0.4.4 (2024-12-29)
0.4.3 (2024-12-25)
- release 0.4.3 (341e2ce)
0.4.2 (2024-12-16)
- bugs in Adapter::Safe and virtual filesystem operations (decf7ae)
0.4.1 (2024-10-26)
0.4.0 (2024-01-21)
- filesystem: Fuse callbacks :init and :destroy are no longer passed on to sub-filesystems.
- adapters: Adapter::Debug now includes Adapter::Safe.
- Option parsing errors via raise exception rather than return false/nil
- adapters: Adapter::Debug now includes Adapter::Safe. (a595304)
- filesystem: Support :rename operation in virtual filesystems (a595304)
- filesystem: Support symlinks and hardlinks in virtual filesystems (VirtualDir/MemoryFS) (a595304)
- Option parsing errors via raise exception rather than return false/nil (a595304)
- fuse2compat: Enhanced Fuse2 compatibility in Fuse2Compat module (a595304)
- symlinks and hard links (a595304)
0.3.4 (2023-01-08)
- github: allow downstream gems to use gem_version etc (73f3b92)
0.3.3 (2023-01-07)
github: release 0.3.3 (b54a56f)
Using github actions
Support downstream RFuse/RFuseFS
Changed option parsing.
{FFI::Libfuse::Main#fuse_options} takes a FuseArgs parameter and fuse_opt_proc is not used
- FFI::Libfuse::Filesystem - base filesystems (5b19005)
- Support downstream RFuse/RFuseFS (e6b3fb5)
- Test on OSX with macFuse