- previous/next versions in diff
- toggle normalization in diff
- extract method
- reconnect expired sessions
- display performance traces
- workaround for broken function groups
- editing newly created FM
-export debug object as JSON
- filter changes in transport revisions
- query icon in table objects
- merge editor support
- replaced keytar with vscode secure storage
- activation suppot for xml files
- extension for xslt transformations
- support local objects owned by others
- pragma positioning in ATC
- improved null checks
- native test API support
- quickdiff
- filter exempted ATC results
- debudgger now properly shown as busy during steps
- improved language server error handling
- fixed bug in object path determination
- improved autologin
- tooltip in version lenses
- improverd session handling and locking
- test explorer in newer systems
- bug in debugger variables handling/evaluation
- fixed evaluation in debugger console
- debug breakpoint sync
- multi debugger threads
- proper support for jump to cursor
- jump to cursor bound to shift-f12, like sapgui
- removed run to curson and go to cursor commands
- improved debugger session handling
- default ATC approver
- navigation in ATC documentation
- track editor changes dor ATC decorations
- some edge case in atc ignore
- decode details for ATC findings
- auto ignore ATC findings
- refresh ATC findings on activatioon
- manually enter ATC approver (might not exist in local system)
- object tooltip in ATC find
- ATC support in older systems
- Abap test cockpit support
- stateful session keepalive
- replaced request with Axios based abap-adt-api
- bug in include selection lens
- buumped a few dependencies
- rename support (thanks to Jakob Kjaer)
- unique terminal id per workspace
- change value of simple variables
- SY in debugger
- set/delete breakpoints while debugging
- debugger session handling bugs
- conditional breakpoints
- debugger jump to line
- debugger run to line
- keymappings for sapgui integration
- bug in debugger session handling
- better debugger session handling (forbid multiple instances on same connection)
- fixed bug in debugger stack trace resolution
- refresh dumps
- navigate in dumps
- debug for other user
- terminal based debugging
- better handling of debugger sessions
- debugger keepalive
- security fixes (updated dependencies)
- Don't stop debugger when debuggee terminates
- kill debug session on error
- basic hover support
- preserve classnames for abaplint
- Debugging in windows
- dynamic debugger configuration (run and debug)
- small bugs which prevented activation of the plugin
- Debugging (only tested in Linux)
- Dumps view
- setup/teardown errors in unit tests are now reported
- placeholder for servers without abapgit backend, with link
- #141 changes to sapgui connections while connected
- improved password deletion (cleanup cached value)
- #124 spaces not allowed in config name
- #150 report errors running unit tests
- better support for includes in unit tests
- graceful degradation in unit test reporting
- webgui support
- clear cached git password on deletion
- #146 allow hyphen in condifuration wizard
- support SIA6 objects
- fixed extension for service definitions
- improved UX for query panel
- transport management for newer systems
- select query (thanks dh4rry)
- [#131]
- #138
- #130 faforite expansion not working
- treat authorizations and data elements as readable objects
- create table
- create service definition
- display service definitions and bindings (as raw XML)
- connection creation command
- run console application
- package creation
- dependencies updates
- abapgit support for latest plugin
- Class hierarchy
- CI script
- password handling bug
- added ability to ignore transport validation
- small nullability/typing bugs
- fixed jest error when no connection set up
- improved build scripts
- Added HTTP services support
- fixed jest plugin configuration
- configurable diff formatter
- Missing text in unit test results
- maximum length check in object creation
- apply source fixes in the right include
- show errors in git scm commands
- no automated code formatting on quickfix
- normalize diffs with AbapLint
- refactor ABAP scm
- #120 objects not found in transports
- build modules before release
- refactor all basic abap object and FS operation
- fixed most locking issues
- unit tests for some core functionality
- custom editor for message classes (readonly)
- better UI for external transport validation
- override buttons in transport validation
- cancellation token in external API
- language functions for namespaced objects
- expose API for transport validation
- display and stage remotely changed files in abapGit
- test explorer bugs
- test explorer integraton
- help navigation (partial)
- connection folders in favourites
- changed forward slash in nmespaces from uFF0F to u2215
- abapgit support for namespaced repos
- abapGit transport selection for older systems
- main program removed for CDS types
- censor password for git repo access
- no stat of locked files (should fix #88)
- switch abapgit branch (needs not yet merged support)
- create packages without parents
- abapGit pull from scm view
- reset git password
- reset tokens for oauth clients
- basic abapGit source control
- push changes to abapgit
- remember oauth tokens
- reveal abapGit repo without transport details
- error starting language client
- refactored login code and functions
- oauth2 login support (including sap cloud platform)
- field completion for CDS views
- data source completion for CDS views
- open git repository
- Reveal abapgit repo in explorer
- Reveal newly created package in explorer
- CDS syntax check
- bugs in descriptions with special characters
- abapGit view
- unlink git repo
- pull from git
- updated vulnerable dependency
- create and delete packages
- clean and postinstall scripts
- failure to expand program nodes
- optionally log API calls to mongodb
- optionally log HTTP calls to mongodb
- #90 overlapping syntax checks
- #91 overlapping completions
- #92 multiple API calls
- #84 password in secure store
- removed vulnerable dependencies
- Quickfix proposals for warnings
- no rename quickfix proposed (might reintroduce once rename is supported)
- Better handling of namespaced identifiers
- #86 create method definition dumps
- #82 error saving unchanged files
- hotkey for object activation (alt+shift+f3, like in SAPGUI)
- activation button for CDS
- syntax check for CDS
- completion for namespaced method calls
- better support for CDS syntax highlighting via CDS extension
- extension for CDS objects
- build loop in webpack
- Copy transport number
- Open transport in sapgui
- #81 open sapgui in linux
- #80 transport revision terminates with an exception
- compressed with webpack
- some glitches in lock restoring/saving with expired locks
- bogus class hierarchy lenses
- won't try to load the transports for systems who don't support it
- #61 parent / child classes codelens
- #74 progress and error handling for transport object open
- #75 quirks in test class include
- abap documentation
- version links for new objects
- normalized diffs
- logo
- open interfaces in sapgui
- inline open original in diff view
- default to stateless connections
- debounce object locking
- queue all stateful calls
- lock restore based on all documents rather than visible ones
- fix open sapgui in windows
- retry lock on change
- better include resolution
- release subtasks before releasing main transport
- rewrote locking
- refactored transport selection
- field symbols selection in syntax
- include resolution in error checks
- reference search in includes with namespaces #72
- improved transport selection
- fixed locking quirks #64
- fixed quirk saving newly created object
- codelens to select main program for includes
- revision selection in transport comparison
- use main program for includes syntax check
- use main program for reference search
- syntax errors reported in wrong include
- diff in transport view
- scm groups per transport
- revision codelens
- compare versions
- compare remote versions
- some icons, borrowed from gitlens
- decentralised command definitions
- quickdiff
- better logging on connection failure
- revision history (incomplete)
- quickfix
- change user in transports view
- better completion of field-symbols
- completion list improved: mark as incomplete when completion list is long
- hidden irrelevant commands from palette
- delete transport
- reassign transport user
- release transport
- add user to transport
- transport selection order
- transports not expanden in view
- transport tasks
- transports view
- create class test include
- #56 create namespaced objects
- #48 lock status changed on stat
- race confition in read directory on reload/workspace changes
- keep open the source with the last unit test results if they failed
- warning for adding tasks to transports on change
- CDS support
- Abap Unit
- delete favourites now displayed online
- only show delete favourite for those who can be deleted
- command descriptions - all starting with ABAPfs now
- #49 activation button not reset on activate
- progress notification for open file, activate, sapgui
- progress bar for where used list
- #50 completion with namespaces
- search progress, interruptable
- references for aliases
- references of plain methods
- build system
- language server in build
- completion order
- completion of field symbols
- Save on activate
- Show activate button on dirty documents
- quirks showing the activate button
- Pretty printer
- Class and interfaces outline
- favourites
- #33 unlocking files on transport selection
- #34 references resolution
- #35 error message on search cancel
- find objects in orphaned packages
- persist opened files on window refresh
- fixed bugs in find object definition
- abort search if no system selected
- Self signed certificates
- custom CA support
- split in subprojects to add a language server
- language server
- restore locks on extension restart
- warn of lock changes on disconnection
- syntax check
- code completion
- added dependency on ABAP language extension
- go to definition
- references (where used)
- refresh directory on creation
- multiple object activation
- transport detection on lock
- CDS extension support
- better transport selection
- cancel operation if transport not selected
- suffix instead of name for group includes
- use abap-adt-api
- object deletions (no transport selection)
- self-signed certificates
- missing content-type header on create
- better display name
- missing content-type header on save
- run programs, functions and classes in SAPGUI
- language and client login options
- object type names in 7.52
- no exception for unsupported objects in 7.52
- previous changelog entries
- fixed infinite loop on 7.52 systems (#20)
- partial abaplint support (not working for function modules)
- Initial release to vscode marketplace