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What is the proper way to document a class returned from Data.define? #1553

Answered by lsegal
jcouball asked this question in Q&A

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You have a few options:

The easiest way:

...But technically generates an extra runtime parsed line of Ruby.

Milestone = Data.define(:id, :summary, :status)

# Defines a project milestone
# @api public
# @!attribute [r] id
#   The unique milestone identifier (which is a URL)
#   @example
# #=> ""
#   @return [String]
# @!attribute [r] summary
#   A short, one-line milestone summary
#   A summary is never blank.
#   @example
#     milestone.summary #=> "Doc Storage Requirements Complete"
#   @return [String]
#   @api public
# @!attribute [r] description
#   A possibly multi-line / multi-paragraph description of the mi…

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Answer selected by lsegal

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4 participants
Converted from issue

This discussion was converted from issue #1533 on August 26, 2024 07:37.