Releases: lovyan03/LovyanGFX
hotfix: #59 Sprite using PSRAM tries to use DMA transfer and fails.
hotfix: Sprite using PSRAM tries to use DMA transfer and fails.
add fillAffine function.
add examples/Standard/SaveBMP
add examples/Sprite/RotateDial
add new functions (Affine and Anti-Aliasing)
Changed the pivot variable from an int type to a float type.
add functions:
add functions for sprite:
hotfix: pushImage no longer compiles with a transparency color #54
hotfix: pushImage no longer compiles with a transparency color #54
update: Added characters included in the Japanese font.
Add support U8g2 font.
Add support U8g2 font.
Add japanese fonts. ( IPA font converted by @tanakamasayuki
Add readPixelRGB function.
update: Improving the speed of pushImage ( writePixels ).
refactoring: Review of class design.
Bugfix and Add new functions
bugfix: pushImage color bug (SAMD51)
bugfix: pushImageDMA color convert bug.
bugfix: bug with the ESP-IDF that caused DMA to malfunction when sharing SPI with other devices.
bugfix: depending on the include order.
add: textLength function.
add: setBuffer function to LGFX_Sprite.
add: examples/HowToUse/5_images
add: examples/Sprite/FlashMemSprite
add: autodetect flag "LGFX_M5STACKCORE2"
update: autodetecion results are saved in NVS.
update: use of touch interrupt in FT52x6.
Hotfix: M5Stack init command bugfix.
Hotfix: Panel_ILI9342 (M5Stack) init command bugfix.
Add Support M5StackCore2 and Touchscreen
Add Support M5StackCore2 .
Add Support Touchscreen for ESP32 . ( I2C FT5x06 / SPI XPT2046 / SPI STMPE610 )
Add Support backlight control with M5StickC/CPlus .
Add Support Panel ST7796 .
Fix Autodetect crash on ESP-IDF SPI .
Fix Autodetect for LolinD32Pro
Fix Gamma table for M5Stack IPS ILI9342C .
Improved processing speed for SAMD51 .
update LGFX_SPI_ESP32
・bugfix: crash when gpio init.
・update: If the panel.offset_rotation is set to 4 or more, the image will be displayed as a mirror image.
・update: add a board that can be autodetect.
・update: When you specify multiple boards in the define and then include LovyanGFX, they are autodetected at init time.
・update: SPI port setting can be changed by init function. ( init(sclk, miso, mosi, spihost); )
bugfix for ESP-IDF
0.1.18 Merge branch 'master' of
bugfix: M5StickC/CPlus autodetect.
add: LGFX_AUTODETECT config (M5Stack/M5StickC/M5StickCPlus)
add: ESP32 Parallel LCD support (I2S LCD mode)
add: function writePixels / writeIndexedPixels
update: drawGradientLine support template color