Created: Fri Jun 20 13:45:03 2014 By: Nick Smith and Jamie Grossman Using Template: Marmalade Quick Project
This is a template project to help you get started building a Quick game. It provides a skeleton implementation of a few scenes around which you can build your game.
- main.lua
- SceneGame.lua
- SceneMainMenu.lua
- Globals.lua - Easy access global values
- helpers/... - Utility classes, inc VirtualResolution from
Features demonstrated
Two scenes: game and menu.
Each demonstrates:
- setup
- teardown
- pre and post transition for setup and teardown
- removing nodes, disposing of any textures when leaving a scene to show resource management
- Includes utility classes
- Set's smart virtual resolution with user coords space set to iPhone 4 res
Menu scene:
- using nodes for subtrees to allow for easily moving things around the scene
- a background png
- buttons: start, high scores, sound on/off, exit - white sprites with colours applied and child text labels
- sound button turns music on/off
- play some music in background on loop
- a table storing scores and player info
- functions to save/load scores to file
- a high scores screen with
- enable/disable touch listeners
- tween animations with onComplete for button presses and switching menu
- suspend/resume
- use a transition when switching to game scene
Game scene:
- your game here :-)
- if you get an error regarding s3eMemoryDebug, this is a known issue. Simple press ignore all and carry on! It is recommended to start with a brand new project using this and the other game example as a base to start from.