ActionsUse this GitHub action to add voting to your projects. 🚀
Traditionally, most repositories need some number of approvers to make a change and it's not clear what to do with controversial changes such as with standards changes such as a change to linter formatting.
This GitHub action was created to allow projects to require a vote to pass before letting a pull request be mergeable.
When a Pull Request is made to your repository's main branch, a new comment is posted by the action on the PR automatically as a place for 👍/ 👎 votes to be cast.
Only configured voters are counted. Votes are counted when the action is rerun either by an update to the PR or manual rerunning it. Failed votes will list reasons why the vote failed in the action's error messaging.
Create a new workflow in .github/workflows/
as a new .yaml
name: 'Voting'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Evaluate vote
uses: myyk/git-democracy@main
The name of the workflow must be Voting
to match the badge that will be
linked to the voting comment.
It's important that the workflow runs as triggered by pull_request_target
not pull_request
so that a vote cannot be circumvented by a Pull Request
containing changes to the rules of voting.
It's recommended to set your repository's branch settings to require the voting
as part of the Branch protection rules
by enabling
Require status checks to pass before merging
at a minimum enabling it for your
new workflow. It may need a little time after running the action before the
new workflow is selectable in the UI.
The action expects a .voting.yml
defining the rules of voting.
is the percentage of weighted votes needed to approve a
vote defined by the number of weighted for votes over the total number of
weighted vote. This number must be above 0 for this action to have any affect.
is the minimum number of unique voters need to call the
results of a vote. These voters can be for or against. This number must be above
1 for the action to have any affect.
is the minimum amount of time that must pass after the voting comment is created before any vote can pass.
percentageToApprove: 75
minVotersRequired: 3
minVotingWindowMinutes: 7200
The action expects a .voters.yml
defining the voters and their vote weights.
Each entry should have the format of <github-user>:<voting-weight>
. In a
normal fair election, every voter has would be configured to have a weight of 1.
myyk: 1
jienormous: 1
An example of a fully wired up project:
git-democracy is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.