This package contains The code used in a student research project examining the use of the ultrasonic indoor positioning system (IPS) by marvelmind robotics in mobile robotics. It implements a sensor fusion concept for fusing the ultrasonic IPS data with odometry and imu data, as well as AMCL localization data using two kalman filters. Ground truth data is recorded by a faro laser tracker.
The Students' code is contained in the ips_sensor_fusion package. In Addition to these packages, the marvelmin Dashboard is used.
Author : Pitt Müller
E-Mail: [email protected]
- create catkin workspace
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libasio-dev
- navigate to catkin workspace
folder - clone this repository using
$git clone [repo name] --recursive
- use
$git submodule update --init
if alredy cloned submodules are empty. For submodules of Submodules$git submodule update --init --recursive
may be necessary - copy recording files from flash drive or match server to
- Download latest Dashboard version and copy linux folder to desired path
- Copy
using$sudo cp /usr/local/lib
- grant user serial access permission using the dialout group
$sudo adduser $dialout
- add file "99-tty.rules" to
- add file content:
#Marvelmind serial port rules
KERNEL == "ttyACM0", GROUP="dialout", MODE="666"
- execute
$sudo ldconfig
- make dashboard executable
$sudo chmod 0777 ./dashboard_x86
- run dashboard
├── ips_sensor fusion #student code
│ ├── final_configuration_recordings #results and recorded bags
| ├── floorplan #amcl floorplan
| ├── launch #all launch files
| ├── data #directory for recorded bags, put recorded files here
| ├── parameter_configs #covariance and filter config
| ├── static_points #marvelmind accuracy test
| └── utility #data conversion scripts
| #third party submodules
├── openslam_gmapping #gmapping submodule
├── slam_gmapping #another gmapping submodule
├── ps4_controller #control scout robot via ps4 remote
├── robot_localization #kalman filter package
├── ros_marvelmind_package #interface ros and marvelmind
├── rplidar_ros #lidar driver
├── scout_mini #main scout robot driver
├── scout_ros #scout ros interface
└── ugv_sdk #scout can-Bus interface
- rplidar_ros:
- ros_marvelmind_package:
- ugv_sdk:
- scout_ros:
- slam_gmapping:
- openslam_gmapping:
- robot_localization: branch = noetic-devel