diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9113636..7230554 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Checks for any printable character including space| The character to test | 0 if # Functions "lst" -## [ft_lstadd_back](libft/ft_lstadd_back.c) +## [ft_lstadd_back](libft/ft_lstadd_back_bonus.c) `void ft_lstadd_back(t_list **lst, t_list *new)` @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Adds the 'new' element to the end of a list| A pointer addres to the first element of a list | A pointer to the new element to be added to the list | None. -## [ft_lstadd_front](libft/ft_lstadd_front.c) +## [ft_lstadd_front](libft/ft_lstadd_front_bonus.c) `void ft_lstadd_front(t_list **lst, t_list *new)` @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Adds the 'new' element to the beguining of a list| A pointer addres to the first element of a list | A pointer to the new element to be added to the list | None. -## [ft_lstclear](libft/ft_lstclear.c) +## [ft_lstclear](libft/ft_lstclear_bonus.c) `void ft_lstclear(t_list **lst, void (*del)(void *))` @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Deletes and frees every element of a list, using 'del' function and free(). Pointer to the is is set to NULL | A pointer addres to the first element of a list | A pointer to the fuction used to delete the content of each list element| None. -## [ft_lstdelone](libft/ft_lstdelone.c) +## [ft_lstdelone](libft/ft_lstdelone_bonus.c) `void ft_lstdelone(t_list *lst, void (*del)(void *))` @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Deletes and frees an element of a list, using 'del' function and free(). Memory of next should not be freed. | A pointer addres to the element to be deleted | A pointer to the fuction used to delete the content of list element| None. -## [ft_lstlast](libft/ft_lstlast.c) +## [ft_lstlast](libft/ft_lstlast_bonus.c) `t_list *ft_lstlast(t_list *lst)` @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------: Returns the last element of a list | A pointer to the first element of a list | A pointer to last element of the list. -## [ft_lstiter](libft/ft_lstiter.c) +## [ft_lstiter](libft/ft_lstiter_bonus.c) `void ft_lstiter(t_list *lst, void (*f)(void *))` @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Iterates the list 'lst' and applies the function 'f' to the content of each element| A pointer addres to the first element of the list | A pointer to the fuction used to process the content of every element| None. -## [ft_lstmap](libft/ft_lstmap.c) +## [ft_lstmap](libft/ft_lstmap_bonus.c) `t_list *ft_lstmap(t_list *lst, void *(*f)(void *), void (*del)(void *))` @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Param. 2nd | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------:| :-----------: Iterates the list 'lst' and applies the function 'f' to the content of each element generating a new list. The 'del' function wil be used if allocation fails| A pointer addres to an element of the list | A pointer to the fuction used to iterate the list | A pointer to the fuction used to delete the content of list element (if needed) | The new list. NULL if allocation fails. -## [ft_lstnew](libft/ft_lstnew.c) +## [ft_lstnew](libft/ft_lstnew_bonus.c) `t_list *ft_lstnew(void *content)` @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Description | Param. 1st | Return Value :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------: Allocates the space and returns a new list element. Content is initialized with 'content' parameter. The 'next' variable is set to NULL | Content to be used on the new element | The new element -## [ft_lstsize](libft/ft_lstsize.c) +## [ft_lstsize](libft/ft_lstsize_bonus.c) `int ft_lstsize(t_list *lst)`