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Issue triage

Deals with stale issues in your project
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Issue triage

GitHub action that deals with stale issues in your project.


  • find, comment and label the issue if it exceeds the selected staleAfter day limit
  • close the issue down after the closeAfter day limit is reached
  • customize the comment posted when the issue is stale or closed
  • select label to be set for stale issues


  • ghToken Required, GitHub token

  • staleAfter int, number of days to consider an issue to be stale, default: 30

  • closeAfter int, number of days after the issue should be closed (0 days means off, must be higher than staleAfter), default: 0

  • staleLabel string, a label to be set to the stale issue, default: STALE

  • staleComment string, a comment placed when marking issue as stale. See a guide on how to style this message.

  • closeComment string, a comment placed when closing issue. See a guide on how to style this message.

  • showLogs bool. Show logs with info like total number of issues found, stale issues, closed etc. default: true

Example usage

name: Issue cleanup
    - cron: '0 23 14 * *' # At 23:00, 14th day of each month
    name: Issue triage
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Find old issues and mark them stale
      uses: Krizzu/[email protected]
        ghToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        staleAfter: 30
        closeAfter: 60
        staleLabel: "STALE 📺"
        staleComment: "This issue is %DAYS_OLD% days old, marking as stale! cc: @%AUTHOR%"
        closeComment: "Issue last updated %DAYS_OLD% days ago! Closing down!"
        showLogs: true

Template comment

The comment is a template string with placeholders to use:

  • %AUTHOR% - Issue creator
  • %DAYS_OLD% - How long (in days) the issue was last updated


  closeComment: "This issue is %DAYS_OLD% old, closing down! Notifying author: @%AUTHOR%"

Running locally

To test action locally, create .env file, with content from .env.example.

Run dev script to run.

Issue triage is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Deals with stale issues in your project

Issue triage is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.