Issue to Markdown
(2)GitHub Action to monitor and convert issues into markdown files within your repository.
How do you edit and manage your markdown files within your repository?
git pull
- (merge conflicts)
- edit files
git commit
git push
- 😫
What if you could automatically convert GitHub Issues into markdown files, allowing you to write using just a browser?
Create a file .github/workflows/issue-to-markdown.yml
(or any filename) in your repository.
- labeled
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- uses: eunjae-lee/issue-to-markdown@v1
token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
commit_message: 'docs: update contents'
If you add a publish
label to any of your issues, this workflow will be activated.
To automatically update the markdown file after making changes to the issue, update the yml file as follows:
- labeled
- edited
For those unfamiliar with GitHub Actions, here's a breakdown of the process:
- In this step, the repository is cloned. A personal access token must be provided as token to allow the workflow to commit and push changes to the remote.
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- In this step, the issue is transformed into a markdown file, located in its own folder (default location:
content/<slug or issue_number>/
). The token is also necessary here.
- uses: eunjae-lee/issue-to-markdown@v1
token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
- In this step, changes are committed and pushed to the remote. For more information on customizing the commit, refer to this.
- uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
commit_message: 'docs: update contents'
Visit to create a new personal access token. Choose "Tokens (classic)" instead of "Fine-grained tokens".
Click here to see the screenshots.
1. Create a personal access token just like the screenshot at
- uses: eunjae-lee/issue-to-markdown@v1
# Required
token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# ----------------------------------
# All parameters below are optional.
# ----------------------------------
# New files are located at `<project-root>/<dest>/<slug or issue_number>/`. (default: 'content')
dest: 'content'
# (default: '.md')
extension: '.md'
# If set to `true`, the `slug` from the frontmatter of the issue body will be used as the folder name instead of `issue_number`. If set to `false`, only `issue_number` is used. (default: true)
slug_as_folder_name: true
# Key for the slug from the frontmatter. This is used only when `slug_as_folder_name` is `true`. (`slug` by default.)
slug_key: 'slug'
# By default, `publish` label is required for the workflow to work.
label: 'publish'
# If not given, only the owner of the repository is authorized to perform this Action. Otherwise, it will fail.
- username1
- username2
# Let user provide a custom path for output file instead of relying on conventions (default: false)
use_custom_path: false
# Key for the custom path (when use_custom_path is true, default: 'full_path')
use_custom_path_key: 'full_path'
# If set to `true`, the title of the issue is injected into the frontmatter of the generated file. (default: true)
inject_title: true
# Key to be injected for the title. (default: 'title')
inject_title_key: 'title'
# Inject created timestamp of issue into the frontmatter of the generated file. (default: false)
inject_created_at: false
# Key to be injected for the timestamp. (default: 'created_at')
inject_created_at_key: 'created_at'
# Formatter for created timestamp based on Day.js (default: 'ISO')
# For more information about formatting, read this:
inject_created_at_format: 'ISO'
# Whether or not to wrap the value with double quotes. (default: false)
inject_created_at_as_string: false
# Inject updated timestamp of issue into the frontmatter of the generated file. (default: false)
inject_updated_at: false
# Key to be injected for the timestamp.(default: 'updated_at')
inject_updated_at_key: 'updated_at'
# Formatter for updated timestamp based on Day.js (default: 'ISO')
# For more information about formatting, read this:
inject_updated_at_format: 'ISO'
# Whether or not to wrap the value with double quotes. (default: false)
inject_updated_at_as_string: false
Issue to Markdown is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.