To evaluate students based on the materials we have learnded during this class, a final E-Commrce project is defined. The whole functioning project is defined as the deliverables for the project.
The final project should have the following sections:
- (05%) Categories view
- (10%) Upon selection of a category, Products Catalog for that category
- (05%) Single Product view
- (05%) Add to Shopping Cart (Logged in User only)
- (05%) View Shopping Cart (Logged in User only)
- (10%) Orders - Stored in DB in
tables (Logged in User only) - (10%) Payment gateway integration (Logged in User only)
- (15%) User Authentication
- (10%) Search items - Full Text
- (15%) Administration (Only Admin can access it)
- (06%) Items Management:
- (02%) Create New item + image
- (02%) Update an existing item
- (02%) Delete an exiting item
- (06%) Categories Management:
- (02%) Create New category + image
- (02%) Update an existing category
- (02%) Delete an exiting category
- (03%) Create new user
- (06%) Items Management:
- (10%) Unit-Tests, 10% code coverage for all Controllers and Models
- Front-End: Is described below
- Bonuses:
- (05%) Orders History (optional) (Logged in User only)
- (05%) Read Reviews for an item (Optional = Bonus)
- (05%) Add Reviews for an item (Optional = Bonus)
- (20%) Unit-Tests, above 50% code coverage for all Controllers and Models (Optional = Bonus)
- (30%) Unit-Tests, above 70% code coverage for all Controllers and Models (Optional = Bonus)
The front end of the application could be eaither of the following choices:
You can use the modern approach of making web sites and create a front-end which communicates with the back-end using the REST APIs.
You can also follow the traditional approach of building web applications and generate the HTML pages in the back-end. If you follow that approach the HTML pages should follow templating rules.
GET http://localhost/api/items
GET http://localhost/api/items/{{ID}}
where {{ID}}
should be replaced by ID of the item you want to retrieve. For example:
To create a new item you have to do an HTTP POST to the following endpoint:
POST http://localhost/api/items/
and you have to spceify the body
of the request as:
"name": "Sample Book",
"description": "Sample Book Description",
"price": 23.45