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Chapter 15 - GUI

In this chapter we will add the capability to display Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) on top of the rendered scene. We will use the Dear ImGui library through the imgui-java wrapper. ImGui is a light-weight GUI library render-agnostic which can be used with OpenGL, DirectX or Vulkan. We can construct complex GUIs, capable of reacting to user input, and get its output as vertex buffers which we can render in our application as other regular shape. The purpose of this chapter is not to explain ImGui deeply, but to show how can be integrated with our Vulkan based render pipeline.

You can find the complete source code for this chapter here.

Imgui-java dependencies

The first step is to add the imgui-java dependencies in the project's pom.xml file (The imgui-java.version property is defined in the root project poml.xml file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Render the GUI

In this case, we will be rendering the GUI elements over the scene. Since we will not be applying any post effects to the GUI, such as lighting, we will render them just after the lighting phase has been completed. In order to do that, we will handle GUI rendering in a new class named GuiRenderActivity, which starts like this:

public class GuiRenderActivity {

    private static final String GUI_FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE_GLSL = "resources/shaders/gui_fragment.glsl";
    private static final String GUI_FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE_SPV = GUI_FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE_GLSL + ".spv";
    private static final String GUI_VERTEX_SHADER_FILE_GLSL = "resources/shaders/gui_vertex.glsl";
    private static final String GUI_VERTEX_SHADER_FILE_SPV = GUI_VERTEX_SHADER_FILE_GLSL + ".spv";

    private DescriptorPool descriptorPool;
    private DescriptorSetLayout[] descriptorSetLayouts;
    private Device device;
    private Texture fontsTexture;
    private TextureSampler fontsTextureSampler;
    private VulkanBuffer[] indicesBuffers;
    private Pipeline pipeline;
    private ShaderProgram shaderProgram;
    private SwapChain swapChain;
    private TextureDescriptorSet textureDescriptorSet;
    private DescriptorSetLayout.SamplerDescriptorSetLayout textureDescriptorSetLayout;
    private VulkanBuffer[] vertexBuffers;

    public GuiRenderActivity(SwapChain swapChain, CommandPool commandPool, Queue queue, PipelineCache pipelineCache,
                             long vkRenderPass) {
        this.swapChain = swapChain;
        device = swapChain.getDevice();

        createUIResources(swapChain, commandPool, queue);
        createPipeline(pipelineCache, vkRenderPass);

    public void cleanup() {

The constructor is quite similar to the other *Activity classes. In order to render the GUI, we need specific shaders, so we create a ShaderProgram in the createShaders method:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    private void createShaders() {
        EngineProperties engineProperties = EngineProperties.getInstance();
        if (engineProperties.isShaderRecompilation()) {
            ShaderCompiler.compileShaderIfChanged(GUI_VERTEX_SHADER_FILE_GLSL, Shaderc.shaderc_glsl_vertex_shader);
            ShaderCompiler.compileShaderIfChanged(GUI_FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE_GLSL, Shaderc.shaderc_glsl_fragment_shader);
        shaderProgram = new ShaderProgram(device, new ShaderProgram.ShaderModuleData[]
                        new ShaderProgram.ShaderModuleData(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, GUI_VERTEX_SHADER_FILE_SPV),
                        new ShaderProgram.ShaderModuleData(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, GUI_FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE_SPV),

In the createUIResources method, we initialize the resources required by ImGui:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    private void createUIResources(SwapChain swapChain, CommandPool commandPool, Queue queue) {

        ImGuiIO imGuiIO = ImGui.getIO();
        VkExtent2D swapChainExtent = swapChain.getSwapChainExtent();
        imGuiIO.setDisplaySize(swapChainExtent.width(), swapChainExtent.height());
        imGuiIO.setDisplayFramebufferScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

        ImInt texWidth = new ImInt();
        ImInt texHeight = new ImInt();
        ByteBuffer buf = imGuiIO.getFonts().getTexDataAsRGBA32(texWidth, texHeight);
        fontsTexture = new Texture(device, buf, texWidth.get(), texHeight.get(), VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB);

        CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer(commandPool, true, true);
        cmd.submitAndWait(device, queue);

        vertexBuffers = new VulkanBuffer[swapChain.getNumImages()];
        indicesBuffers = new VulkanBuffer[swapChain.getNumImages()];

In the createUIResources method, we first need to call the ImGui createContext function. This should be the very first call prior to invoking any other ImGui functions. After that, we retrieve a reference to the ImGuiIO, and call the setIniFilename method. The reason for doing that, is that ImGui, by default, will create a file named imgui.ini when the context is destroyed. This imgui.ini file will hold the position and size of the GUI elements, so they can be restored to their last positions. We will not be using that feature, so we set null as the parameter of the setIniFilename to deactivate that feature. After that, we set the display size and a scale. The next step is to load the texture that will be used to render fonts in a Texture instance, which will be transitioned to the adequate final layout. After that, we need to create buffer arrays that will hold the vertices data and their indices (we will use separate buffers per swapchain image to be able to change them when they are being accessed by the previous image). The final step is to properly initialize ImGui key map which translates GLFW key codes to the ones used by ImGui. This is required to properly handle special keys in certain widgets (such as text widgets, where arrows and delete buttons need to be processed by ImGui).

In order to load the texture, we need to modify the Texture class to be able to receive the texture data directly in a ByteBuffer. The common code used in both constructors has been extracted to the createTextureResources method.

public class Texture {
    public Texture(Device device, String fileName, int imageFormat) {
        Logger.debug("Creating texture [{}]", fileName);
        recordedTransition = false;
        this.fileName = fileName;
        ByteBuffer buf = null;
        try (MemoryStack stack = MemoryStack.stackPush()) {
            IntBuffer w = stack.mallocInt(1);
            IntBuffer h = stack.mallocInt(1);
            IntBuffer channels = stack.mallocInt(1);

            buf = stbi_load(fileName, w, h, channels, 4);
            if (buf == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Image file [" + fileName + "] not loaded: " + stbi_failure_reason());

            width = w.get();
            height = h.get();
            mipLevels = (int) Math.floor(log2(Math.min(width, height))) + 1;

            createTextureResources(device, buf, imageFormat);
        } finally {
            if (buf != null) {

    public Texture(Device device, ByteBuffer buf, int width, int height, int imageFormat) {
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        mipLevels = 1;

        createTextureResources(device, buf, imageFormat);
    private void createTextureResources(Device device, ByteBuffer buf, int imageFormat) {
        createStgBuffer(device, buf);
        Image.ImageData imageData = new Image.ImageData().width(width).height(height).
        image = new Image(device, imageData);
        ImageView.ImageViewData imageViewData = new ImageView.ImageViewData().format(image.getFormat()).
        imageView = new ImageView(device, image.getVkImage(), imageViewData);

The CommandBuffer class has also been modified by adding a new method, called submitAndWait that allow us to submit it to a queue and wait for its execution to finish by waiting on a fence. It is used in the GuiRenderActivity class to submit the image layout transition.

public class CommandBuffer {
    public void submitAndWait(Device device, Queue queue) {
        Fence fence = new Fence(device, true);
        try (MemoryStack stack = MemoryStack.stackPush()) {
            queue.submit(stack.pointers(vkCommandBuffer), null, null, null, fence);

Going back to the GuiRenderActivity class, the createDescriptorPool and the createDescriptorSets are quite simple. In this specific case, we will just be using one descriptor set for the font texture.

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    private void createDescriptorPool() {
        List<DescriptorPool.DescriptorTypeCount> descriptorTypeCounts = new ArrayList<>();
        descriptorTypeCounts.add(new DescriptorPool.DescriptorTypeCount(1, VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER));
        descriptorPool = new DescriptorPool(device, descriptorTypeCounts);

    private void createDescriptorSets() {
        textureDescriptorSetLayout = new DescriptorSetLayout.SamplerDescriptorSetLayout(device, 0, VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT);
        descriptorSetLayouts = new DescriptorSetLayout[]{
        fontsTextureSampler = new TextureSampler(device, 1, true);
        textureDescriptorSet = new TextureDescriptorSet(descriptorPool, textureDescriptorSetLayout, fontsTexture,
                fontsTextureSampler, 0);

In the createPipeline we just set up the pipeline used for rendering the GUI:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    private void createPipeline(PipelineCache pipelineCache, long vkRenderPass) {
        Pipeline.PipeLineCreationInfo pipeLineCreationInfo = new Pipeline.PipeLineCreationInfo(vkRenderPass,
                shaderProgram, 1, false, true, GraphConstants.FLOAT_LENGTH * 2,
                new ImGuiVertexBufferStructure(), descriptorSetLayouts);
        pipeline = new Pipeline(pipelineCache, pipeLineCreationInfo);

As we will see when examining the GUI shaders, we will use push constants to pass a scaling factor (composed by two floats). We need also to use a different vertex buffer structure, which will be defined in the ImGuiVertexBufferStructure class. ImGui vertices are defined by two coordinates (x and y), the texture coordinates and a color (in RGBA format), therefore we cannot use the same structure used for the scene models (defined in the VertexBufferStructure class). The ImGuiVertexBufferStructure class is defined like this:

package org.vulkanb.eng.graph.gui;

import org.lwjgl.vulkan.*;
import org.vulkanb.eng.graph.vk.*;

import static org.lwjgl.vulkan.VK10.*;

public class ImGuiVertexBufferStructure extends VertexInputStateInfo {

    public static final int VERTEX_SIZE = GraphConstants.FLOAT_LENGTH * 5;
    private static final int NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES = 3;
    private VkVertexInputAttributeDescription.Buffer viAttrs;
    private VkVertexInputBindingDescription.Buffer viBindings;

    public ImGuiVertexBufferStructure() {
        viAttrs = VkVertexInputAttributeDescription.calloc(NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES);
        viBindings = VkVertexInputBindingDescription.calloc(1);
        vi = VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo.calloc();

        int i = 0;
        // Position

        // Texture coordinates
                .offset(GraphConstants.FLOAT_LENGTH * 2);

        // Color
                .offset(GraphConstants.FLOAT_LENGTH * 4);



    public void cleanup() {

Going back to the GuiRenderActivity, it is the turn now to examine the recordCommandBuffer method which will record the drawing commands that will render the GUI:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    public void recordCommandBuffer(Scene scene, CommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
        try (MemoryStack stack = MemoryStack.stackPush()) {
            int idx = swapChain.getCurrentFrame();

            IGuiInstance guiInstance = scene.getGuiInstance();
            if (guiInstance == null) {

            VkExtent2D swapChainExtent = swapChain.getSwapChainExtent();
            int width = swapChainExtent.width();
            int height = swapChainExtent.height();
            if (vertexBuffers[idx] == null) {

            VkCommandBuffer cmdHandle = commandBuffer.getVkCommandBuffer();

            vkCmdBindPipeline(cmdHandle, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline.getVkPipeline());

            VkViewport.Buffer viewport = VkViewport.calloc(1, stack)
            vkCmdSetViewport(cmdHandle, 0, viewport);

            LongBuffer vtxBuffer = stack.mallocLong(1);
            vtxBuffer.put(0, vertexBuffers[idx].getBuffer());
            LongBuffer offsets = stack.mallocLong(1);
            offsets.put(0, 0L);
            vkCmdBindVertexBuffers(cmdHandle, 0, vtxBuffer, offsets);
            vkCmdBindIndexBuffer(cmdHandle, indicesBuffers[idx].getBuffer(), 0, VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT16);

            ImGuiIO io = ImGui.getIO();
            FloatBuffer pushConstantBuffer = stack.mallocFloat(2);
            pushConstantBuffer.put(0, 2.0f / io.getDisplaySizeX());
            pushConstantBuffer.put(1, -2.0f / io.getDisplaySizeY());
            vkCmdPushConstants(cmdHandle, pipeline.getVkPipelineLayout(),
                    VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, 0, pushConstantBuffer);

            LongBuffer descriptorSets = stack.mallocLong(1)
                    .put(0, this.textureDescriptorSet.getVkDescriptorSet());
            vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cmdHandle, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
                    pipeline.getVkPipelineLayout(), 0, descriptorSets, null);

            ImVec4 imVec4 = new ImVec4();
            VkRect2D.Buffer rect = VkRect2D.calloc(1, stack);
            ImDrawData imDrawData = ImGui.getDrawData();
            int numCmdLists = imDrawData.getCmdListsCount();
            int offsetIdx = 0;
            int offsetVtx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numCmdLists; i++) {
                int cmdBufferSize = imDrawData.getCmdListCmdBufferSize(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < cmdBufferSize; j++) {
                    imDrawData.getCmdListCmdBufferClipRect(imVec4, i, j);
                    rect.offset(it -> it.x((int) Math.max(imVec4.x, 0)).y((int) Math.max(imVec4.y, 1)));
                    rect.extent(it -> it.width((int) (imVec4.z - imVec4.x)).height((int) (imVec4.w - imVec4.y)));
                    vkCmdSetScissor(cmdHandle, 0, rect);
                    int numElements = imDrawData.getCmdListCmdBufferElemCount(i, j);
                    vkCmdDrawIndexed(cmdHandle, numElements, 1,
                            offsetIdx + imDrawData.getCmdListCmdBufferIdxOffset(i, j),
                            offsetVtx + imDrawData.getCmdListCmdBufferVtxOffset(i, j), 0);
                offsetIdx += imDrawData.getCmdListIdxBufferSize(i);
                offsetVtx += imDrawData.getCmdListVtxBufferSize(i);

The first thing you may notice is that we receive a reference to a CommandBuffer instance where we will record the drawing commands. As it has been said before, we will use the same command buffer used in the lighting phase, therefore, we need that as a parameter. The first thing we do in the recordCommandBuffer, method is retrieve the current image and access the Scene class to retrieve the GUI instance. This is a new attribute in the Scene class which will hold an implementation responsible of actually invoking ImGui functions that will define the GUI elements (the calls to construct the GUI). Depending on the application state, the GUI elements will be different, therefore that construction cannot reside in the GuiRenderActivity class, this should be done in the application which will properly set the IGuiInstance instance which needs to be used in each instant through that new attribute in the Scene class. If there is a GUI implementation we call the drawGui method. If there is no value for that, it means that we should not display any GUI and we just need to return. We will see later on some sample implementations for the IGuiInstance interface, which just defines a single method to draw the GUI elements:

package org.vulkanb.eng.scene;

public interface IGuiInstance {
    void drawGui();

Going back to the the recordCommandBuffer of the GuiRenderActivity class, after calling the drawGui method, ImGui will have updated its internal buffers that will hold the vertices and indices data required to render the GUI. After that we need to be able to use that data in our GPU. This is what the updateBuffers method do, it copies ImGui data to Vulkan buffers that can be used for rendering the GUI. We will see the implementation later on, but it is important to keep in mind what this method does. Yo may notice that we add an extra check about updating the buffers to see if they are null for the current frame. The reason for this is that ImGui may need a frame to figure out the proper size of the elements if the windows do not have a fixed size. Therefore, buffers may not have been populated, and we will need to wait for the next frame.

The next step is to bind the pipeline, set the view port and bind the buffers that will hold the GUI vertices and indices. After that, we setup a push constants buffer which will have a scale factor. ImGui will use a coordinate system which sets (0, 0) at the top left corner of the screen and (width, height) as the the bottom right corner, being width and height the values set in the ImGuiIO setDisplaySize method call. We need to transform from that coordinate system to one in the range of [-1, 1] for x and y axis, which will be done in the vertex shader with the help of that scaling factor. After that, we iterate over the buffer subsets defined by ImGui, applying a start and end offset along with a scissor area to limit the drawing region. For each of those regions, we submit a drawing command.

Let us review now the updateBuffers method:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    private void updateBuffers(int idx) {
        ImDrawData imDrawData = ImGui.getDrawData();

        int vertexBufferSize = imDrawData.getTotalVtxCount() * ImGuiVertexBufferStructure.VERTEX_SIZE;
        int indexBufferSize = imDrawData.getTotalIdxCount() * GraphConstants.SHORT_LENGTH;

        if (vertexBufferSize == 0 || indexBufferSize == 0) {
        VulkanBuffer vertexBuffer = vertexBuffers[idx];
        if (vertexBuffer == null || vertexBufferSize != vertexBuffer.getRequestedSize()) {
            if (vertexBuffer != null) {
            vertexBuffer = new VulkanBuffer(device, vertexBufferSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT,
                    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT, 0);
            vertexBuffers[idx] = vertexBuffer;

        VulkanBuffer indicesBuffer = indicesBuffers[idx];
        if (indicesBuffer == null || indexBufferSize != indicesBuffer.getRequestedSize()) {
            if (indicesBuffer != null) {
            indicesBuffer = new VulkanBuffer(device, indexBufferSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER_BIT,
                    VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT, 0);
            indicesBuffers[idx] = indicesBuffer;

        ByteBuffer dstVertexBuffer = MemoryUtil.memByteBuffer(, vertexBufferSize);
        ByteBuffer dstIdxBuffer = MemoryUtil.memByteBuffer(, indexBufferSize);

        int numCmdLists = imDrawData.getCmdListsCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < numCmdLists; i++) {
            ByteBuffer imguiVertexBuffer = imDrawData.getCmdListVtxBufferData(i);

            // Always get the indices buffer after finishing with the vertices buffer
            ByteBuffer imguiIndicesBuffer = imDrawData.getCmdListIdxBufferData(i);



As it has been shown above, we will have two set of buffers, one for the vertices and the other one for the indices. We will have as many buffers as swap chain images we have, to be able to update them while they are being used in the render process of the previous image. The first thing we do in the updateBuffers method is to retrieve the total number of vertices and indices required by the GUI defined by the IGuiInstance implementation. If the buffers have not been created yet or the number of vertices and indices they hold are different (this means that the GUI elements have changed), we create new Vulkan buffers. The buffers need to have the VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT flag so we can access them from both the GPU and the application. After that, we just copy the vertices and indices data to those buffers. Once the data has been copied, we call a new method in the VulkanBuffer class named flush. The rationale for that is that we have not used the VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT flag when creating the Vulkan buffers. Therefore, we need to ensure that the buffer data is available to the GPU (For this type of frequent writes to host visible buffers, this should be the preferred approach according to this reference). The new flush method in the VulkanBuffer class is defined like this (when not using Vma, we should just call the vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges function. Since we are using Vma, we need to call the equivalent function vmaFlushAllocation):

public class VulkanBuffer {
    public void flush() {
        vmaFlushAllocation(device.getMemoryAllocator().getVmaAllocator(), allocation, 0, this.requestedSize);

Indices values are stored as unsigned shorts, therefore, we have defined a new constant to define the number of bytes of a short in the GraphConstants class (which is used in the updateBuffers method from the GuiRenderActivity class):

public final class GraphConstants {
    public static final int SHORT_LENGTH = 2;

The GuiRenderActivity class also defines a resize method that should be invoked when the render area changes its size. In this methods, we just update the ImGui display size:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    public void resize(SwapChain swapChain) {
        this.swapChain = swapChain;
        ImGuiIO imGuiIO = ImGui.getIO();
        VkExtent2D swapChainExtent = swapChain.getSwapChainExtent();
        imGuiIO.setDisplaySize(swapChainExtent.width(), swapChainExtent.height());

To complete the GuiRenderActivity class we will define two callbacks so Imgui widgets are able to capture keys. First we need to define an inner class which will implement GLFW key callback, and is defined like this:

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    public static class KeyCallback implements GLFWKeyCallbackI {
        public void invoke(long windowHandle, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
            ImGuiIO io = ImGui.getIO();
            if (!io.getWantCaptureKeyboard()) {
            if (action == GLFW_PRESS) {
                io.addKeyEvent(GuiUtils.getImKey(key), true);
            } else if (action == GLFW_RELEASE) {
                io.addKeyEvent(GuiUtils.getImKey(key), false);

This callback first check if ImGui needs to capture keyboard (that is, the focus is om some Imgui window / widget). If so, we set up the state of Imgui according to key pressed or released events. We need to "translate" GLFW key codes to Imgui ones, this is done in the GuiUtils class:

package org.vulkanb.eng.graph.gui;

import imgui.flag.ImGuiKey;

import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;

public class GuiUtils {
    private GuiUtils() {
        // Utility class

    static int getImKey(int key) {
        return switch (key) {
            case GLFW_KEY_TAB -> ImGuiKey.Tab;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT -> ImGuiKey.LeftArrow;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT -> ImGuiKey.RightArrow;
            case GLFW_KEY_UP -> ImGuiKey.UpArrow;
            case GLFW_KEY_DOWN -> ImGuiKey.DownArrow;
            case GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP -> ImGuiKey.PageUp;
            case GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN -> ImGuiKey.PageDown;
            case GLFW_KEY_HOME -> ImGuiKey.Home;
            case GLFW_KEY_END -> ImGuiKey.End;
            case GLFW_KEY_INSERT -> ImGuiKey.Insert;
            case GLFW_KEY_DELETE -> ImGuiKey.Delete;
            case GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE -> ImGuiKey.Backspace;
            case GLFW_KEY_SPACE -> ImGuiKey.Space;
            case GLFW_KEY_ENTER -> ImGuiKey.Enter;
            case GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE -> ImGuiKey.Escape;
            case GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE -> ImGuiKey.Apostrophe;
            case GLFW_KEY_COMMA -> ImGuiKey.Comma;
            case GLFW_KEY_MINUS -> ImGuiKey.Minus;
            case GLFW_KEY_PERIOD -> ImGuiKey.Period;
            case GLFW_KEY_SLASH -> ImGuiKey.Slash;
            case GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON -> ImGuiKey.Semicolon;
            case GLFW_KEY_EQUAL -> ImGuiKey.Equal;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET -> ImGuiKey.LeftBracket;
            case GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH -> ImGuiKey.Backslash;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET -> ImGuiKey.RightBracket;
            case GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT -> ImGuiKey.GraveAccent;
            case GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK -> ImGuiKey.CapsLock;
            case GLFW_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK -> ImGuiKey.ScrollLock;
            case GLFW_KEY_NUM_LOCK -> ImGuiKey.NumLock;
            case GLFW_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN -> ImGuiKey.PrintScreen;
            case GLFW_KEY_PAUSE -> ImGuiKey.Pause;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_0 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad0;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_1 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad1;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_2 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad2;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_3 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad3;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_4 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad4;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_5 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad5;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_6 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad6;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_7 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad7;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_8 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad8;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_9 -> ImGuiKey.Keypad9;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL -> ImGuiKey.KeypadDecimal;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE -> ImGuiKey.KeypadDivide;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY -> ImGuiKey.KeypadMultiply;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT -> ImGuiKey.KeypadSubtract;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD -> ImGuiKey.KeypadAdd;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER -> ImGuiKey.KeypadEnter;
            case GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL -> ImGuiKey.KeypadEqual;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT -> ImGuiKey.LeftShift;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL -> ImGuiKey.LeftCtrl;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT -> ImGuiKey.LeftAlt;
            case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER -> ImGuiKey.LeftSuper;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT -> ImGuiKey.RightShift;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL -> ImGuiKey.RightCtrl;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT -> ImGuiKey.RightAlt;
            case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER -> ImGuiKey.RightSuper;
            case GLFW_KEY_MENU -> ImGuiKey.Menu;
            case GLFW_KEY_0 -> ImGuiKey._0;
            case GLFW_KEY_1 -> ImGuiKey._1;
            case GLFW_KEY_2 -> ImGuiKey._2;
            case GLFW_KEY_3 -> ImGuiKey._3;
            case GLFW_KEY_4 -> ImGuiKey._4;
            case GLFW_KEY_5 -> ImGuiKey._5;
            case GLFW_KEY_6 -> ImGuiKey._6;
            case GLFW_KEY_7 -> ImGuiKey._7;
            case GLFW_KEY_8 -> ImGuiKey._8;
            case GLFW_KEY_9 -> ImGuiKey._9;
            case GLFW_KEY_A -> ImGuiKey.A;
            case GLFW_KEY_B -> ImGuiKey.B;
            case GLFW_KEY_C -> ImGuiKey.C;
            case GLFW_KEY_D -> ImGuiKey.D;
            case GLFW_KEY_E -> ImGuiKey.E;
            case GLFW_KEY_F -> ImGuiKey.F;
            case GLFW_KEY_G -> ImGuiKey.G;
            case GLFW_KEY_H -> ImGuiKey.H;
            case GLFW_KEY_I -> ImGuiKey.I;
            case GLFW_KEY_J -> ImGuiKey.J;
            case GLFW_KEY_K -> ImGuiKey.K;
            case GLFW_KEY_L -> ImGuiKey.L;
            case GLFW_KEY_M -> ImGuiKey.M;
            case GLFW_KEY_N -> ImGuiKey.N;
            case GLFW_KEY_O -> ImGuiKey.O;
            case GLFW_KEY_P -> ImGuiKey.P;
            case GLFW_KEY_Q -> ImGuiKey.Q;
            case GLFW_KEY_R -> ImGuiKey.R;
            case GLFW_KEY_S -> ImGuiKey.S;
            case GLFW_KEY_T -> ImGuiKey.T;
            case GLFW_KEY_U -> ImGuiKey.U;
            case GLFW_KEY_V -> ImGuiKey.V;
            case GLFW_KEY_W -> ImGuiKey.W;
            case GLFW_KEY_X -> ImGuiKey.X;
            case GLFW_KEY_Y -> ImGuiKey.Y;
            case GLFW_KEY_Z -> ImGuiKey.Z;
            case GLFW_KEY_F1 -> ImGuiKey.F1;
            case GLFW_KEY_F2 -> ImGuiKey.F2;
            case GLFW_KEY_F3 -> ImGuiKey.F3;
            case GLFW_KEY_F4 -> ImGuiKey.F4;
            case GLFW_KEY_F5 -> ImGuiKey.F5;
            case GLFW_KEY_F6 -> ImGuiKey.F6;
            case GLFW_KEY_F7 -> ImGuiKey.F7;
            case GLFW_KEY_F8 -> ImGuiKey.F8;
            case GLFW_KEY_F9 -> ImGuiKey.F9;
            case GLFW_KEY_F10 -> ImGuiKey.F10;
            case GLFW_KEY_F11 -> ImGuiKey.F11;
            case GLFW_KEY_F12 -> ImGuiKey.F12;
            default -> ImGuiKey.None;

Back to the GuiRenderActivity class, we will also define an inner class which implements a char a char call back so text input widgets can process those events.

public class GuiRenderActivity {
    public static class CharCallBack implements GLFWCharCallbackI {
        public void invoke(long windowHandle, int c) {
            ImGuiIO io = ImGui.getIO();
            if (!io.getWantCaptureKeyboard()) {

Our Window class already supported the addition of new key callbacks but not of custom char callbacks. We need to update it to receive it as a parameter an set up properly GLFW to use that callback.

public class Window {
    public Window(String title) {
        this(title, null, null);

    public Window(String title, GLFWKeyCallbackI keyCallback, GLFWCharCallbackI charCallback) {
        if (charCallback != null) {
            glfwSetCharCallback(windowHandle, charCallback);

        mouseInput = new MouseInput(windowHandle);

The vertex shader used for rendering the GUI is quite simple, we just transform the coordinates so they are in the [-1, 1] range and output the texture coordinates and color so they can be used in the fragment shader:

#version 450

layout (location = 0) in vec2 inPos;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 inTextCoords;
layout (location = 2) in vec4 inColor;

layout (push_constant) uniform PushConstants {
    vec2 scale;
} pushConstants;

layout (location = 0) out vec2 outTextCoords;
layout (location = 1) out vec4 outColor;

out gl_PerVertex
    vec4 gl_Position;

void main()
    outTextCoords = inTextCoords;
    outColor = inColor;
    gl_Position = vec4(inPos * pushConstants.scale + vec2(-1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);

In the fragment shader we just output the combination of the vertex color and the texture color associated to its texture coordinates:

#version 450

layout (location = 0) in vec2 inTextCoords;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 inColor;

layout (binding = 0) uniform sampler2D fontsSampler;

layout (location = 0) out vec4 outColor;

void main()
    outColor = inColor  * texture(fontsSampler, inTextCoords);

Complete the changes

Now we need to put the new GuiRenderActivity class into play, so we will start with the changes in the Render class:

public class Render {
    private final GuiRenderActivity guiRenderActivity;
    public Render(Window window, Scene scene) {
        guiRenderActivity = new GuiRenderActivity(swapChain, commandPool, graphQueue, pipelineCache,

    public void cleanup() {
    public void render(Window window, Scene scene) {
        commandBuffer = lightingRenderActivity.beginRecording(shadowRenderActivity.getShadowCascades());
        guiRenderActivity.recordCommandBuffer(scene, commandBuffer);

    private void resize(Window window) {

We need to instantiate the GuiRenderActivity class in the Render constructor and free it in the cleanup method. The biggest changes are in the render method, where, because we use the same command buffer in the lighting and GUI rendering classes, we need to split the code previously contained in the LightingRenderActivity recordCommandBuffer method. We have created the beginRecording method in the LightingRenderActivity class that prepares and returns the command buffer to be used for a specific frame. Once we have recorded all the drawing commands, we finish the recording by calling the new endRecording methods in that same LightingRenderActivity class. Finally, in the resize method we need to propagate the call also to the GuiRenderActivity class.

Here are the changes in the LightingRenderActivity class:

public class LightingRenderActivity {
    public CommandBuffer beginRecording(List<CascadeShadow> cascadeShadows) {
        int idx = swapChain.getCurrentFrame();

        Fence fence = fences[idx];
        CommandBuffer commandBuffer = commandBuffers[idx];


        updateLights(scene.getAmbientLight(), scene.getLights(), scene.getCamera().getViewMatrix(),
                lightsBuffers[idx], sceneBuffers[idx]);
        updateCascadeShadowMatrices(cascadeShadows, shadowsMatricesBuffers[idx]);


        return commandBuffer;
    public void endRecording(CommandBuffer commandBuffer) {

    public LightingFrameBuffer getLightingFrameBuffer() {
        return lightingFrameBuffer;
    public void recordCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
        try (MemoryStack stack = MemoryStack.stackPush()) {
            int idx = swapChain.getCurrentFrame();
            VkExtent2D swapChainExtent = swapChain.getSwapChainExtent();
            int width = swapChainExtent.width();
            int height = swapChainExtent.height();

            FrameBuffer frameBuffer = lightingFrameBuffer.getFrameBuffers()[idx];

            VkClearValue.Buffer clearValues = VkClearValue.calloc(1, stack);
            clearValues.apply(0, v -> v.color().float32(0, 0.0f).float32(1, 0.0f).float32(2, 0.0f).float32(3, 1));

            VkRect2D renderArea = VkRect2D.calloc(stack);
            renderArea.offset().set(0, 0);
            renderArea.extent().set(width, height);

            VkRenderPassBeginInfo renderPassBeginInfo = VkRenderPassBeginInfo.calloc(stack)

            VkCommandBuffer cmdHandle = commandBuffer.getVkCommandBuffer();
            vkCmdBeginRenderPass(cmdHandle, renderPassBeginInfo, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);

            vkCmdBindPipeline(cmdHandle, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline.getVkPipeline());

            VkViewport.Buffer viewport = VkViewport.calloc(1, stack)
            vkCmdSetViewport(cmdHandle, 0, viewport);

            VkRect2D.Buffer scissor = VkRect2D.calloc(1, stack)
                    .extent(it -> it
                    .offset(it -> it
            vkCmdSetScissor(cmdHandle, 0, scissor);

            LongBuffer descriptorSets = stack.mallocLong(5)
                    .put(0, attachmentsDescriptorSet.getVkDescriptorSet())
                    .put(1, lightsDescriptorSets[idx].getVkDescriptorSet())
                    .put(2, sceneDescriptorSets[idx].getVkDescriptorSet())
                    .put(3, invMatricesDescriptorSets[idx].getVkDescriptorSet())
                    .put(4, shadowsMatricesDescriptorSets[idx].getVkDescriptorSet());
            vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(cmdHandle, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
                    pipeline.getVkPipelineLayout(), 0, descriptorSets, null);

            vkCmdDraw(cmdHandle, 3, 1, 0, 0);

    public void resize(SwapChain swapChain, List<Attachment> attachments) {
        this.swapChain = swapChain;

The Scene class needs to be modified to store a reference to the active IGuiInstance:

public class Scene {
    private IGuiInstance guiInstance;
    public IGuiInstance getGuiInstance() {
        return guiInstance;
    public void setGuiInstance(IGuiInstance guiInstance) {
        this.guiInstance = guiInstance;

We will modify also the Engine class to check if the input has been handled by ImGui prior to delegating the input handling to the IAppLogic instance. By doing so, the application can opt to not respond to user input. Also, we will use the callbacks required by ImGui when creating the window.

public class Engine {
    public Engine(String windowTitle, IAppLogic appLogic) {
        window = new Window(windowTitle, new GuiRenderActivity.KeyCallback(), new GuiRenderActivity.CharCallBack());
    private boolean handleInputGui() {
        ImGuiIO imGuiIO = ImGui.getIO();
        MouseInput mouseInput = window.getMouseInput();
        Vector2f mousePos = mouseInput.getCurrentPos();
        imGuiIO.addMousePosEvent(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
        imGuiIO.addMouseButtonEvent(0, mouseInput.isLeftButtonPressed());
        imGuiIO.addMouseButtonEvent(1, mouseInput.isRightButtonPressed());

        return imGuiIO.getWantCaptureMouse() || imGuiIO.getWantCaptureKeyboard();

    public void run() {
        while (running && !window.shouldClose()) {
            boolean inputConsumed = handleInputGui();
            appLogic.input(window, scene, now - initialTime, inputConsumed);

This change requires to modify the IAppLogic input method to receive an extra boolean parameter which flags that the input has been consumed by the GUI.

public interface IAppLogic {
    void input(Window window, Scene scene, long diffTimeMillis, boolean inputConsumed);

To complete the minor changes, the VulkanModel class has also been modified to use the new CommandBuffer method submitAndWait:

public class VulkanModel {
    public static List<VulkanModel> transformModels(List<ModelData> modelDataList, TextureCache textureCache,
                                                    CommandPool commandPool, Queue queue) {
        cmd.submitAndWait(device, queue);

The final step is to modify the Main class to set different GUIs depending on the key pressed by the user. We define two implementations of the IGuiInstance interface that will show ImGui demo window and an empty window as inner classes.

public class Main implements IAppLogic {
    public void init(Window window, Scene scene, Render render) {
        scene.setGuiInstance(new DemoGui());

    public void input(Window window, Scene scene, long diffTimeMillis, boolean inputConsumed) {
        if (inputConsumed) {
        if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_0)) {
        } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_1)) {
            scene.setGuiInstance(new DemoGui());
        } else if (window.isKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_2)) {
            scene.setGuiInstance(new SimpleGui());
    private static class DemoGui implements IGuiInstance {
        public void drawGui() {
            ImGui.setNextWindowPos(0, 0, ImGuiCond.Always);

    private static class SimpleGui implements IGuiInstance {
        public void drawGui() {
            ImGui.setNextWindowPos(0, 0, ImGuiCond.Always);
            ImGui.setNextWindowSize(200, 200);
            ImGui.begin("Test Window");

The final result is shown in the next figure.

Screen Shot

Next chapter