POST API Call Action
(2)GitHub Action that sends a POST request of any kind. This is a thin wrapper around
Required: URL to send post request to.
Optional: JSON string of data to pass into request. Default "{}"
Optional: JSON string of headers to pass into request. Default "{}"
Optional: JSON string of query parameters to pass into request. Default "{}"
uses: dkershner6/post-api-call-action@v2
url: ${{ secrets.API_URL }}
data: "{\"command\": \"publish\"}"
headers: "{\"Authorization\": \"Bearer ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}\"}"
params: "{\"content\": \"Test Content\"}"
All contributions are welcome, please open an issue or pull request.
To use this repository:
npm i -g pnpm
(if don't have pnpm installed)pnpm i
npx projen
(this will ensure everything is setup correctly, and you can run this command at any time)- Good to make your changes!
- You can run
npx projen build
at any time to build the project.
POST API Call Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.