This folder contains all the code used in the master's thesis. The ROS Package is implemented in ROS Noetic. Python3 is used.
Author: Hauke Heeren
E-Mail: [email protected]
Uses an Optimization to calculate the velocity of the MiR. UR velocity is cartesian velocity command minus the MiR velocity. For more details see Readme.
- input: cartesian velocity command
- output: UR velocity
- output: MiR velocity
Can either be used as a class to be implemented in own script, or otherwise by just running the main.
Needs a running controller for the Robot arm listening to topic at cooperative_manipulation/cartesian_velocity_command
- input: cartesian velocity command via topic
- output: joint_velocities:
parallel force_pos controller for the robot arm using mur.lauch of match_mobile_robotics
For more details see Readme.
see also: github
Package to take the measurements used in the master's thesis.
For more details see Readme.