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Chapter 01 - Setting Up The Basics

In this chapter, we will set up all the base code required to define a basic rendering loop. This game loop will have these responsibilities: constantly render new frames; get user inputs; and update the game or application state. The code presented here is not directly related to Vulkan, but rather the starting point before we dive right in. You will see something similar in any other application independently of the specific API they use (this is the reason why we will mainly use large chunks of code here, without explaining step of step every detail).


The base requirements to run the samples of this book are:

  • Java version 15 or higher.
  • Maven 3.6.X or higher to build the samples. Building the samples with maven will create a jar file, under the target folder, and the required folders with the dependencies and the resources. You can execute them from the command line just by using java -jar <name_of_the_sample.jar>.
  • Using an IDE is optional. Personally, I'm using IntelliJ IDEA. If you're using an IDE, you may let it compile and run it for you.

You can find the complete source code for this chapter here.

Main class

So let's start from the beginning with, of all things, our Main class:

package org.vulkanb;

import org.tinylog.Logger;
import org.vulkanb.eng.*;
import org.vulkanb.eng.graph.Render;
import org.vulkanb.eng.scene.Scene;

public class Main implements IAppLogic {

    public static void main(String[] args) {"Starting application");
        Engine engine = new Engine("Vulkan Book", new Main());

    public void cleanup() {
        // To be implemented

    public void init(Window window, Scene scene, Render render) {
        // To be implemented

    public void input(Window window, Scene scene, long diffTimeMillis) {
        // To be implemented

    public void update(Window window, Scene scene, long diffTimeMillis) {
        // To be implemented

As you can see, in the main method, we just start our render/game engine, modeled by the Engine class. This class requires, in its constructor, the name of the application and a reference to the class which will implement the application logic. This is controlled by an interface IAppLogic which defines four methods:

  • cleanup: Which is invoked when the application finished to properly release the acquired resources.
  • init: Invoked upon application startup to create the required resources (meshes, textures, etc.).
  • input: Which is invoked periodically so that the application can update its stated reacting to user input.
  • update: Which is invoked periodically so that the application can update its state.


This is the source code of the Engine class:

package org.vulkanb.eng;

import org.vulkanb.eng.graph.Render;
import org.vulkanb.eng.scene.Scene;

public class Engine {

    private final IAppLogic appLogic;
    private final Render render;
    private final Scene scene;
    private final Window window;
    private boolean running;

    public Engine(String windowTitle, IAppLogic appLogic) {
        this.appLogic = appLogic;
        window = new Window(windowTitle);
        scene = new Scene(window);
        render = new Render(window, scene);
        appLogic.init(window, scene, render);

    private void cleanup() {

    public void run() {
        EngineProperties engineProperties = EngineProperties.getInstance();
        long initialTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        float timeU = 1000.0f / engineProperties.getUps();
        double deltaUpdate = 0;

        long updateTime = initialTime;
        while (running && !window.shouldClose()) {

            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            deltaUpdate += (now - initialTime) / timeU;

            appLogic.input(window, scene, now - initialTime);

            if (deltaUpdate >= 1) {
                long diffTimeMilis = now - updateTime;
                appLogic.update(window, scene, diffTimeMilis);
                updateTime = now;

            render.render(window, scene);

            initialTime = now;


    public void start() {
        running = true;

    public void stop() {
        running = false;

Let's dissect what we are doing in the constructor. We first create a Window class instance. The Window class is responsible for setting up a window using the GLFW library and allows us to retrieve user input. Then, we create an instance of the Render class which is responsible for performing the graphics rendering tasks. The Scene class instance will hold up all the scene items, camera settings and lights. After that, we invoke the init methods of the Render instance and the application logic.

Basically the engine class is an infinite loop, modeled in the run method, which is triggered in the start method. This class also provides a handy stop method to get out of said loop and a cleanup method to free resources when the loop exists.

Let's go back to the core method of the Engine class, the run method. We basically control the elapsed time since the last loop block to check if enough seconds have passed to update the state. If so, we've calculated the elapsed time since the last update and invoke the update method from the IAppLogic instance. We invoke the input from the IAppLogic instance and the render method in each turn of the loop. Later on, we will be able to limit the frame rate using vsync, or leave it uncapped.

You may have noticed that we use a class named EngineProperties, which in this case establishes the updates per second. This is a class which reads a property file that will allow us to configure several parameters of the engine at runtime. The code is pretty straight forward:

package org.vulkanb.eng;

import org.tinylog.Logger;

import java.util.Properties;

public class EngineProperties {
    private static final int DEFAULT_UPS = 30;
    private static final String FILENAME = "";
    private static EngineProperties instance;
    private int ups;

    private EngineProperties() {
        // Singleton
        Properties props = new Properties();

        try (InputStream stream = EngineProperties.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + FILENAME)) {
            ups = Integer.parseInt(props.getOrDefault("ups", DEFAULT_UPS).toString());
        } catch (IOException excp) {
            Logger.error("Could not read [{}] properties file", FILENAME, excp);

    public static synchronized EngineProperties getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new EngineProperties();
        return instance;

    public int getUps() {
        return ups;

At this point, the Render and Scene classes are both just an empty shell:

package org.vulkanb.eng.graph;

import org.vulkanb.eng.Window;
import org.vulkanb.eng.scene.Scene;

public class Render {

    public Render(Window window, Scene scene) {
        // To be implemented

    public void cleanup() {
        // To be implemented

    public void render(Window window, Scene scene) {
        // To be implemented
package org.vulkanb.eng.scene;

import org.vulkanb.eng.Window;

public class Scene {

    public Scene(Window window) {


Now it's the turn for our Window class. As it's been said before, this class mainly deals with window creation and input management. Alongside that, this class is the first one which shows the first tiny bits of Vulkan. Let's start by examining its main attributes and constructor.

package org.vulkanb.eng;

import org.lwjgl.glfw.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil;

import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;
import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWVulkan.glfwVulkanSupported;

public class Window {

    private final MouseInput mouseInput;
    private final long windowHandle;
    private int height;
    private boolean resized;
    private int width;

    public Window(String title) {
        this(title, null);

    public Window(String title, GLFWKeyCallbackI keyCallback) {
        if (!glfwInit()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize GLFW");

        if (!glfwVulkanSupported()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find a compatible Vulkan installable client driver (ICD)");

        GLFWVidMode vidMode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
        width = vidMode.width();
        height = vidMode.height();

        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API);
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_MAXIMIZED, GLFW_FALSE);

        // Create the window
        windowHandle = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, title, MemoryUtil.NULL, MemoryUtil.NULL);
        if (windowHandle == MemoryUtil.NULL) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create the GLFW window");

        glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(windowHandle, (window, w, h) -> resize(w, h));

        glfwSetKeyCallback(windowHandle, (window, key, scancode, action, mods) -> {
            if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && action == GLFW_RELEASE) {
                glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true);
            if (keyCallback != null) {
                keyCallback.invoke(window, key, scancode, action, mods);

        mouseInput = new MouseInput(windowHandle);

The code it's self-explanatory, we basically initialize GLFW, set up the window size to the primary monitor dimensions, create the window, set up key callbacks (with a special case for signaling when windows should close) and create a handler for mouse input. But at the very beginning, there's a little fragment which checks if Vulkan is supported:

if (!GLFWVulkan.glfwVulkanSupported()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find a compatible Vulkan installable client driver (ICD)");

The code above will test if the minimal requirements to use Vulkan are available (the Vulkan loader and a minimal functional ICD). This does not imply that Vulkan will work properly, but it is a minimum. Without this, there is no sense in going on. The rest of the methods are basic ones to free resources, handling window resizing, etc.

public class Window {
    public void cleanup() {

    public int getHeight() {
        return height;

    public MouseInput getMouseInput() {
        return mouseInput;

    public int getWidth() {
        return width;

    public long getWindowHandle() {
        return windowHandle;
    public boolean isKeyPressed(int keyCode) {
        return glfwGetKey(windowHandle, keyCode) == GLFW_PRESS;

    public boolean isResized() {
        return resized;

    public void pollEvents() {

    public void resetResized() {
        resized = false;

    public void resize(int width, int height) {
        resized = true;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    public void setResized(boolean resized) {
        this.resized = resized;

    public void setShouldClose() {
        glfwSetWindowShouldClose(windowHandle, true);
    public boolean shouldClose() {
        return glfwWindowShouldClose(windowHandle);

MouseInput is the class responsible for handling mouse input and clicks. Its code is also pretty straight forward.

package org.vulkanb.eng;

import org.joml.Vector2f;

import static org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.*;

public class MouseInput {

    private final Vector2f currentPos;
    private final Vector2f displVec;
    private final Vector2f previousPos;
    private boolean inWindow;
    private boolean leftButtonPressed;
    private boolean rightButtonPressed;

    public MouseInput(long windowHandle) {
        previousPos = new Vector2f(-1, -1);
        currentPos = new Vector2f();
        displVec = new Vector2f();
        leftButtonPressed = false;
        rightButtonPressed = false;
        inWindow = false;

        glfwSetCursorPosCallback(windowHandle, (handle, xpos, ypos) -> {
            currentPos.x = (float) xpos;
            currentPos.y = (float) ypos;
        glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(windowHandle, (handle, entered) -> inWindow = entered);
        glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(windowHandle, (handle, button, action, mode) -> {
            leftButtonPressed = button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 && action == GLFW_PRESS;
            rightButtonPressed = button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_2 && action == GLFW_PRESS;

    public Vector2f getCurrentPos() {
        return currentPos;

    public Vector2f getDisplVec() {
        return displVec;

    public void input() {
        displVec.x = 0;
        displVec.y = 0;
        if (previousPos.x >= 0 && previousPos.y >= 0 && inWindow) {
            displVec.x = currentPos.y - previousPos.y;
            displVec.y = currentPos.x - previousPos.x;
        previousPos.x = currentPos.x;
        previousPos.y = currentPos.y;

    public boolean isLeftButtonPressed() {
        return leftButtonPressed;

    public boolean isRightButtonPressed() {
        return rightButtonPressed;

The input method, just tries to calculate the displacement made by mouse from previous call and stores that in displVec attribute. If previous positions are negative, this means that mouse cursor is out of the window, which is also controlled by the inWindow attribute, in this situation we are not interested in calculating any displacement. Why having to ways of controlling the same? We need to wait until previous position is in the range of the window to calculate displacement to calculate proper displacement between calls that cursor position are both inside the window.

How you want to handle user input is largely up to you. In order to get them, you can the pass a GLFWKeyCallbackI callback, use the glfwSet*Callback() or invoke the isKeyPressed method.

If you run the sample, you will get a nice black window that you can resize, move and close. With that, this chapter comes to its end. In the next chapter, we will start viewing the first basic Vulkan concepts.

Next chapter