324-LITHIC-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"324 Lithic Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category includes information on the technologies used in working stone including information on materials and types of stone used and products not elsewhere described. Methods of shaping stone (e.g., chipping, pecking, grinding); materials used; products not elsewhere described; special stone industries (e.g., carving of tombstones and monuments); specialized personnel and organization; types of lithics manufactured; special types; description and classification of lithics; temporal and spatial variations and trends in stoneworking technology.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DlxYXtuB7y8wPQ9l"},
{"tag":"164-MORBIDITY","realTitle":"164 Morbidity","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence, nature, and distribution of various diseases and accidents (e.g., by location, season, sex, age, occupation); occurrence of epidemics; evidence of immunity or susceptibility to disease; dental ailments; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DtrKpddFUHZy4JGs"},
{"tag":"207-RADIO-AND-TELEVISION","realTitle":"207 Radio And Television","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on radio, television, radar, sonar, etc.; technology; use of equipment; facilities and services (including cable, satellite); organization and specialized personnel; programs and their preparation; audience; finance (e.g., advertising, subsidies); regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"DuneEKxwigyOV7VW"},
{"tag":"514-ELIMINATION","realTitle":"514 Elimination","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Postures in urination and defecation; conception of appropriate times and places for elimination; spitting; disposal of excreta; toilet facilities and fixtures; associated ideas and practices (e.g., modesty, scatological rites); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"E9E1rNnLnMe1k9Jt"},
{"tag":"119-ARTIFACT-AND-ARCHIVE-COLLECTIONS","realTitle":"119 Artifact And Archive Collections","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on artifact and archive collections including the location of museums, private collections, and archives housing significant collections of materials on the culture, ethnic group, or prehistoric tradition that is the subject of the file. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ED5nnTjeEffOBa1S"},
{"tag":"760-DEATH","realTitle":"760 Death","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several distinct aspects of death including ideas about death and with practices which accompany and follow the occurrence of death. For beliefs concerning a life after death see “Eschatology” (775).","canEdit":false,"_id":"EJ8h9az7d9brwTIK"},
{"tag":"181-ETHOS","realTitle":"181 Ethos","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General orientation of the culture; predominating interests, values, themes, and motivations; characterizations of the total culture (e.g., as “conservative,” “competitive,” “militaristic,” “spirit-ridden,” “Apollonian,” “folk,” “urban”); allegations and inferences as to national character; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EQtPKGUV62fOcxOk"},
{"tag":"511-STANDARD-OF-LIVING","realTitle":"511 Standard Of Living","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideal standards and actual levels of quantity and quality in regard to shelter, clothing, food, and other consumers’ goods; extent to which actual levels fall below the minimal requirements for normal, healthy living; results of statistical studies (e.g., of family budgets); cultural standards of indulgence and luxuries in excess of minimal biological requirements; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EWqBe3Qkhim5P30c"},
{"tag":"423-REAL-PROPERTY","realTitle":"423 Real Property","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the subject matter of real property (e.g., as that which produces food, as things that are fixed or immovable); culturally defined categories (e.g., land, trees, growing crops, buildings, water); types of land subject and not subject to property (e.g., sites with monopoly value, waste land); recognized types of title or estate (e.g., eminent domain, fee simple, life, leasehold, sufferance); rights, privileges, and powers involved in each (e.g., usufruct, reversionary claim s, privileges of gift and sale, power of expropriation); recognized types of ownership (e.g., individual, collective public); legal and statistical distribution of types of ownership according to categories of immovables, types of title or tenure, and classes of persons (e.g., exclusion of minors, of women, of slaves); general characteristics of the system of real property (e.g., private property, feudal tenure, collective property with periodic reallotments, communism); land reform; records of ownership (e.g., boundary marks, deeds); registration of titles; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EXM6XavnqAsgvV9Y"},
{"tag":"605-COUSINS","realTitle":"605 Cousins","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between cousins; distinctions between types of cousins (e.g., first and second cousins, cross and parallel cousins); respective rights, privileges, and powers of the relatives involved; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EbqL5HkzCAQs4Lj3"},
{"tag":"223-FOWLING","realTitle":"223 Fowling","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Birds sought; methods and techniques (e.g., nets, snares, birdlime, decoys); special elaborations (e.g., falconry); organization of labor and division of catch; associated beliefs and practices; regulation (e.g., game laws); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EdHWZ4viBoVje2nB"},
{"tag":"316-MINING-AND-QUARRYING","realTitle":"316 Mining And Quarrying","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Minerals exploited (e.g., flint, coal, iron); methods of extraction; mining engineering; economic importance of mining and quarrying; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EdXziPwV8sVf6xmD"},
{"tag":"696-EXECUTION-OF-JUSTICE","realTitle":"696 Execution Of Justice","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manner in which judgments and sentences are executed (e.g., self-help, execution by special officials); enforcement of contracts and debts; writs (e.g., of execution, attachment, replevin); probation; evasions of justice (e.g., procedural loopholes, bribery, flight, asylum); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EjHN9QZEODYlK7Yo"},
{"tag":"455-SPECULATION","realTitle":"455 Speculation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Speculative transactions (e.g., futures, margins, hedging); speculative trading and specialized personnel; stock and produce exchanges; speculative booms; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Em2C6MtMLQonOoSv"},
{"tag":"662-POLITICAL-INTRIGUE","realTitle":"662 Political Intrigue","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Use of the techniques of manipulative mobility to wrest favors from the holders of power or to obtain political preferment; flattery and ingratiation; use of bribery; deals; palace intrigue; opportunism; “playing politics”; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EsbhL8iDC7uXqQxz"},
{"tag":"611-RULE-OF-DESCENT","realTitle":"611 Rule Of Descent","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Unilineal rules (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal); ambilineal descent (i.e., in each successive generation descent is traced through either parent); bilateral descent (i.e., absence of unilineal emphasis); double descent (i.e., concurrent matrilineal and patrilineal descent); anomalous rules (e.g., sex linked descent); special exceptions (e.g., ambil-anak or matrilineal descent for one generation in default of direct male heirs); degree of correspondence or divergence between the rule of descent and the recognition of kinship; evidences of former or recent transitions in the role of descent; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"EwZ97rbhcqSj5jww"},
{"tag":"378-ATOMIC-ENERGY","realTitle":"378 Atomic Energy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Generation of power through nuclear fission and fusion; materials used; special installations and apparatus; actual and potential output of atomic power; specialized personnel; organization of labor and production; regulation; disposal of radioactive waste; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F0q8upf5KS3ycoLA"},
{"tag":"539-LITERARY-TEXTS","realTitle":"539 Literary Texts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Texts, translations, and abstracts of folktales, myths, songs, and other individual literary products; critical analyses and commentaries thereupon; etc. This term was used until 1997 when it was replaced with the terms listed under “Texts” (900). For information on texts indexed after 1997 use “Texts” (900) and its subterms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F10j4aYX1W7XnV5z"},
{"tag":"196-SEMANTICS","realTitle":"196 Semantics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General problems of meaning and linguistic symbolism; semantics of morphological and lexical elements; affectual connotation (e.g., tone of voice, rapidity of delivery); multiple contextual definitions of words and phrases; semantic drift; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F1lpU7mhG960A1UE"},
{"tag":"486-REGULATION-OF-TRAVEL","realTitle":"486 Regulation Of Travel","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Restrictions on travel; permits and passports; examinations and inspections; registration; safe-conduct; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F2R6t1wGBMudjNgM"},
{"tag":"634-DISTRICTS","realTitle":"634 Districts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Political organization of moderately extensive territories embracing a number of settlements or municipalities (e.g., a subtribe, an English or American county, a French department); governmental personnel (e.g., executive, advisory, administrative, legislative); mode of selection (e.g., appointment, election, hereditary succession); jurisdiction, authority, prerogatives, functions, and activities associated with each position, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F2phIqY1tCBhNcP6"},
{"tag":"375-THERMAL-POWER","realTitle":"375 Thermal Power","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Generation of power for industrial purposes through the combustion of fuels; engines (e.g., heat, steam, internal combustion); fuels (e.g., wood, coal, oil, gas); thermal power plants; actual and potential output of thermal power; specialized personnel; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F6I1rU7dXzan9WHY"},
{"tag":"851-SOCIAL-PLACEMENT","realTitle":"851 Social Placement","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Assignment of infant to a male parent (e.g., under polyandry, in case of a posthumous child); public announcement of birth; formal acceptance of infant into a social group (e.g., by family head or chief); alignment with the supernatural (e.g., baptism); changes in marital status and social relationships wrought by birth of a child; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"F6lb8oD1bO9JRQIZ"},
{"tag":"123-OBSERVATION-IN-RESEARCH","realTitle":"123 Observation In Research","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Observations in the field. Techniques for establishing rapport; assumption or ascription of a status in the community; methods of altering the observer’s status; adoption of the technique of participant observation; degree of participation in community life actually achieved; effect of the observer’s presence on the life of the community; effects of the gender of the observer; observer’s reflections on her or his feelings, attitudes, or intellectual development inspired by fieldwork; etc. This term replaced “Observational Role” in 1997. This term was changed from “Observational Role In Research” to “Observation In Research” in 2005. The phrase “Observations in the field.” was added to the scope note in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FBwRNA2uc9Phu28p"},
{"tag":"124-INTERVIEWING-IN-RESEARCH","realTitle":"124 Interviewing In Research","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods of selecting informants or subjects (e.g., sampling); use of native language; use and selection of interpreters; methods of checking and rewarding informants and interpreters; group interviewing; methods of interviewing (e.g., question and answer, nondirective, use of topical outlines); special techniques (e.g., life history, genealogical, event centered, oral history); use of documents prepared by informants; etc. This term replaced “Interviewing” in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FEwHh5xMW3dluzxD"},
{"tag":"1212-LABORATORY-ANALYSIS-IN-ARCHAEOLOGY","realTitle":"1212 Laboratory Analysis In Archaeology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Descriptions of archaeological laboratory methods including physiochemical analysis methods in archaeology such as X-ray spectrometry, neutron activation of trace elements, mineralogy, and palynology; how and where the artifacts and non-artifactual constituents were processed once they were excavated; techniques and equipment used; problems encountered, etc. This category includes descriptions of methods used to analyze faunal and floral remains for archaeological and non-archaeological purposes (e.g., analysis of plants for their pharmacological properties, shellfish analysis, laboratory analyses for ethnographic studies not found elsewhere, etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. The scope note was rewritten completely in 2000. The Descriptor was shortened in 2012 from LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS OTHER THAN DATING METHODS IN ARCHAEOLOGY.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FEzPPpYPliKbq70s"},
{"tag":"742-MEDICAL-RESEARCH","realTitle":"742 Medical Research","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of research in medicine, nutrition, and public health, integration with hospitals and medical schools; specialized personnel (e.g., researchers, technicians); laboratories and equipment; research institutes; administration of research; special objectives (e.g., control of cancer, of tuberculosis); finance (e.g., government aid, foundation grants, public drives); fund-raising organization and techniques (e.g., Christmas seals, march of dimes); allocation of funds; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FFMf3CMy9CsoXCMn"},
{"tag":"738-DELINQUENCY","realTitle":"738 Delinquency","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of petty delinquency (e.g., hoodlums and vandalism, inveterate gambling, sex delinquency, nonsupport); prevalence, causes, and types of juvenile delinquency; attitudes toward and methods of dealing with petty and juvenile delinquents; special institutions (e.g., reformatories, houses of correction); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FHRChmwdKtyH0jAC"},
{"tag":"691-LITIGATION","realTitle":"691 Litigation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of civil actions; statistics of civil cases; causes and types of litigation; abuses (e.g., barratry, ambulance chasing); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FLLb7U4nl83AoCXy"},
{"tag":"533-MUSIC","realTitle":"533 Music","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Musical form and structure (e.g., scale , pitch, tone, tempo, rhythm); melody; harmony; vocal music (e.g., singing, humming, chanting; instrumental music (e.g., accompaniment, solo playing, orchestras); occasions for music; song styles (e.g., work songs, drinking songs, dance songs, war songs, love songs, lullabies, sacred music, dirges and laments); musical training and appreciation; composition of music; techniques of playing and performance; specialization (e.g., composers, minstrels, musicologists, musicians); organization (e.g., choirs, bands, orchestras); etc. Added “techniques of playing and performance” to the scope note in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FLMnIbkJtbmpLjDi"},
{"tag":"425-CHANGES-IN-PROPERTY-RIGHTS","realTitle":"425 Changes In Property Rights","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Recognized means by which property rights may be acquired (e.g., appropriation, forceful seizure, gift, purchase); creation of new property rights (e.g., by physical appropriation, by priority of claim, by expenditure of labor in manufacture); rituals and symbols of appropriation; recognized means by which property rights may be extinguished, (e.g., destruction, abandonment, confiscation, gift, sale); rights, privileges, and powers of the finders and losers of objects of property; etc. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from ACQUISITION AND RELINQUISHMENT OF PROPERTY.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FTfH4axYgLROiYpw"},
{"tag":"328-NONFERROUS-METAL-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"328 Nonferrous Metal Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized processing of nonferrous metals (e.g., aluminum, copper, tin, zinc, silver, gold, mercury); smelting, refining, and ingot production; products and their uses; economic importance of nonferrous metal industries; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FaZxwkIBv9XpvmAi"},
{"tag":"113-BIBLIOGRAPHIES-IN-SOURCES","realTitle":"113 Bibliographies In Sources","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Works referred to in the documents included in the HRAF collections. This term replaced the term “Additional References” in 1997. In addition, in 1997 a term on artifact and archive collections was introduced. For information on artifact and archive collections indexed before 1997, use this term. For information on artifact and archive collections indexed after 1997, use term 119. Descriptor shortened IN 2012 from INFORMATION SOURCES LISTED IN OTHER WORKS.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FbtnHcnvH82BsmVx"},
{"tag":"771-GENERAL-CHARACTER-OF-RELIGION","realTitle":"771 General Character Of Religion","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of what constitutes religion; differentiation of the sacred and the profane; distinctions drawn between religion and superstition; relation of religion to the unknown and the unpredictable; relative prominence of magical and anthropomorphic elements; evidence of the expression of projective mechanisms in religious beliefs; primary orientation of the religious system (e.g., ancestor worship, nature worship, totemism, ritualism, mysticism, redemptive religion); social and individual role of religion (e.g., services and disservices); incidence of faith, indifference, and skepticism; existence of non-supernatural ideologies supported with a faith akin to that in religion (e.g., ethical systems, political philosophies); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FxCjaArwIpVMvofi"},
{"tag":"286-WOVEN-AND-OTHER-INTERWORKED-FABRICS","realTitle":"286 Woven And Other Interworked Fabrics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Fabrics created by weaving, knitting, crochet, netting techniques, etc. and which can be further distinguished by the number of elements or fibers involved; special apparatus (e.g., netting needle, loom, crochet hook); products and their uses; specialized personnel and organization; etc. The term was changed from “Woven Fabrics” to “Woven and Other Interworked Fabrics” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005. Note: known examples involve the use of cordage in creating the fabric, in contrast to Category 287.","canEdit":false,"_id":"FyiC550XQq8WTf5Z"},
{"tag":"584-ARRANGING-A-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"584 Arranging A Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Marriage preliminaries; courtship (e.g., opportunities, methods); initiation of negotiations (e.g., by youth, by girl, by parents of either); conduct of negotiations (e.g., by parents, through a go-between); marriage brokers; proposal of marriage; methods and consequences of rejection; requirement of consent (e.g., conceptualization, announcement, ceremonial, symbols, duration); status and behavior of betrothed persons; infant betrothal (e.g., prevalence, procedure, nullification ); breaking an engagement (e.g., reasons, procedures, consequences); adjustment to death of betrothed (e.g., substitution of a sibling); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Fzap3oGWYKaKiGdp"},
{"tag":"233-PASTORAL-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"233 Pastoral Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Large-scale herding of grazing animals (e.g., cattle, sheep, reindeer); ranges; driving and watering; branding; roundups; special equipment; specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"G0NSMn8sChrvOT8f"},
{"tag":"173-TRADITIONAL-HISTORY","realTitle":"173 Traditional History","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on oral historical traditions and evidence as to their reliability; dynastic lists and genealogies; historical inferences from myth and tradition; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"G2qKOUFcHV210AUE"},
{"tag":"782-PRAYERS-AND-SACRIFICES","realTitle":"782 Prayers And Sacrifices","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting a sense of dependence and a desire to ingratiate or influence the supernatural; repudiation and intimidation; obeisances (e.g., bowing, genuflection); laudation; prayer; sacrifice (e.g., libations, food sacrifices, animal and human sacrifice, symbolic and vicarious sacrifices); vows; burning of incense; decoration of religious edifices; endowing of shrines and temples; etc. The term was changed from “Propitiation” to “Prayers and Sacrifices” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GE9ncnioFJnVBrKJ"},
{"tag":"843-PREGNANCY","realTitle":"843 Pregnancy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theory of pregnancy; determination of pregnancy (e.g., from cessation of menses, darkening of areola, abdominal protuberance, fetal movements); forecasting time of delivery; predicting sex; treatment and behavior of the pregnant woman (e.g., relief from work, dealing with nausea and giddiness, gratification of food cravings, observation of taboos, regimen, isolation); associated rites and ceremonies; sympathetic behavior of husband; ideas about embryonic development; practices intended to facilitate delivery and insure healthy offspring; differences in treatment of first and subsequent pregnancies; miscarriages (e.g., disposal of fetus, associated beliefs and practices); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GH290CNvdp2OY8AD"},
{"tag":"116-COMPLETE-TEXTS-OF-HRAF-DOCUMENTS","realTitle":"116 Complete Texts Of Hraf Documents","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used for the paper and microfiche files as a repository for complete texts, in page number order, of the documents included in the file. This category is not used in HRAF’s electronic collections.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GJJNgO1Z7Ypkq3uQ"},
{"tag":"480-TRAVEL-AND-TRANSPORTATION","realTitle":"480 Travel And Transportation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of travel and transportation.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GQjxmoJ1ti5BDFjf"},
{"tag":"289-PAPER-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"289 Paper Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of paper; materials (e.g., wood pulp, rags); processing methods; special artifacts and apparatus used; organization of labor and production; special products; types of paper produced; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GSrXzlkwDEEop81m"},
{"tag":"597-ADOPTION","realTitle":"597 Adoption","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which children are adopted or exchanged; motives and procedure; status of adopted children; reciprocal relations of adoptive parents and adopted children; relations between adoptive siblings; special types of adoption (e.g., adoption of adults, posthumous adoption; ceremonial adoption); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GUCY4qormZxDBucC"},
{"tag":"871-EDUCATION-SYSTEM","realTitle":"871 Education System","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of development and elaboration of formal education; prevalent types of educational specialization (e.g., schools, tutors, apprenticeship); source of support of teachers and educational institutions (e.g., fees from students, ecclesiastical aid, private gifts and endowments); systematization of education (e.g., local schools boards, state educational agencies, voluntary organizations of educational administrators); degree of standardization as to levels, policies, language, and curricula; primary objectives of formal education (e.g., piety, morality, citizenship, vocational skills, intellectual leadership); diffusion of education (e.g., educational statistics); attitudes toward education; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GnB2acWKdl4Boy0S"},
{"tag":"198-SPECIAL-LANGUAGES","realTitle":"198 Special Languages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on true languages (e.g., creoles, American Sign Language) used by particular types of people (e.g., genders, occupations, social classes, the hearing impaired), and not fully developed languages such as pidgins; special adaptations of speech (e.g., yodeling, whistling, ventriloquism); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GugnhAw2KoEM2PPn"},
{"tag":"596-EXTENDED-FAMILIES","realTitle":"596 Extended Families","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of extended families; prevailing type or types (e.g., matrilocal, avunculocal, patrilocal, and bilocal extended families, fraternal joint families); size and composition; domicile (e.g., compound, single large dwelling); locus of authority; rule of succession (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal, succession by a younger sibling); collective or individual ownership of dwelling, land, food stores, and household equipment; economic cooperation; routine activities; collective responsibility; cohesive and fissive tendencies; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Gve23KdpZ2ZnZ0HN"},
{"tag":"753-THEORY-OF-DISEASE","realTitle":"753 Theory Of Disease","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of the attribution of disease to natural causes, to sorcery, and to supernatural aggression; prevalent theories of the supernatural causation of disease (e.g., soul loss, spirit possession, object intrusion, poison, evil eye, violation of taboos, pollution or contagion); special notions about loathsome diseases (e.g., leprosy); scientific theories of disease (e.g., transmission through germs); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"GyU0GmwVhzEld1Ag"},
{"tag":"556-ACCUMULATION-OF-WEALTH","realTitle":"556 Accumulation Of Wealth","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which prestige can be gained through amassing wealth; means used to accumulate wealth or degree of skill involved; principal objects of wealth (e.g., money, cattle, slaves, land); relative importance of sheer accumulation, of display, of generosity in distribution; prominence of wealth accumulation as a mobility mechanism; desirable statuses achievable thereby; symbolic tokens of success; specific techniques (e.g., conspicuous consumption, potlatching, endowing a college, buying a title); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HJ4mWfKSIeu2M2Dw"},
{"tag":"783-PURIFICATION-AND-ATONEMENT","realTitle":"783 Purification And Atonement","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting a sense of contamination or guilt; concept of ritual uncleanness; things and persons considered unclean or impure; purification rites (e.g., ritual ablutions and bathing); concepts of sin, salvation, and redemption; riddance of sin (e.g., confession, remission, atonement, penance, scapegoat); etc. The term was changed from “Purification and Expiation” to “Purification and Atonement” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HNOIGyorBJHKbkuo"},
{"tag":"846-POSTNATAL-CARE","realTitle":"846 Postnatal Care","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Care of postnatal mother during period of recuperation (e.g., rest, isolation, medication, taboos); duration of lochia and its disposal; visits and presents; resumption of normal life (e.g., gradual, after lapse of a specified time); purification rites; special care of child between birth and sloughing of umbilical cord; conceptualization and disposition of umbilical cord; treatment and disposition of motherless infants; special behavior of father (e.g., couvade); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HNesZAK0pLmm7oCd"},
{"tag":"185-CULTURAL-GOALS","realTitle":"185 Cultural Goals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Social foresight; concept of progress; reform movements and utopian goals; prevention of waste; social planning; conservation policies; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HQ0AuATB3xCfp5Tq"},
{"tag":"381-CHEMICAL-ENGINEERING","realTitle":"381 Chemical Engineering","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrial chemistry; research laboratories, equipment, and techniques; specialized personnel (e.g., technicians, engineers); special chemical industries not classifiable in the succeeding categories (e.g., adhesive manufacture) including products and their uses; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HRkb2mPHxSXGfHQO"},
{"tag":"724-LOGISTICS","realTitle":"724 Logistics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wartime procurement of military supplies; logistic planning; organization of land, sea, and air transport; expediting of supplies; depots, dumps, and supply trains; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ha7LzRzi8lALZ2LC"},
{"tag":"688-RELIGIOUS-OFFENSES","realTitle":"688 Religious Offenses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and punishments for blasphemy and impiety; penalties for specific sins of omission and commission (e.g., ritual offenses, violation of taboos); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HcM6AbpKHqUrf2Ob"},
{"tag":"883-ADOLESCENT-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"883 Adolescent Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Behavior patterns and attitudes characteristic of adolescents (e.g., dating, loitering); economic activities expected of adolescents; adolescent organizations (e.g., work groups, cliques, bachelors’ clubs); adolescent recreation (e.g., expeditions, picnics); adolescent problems (e.g., reactions to social pressures for adult behavior); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HmOPBzKlxfmY22yn"},
{"tag":"125-TESTS-AND-SCHEDULES-IN-THE-FIELD","realTitle":"125 Tests And Schedules In The Field","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of tests used (e.g., intelligence, projective); schedules and questionnaires employed (e.g., preparation, pretesting); administration of tests, schedules, and questionnaires; sampling techniques; methods of scoring; use of control groups; special experiments; census-taking by author; blood-typing; etc. This term replaced “Tests and Schedules” in 1997. Changed in 2012 from TESTS AND SCHEDULES ADMINISTERED IN THE FIELD.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HodfVvbatmm08S7R"},
{"tag":"159-LIFE-HISTORY-MATERIALS","realTitle":"159 Life History Materials","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Observations and interpretations of individual behavior, character, and personality; clinical analyses; case records; biographical materials; collections and interpretations of individual dreams; results of tests designed to measure acquired behavior or personality (e.g., tests of motor or verbal skills, projective tests); etc. Generalizations or conclusions relating to groups or classes of individuals will be filed elsewhere under appropriate headings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"HyK9vDpSW9TfGdYZ"},
{"tag":"477-COMPETITION","realTitle":"477 Competition","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of competition between economic enterprises of the same and of different organizational types; manifestations of competition (e.g., price-cutting); methods of restricting competition (e.g., price agreements, monopolistic arrangements); characteristics of competitive and monopolistic enterprises; regulation (e.g., “trust-busting”); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ICnds3wW9bjG8Nv6"},
{"tag":"787-REVELATION-AND-DIVINATION","realTitle":"787 Revelation And Divination","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting anxiety about the future and often also a sense of inspiration; quest for visions and guardian spirits; hallucinatory revelations; communication with spirits (e.g., through spirit possession, through inspired oracles, through mediums); prophesy; clairvoyance; acquiring mystic insight through concentration and contemplation; interpretation of dreams; omens and their interpretation; divinatory practices and techniques (e.g., geomancy, haruspicy, hepatoscopy, necromancy, scapulimancy, scrying, sortilege, astrology); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IKGJYHJskdgw3Lae"},
{"tag":"844-CHILDBIRTH","realTitle":"844 Childbirth","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about childbirth; attitude of the community; importance of first and subsequent births; preparations for delivery; place of birth; witnesses, assistants, and excluded persons; role of midwives and obstetricians; onset and duration of labor; facilitation of delivery (e.g., pressure, massage); posture in childbirth; receiving the baby; severing and tying the umbilical cord; expulsion of placenta; disposal of exuviae; immediate care of mother and child; cleansing, bandaging, and medication of mother; adjustments to postnatal hemorrhage; treatment of baby (e.g., initiation of respiration, cleansing, swaddling); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IMCkA5R876cmrZzm"},
{"tag":"210-RECORDS","realTitle":"210 Records","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of communication over time, by means of more or less permanent records. For communication over space use the “Communication” (20*) categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IVopslvXRe6EXFIZ"},
{"tag":"758-MEDICAL-CARE","realTitle":"758 Medical Care","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Regimen and care of sick persons (e.g., diet, rest, isolation); apparatus and paraphernalia of medical care (e.g., clinical thermometers, bed pans); general availability of medical advice, treatment, and care (e.g., organization, finance, services); etc. This category is intended for general information on medical care.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IXyaLujl4wC01IL2"},
{"tag":"200-COMMUNICATION","realTitle":"200 Communication","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of communication over space.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ih453UbBwFBzBCfL"},
{"tag":"804-WEIGHTS-AND-MEASURES","realTitle":"804 Weights And Measures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods of measurement (e.g., comparison with parts of the body, use of mensurating tools, use of weighing and measuring machines); customary and standardized units (e.g., of length, area, volume, weight, heat, angles, electrical energy); complex techniques of measurement (e.g., surveying); governmental supervision of weights and measures; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IjR04U4sXK6DzwMG"},
{"tag":"888-STATUS-AND-TREATMENT-OF-THE-AGED","realTitle":"888 Status And Treatment Of The Aged","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural definition and explanations of old age; idealized and derogatory evaluations of old age; conception of the ideal old man and old woman; symbols and synonyms for age and longevity; prerogatives and disabilities of the aged; special exemptions (e.g., from legal sanctions, from taboos); etiquette toward the aged; treatment of the aged (e.g., exploitation, neglect, obedience, respect); support of the aged; (e.g., investments, fees for services, annuities, pension s, assistance from relatives); care of the aged; customs of abandoning and killing the aged; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Il4CfXVa8SEdfTiX"},
{"tag":"340-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"340 Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements describing several types of structures detailed below. Only purely descriptive information on types of buildings and other structures, as well as data on materials and construction not classifiable under the “Building and Construction” (33*) categories will be indexed with these categories. The uses of each type of structure are described under appropriate headings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IlvrzDkVKxpAYaGm"},
{"tag":"558-DOWNWARD-MOBILITY","realTitle":"558 Downward Mobility","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Possibility and incidence of serious loss of prestige; extent to which such loss involves actual descent to less desirable statuses or merely a less favorable estimate of role enactment in the same statuses; major factors in downward mobility (e.g., loss of wealth, mesalliance, cowardice, impiety, crime); special examples (e.g., losing face, losing caste); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"InmWi8b6NKMvjM5J"},
{"tag":"1213-EXPERIMENTAL-DATA","realTitle":"1213 Experimental Data","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Descriptions of experimental archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, or any other technique that includes reconstruction or observation of technologies or activities of peoples of the past or present (e.g., skinning a deer with stone tools, making stone tools or weapons, testing possible prehistoric agricultural and/or building methods), includes reconstruction, computer simulation, modeling, or observation, etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 2000. The term was changed from “Comparative data” to “Experimental Data” in 2005. The scope note was revised in 2006. Added “testing possible prehistoric agricultural and/or building methods” in 2010.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IpBvZ8xTOuqa6YPj"},
{"tag":"443-RETAIL-MARKETING","realTitle":"443 Retail Marketing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent and variety of retail specialization; types of retail outlets (e.g., itinerant merchants, markets, bazaars, general stores, trading posts, specialty shops, chain stores, department stores, mail-order houses); pricing (e.g., fixed, variable); services to customers (e.g., deliveries); specialized personnel (e.g., sales clerks); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IsRfY3VnKyrBTv15"},
{"tag":"609-BEHAVIOR-TOWARD-NON-RELATIVES","realTitle":"609 Behavior Toward Non Relatives","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural definition of non-relatives; relationships and associated behavior defined by absence of kinship ties; behavior toward strangers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Iu36yMTcUCACx2N4"},
{"tag":"720-WAR","realTitle":"720 War","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the conduct and results of contests between independent political units (e.g., city-states, tribes) involving the use of organized military force.","canEdit":false,"_id":"IzmTofvb1SDSezpx"},
{"tag":"111-CITATIONS-OF-DOCUMENTS-IN-THE-HRAF-COLLECTION","realTitle":"111 Citations Of Documents In The Hraf Collection","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Full bibliographical citations to all documents included, with a brief abstract of each. Documents are numbered. This category is relevant only to the microfiche and paper collections. The bibliographical citations in the eHRAF collections are called “citation”, not 111. The method of retrieval depends on the medium you are using. This term does not appear in the electronic version of HRAF. Instead, in the electronic version a full citation you may search for citations and they are browsable in several ways. This term was called “Sources Processed” until 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"J0D8yJtGm2t8Y0e9"},
{"tag":"476-MUTUAL-AID","realTitle":"476 Mutual Aid","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cooperation in economic activities (e.g., mutual aid); exchange of services; cooperative work groups; material and social rewards of cooperation; interaction and relative elaboration of cooperative and competitive activities; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"J5Gaymo1OcNyv4sp"},
{"tag":"110-INFORMATION-SOURCES","realTitle":"110 Information Sources","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of information on the particular society as defined and described in the Outline of World Cultures, and data relevant to their evaluation. This term was called “Bibliography” until 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JARL7pLT7uGopQKG"},
{"tag":"317-SPECIAL-DEPOSITS","realTitle":"317 Special Deposits","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Minerals sought (e.g., sand, salt, clay, ocher, sulfur, phosphates); methods of extraction; organization of labor and production; utilization of products; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JBEuu6IPDEOWkR8A"},
{"tag":"622-COMMUNITY-HEADS","realTitle":"622 Community Heads","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Existence of community chiefs or heads; qualifications; mode of selection (e.g., by seniority, informal acceptance, election, matrilineal or patrilineal succession); functions and activities; domestic establishment; special status and functions of head’s relatives; authority; prerogatives; etc. The term was changed from “Headmen” to “Community Heads” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JXiTliON5CZyv74g"},
{"tag":"121-THEORETICAL-ORIENTATION","realTitle":"121 Theoretical Orientation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Research aims and objectives (e.g., complete ethnographic description, study of a particular institution or culture complex, testing of a theoretical hypothesis); general theoretical approach (e.g., historical, functional, psychological); formulation of research program; reasons for choice of particular field site or archaeological site; theoretical results; research strategy employed (e.g., ethnographic, survey, excavation, museographic, ethnoarcheological investigation), etc. Descriptor replaced “Theoretical Orientation” in 1997. The scope note was updated in 2000. Restored descriptor in 2012 from THEORETICAL ORIENTATION IN RESEARCH AND ITS RESULTS.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JcOGEPyaUPxo1FOo"},
{"tag":"453-BANKING","realTitle":"453 Banking","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Commercial banks; deposits and accounts; checks and drafts; bank loans and discounts; banking services and fees; clearing houses; specialized personnel; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JdKrFq6UsOUIJjA8"},
{"tag":"656-GOVERNMENT-REGULATION","realTitle":"656 Government Regulation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Policies underlying government regulation of private enterprises and activities; general aspects of supervision, restriction, and enforcement; specific instances of government regulation not classifiable elsewhere; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JfUevgehd4Fd2Pr5"},
{"tag":"382-PETROLEUM-AND-COAL-PRODUCTS-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"382 Petroleum And Coal Products Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Refining and processing of petroleum; manufacture of coal products (e.g., illuminating gas, coal tar); use of special apparatus and machinery; processing techniques; products and their uses; economic importance of petroleum and coal products industries; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JjpizkhD9KTUp7gO"},
{"tag":"208-PUBLIC-OPINION","realTitle":"208 Public Opinion","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on attitudes; importance accorded them; modes of expression; measurements (e.g., informal means, public opinion polls and surveys); molding of public opinion (e.g., publicity propaganda); influence of various media; specialized personnel etc. This category is designed primarily to cover the expression and molding of public opinions and attitudes; in nearly all instances information on specific attitudes will be classified elsewhere under the relevant subject categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Jtpd0PMcVYsaYo7I"},
{"tag":"401-MECHANICS","realTitle":"401 Mechanics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Knowledge and utilization of simple machines (e.g., lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, screw); elements utilized in the construction of complex machines (e.g., cam, ratchet, shaft, rack and pinion, chain, belt, ball and socket, valve, piston, governor, bearing); machine designing; mechanical engineering; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"JtvbTob4DrTlBcZ4"},
{"tag":"515-PERSONAL-HYGIENE","realTitle":"515 Personal Hygiene","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Frequency and methods of bathing and laving; use of washing and bathing facilities; use of soap and other cleansers; use of towels; conception and idealization of cleanliness; miscellaneous hygienic practices (e.g., brushing of teeth, washing of hair, removal of body lice); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"K5KgJIgHrgYSskUY"},
{"tag":"642-FORM-AND-RULES-OF-GOVERNMENT","realTitle":"642 Form And Rules Of Government","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevailing system governing the distribution of political power and authority; extent of agreement or disagreement between formal provisions and actual practice; rights, privileges, and powers assigned or delegated to each organ of government, including the power to alter their distribution; centralization and diffusion of power; constitutional principles (e.g., separation of powers); temporary relaxations or extensions of political authority (e.g., interregnums, war powers); form of the government (e.g., empire, union, federal republic, U.N. trusteeship, colony protectorate); form of rule (e.g., autocratic, oligarchic, aristocratic, theocratic, democratic); type of constitution (e.g., written, unwritten); framing and amending of constitutions; constitutional law; etc. The term was changed from “Constitution” to “Form and Rules of Government” and the scope note was revised in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"K5L3Sn8RL39jbQt9"},
{"tag":"685-PROPERTY-OFFENSES","realTitle":"685 Property Offenses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and penalties for stealing (e.g., theft, poaching, robbery, burglary, fraud, embezzlement); definitions of and punishment for property damage (e.g., trespass, arson, malicious mischief); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"KWHYrhJNo2rpSBUW"},
{"tag":"481-LOCOMOTION","realTitle":"481 Locomotion","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Walking and running; gaits; speed and distances covered; artificial aids (e.g., canes, crutches, stilts, snowshoes, skis, skates); special modes of locomotion (e.g., crawling, jumping, climbing, swimming, diving); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"KWVVmrVn3sr59xD9"},
{"tag":"285-MATS-AND-BASKETRY","realTitle":"285 Mats And Basketry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of manufacture (e.g., checkerwork, coiling, twilled work, twining, wickerwork, wrapped work); materials; products; uses of mats and baskets; personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"KZC8AaCH3ZxG2VG5"},
{"tag":"282-LEATHER-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"282 Leather Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized processing of skins; specialized manufacture of leather goods other than wearing apparel (e.g., harness, leather utensils); special techniques and apparatus; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Kpzl628eqIDFVSlZ"},
{"tag":"800-NUMBERS-AND-MEASURES","realTitle":"800 Numbers And Measures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of mathematics, counting, and mensuration.","canEdit":false,"_id":"LB5EzBu1QTmn1GT9"},
{"tag":"499-HIGHWAY-AND-RAILWAY-CONSTRUCTION","realTitle":"499 Highway And Railway Construction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Surveying of route; grading; construction of culverts, bridges, trestles, and tunnels; laying of ties and rails or of highway surface; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"LCkOZPkKDWXPbXcT"},
{"tag":"695-TRIAL-PROCEDURE","realTitle":"695 Trial Procedure","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of court procedure (e.g., summary, criminal, civil, appellate); arraignment; testimony (e.g., witnesses, rules of evidence); arguments and summations; special tests (e.g., oaths, ordeals, torture, judicial duels); judicial decisions (e.g., by judge, jury, arbitration); judgments and sentences; appeals; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"LdZoQKcIGUAIOYde"},
{"tag":"393-ELECTRICAL-SUPPLIES-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"393 Electrical Supplies Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Construction of electric motors, generators, and transformers; manufacture of electrical equipment (e.g., wiring, insulation, connections, coils, batteries); production of electrical appliances; industrialization; manufacture of electronic equipment; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"LgTKmuXzksGfbYAm"},
{"tag":"537-ORATORY","realTitle":"537 Oratory","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Oratory is the art of speaking in public eloquently or effectively. This category included information on rhetorical style; patterned forms of oratory (e.g., narration, debating, exhortation); techniques of declamation (e.g., exaggeration, repetition, figures of speech); gestures and postures in orating; training in public speaking; occasions for oratory; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Lp18D7JWHOSnNqQH"},
{"tag":"770-RELIGIOUS-BELIEFS","realTitle":"770 Religious Beliefs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements about several types of religious beliefs and ideologies.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Lu280lcmJ9Pf1A7h"},
{"tag":"461-LABOR-AND-LEISURE","realTitle":"461 Labor And Leisure","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas of the value and dignity of labor; notions of pleasant and unpleasant tasks; distribution of labor and leisure time; incentives to labor (e.g., pride in craftsmanship, prestige, material rewards, compulsion); time and motion studies; intensity of effort; palliation of labor (e.g., with drugs, rhythm, music); work tempo (e.g., steady, intermittent); social work groups (e.g., work “bees”); standards of productivity and production norms; laziness and malingering; rest periods; loafing and loitering; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"LzZwJbbBFc9SWObD"},
{"tag":"538-LITERATURE","realTitle":"538 Literature","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Literary styles; poetry (e.g., epic, lyric); verse forms (e.g., couplets, stanzas); poetic techniques (e.g., meter, rhyme, alliteration); prose forms (e.g., tales, sagas, proverbs, fiction, short stories, essays); narrative plot and structure; literary subjects and themes; characters (e.g., animals, men, gods); treatment (e.g., realism, fantasy, allegory, satire); composition; literary conventions; recitation and narration (e.g., occasions, audiences); specialists (e.g., poets, prose authors, story tellers, ghost writers); etc. This category is reserved for generalized descriptions of literature. This term was used until 1997 when it was replaced with the term “Verbal Arts” (5310). See “Verbal Arts” (5310) for information on the subjects listed here in material that was indexed after 1996.","canEdit":false,"_id":"M0kGZzo3pHq4jIrG"},
{"tag":"155-PERSONALITY-DEVELOPMENT","realTitle":"155 Personality Development","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Evidences and inferences concerning the influence of constitutional factors, of physiological strains, and of social pressures and physical environment on the development of personality; psychological and psychoanalytic interpretations of personality formation under particular sociocultural conditions; evidence as to levels of personality development (e.g., anal, oral); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MAEJZVOPoYuM6B0W"},
{"tag":"353-BUILDING-INTERIORS-AND-ARRANGEMENT","realTitle":"353 Building Interiors And Arrangement","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category includes descriptions of painting, carving, and incising of walls and woodwork; screens and draperies; color schemes; furniture arrangement; use of pictures and prints; household shrines and sacred objects; bric-a-brac and objets d’art; flower arrangement; specialization in interior decoration (e.g., interior decorators); storage of household items; archaeological storage and cache pits; etc. The term was changed from “Interior Decoration and Arrangement” “Building interiors and arrangement” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ME5uNERe9iMxFsDx"},
{"tag":"374-HEAT","realTitle":"374 Heat","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of heat; methods of producing and regulating heat; beliefs about heat and cold; practical and scientific knowledge about heat; uses of heat; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MEo8MXzWwXgcx8R7"},
{"tag":"773-MYTHOLOGY","realTitle":"773 Mythology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cosmogony (e.g., theories and accounts of the creation of the world and of man); mythical epochs (e.g., golden age, age of the gods, age of animals); cataclysms (e.g., mythical floods and conflagrations); culture myths (e.g., accounts of a culture hero, mythical explanations of culture traits); myths about the origin of evil and death; nature myths; totemic myths; theogonic myths; ancestor myths; doomsday; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MJU2Yx7di9F6K287"},
{"tag":"230-ANIMAL-HUSBANDRY","realTitle":"230 Animal Husbandry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several of the specialized aspects of animal husbandry indicated below. Information on unspecialized animal husbandry will be indexed for “Domesticated Animals” (231).","canEdit":false,"_id":"MLPGTYTgJ9fVXrvi"},
{"tag":"417-APPARATUS","realTitle":"417 Apparatus","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Supports (e.g., posts, frames, ladders, scaffolds); fences and gates; pens and corrals; bird cages; apparatus not elsewhere described; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MMISFOSyUco1dotc"},
{"tag":"5310-VERBAL-ARTS","realTitle":"5310 Verbal Arts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on those arts (other than oratory and drama) that use primarily verbal means, either spoken or written, as a mode of artistic expression. This category includes information on genres in verbal arts (e.g., autobiography, fiction, folklore, folktales, novels, poetry, prose forms, verse forms); specialists in verbal arts; narrations and recitations; data on characters, composition, plots, structure, styles, and themes. This category, term and scope note were introduced in 1997. To find information on this subject in material indexed before 1997, search for terms “Literature” (538) and “Literary Texts” (539). For texts of verbal arts, use the term “Texts” (900) and its subterms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MQzKnRcbiodP9j1P"},
{"tag":"253-MEAT-PACKING-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"253 Meat Packing Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"The specialized industry of animal slaughtering and meat packing. Techniques of slaughtering; methods of preservation (e.g., drying, smoking, refrigeration); special equipment and apparatus; specialized personnel; organization and regulation of the meat packing industry; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MRGfrewAuNtVaHc1"},
{"tag":"686-NONFULFILLMENT-OF-OBLIGATIONS","realTitle":"686 Nonfulfillment Of Obligations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Penalties for breach of contract and nonpayment of debts; definitions, incidence of, and sanctions for criminal negligence; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MW2IPtBftnKTanVw"},
{"tag":"606-PARENTS-IN-LAW-AND-CHILDREN-IN-LAW","realTitle":"606 Parents In Law And Children In Law","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between fathers- and mothers-in-law and sons- and daughters-in-law; respective rights, privileges, and powers of the relatives involved; special elaborations (e.g., mother-in-law avoidance); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MWOSoPGs70Q5DuXW"},
{"tag":"275-DRINKING-ESTABLISHMENTS","realTitle":"275 Drinking Establishments","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized dispensers of beverages; types of establishment (e.g., bars, taverns, soft-drink parlors); services and clientele; special equipment; organization; regulation (e.g., licensing, curfew); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"McSmtdiY72uoi4z5"},
{"tag":"652-PUBLIC-FINANCE","realTitle":"652 Public Finance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Government budgets and financial estimates; statistics of public revenues and expenditures; government accounts; appropriations and financial legislation; disposition of surplus revenues; methods of meeting deficits (e.g., borrowing, currency inflation, debt repudiation); fiscal policies (e.g., use of public finance to influence foreign trade or employment); public debt and debt service; issuance and manipulation of currency; relations of the treasury with private banks; government banks; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MoMxuaHJdQiuOsHG"},
{"tag":"281-WORK-IN-SKINS","realTitle":"281 Work In Skins","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Preparation of hides and furs (e.g., drying, scraping, tanning, tawing); materials and products; special apparatus; cutting and sewing of skins; specialization and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MqFW6rRKzrHOWvQO"},
{"tag":"120-RESEARCH-METHODS","realTitle":"120 Research Methods","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"These subject headings are used to index descriptions and discussions of methods used by ethnographers, archaeologists, and others. Category 120 includes general statements about factors affecting the consistency, reliability, and validity of the data obtained. For information on specific factors regarding reliability, consistency, and validity in the use of specific techniques or methods use the appropriate categories. This term replaced “Methodology of Research” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"MxDQzMOXnKbPPeQw"},
{"tag":"322-WOODWORKING","realTitle":"322 Woodworking","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on woodworking technology in general and spatial and/or temporal trends or variations in such technology. The category includes information on methods of seasoning wood; techniques of shaping (e.g., cutting, planing, burning, warping); treatment of special materials (e.g. coconut, bamboo, gourds, bark); use of special apparatus; finishing techniques (e.g., oiling, lacquering); elaborated woodworking crafts (e.g., cooperage, cabinet making), manufacture of wooden and other furniture; specialized personnel and organization; wooden products not elsewhere described; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"N2F9ODvVJXzx0bPw"},
{"tag":"914-TYPOLOGIES-AND-CLASSIFICATIONS","realTitle":"914 Typologies And Classifications","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This term is used to index information on typologies and classifications including discussions on morphological types (“discs”), functional types (knife vs. axe), temporal types (chopper vs. hand axe), and/or cognitive types (use of mental template). This category is also used to index statements about how and why artifacts (ceramics, projectile points), or other archaeological data such as architecture (domestic architecture, public architecture, road ways, etc.) or site type (camp site, kill sites, base camps, lithic quarries, etc.) have been typed or placed into categories; what the typologies or categories are called (Moche vs. Nasca pottery, Clovis vs. Folsom projectile points); discussions about the temporal or spatial significance of the artifact categories; seriation; etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"N3BBarprcLyQVqS3"},
{"tag":"854-INFANT-CARE","realTitle":"854 Infant Care","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Care of routine bodily needs; cleaning; dealing with excreta; clothing and swaddling; provisions for sleep (e.g., cradles, cribs); playing with infants (e.g., fondling, dandling, rocking, crooning); emotional care (e.g., distracting techniques, methods of soothing, guarding against emotional upsets); watching and tending; special dangers ascribed to period of infancy; protection from real and supernatural dangers; hygienic and therapeutic measures; methods of holding and carrying infants (e.g., on back, astride hip); distribution of care among members of the family; institutionalized care (e.g., nurseries); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"N83VTwRaWPnOKeqM"},
{"tag":"104-GLOSSARY","realTitle":"104 Glossary","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions of native terms frequently used in the sources; orthographies and transliteration systems. pending revision to include regionally specific terminology in archaeology; “; including archaeological terms and symbols used in the text; etc.” Mar. 2011: “In archaeological documents, glossaries will include frequently used archaeological terms, symbols, etc.”","canEdit":false,"_id":"NAA6DUk1wcUq2yFc"},
{"tag":"395-MAKING-OF-OPTICAL-AND-PHOTO-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"395 Making Of Optical And Photo Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Lens-grinding; manufacture of optical instruments and supplies; manufacture of still and motion-picture cameras and projectors; manufacture of photographic equipment and supplies (e.g., film, developing materials); industrial specialization; organization of labor and production; etc. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from MANUFACTURE OF OPTICAL AND PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NHd5hoL1QgZms6Gm"},
{"tag":"858-STATUS-OF-CHILDREN","realTitle":"858 Status Of Children","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural definition of status of periods and progression of statuses during infancy and childhood; rights, privileges, and powers of children (e.g., special exemptions); restrictions and disabilities of infants and children (e.g., special taboos); conception of legal minority; extent to which children are treated as inherently inferior or merely as inexperienced adults; stereotyped ideas about children (e.g., concepts of the good and the naughty child); differential expectations and treatment of children (e.g., according to age, gender), etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NJTNEvFXhKbumNlR"},
{"tag":"532-REPRESENTATIVE-ART","realTitle":"532 Representative Art","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques in painting and sculpture (e.g., drawing or painting on flat surfaces, incising in relief, modeling or carving in the round); materials and implements used; subjects (e.g., still life, landscapes, human beings, abstractions); use of color; composition; appreciation of form and perspective; styles (e.g., naturalistic, idealistic, symbolic abstract); special products (e.g., etchings, bas-reliefs, masks); specialized fields (e.g., portraiture, commercial art, religious sculpture); artists and sculptors; etc. This term was used until 1997 when it was replaced with the term “Visual Arts”. See the latter term for information on this subject in data indexed from 1997 on.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NQpnbtv07DNWnDRs"},
{"tag":"703-DISCIPLINE-AND-MORALE","realTitle":"703 Discipline And Morale","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Military virtues (e.g., courage, obedience); punitive and summary judicial powers of military leaders; military rewards (e.g., medals, badges, special privileges); level of morale in the armed forces; integrating and demoralizing factors; special techniques of instilling morale; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NTwRKenUCWsGY44K"},
{"tag":"472-INDIVIDUAL-ENTERPRISE","realTitle":"472 Individual Enterprise","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Business and industrial enterprises with owner management; specific characteristics and forms of organization (e.g., individual ownership and management, partnerships, family businesses); opportunities for and justifications of individual enterprise; distribution of profits between owners and employees; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NZ4ZN6xhBcV6cnDc"},
{"tag":"529-RECREATIONAL-FACILITIES","realTitle":"529 Recreational Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Vacation resorts (e.g., spas, mountain retreats, winter sports facilities, beach resorts, state and national parks); bridge, chess, riding, and rifle clubs and their facilities; athletic and country clubs; amusement parks; enterprises catering to games and sports (e.g., pool rooms, bowling alleys, shooting galleries, gymnasiums, skating rinks); special equipment, organization, operation and specialized personnel; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NbTex6zqSl4xDxYt"},
{"tag":"471-OWNERSHIP-AND-CONTROL-OF-CAPITAL","realTitle":"471 Ownership And Control Of Capital","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Major forms of productive capital (e.g., land, cattle, industrial plants); extent to which the instruments of production are individually, collectively, internationally and publicly owned; forms and elaboration of governmental control (e.g., nationalized industries); etc. Only generalized data will be indexed here.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NeaWDhasLSA1N2KK"},
{"tag":"564-CASTES","realTitle":"564 Castes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of stratified groups between which mobility is theoretically impossible; number, distribution, and ranking of castes and subcastes; basis of differentiation (e.g., race, occupation, religion); insignia and stigmata of caste ; prerogatives and disabilities; organization and activities; relations between castes; special marriage regulations (e.g., endogamy, hypergamy); extent of intermarriage; special outcaste groups; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Nexbksq5a09MBBiF"},
{"tag":"866-INDEPENDENCE-TRAINING","realTitle":"866 Independence Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adult beliefs, standards, and aims concerning dependence in children and the development of independence; culturally prescribed age levels for the achievement of independence; incidence and treatment of dependent behavior (e.g., clinging to parents, tattling); induration to heat, cold, pain, fatigue (e.g., exposure, ordeals, flogging); instilling of courage; teaching of self-reliance and readiness to assume responsibility; training in cooperation and competitiveness; instilling of levels of aspiration (e.g., for knowledge, for skills, for social advancement); reactions of children to demands for independence; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ng3Ez79usfLa399h"},
{"tag":"236-WOOL-PRODUCTION","realTitle":"236 Wool Production","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized raising of sheep and other animals for wool; dipping; shearing; combing and carding; special equipment and apparatus; personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Nk990nApE7CAscU7"},
{"tag":"820-IDEAS-ABOUT-NATURE-AND-PEOPLE","realTitle":"820 Ideas About Nature And People","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several types of speculative and popular notions concerning phenomena of the external world and of the human organism. Vernacular terms or names for any of these phenomena will be included in the appropriate “Ideas about Nature and People” (82*) categories rather than in “Vocabulary” (192).","canEdit":false,"_id":"NnNVeDkiWUQ0o800"},
{"tag":"251-PRESERVATION-AND-STORAGE-OF-FOOD","realTitle":"251 Preservation And Storage Of Food","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of food preservation (e.g., drying, smoking, pickling, refrigeration, home canning); use of preservatives and special equipment; accumulation and storage of supplies and reserves; etc. Data on culturally elaborated or commercialized techniques of preservation and storage are indexed with more specialized sibling categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NsC64mfgIoSfmlEI"},
{"tag":"344-PUBLIC-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"344 Public Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of public buildings (e.g., municipal halls, courthouses, prisons and jails, post offices, hospitals); special characteristics and facilities of each; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NuXAwZKrQ4zrUjTO"},
{"tag":"647-ADMINISTRATIVE-AGENCIES","realTitle":"647 Administrative Agencies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special bureaus, institutions, boards and commissions charged with conducting the activities of the government; responsibility (e.g., to chief executive, to executive advisers, to deliberative councils); organization, personnel, and authority of each agency; civil service; bureaucracy and its characteristics; public administration; etc. The scope note was revised in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"NvLgc5JW24Zp0Ncx"},
{"tag":"630-TERRITORIAL-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"630 Territorial Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several distinct levels of political territorial organization. Statements dealing with territorial hierarchy will be indexed for TERRITORIAL HIERARCHY (631). Material on political institutions of administrative or territorial units intermediate in size or functional scope between the community and the state, the sovereign or maximal political unit will be filed in the three digit categories below. It will be used only for societies of some political complexity, not for those in which communities are politically independent or for those with petty states embracing only a single district or a small city with its environs. The individual categories represent increasing levels of size and complexity, but since these are not universally comparable they must be considered subject to modification in order to adapt them to the actual territorial units of particular societies.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Nw6Ygfnwu9g7NzEn"},
{"tag":"166-INTERNAL-MIGRATION","realTitle":"166 Internal Migration","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Temporary and/or permanent shifting of residence between communities and districts within the society; organized resettlement; trends toward redistribution of the population; restrictive regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"O3SMfuWK0ws8DPCb"},
{"tag":"587-SECONDARY-MARRIAGES","realTitle":"587 Secondary Marriages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Remarriage of widowed and divorced persons; differential rules governing secondary marriages (e.g., preference for relative of first spouse, reduction in bride-price, curtailing of ceremonial); levirate and sororate unions (e.g. prevalence, preferences, procedure); allocation of children; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"O4pKWHdfyp54JESg"},
{"tag":"485-TRAVEL-SERVICES","realTitle":"485 Travel Services","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Accommodations (e.g., hotels, motels, inns, guest houses); information and travelers’ aid services; guides; ticket and travel agencies; organizations of and for travelers (e.g., automobile clubs); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"OAKgOiUcq2lYnlmE"},
{"tag":"206-TELEPHONE-AND-TELEGRAPH","realTitle":"206 Telephone And Telegraph","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on technology (instruments, modems, lines (fiber optic, etc.)); use of equipment; facilities and services; organization and personnel; public and private systems; finance (e.g., rates, subsidies); regulation etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ODsGdyer35mrUan8"},
{"tag":"396-SHIPBUILDING","realTitle":"396 Shipbuilding","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Construction and repair of boats, ships, and underwater craft; manufacture of shipbuilding materials and equipment (e.g., marine motors, nautical gear); industrial specialization (e.g., shipyards); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"OEXGDvtJOo3BCfIa"},
{"tag":"697-PRISONS-AND-JAILS","realTitle":"697 Prisons And Jails","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Places of imprisonment and detention; precautions against escape; personnel (e.g., jailers, wardens, chaplains, guards); differential treatment of inmates (e.g., women, trusties); organization of penal institutions; prison rules an routines; rewards and punishments for behavior; terms; paroles and pardons; prison labor; penal labor camps; special prisons (e.g., prisons for political offenders, military prisons); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ORKJdHmsN2BfQev7"},
{"tag":"728-PEACEMAKING","realTitle":"728 Peacemaking","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Truce and peace negotiations; peace conferences; terms (e.g., tribute, indemnities, cession of territory, demilitarization); ratification of peace terms; consolidation of annexed territory; transplantation of conquered populations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"OVE2FJdCJMJarWIO"},
{"tag":"621-COMMUNITY-STRUCTURE","realTitle":"621 Community Structure","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Physical type (e.g., migratory band, settled village, neighborhood of scattered households, aggregation of hamlets, ward or other local subdivision of a town); kinship structure (e.g., clan-community, endogamous or exogamous deme, segmented community of associated clan-barrios, unsegmented but homogeneous community, heterogeneous community); sociopolitical and economic structure and organization; local subdivisions of the community; community population (e.g., mean, range); area of territory exploited (e.g., mean, range); distinguishing characteristics (e.g., name, local dialect, local culture); tendency toward local endogamy or exogamy; cohesive and fissive tendencies; neighborliness; local pride; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"OreJoRB6Ii3Xsi0v"},
{"tag":"547-NIGHT-CLUBS-AND-CABARETS","realTitle":"547 Night Clubs And Cabarets","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Enterprises providing food, liquor, music, and dancing in various combinations (e.g., supper clubs, jukebox cafes, cabarets, road houses); types of entertainment offered; patronage; organization and specialization; regulation etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Oyvx1zpiSHRqZ2o6"},
{"tag":"186-CULTURAL-IDENTITY-AND-PRIDE","realTitle":"186 Cultural Identity And Pride","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on positive and negative attitudes towards one’s own and other cultures and their expressions in behavior, customs, and cultural institutions (e.g., consciousness of kind, patriotism, nationalism); unfavorable judgments of other groups (e.g., prejudice, stereotyping, ethnocentrism, scapegoating, national antipathies); symbolic representation (e.g., flags, anthems, emblems, national figures/treasures). The category, term, and scope note were rewritten in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PCWsZxmRSP5PbpFV"},
{"tag":"408-COMPUTER-TECHNOLOGY","realTitle":"408 Computer Technology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on computer technology including information on hardware, software (i.e., programs, applications), maintenance and repair, application and use (e.g., word processing, accounting, databases, communication); public and private accessibility to services; specialized personnel (e.g., programmers); special commercial services; etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PJHujpVGdBm9gpYa"},
{"tag":"153-MODIFICATION-OF-BEHAVIOR","realTitle":"153 Modification Of Behavior","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specific information concerning the mechanisms of conditioning and habit formation (e.g., conditioned and unconditional stimuli; configurations, response hierarchy, random behavior, positive and negative reinforcement, generalization, discrimination, anticipation); data on types of problem solution (e.g., trial and error, insight or intelligence, imitation); evidence as to special mechanisms in verbal or symbolic learning; results of aptitude and intelligence tests; data bearing upon conscious mental processes (e.g., memory, judgment, reasoning, conation, reactions in emergencies); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PLAHBrnypArTu58D"},
{"tag":"385-INDUSTRIAL-CHEMICALS","realTitle":"385 Industrial Chemicals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Production of acids, bases, and other industrial chemicals; materials used; processes of manufacture; special techniques and apparatus; products and their uses; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PLmNM9Sj4Y9v5iiy"},
{"tag":"372-FIRE","realTitle":"372 Fire","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Generation of fire; techniques and apparatus (e.g., fire plow, fire drill, flint and steel, fire piston, matches); borrowing, preservation, and transportation of fire; tinder and kindling; fuels; uses of fire; beliefs about fire and associated practices; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PNJTIiQQzA61egei"},
{"tag":"592-HOUSEHOLD","realTitle":"592 Household","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"A household is a social group living in a single dwelling or compound. This category is used to index discussions about: typical composition (e.g., nuclear or polygamous family, joint or extended family, clan); range, types, and incidence of variations; extent of inclusion of servants, retainers, and dependent relatives (e.g., aged grandparents, parents-in-law); physical seat (e.g., a single small or large dwelling, a cluster of adjacent huts, a compound); functions and cooperative activities of the household unit as such (i.e., irrespective of variations in family composition); locus of authority; rule of succession; mechanism for adjusting disputes within the household; ownership of dwelling, food stores, and household possessions; etc. Functions associated with particular forms of the family rather than with the household as such will be found in separate categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PRdyK8JlqqNP7Rxt"},
{"tag":"747-PRIVATE-WELFARE-AGENCIES","realTitle":"747 Private Welfare Agencies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Private fund-raising organizations (e.g., community chests); private, semi-private, fraternal, and ecclesiastical operating relief agencies (e.g., Red Cross, Salvation Army, family welfare organizations); welfare institution not elsewhere described (e.g., CARE, settlement houses, city missions, day nurseries, church community houses); organization, administration, financial support, and activities of each type; etc. See also","canEdit":false,"_id":"Pa2hiB9pJmNGdgwM"},
{"tag":"655-GOVERNMENT-ENTERPRISES","realTitle":"655 Government Enterprises","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Government monopolies (e.g., salt, tobacco); enterprises operated by the state or its political subdivisions (e.g., postal system, telephone and telegraph services, railways, power plants, banks); organization and mode of operation of each; types of government enterprise; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ptee2pcu5EcESI1z"},
{"tag":"579-BRAWLS,-RIOTS,-AND-BANDITRY","realTitle":"579 Brawls, Riots, And Banditry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and causes of brawls; types (e.g., drinking brawls, gang fights); running amok; incidence and types of riots (e.g., bread riots, race riots, political riots); methods of control; manifestations of mob psychology; incidence of organized violence (e.g., banditry, piracy, highjacking); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"PuspFyP7WXSYhnKH"},
{"tag":"339-BUILDING-SUPPLIES-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"339 Building Supplies Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of building and construction supplies not elsewhere described (e.g., brick, cement, tile); processors of building materials (e.g., mill work companies, brick yards); suppliers to builders and contractors; business organization of manufacturers, processors, and suppliers of building materials; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Q4Elx28pk5qy0Z2Q"},
{"tag":"261-GRATIFICATION-AND-CONTROL-OF-HUNGER","realTitle":"261 Gratification And Control Of Hunger","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about food and ingestion; eating sparingly or to excess; attitudes toward wasting food; special adjustments to hunger or famine; dieting; cultural elaboration of food appetites (e.g., geophagy, gum chewing, epicures); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Q9mW9AXD8VvnhLKf"},
{"tag":"301-ORNAMENT","realTitle":"301 Ornament","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of ornament worn (e.g., necklaces, bracelets, rings, anklets, earrings, labrets, hair ornaments); mode of attachment of suspension; age, gender, and status differences; materials and manufacture; occasions of use; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QFJLWUuaFJpEDX1V"},
{"tag":"644-EXECUTIVE-HOUSEHOLD","realTitle":"644 Executive Household","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Executive residence and domestic establishment; guards, servants, and retainers; court personnel (e.g., number, characteristics, mode of selection, activities, prerogatives); court etiquette and ceremonial; special status and functions of executive’s relatives; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QIlllvzQiJ0oN8ao"},
{"tag":"291-NORMAL-GARB","realTitle":"291 Normal Garb","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Nude and covered parts of body; services of clothing (e.g., protection, vanity, modesty); standard costume; age and gender differences; seasonal variations; styles and fashions; description of individual garments; means of attachment and suspension (e.g., belt); headbands; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QKdp3oMgr9SzqCcg"},
{"tag":"780-RELIGIOUS-PRACTICES","realTitle":"780 Religious Practices","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the description and analysis of specific religious rites and practices or types thereof.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QLFcCAIiYTkSnh4r"},
{"tag":"338-MISCELLANEOUS-BUILDING-TRADES","realTitle":"338 Miscellaneous Building Trades","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Structural specialists not classifiable under the preceding categories (e.g., plasterers, roofers, painters, paperhangers, glaziers); special techniques, equipment, and services of each; organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QZoLRMO7x50iUAZx"},
{"tag":"495-AUXILIARY-HIGHWAY-SERVICES","realTitle":"495 Auxiliary Highway Services","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Post and relay stations; livery stables; garages and repair shops; filling stations; organization and personnel; services; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Qq1EwqRZQMsKVvRL"},
{"tag":"128-ORGANIZATION-AND-ANALYSIS-OF-RESULTS","realTitle":"128 Organization And Analysis Of Results","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Identification of material; methods of processing raw data (e.g., analysis, classification, quantification); special techniques of analysis (e.g., phonemic, sociometric); preparation of tables and graphs; methods of determining consistency, reliability, and validity of results (e.g., statistical, use of ratings and scales); organization of materials for presentation in published form: author’s discussion of her or his organization of the source; data classification methods used including information on developing systems for the formal description and classification of archaeological and material culture data; archaeological reconstruction and other laboratory (except for scientific analysis) activities such as cleaning, cataloging, etc. of artifacts and other remains; artifact reconstruction; general discussion of how inferences about cultural behavior are drawn from the archaeological record, etc.; methods of quantification used in analyzing archaeological materials such as composition analysis (e.g., histograms, diagrams, scalograms, and dendrograms), spatial distribution (e.g., cartography), factor analysis, multiple regression, etc. This term replaced “Organization and Analysis of Results” in 1997. The scope note was updated in 2000. In 2012 restored from ORGANIZATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF RESEARCH.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QrfkOjqlit48jrAO"},
{"tag":"727-AFTERMATH-OF-COMBAT","realTitle":"727 Aftermath Of Combat","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number and nature of casualties; treatment of own casualties (e.g., retrieving and disposal of dead, care of wounded); treatment of enemy casualties (e.g., despoiling, mutilation, killing); taking of trophies; treatment of captives and prisoners (e.g., slaughter, torture, mutilation, release, exchange, holding for ransom, adoption, enslavement, sacrifice); punishment of enemy leaders; military occupation and military government; homecoming after war (e.g., return trip, reception of returning warriors); home reactions to victory and defeat; victory celebrations (e.g., dances, feasts, memorials); demobilization; resumption of normal life; reconstruction of war damage; compensation for casualties; refugees; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"QubxrAq2OE75tOfi"},
{"tag":"246-FORAGE-CROPS","realTitle":"246 Forage Crops","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the specialized production of crops for animal fodder (e.g., hay, alfalfa, vetch); techniques of planting and harvesting; use of specialized tools, equipment, and machinery; organization of labor and production; processing (e.g., baling); storage of product (e.g., in stacks, silos, barns); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"R5O5t0GFqdI07vxv"},
{"tag":"526-ATHLETIC-SPORTS","realTitle":"526 Athletic Sports","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Forms of exercise (e.g., hiking, swimming, skating, skiing, riding, mountain climbing, calisthenics, gymnastics); sports of pursuit (e.g., hide-and-seek, paper chases); individual contests (e.g., foot races, jumping, weight lifting, boxing, wrestling, archery, hoop and dart game, javelin throwing, trap shooting, bowling, tennis, golf); team contests (e.g., tug-of-war, boat races, lacrosse, hockey, football, baseball, basketball, polo); occasions; participants and spectators; special equipment; rules; associated ideas (e.g., sportsmanship, amateur status, value of physical fitness); organizers and sponsors of sports (e.g., clubs, schools, business organizations, promoters); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"R7YtLlLs0nCLssAe"},
{"tag":"664-PRESSURE-POLITICS","realTitle":"664 Pressure Politics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Exertion of organized pressure on holders of political office to use their power to further group goals; pressure groups; lobbying; organized manifestations of group solidarity (e.g., mass demonstrations, letter-writing campaigns); use of publicity channels and propaganda techniques; adoption of labor tactics (e.g., picketing); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"RDR8QCbCvgVoZQiH"},
{"tag":"463-OCCUPATIONAL-SPECIALIZATION","realTitle":"463 Occupational Specialization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number of partially and fully specialized occupations; major occupational categories (e.g., learned and artistic professions, independent industrial and business entrepreneurs, managerial personnel, independent and tenant farmers, government officials, clerical and white-collar workers, skilled artisans, semi-skilled and unskilled industrial workers, farm laborers, domestic servants, slaves); general information about occupational specialization; vocational guidance; specific information on occupations not classifiable elsewhere; etc. This category is designed for summary statements about occupational specialization; in nearly all instances specific information will be classified elsewhere under a wide range of functional and occupational headings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"REmk3o0NgtnABWpI"},
{"tag":"390-CAPITAL-GOODS-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"390 Capital Goods Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the manufacturing processes which produce tools and machines, and with their technological and economic organization. Descriptions of the specific artifacts used in or produced by these industries are indexed under other headings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"RIwafnXWRa6StPCD"},
{"tag":"853-INFANT-FEEDING","realTitle":"853 Infant Feeding","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of lactation, milk, and colostrum; beliefs about sucking; initiation of suckling in newborn infants; stimulation of the flow of milk; routine of nursing (e.g., posture, intervals); feeding problems; treatment and behavior of the nursing mother (e.g., diet, sexual abstention); communal nursing, fosterage; adjustments to death of mother; supplementary feeding (e.g., age at beginning, appropriate foods and their preparation); method of feeding (e.g., bottle, cup, spoon); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ri9x7LEP0LC13fPh"},
{"tag":"413-SPECIAL-TOOLS","realTitle":"413 Special Tools","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Tools used for specialized tasks such as writing instruments (e.g., pencil, pen, brush); artists’ tools; surgical instruments; specialized tools of particular crafts (e.g., of jewelers, barbers, smiths, masons, weavers); mensurating tools (e.g., gauge, compass, calipers, measuring rod, square, level, quadrant); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Rn2E0s5sxvvUjU1J"},
{"tag":"543-EXHIBITIONS","realTitle":"543 Exhibitions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"International expositions; local and regional fairs; animals-judging contests (e.g., horse and dog shows); handicraft displays; automobile and flower shows; art exhibitions; special exhibits (e.g., by libraries and museums); offering of prizes and awards; organization of exhibitions; mode of finance (e.g., by sale of tickets, sale of articles on display, voluntary contributions); specialized organizers and dealers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"RxoQhtkzbEpwCpxS"},
{"tag":"768-SOCIAL-READJUSTMENTS-TO-DEATH","realTitle":"768 Social Readjustments To Death","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Disposition of the possessions of the deceased (e.g., abandonment or relocation of dwelling, destruction or mutilation of movable possessions, redistribution of property); provision for support of spouse and children; residence changes of survivors; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ry0x7mhzh9nQ2HGs"},
{"tag":"718-SPECIAL-MILITARY-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"718 Special Military Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of communications devices specialized for military use (e.g., field telephones, portable radio equipment, semaphore and blinker systems); special navigation and detection devices and equipment (e.g., radar, loran, special electronic gear); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"S00EDLydcpAhQlA2"},
{"tag":"510-LIVING-STANDARDS-AND-ROUTINES","realTitle":"510 Living Standards And Routines","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements concerned with several aspects of economic and aesthetic standards, and with some of the routine habits of life.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SAC8f9lZgwtf9CFa"},
{"tag":"636-DEPENDENCIES","realTitle":"636 Dependencies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Political organization of dependent regions not organized as provinces (e.g., a colony, a protectorate, a dependent territory); governmental personnel (e.g., executive, advisory, administrative, legislative); mode of selection (e.g., appointment, election, hereditary succession); jurisdiction, authority, prerogatives, functions, and activities associated with each position. Information on relations of dependency with colonial powers will be indexed for “International Relations” (648).","canEdit":false,"_id":"SC3PBeJkvCvb3Mny"},
{"tag":"912-CULTURAL-STRATIGRAPHY","realTitle":"912 Cultural Stratigraphy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Statements about the cultural versus natural stratigraphy of a site, unit, or profile (what was found at what depth or in which stratum, statements about an artifact or feature, etc. being deeper than another, etc.); statements on the formation of an archaeological site, stratum, layer, or feature; generalized statements about unspecific features, etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SCPqHkChRd782Bef"},
{"tag":"467-LABOR-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"467 Labor Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Existence of labor organizations (e.g., craft guilds, labor unions); prevalent types (e.g., craft, industrial, company, and government-sponsored unions); rules of admission; dues; status levels (e.g., apprentices, journeymen); officers (e.g., mode of selection, functions, powers); services to members; general political activities (e.g., affiliation with political parties, political action committees); relations with other labor organizations; with international organizations; government regulation of labor organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SEjkpCyyWJfUYDhA"},
{"tag":"803-MATHEMATICS","realTitle":"803 Mathematics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Arithmetical calculation (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division); use of calculating machines; higher mathematical knowledge (e.g., algebra, geometry, calculus); mathematical theory; statistics (e.g., theory, methods, use ); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SHR626rxHGUBHczc"},
{"tag":"426-BORROWING-AND-LENDING","realTitle":"426 Borrowing And Lending","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Bailment; rights, privileges, and powers of bailor and bailee; loans and debts; pawning rights, privileges, and powers of debtor and creditor; formalities in the arrangement and repayment of loans (e.g., witnesses, surety, sponsors); security; interest; notes and mortgages; specialization (e.g., pawn shops); bankruptcy (e.g., law, administration) etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SHrd7VDctQzQAg2M"},
{"tag":"117-FIELD-DATA","realTitle":"117 Field Data","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data on journals, diaries, artifacts, field specimens, etc. kept or collected in the field, unorganized field notes, and information on deposition of these materials.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SQnN1Dl8k8LZ7CIH"},
{"tag":"333-MASONRY","realTitle":"333 Masonry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Laying of bricks and stones; use of mortar; mixing and laying of adobe and concrete; types of construction (e.g., foundations, floors, walls); structural principles (e.g., arch, dome); use of special implements and apparatus (e.g., trowel, hod, cement mixer); specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SRMjREElF1v9zXwn"},
{"tag":"234-DAIRYING","realTitle":"234 Dairying","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Milking; handling and processing of milk; manufacture of butter and cheese; dairy equipment; special care of dairy animals; creameries; specialized distribution of milk products; organization and regulation of the dairy industry; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SSUGIiHBw6Tg9PSN"},
{"tag":"702-RECRUITMENT-AND-TRAINING","realTitle":"702 Recruitment And Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Induction into the armed forces (e.g., voluntary enlistment, conscription); screening (e.g., tests of fitness, medical examinations); training (e.g., instruction, drill, practice with weapons, tactical maneuvers); special elaborations (e.g., recruiting stations, manuals of arms); social status; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SU8CPW6FjXY2oqNt"},
{"tag":"392-MACHINE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"392 Machine Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Machine shops; industrial manufacture of all types of machines and complex mechanical appliances other than those operated by electricity and those employed in transportation, heating, lighting, and photography; industrial specialization; economic importance of and self-sufficiency in machine industries; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SWecM5haukREAurI"},
{"tag":"575-SODALITIES","realTitle":"575 Sodalities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence of clubs, fraternities, and comparable voluntary associations; types (e.g., lodges, secret societies, men’s clubs, women’s clubs); organization, characteristics, and activities of each type (e.g., inter-sodality relationships; origin accounts, paraphernalia, etc.); selection of members; initiation; meetings; special rituals; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ShxPqVZxa9fBwWdS"},
{"tag":"814-HUMANISTIC-STUDIES","realTitle":"814 Humanistic Studies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Historiography, archaeology; biography; linguistic studies; research in literature and the fine arts; degree of interest, activity, and specialization in humanistic studies; humanistic associations (e.g., organization, membership, meetings); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SmkPNjYMIitAda4b"},
{"tag":"503-WATERWAYS-IMPROVEMENTS","realTitle":"503 Waterways Improvements","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description and building of canals; dredging of rivers and harbors; construction of piers and breakwaters; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"SxFDMh4IDRbOYhyD"},
{"tag":"290-CLOTHING","realTitle":"290 Clothing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of the manufacture, description, use, and care of wearing apparel.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TErVvn7jBvZhhuu1"},
{"tag":"147-PHYSIOLOGICAL-DATA","realTitle":"147 Physiological Data","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on physiological systems and their functions (e.g., cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, nervous, endocrine); metabolism; salt and water balance; indications of physiological stamina (e.g., strength and endurance); characteristic body odor; blood analysis, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TKqu7yvFE8sRTqyG"},
{"tag":"796-ORGANIZED-CEREMONIAL","realTitle":"796 Organized Ceremonial","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Systematization of religious ritual; ceremonial calendar (e.g., fixed and movable religious holidays, rest days, and festivals); detailed description of the ceremonies regularly associated with each (e.g., participants, ceremonial attire and paraphernalia, prescribed succession of rites, accompanying music and dancing, symbolism); church and temple services; religious dramas and spectacles; notions of propitious and unlucky days for ceremonies; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TPNuAEuimqKsfQCD"},
{"tag":"371-POWER-DEVELOPMENT","realTitle":"371 Power Development","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of energy utilized and not utilized; potential and developed power resources; public and private programs of power development; etc. For the use and development of specific power resources see the siblings of this category.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TWPAIHV3GBgLmDK6"},
{"tag":"220-FOOD-QUEST","realTitle":"220 Food Quest","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of food gathering.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Ti7G72V4J8EM1Y0T"},
{"tag":"438-INTERNAL-TRADE","realTitle":"438 Internal Trade","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Local and regional specialization in production within the society or region (e.g., home and cottage industry, location of particular industries, between town and country); volume of trade; articles entering into domestic commerce; motivation (e.g., profit, prestige); other patterns of internal trade; etc. The term was changed from “Domestic Trade” to “Internal Trade” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005","canEdit":false,"_id":"Tm0VGRk0XKSUkAF3"},
{"tag":"430-EXCHANGE-AND-TRANSFERS","realTitle":"430 Exchange And Transfers","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the mechanisms of transferring economic goods and the titles to them, with the volume of such transactions, and with the determination of prices and economic values. The term was changed from “Exchange” to “Exchange and Transfers” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TrQq1TkP84butGQJ"},
{"tag":"150-BEHAVIOR-PROCESSES-AND-PERSONALITY","realTitle":"150 Behavior Processes And Personality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category contains general statements dealing with several distinct types of mechanisms and manifestations of individual behavior and personality as these appear to the observer and the scientist.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TsD8ZJcI5fK3dZHa"},
{"tag":"552-NAMES-OF-ANIMALS-AND-THINGS","realTitle":"552 Names Of Animals And Things","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Proper names of individual animals, houses, boats, and other objects; meanings; bestowal and use; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"TuRwb78h6NWFs5S9"},
{"tag":"566-SERFDOM-AND-PEONAGE","realTitle":"566 Serfdom And Peonage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of a semi-servile class bound to the land; prerogatives, disabilities, and stigmata of serfs in a feudal society; characteristics of peonage in non-feudal societies; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"U0N1NwNVjwOLSrXa"},
{"tag":"484-TRAVEL","realTitle":"484 Travel","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Volume, frequency, range, and occasions of travel; trips and expeditions (e.g., tourist travel, exploring expeditions); routine of travel (e.g., marching, caravans, camping); commuting; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"U7chp7YB5YwR5Y58"},
{"tag":"361-SETTLEMENT-PATTERNS","realTitle":"361 Settlement Patterns","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the location and distribution of settlements; house census; physical types and descriptions of settlements and the incidence of each (e.g., temporary camp, settled hamlet or village, town, city, urban metropolis); degree of permanence or impermanence; settlement plan; urban ecology (e.g., residential, business, and industrial areas); satellite areas (e.g., suburbs); patterns of settlement growth; zoning; city planning; statements about the size, plan, and/or distribution of archaeological sites; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"U7oQnIZ0llgxahK3"},
{"tag":"483-WEIGHT-MOVING","realTitle":"483 Weight Moving","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Application of human energy in the transportation of heavy weights (e.g., logs, heavy stones, carcasses of large animals); mechanical aids and cooperative techniques employed; use of weight-moving machinery; lifting or raising of heavy objects (e.g., in loading vessels, erection of megaliths); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"U9LZYZLHJxf1pNmZ"},
{"tag":"406-WEIGHT-MOVING-MACHINERY","realTitle":"406 Weight Moving Machinery","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Pumps;hoisting machines (e.g., cranes, jacks, bulldozers, dredges); other weight-moving machines (e.g., winches); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UB9cXTI7YuQsYvGb"},
{"tag":"292-SPECIAL-GARMENTS","realTitle":"292 Special Garments","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Clothing of special occasions (e.g., festive apparel, rain gear, bathing costumes); headgear and footwear not ordinarily worn; costumes associated with special statuses and activities; special methods of wearing garments; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ULMHMFLoqrgoMxnO"},
{"tag":"213-PRINTING","realTitle":"213 Printing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods (e.g., block printing, movable type, linotype, photographic reproduction); materials (e.g., paper, ink); typography; binding; products (e.g., sheet music, maps, pamphlets); specialists; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ULfrBCT14MxsYO2o"},
{"tag":"835-KINSHIP-REGULATION-OF-SEX","realTitle":"835 Kinship Regulation Of Sex","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incest taboos (e.g.., between primary relatives, bilateral and unilineal extensions); patterned exceptions to primary incest taboos (e.g., ceremonial and dynastic incest); violations of incest taboos (e.g., incidence, circumstances, notions of physical and social results, treatment of offspring); privileged and tolerated sex relations between kinsmen (e.g., between cross-cousins, between siblings-in-law); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UPXiCeJhnug3V4Y0"},
{"tag":"227-FISHING-GEAR","realTitle":"227 Fishing Gear","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of fishing implements and equipment; miscellaneous gear used in fishing (e.g., rods, baskets, lures); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UictmvEQwaGwt9So"},
{"tag":"131-LOCATION","realTitle":"131 Location","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the location of the culture or archaeological tradition including latitude and longitude; position in relation to land and sea (e.g., insular, coastal, interior); area and extent of territory occupied, accessibility by land and sea routes; boundaries; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UpyHUxsVc2I1q8QF"},
{"tag":"420-PROPERTY","realTitle":"420 Property","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several of the specific aspects of the property system. Material concerning the property system as a whole will be filed in Category 421. The term “property” is to be distinguished from wealth, material possessions, or any object of ownership. It is to be understood only in the strict technical sense of the jural relations of people with regard to some subject matter and governing the use and enjoyment of the latter. In precise usage, a “right” is correlated with a “duty” (if A has a right against B, B is under a corresponding duty toward A); a “privilege” is correlated with “no right” (if A has a privilege as against B, B has no right against A, instead of a duty); a “power” is correlated with “liability” (if A has a power as against B, B is under a liability that his jural relations may be changed by a voluntary act on the past of A). A “title” is a distinct constellation of rights, privileges, and powers with respect to some subject matter. A “type of ownership” refers to the social composition of the holders of a title, e.g., an individual, a partnership, a clan, a corporation, a state. A “property transaction” is an act which transfers a title to a new owner. A “property system” consists of every type of title, ownership, and property transaction recognized by a society with respect to all culturally defined classes of subject matter, and is not dependent upon the statistical frequency with which its constituent elements manifest themselves.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UyZeJZOotvdWgbDy"},
{"tag":"882-STATUS-OF-ADOLESCENTS","realTitle":"882 Status Of Adolescents","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural definition of adolescence (e.g., age limits); beliefs and attitudes about adolescents; prerogatives and disabilities of adolescents; relaxing or tightening of social control for each gender; residence shifts at puberty (e.g., removal of boys to men’s house or to home of grandparent or maternal uncle); readjustment of social relationships; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"UzRgrJ5CDdECweA8"},
{"tag":"325-METALLURGY","realTitle":"325 Metallurgy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index discussions of smelting and refining of ores; alloys; methods of casting; hot and cold forging; tempering; soldering; welding; special apparatus (e.g., bellows, anvil); practical and scientific metallurgical knowledge (e.g., the making of wire thread); etc. Temporal and spatial variations and trends in metallurgy are also included in this category.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VCOcltBwFnSjqZ1o"},
{"tag":"354-HEATING-AND-LIGHTING-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"354 Heating And Lighting Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Systems for the lighting, heating, insulation, ventilating and air-conditioning of buildings; hearths and fireplaces; special lighting equipment (e.g., candles, oil lamps, gas lights, electric lights); special heating appliances (e.g., wood, coal, oil, gas, and electric stoves and furnaces); air-conditioning installations; insulating materials; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VGHJZ335frvRFVol"},
{"tag":"735-POVERTY","realTitle":"735 Poverty","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and definition of poverty; causes (e.g., low income, unemployment, sickness, alcoholism, improvidence, indolence); social attitudes toward poverty; begging and beggars; poor relief (e.g., almsgiving, private charity, public r relief); special institutions for the poor (e.g., almshouses); support of institutions (e.g., municipal, ecclesiastical, private endowment); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VN9fcBciWviRFd7z"},
{"tag":"492-ANIMAL-TRANSPORT","realTitle":"492 Animal Transport","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Use of pack, draft, and riding animals; gear (e.g., saddle, bridle, stirrup, yoke, harness); loads; methods of guiding and riding; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VOQowiVPZQxpyL5N"},
{"tag":"170-HISTORY-AND-CULTURE-CHANGE","realTitle":"170 History And Culture Change","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific types of information on history and culture change. Since separate files will be prepared on each major historical period for societies with an appreciable known time depth, the narrower terms are designed to include only (a) information bearing upon the society’s prehistory and (b) historical data for the specific time period which do not readily fall into particular categories elsewhere in this thesaurus.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VULiR0xMBa0u4u3q"},
{"tag":"142-DESCRIPTIVE-SOMATOLOGY","realTitle":"142 Descriptive Somatology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Color of skin, hair, and eyes; form, length, and distribution of hair; musculature; secondary sexual characteristics; physical descriptions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VWkdlRaYyJsVjtrk"},
{"tag":"827-ETHNOPHYSIOLOGY","realTitle":"827 Ethnophysiology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about anal reactions (e.g., urination, defecation, farting); circulatory reactions (e.g., heartbeat, pulse); dermal reactions (e.g., flushing, fever and temperature, perspiring, shivering, itching and twitching, sloughing of skin and hair); facial reactions (e.g., laughing, smiling, grinning, sneering, running of nose); ocular and auricular reactions (e.g., weeping, blinking, dilation of pupils, ringing of ears, secretion of wax); oral reactions (e.g., salivation, spitting, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, hiccoughing, yawning); ideas about digestion and respiration; notions about heredity; associated behavior patterns (e.g., scratching, congratulations upon sneezing); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Vf7IuEgWvVyUymij"},
{"tag":"876-EDUCATIONAL-THEORY-AND-METHODS","realTitle":"876 Educational Theory And Methods","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Dominant and alternative theories of education; favored methods of instruction (e.g., collective recitation, rote memorizing, systematic classification case analysis); system of rewards (e.g., praise, prizes); prevalent and eschewed methods of punishment (e.g., ridicule, corporal punishment, deprivation of privileges); special techniques for disabled and challenged pupils; educational psychology; examining and testing methods; use of visual and auditory aids, degree of individuation in instruction (e.g., cultivation of uniformity, encouragement of independence and initiative); educational experiments and innovations (e.g., progressive education); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ViUbdlvcNbmr49dO"},
{"tag":"284-KNOTS-AND-LASHINGS","realTitle":"284 Knots And Lashings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of knots and their uses; splices; methods of lashing, hafting, and joining; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VkcahJVrdhHHo9ye"},
{"tag":"731-DISASTERS","realTitle":"731 Disasters","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and major types of disasters (e.g., earthquakes, epidemics, conflagrations, typhoons, tornadoes, floods, droughts, famines, insect plagues); explanations and rationalizations; incidence of disastrous accidents (e.g., train wreck ); reactions to disasters; organization of relief (e.g., private, public); role of special relief agencies (e.g., Red Cross); emergency measures; reconstruction; preventive measures (e.g., flood control); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"VuWOqXdBtNgxl8nk"},
{"tag":"521-CONVERSATION","realTitle":"521 Conversation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Loquacity and reserve; boasting and shyness; conversational patterns (e.g., idle chatter, rambling discourse, discussion, argument); occasions and places; participants; typical subjects (e.g., weather, news, gossip, politics); privilege and unprivileged communications; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Vx4THlge4xc8fYH1"},
{"tag":"247-FLORICULTURE","realTitle":"247 Floriculture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data about the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees; flower gardens; greenhouses; special techniques, care, and equipment; business elaboration (e.g., florists, nurseries); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"W3O0uKHciwfPpmCl"},
{"tag":"457-FOREIGN-EXCHANGE","realTitle":"457 Foreign Exchange","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"International trade balances and their payment; role of invisible factors (e.g., tourist trade, immigrant remittances); international credits and loans; foreign exchange brokers and markets; exchange controls (e.g., pegged currencies, special trade restrictions); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"W7ngDNVHBvWcOkrF"},
{"tag":"627-INFORMAL-IN-GROUP-JUSTICE","realTitle":"627 Informal In Group Justice","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Informal mechanisms for adjusting grievances and applying sanctions within the community; private retaliation (e.g., lynching, tarring and feathering, feuding); negotiation and compromise; informal hearings before the headman or local council; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WHLfjHvhsPZFq8hl"},
{"tag":"201-GESTURES-AND-SIGNS","realTitle":"201 Gestures And Signs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterned expressions of emotion (e.g., affection, aggression, derision, fear, disgust); gestures of affirmation and negation; indications of size and shape; directive signs (e.g., beckoning, warning); sign languages in intertribal communication); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WMotzfZt0qXpftkw"},
{"tag":"129-ARCHAEOLOGICAL-SURVEY-METHODS","realTitle":"129 Archaeological Survey Methods","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index statements on archaeological survey methods such as thermography, electricity, magnetism, radio waves, etc.; sampling techniques; methods of determining site location, extent, occupation periods, etc. Use of non-invasive techniques such as remote sensing, aerial imaging, etc. Monitoring of archaeological sites before or after excavation, especially archaeological monitoring done during construction work. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. The scope note was updated in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WQIuiGQpao8C1xCt"},
{"tag":"615-PHRATRIES","realTitle":"615 Phratries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of one or more unilineal kin groups, each of which embraces two or more clans; affiliation (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal); regulation of marriage (e.g., exogamy, agamy, endogamy); distinguishing characteristics; origin and traditions; organization; prerogatives and obligations of members; relations between phratries; etc. The scope note was revised in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WRIxLzqa0MW0aYhU"},
{"tag":"862-WEANING-AND-FOOD-TRAINING","realTitle":"862 Weaning And Food Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adult beliefs, standards, and aims concerning weaning and appropriate eating habits for children; special reasons for weaning (e.g., insufficient lactation, illness or pregnancy of mother); normal age at weaning (e.g., from breast, from bottle); abruptness or gradualness of transition; methods of weaning (e.g., separation from mother, ridicule, application of bitter substances to nipple); reactions of children to weaning; imposition of rules about eating; teaching of table manners; resistance of children to food training; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WTXGOA4gACXa8ntA"},
{"tag":"162-COMPOSITION-OF-POPULATION","realTitle":"162 Composition Of Population","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the distribution of population by age, sex, locality, marital status, mode of life (e.g., rural and urban, nomadic and sedentary), and by social groupings (e.g., occupation, religion, class, ethnic group); size of families; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WTY585wVMejtCSpI"},
{"tag":"349-MISCELLANEOUS-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"349 Miscellaneous Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of structures not classifiable above (e.g., monuments, radio towers, lighthouses, hangars, railway stations); special characteristics of each; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WVTFnAEt60t8lfJV"},
{"tag":"243-CEREAL-AGRICULTURE","realTitle":"243 Cereal Agriculture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data on the specialized cultivation of cereal crops (e.g., maize, millet, rice, wheat); techniques of planting and harvesting (e.g., transplantation, threshing); use of specialized tools, equipment, and machinery; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WYqz8vt7fwnf2IEn"},
{"tag":"320-PROCESSING-OF-BASIC-MATERIALS","realTitle":"320 Processing Of Basic Materials","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used for information on the technology of converting basic raw materials into finished or semi-finished products. Data on the acquisition of raw materials, descriptions of the finished products, and information on the manufacture of complex artifacts will be classified elsewhere. This category also includes data on spatial and temporal variation and trends in these technologies.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WbKI70u8nPZRXuBw"},
{"tag":"549-ART-AND-RECREATIONAL-SUPPLIES-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"549 Art And Recreational Supplies Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Distribution of equipment and accessories used in recreation, entertainment, and the fine arts (e.g., sporting goods, stamps and philatelic equipment, books, art supplies, musical instruments, theatrical and motion picture equipment); manufacture of special equipment and supplies (e.g., toys, sporting goods, musical instruments, art and theatrical supplies); business methods and specialization etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WczbDTnDxgsTE9LZ"},
{"tag":"345-RECREATIONAL-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"345 Recreational Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of clubhouses, theaters, stadiums, gymnasiums; special characteristics and construction of each; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WfFDxnEgXJKr3h1d"},
{"tag":"911-CHRONOLOGIES-AND-CULTURE-SEQUENCES","realTitle":"911 Chronologies And Culture Sequences","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Detailed or specific statements concerning prehistoric culture sequences; time periods that imply culture history (such as Early, Middle, and Late Periods, or Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age); and chronologies (as determined by geological or paleontological evidence, stratigraphy, typology, tree-ring data, Carbon 14 dating, thermoluminesence, etc.); detailed or specific statements about dates for artifacts, units, strata, or sites, or the initial use of a process, tool, etc. (plant domestication, earliest dated bottle gourd, etc.); etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Wk607wigfsPaBAF8"},
{"tag":"762-SUICIDE","realTitle":"762 Suicide","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of suicide; motives (e.g., humiliation, thwarted love); common methods (e.g., jumping, drowning, shooting, poison); stereotyped methods (e.g., suttee, hara-kiri); justifications; attitude toward suicides; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WrAW9iBMzxfzQaep"},
{"tag":"136-FAUNA","realTitle":"136 Fauna","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the principal native species, especially mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and shellfish, insects, and micro-fauna including in the paleoenvironment; historical changes (e.g., introduced species); general statements about faunal remains in archaeological reports; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WrPBxoyHFRmhYWwg"},
{"tag":"797-MISSIONS","realTitle":"797 Missions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Religious proselytizing and evangelism; religious conversions; organized missionary activities (e.g., by sects within the society, by missions from other societies; by foreign missions abroad); mission organizations; mission stations; missionaries or evangelists (e.g., qualifications, selection, prerogatives and disabilities, religious activities); secular activities of missions and missionaries (e.g., education, medicine, technological assistance); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WsErzPlvsxIXDnOG"},
{"tag":"305-BEAUTY-SPECIALISTS","realTitle":"305 Beauty Specialists","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Barbers and hairdressers; manicurists; tattooers; specialized cosmetic services (e.g., beauty salons); special techniques (e.g., shampoos); special apparatus; organization and training; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WytP0xMcFzkx9AvQ"},
{"tag":"829-ETHNOSOCIOLOGY","realTitle":"829 Ethnosociology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Social philosophy; interpretations of the society’s charter; ideas about societies; native views of the world politics; native ideas about social relationships and social structure; concepts of society (e.g., social contract); notions about culture and cultural change; economic and political behavior (e.g., mercantilism); racial inequality; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"WyybrMpfpjJ0lfLa"},
{"tag":"565-CLASSES","realTitle":"565 Classes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of stratified groups between which mobility is to at least some extent possible; number and ranking of social classes; composition and distribution; basis of differentiation (e.g., wealth, occupation, ascribed status, conquest); class consciousness; degree of class organization; integration of cliques with classes; class prerogatives and disabilities; insignia and stigmata of classes; relations between classes; extent of intermarriage; status and affiliation of children of interclass marriages; special social classes (e.g., royalty, nobles, peasants and commoners, bourgeois and proletariat); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"X1qKfXtySQerJe7q"},
{"tag":"714-UNIFORM-AND-ACCOUTERMENT","realTitle":"714 Uniform And Accouterment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Military garb (e.g., hair style, body armor, body painting, amulets and charms, uniform); description of personal equipment (e.g., canteen, haversack, helmet, gas mask, first-aid kit, shields); distinctions, (e.g., according to rank, between different corps and services, between parade and field uniforms and equipment); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"X73I8OEKyZAvTnTh"},
{"tag":"868-TRANSMISSION-OF-SKILLS","realTitle":"868 Transmission Of Skills","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Acquisition of language; teaching children to walk and swim; techniques for teaching manual dexterity and technological skills; teaching and learning of economic skills appropriate to each gender; informal instruction in occupational skills; acquisition of artistic skills (e.g., playing of musical instruments); relative importance of imitation, practice, and instruction in the transmission of skills; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XF3BZEg7I3picE6P"},
{"tag":"493-VEHICLES","realTitle":"493 Vehicles","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Burden vehicles (e.g., litter, sedan chair); drag vehicles (e.g., sledge, travois); wheeled vehicles (e.g., cart, wagon, wheelbarrow, bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, tram, railway rolling stock); motive power; structure and capacity; methods of guiding and riding; mode of operation; gear; etc. This category is designed for descriptive data only; uses of vehicles will be found in separate categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XF85kRmg6Z1X313L"},
{"tag":"466-LABOR-RELATIONS","realTitle":"466 Labor Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Respective rights, privileges, and powers of employers and employees; hiring and firing; tenure of employment; instruction and supervision; promotion and retirement; pension plans; working conditions (e.g., hours, hygienic conditions, safety provisions, recreational facilities); prevalence and types of forced labor; indentured labor; regulation (e.g., labor legislation); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XJkvwyrOTBVUwrCR"},
{"tag":"528-VACATIONS","realTitle":"528 Vacations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extended leave from labor; incidence, duration, and cultural justifications; vacation activities (e.g., rest, recreation, travel, visiting, frequenting of resorts); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XMr3lfUG6bq5U1Cl"},
{"tag":"881-PUBERTY-AND-INITIATION","realTitle":"881 Puberty And Initiation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas, beliefs, and practices associated with first emissio seminis and first menstruation; rites of passage at or near puberty; prevalence of special initiation rites for each gender; ceremonial sponsors; function and purpose of ceremonial; mystery and seclusion; taboos; ordeals and tests; teaching secret lore; special instruction in sex life; ideas of death and rebirth; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XOlY2sf8zmtol4xg"},
{"tag":"379-MISCELLANEOUS-POWER-PRODUCTION","realTitle":"379 Miscellaneous Power Production","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special utilization of sources of power not classifiable under previous categories (e.g., human and animal energies, wind power, solar radiation); special apparatus (e.g., treadmills, windmills, rotor engines, solar radiation plants); specialization and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XY3fOLIHZAgZQ20s"},
{"tag":"171-COMPARATIVE-EVIDENCE","realTitle":"171 Comparative Evidence","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Occurrence of similar culture traits in other societies; inferences from trait distributions; cultural comparisons, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XYkyVPIKHZhXoAc7"},
{"tag":"661-EXPLOITATION","realTitle":"661 Exploitation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Exercise of their power by holders of political office to further personal goals, whether materialistic, psychological, or ideological; perquisites of office (e.g., exceptional income and material comforts, special sexual or marital privileges, unusual honors or deference); use of office for self-aggrandizement (e.g., exhibitionism, extortion of bribes, protection of vice, acceptance of commissions for services rendered); employment of power to force others to conform to personal, ethical, or religious convictions; suppression of rivals (e.g., purges); oppression of opponents; nepotism; protection of vested interests; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XdWeGYHBQQzqnk1k"},
{"tag":"135-MINERAL-RESOURCES","realTitle":"135 Mineral Resources","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General information on the availability or significant lack of mineral deposits (e.g., metals, stone, coal, petroleum, clay, salt); quantity, quality, and distribution of minerals; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XnrxLUMuGI5CToNA"},
{"tag":"404-HOUSEHOLD-MACHINES-AND-APPLIANCES","realTitle":"404 Household Machines And Appliances","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Grinding and mixing machines; sewing machines; laundry appliances (e.g., washing machines, wringers; dryers); dishwashing machines; sweeping appliances (e.g., carpet sweepers); vacuum cleaners; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"XocU3Oyq9MZYhUKl"},
{"tag":"705-SUPPLY-AND-COMMISSARIAT","realTitle":"705 Supply And Commissariat","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special organization of supply services (e.g., quartermaster corps, naval and air transport services); system of procurement and distribution; rations and their issuance; mess arrangements; specialized personnel (e.g., cooks, stewards, supply officers); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Y3KslHE67BqJN262"},
{"tag":"700-ARMED-FORCES","realTitle":"700 Armed Forces","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several distinct aspects of specialized military organization. Generalized data on unspecialized military organization will be indexed for ‘Military Organization’, except for aspects sufficiently elaborated in the particular society to merit special treatment under one of the other narrower terms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Y4BSSyDD7OQomIcX"},
{"tag":"788-RITUAL","realTitle":"788 Ritual","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Performance of symbolic acts in prescribed forms such as ringing bells, burning candles, sprinkling with holy water; gestures (e.g., sign of the cross), recital of formulas (e.g., blessings); praying in prescribed forms (e.g., tobacco invocations, chanting, with rosary, with prayer wheel); recitation of mantras, litanies, and liturgies; formal processions; making of pilgrimages; etc. The scope note was rewritten in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Y52YD730FMs2NWff"},
{"tag":"548-ILLEGAL-ENTERTAINMENT","realTitle":"548 Illegal Entertainment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Houses of prostitution; recruiting of prostitutes; business methods; auxiliary specialists (e.g., procurers, madams, pimps); organized homosexuality; illicit narcotics trade (e.g., drug peddlers, opium dens; crack houses); underworld gambling establishments; illicit liquor business (e.g., rumrunning, bootlegging, speakeasies); organization of underworld activities; political protection and graft; racketeering; etc. The term was changed from “Organized Vice” to “Illegal Entertainment” in 2000 and the scope note was revised.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YE1dGBpH877ZxLDW"},
{"tag":"416-APPLIANCES","realTitle":"416 Appliances","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Portable lights (e.g., torches, lanterns, flashlights); heat-regulating appliances (e.g., refrigerators, incubators); cameras; optical instruments (e.g., eyeglasses, microscope, telescope); appliances not elsewhere described; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YEQnr7fN3iRRd98K"},
{"tag":"456-INSURANCE","realTitle":"456 Insurance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Distribution of risks through mutual aid; associations with insurance functions (e.g., lodges, mutual benefit societies); insurance organizations (e.g., private, mutual, governmental); types of insurance (e.g., life, health and casualty, fire, marine, old age); annuities, actuarial practice; insurance contracts; premiums; specialized personnel (e.g., adjustors, agents, salesmen); regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YYk90fKt0wBQzhyI"},
{"tag":"594-NUCLEAR-FAMILY","realTitle":"594 Nuclear Family","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of emphasis on the social group consisting of a married couple and their children; exclusiveness with which this group is associated with economic, sexual, reproductive, child-rearing, and educational functions; other family functions (e.g., religious, recreational); domicile (e.g., single dwelling, apartment); family authority (e.g., matripotestal, patripotestal); family possessions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YYuWL7IKezEgoSRQ"},
{"tag":"496-RAILWAYS","realTitle":"496 Railways","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number, location, and distribution of railways; tracks and roadbeds; bridges, trestles, and tunnels; sidings and switches; signaling and control systems; maintenance of roadbeds and rolling stock; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YZaDgbAoi15nc987"},
{"tag":"112-ADDITIONAL-BIBLIOGRAPHY","realTitle":"112 Additional Bibliography","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"HRAF compiled bibliographical citations, some annotated, to documents reviewed but not included in the HRAF collection. This term was called “Sources Consulted” until 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YkUih93CMCB7JSzL"},
{"tag":"411-WEAPONS","realTitle":"411 Weapons","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Striking and thrusting weapons (e.g., club, spear); missile weapons (e.g., boomerang, lance, harpoon, bola); complex projectile weapons (e.g., sling, bow and arrow, spearthrower, blowgun, firearms); other weapons employed in hunting, fowling, fishing, marine hunting, and animal husbandry; methods of gripping, striking, and hurling; arrow and dart poisons; arm guards; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"YpaodPrWBIC5gV1w"},
{"tag":"498-TERMINAL-FACILITIES","realTitle":"498 Terminal Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Bus, tram, railway terminals; passenger services at railway and bus stations; freight yards; terminal repair facilities; freight and fuel storage facilities; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Yrwxk8rb19YFkDLi"},
{"tag":"432-BUYING-AND-SELLING","realTitle":"432 Buying And Selling","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Alienation of property by sale; rights, privileges, and powers of buyer and seller; law of sales; frequency of sales in comparison with gifts; cultural limitations on the sale of property; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Z09shdZAYpfeqJth"},
{"tag":"513-SLEEPING","realTitle":"513 Sleeping","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Hours of sleeping; postures in sleeping; segregation in sleeping (e.g., by age, by gender); bedding; ideas about sleep and sleepiness; naps and siestas; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Z5V5CVNfDWZp3YTp"},
{"tag":"625-POLICE","realTitle":"625 Police","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized law-enforcement organs within the community and higher political units; personnel (e.g., qualifications, appointment, training, organization, promotion, retirement); equipment (e.g., uniform, insignia, arms); functions (e.g., crime prevention and detection, quelling disturbances, traffic control); specialization (e.g., patrolmen, detectives, vice squad); powers (e.g., arrest, detention, summary justice); degree of civilian control; special police organizations (e.g., state police, secret police); private police (e.g., bodyguards, watchmen, industrial police, private detectives); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ZKTOB7w7gHwDYw5q"},
{"tag":"847-ABORTION-AND-INFANTICIDE","realTitle":"847 Abortion And Infanticide","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence of abortion; reasons and circumstances (e.g., illegitimate pregnancy); methods; disposal of fetus; reaction of community (e.g., toleration, disapproval); prevalence of infanticide; reasons and circumstances (e.g., illegitimate pregnancy, deformity, death of father or mother); methods used; disposal of corpse, reaction of community; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ZOuDUfmHYaQGysCi"},
{"tag":"856-DEVELOPMENT-AND-MATURATION","realTitle":"856 Development And Maturation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Concepts and standards of physical, mental, and emotional behavior and development during infancy and childhood; data on infant behavior; methods of promoting and influencing growth (e.g., molding of head, magical rituals); adjustments to growth; data on maturation (e.g., age at creeping, standing, walking, talking, cooperation); attitudes toward and special treatment of development events (e.g., teething, growth of hair and nails, increases in weight and stature); reactions and adjustments to retardation and precocity; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ZepFXu1KdI8QfGI5"},
{"tag":"190-LANGUAGE","realTitle":"190 Language","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with various aspects of language. The categories below are devoted to the use and scientific analysis of language. Terminology pertinent to special aspects of culture will commonly be found only under appropriate topical headings elsewhere. For examples of native text and translations see categories “Literary Texts” (539) and “Texts” (90*)","canEdit":false,"_id":"ZgWvRUweqjKv35AK"},
{"tag":"444-RETAIL-BUSINESSES","realTitle":"444 Retail Businesses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special characteristics and business methods of particular types of retail outlets (e.g., pharmacists, grocers, furniture stores, dress shops); information on individual retail businesses; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Zl44JCmpJrMeEQ8U"},
{"tag":"249-SPECIAL-CROPS","realTitle":"249 Special Crops","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of the specialized cultivation of plants not classifiable under the foregoing headings (e.g., cinchona, indigo, oil palm, coca, opium poppy, rubber, sugarcane, bamboo, tobacco); techniques of planting and harvesting; use of specialized tools and equipment; organization of labor and production; processing prior to shipment or industrial use (e.g., curing, refining, grading); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Zp3DLnUzFSvMHoAE"},
{"tag":"172-PREHISTORY","realTitle":"172 Prehistory","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index only brief synopses of prehistoric sequences or summaries thereof. Prehistoric culture sequences and chronology; archaeological supplementation of the historical record; evidence from epigraphy; historical inferences from archaeological data; brief descriptions about the time periods or dates of archaeological sites or artifacts; etc. The scope note was rewritten in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ZvupWqVHHaOnvuQr"},
{"tag":"352-FURNITURE","realTitle":"352 Furniture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Pegs, racks, shelves, and cupboards; description of furniture (e.g., chairs, tables, chests, beds, hammocks, head-rests); floor covering (e.g., mats, rugs); special uses of furniture; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"Zx4rgrkz5FGVT0xT"},
{"tag":"741-PHILANTHROPIC-FOUNDATIONS","realTitle":"741 Philanthropic Foundations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Private endowments for relief of distress, social welfare, health, and education; church endowments for philanthropic and educational purposes; corporate foundations for the promotion of health, welfare, science, and education; special philanthropic organizations (e.g., community trusts); organization, administration, and policies of foundations; finance (e.g., gifts, investments, tax exemption); fund-raising methods; distribution of funds; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"a01SEPQjPw9uz9Ys"},
{"tag":"743-HOSPITALS-AND-CLINICS","realTitle":"743 Hospitals And Clinics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Number and availability of special institutions for medical care; organization and operation of clinics and hospitals; personnel (e.g., administrative and medical staffs, nurses, orderlies, technicians), equipment; special services; charges and fees; sources of financial support (e.g., governmental, ecclesiastical, private); ambulatory clinics.","canEdit":false,"_id":"a1iNLfoGdkaMdQdH"},
{"tag":"141-ANTHROPOMETRY","realTitle":"141 Anthropometry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Mean, range, and sex distribution of physical measurements (e.g., stature, weight, span, length of limbs); indices (e.g., cephalic, nasal); metric and non-metric traits; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"a5PQ7tiUFnEh4X0j"},
{"tag":"874-VOCATIONAL-EDUCATION","realTitle":"874 Vocational Education","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Institutionalized vocational apprenticeship (e.g., skills thus taught, terms and conditions of apprenticeship); number and variety of educational institutions specialized for vocational training; general types (e.g., trade schools, correspondence schools, professional schools); special types (e.g., barber schools, secretarial schools, radio schools, police schools, social work schools, business schools, journalism schools, agricultural schools, military schools, art schools, norm al schools, engineering schools, divinity schools, law schools, medical schools, graduate schools); sources of support; administration; courses and curricula; degrees; facilities; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"a6jUBWXmD3DbPZme"},
{"tag":"318-ENVIRONMENTAL-QUALITY","realTitle":"318 Environmental Quality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which the quality of the physical environment has been altered as the result of human activity; causes, incidence and types of pollution (e.g., air, water, radiation, noise, etc.); methods of measuring (e.g., indices of pollution); organized attempts to contain or clean up environmental pollution (e.g., oil or chemical spills, litter, etc.); attempts at legal control (e.g., through governmental agencies, laws and regulations, etc.); anti-pollution devices; recycling of waste materials (e.g., cans, bottles, paper, etc.); recycling centers; general statements on the effects of pollution; environmental movements, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"a7ddcynxkFsgunTg"},
{"tag":"389-MANUFACTURE-OF-EXPLOSIVES","realTitle":"389 Manufacture Of Explosives","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Production of gunpowder, nitroglycerin, and other explosives; materials used; processing techniques and equipment; products and their uses (e.g., fireworks, dynamite, ammunition); manufacturing plants; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aA8XQXOvQu9XTGia"},
{"tag":"347-BUSINESS-STRUCTURES","realTitle":"347 Business Structures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of office buildings, retail stores, and other business structures; special characteristics of each; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aBIHJOid43j6Ai5n"},
{"tag":"848-ILLEGITIMACY","realTitle":"848 Illegitimacy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Cultural definition of legitimacy and illegitimacy; frequency of illegitimate pregnancies; tests of legitimacy; behavior and treatment of mother (e.g., ordeals, confession); treatment of father (e.g., forced marriage); treatment of offspring; status of illegitimate children; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aELgdxO8kLM9ZrPK"},
{"tag":"115-INFORMANTS","realTitle":"115 Informants","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Identification and characterization of persons serving as sources of information.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aEdn4nzfCzWsjNQ7"},
{"tag":"384-SYNTHETICS-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"384 Synthetics Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of plastics and other synthetic products; materials used; processing techniques and apparatus; products and their uses; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aGcE7ReWO5eK2v7D"},
{"tag":"750-SICKNESS","realTitle":"750 Sickness","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of sickness.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aGjJ92E5dbW8ZjLi"},
{"tag":"794-CONGREGATIONS","realTitle":"794 Congregations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Groups organized for common worship (e.g., kin and local groups, special cult groups, church congregations, parishes); lay organization (e.g., elders, deacons, committees); qualification for membership; admission and disciplining of members; fund raising; maintenance of place of worship; religious activities (e.g., Sunday school); secular church activities (e.g., education, welfare work, church gambling, temple money lending); recreational facilities (e.g., parish houses); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aHTe6Gonk1qXEfQX"},
{"tag":"608-ARTIFICIAL-KIN-RELATIONSHIPS","realTitle":"608 Artificial Kin Relationships","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Creation of kinship ties by artificial means (e.g., blood brotherhood); establishment of kinship through ceremonial sponsorship (e.g., godparents and godchildren); kinship terms employed by artificial kinsmen; reciprocal relations and stereotyped behavior patterns exhibited; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aIBC2JIkUkBY3XLm"},
{"tag":"748-SOCIAL-WORK","realTitle":"748 Social Work","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialization of training and techniques in the administration of relief and welfare activities; personnel (e.g., qualifications, education, organization); special types of social workers (e.g., visiting nurses, psychiatric social workers); employment of social workers by private, ecclesiastical, and governmental welfare organizations; social work policies, activities, and methods (e.g., family case work); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"aQj5VepwG78PGnX5"},
{"tag":"674-CRIME","realTitle":"674 Crime","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence and incidence of crime; common and rare offenses; crime statistics (e.g., number of reported violations, arrests, and convictions for various offenses); types of offenders (e.g., juvenile delinquents, criminal castes; narcotic addicts, professional criminals); motives in crime (e.g., greed, frustration, sexual jealousy); contributory social factors (e.g., poverty, oppression); criminology; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"amNSKMOEkQf8GNH9"},
{"tag":"671-LEGAL-NORMS","realTitle":"671 Legal Norms","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of differentiation of social norms enforceable by some organ of politically constituted society from those enforced only by informal social control; conception of law (e.g., as precedent, as a body of absolute or relative principles); comparative prevalence of customary or common law and of “made” laws (e.g., edicts, decrees, ordinances, statutes, constitutions, binding judicial or administrative decisions, imposed taboos, divine revelations); lawgivers; law codes; legal categories (e.g., civil and criminal law); legal rules and administrative law; jurisprudence; uniform and multiple systems of law; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"anc3rCrNsI1yDVlB"},
{"tag":"838-HOMOSEXUALITY","realTitle":"838 Homosexuality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conceptualization (e.g., as normal, as abnormal); prevalence for each gender; specific behavior patterns; regulation (e.g., by incest taboos and exogamous rules); institutionalization (e.g., in bachelor organizations); reactions of the community (e.g., toleration, disgust); variant attitudes correlated with gender, age, and marital condition; transvestitism; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ar92rmvvVtLRl5wk"},
{"tag":"203-DISSEMINATION-OF-NEWS-AND-INFORMATION","realTitle":"203 Dissemination Of News And Information","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on informal verbal transmission (e.g., rumor, grapevine); criers and heralds; bulletins and newsletters; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"atl7DrpT5D4eOmqo"},
{"tag":"869-TRANSMISSION-OF-BELIEFS","realTitle":"869 Transmission Of Beliefs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special techniques for the instilling of beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and values not covered elsewhere in this section (e.g., supernatural beliefs, beliefs concerning phenomena of the external world); manipulation of anxiety in support of beliefs (e.g., arousing it for motivation, relieving it for reinforcement); role of accident and coincidence in confirming supernatural beliefs (e.g., rain following a rain-making rite, winning a race while wearing a luck charm); extent to which reality testing is inhibited or encouraged in children; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"awwr1IsNwcQQabpc"},
{"tag":"363-STREETS-AND-TRAFFIC","realTitle":"363 Streets And Traffic","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Type and plan of settlement paths and streets; paving, gutters, and sidewalks; type and amount of urban traffic (e.g., pedestrians, animals, carts, automobiles, trams); parking and traffic regulations; street maintenance; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"axSASWcbUtTqc6qp"},
{"tag":"475-STATE-ENTERPRISE","realTitle":"475 State Enterprise","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Business and industrial enterprises under government operation; method of finance; system of direction, supervision, and control; managerial structure and functions; evidence bearing upon cost and efficiency of operation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"axh9oMqCgKBicCfS"},
{"tag":"603-GRANDPARENTS-AND-GRANDCHILDREN","realTitle":"603 Grandparents And Grandchildren","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between grandparents and grandchildren; respective rights, privileges, and powers of the relatives involved; relationships between great uncles and aunts, grand nephews and nieces and further living lineal ancestors and descendants; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"b0o14T0LphybGu5Y"},
{"tag":"440-MARKETING","realTitle":"440 Marketing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the specialized elaboration and promotion of trade.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bDkOmUUILJf8xigy"},
{"tag":"555-TALENT-MOBILITY","realTitle":"555 Talent Mobility","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which prestige can be gained by mastering or excelling in some complex or difficult cultural activity (e.g., religious ritual, fine arts, scholarship, war, technology, business); talents and skills most highly rewarded in prestige (e.g., directly rather than indirectly through the material remuneration they may bring); frequency with which such channels of mobility are chosen; desirable statuses achievable thereby; symbolic tokens of success; specific techniques (e.g., counting group, writing a bestseller, making a scientific discovery, winning an Olympic race); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bJvWgtxcMnV9YvhS"},
{"tag":"572-FRIENDSHIPS","realTitle":"572 Friendships","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conceptualization of friendship; informal friendships and their development; formal friendships (e.g., best friends, guest friendship); reciprocal obligations of friends; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bOzMVqNjIg6q7JSf"},
{"tag":"801-NUMEROLOGY","realTitle":"801 Numerology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Symbolic and mystical significance of numbers; ritual and pattern numbers (e.g., standard numerical repetitions of elements in folklore and ceremonial); lucky and unlucky numbers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bQxD70UlCCXjXVZD"},
{"tag":"798-RELIGIOUS-INTOLERANCE-AND-MARTYRS","realTitle":"798 Religious Intolerance And Martyrs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Rivalry between sects; religious persecution and intolerance; concept of heretics; suppression of dissenters by established religions (e.g., massacres, inquisitions, discriminatory legislation); martyrdom and martyrs (people who voluntarily die for their religion); anti-religious proselytizing; etc. The term was changed from “Religious Intolerance” to “Religious Intolerance and Martyrs” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bhhUbAnt6xRW4GRy"},
{"tag":"516-POSTURES","realTitle":"516 Postures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Bodily positions assumed in standing (e.g., with feet apart, on one leg, leaning against a support, slumping); relaxed postures (e.g., sitting, squatting, kneeling); recumbent postures (e.g., reclining on elbow); occasions for assuming particular postures; ideas about correct postures; motor habits not elsewhere described; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"bvvRG2qXDE9x6rkS"},
{"tag":"733-ALCOHOLISM-AND-DRUG-ADDICTION","realTitle":"733 Alcoholism And Drug Addiction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of excessive or chronic use of alcohol or narcotics; social problems arising therefrom (e.g., poverty, delinquency, broken homes); care and treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts (e.g., neglect, attempts at restraint and cure); special institutions for the treatment and cure of alcoholics and addicts; temperance movements; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"c6v2MMiaWNEmudJP"},
{"tag":"722-WARTIME-ADJUSTMENTS","realTitle":"722 Wartime Adjustments","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Emergency adjustments (e.g., martial law); wartime restrictions; disposition and behavior of noncombatants (e.g., removal to place of security, mobilization for war industries, observance of special taboos); means of maintaining civilian morale; civilian defense activities; economic readjustments to war; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cAAgEyQ7ogU7nr1i"},
{"tag":"266-CANNIBALISM","realTitle":"266 Cannibalism","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence of cannibalism; participants; victims (e.g., captives, felons, slaves, sacrificial victims); parts eaten; occasions; associated beliefs and practices (e.g., sorcery, witchcraft); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cE2rJscnLlI86e4f"},
{"tag":"589-CELIBACY","realTitle":"589 Celibacy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalence of bachelors and spinsters; reasons for celibacy; status and activities of unmarried, widowed, and divorced celibates; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cHe9vvSkS2ANUliV"},
{"tag":"710-MILITARY-TECHNOLOGY","realTitle":"710 Military Technology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements on several aspects of technology peculiar to war. Technological processes and products used similarly in war and in industry are described under appropriate headings elsewhere.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cLKO75BbtQ0jqS7l"},
{"tag":"343-OUTBUILDINGS","realTitle":"343 Outbuildings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of domestic nonresidential buildings (e.g., cook houses, latrines, menstrual lodges, bathhouses, granaries, barns, stables); special characteristics of each; mode of construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cMJnPoQtkUW6nwPl"},
{"tag":"161-POPULATION","realTitle":"161 Population","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category includes enumerations and estimates (with dates); density (e.g., arithmetical, for arable land); population trends; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cSWa7LTigsn2Uygj"},
{"tag":"852-CEREMONIAL-DURING-INFANCY-AND-CHILDHOOD","realTitle":"852 Ceremonial During Infancy And Childhood","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Rites of passage prior to puberty; maturation ceremonies (e.g., at first step, at first tooth); rites associated with cutting of hair, ear piercing, and circumcision; ceremonies correlated with achievements (e.g., first animal killed, first cloth woven); adult guidance and sponsorship; participation of children in adult ceremonies (e.g., Christmas); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"cwc1QPdDAdGzSjiV"},
{"tag":"901-TEXTS-IN-THE-SPEAKER’S-LANGUAGE","realTitle":"901 Texts In The Speaker’s Language","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Texts, narratives, verbatim transcriptions, or verbal discourse in the language in which it was originally spoken or written. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"d48C3UFuiSO9Q81n"},
{"tag":"612-KINDREDS-AND-RAMAGES","realTitle":"612 Kindreds And Ramages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of bilateral kin groups embracing the near relatives of an individual (i.e., kindreds); ambilineal kin groups consisting of persons tracing descent from a common ancestor (i.e., ramages); composition; reciprocal relations of members bearing upon the regulation of marriage (e.g., exogamy, agamy); group functions; relations between kindreds or ramages; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dIL1qSWsecBpHSRT"},
{"tag":"792-PROPHETS-AND-ASCETICS","realTitle":"792 Prophets And Ascetics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prophets and messiahs; ascetics and anchorites; monks, friars, and nuns; monastic orders (e.g., mendicant, hermit, cenobite); monasteries and convents (e.g., organization, activities); monastic rules (e.g., poverty, celibacy); characteristics, status, and means of support; etc. The term was changed from “Holy Men” to “Prophets and Ascetics” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dIfpJog4xzwXCkKu"},
{"tag":"258-OTHER-FOOD-PROCESSING-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"258 Other Food Processing Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized processing of foods and nutrients not classifiable under the foregoing categories (e.g., salt, dried and powdered foods, vinegar, edible oils, vitamins); food packaging in paper or miscellaneous containers; special materials, techniques, and equipment; organization of labor and production; etc. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from MISCELLANEOUS FOOD PROCESSING AND PACKING INDUSTRIES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dKms6jvXaoHGvFp2"},
{"tag":"482-BURDEN-CARRYING","realTitle":"482 Burden Carrying","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods of carrying burdens (e.g., on head, shoulders, back); gear (e.g., head pad, tumpline, carrying pole, pack basket); specialists in burden carrying (e.g., porters, coolies); uses (e.g., on safari); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dRxKOuwJxNdcHRj1"},
{"tag":"1210-ARCHAEOLOGICAL-EXCAVATION-METHODS","realTitle":"1210 Archaeological Excavation Methods","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index statements on archaeological excavation methods (e.g., Wheeler-Kenyon method, block method); what type of tools were used during excavation; whether or not strata were excavated in natural or arbitrary levels; whether or not the soil was screened, and if so, what size mesh was used; whether or not soil samples were taken for specialized analysis, etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. The scope note was rewritten completely in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dSnZhvkoRKMbGER2"},
{"tag":"832-SEXUAL-STIMULATION","realTitle":"832 Sexual Stimulation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideals of erotic beauty and sexual attraction; enhancement of sexual appeal (e.g., through wearing of alluring garb, use of perfumes of cosmetics, artificial development of the breasts and genitalia); acts interpreted as erotic overtures; suggestive gestures (e.g., winking, staring); innuendoes; serenades; love magic; techniques of sexual approach; terms of endearment; caresses and embraces; kissing; coyness and bashfulness; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dT1SbFrG1927JUs8"},
{"tag":"810-SCIENCES-AND-HUMANITIES","realTitle":"810 Sciences And Humanities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the use of logic, scientific experiment, and other exact methods as means to the attainment of knowledge, and with the intellectual products of such methods. To the extent that knowledge is international or cross-cultural, only its degree of development in the particular society, not its detailed content, will be included. The term was changed from “Exact Knowledge” to “Science and Humanities” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"df3QutJ8cotbi4mJ"},
{"tag":"821-ETHNOMETEOROLOGY","realTitle":"821 Ethnometeorology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about night and day, dawn and twilight, rising and setting of the sun, phases of the moon, eclipses, solstices and equinoxes, and the succession of seasons; notions about heavenly bodies (e.g., sun, moon, stars, constellations planets, comets, meteorites); ideas about meteorological phenomena (e.g., clouds and fog, frosts and drought, rain and snow, ice, hail and sleet, winds and whirlwinds, storms, thunder and lightning, rainbow, perihelion and aurora); associated behavior patterns (e.g., greeting the dawn, dispelling an eclipse); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dhuNG3moPsrv3DTR"},
{"tag":"677-ORGANIZED-CRIME","realTitle":"677 Organized Crime","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Criminal organizations that operate illegal activities for profit. Activities and operations can include prostitutes and houses of prostitution; recruiting of prostitutes; auxiliary specialists (e.g. procurers, madams, pimps); organized homosexuality; illicit narcotics trade (e.g., drug peddlers, opium dens, crack houses); underworld gambling establishments; illicit liquor businesses (e.g., rumrunning, bootlegging, speakeasies); contract murders; Also any description of internal structure of organizations, leaders, business methods (graft, racketeering, money laundering, loan sharking, political protection), codes, conduct, initiation rites, special insignia This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"djm3qOXt26C4fqc8"},
{"tag":"669-REVOLUTION","realTitle":"669 Revolution","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Attempt to seize political power by violent means; types (e.g., palace revolts, fifth columns, insurrections, class uprisings, civil wars); causes and objectives; rationalizations; participants; tactics (e.g., seizure of leading opponents of military strongholds, of strategic urban utilities); counterrevolutionary tactics and movements; results of success and failure; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dk4nyLDX9ZZqvA6i"},
{"tag":"334-STRUCTURAL-STEEL-WORK","realTitle":"334 Structural Steel Work","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Erection and assembly of structural steel elements (e.g., girders, cables); joining techniques (e.g., welding, riveting); products (e.g., bridges, radio towers, skeleton framework of buildings); specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dnWAaTTel9W3htYj"},
{"tag":"872-ELEMENTARY-EDUCATION","realTitle":"872 Elementary Education","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Tutorial education; primary schools (e.g., private, parochial, public); periods of instruction (e.g., terms, vacations, hours per day, days per week, weeks per year, years required for graduation); compulsory or voluntary attendance; objectives (e.g., universal literacy); curricula (e.g., subjects and their progression); grading and advancement; educational aids (e.g., textbooks, stationery, blackboards); ceremonial (e.g., graduation); special institutions for very young children (e.g., nursery schools, kindergartens); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dxGX4xAKWhLMqZud"},
{"tag":"890-GENDER-ROLES-AND-ISSUES","realTitle":"890 Gender Roles And Issues","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index discussions of gender-specific values, behavior, roles, relationships, and activities and the extent to which the values, etc. are exclusive to each gender and that are not covered elsewhere. This category is used for discussions of interpersonal relations within the same gender and between genders. This category differs from the category Gender Status in that status equality/inequality is not presumed. This category (along with other specific categories) is used to index discussions such as life histories that EXPLICITLY are presented as examples of gender roles, experience, and/or issues as well as to index explicit statements about such roles, etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"dzRK6y6UfwShub1N"},
{"tag":"231-DOMESTICATED-ANIMALS","realTitle":"231 Domesticated Animals","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Captive and tamed animals; domesticated insects (e.g., silkworms, bees); pets (e.g., dogs, cats); domestic animals; special treatment and use of each; taming and training; care and feeding; grooming; slaughtering; associated beliefs and rituals; raising of pig herds; raising of fur-bearing animals; economic and social importance of animal husbandry; diseases; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"e1H5RxSIsfvIKAar"},
{"tag":"544-PUBLIC-LECTURES","realTitle":"544 Public Lectures","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Lectures on literary and artistic subjects; illustrated travelogues; public debates; addresses on current events; forums on public issues; lectures on scientific and scholarly subjects; speeches at banquets; public appearances of a non-theatrical nature by artists and musicians; lecture tours and circuits; organization and promotion of lectures; finance (e.g., from endowed funds, by sale of tickets); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"e4wTIKVU7kcuu68I"},
{"tag":"744-PUBLIC-HEALTH-AND-SANITATION","realTitle":"744 Public Health And Sanitation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organized measures for the prevention and control of infectious diseases and epidemics; degree of development and adequacy of public health services; specialized personnel (e.g., sanitary engineers, quarantine officers, inspectors); public health laboratories; public health activities (e.g., milk and meat inspection, imposition and enforcement of quarantines, control and extermination of disease vectors, sanitation); special control programs (e.g., yellow fever, venereal disease); public health legislation (e.g., pure food and drug acts); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"e8SmMB9hBuhLkznb"},
{"tag":"665-POLITICAL-PARTIES","realTitle":"665 Political Parties","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organization for the purpose of acquiring and retaining political power; political factions; organized political parties (e.g., number, composition, leadership, objectives, political party ideologies); party organization (e.g., national, regional, and local committees); methods of recruiting and rewarding members (e.g., spoils system); nomination procedure (e.g., caucuses, primaries, conventions, slates); special organization during electoral campaigns; integration of political parties with the structure of the state and its subdivisions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eBAsR0XD0zIFhL33"},
{"tag":"737-OLD-AGE-DEPENDENCY","realTitle":"737 Old Age Dependency","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of dependency for the aged of both genders; care and support of the aged (e.g., support by relatives, private charity, public relief, institutionalization); special institutions for the aged (e.g., old people’s homes); support of institutions (e.g., private, municipal, fraternal, ecclesiastical); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eBZ5J6ukYAnlPaQo"},
{"tag":"736-DEPENDENCY","realTitle":"736 Dependency","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of dependency (e.g., orphans, widows, deserted and divorced wives, families of the disabled and alcoholics, families of invalids and criminals); attitudes toward dependency; care and support of dependents (e.g., adoption, support by relatives, private charity, public relief); special institutions for dependents (e.g., orphanages); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eIMLdjXWO0Qac2SG"},
{"tag":"554-STATUS,-ROLE,-AND-PRESTIGE","realTitle":"554 Status, Role, And Prestige","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Relative prevalence of ascribed and achievable statuses; statuses adapted to particular personality types; general comments on the social ranking of statuses and roles; types of roles and achievable statuses which bring the largest rewards in prestige; individuals typifying the foregoing (e.g., celebrities, national heroes); symbolic tokens of the achievement of prestige (e.g., medals, titles, insignia, praise songs, special privileges, coats of arms); general statements on the various avenues of mobility (e.g., technological skill, wealth, shrewdness, valor, piety, wisdom); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ePdqEeGNwobywjg3"},
{"tag":"399-AIRCRAFT-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"399 Aircraft Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Construction of air and space craft; manufacture of airplane parts, accessories, and servicing equipment; industrial specialization; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eTKhAkUvSnO6HT36"},
{"tag":"673-WRONGS","realTitle":"673 Wrongs","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General definitions of acts which violate legal norms; major categories of breaches (e.g., crimes, torts, violations of contract, sins); recognized graduations in the gravity of offenses (e.g., malum prohibitum and malum in se, misdemeanors and felonies, venial and deadly sins); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eV4Ct3LhHUrpitTo"},
{"tag":"225-MARINE-HUNTING","realTitle":"225 Marine Hunting","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Animals sought (e.g., whale, alligator, seal, dugong, turtle); methods and techniques employed; special elaborations (e.g., whaling and sealing); organization of labor and division of catch; associated beliefs and practices; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"eYyMMQHJCCKd5IqH"},
{"tag":"651-TAXATION-AND-PUBLIC-INCOME","realTitle":"651 Taxation And Public Income","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of public income (e.g., gifts and bribes, tribute, registration and license fees, ground rents, profits from public enterprises, fines, confiscations, tolls, taxes); types of taxes (e.g., taxes in kind, labor levies, poll taxes, property taxes, stamp taxes, excise taxes, customs duties, income taxes, inheritance taxes); importance of and revenue from each type; differentiation by administrative level; principles of taxation; tax law; mode of fixing and collecting taxes; specialized personnel (e.g., tax collectors, tax consultants); tax exemptions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"emqOuD6A6KahKX7Q"},
{"tag":"244-VEGETABLE-PRODUCTION","realTitle":"244 Vegetable Production","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on horticulture or gardening where differentiated from field agriculture; truck gardening; specialized production of particular root crops, leaf plants, or vegetable fruits (e.g., peanuts, potatoes, cabbage, beans, tomatoes, melons, mushrooms, sunflowers, amaranths, strawberries, pineapples); special techniques and apparatus; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"epMGp5NCv5p8Dz0a"},
{"tag":"414-MISCELLANEOUS-HARDWARE","realTitle":"414 Miscellaneous Hardware","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Nails and screws; nuts, bolts, and rivets; pins and clips; pothooks; hinges, latches, and locks; plumbing fixtures (e.g., pipe, hose, faucets); miscellaneous fixtures; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"f6Yb9B6opHPQ8pz0"},
{"tag":"178-SOCIOCULTURAL-TRENDS","realTitle":"178 Sociocultural Trends","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Changes in fundamental underlying conditions; linear trends (e.g., cultural drift); cyclical trends (e.g., fashions and vogues); dynamic processes (e.g., integration, selective elimination, cultural evolution); evidence of cultural lag; evidence of cultural continuity or stability; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fENDY7M3tGgXoziD"},
{"tag":"781-RELIGIOUS-EXPERIENCE","realTitle":"781 Religious Experience","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Emotional reactions experienced in religious behavior (e.g., oppressive fear of malevolent higher powers, overwhelming awe of divine might, luxurious sense of dependence upon a benevolent and all-knowing superior, reassuring feeling of security through conformity, prideful conviction of right, grateful release from the burdens of a guilty conscience, groveling humility of self-abnegation, ecstatic release of mysterious inner powers, mystic sense of identification with or absorption in the divine essence, aesthetic thrill in religious art, music, or ceremonial); evidence as to the predominant type or types of religious experience in the particular society; emotional needs satisfied through religious behavior; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fEWdOZeGnSWZbPjj"},
{"tag":"840-REPRODUCTION","realTitle":"840 Reproduction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the cultural adjustments, behavioral and ideological, to the reproductive cycle in women.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fJoUEQ3CbBiLIZ6e"},
{"tag":"645-ADVISERS-TO-THE-CHIEF-EXECUTIVE","realTitle":"645 Advisers To The Chief Executive","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Formal and informal advisers to the chief executive (e.g., ministers, secretaries, counselors); groups of advisers (e.g., cabinet); specialized functions (e.g., foreign affairs, war, finance, justice, internal and colonial administration, postal affairs, agriculture, industry, transportation, commerce, education); selection of ministers; authority, activities, and prerogatives of each; relation to deliberative councils and political parties; meetings of advisers; etc. The term was changed from “Cabinet” to “Advisers to the Chief Executive” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fN6t5Y02xQUXYQvj"},
{"tag":"489-TRANSPORTATION","realTitle":"489 Transportation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of transportation; carrying capacity and volume of traffic by types of transport; transportation systems and their integration; regulation of transportation (e.g., permits, customs inspections); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fQwgdACt6BfKEZdZ"},
{"tag":"336-PLUMBING","realTitle":"336 Plumbing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Laying and fitting of water, gas, and sewer pipe; installation and repair of plumbing fixtures; implements and apparatus; steamfitting; specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"feceTciYfa6rJWUb"},
{"tag":"525-GAMBLING","realTitle":"525 Gambling","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Laying of wagers on games, athletic contests, and spectacles; betting; lotteries; special gambling devices (e.g., roulette wheels); calculation of odds (e.g., bookmakers, pari-mutuel machines); informal gambling; gaming houses and their operation; gambling as a method of finance (e.g., government lotteries, church bingo games, hospital sweepstakes, club slot machines); specialists (e.g., gamblers, croupiers); prevalence of and attitudes toward gambling; restrictions and regulations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ffIUwo4XI7lPUCex"},
{"tag":"839-MISCELLANEOUS-SEX-BEHAVIOR","realTitle":"839 Miscellaneous Sex Behavior","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of nocturnal emission, masturbation, petting to orgasm, bestiality, necrophilia, sexual sadism and masochism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual fetishism, and rape, personal and social characteristics, circumstances, methods, and social reaction for each type of behavior; eunuchs (e.g., number, status, activities); prostitution where not controlled by an organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fjIRxeiHKwo6LJhi"},
{"tag":"716-NAVAL-VESSELS","realTitle":"716 Naval Vessels","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of specialized naval vessels (e.g., war canoes, carriers, destroyers, submarines, mine layers, landing craft); motive power, speed, armament, special equipment, and functions of each; fleet statistics (e.g., number and disposition of units); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fnx4POybgU1o7uGu"},
{"tag":"734-INVALIDISM","realTitle":"734 Invalidism","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Chronic illness and invalidism (e.g., mental illness, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis); prolonged convalescence after illness; treatment and care (e.g., hospitalization, neglect, euthanasia, nursing, diet, rest); home care and institutionalization; sanitariums, mental institutions, convalescent homes; economic problems arising from chronic illness; relief of the chronically ill and their families (e.g., charity, public relief); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fr08FbkI1civyCHd"},
{"tag":"386-PAINT-AND-DYE-MANUFACTURE","realTitle":"386 Paint And Dye Manufacture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Paints, dyes, and pigments; materials used in their manufacture; processing techniques; special equipment; products and their uses (e.g., aniline dyes, ink, art supplies); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fr5cV0dc7X5epaKi"},
{"tag":"522-HUMOR","realTitle":"522 Humor","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of humor; sources of amusement (e.g., mishaps); types of humor (e.g., wit, puns, practical jokes); expressions of amusement (e.g., smiling, laughter); droll stories; coarse humor (e.g., anal, pornographic); humorists (e.g., wits, jesters, comedians); special elaborations of humor (e.g., comic strips); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fs4Lu9QllsRR4M5W"},
{"tag":"326-SMITHS-AND-THEIR-CRAFTS","realTitle":"326 Smiths And Their Crafts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Non-industrialized specialization in metallurgical crafts; types of specialists (e.g., blacksmiths, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, silversmiths, goldsmiths, gunsmiths); special skills and services of each; products not elsewhere described; organization (e.g., guilds); social status of smiths; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"fy3f3e0xRMT2s6g8"},
{"tag":"670-LAW","realTitle":"670 Law","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of customary or imposed norms of behavior for violations of which sanctions may be enforced by some agent or agency of the politically organized community or state, and not alone through informal mechanisms of social control.","canEdit":false,"_id":"g1bYHWeWOsWw88ix"},
{"tag":"643-CHIEF-EXECUTIVE","realTitle":"643 Chief Executive","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Type of executive (e.g., paramount chief, king, president); plural executives (e.g., peace chief and war leader, king and chief priest, constitutional monarch and prime minister, triumvirate, executive council); authority (e.g., supreme, nominal, dependent upon personal qualities); prestige (e.g., sanctity of person, divine descent); functions (e.g., administrative, judicial, military, religious); prerogatives; symbols of office; mode of selection (e.g., by election, seniority, matrilineal or patrilineal succession); qualifications (e.g., age, gender, rank, wealth, prowess, piety); installation; termination of tenure (e.g., deposition, expiration of term); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"g7RJ3epfEQIvkkCQ"},
{"tag":"1211-DATING-METHODS-IN-ARCHAEOLOGY","realTitle":"1211 Dating Methods In Archaeology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Statements about how an archaeological site, unit, stratum, or non-artifactual constituent, etc. was dated and what methods were used (absolute versus relative dating, Carbon-14, thermoluminescence, archaeomagnetism, obsidian hydration, etc.), This category is used to index discussions about what was used for the sample (that is, what was dated), how the sample was extracted in the field, where the sample was processed, and how the sample was processed. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. The scope note was rewritten completely in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gJgh5U8xhqyVUSPX"},
{"tag":"841-MENSTRUATION","realTitle":"841 Menstruation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theory of menstruation and the menstrual cycle (e.g., association with lunation); beliefs about menstrual blood; associated practices (e.g., medicinal and magical uses of menstrual blood, avoidance of contact, methods of stanching and disposal); behavior and treatment of women during menses (e.g., isolation, imposition of taboos, purification rites); adjustments in behavior of spouse and parents; recognized symptoms of menstruation; explanation and treatment of irregular, excessive, or prolonged menses; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gMMPZJ7HR4aLyonb"},
{"tag":"701-MILITARY-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"701 Military Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Purpose of military organization (e.g., defense, internal police, prestige); composition of the armed forces in peace and war; standing army and navy (e.g., size, disposition, state of preparedness); eligibility and liability for military service (e.g., age and gender qualifications); status of warriors (e.g., prerogatives, disabilities); military leaders (e.g., qualifications, mode of selection, authority, functions); extent of differentiation of military from political organization; coordination of armed forces (e.g., of a war party, an army, a complex military establishment); hierarchical organization (e.g., gradations in rank, chain of command); system of payment, promotion, and retirement; furloughs and leave; special organizations (e.g., military societies); length of time in service; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gUAY0n2SOhAYG4BV"},
{"tag":"140-HUMAN-BIOLOGY","realTitle":"140 Human Biology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several types of scientific biological data about the members of the society. Occurrence and distribution of biological characteristics will be included in the narrower terms of this category.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gZFlsPPhzzAARlfP"},
{"tag":"561-AGE-STRATIFICATION","realTitle":"561 Age Stratification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Recognized age levels and their differentiation (e.g., age terms); generalized information on rites of passage from level to level; organized age-grades (e.g., composition, admission, advancement, symbols of membership, activities) ; relations between age levels and age groups; division of labor by age; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"giZSd8820bMPTGMe"},
{"tag":"321-BONE,-HORN,-AND-SHELL-TECHNOLOGY","realTitle":"321 Bone, Horn, And Shell Technology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category contains information on the technology used for working bone, horn, and shell and for information on spatial and temporal trends and variations in these technologies. This category includes information on techniques of cutting, drilling, and polishing; treatment of special materials (e.g., ivory, mother-of-pearl, chitin); use of special implements and apparatus; bone, horn, and shell products not elsewhere described; industrial elaborations (e.g., button manufacture); specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gj0zw02cykGNkgIs"},
{"tag":"160-DEMOGRAPHY","realTitle":"160 Demography","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category contains general statements covering several distinct types of information on population, including vital statistics. Detailed information will be found in the narrower terms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gjQOe1AREdOQTI0H"},
{"tag":"719-MUNITIONS-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"719 Munitions Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industries specializing in the manufacture of ordnance and other military supplies and equipment; ownership and operation; organization of labor and production; regulation; degree of economic self-sufficiency in munitions manufacture, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gx9wH5dV7rw1EI0q"},
{"tag":"502-NAVIGATION","realTitle":"502 Navigation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Direction of water craft (e.g., steering, tacking, piloting); watches; laying of courses (e.g., by landmarks, compass); fixing of positions (e.g., by sounding, celestial observations, by global positioning systems); adjuncts to navigation (e.g., buoys, lighthouses); adaptations to special situations (e.g., docking, running of rapids, portaging, ice-breaking, canal navigation); maritime customs and regulations; shipwrecks; salvage; life-saving and sea rescue services; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gxIvn48tEmORYQlS"},
{"tag":"540-COMMERCIALIZED-ENTERTAINMENT","realTitle":"540 Commercialized Entertainment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing primarily with the enjoyment of recreational and artistic activities on the part of spectators rather than participants, and especially with the more commercialized aspects of such activities. The term was changed from “Entertainment” to “Commercialized Entertainment” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"gyMcMYbrvCDiOQ3E"},
{"tag":"717-MILITARY-AIRCRAFT","realTitle":"717 Military Aircraft","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of specialized military air and space craft; motive power, speed, armament, and special equipment of each type; special adaptations (e.g., catapults, carrier arresting gear); number and disposition of military aircraft; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h1J9Spxg00OHed9l"},
{"tag":"193-GRAMMAR","realTitle":"193 Grammar","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Morpheme classes (e.g., roots, stems, affixes); morphological processes (e.g., prefixation, infixation, suffixation, reduplication, ablaut); word formation (i.e., composition, derivation, inflection); grammatical categories (e.g., number, gender, case, tense, mode, aspect, voice); degree of synthesis (e.g., analytic, synthetic, polysynthetic); morphological and syntactic word classes or ‘parts of speech’ (e.g., nouns, verbs); syntax (constructions, phrase and sentence structure, favorite sentence types); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h4FNb3rVwwqbhPNh"},
{"tag":"427-RENTING-AND-LEASING","realTitle":"427 Renting And Leasing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which real, movable, and incorporeal property may be leased or rented; leases and rents (e.g., negotiations, terms, formalities); modes of payment (e.g., money rent, share cropping); rights, privileges, and powers of lessor and lessee; eviction; prevalence of tenancy and of home and farm ownership; factors determining rental rates; regulation (e.g., rent controls); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h4dQ53NqiFJBa6Ms"},
{"tag":"659-MISCELLANEOUS-GOVERNMENT-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"659 Miscellaneous Government Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Governmental activities not classifiable elsewhere (e.g., census taking, national and state forests, government support of established churches, general church-state relations); expenditures on public safety (e.g. military establishment, police, fire protection, disaster relief); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h7j3yAPlUT9NPCjz"},
{"tag":"214-PUBLISHING","realTitle":"214 Publishing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organized production and distribution of records; products (e.g., books, sheet music, phonograph records); personnel and organization; selection of material to be published; business arrangements with authors (e.g., advances, royalties); sales promotion; finance (e.g., profits, subsidies); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h84PiOJ0Iep78MtW"},
{"tag":"445-SERVICE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"445 Service Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of elaboration of retail businesses selling services rather than goods; types, distribution, and physical characteristics of service industries; specific information on those not elsewhere described (e.g., consultants, rental services, repairing); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"h8OTpxLYOR7eqbct"},
{"tag":"330-BUILDING-AND-CONSTRUCTION","realTitle":"330 Building And Construction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements on several topics primarily concerned with the technological skills involved in assembling raw or semi-finished materials to construct buildings and other structures, together with certain business and industrial activities directly related thereto.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hIKomo04LF5qsrTF"},
{"tag":"388-SOAP-AND-ALLIED-PRODUCTS","realTitle":"388 Soap And Allied Products","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of soap, detergents, and other oil and fat products (e.g., candles); materials used; specialized techniques and apparatus; products and their uses; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hJFnBMD5wZsFlgEd"},
{"tag":"517-LEISURE-TIME-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"517 Leisure Time Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Standards of amusement, recreation, and artistic appreciation; distribution of leisure time between active and passive, between social and individualistic, and between culturally preferred and less preferred pursuits; aesthetic ideals and principles; canons of taste; levels of appreciation and “culture”; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hPn9eZISOR5tl8pk"},
{"tag":"197-LINGUISTIC-IDENTIFICATION","realTitle":"197 Linguistic Identification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Dominant language or languages; affiliation with other languages and position within a linguistic stock or family; dialectal differentiation; comments on processes of linguistic change (e.g., sound change, borrowing, drift ); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hTeFsteVcgnvL3Cl"},
{"tag":"294-CLOTHING-MANUFACTURE","realTitle":"294 Clothing Manufacture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of manufacture (e.g., cutting, fitting, sewing); special treatment of particular materials and products (e.g., shoe-making, hat manufacture); decoration (e.g., embroidery); use of special implements and apparatus (e.g. sewing machines); specialization (e.g., dressmakers, tailors, cobblers, hatters); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hV2MAIj1RARTxUe1"},
{"tag":"450-FINANCE","realTitle":"450 Finance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of transactions in money and credit rather than in material goods.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hpVdSiTVf3QMsdUB"},
{"tag":"405-MEASURING-AND-RECORDING-DEVICES","realTitle":"405 Measuring And Recording Devices","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Scales; meters; thermostats; clocks and watches; calculating machines; cash registers; phonographs; scanners; sound recorders; typewriters; etc. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from WEIGHING, MEASURING, AND RECORDING MACHINES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"hrjAaR647eWQynCs"},
{"tag":"815-SCIENCE","realTitle":"815 Science","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of acceptance of theories of natural causation; extent and dissemination of scientific knowledge, degree of development of knowledge and research in the natural sciences (e.g., astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology) and in the social sciences (e.g., psychology, geography, anthropology, sociology, economics); extent of laboratory and research facilities; scientists (e.g., number, characteristics, status, sources of support, activities); scientific associations (e.g., organization, membership, meetings); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"htykpFbFPmVfxOGO"},
{"tag":"468-COLLECTIVE-BARGAINING","realTitle":"468 Collective Bargaining","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Negotiations between labor unions and employers; strikes and lockouts; strike-breaking and picketing; boycotts; labor agreements; arbitration; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"i1QmVfs6snEODW4q"},
{"tag":"488-WAREHOUSING","realTitle":"488 Warehousing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Operation and regulation of warehouses; services (e.g., storage, preservation, stockpiling, care of goods in transit); organization and personnel; charges; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"i54JywAySOujRjYC"},
{"tag":"226-FISHING","realTitle":"226 Fishing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Species sought (e.g., fish, shellfish); gathering of marine fauna; fishing methods and techniques (e.g., hook and line, nets, poison); description and use of traps and weirs; special elaborations (e.g., fishing for sport); economic importance of fishing; organization of labor and division of catch; associated beliefs and practices; regulation (e.g., licenses); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"i9m6iAKJp6sVfCoO"},
{"tag":"402-INDUSTRIAL-MACHINERY","realTitle":"402 Industrial Machinery","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Power generating machines (e.g., steam engines, turbines, windmills); machine tools (e.g., lathes, planing and stamping machines); typesetting, printing, and bookbinding machines; mining, lumbering, and drilling machinery; stone crushers; pile drivers; milling and refining machinery; spinning and weaving machinery; canning, bottling, and packaging machinery; machines for processing leather, paper, chemicals, and other industrial materials; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"iJ7H2oIUOI5Pd5BI"},
{"tag":"593-FAMILY-RELATIONSHIPS","realTitle":"593 Family Relationships","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between spouses, between parents and children, between siblings, half-siblings and step-siblings; rights, privileges, and powers of husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, and sister; family law; emotional attachments; evidences of ambivalence; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"iPHQhWnLakJYT5WW"},
{"tag":"132-CLIMATE","realTitle":"132 Climate","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the type of climate; seasons (e.g., number, dates, character); temperature (e.g., annual mean, extreme range, daily and seasonal variations); precipitation (e.g., mean annual rainfall, seasonal distribution, snowfall); humidity; frosts; winds (e g., prevailing winds, cyclonic storms); occurrence of significant climatic changes, fluctuations, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"iVJOsz6FADpML8lr"},
{"tag":"412-GENERAL-TOOLS","realTitle":"412 General Tools","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Tools with many potential uses such as cutting tools (e.g., knife, ax, adze, chisel, wedge, plane, scissors, saw, sickle); boring tools (e.g., awl, needle, drill, auger, bit, reamer); abrading tools (e.g., scraper, file, grindstone); striking tools (e.g., maul, hammer, pestle); eating utensils (e.g., knife, fork, spoon); digging tools (e.g., digging stick, spade, pick, hoe, shovel); gripping tools (e.g., tongs, tweezers, pincers, vise, grapnel, wrench); miscellaneous tools of general utility (e.g., broom, brush, fan, comb, rake, fork); parts and their assembly (e.g., blades, handles); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ijwJmOfKMrt7dUQM"},
{"tag":"366-COMMERCIAL-FACILITIES","realTitle":"366 Commercial Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Availability and location of markets, retail shops, wholesale outlets, warehouses, office buildings, banks, restaurants, hotels, garages, and other business facilities; trading centers and trade areas; business directories; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ikC6xwlmJIso7fM0"},
{"tag":"429-ADMINISTRATION","realTitle":"429 Administration","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Guardianship (e.g., of minors, of widows, of disabled); rights, privileges, and powers of guardian and ward; trusts; rights, privileges, and powers of trustee and beneficiary; law of trusts; formalities; administration of estates; bankruptcy administration; specialization in administration (e.g., trust companies); regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"imYpfx6HaW63BKxI"},
{"tag":"272-NONALCOHOLIC-BEVERAGES","realTitle":"272 Nonalcoholic Beverages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Drinking of nonalcoholic beverages (e.g., tea, coffee, lemonade, milk, blood); special techniques of preparation (e.g., boiling, percolating); consumption (e.g., quantities, occasions); food values and physiological effects; drinking etiquette; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"imudY2InyEhHqFl6"},
{"tag":"777-LUCK-AND-CHANCE","realTitle":"777 Luck And Chance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Concept of good and bad luck; ideas about chance and probability; things associated with good or bad luck (e.g., lucky objects, luck-bringing formulas, lucky and unlucky numbers, propitious and unlucky days); techniques for controlling luck (e.g., wearing of luck amulets, reciting of lucky formulas); conception of fate; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"iofmmIUMainzQcml"},
{"tag":"342-DWELLINGS","realTitle":"342 Dwellings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of residential buildings; seasonal, local and status differences in dwelling types; caves as dwellings; durability and portability of dwellings; mode of construction; adequacy (e.g., for protection from elements, for security, or light and ventilation); typical number of occupants; ceremonies during and after construction; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"iwloRVo7r6nElsTh"},
{"tag":"362-HOUSING","realTitle":"362 Housing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adequacy of housing facilities (e.g., for physical protection, for comfort, for privacy); housing shortages and overcrowding; effects of poverty, war, and natural calamities; public and private housing and slum clearance programs; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ixHBUiom1flG0l6m"},
{"tag":"105-CULTURE-SUMMARY","realTitle":"105 Culture Summary","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Descriptive synopsis of the whole culture (as a background for specific information); references to summaries in other works.","canEdit":false,"_id":"izRTR1y1whpuw9fu"},
{"tag":"576-ETIQUETTE","realTitle":"576 Etiquette","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Greetings and salutations; obeisances; compliments; concept of courtesy; general patterns of etiquette in eating, drinking, smoking, visiting, and travel; deference to status superiors; noblesse oblige; breaches of etiquette and the resulting social sanctions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jF0mhRNjEv6GVEuU"},
{"tag":"228-MARINE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"228 Marine Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Commercial elaboration of the fishing industry; cultivation of fish and shellfish; non-food marine industries (e.g., sponge collection, pearl diving, shell gathering); specialized equipment and apparatus; organization of labor and production; regulation; fish packing industry; scientific fisheries research; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jFOCCTqNTg4w9Q4c"},
{"tag":"616-MOIETIES","realTitle":"616 Moieties","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of a unilineal dichotomy, each half of which consists of one or more clans, which may or may not be organized into phratries; affiliation (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal); regulation of marriage (e.g., exogamy, agamy, endogamy); distinguishing characteristics (e.g., names, totemism); origin and traditions; prerogatives and obligations of members; rivalrous behavior (e.g., inter-moiety games); pseudo-moieties (e.g., social dichotomies not based on unilineal descent); relations between moieties; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jQSOP0NdySTdQrgj"},
{"tag":"192-VOCABULARY","realTitle":"192 Vocabulary","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Relative paucity or richness of vocabulary; range of vocabulary in ordinary use; receptivity to loan words; elaboration of vocabulary in particular directions; special vocabularies (e.g., sacred words, slang, legal language, technical words, occupational jargon); words and phrases with strong emotional connotations; dictionaries; etc. For native terms concerning ideas about nature and humans, see appropriate “Ideas about Nature and People” (82*) categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jTznM3Bonba6jPiO"},
{"tag":"114-REVIEWS-AND-CRITIQUES","realTitle":"114 Reviews And Critiques","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Reviews by other authors; critiques of other sources of information; author’s comments about his or her other publications; information about authors, other research and field personnel and their backgrounds; general statements on prior field experience; etc. This term was changed from “Comments” in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jZkN7cdXJifuMphE"},
{"tag":"730-SOCIAL-PROBLEMS","realTitle":"730 Social Problems","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several distinct types of major social problems and with the incidence, treatment, and care accorded each major type.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jlQzVVhpXTvrALAD"},
{"tag":"118-FICTION","realTitle":"118 Fiction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"References to works of fiction about the culture by non-native authors.","canEdit":false,"_id":"jswij93AKL8ZsQql"},
{"tag":"314-FOREST-PRODUCTS","realTitle":"314 Forest Products","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Exploitation of forests and other uncultivated areas for products other than timber or food (e.g., gums and resins, rubber, vegetable oils, dyestuffs, medicines, bark, textile fibers, peat); intermediate processing (e.g., refining of palm oil or rubber, production of charcoal); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kBen2ksvdHRJknca"},
{"tag":"151-SENSATION-AND-PERCEPTION","realTitle":"151 Sensation And Perception","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category includes information on acuity of vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch (e.g., uncontrolled observations, reports of tests); evidence on sensory discrimination and perception (e.g., form configurations, color perception, optical illusions, tone discrimination); data on the cultural patterning of perception; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kDebzZSvV6nAg1Kf"},
{"tag":"683-OFFENSES-AGAINST-THE-PERSON","realTitle":"683 Offenses Against The Person","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and sanctions for acts of physical and verbal aggression (e.g., assault, battery, mayhem, slander, libel); penalties for sorcery; offenses agains an individual’s civil rights; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kVrsIVAG5gWvWn7t"},
{"tag":"2010-INTERNET-COMMUNICATIONS","realTitle":"2010 Internet Communications","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on Internet communications including information on the technology (hardware and software), facilities and services; the World Wide Web; specialized personnel (e.g. webmasters); etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kXPrxT1cPeN1nzGC"},
{"tag":"287-FELTED-AND-OTHER-NON-INTERWORKED-FABRICS","realTitle":"287 Felted And Other Non Interworked Fabrics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of non-interworked fabrics (e.g., barkcloth, felt, featherwork); materials; techniques; apparatus; personnel; etc. The term was changed from “Nonwoven Fabrics” to “Felted and Other Non-Interworked Fabrics” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005. 2010: “non-textile” changed to “non-interworked” in Scope Note.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kqUPT5hSdT1g8u6C"},
{"tag":"778-SACRED-OBJECTS-AND-PLACES","realTitle":"778 Sacred Objects And Places","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of sanctity (e.g., possession by an indwelling or frequenting spirit, infusion with impersonal supernatural power); idols and fetishes; extraordinary objects (e.g., bezoar stones, albino animals, mandrake roots); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"krZHNwh3MOCeY6b3"},
{"tag":"256-CEREAL-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"256 Cereal Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized processing of cereal products (e.g., flour, starch, breakfast foods); storage facilities (e.g., grain elevators); mills and bakeries; technology and special equipment; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ktI2Y6enPeZG41hs"},
{"tag":"263-CONDIMENTS","realTitle":"263 Condiments","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Kinds of condiments used in the preparation and consumption of food (e.g., salt, sugar, honey, spices); processing of savory herbs and spices; uses of condiments; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kwpiEi8NhvseCneP"},
{"tag":"570-INTERPERSONAL-RELATIONS","realTitle":"570 Interpersonal Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific aspects of interpersonal relations. Society is a structure of interpersonal relationships, i.e., sets of reciprocally adjusted habitual responses between pairs of interacting individuals. These tend widely to become culturally defined or standardized in terms of polar statuses. A social group arises whenever a number of specific individuals are linked, each to every other, by relationships of the same general types, e.g., friendship, kinship, or coresidence. Groups likewise reveal a marked tendency to become culturally standardized. The categories below are concerned with the general characteristics of interpersonal relationships and social groups, with some of their more voluntary forms, and with the unifying standards and disruptive influences typical of social relationships and groups in general.","canEdit":false,"_id":"kxHNqhZTraZfgtpX"},
{"tag":"775-ESCHATOLOGY","realTitle":"775 Eschatology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the survival of the soul; career of the soul after death (e.g., mode of departure from the body, temporary sojourn near place of death, indefinite sojourn as a disembodied soul or ghost, journey to a realm of the dead); notions about ghosts, specters, apparitions, and phantoms (e.g., shape, substance, propensities); behavior of departed souls or ghosts (e.g., haunting of houses and cemeteries, visitations); spiritualistic beliefs; conception of a realm of the dead (e.g., place, mode of life, rewards and punishment); duration of afterlife; belief in immortality; ideas of transmigration and reincarnation; conception of the survival of the body (e.g., resurrection); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"l27PzoklwX9qukh0"},
{"tag":"335-CARPENTRY","realTitle":"335 Carpentry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Special treatment of wooden materials in building construction; techniques of joining (e.g., by mortise and tenon, with nails or screws); structural devices (e.g., struts, king-post); specialized personnel and organization (e.g., carpenters’ guilds or unions); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"l9Ob79r63nOPrHmu"},
{"tag":"215-PHOTOGRAPHY","realTitle":"215 Photography","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of photographic reproduction; equipment used; products and their uses; specialists; business elaboration of photographic services; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lD1xdmkMmeQ6qmSK"},
{"tag":"557-MANIPULATIVE-MOBILITY","realTitle":"557 Manipulative Mobility","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which desirable statuses and the prestige they bring can be achieved by opportunistic manipulation of social relationships (e.g., cultivation of persons in authority, political machinations, exploitation of friends and relatives, backslapping, marriages of convenience); prominence and relative effectiveness of manipulative techniques as compared with acquisition of skills and wealth; desirable statuses achievable thereby (e.g., political preferment); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lElAmIPX25nvzc47"},
{"tag":"323-CERAMIC-TECHNOLOGY","realTitle":"323 Ceramic Technology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of pottery and glass; preliminary processing of materials (e.g., cleaning, mixing); shaping (e.g. modeling, use of molds, coiling, blowing; firing; special apparatus (e.g., potter’s wheels, kilns); methods of decoration (e.g., glazing, painting, incising); ceramic products not elsewhere described; specialization (e.g., potters, glass blowers); industrially elaborated ceramic manufactures (e.g., bottle making, porcelain manufacture); types of ceramics manufactured; special types; description and classification of ceramics; temporal and spatial variation in the manufacture and use of ceramics, pottery, and glass; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lTRi69FYokUzjgAd"},
{"tag":"177-ACCULTURATION-AND-CULTURE-CONTACT","realTitle":"177 Acculturation And Culture Contact","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on contacts and encounters (either casual or formal) with people of other cultures. The category includes information on the number, character, and intensity of these contacts; receptivity to other customs and materials/technology; borrowing from other cultures; modification of introduced elements; agencies and agents of culture change; forced assimilation by colonial governments or others such as missionaries, charitable organizations; brokers of culture change such as traders; cultural appropriation through such mechanisms as academic analyses of cultural behavior and customs, literacy programs; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lXwCDcZuVEEjyDi3"},
{"tag":"715-MILITARY-VEHICLES","realTitle":"715 Military Vehicles","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of specialized military vehicles (e.g., armored trains, tanks, jeeps, amphibious vehicles); number, mode of operation, and special uses of each; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lYroOxmvISeBtiDh"},
{"tag":"632-TOWNS","realTitle":"632 Towns","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Political organization of municipalities (e.g., towns, townships, boroughs, parishes) embracing a number of communities; governmental personnel (e.g., executive, advisory, administrative, legislative); mode of selection (e.g., appointment, election, hereditary succession); jurisdiction, authority, prerogatives, functions, and activities associated with each position; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ldnXhupptZYaDEv6"},
{"tag":"776-SPIRITS-AND-GODS","realTitle":"776 Spirits And Gods","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of supernatural beings of a higher order than disembodied souls; indications of their genetic relationship to ghosts; prevalent types of supernatural beings (e.g., guardian and familiar spirits, tutelary divinities, tribal gods, nature spirits and gods, angels, animal and totemic divinities, fairies and sprites, demons, mythical monsters, deified heroes and saints, divine tricksters, occupational or functional deities, creator gods, rulers of the spirit world, high god or supreme being); attributes of individual deities and of categories of divine beings (e.g., name, gender, form, character, powers, functions, symbols); hierarchical arrangement (e.g., polytheistic pantheon, dualism, henotheism, monotheism); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ltvLP2cPPfsjmhqq"},
{"tag":"708-AUXILIARY-CORPS","realTitle":"708 Auxiliary Corps","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Organization and functions of specialized non-combat services (e.g., medical and sanitary corps, army engineers, labor battalions, signal corps, intelligence services, military police); other specialized personnel (e.g., paymasters, chaplains, judge advocates, military government officers, specialists in communications and psychological warfare); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lugo8X8RYWUGIQZX"},
{"tag":"167-EXTERNAL-MIGRATION","realTitle":"167 External Migration","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Permanent and/or temporary movement to or from another culture or tradition; immigration and emigration; extent and sources of immigration; extent and destination of emigration; reasons for migration; trends; restrictive regulation; colonization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"lxCsUnfltjmgSKaZ"},
{"tag":"763-DYING","realTitle":"763 Dying","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Omens and predictions of death; notions about dying; recognizing the approach of death; settlement of affairs; assembling of relatives; attempts to postpone death; preparing the patient for death (e.g., removal from dwelling, dressing in mortuary garments, last rites); preparing the funeral equipment (e.g., shroud, coffin); last words and last favors; criteria of death (e.g., coma, cessation of breath or heart action); attempts at revival; reaction to the impact of death (e.g., wailing, flight, self-mutilation); announcement of death; post-mortem examinations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"m8XyYITzV6PlfTGY"},
{"tag":"524-GAMES","realTitle":"524 Games","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Playthings (e.g., dolls, blocks, mechanical toys); games of dexterity (e.g., string figures, tops, juggling, kite flying, billiards); problem games (e.g., riddles, charades, puzzles); games of calculation (e.g., chess, checkers, card games); special children’s games; occasions for playing games; participants and spectators; special equipment; rules; organizers and sponsors of games (e.g., cliques, clubs, churches, communities, business organizations); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mGFm2a94oHMQursZ"},
{"tag":"235-POULTRY-RAISING","realTitle":"235 Poultry Raising","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Domesticated fowl of economic importance; care and treatment (e.g., feeding, shelter); special equipment; raising of birds for special purposes (e.g., for eggs, for feathers, for fighting); elaboration of a specialized poultry industry; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mHTscJPksVhjXjAv"},
{"tag":"5311-VISUAL-ARTS","realTitle":"5311 Visual Arts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on those arts that produce material objects whose expressive dimension is primarily visual in nature. This category includes information on genres in visual arts (e.g., beadwork, drawing, painting, dyes and their use, printmaking, quillwork, sculpture, carving); specialists in visual arts; design and pattern; styles; and symbolism. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. To find information on this subject in material indexed before 1997 search for terms “Decorative Art” (531) and “Representative Art” (532).","canEdit":false,"_id":"mICEsPBpt7jjTdpC"},
{"tag":"754-SORCERY","realTitle":"754 Sorcery","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas of the causation of disease and death through witchcraft and sorcery; actual and reputed prevalence of sorcery; motives for practicing sorcery; methods (e.g., bone pointing, manipulation of effigies, exuvial magic, invocation of spirit aids); employment of sorcerers; witches, wizards, and sorcerers; physical, social and mental characteristics; sources of power; training; organization; special types of sorcerers (e.g., werewolves and other were-animals, vampires, individuals with the evil eye); evidence as to the efficacy of sorcery; reactions to sorcerers (e.g., witch hunts); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mOPDzcq730U7XMgP"},
{"tag":"604-AVUNCULAR-AND-NEPOTIC-RELATIVES","realTitle":"604 Avuncular And Nepotic Relatives","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Patterns of behavior between paternal and maternal uncles and aunts and fraternal and sororal nephews and nieces; respective rights, privileges, and powers of the relatives involved; special elaborations (e.g., avunculate, amitate); relationships with the spouses of avuncular and nepotic relatives; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mP5e8XxhvU7DEIK5"},
{"tag":"313-LUMBERING","realTitle":"313 Lumbering","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Kinds of timber exploited; gathering of firewood; logging operations (e.g., felling, trimming, hauling); techniques and apparatus used; sawmills and pulp mills; economic importance of lumbering; organization of labor and production; forestry science, practices, and policy; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mPewRz6VypbmaYIj"},
{"tag":"789-MAGIC","realTitle":"789 Magic","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting confidence in the ability to manipulate supernatural forces; magical techniques of weather control (e.g., rain making); magical rites for increasing the food supply; exorcistic practices (e.g., driving off evil spirits with noise); potent formulas, incantations, and spells; curses; miracles; prevalent types of magic (e.g., imitative, contagious); concept of magical force; functions and social significance of magic; non-supernatural magic (e.g., wonderworking, jugglery, legerdemain, fire-walking); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mYDVYSSx92sanAZM"},
{"tag":"757-MEDICAL-THERAPY","realTitle":"757 Medical Therapy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of differentiation of medical from magical and mental therapy; home remedies and self-medication; resorting to a specialized practitioner (e.g., circumstances, arrangements, payments); diagnosis (e.g., examination for symptoms diagnostic aids); consultations; therapeutic principles (e.g., counter-irritation, homeopathy); therapeutic methods (e.g., bloodletting, administration of cathartics and emetics, acupuncture, medication); prescribed regimen and remedies for specific complaints (e.g., fevers, colds, toothache, indigestion, rheumatism, infectious diseases); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mYFU6B3uUtgsZf7I"},
{"tag":"571-SOCIAL-RELATIONSHIPS-AND-GROUPS","realTitle":"571 Social Relationships And Groups","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Incidence of types of social relationships (e.g., face-to-face, stereotypes); social interaction (e.g., interaction rates); categories of social groups (e.g., primary, secondary); general observations on the nature, structure and interrelations of social groups not classifiable elsewhere (e.g., intelligentsia, Philistines, secular cult groups, elites, etc.); sociometric data; evidence bearing upon the dynamics of group formation; general statements on decision-making within social groups; etc. Information on specific interest groups, kin groups, political and religious groups, etc., will be filed elsewhere under specialized categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mcdz5GP4qEGLmgKC"},
{"tag":"545-MUSICAL-AND-THEATRICAL-PRODUCTIONS","realTitle":"545 Musical And Theatrical Productions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Public concerts; operatic productions; performances by dance troupes (e.g., ballets); burlesque and vaudeville; production of musical comedies and plays; stock companies, amateur musicals and theatricals; metropolitan show business (e.g., selection of a play, backers, producers, casting, try-outs, staging, rehearsals, promotion, advance sales, first nights, reviews, runs, motion picture rights, royalties, returns on investment, road companies); promotion of other musical and dramatic productions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mkBUFOrAZbJMpshH"},
{"tag":"687-OFFENSES-AGAINST-THE-STATE","realTitle":"687 Offenses Against The State","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and punishments for political offenses (e.g., treason, espionage, illegal entry, conspiracy, lese majesty, electoral fraud, malfeasance in office); penalties for military offenses (e.g., insubordination, cowardice, desertion, mutiny); definitions of and punishments for judicial offenses (e.g., giving or receiving bribes, perjury, subornation, barratry, contempt of court); penalties for monetary or fiscal offenses (e.g., counterfeiting, falsification of records or documents, smuggling, tax evasion); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"mxqF8Y5TDdWEwruj"},
{"tag":"410-TOOLS-AND-APPLIANCES","realTitle":"410 Tools And Appliances","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements describing several distinct types of artifacts employed in industrial activities and of the motor habits involved in their use. The manufacture and industrial uses of the artifacts are treated under a variety of other headings, and are described below only in instances where there is no provision for their description elsewhere.","canEdit":false,"_id":"n4pDeVC9o0HnSm5c"},
{"tag":"590-FAMILY","realTitle":"590 Family","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several specific aspects of the family and household. This term was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"n6lCa8bqpumjoL5u"},
{"tag":"217-ARCHIVES","realTitle":"217 Archives","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Collections and repositories of institutional or personal records (e.g., libraries, art galleries, museums); state archives (e.g., court records, administrative records); making collections; accessions; filing and indexing; curatorial activities; services (e.g., exhibits, loans); organization and specialized personnel; sources of support (e.g., public, private); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nFss0nYwRpzUD7z7"},
{"tag":"885-ADULTHOOD","realTitle":"885 Adulthood","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the prime of life; cultural definition of adult status; differential status and activities of adult males and females prior to and subsequent to marriage; concepts of the ideal man and the ideal woman; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nJkHeduEoNSAuCeC"},
{"tag":"833-SEXUAL-INTERCOURSE","realTitle":"833 Sexual Intercourse","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sexual initiation (e.g., age and circumstances of first intercourse for each gender, preferred partner); defloration; times and places considered appropriate for coitus; degree of interest and enjoyment ascribed to and manifested by each gender; initiative in copulation; degree of elaboration of preliminary sex play; preferred, variant, and tabooed postures; accompanying behavior (e.g., biting, urination); frequency and duration of coitus; occurrence of female orgasm; artificial means of augmenting sensation; behavior after coitus (e.g., sexual hygiene); psychic difficulties in coitus; impotence and frigidity (e.g., prevalence, explanation, prevention, treatment); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nLwTPEGJniCcBACW"},
{"tag":"595-POLYGAMY","realTitle":"595 Polygamy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Relative prevalence of monogamy, polygyny, polyandry, and group marriage; patterning of plural marriages (e.g., prohibited on principle, unpatterned and exceptional, disfavored for economic reasons, confined to persons of wealth or high status, preferential); numerical limitations; prevalence of and preferences for sororal polygyny and fraternal polyandry; distinctive procedures for secondary polygamous marriages; concubinage; organization and activities of polygynous families; relations between co-spouses (e.g., economic cooperation, supremacy of first wife); residential arrangements (e.g., common dwelling, separate quarters for each plural spouse); sexual adjustment (e.g., jealousy, sexual rotation); relations between half siblings and between stepparents and stepchildren in polygamous families; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nMgKWuwDG9vAAfxK"},
{"tag":"713-ORDNANCE","realTitle":"713 Ordnance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized military weapons; description of complex weapons (e.g., small arms, artillery, poison gas, flame-throwers, torpedoes, mines, bombs, rockets); description of accessory equipment (e.g., cavalry gear, gun mounts and carriages, armor, range finders, ammunition); ordnance stocks; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nRDQ9jRK8bsL6XS3"},
{"tag":"303-MAKING-OF-GROOMING-ACCESSORIES","realTitle":"303 Making Of Grooming Accessories","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Preparation of cosmetics, ointments, and perfumes; production of personal grooming articles (e.g., compacts); special apparatus; organization of labor and production; specialists; etc. The term was changed from “Manufacture of Toilet Accessories” to “Manufacture of Personal Grooming Accessories” in 2005. In 2012 changed from MANUFACTURE OF PERSONAL GROOMING ACCESSORIES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nSIipjR1HbA37WHl"},
{"tag":"712-MILITARY-INSTALLATIONS","realTitle":"712 Military Installations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Defensive fortifications; harbor and coast defenses (e.g., coast artillery emplacements, antisubmarine nets); radar and antiaircraft installations; military camps and posts; arsenals; naval stations and bases; military airfields; missile bases; construction, maintenance, and distribution of military installations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nZPTF8QPY5ylFOcq"},
{"tag":"536-DRAMA","realTitle":"536 Drama","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Compositions for dramatic representation; types (e.g., tragedy, comedy, farce); themes (e.g., from myth, history, everyday life); treatment (e.g., realistic, stylized); conventional limitations on dramatic composition; characters and parts; impersonation; acting techniques (e.g., gestures, postures, emotional expression); costumes and paraphernalia; make-up; staging (e.g., scenery, lighting, props, musical accompaniment); acts, scenes, choruses, and interludes; specialists (e.g., playwrights, actors, stagehands, directors); relation of drama to dancing, mythology, magic, and ritual; special types of plays (e.g., puppet shows, shadow plays, musical comedies); special roles (e.g., clowns); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ndJHEQnouPDeqLbF"},
{"tag":"437-EXCHANGE-TRANSACTIONS","realTitle":"437 Exchange Transactions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of exchange (e.g., barter, purchase of goods with money, exchange of services for goods); negotiations (e.g., haggling, auctioning); formalities; guarantees; trading expeditions; special trading relationships; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"npmx9T2H36S2hdeS"},
{"tag":"837-EXTRAMARITAL-SEX-RELATIONS","realTitle":"837 Extramarital Sex Relations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of an ideal of marital fidelity; cultural definition of adultery (e.g., applying to both spouses, to wife only); allegations of promiscuity; incidence of adultery for both genders; prevention (e.g., cloistering of women, chastity belts); initiation and conduct of adulterous liaisons; cicisbeism; keeping of mistresses; culturally sanctioned extramarital relations (e.g., wife lending, sexual hospitality); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nqU43Wh14OX9jC4G"},
{"tag":"850-INFANCY-AND-CHILDHOOD","realTitle":"850 Infancy And Childhood","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the care, physical development, activities, and status progression of children from birth to puberty.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nqfSgjF16EM0WHdS"},
{"tag":"680-OFFENSES-AND-SANCTIONS","realTitle":"680 Offenses And Sanctions","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several distinct definitions, in legal or other form, of specific actionable or punishable offenses and for data on the general and specific incidence of punitive sanctions.","canEdit":false,"_id":"nwHBnCNGtaQ0O8cN"},
{"tag":"641-CITIZENSHIP","realTitle":"641 Citizenship","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the relationship of the individual to the government; territorial versus kinship affiliation; distinctions between citizens and residents, and between different categories of citizens; rights, duties, privileges, powers, and liabilities of the citizen or subject (e.g., civil liberties, franchise, liability to military service); acquisition of citizenship (e.g., naturalization); loss of citizenship (e.g., through serious crime); notions of civic virtues; etc. The scope note was revised in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oBYluQ0QlpCRUeR0"},
{"tag":"473-CORPORATE-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"473 Corporate Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Business and industrial enterprises of a corporate nature (e.g., joint stock companies, holding companies, international stock companies); incorporation; registration; corporate securities (e.g., bonds, preferred and common stocks); managerial structure and functions (e.g., directors, officers, managers, foremen); rights, privileges, and powers of stockholders and management; corporation law; reorganization and receivership; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oCSy905RFN4FGdyW"},
{"tag":"857-CHILDHOOD-ACTIVITIES","realTitle":"857 Childhood Activities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which a special culture of childhood exists; children’s play; imitative activities (e.g., make-believe); habits of rest and sleep; children’s play groups, cliques, and gangs; quarreling and fighting; children’s explorations and haunts; tasks performed by children and age at which each is undertaken (e.g., errands, chores, care of younger children); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oJhf0DdAzvbkDFzt"},
{"tag":"107-DIAGNOSTIC-MATERIAL-ATTRIBUTES","realTitle":"107 Diagnostic Material Attributes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Artifactual or other material attributes that uniquely identify the society, cultural group, or archaeological tradition. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oJlr2XhCavQ1H9K2"},
{"tag":"271-WATER-AND-THIRST","realTitle":"271 Water And Thirst","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Use of water for drinking; manifestations and control of thirst; ideas and practices related to the drinking of water; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oUwVmxP4Fnu7xEXt"},
{"tag":"195-SOCIOLINGUISTICS","realTitle":"195 Sociolinguistics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Differentiation in styles (e.g., conversational, narrative, rhetorical); stylistic modifications in phonology, grammar, and vocabulary; styles typed according to gender, age, status, and social context, euphemisms and metaphorical usages; profanity; etc. The term was changed from “Stylistics” to “Sociolinguistics” in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"oav3dwd7gym55ldL"},
{"tag":"624-LOCAL-OFFICIALS","realTitle":"624 Local Officials","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized offices within the community (e.g., war chiefs, fire chief, talking chief, recorder of deeds, surveyor, herald, chief priest); qualifications, mode of selection, functions, activities, and prerogatives of each type of official; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"of28iZbJx0PTdkHg"},
{"tag":"137-FLORA","realTitle":"137 Flora","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Information on the general type of flora (e.g., jungle, equatorial forest, tropical scrub, savanna, desert, steppe, prairie, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, tundra); types of wood; important species of land and marine flora including in the paleoenvironment; historical changes (e.g., introduced species); micro-flora; general statements about botanical remains in archaeological reports; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ohNA2hdgC8OTf2p3"},
{"tag":"501-BOATS","realTitle":"501 Boats","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of water craft (e.g., rafts, skin and plank boats, bark and dugout canoes, motor boats, sailing vessels, steamships); specialized craft (e.g., ferries, tugs, canal boats, tankers, hydrofoils); mode of propulsion (e.g., poling, towing, paddling, rowing, sailing, power propulsion); rigging; machinery; gear (e.g., oars, paddles, rudders, anchors); seating, eating, and sleeping accommodations; etc. This category is designed for descriptive data only.","canEdit":false,"_id":"osR6OmjGcyq4ocFX"},
{"tag":"421-PROPERTY-SYSTEM","realTitle":"421 Property System","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Principles of property law; rights, privileges, and powers commonly involved in property relations (e.g., rights that others shall not use or destroy, privileges of enjoyment, powers of alienation and of transmission after death); recognized types of titles or tenure; recognized types of ownership (e.g., individual, joint, corporate, collective, public); their relation to classes of subject matter (e.g., land, movables, slaves); their degree of integration, their legal and statistical importance; their association with kin and other social groups; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ougu5h5iHfO2DRBp"},
{"tag":"577-ETHICS","realTitle":"577 Ethics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Abstract ethical ideals (e.g., truth, righteousness, justice); ideals of individual virtue (e.g., honesty, loyalty, industry, courage, temperance, tolerance, filial piety); notions of right and wrong; conception of conscience and character; incidence and causes of, and attitudes toward breaches of ethics (e.g., lying, cowardice, flouting of kinship obligations); conflicts between ideal values and practical considerations; gender-typed attitudes and values; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ow0MZ4xSQdRcXRTG"},
{"tag":"101-IDENTIFICATION","realTitle":"101 Identification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Brief overview or description of the society, ethnic group, tradition, or archaeological site and information on its location in time and space; name of the society, ethnic group, or prehistoric tradition; alternatives names bestowed by selves and others; meanings of names; location of group with reference to comparable and larger groups; names given by selves to other groups; affiliation with a culture area or subarea; period as of which the culture is described, and its relationship to other time periods; local and temporal subdivisions employed in the classification of data; specification of date and locale of field study and review of archaeological sites in the tradition; location of the archaeological site that is the focus of research; etc. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"p0JJKuL5vnyhwFqg"},
{"tag":"126-RECORDING-AND-COLLECTING-IN-THE-FIELD","realTitle":"126 Recording And Collecting In The Field","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods of note taking (e.g., verbatim, post-interview summaries); taking of native texts; use of diaries and journals; utilization of sound and photographic equipment; preparation of sketches, charts, and maps; collection of artifacts and field specimens; etc.; archaeological data recording methods (e.g., daily records, unit records, locus records, lot records, stratigraphic methods, feature records); collection of artifacts, ecofacts, and features, etc. This term replaced “Recording and Collecting” in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pEt4r1psVR7cQVcR"},
{"tag":"304-BODY-ALTERATIONS","realTitle":"304 Body Alterations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Scarification and tattooing; cranial deformations; tooth filing and removal; piercing of ears, nose, and lips; genital mutilation (e.g., castration, circumcision, clitoridectomy); age, gender, and status differences; special techniques and apparatus; associated beliefs; etc. The term was changed from “Mutilation” to “Body Alterations” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pFZJrclwaHWEkEfk"},
{"tag":"165-MORTALITY","realTitle":"165 Mortality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Death rates (crude and corrected); infant and maternal mortality; distribution of deaths (e.g., by cause, season, age, occupation, locality); life expectancy; authentic cases of extreme longevity; prevalent causes of death (e.g., illness, accident, old age); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pLOknyMns1xx389w"},
{"tag":"635-PROVINCES","realTitle":"635 Provinces","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Political organization of extended regions embracing a number of districts (e.g., a Persian satrapy, a Roman or Inca province, an American state); governmental personnel (e.g., executive, advisory, administrative, legislative); mode of selection (e.g., appointment, election, hereditary succession); jurisdiction, authority, prerogatives, functions, and activities associated with each position; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pSm8BFDllwjGFoP5"},
{"tag":"327-IRON-AND-STEEL-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"327 Iron And Steel Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrial production of iron and steel products (e.g., pig iron, rails, sheet steel, wire); special plants (e.g., iron foundries, blast furnaces, rolling mills); products and their uses; economic importance of and self-sufficiency in iron and steel production; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pXCrwtIGUgw6lanO"},
{"tag":"591-RESIDENCE","realTitle":"591 Residence","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevailing rule governing the place of residence of a married couple (e.g., matrilocal, avunculocal, patrilocal, neolocal); existence of combined rules (e.g., alternating, bilocal, matri-patrilocal); occurrence of alternative rules under special circumstances; extent to which marriage normally involves the removal of bride or groom to another community (e.g., local exogamy, local endogamy); residence changes by children or unmarried adults (e.g., removal to home of grandparents or maternal uncle); residence changes made late in married life; evidence bearing upon former or current changes in residence rules; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pYr2ss1rNtVc0uWv"},
{"tag":"723-STRATEGY","realTitle":"723 Strategy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Principles of military, naval, and aerial strategy; non-technological aspects of military science; planning of wars and campaigns; coordination of military forces; planned use of propaganda and psychological warfare; economic warfare; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pf0T7ru7wo4pinSQ"},
{"tag":"581-BASIS-OF-MARRIAGE","realTitle":"581 Basis Of Marriage","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theories of the origin, purpose, sanctity, and permanency of marriage; conception of the marriage bond and of the status of matrimony; economic, political, sexual, and romantic factors in marriage; incentives to marriage; qualities desired in a spouse (e.g., beauty, fertility, wealth, industry, skill); relation of marriage to the family; marriage counseling; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pjMxU62Vy55no6Pn"},
{"tag":"614-CLANS","realTitle":"614 Clans","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of unilineal kin groups of traditional, but not actually traceable, common descent; number and distribution; type of affiliation (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal); regulation of marriage by clan membership (e.g., exogamy, agamy, endogamy); distinguishing characteristics (e.g., names, insignia, totemism, food taboos); origin and traditions; organization; headship and succession; prerogatives and obligations of members; unilineal kin groups intermediate between clans and phratries; relations between clans, etc. American anthropologists have sometimes used the term “sib” instead of clan to describe this type of kinship group. The term was changed from “Sibs” to “Clans” and the scope note was revised in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"prX7wuZmaZIagv2q"},
{"tag":"400-MACHINES","realTitle":"400 Machines","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements describing several distinct types of machines and complex appliances and with the mechanical knowledge embodied in them.","canEdit":false,"_id":"pv2hgn8sUOIPnPh1"},
{"tag":"1710-CULTURAL-REVITALIZATION-AND-ETHNOGENESIS","realTitle":"1710 Cultural Revitalization And Ethnogenesis","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ethnogenesis includes the processes of forming, maintaining, and reforming cultural identity. Ethnogenesis may result from depopulation, invasion, relocation, enslavement, genocide, or cultural revitalization. Ethnogenesis may occur when cultures from disparate groups combine to form new associations and new ways of life to create a new culture (such as the Seminole). In cultural revitalization the identity of a group is reconstituted and may include new or borrowed symbols and elements as well as elements from the past. Cultural revitalization may result from many causes or events. These causes or events may include the influence of a messianic religious movement such as the Ghost Dance in North America or being part of a larger culture that acknowledges the need for reparation of past wrongs, such as those mentioned above, and in which recognition of ethnic identity and pride in cultural heritage is encouraged. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 2000. For information on these topics before this time see the cross-references.","canEdit":false,"_id":"q6EEY0JkIJOGXyyr"},
{"tag":"295-SPECIAL-CLOTHING-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"295 Special Clothing Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized production of shoes and hats; ready-made garment industries; industrial manufacture of underwear, hose, shirts, gloves, and furs; specialized techniques and equipment; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"q8vmxcveUNnf1Im5"},
{"tag":"755-MAGICAL-AND-MENTAL-THERAPY","realTitle":"755 Magical And Mental Therapy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Individual therapeutic efforts (e.g., acts of faith, self-analysis); resorting to a specialized practitioner (e.g., circumstances, arrangements, payments); diagnosis (e.g., divination, interpretation of symptoms); therapeutic procedure (e.g., shamanistic seances, analytic couch); methods (e.g., interpretation of dreams, counter-magic, exorcism; recapture of soul, sucking out of intrusive object, resort to spirit helpers); prescriptions (e.g., medication, purification, expiation, imposition of taboos); prognosis; ritual banishment of disease (e.g., scapegoat); faith healing; scientific systems of psychotherapy (e.g., psychoanalysis, psychiatry, mental hygiene); evidence as to the effectiveness of magical and mental therapy; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qFKK34C0wnEwGYTR"},
{"tag":"617-BILINEAL-KIN-GROUPS","realTitle":"617 Bilineal Kin Groups","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of kin groups consisting of persons united by double descent in the presence of moiety exogamy (e.g., sections, subsections, other “marriage classes”); number (e.g., two-class, four-class, six-class, and eight-class systems); regulation of marriage (e.g., restriction of eligibility to members of a single group); distinguishing characteristics (e.g., names); reciprocal relationships of members; correlation of kinship terms with group membership; characteristics of irregular marriages; relations between bilineal kin groups; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qHYYBaCUdZYaHOXN"},
{"tag":"387-FERTILIZER-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"387 Fertilizer Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Manufacture of agricultural fertilizers; specialized techniques and equipment; materials and products; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qI18Yht1cwUJUdqy"},
{"tag":"205-MAIL","realTitle":"205 Mail","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on traditional mail services for paper documents and packages (e.g., collection, delivery); transportation of mail (e.g., by pony express, rail, air); special equipment; parcel post; mail delivery services (e.g., United Parcel Service, Federal Express); postal organization and personnel; finance (e.g., postal rates, subsidies). The category also contains information service providers, and fees; etc. For other methods of transmitting written messages use “Telephone and Telegraph” (206) and “Internet Communications” (2010). Scope note revised 10-20-2010 from: “The category also contains information on electronic mail services (personal, listservs), service providers, and fees; etc.” Last sentence added: “For other methods of transmitting written messages use “Telephone and Telegraph” (206) and “Internet Communications” (2010).”","canEdit":false,"_id":"qLVzPBt8fLJciIwn"},
{"tag":"168-POPULATION-POLICY","realTitle":"168 Population Policy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theories and attitudes relating to the control of population; measures designed to stimulate or limit population growth; concepts of optimum population; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qMmSGZvoUkwuwlSG"},
{"tag":"527-REST-DAYS-AND-HOLIDAYS","realTitle":"527 Rest Days And Holidays","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Days reserved for rest from labor; conceptualization (e.g., as harvest celebrations, as patriotic or commemorative occasions, as reserved by religious taboos): secular festivals (e.g., harvest, housewarming, patriotic); birthdays and anniversaries; holiday activities (e.g., feasting, drinking, visiting, games, pageants); etc. For ceremonies associated with specific economic activities see the term(s) for those activities.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qOULK7b3oNmlf07M"},
{"tag":"127-HISTORICAL-AND-ARCHIVAL-RESEARCH","realTitle":"127 Historical And Archival Research","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent to which field research was supplemented or replaced by the use of records; types of records utilized (e.g., archives, archaeological remains, unpublished documents, museum collections, census data, literary sources, earlier published materials); techniques of analysis and criticism applied in assessing source materials; etc. This term replaced “Historical Research” in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qRpYTu59isNEPwCF"},
{"tag":"380-CHEMICAL-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"380 Chemical Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the processing of raw materials in a series of industries where the technology is primarily chemical rather than physical.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qTgJmqkFKXeNXVno"},
{"tag":"551-PERSONAL-NAMES","realTitle":"551 Personal Names","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Proper names of individuals (e.g., given names and/or surnames, patronyms, number and variety, meanings, circumstances of use); gender and status differences; special name usages (e.g., nicknames, aliases, teknonymy); name taboos and avoidances; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qh7sGTKptOQfZiKM"},
{"tag":"280-LEATHER,-TEXTILES,-AND-FABRICS","realTitle":"280 Leather, Textiles, And Fabrics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the processing of raw materials to yield textile products and other flat goods such as leather and paper.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qhQO2rreKy4SM3Js"},
{"tag":"784-AVOIDANCE-AND-TABOO","realTitle":"784 Avoidance And Taboo","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting impulses to escape from fear or anxiety; techniques for avoiding malevolent spirits (e.g., flight, disguise, deception, disparagement); concept of taboo; imposition and removal of taboos; prevalent types of taboos (e.g., food taboos, property taboos, status taboos, word and name taboos, totemic taboos, sex taboos, reproductive taboos, therapeutic taboos, mortuary taboos); systematization of taboos; general discussion of taboos; list of taboos; specific taboos not classifiable elsewhere; supernatural punishments and their invocation for violations of taboos and other offenses; etc. Since taboos commonly represent the negative aspects of cultural norms, information on taboos may be found under many other categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qvotVXWKJVux4N4I"},
{"tag":"802-NUMERATION","realTitle":"802 Numeration","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Words for numerals (e.g., cardinal, ordinal); numerical signs and gestures; written numerals (e.g., Roman, Arabic); numerical system (e.g., quinary, decimal, vigesimal); methods of counting (e.g., on digits); aids to numeration (e.g., tallies, counters, abacus); upper limit of numerical reckoning; fractions and decimals; tabulations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"qwzlcBJUi1EBO6I9"},
{"tag":"842-CONCEPTION","realTitle":"842 Conception","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Theory of impregnation and paternity; fertility and sterility (e.g., incidence, conceptualization); desire for children and preferences as to gender; methods of inducing conception and counteracting barrenness and sterility; treatment of barren women and sterile men; methods of influencing conception (e.g., determining sex, preventing twins, inducing healthy offspring); prevention of conception (e.g., continence, coitus interruptus, contraceptive devices); attitudes toward birth control; surrogate mothers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"r44e3wsD3zEcmjik"},
{"tag":"331-CONSTRUCTION","realTitle":"331 Construction","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Civil and structural engineering; construction industries; specialized builders, contractors, and wreckers; organization of labor and production; etc. Data on construction and materials not classifiable under succeeding categories will be filed here.","canEdit":false,"_id":"r6pbyHPJNhX1lf6o"},
{"tag":"767-MORTUARY-SPECIALISTS","realTitle":"767 Mortuary Specialists","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Burial associations; gravediggers; cemetery guards and caretakers; hired mourners; embalmers and undertakers; funeral parlors; status and remuneration of mortuary specialists; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rCwJ5P9xpkEb0Vk5"},
{"tag":"756-SHAMANS-AND-PSYCHOTHERAPISTS","realTitle":"756 Shamans And Psychotherapists","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalent types of psychotherapists (e.g., shamans, faith healers, psychoanalysts, clinical psychologists); physical, mental, and social characteristics; source of power (e.g., inheritance, spirit helpers, specialized knowledge); training and initiation; prerogatives and disabilities; special paraphernalia and behavior; source of support (e.g., gifts, fees); penalties for failure; relations between practitioners (e.g., rivalry, organization); shamanism as a religious complex; special organizations (e.g., medicine societies, psychoanalytic societies); etc. The term was changed from “Psychotherapists” to “Shamans and Psychotherapists” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rFxzEq2ICkCZHavM"},
{"tag":"224-HUNTING-AND-TRAPPING","realTitle":"224 Hunting And Trapping","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Animals sought; hunting methods and techniques (e.g., stalking, collective drive); description and use of traps and snares; use of domestic animals (e.g., dogs, ferrets); special elaborations (e.g., trapping for the fur trade); hunting trips; economic importance of hunting; organization of labor and division of catch; associated beliefs and practices; hunting for sport; regulation (e.g., game laws, open seasons); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rIRNhCJpZZvbnkhq"},
{"tag":"863-CLEANLINESS-TRAINING","realTitle":"863 Cleanliness Training","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Adult beliefs, standards, and aims concerning sphincter control and cleanliness for children; normal age at beginning and completion of bladder and bowel control; techniques employed; bladder and bowel incontinence (e.g., incidence, parental reaction, treatment); methods of teaching children to wash, bathe, and groom themselves; teaching standards of cleanliness, neatness, and orderliness, reactions of children to cleanliness training; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rJUPJVeI5MGkDiD4"},
{"tag":"257-CONFECTIONERY-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"257 Confectionery Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized processing of sweet condiments and confections (e.g., sugar, honey, syrup, jam, candy, chewing gum); materials, techniques, and equipment; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rOfiQlB8WyAos4aX"},
{"tag":"370-ENERGY-AND-POWER","realTitle":"370 Energy And Power","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the utilization of the sources of energy in nature and with the transformation of such energies into industrial power.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rbLyjtgPjRPEH3AD"},
{"tag":"102-MAPS","realTitle":"102 Maps","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Reproductions of all maps, plans, floor plans, or other graphical representations of space in general and especially in specific archaeological sites and sections within archaeological sites. Specific maps will also be found under the appropriate descriptive category. The scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rdXhHQJ0hwlAFwiw"},
{"tag":"337-ELECTRICAL-INSTALLATION","realTitle":"337 Electrical Installation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wiring structures for electricity; installation of electrical fixtures and appliances; special equipment and apparatus; specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rjqMnJ1E37MXxOjU"},
{"tag":"103-PLACE-NAMES","realTitle":"103 Place Names","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Lists of the names of settlements, archaeological sites, and geographical features; etymologies of place names; historical and cultural connotations; bestowal of place names; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rlMGizEtQLymkuAs"},
{"tag":"530-ART","realTitle":"530 Art","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements about the creation and interpretation of various objects and products generally considered to be art forms. The term was called “Fine Arts” until 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rliKd8xeHA0HlTLE"},
{"tag":"769-CULT-OF-THE-DEAD","realTitle":"769 Cult Of The Dead","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Avoidance of graves and cemeteries; propitiation of ghosts and ancestors; recurrent feasts of the dead; maintaining relations with the long dead; ancestor worship; household cults; hero worship; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rrLf0ktG4qiPbOCS"},
{"tag":"452-CREDIT","realTitle":"452 Credit","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extension of credit by producers and middlemen; methods and terms; advances and discounts; bills of exchange; credit ratings and rating services; credit institutions other than banks (e.g., loan associations, finance companies); installment buying; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rsHLgq9mdDPxVvzs"},
{"tag":"293-PARAPHERNALIA","realTitle":"293 Paraphernalia","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Dress accessories (e.g., fans, special paraphernalia and regalia); protective apparatus (e.g., umbrellas, goggles); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"rtXw789exTSZQox9"},
{"tag":"562-GENDER-STATUS","realTitle":"562 Gender Status","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Rights, privileges, powers, duties, and disabilities of each gender (e.g., legal, domestic, economic, political, ceremonial); special exceptions for each gender; general statements bearing upon the status inferiority or superiority of women; special elaborations (e.g., chivalry, notions of the uncleanness of women); explanations of gender differences; competition between genders; stereotyped attitudes of each gender towards the other (e.g., disdain, idealization); etc. Until 1997 this category was used for most discussions about gender roles and issues. Starting in 1997 this term was restricted for discussions that explicitly and exclusively are about relative status of the genders.","canEdit":false,"_id":"s5jXLWT1WiSkHd2c"},
{"tag":"264-EATING","realTitle":"264 Eating","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Regularity of eating; informal eating (e.g., between meals, at work or play); meals (e.g., hours, number per day, participation, composition); techniques of eating; table manners; sequels to eating (e.g., disposal of waste and excess food, cleaning of utensils); associated beliefs and practices; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"sALW8pyIuCR1p66X"},
{"tag":"698-SPECIAL-COURTS","realTitle":"698 Special Courts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Courts with special functions (e.g., courts-martial, claims courts, probate courts, juvenile courts, admiralty courts); arbitration tribunals; commissions with judicial authority; special personnel, jurisdiction, powers, and procedure of each type; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"sByhaiFN0Pid7itb"},
{"tag":"620-COMMUNITY","realTitle":"620 Community","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the community and the officials who govern it. The term “community” connotes the maximal group of persons who normally reside together in face-to-face association. Since a community can rarely embrace many more than 1000 individuals, in societies with larger urban aggregates the term will be confined to subdivisions of towns or cities which approach communities in size and face-to-face character, e.g., wards, precincts, or residential neighborhoods. In societies lacking political integration above the level of the community information on government will ordinarily be indexed in this section rather than under “Territorial Organization” (630), “State” (640), or “Government Activities” (650) categories. In addition to political data on the community, this section includes information on social control, police, and informal justice irrespective of the level of political integration.","canEdit":false,"_id":"sHlMD1x9Hw0015L3"},
{"tag":"182-FUNCTIONAL/ADAPTATIONAL-INTERPRETATIONS","realTitle":"182 Functional/adaptational Interpretations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Internal cultural consistency or its lack; allegations of integration or disintegration; adjustments of parts of the culture to one another; adaptation of cultural forms to biological and social needs and to physical environment; environmental adjustment; etc. Descriptor shorted in 2012 from FUNCTIONAL AND ADAPTATIONAL INTERPRETATIONS.","canEdit":false,"_id":"sNJSw4IMOCMk6FPB"},
{"tag":"368-MISCELLANEOUS-FACILITIES","realTitle":"368 Miscellaneous Facilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Fire protection services (e.g., fire-fighting apparatus and equipment, specialized personnel); availability and location of piers, railway stations, airports and bus terminals; availability and location of religious, educational, recreational and administrative facilities (e.g., churches, temples, mosques, city halls, schools, libraries, police stations, museums, theaters, opera houses, art galleries, gymnasiums, public baths, clubhouses); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"soOnPwsL6RCHlkwS"},
{"tag":"254-REFRIGERATION-INDUSTRY","realTitle":"254 Refrigeration Industry","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ice harvesting and manufacture; specialized production of refrigerated fruits and vegetables; ice cream manufacture; cold storage plants; technology and equipment; personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"spkTdRtXuqgq8CgG"},
{"tag":"274-BEVERAGE-INDUSTRIES","realTitle":"274 Beverage Industries","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Industrialized production of beverages (e.g., brewing, wine making, distilling, manufacture of soft drinks); specialized techniques and equipment; organization of labor and production; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"t3A3DPkQgT1loSNI"},
{"tag":"646-DELIBERATIVE-COUNCILS","realTitle":"646 Deliberative Councils","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of deliberative or legislative bodies; type (e.g., council of elders, popular assembly, oligarchic junta, elective legislature); number of houses (e.g., unicameral legislature, bicameral congress, three estates); membership qualifications; selection (e.g., appointment, election, succession); principle of representation; tenure (e.g., life, term, until deposed or recalled); powers and prerogatives; functions (e.g., advisory, legislative); organization; procedure (e.g., introduction, debating, passage of bills); special legislature provisions (e.g., executive veto, judicial review, popular referendum); etc. The term was changed from “Parliament” to “Deliberative Councils” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"t3HicDXhthya7las"},
{"tag":"765-MOURNING","realTitle":"765 Mourning","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Duration of the mourning period; behavior of spouse and other relatives after the funeral (e.g., seclusion, mourning garb, observance of taboos, sacrifices); treatment of relics (e.g., preservation of skull or head, wearing of bones, use of hair for artifacts); visits to the grave; mortuary feasts; exhumation, second funeral, and reburial; ceremonies terminating mourning; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tGCykJomqFhZKNUE"},
{"tag":"585-NUPTIALS","realTitle":"585 Nuptials","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wedding (e.g. preferred time and place, preparations, ceremonial, persons attending and officiating); symbolic rites; means of assuring publicity and legality (e.g., banns, licenses); civil and ecclesiastical weddings; variations dependent upon status; associated property transactions (e.g., transfer of gifts, of bride-price); homecoming of bridal couple; consummation (e.g., immediate or deferred, private or public); defloration rites (e.g., jus primae noctis); concern for virginity of bride (e.g., exhibiting tokens); post-wedding events (e.g., honeymoon, exchange of visits); status and activities of newly married persons; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tIiiibeLcog8DfzB"},
{"tag":"209-PROXEMICS","realTitle":"209 Proxemics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on conscious and unconscious structuring of space between individuals in interpersonal communication; ideas and knowledge about and interpretation of such space as a special elaboration of culture; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tJWJxsTubkt8bula"},
{"tag":"786-ECSTATIC-RELIGIOUS-PRACTICES","realTitle":"786 Ecstatic Religious Practices","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Group religious practices inducing altered states of consciousness with or without alcohol and/or drugs, frenzied singing and dancing, etc., resulting in trance, possession, glossolalia; ceremonial license (e.g., phallic rites, temporary lifting of sex restraints, ceremonial intoxication); induced hysteria, hallucination, and swoon; religious revivalism, snake handling, Greek and Roman orgies, etc. The scope note was revised and the term changed from “Orgies” to “Ecstatic Religious Practices” in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tKzSwghKbXpdrquj"},
{"tag":"415-UTENSILS","realTitle":"415 Utensils","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Water containers (e.g., tanks, barrels); food and beverage containers (e.g., cans, bottles, jars); kitchen utensils (e.g., pans, dishes, kettles, bowls, ladles); containers made from special materials (e.g., gourds, baskets, earthen pots, leather bags, wooden boxes, paper cartons); chemical utensils (e.g., test tubes, flasks, retorts, vats); brewing and distilling apparatus; utensils with special functions (e.g., molds, funnels, sieves, drinking straws); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tZVyJ0csyyG0Z9lt"},
{"tag":"721-INSTIGATION-OF-WAR","realTitle":"721 Instigation Of War","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Frequency of war (e.g., common, rare, unknown); participating groups; military preparedness; scale, severity, and duration of wars; small-scale military operations (e.g., raids for slaves or cattle, headhunting, privateering); conception of war (e.g., as glorious, as holy, as wrong but inevitable, as less debilitating than peace); prevalent motives for waging war (e.g., vengeance, self-defense, aggrandizement, prestige); material gains (e.g., booty, trophies, slaves, women, mercantile advantages, territory); predominance of offensive or defensive warfare; decision as to war (e.g., deliberations, negotiations); methods of initiating hostilities (e.g., challenges, declarations of war, attacks without warning); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"taUNcLf4rydy5CAb"},
{"tag":"179-ECONOMIC-PLANNING-AND-DEVELOPMENT","realTitle":"179 Economic Planning And Development","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Economic growth potentials, real and projected, of a territorial or political region (e.g., community, town, city, etc.); actual and projected economic growth rates; regional planning programs; problems (e.g., underdevelopment); long and short term planning; commissions, agencies and boards entrusted with planning and development; coordination of urban, rural and national planning; priorities and goals (e.g., local, national and regional development, industrial development, agricultural development, etc.); leadership and personnel; cost and financing of programs; public and private investments; extent of governmental participation in planning and development programs; extent to which proposed programs reflect the needs of the regional unit; developmental strategies; results; etc. For more specific information on planning and development, see relevant topical categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tb8NdbIlB8I8qIPE"},
{"tag":"900-TEXTS","realTitle":"900 Texts","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Texts, narratives, verbatim transcriptions, or verbal discourse recorded or transcribed in the language of the culture that is the focus of this file that may or may not be translated into English. The texts included in this category may cover a wide range of subject matter, from “literary”, historical, life history, etc. To search for texts about specific subjects, use a Boolean “and” search. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. It replaced term 539 “Literary Texts”. For texts indexed prior to 1997, use the term “Literary Texts”.","canEdit":false,"_id":"tenG2TlazGfz81CW"},
{"tag":"823-ETHNOGEOGRAPHY","realTitle":"823 Ethnogeography","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Notions about water; ideas about hydrographic phenomena (e.g., oceans and seas, waves and tides, currents and whirlpools, rivers and streams, lakes and springs, floods); ideas about topographic phenomena (e.g., hills and mountains, canyons and valleys, caves and grottoes, striking natural formations, volcanoes and earthquakes); notions about minerals, metals, and precious stones; geographical and geological lore; map making; directions (e.g., upstream and downstream, cardinal points); ideas about the beauty of nature; associated behavior patterns (e.g., attempts to quell earthquakes); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ts5e3bE2GiaH2K6r"},
{"tag":"880-ADOLESCENCE,-ADULTHOOD,-AND-OLD-AGE","realTitle":"880 Adolescence, Adulthood, And Old Age","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the age-graded statuses and associated activities in the individual life cycle from puberty to old age.","canEdit":false,"_id":"u8SwI2C9efShVLCd"},
{"tag":"315-OIL-AND-GAS-WELLS","realTitle":"315 Oil And Gas Wells","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Exploration for oil and natural gas; methods of extraction (e.g., skimming, drilling); use of special apparatus; pipelines, pumping stations, and storage tanks; special precautions against fire and explosion; organization of labor and production; specialized personnel; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uFKzLTJkacnEdItH"},
{"tag":"436-MEDIUM-OF-EXCHANGE","realTitle":"436 Medium Of Exchange","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Articles circulating in exchange at their intrinsic value as standard money (e.g., salt, cattle, grain, shells, metal bars or coins); forms of representative money (e.g., warehouse receipts, certificates of deposit of standard money); credit money (e.g., government notes, bank notes); token money (e.g., subsidiary coins, shell money, bead money); coinage and mints; right of issuance; counterfeiting, etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uJXio7ciDQfRdeKd"},
{"tag":"506-AIRCRAFT","realTitle":"506 Aircraft","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of air and space craft (e.g., balloons, dirigibles, gliders, airplanes, space shuttles, space stations); mode of propulsion; machinery and instruments; landing gear; freight and passenger accommodations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uUYdMc5KNn8Un5G5"},
{"tag":"194-PHONOLOGY","realTitle":"194 Phonology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Phonemic inventory (including suprasegmentals such as stress and pitch); articulation and allophony of phonemes; distribution of phonemes; morphophonemic adjustments; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uWUAHarSm9uZLAAh"},
{"tag":"828-ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY","realTitle":"828 Ethnopsychology","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Ideas about impulses or drives; conceptualization of sensation, perception, and emotions; standards of sensory pleasantness and unpleasantness; ideas about conscious and unconscious mental processes; notions about abnormal mental states (e.g., aphasia, catalepsy, coma, delirium, hallucination, hypnosis, hysteria, swoon); interpretations and explanations of neuroses and psychoses; ideas about habits, attitudes, and the learning process; concepts of the self, of human nature of motivation, of personality, of character; associated cultural behavior; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"udpH6omsPJC6juoC"},
{"tag":"822-ETHNOPHYSICS","realTitle":"822 Ethnophysics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Popular conceptions of matter, energy, and their properties; notions about space, time, and gravitation; ideas about form, color, and sound (e.g., color symbolism, patterned use of color); beliefs about shadows, reflections, and echoes; notions about electricity, magnetism, chemical properties (e.g., alchemy); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ufDGui7PQJNk6eKY"},
{"tag":"693-LEGAL-AND-JUDICIAL-PERSONNEL","realTitle":"693 Legal And Judicial Personnel","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Specialized law- enforcement personnel other than police (e.g., sheriffs, bailiffs, constables, posses, coroners); attorneys at law (e.g., counselors, barristers); bar associations; justices of the peace; court officials (e.g., judges, prosecuting attorneys, public defenders, clerks, court reporters); grand and petit jurors; parole and probation officers; executioners; qualifications, selection, functions, and prerogatives of each; payment (e.g., fees, commissions, salaries); legal ethics; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ukza2dGQl7gcKR7O"},
{"tag":"588-SPECIAL-UNIONS-AND-MARRIAGES","realTitle":"588 Special Unions And Marriages","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Used to index discussions of unions and marriages that are uncommon and those that violate norms and/or restrictions such as: in violation of incest taboos, exogamous rules, caste restrictions, or prohibitions of bigamy; common-law marriages; marriages to gods, to deceased persons, to persons of the same gender; frequency of irregular unions; social reactions; etc. The term was changed from “Irregular unions” to “Special unions and Marriages” and the scope note was updated in 2000.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ulxuZ29lR1ZJMUtO"},
{"tag":"433-PRODUCTION-AND-SUPPLY","realTitle":"433 Production And Supply","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Productive capacity of the economy (e.g., actual and potential productivity of agriculture and industry); relative importance of various productive activities; economic supply (e.g., production of surpluses available for distribution); over-production and shortages; restrictions on production; general statements on production costs and on different types of economic activity; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uvrn4DcEjBvovaKF"},
{"tag":"262-DIET","realTitle":"262 Diet","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Staple and other foods consumed; seasonal changes in diet; proportion of various foods in diet; group differences in diet (e.g., by age, gender, social class); discriminations between edible and harmful foods; food preferences and avoidances; food taboos; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"uzefGJuGBZqMMn12"},
{"tag":"689-SOCIAL-OFFENSES","realTitle":"689 Social Offenses","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and punishments for quarrelsomeness, disorderly conduct, and commission of nuisances; penalties for drunkenness, prohibited drug use, and abnormal behavior; patterned punishments for lying and other breaches of ethics; punishments for indolence and non-cooperation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"v1DuJPd3zQphZtCX"},
{"tag":"694-INITIATION-OF-JUDICIAL-PROCEEDINGS","realTitle":"694 Initiation Of Judicial Proceedings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Complaints and accusations; methods of detection; bringing suit; indictments (e.g., by grand jury); warrants and summonses; arrests and detention; bail; writs (e.g., of habeas corpus); pleas and demurrers; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"v1yKnnRr0SRkQeBD"},
{"tag":"631-TERRITORIAL-HIERARCHY","realTitle":"631 Territorial Hierarchy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General nature of the territorial hierarchy (e.g., chiefdom, administrative, federal); degree of local differentiation in structural forms (e.g., federal districts, free cities, territories, colonies, etc.); the various levels of territorial and administrative organization within the government and their reconciliation with the siblings of this term; hierarchy of political officials; integration with large political units; etc. The scope note was rewritten in 2005. 2010: Removed “(e.g., Ukraine within the Russian Federation)” as example of integration with large political units.","canEdit":false,"_id":"v4k8YbRnJnuejdXd"},
{"tag":"779-THEOLOGICAL-SYSTEMS","realTitle":"779 Theological Systems","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Elaborated systems of religious beliefs (e.g., totemism, pantheism); state religions; revealed religions (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Islam); sacred books and scrolls; content of complex systems of dogma and theology; association of theological systems with ethics and philosophy; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"v7eE4y1Ym3Lr59Zb"},
{"tag":"845-DIFFICULT-AND-UNUSUAL-BIRTHS","realTitle":"845 Difficult And Unusual Births","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Explanations of prolonged, difficult, and fatal deliveries; methods of dealing with abnormal presentations; obstetrical surgery (e.g., use of forceps Cesarean section); beliefs and practices connected with unusual births (e.g., premature births, caul births); stillbirths (e.g., conceptualization, disposal of stillborn infant); delivery and treatment of deformed infants; notions about birthmarks; multiple births (e.g., conception of causation, reaction of the community, treatment of twins); special observances and ceremonial associated with unusual births and persons distinguished by unusual births; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vI5zL6JIHMdXK7gT"},
{"tag":"439-EXTERNAL-TRADE","realTitle":"439 External Trade","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Intergroup specialization in production for export; articles entering into inter-group trade; volume of foreign trade (e.g., statistics of imports and exports); international trade agreements; smuggling; embargoes; etc. The term was changed from “Foreign Trade” to “External Trade” in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vW9NbxwNBu1Y47dI"},
{"tag":"454-SAVING-AND-INVESTMENT","realTitle":"454 Saving And Investment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Saving; hoarding; safekeeping (e.g., safes, safe deposit boxes); savings in relation to income; funds available for investment; available and preferred forms of investment (e.g., in land, buildings, cattle, business and productive enterprises, corporate securities, government obligations); savings accounts, postal savings, and savings banks; underwriting and issuance of corporate securities; investment banking; specialized personnel (e.g., investment brokers); regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vebKwzb1LGJVZxAz"},
{"tag":"106-CODED-DATA","realTitle":"106 Coded Data","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"The concise, quantitative and/or qualitative expression or interpretation of cultural, social, ecological or other variables relating to human behavior; the data are classified into pre-conceived categories represented by number and/or letter codes. Common reasons for presenting data in coded form are to facilitate statistical analyses and/or cross-cultural comparisons.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vj1zemJR1fiXJdQZ"},
{"tag":"428-INHERITANCE","realTitle":"428 Inheritance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Forms of property and types of title subject and not subject to inheritance; disposition of non-inherited property (e.g., destruction, abandonment, distribution by gift , reversion to a prior owner or his heirs); non-distribution (e.g., maintenance of estates intact within an extended family); preferred or natural heirs and relatives excluded from inheritance (e.g., children, siblings, spouses, parents); gender and age preferences (e.g., exclusion of females, primogeniture, ultimogeniture); persons who inherit in default of preferred heirs; types of ownership acquired by heirs; variant rules for different possessions and type of title; characterization of inheritance systems (e.g., as matrilineal, patrilineal, testamentary); dower (e.g., special provision for widow or widower); testamentary disposition (e.g., wills, bequests, legacies); formalities (e.g., probate procedure); probate law; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vnVIIW7pDu61Z3VT"},
{"tag":"365-PUBLIC-UTILITIES","realTitle":"365 Public Utilities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Availability of publicly and privately operated municipal utilities (e.g., water system, telephone facilities, bus and tram services, power and light systems); services rendered and the extent of their utilization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vorqkbYJnNfXBlE6"},
{"tag":"729-WAR-VETERANS","realTitle":"729 War Veterans","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Status and activities of military veterans; special prerogatives (e.g., political and economic preferment); military pensions and soldiers’ bonuses; special institutions (e.g., old soldiers’ homes, veterans’ hospitals); veterans’ organizations; reunions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vt7VRqr5uOJ775HO"},
{"tag":"300-ADORNMENT","realTitle":"300 Adornment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of methods of adorning the body other than by the wearing of clothing, and with the manufacture of the means of adornment.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vuHQ0M3bPPhsN1KJ"},
{"tag":"377-ELECTRIC-POWER","realTitle":"377 Electric Power","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conversion of other energies into electricity; electrical generators; electric power plants; special installations and apparatus; methods of storage and transmission; electrical engineering; actual and potential output of electric power; specialized personnel; organization of labor and production; regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"vwEJTsITvIxfSqFu"},
{"tag":"785-ASCETICISM","realTitle":"785 Asceticism","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Practices reflecting tendencies of self-abasement or self-torture; mortification of the flesh (e.g., flagellation, hookswinging, bed of spikes); fasting; sexual renunciation (e.g.. continence); renunciation of comforts (e.g., vows of poverty, wearing sackcloth); abandonment of worldly affairs (e.g., becoming a beggar or hermit); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"w0AkI2dsljYngiBq"},
{"tag":"367-PARKS","realTitle":"367 Parks","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Availability, location, use, and maintenance of municipal parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields; zoological and botanical gardens (e.g., location, support, operation, use); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"w219Q8RuAjmngC4Q"},
{"tag":"658-PUBLIC-EDUCATION","realTitle":"658 Public Education","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of direct and indirect public support to education; government sponsorship and support of the fine arts, pure science, libraries, and museums; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wD1wiEF6a25hCXYy"},
{"tag":"618-LOCALIZED-KIN-GROUPS","realTitle":"618 Localized Kin Groups","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence of localized kin groups consisting of unilineally related persons of one gender (e.g., males in a patrilineal society) and their spouses and young children but not including their out-marrying siblings of the opposite gender; structural type (e.g., matrilineal, patrilineal), size, subdivisions and relations between subdivisions; organization of such localized kin groups; headship and succession to leadership positions. The term was changed from “Clans” to “Localized kin groups” and the scope note was rewritten in 2005.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wDkP4yT3CoKW7Dyo"},
{"tag":"460-LABOR","realTitle":"460 Labor","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of work habits, economic specialization, employment, and labor relations. Information on the organization of labor of specific activities will be found in the pertinent categories.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wOeOJv9h1n0aRxZN"},
{"tag":"860-SOCIALIZATION","realTitle":"860 Socialization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the basic mechanisms of cultural transmission, especially the socialization of impulses and the more informal educational processes.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wSlwA6dCcCkrmMPe"},
{"tag":"812-PHILOSOPHY","realTitle":"812 Philosophy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of development and acceptance of elaborated metaphysical and epistemological systems (e.g., theories of being, of super-sensible reality, of experience, of understanding, of knowledge); theoretical foundations of ethics (e.g., divine will, moral order of the universe, free will and moral accountability of the individual); ethical systems (e.g., hedonism, utilitarianism, perfectionism); teleological evaluations (e.g., theories of the highest good, idea of progress, pragmatism); theologians and philosophers (e.g., number, characteristics, status, sources of support, activities); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wVjlHnxV3d2buH0t"},
{"tag":"211-MNEMONIC-DEVICES","realTitle":"211 Mnemonic Devices","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Aids to memory; elaborated devices (e.g., wampum, quipu); uses; interpretation; commemorative monuments (e.g., statues); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wi8KFTQ9MxlrFxrK"},
{"tag":"138-POST-DEPOSITIONAL-PROCESSES","realTitle":"138 Post Depositional Processes","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Discussions of how an archaeological site, its cultural strata, and its artifacts and non-artifactual constituents were affected by the natural and cultural environment after being deposited and before being excavated. These processes include erosion, floods, animal use of the site such as pack rat middens or animal burrows, taphonomic processes not discussed elsewhere, looting of the site, human disturbances of the site and its artifacts, and differential preservation of artifacts and non-artifactual constituents. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. The scope note was updated in 2000. Descriptor shortened in 2012 from POST DEPOSITIONAL PROCESSES IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wt7Id2ufUl806J6f"},
{"tag":"824-ETHNOBOTANY","realTitle":"824 Ethnobotany","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Notions about plants in general; ideas about particular plants (e.g., mistletoe); cultural uses of plants native terms for plants; knowledge of poisonous plants; associated behavior patterns; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"wvLprMrLoaqORWgI"},
{"tag":"619-TRIBE-AND-NATION","realTitle":"619 Tribe And Nation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Presence or absence of groups larger than the community to which people think they “belong” in an extended kinship sense; basis of identification (e.g., common name, common language, contiguous territory, common culture, tradition of common descent); intratribal intercourse and communication (e.g., trade, intermarriage); degree of development of nationalistic aspirations; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"x7pUePP6OvceqXeq"},
{"tag":"446-SALES-PROMOTION","realTitle":"446 Sales Promotion","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Methods employed by industrial and business enterprises to promote their products (e.g., salesmen, display of products, bargain offers, credit extension); market research; sales campaigns; specialists (e.g., sales managers, salesmen) etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xIhGJTyHc6tLY9YW"},
{"tag":"442-WHOLESALE-MARKETING","realTitle":"442 Wholesale Marketing","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Degree of specialization in wholesale marketing; prevalent types of wholesale business; methods and techniques of wholesale merchandising; buying at wholesale (e.g., specialized buyers, conventions, wholesale lots, discounts); information on specific wholesale businesses; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xMIEKMtW1OsljMES"},
{"tag":"633-CITIES","realTitle":"633 Cities","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Political organization of urban aggregates larger than towns (e.g., cities, metropolitan districts); governmental personnel (e.g., executive, advisory, administrative, legislative); mode of selection (e.g., appointment, election, hereditary succession); jurisdiction, authority, prerogatives, functions, and activities associated with each position; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xT7G1sVYAUSpzlI3"},
{"tag":"745-SOCIAL-INSURANCE","realTitle":"745 Social Insurance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Prevalent types of social insurance (e.g., retirement pensions, old age pensions, sickness and maternity benefits, unemployment benefits); contributions (e.g., from employers, beneficiaries, government); administration of funds; premiums and payments; industrial and business pension and benefit systems; social insurance legislation; systems sponsored and operated by the state (e.g., socialized medicine); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xThs13JfkqF3qnfO"},
{"tag":"915-ARCHAEOLOGICAL-INVENTORIES","realTitle":"915 Archaeological Inventories","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Listings or inventories or artifacts or non-artifactual constituents of a site, unit, trench, or stratum; statements about the number of artifacts or non-artifactual constituents of a particular type recovered (1100 flaked-stone tools were found at the site, 50 bird bones were found in unit A, etc.) etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xYgUdvvLQu09Wlc1"},
{"tag":"663-PUBLIC-SERVICE","realTitle":"663 Public Service","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Use of non-exploitative methods to retain a political office or secure a higher one; exercise of economy, suppression of corruption and vice, exhibition of administrative skill, statesmanship, and comparable methods of gaining and keeping mass support as a bulwark against opposing political forces; appealing to the intelligence and conscience of the public; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xdWce39yqxICNgr4"},
{"tag":"523-HOBBIES","realTitle":"523 Hobbies","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Individual pastimes (e.g., reading); elaboration of economic and technological pursuits into hobbies (e.g., animal breeding, bookbinding, cookery, embroidery, woodworking); construction of models; collectors’ hobbies (e.g., philately, coins, antiques, first editions, heirlooms); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xgu5QKYsMOFpSu2c"},
{"tag":"156-SOCIAL-PERSONALITY","realTitle":"156 Social Personality","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of the self in relation to others; enhancement and defense of the self; social participation and isolation; individual roles in relation to culturally defined statuses; interpretations of personality as reflecting social norms; conformity; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"xjNhrriqDaujTYub"},
{"tag":"531-DECORATIVE-ART","realTitle":"531 Decorative Art","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Types of artifacts decorated and not decorated; decorative techniques (e.g., carving, engraving, painting, inlay, embroidery); use of color and relief; designs and patterns (e.g., naturalistic, geometric); decorative symbols and their meanings; elaborated styles; associated beliefs and practices; specialists; etc. This term was used until 1997. To search for information on this subject in materials indexed after 1996, use “Visual Arts” (5311).","canEdit":false,"_id":"xrUXVXgu8UjhlbxO"},
{"tag":"451-ACCOUNTING","realTitle":"451 Accounting","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Bookkeeping methods (e.g., double entry); principles and techniques of business accounting; preparation of financial statements (e.g., debits and credits, income and expenditures, profit and loss); methods of dealing with intangible factors (e.g., good will, depreciation); specialists (e.g., accountants, financial counselors); financial records; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"y9E6KhqqcBTjCa2j"},
{"tag":"431-GIFT-GIVING","realTitle":"431 Gift Giving","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Alienation of property by gift; rights, privileges, and powers of donor and recipient; frequency, types, occasions (e.g., ceremonial, religious, secular holidays, ritual) and purposes of gifts; social relationships within which gifts are given; formalities of giving and receiving; potlatches; reciprocal gift exchange (e.g., kula); role of gifts in the distribution of economic goods; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yBZjWtljwheRvZn4"},
{"tag":"191-SPEECH","realTitle":"191 Speech","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Notions about language; standards of correctness; individual speech idiosyncrasies; ideas about speech impediments (e.g., stuttering); speech aids (e.g., megaphone); public address systems; bilingualism; code-switching; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yDiVSogE87ozmtDH"},
{"tag":"535-DANCE","realTitle":"535 Dance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Dance is the art of rhythmic and patterned movements of the body, usually accompanied by music. This category includes information on dance styles (e.g., imitative, pantomimic, symbolic, stylized); technique (e.g., movements of the head, trunk, and limbs); gestures, postures, and their symbolism; solo, pair, and group dancing; choreographic patterns; extemporization and formalization; rhythm; musical accompaniment; occasions for dancing and associated dance forms (e.g., war dances, shamanistic dances, ballroom dancing, tap dancing); participants and spectators; dancing places (e.g., dance halls); dance costumes and paraphernalia; emotional expression in dancing; training in dancing; specialized dancers and dance leaders; choreographic arts allied to dancing (e.g., figure skating); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yKGipdGmvnGrWpYS"},
{"tag":"248-TEXTILE-AGRICULTURE","realTitle":"248 Textile Agriculture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index specialized cultivation of crops for their fibers (e.g., cotton, flax, hemp, jute); techniques of planting and harvesting; use of specialized tools and equipment; separation of fibers (e.g., ginning); organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yKpZvkBViWXkd0Ad"},
{"tag":"520-RECREATION","realTitle":"520 Recreation","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several different forms of recreation involving active participation.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yUeM8Tb2KSmc2Rh4"},
{"tag":"441-MERCANTILE-BUSINESS","realTitle":"441 Mercantile Business","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Extent of specialization in commerce; types and distribution of mercantile businesses; social status and special characteristics of merchants; business men’s organizations (e.g., merchant guilds, trade associations, chambers of commerce); general characteristics of merchandising; special mercantile privileges and restrictions; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yXNXHKK88bquqfOy"},
{"tag":"311-LAND-USE","realTitle":"311 Land Use","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Completeness and efficiency with which the potentialities of the land and its resources are utilized; distribution of waste land, forests, pasture, tilled land, and areas of settlement and industrial use; diversification and specialization e.g., monoculture); trends; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yZbSBD5NTgIuOSuB"},
{"tag":"391-HARDWARE-MANUFACTURE","realTitle":"391 Hardware Manufacture","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Production of agricultural, industrial, and other tools; manufacture of cooking and eating implements and utensils (e.g., cutlery, kitchen utensils); manufacture of construction hardware (e.g., nails, wire, bolts, pipe, fixtures); manufacture of fishing tackle and sporting arms; industrial specialization; organization of labor and production; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yeGURUGrFqwtzDyx"},
{"tag":"407-AGRICULTURAL-MACHINERY","realTitle":"407 Agricultural Machinery","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Farm tractors; machines used in animal husbandry (e.g., milking machines); ground breaking machines (e.g., plows, harrows); planting and cultivating machines; mowing machines and harvesters; sorting and packing machines; processing machines (e.g., cotton gins, threshing machines); repairs and maintenance; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yio6btIFxQfhiFkR"},
{"tag":"903-INTERLINEAR-TRANSLATIONS","realTitle":"903 Interlinear Translations","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This term is used to index interlinear translations, where a line of native language text alternates with a line containing its literal translation into the language of the author of the HRAF document. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ykXZQhUsNgni4R0T"},
{"tag":"398-MANUFACTURE-OF-VEHICLES","realTitle":"398 Manufacture Of Vehicles","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Wagon making; manufacture of bicycles and motorcycles; production of automobiles, trucks, and buses; manufacture of automobile parts and accessories (e.g., engines, bodies, upholstery, instruments); manufacture of automobile servicing equipment; industrial specialization; organization of labor and production (e.g., assembly lines); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"yqfpBR5apth3QLEh"},
{"tag":"826-ETHNOANATOMY","realTitle":"826 Ethnoanatomy","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Conception of ideal bodily proportion; ideas about the torso and its parts (e.g., belly, breasts, buttocks navel, neck, spine), skin and pigmentation, hair (e.g., axial, body, facial, head pubic), head and its parts (e.g., brain, ears, eyes, lips, mouth, nose, teeth, tongue), limbs (e.g., arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, nails), blood, veins and arteries, bones, fat and muscles, nerves and sinews, internal organs (e.g., heart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs, stomach); interpretations of physical abnormalities (e.g., albinism, clubfoot, cretinism, dwarfism, harelip, hermaphroditism, hunchback); associated behavior patterns; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"ys5cEVUzmp6sqvnP"},
{"tag":"563-ETHNIC-STRATIFICATION","realTitle":"563 Ethnic Stratification","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Immigrant subgroups; racial linguistic, religious and national minorities; cultural differences between and characteristics of ethnic and minority groups; social and political status of ethnic subgroups; race prejudice and discrimination; assimilation and irredentism; extent of intermarriage; race crossing and amalgamation; racial hybrids and their status; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"z2pH39fa2zXD6Pby"},
{"tag":"913-FUNCTIONAL-SPECIALIZATION-AREAS","realTitle":"913 Functional Specialization Areas","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements about specialized activity areas found at an archaeological site (lithic workshop, ceramic workshop, other activity areas, etc.).Detailed statements about such things as household activity areas will be indexed under food preparation, work in skins, or other appropriate category. Individual artifacts are indexed under appropriate categories; etc. This category, term, and scope note were introduced in 1997. It was revised in 2006.","canEdit":false,"_id":"z9UmLykcRbB0DcoD"},
{"tag":"350-EQUIPMENT-AND-MAINTENANCE-OF-BUILDINGS","realTitle":"350 Equipment And Maintenance Of Buildings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of the material equipment, care, and upkeep of dwellings and nonresidential buildings.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zAzil3UDP8OPdVHr"},
{"tag":"740-HEALTH-AND-WELFARE","realTitle":"740 Health And Welfare","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several aspects of the more highly institutionalized adjustments to social problems and disease.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zGBrVKo2yKKvfbjM"},
{"tag":"130-GEOGRAPHY","realTitle":"130 Geography","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index descriptions and analyses of the archaeological or present environment, including observations about change over time in the environment.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zHjiiEfw35gYSiyb"},
{"tag":"358-MAINTENANCE-OF-NON-DOMESTIC-BUILDINGS","realTitle":"358 Maintenance Of Non Domestic Buildings","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Upkeep and repair of public, business, industrial, religious, educational, and recreational buildings; maintenance activities (e.g., sweeping, window-cleaning, tending of furnaces); specialized caretakers (e.g., janitors, scrubwomen, chimney sweeps, watchmen); organization of maintenance activities; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zRURhhH3MSymKzLQ"},
{"tag":"312-WATER-SUPPLY","realTitle":"312 Water Supply","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Sources of water (e.g., springs, wells, rainwater catchment); waters with special properties (e.g., mineral water); waterworks (e.g., dams, reservoirs, settling basins); transportation of water (e.g., containers, pipes, aqueducts, canal ); irrigation and drainage systems; construction, maintenance, and regulation of water supply systems; chemical analysis; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zRdzvai5nxp5zWaF"},
{"tag":"332-EARTH-MOVING","realTitle":"332 Earth Moving","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Techniques of excavating, grading, and earth removal; use of special implements and apparatus; specialized personnel and organization; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zTHpiEv9Wvt0R0Vb"},
{"tag":"512-DAILY-ROUTINE","realTitle":"512 Daily Routine","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Succession of activities throughout a typical day; time of arising and retiring; hours of work and relaxation; daily chores; longer rhythms (e.g., weekly, monthly); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zWJRq11rhy0eO4qP"},
{"tag":"746-PUBLIC-ASSISTANCE","realTitle":"746 Public Assistance","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Tax-supported agencies for the administration and dispensing of relief; categorical aid (e.g., grants to needy mothers, invalids, crippled children, dependent old people); unemployment relief (e.g., doles, public works programs); public welfare policies; justifications of public welfare as opposed to private relief; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zXlsLkvN9yoGBder"},
{"tag":"870-EDUCATION","realTitle":"870 Education","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements dealing with several aspects of the more formal and institutionalized aspects to the educational process, especially instruction conducted in schools, by specialized tutors, or through formal apprenticeship.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zbbLJAXQsvh4mr1m"},
{"tag":"355-MISCELLANEOUS-BUILDING-EQUIPMENT","realTitle":"355 Miscellaneous Building Equipment","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Description of building equipment not classifiable elsewhere (e.g., eaves and drains, fire extinguishers, dumb waiters); special uses of each; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zfnTR07xXjRIyhQp"},
{"tag":"204-PRESS","realTitle":"204 Press","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"This category is used to index information on newspapers and magazines; gathering of news and information (e.g., reporters, press releases, news services); content (e.g., news, stories, features); publication and distribution (including Internet distribution); ownership, organization, and personnel; financial support (e.g., subscriptions, advertising, subsidies); regulation; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zieYhv0Zw14PTsQX"},
{"tag":"657-PUBLIC-WELFARE","realTitle":"657 Public Welfare","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Pensions and welfare services for government employees; government care and administration of dependent ethnic groups (e.g., reservations); extent of public support of social work, welfare, relief, social insurance, and public health; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zkVuqNgIbizYEF9m"},
{"tag":"682-OFFENSES-AGAINST-LIFE","realTitle":"682 Offenses Against Life","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Definitions, incidence of, and sanctions for homicide (e.g., murder, manslaughter); punishments for attempted homicide and attempted suicide; penalties for abortion and infanticide; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zlG1UxsbXKD7WudZ"},
{"tag":"470-BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATION","realTitle":"470 Business And Industrial Organization","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General statements covering several types of business or industrial organizations. For specific types and modes of organization for the production and distribution of economic goods, with the characteristics of each, and with their relationship to the ownership and control of capital see the narrower terms.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zneV3SwaCTbuYois"},
{"tag":"134-SOIL","realTitle":"134 Soil","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"General information on physical and chemical characteristics of the soil and changes over time as reflected in the soil; erosion; soil types and soil fertility; area susceptible of cultivation (e.g., by local methods, by modern scientific methods); etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zraBs6KI7mPX5XEg"},
{"tag":"163-BIRTH-STATISTICS","realTitle":"163 Birth Statistics","tagColor":"#424242","tagDescription":"Data on birth rates; distribution of births (e.g., by season, locality, race, sex, occupation); incidence of stillbirths and multiple births; age of parents at birth of first child; spacing of children; number of children per completed family; etc.","canEdit":false,"_id":"zwDiZSzUvuIl6X4o"}]}