title | layout | class |
Angular 1.x |
page |
angular-1 |
- Setters/getters and module bootstrapping
- Including submodules (todo)
- Creating a Controller (todo)
- Sharing data between Controllers (todo)
- Binding data to a View (todo)
- $scope versus "this" keyword (todo)
- Using the controllerAs syntax
- $scope, $rootScope and prototypal inheritance (todo)
- Nesting Controllers (todo)
- Rethinking Angular Controllers
- Using $watch and $watchCollection (todo)
- Using $evalAsync (todo)
- Using
$applyAsync and $ $asyncQueue (todo) - $apply versus $digest (todo)
Creating a Directive (todo)
Defintion Object walkthrough (todo)
Restricting Directive usage (todo)
Replacing root Custom Elements
template/templateUrl syntaxes explained (todo)
Isolate versus inherited scope (todo)
Using Directive Controllers (todo)
controllerAs syntax with Directives (todo)
Link versus compile (todo)
Using native DOM APIs inside Directives (todo)
Transclusion with ng-transclude (todo)
Manual transclusion (todo)
Multi-slot transclusion (todo)
ng-if versus ng-show/ng-hide (todo)
ng-bind versus {% raw %}{{ handlebars }}{% endraw %} (todo)
Using track by inside ng-repeat (todo)
- Creating a Service (todo)
- factory() versus service() (todo)
- Filters in templates (todo)
- Filters in Controllers
- Creating custom filters
- $http (todo)
- $resource (todo)
- Using ngRoute (todo)
- Using ui-router (todo)
- Nesting Views with ui-router (todo)
- Using "resolve" in routes
- All about Angular expressions (todo)
- Understanding $emit, $broadcast and $on
- Event lifecycles in Angular (todo)
- Unbinding events with $destroy (todo)
- Form validation overview (todo)
- $parsers and $formatters
- Custom validation with $validators
- Using ngMessage and ngMessages
- Strict DI (todo)
- $applyAsync in $http (todo)
- Disabling debug info (todo)
- One-time binding syntax
- Testing Controllers with Karma/Jasmine (todo)
- Testing Directives with Karma/Jasmine (todo)
- Using Protractor for end-to-end tests (todo)
- My Angular Styleguide
- Angular's dependency injection process
- Using extend() over "vm"
- IIFEs and Angular modules
- Angular in one day
- Minification safe dependency injection (todo)