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A plugin for Flutter that supports loading and displaying banner, interstitial (full-screen), and rewarded video ads using the Firebase AdMob API.

Note: This plugin is in beta, and may still have a few issues and missing APIs. Feedback and Pull Requests are welcome.

AndroidManifest changes

AdMob 17 requires the App ID to be included in the AndroidManifest.xml. Failure to do so will result in a crash on launch of your app. The line should look like:


where [ADMOB_APP_ID] is your App ID. You must pass the same value when you initialize the plugin in your Dart code.

See for more information about configuring AndroidManifest.xml and setting up your App ID.

Info.plist changes

Admob 7.42.0 requires the App ID to be included in Info.plist. Failure to do so will result in a crash on launch of your app. The lines should look like:


where [ADMOB_APP_ID] is your App ID. You must pass the same value when you initialize the plugin in your Dart code.

See for more information about configuring Info.plist and setting up your App ID.

Initializing the plugin

The AdMob plugin must be initialized with an AdMob App ID.

FirebaseAdMob.instance.initialize(appId: appId);


Starting in version 17.0.0, if you are an AdMob publisher you are now required to add your AdMob app ID in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Once you find your AdMob app ID in the AdMob UI, add it to your manifest adding the following tag:

        <!-- TODO: Replace with your real AdMob app ID -->

Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message starting with "The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly."

On Android, this value must be the same as the App ID value set in your AndroidManifest.xml.


Starting in version 7.42.0, you are required to add your AdMob app ID in your Info.plist file under the Runner directory. You can add it using Xcode or edit the file manually:


Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message including "GADVerifyApplicationID."

Using banners and interstitials

Banner and interstitial ads can be configured with target information. And in the example below, the ads are given test ad unit IDs for a quick start.

MobileAdTargetingInfo targetingInfo = MobileAdTargetingInfo(
  keywords: <String>['flutterio', 'beautiful apps'],
  contentUrl: '',
  childDirected: false,
  designedForFamilies: false,
  gender: MobileAdGender.male, // or MobileAdGender.female, MobileAdGender.unknown
  testDevices: <String>[], // Android emulators are considered test devices

BannerAd myBanner = BannerAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: BannerAd.testAdUnitId,
  size: AdSize.smartBanner,
  targetingInfo: targetingInfo,
  listener: (MobileAdEvent event) {
    print("BannerAd event is $event");

InterstitialAd myInterstitial = InterstitialAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: InterstitialAd.testAdUnitId,
  targetingInfo: targetingInfo,
  listener: (MobileAdEvent event) {
    print("InterstitialAd event is $event");

Ads must be loaded before they're shown.

  // typically this happens well before the ad is shown
    // Positions the banner ad 60 pixels from the bottom of the screen
    anchorOffset: 60.0,
    // Banner Position
    anchorType: AnchorType.bottom,
    anchorType: AnchorType.bottom,
    anchorOffset: 0.0,

BannerAd and InterstitialAd objects can be disposed to free up plugin resources. Disposing a banner ad that's been shown removes it from the screen. Interstitial ads, however, can't be programmatically removed from view.

Banner and interstitial ads can be created with a MobileAdEvent listener. The listener can be used to detect when the ad has actually finished loading (or failed to load at all).

Using rewarded video ads

Unlike banners and interstitials, rewarded video ads are loaded one at a time via a singleton object, RewardedVideoAd.instance. Its load method takes an AdMob ad unit ID and an instance of MobileAdTargetingInfo:

RewardedVideoAd.instance.load(myAdMobAdUnitId, targetingInfo);

To listen for events in the rewarded video ad lifecycle, apps can define a function matching the RewardedVideoAdListener typedef, and assign it to the listener instance variable in RewardedVideoAd. If set, the listener function will be invoked whenever one of the events in the RewardedVideAdEvent enum occurs. After a rewarded video ad loads, for example, the RewardedVideoAdEvent.loaded is sent. Any time after that, apps can show the ad by calling show:;

When the AdMob SDK decides it's time to grant an in-app reward, it does so via the RewardedVideoAdEvent.rewarded event:

RewardedVideoAd.instance.listener =
    (RewardedVideoAdEvent event, {String rewardType, int rewardAmount}) {
  if (event == RewardedVideoAdEvent.rewarded) {
    setState(() {
      // Here, apps should update state to reflect the reward.
      _goldCoins += rewardAmount;

Because RewardedVideoAd is a singleton object, it does not offer a dispose method.


This is just an initial version of the plugin. There are still some limitations:

  • Banner ads have limited positioning functionality. They can be positioned at the top or the bottom of the screen and at a logical pixel offset from the edge.
  • Banner ads cannot be animated into view.
  • It's not possible to specify a banner ad's size.
  • There's no support for native ads.
  • The existing tests are fairly rudimentary.
  • There is no API doc.
  • The example should demonstrate how to show gate a route push with an interstitial ad

For Flutter plugins for other Firebase products, see