Maticas Kratky System v0.0.2 🚀
Our modified hydroponic growing system is ready for first commercialization tests, the main code is on arduino however the micropython code is kept as legacy.
This product is technically a timer for the time being, a timer with 3 possible AC outlets where you can connect for example:
- A small AC fan.
- Oxygen water pump.
- Artificial lighting system.
Precise estimation of the total amount of current it can handle remains to be done but up until now it can easily handle 4A on AC 120V.
You can configure the behavior of the actuator from a web server so that it can be used as:
- On/Off output (it's on from 6 AM to 5 PM for example, and off the rest of the time).
- Periodic output (for example it can be configured to be on during 60 seconds and off for 300 seconds).
You also have an I2C oled screen for local IP display and other information display.
You have a microcontroller configuration menu, allow for SSID and WIFI password change from a web interface on the ESP32, the microcontroller automatically goes to this config menu whenever it cannot connect to the internet or it does not have the credentials to do so, this is accomplished by going to access point (AP) mode from which you can connect, insert the credentials and get ready to go!
Finally added the LICENSE files, GPLv3 for the software and CERN OHL v2 Strongly Reciprocal for all the hardware.
Incoming features 🥇
🎯 Connection with BME280 or other I2C sensors which allow for temperature, humidity and VPD (vapour pressure deficit) in a manner that we can control the outputs with basic methods (PID - Proportional–integral–derivative is left for future iterations).
🎯 Stevenson screen design and use to protect the BME280 or others I2C sensors.
🎯 Client request (with feedback from the clients and you we are going to focus on brining an strategic feature that makes up for a greater product! 🤯) so feel free to ask for features requests or to add your contribution!