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agorajek edited this page Jul 15, 2011 · 32 revisions

Before You Start:

Step 1: Make friends with GitHub

  • Create an account on
  • Get a git client from
  • If you are not familiar with this version control software follow Bootcamp guides on to gain some confidence.

Step 2: Pick your task

  • Create an account on MADlib JIRA and review the Open issues.
  • Found one that you like?
    • Write a Comment and ask for assignment.
  • Know what you want to work and we don't have it on JIRA.
    • Open a JIRA ticket (bug, task, or new feature) and let us know (in a Comment) you are working on it.
  • Don't know what to work on or have any other question?

Step 3: Fork MADlib project

  • Go to GitHub MADlib repo and fork the project using the FORK button (top right).
    • This step will create a "connected" copy of madlib/madlib repo under yourGitHubAccount/madlib.
    • Need some help with forking? Check here

Step 4: Develop away...

by using your own copy/fork of the MADlib repository.

Make sure you have all the module components in place: MADlib Module Anatomy

And remember about:

Step 5: Send pull-request

Done with coding? Follow this to get your code checked-in:

  • Test build/install/execution on your side.
  • Create a pull-request from your forked repository.
  • Create a JIRA Task:
    • Use subject "pull-request" and explain the details.
    • Put the github pull-request link into your JIRA.
    • If you know who would be the best reviewer assigne the JIRA to that person. Otherwise don't worry.
  • Code comments are easy to add on Github. JIRA better serves as a high level log tracker.
  • Once the code is merged:
    • Github pull request closes automagically
    • JIRA must be closed manually