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File metadata and controls

executable file
166 lines (134 loc) · 3.76 KB


You are working on an online bookstore application. You have to finish a few web API methods.

The project contains functional tests. Your task is to make all the tests pass by writing the missing code.


composer install


composer test


The API has to provide endpoints for three operations:

GET /api/books - a list of Books with pagination, sorting and filtering options.

Available query parameters:
page - page number
sortColumn - one of title or avg_review
sortDirection - one of ASC or DESC
title - search by book title
authors - search by author’s ID (comma-separated)

Sample response (HTTP 200)

         "title":"Et hic et mollitia ea nihil culpa.",
         "description":"Possimus voluptatem rerum harum nemo asperiores. Consequuntur tenetur ut nemo ipsam placeat. Sunt eos cum assumenda quasi est. Dolores earum qui quod nihil commodi nisi.",
               "name":"Dr. Beth Weber PhD",


  1. Implement App\Http\Resources\BookResource::toArray method.
  2. Query the data from Book Eloquent model and respond with BookResource collection.
  3. Implement pagination feature (from Eloquent).
  4. Allow sorting by title.
  5. Allow sorting by average review.
  6. Allow searching by title (SQL like query).
  7. Allow searching by author’s ID.

POST /api/books - creates a new Book resource.

Access to this endpoint requires authentication with an API token and admin privileges.

Required parameters:
isbn - string (13 characters, digits only)
title - string
description - string
authors - int[] - author’s ID

Sample response (HTTP 201)

      "title":"Clean code",
      "description":"Lorem ipsum",
            "name":"Prof. Darrin Mraz Jr.",

In case of validation errors, the API should respond with the default error list from the Laravel framework and the 422 HTTP code.


  1. Validate the required fields.
  2. Ensure that the ISBN is unique and author’s ID exist in the DB.
  3. Store Book in the DB.
  4. Restrict access only for administrators with auth.admin middleware.
  5. Respond with BookResource.

POST /api/books/{id}/reviews - creates a new BookReview resource.

Access to this endpoint requires authentication with an API token.

Required parameters:
review - int (1-10)
comment - string

Sample response (HTTP 201)

      "comment":"Lorem ipsum",
         "name":"Kody Lebsack"

In case of validation errors, the API should respond with the default error list from the Laravel framework and the 422 HTTP code.


  1. Validate the required fields.
  2. Store BookReview in the DB.
  3. Restrict access only for authenticated users.
  4. Respond with BookReviewResource.


  1. The project is configured to use an SQLite database.
  2. Do not modify any tests.
  3. Look for comments with @todo.