Short (1-2 lines) brief description of the Test Suite and the main components (Maybe create a simple nice drawing of the four components):
Keep the description very short and precise to not overwhelm newcomers with a large amount of information
- Mezzanine Content: Brief description of Mezzanine content we use, Link to GH project, Link to Mezzanine content repository
- Test Content: Brief description of generated CMAF test content (media profiles, etc.), Link to GH project, Link to test content database
- Test Runner (TR): Brief description of Test Runner, Link to GH project (dpctf-deploy)
- Observation Framework (OF): Brief description of Observation Framework, Link to GH project
You only need to setup the Test Runner and the Observation Framework. The Test Runner offers a script to download the test content locally.
- Setup TR: Follow instructions in dpctf-deloy README
- Setup OF: Follow instructions in ???? README
I don't see there is a need to address the generation of new Mezzanine Content or Test Content on this landing page.
More details are provided in the dedicated project
- Ubuntu with Docker for Test Runner and Observation Framework
- What are the other OF Requirements?