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Toothly - Flutter App for managing the appointments of a stomatology clinic

Bachelor Degree Project


[√] Flutter (Channel beta)

  • Flutter version 1.23.0-18.1.pre
  • Dart version 2.11.0 (build 2.11.0-213.1.beta)

[√] Android Studio (>= version 3.5)

  • Flutter plugin version 44.0.1
  • Dart plugin version 191.8593
  • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b03)

[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2)

  • Platform android-29, build-tools 29.0.2
  • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b03)
  • All Android licenses accepted.



After installing flutter from the link provided above, add the flutter/bin folder path to the environment variables table (Restart is recommended). Open a command prompt and check if the flutter command works properly.

List of useful commands for flutter:

  • flutter doctor: show information about the installed tooling;
  • flutter upgrade: upgrade your copy of flutter;
  • flutter create [app name]: create a new flutter project;
  • flutter build: build the executable app;
  • flutter clean: delete the build/ and .dart-tool/ directories;
  • flutter install: install a flutter app on an attached device;
  • flutter run: running a flutter app on the attached device;
  • flutter pub get: get the flutter packages in a flutter project;
  • flutter pub update: update the flutter packages in a flutter project;

Android Studio for Flutter projects

When you open Android Studio for the first time you shall see in the down right corner the button Configure, clicking on it shows you an options' list. What we need to check from those are:

  • AVD Manager - create a new emulator on which you'll be able to run the app;

    • Select Create Virtual Device
    • You can choose the blueprint that suits you the most. (Choosing the latest stable SDK version of Android is recommended)

    *another way of creating an emulator is being already in a project and selecting Android Studio>Tools>AVD Manager

  • SDK Manager - manage the SDK versions;

    • SDK Manager>SDK Tools check the box for the Google USB Driver in order to install it;
  • Plugins

    • install Flutter plugin;
    • install Dart plugin;

(!) If you have problems with seeing the emulator in the devices list, you might have to check the ANDROID_HOME in the environment variables table and give the right path to it.


In order to link the database to the flutter app:

  • Go here and create a free account;
  • Click on Go to console button (top right);
  • Add project, name the project [Toothly] and press the Create project button;
  • Add app by clicking the android icon;
  • To find the Android package name you go to android/app/build.gradle and you'll gonna see it in the defaultConfig>applicationId as "com.licenta.toothly";
  • (optional) give a nickname to the app;
  • Click Register app;
  • Download config file and put the file in android/app folder;

Console part:

  • In Authentication>Sign-in method enable Email/Password and Google;
  • In Cloud Firestore make the following db collections schema;

Cloud functions setup:

  • TBD