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Releases: mariotoffia/goasciidoc

Ability to use asciidoc for package documentation

07 Oct 07:00
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Now it searches for overview.adoc and _design/overview.adoc by default and use those as package documentation instead of go package documentation. Those are included in the document as reference and hence the absolute path must be preserved.

It is possible to override using -d relative-file-path (support multiple -d).

Fixed bug in main

06 Oct 20:23
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Emitted debug log to stdout

Bugfixes and template support

06 Oct 20:21
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fixed typo in readme

Better handling of newline when rendering

06 Oct 17:53
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render proper newlines

Nested Structs and non primitive type support

06 Oct 16:56
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Now it supports both nested structs and typedefs where the type is of struct kind like time.Time.

// MyStruct is a structure of nonsense
type MyStruct struct {
	// Inline the struct
	Inline struct {
		// FooBar is a even more nonsense variable
		FooBar int
	// MyInt is happy to be after Inline
	MyInt int

This generates the following ASCIIDOC

=== MyStruct
[source, go]
type MyStruct struct {
	Inline	struct
	MyInt	int

MyStruct is a structure of nonsense

==== MyInt int
MyInt is happy to be after Inline

=== Inline
[source, go]
struct {
	FooBar	int

Inline the struct
==== FooBar int
FooBar is a even more nonsense variable

toc is default enabled and sorting of imports

05 Oct 06:28
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added sample godoc in readme

Tabify struct & interfaces

02 Oct 12:10
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Use the tabwriter to align methods and fields to more mimic the golang code autoformatter.

Finalize and made it easy to install goasciidoc

01 Oct 21:30
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Refactor and instructions to install goasciidoc is now done.

First release

01 Oct 21:07
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This is the first release of goasciidoc command.