💚 This is the latest document.
This class extends BaseClass.
KML is a xml file format that is used for geographic. Most common geographic softwares support this KML format file.
KML has complex structure. This plugin supports only following tags.
kml | folder | placemark | document | multigeometry |
photooverlay | point | polygon | linestring | groundoverlay |
networklink (<region> is also supported) | lookat | extendeddata | schema | styles |
balloonstyle (<description> only) | iconstyle | styleurl | stylemap (normal mode only) | coordinates |
Unfortunately, KMZ file is not supported yet.
Regarding of <ExtendedData>
tag, if the KML file contains <BaloonStyle>
tag as template,
the maps plugin displays just like defined. Otherwise, draw a table like below.
The map.addKmlOverlay() method reads a KML file from local or Internet.
var mapDiv = document.getElementById("map_canvas");
var map = plugin.google.maps.Map.getMap(mapDiv, {
'mapTypeId': plugin.google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE
'url': "./marker.kml"
}, function(kmlOverlay) {
// Fit the camera viewport to show all markers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
<Style id="rf">
<name>One at a time</name>
<name>Radio A</name>
<name>Radio B</name>
<name>Both visible</name>
event is fired when you tap on the overlays that are generated with addKmlOverlay()
'url': "./marker.kml"
}, function(kmlOverlay) {
// Fit the camera viewport to show all markers.
// You can get additional information
kmlOverlay.on(plugin.google.maps.event.KML_CLICK, function(overlay, latLng) {
// overlay is vary, such as Marker, Polyline
map.addKmlOverlay() | Add a kml overlay. |
setClickable() | Change click-ability of the kml overlay. |
setVisible() | Change visibility of the kml overlay. |
remove() | Remove the ground overlay. |
GROUND_OVERLAY_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click on a circle. |