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automate smart contract deployments across multiple networks using BuildBear’s sandbox
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BB Action CI

This GitHub Action allows you to automate smart contract deployments across multiple networks using BuildBear’s infrastructure. With a setup, you can deploy contracts on the specified networks, making it easier to manage multi-network deployments in your CI/CD pipeline.

📋 Features

  • Deploys smart contracts on specified networks.
  • Integrates seamlessly with the BuildBear platform.
  • Supports custom deployment commands and network specifications.

🛠️ Inputs

Name Description Required
network List of networks to deploy on, with chainId and optional blockNumber. Example format provided below. true
deploy-command Command to deploy the contract, such as make deploy. true
buildbear-token Your BuildBear API token for authentication. true
working-directory Path to the directory containing the project. Default is the root directory. false

Example network Input Format

The network input is expected as a JSON array containing network details, each with chainId and optionally a blockNumber:

    "chainId": 1,
    "blockNumber": 12000000 // Optional
    "chainId": 10

🌐 Runtime Environment Variables

During the execution of this action, the following environment variables are available:

  • BUILDBEAR_RPC_URL: The RPC URL provided by BuildBear, enabling connections to the sandbox.
  • MNEMONIC: A 12- or 24-word mnemonic phrase used for signing transactions during deployment.

📤 Outputs

Name Description
deployments Logs from deployments.

🚀 Usage Example

In your GitHub workflow file, you can set up this action as follows:

name: deploy to BuildBear Sandbox

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          submodules: recursive

      - name: Install Foundry
        uses: foundry-rs/foundry-toolchain@v1
          version: nightly

      - name: Show Forge version
        run: forge --version

      - name: Run BB Action CI
        uses: BuildBearLabs/[email protected]
          network: |
                "chainId": 1,
                "blockNumber": 12000000 // Optional block number
                "chainId": 10
          deploy-command: "make deploy"
          buildbear-token: "${{ secrets.BUILDBEAR_TOKEN }}"

Note: Ensure that the buildbear-token is securely stored as a secret in your GitHub repository under BUILDBEAR_TOKEN.

📚 Tutorial

  1. Set up GitHub Secrets: Add your BuildBear API token as a secret in your repository settings.
  2. Define Networks: In the network input, specify the networks and optional block numbers for deployment.
  3. Add Deployment Command: Define the deployment command under deploy-command.
  4. Run Workflow: Trigger the workflow on push or any specified event to deploy contracts on the selected networks.

📘 Additional Notes

  • Ensure the deploy-command matches the command in your project for deploying contracts.
  • This action requires Node.js 20 (node20) to run the main deployment script.

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automate smart contract deployments across multiple networks using BuildBear’s sandbox

bb_ci is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.