Graphical Arch Installation medium using i3wm
This image is used in IT & Networking classes at College Montmorency, as an alternative to the previously thought Hiren's Boot
Usage docs are provided here
Macro | Function |
Super + t | Open a terminal emulator |
Super + d | Open application launcher |
Super + f | fullscreen window |
Super + Shift + Space | Float window |
Super + Arrows | Change window focus |
Super + Shift + Arrows | Move windows |
Super + r | Resize windows with arrow keys |
Super + Shift + x | Close window |
- networkmanager
- neofetch
- net-tools
- git
- htop
- feh
- i3
- xorg-server
- xorg-xinit
- xterm
- dmenu
- firefox
- xfce4-terminal
- picom
- ttf-hack
- ddrescue
- wireshark-cli
- ffmpeg
- tree
- speedtest-cli
- base-devel
- unzip
A pre-built iso
file is provided here however if you prefer building the file yourself, follow the next step.
This will create an iso
file in the build directory
mkarchiso -v -w ./ -o ./build ./
for more information see the Arch wiki's page on the archiso
You can also find a prebuilt iso
file in the releases
specify your archiso device
source ./ /dev/sdX
this will create a partition that will be mounted in /run/archiso/storage
once the archiso boots up.
4G of cowspace is also mounted to allow for other packages to be installed.