You can build a docker image for KUKSA.val go to the root of your working copy and execute
docker build -f ./kuksa-val-server/docker/Dockerfile -t arm64/kuksa-val:myversion .
You can cross compile an image for other platforms such as arm64
using dockers buildx
feature. To set up buildx check the official documentation
If you have a running buildx setup you can create an arm64 image using
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 -f ./kuksa-val-server/docker/Dockerfile -t arm64/kuksa-val:myversion .
Not optimized at all, just gets Ubuntu installed and does a first compile. Will drop you to a shell
To build go to kuksa.val main dir and do
docker build -f ./kuksa-val-server/docker/ -t kuksavaltest .