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Memoize Commands or Bash Functions with Coprocs!

Motivation & Some Emoji

How do you speed up a Bash program that executes a command or function thousands of times, often with the same arguments? Or in our specific case, how do you speed up a complex Linux iptables generator written in Bash that executes ip route thousands of times, often with the same arguments?

  • You could rearchitect the program to avoid the duplicate calls? Sadly you deem that too difficult.
  • You could return cached results for function calls when the inputs are identical, i.e. memoize the calls? What a fabulous idea!

However, memoizing ip route executions against big routing tables doesn't sound too fun, nor is the code small enough for a blog post, so instead let us try to use memoization to speed up a fancy emoji short code parser written in Bash!

First we will walk through the program without memoization. Then we will benchmark the program so we can compare its runtime with the memoized version. The program reads standard input and scans for emoji short codes, based on their text to speech description provided in Unicode's Common Locale Data Repository, thus empowering you to make your commit messages more beautiful!

$ ./emojify <<'EOF'
Remove dead code! :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

This code can go the way of the wonderful :sauropod: as our :flying_saucer:
tech has been replaced with:

    msg='Sorry we have gone out of business! :flying_saucer: :zombie:'
    printf '%s\n' "$msg"
    exit 0

I suppose it is not that easy after all to build a product based on a
:flying_saucer: or to innovate and build a better :fortune_cookie:, good luck
next time :blue_heart: :blue_heart:!

Remove dead code! 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙

This code can go the way of the wonderful 🦕 as our 🛸
tech has been replaced with:

    msg='Sorry we have gone out of business! 🛸 🧟'
    printf '%s\n' "$msg"
    exit 0

I suppose it is not that easy after all to build a product based on a
🛸 or to innovate and build a better 🥠, good luck
next time 💙 💙!

The text parser reads each character of input and looks for short codes of the form :<text to speech>: where spaces in the text to speech description have been replaced with underscores: e.g. :rolled-up_newspaper:(🗞️) or :crystal_ball:(🔮):

function parse-text {
    local cldr_file=$1
    local emoji
    local char
    local parsing_code='false'
    local code_accum=''
    while IFS= read -r -N1 char; do
        if [[ $char != ':' ]]; then
            if [[ $parsing_code == 'false' ]]; then
                printf '%s' "$char"
                if [[ $char =~ [a-z_-] ]]; then
                    printf ':%s%s' "$code_accum" "$char"
            if [[ $parsing_code == 'true' ]]; then
                if ! emoji=$(short-code-emoji "$code_accum" "$cldr_file"); then
                    printf 'ERROR: Unable to get emoji :%s:\n' "$code_accum" >&2
                    return 1
                printf '%s' "$emoji"
    return 0

Once it finds a short code it calls the function short-code-emoji to obtain the short code:

if ! emoji=$(short-code-emoji "$code_accum" "$cldr_file"); then
    printf 'ERROR: Unable to obtain emoji for, :%s:\n' "$code_accum" >&2
    return 1

The short-code-emoji function uses jq to query the CLDR json for the emoji associated with the short code:

function short-code-emoji {
    local short_code=$1
    local cldr_file=$2
    local tts=${short_code//_/ }
    local emoji
    if ! emoji=$(
        jq -r --arg tts "${tts}" '
          .annotations.annotations |
            to_entries[] |
            select(.value.tts[0] == $tts) |
            .key' <"$cldr_file"
    ); then
        printf 'ERROR: Unable to parse cldr json\n' >&2
        return 1
    if [[ -z "$emoji" ]]; then
        printf '?%s?\n' "$short_code"
        printf '%s\n' "$emoji"
    return 0

Unfortunately, it is a bit slow — I can watch the emoji paint on my terminal!

$ time ./emojify <input >/dev/null

real    0m0.569s
user    0m0.555s
sys     0m0.017s

Parsing a 336KiB json file is pretty quick with jq, but for every repeated short code in our input we our repeating our work, even though we know the result! So how can we memoize those repeated function calls to short-code-emoji? Before we answer that question lets delve into how Bash functions work so we can better understand our options.

Bash Functions Are Wacky!

Bash functions are a bit of an odd 🦆 when compared with a traditional programming language, for example when executing:

function epoch {
    printf '%(%s)T\n'

unix_epoch=$(date +%s)
printf 'from date cmd: %s\n' "$unix_epoch"
printf 'from epoch func: %s\n' "$unix_epoch"

You might assume that the calling of the epoch function occurs within the main Bash process, in contrast to the execution of the external command date. However, when a Bash function is executed, within a command substitution, Bash forks a process and executes the function in a child process or subshell. So effectively the function is executed as a external command like date rather than as part of the main Bash process. Try running strace --trace=process on the above snippet to see the creation of the forked children.

Because a function is executed in a separate process, when using command substitution, a naive memoization strategy for a rando function, that returns the same random value for any input, might look like this:

declare -A CACHE

function rando {
    local IFS=$'\t'
    if ! [[ -v "CACHE[$*]" ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "${CACHE[$*]}"

printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"
printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"

But, this will not work as it will output two different random numbers for the same input because the associative array is only instantiated in the subprocess and as a consequence any writes to the array are lost when the subprocess exits. How do we memoize the results if the function is executed in a separate process?

There are many possible strategies including:

  1. Prime the cache in our main process, to avoid writing to the cache in a subshell:

    declare -A CACHE
    function rando {
      local IFS=$'\t'
      printf '%s\n' "${CACHE[$*]}"
    rando_args=("butter" "bubbles")
    if ! [[ -v "CACHE[${rando_args[*]}]" ]]; then
    printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"
    printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"

    Unfortunately, this method makes for some pretty hard to read code if you need to cache a lot of values!

  2. Cache the results in the filesystem:

    CACHE_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
    function rando {
      local IFS=$'\t'
      local key_file="${CACHE_DIR}/$*"
      if ! [[ -e "$key_file" ]]; then
        printf '%s\n' "$RANDOM" >"$key_file"
      cat "$key_file"
    printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"
    printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"

    This method works well, but requires cleaning up our files and ensuring the underlying block device is fast.

  3. Use Coprocs!

Of course given the title of this blog post we will go with option (3)! First we will understand how coprocs work, with some small examples, then we will modify emojify to use coprocs for memoization.

Grokking Coprocs

A coproc allows us to execute a function as a separate process in a background subshell and communicate with that process over pipes. If you squint they are almost like a Goroutine in Go, at least in the message passing sense. At a more basic level a coproc can be thought of as shell syntactic sugar around named pipes. You daemonize a function as a separate process and then communicate with that daemon by writing to its standard input and reading from its standard output:


function rando-daemon {
    declare -A cache
    declare -a query
    local IFS=$'\t'
    while read -ra query; do
        if ! [[ -v "cache[${query[*]}]" ]]; then
        printf '%s\n' "${cache[${query[*]}]}"

rando() {
    local IFS=$'\t'
    local resp
    printf '%s\n' "$*" >&"${RANDO[1]}"
    read -r resp <&"${RANDO[0]}"
    printf '%s\n' "$resp"

coproc RANDO { rando-daemon; }

printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"
printf "%s\n" "$(rando butter bubbles)"

Here we rename our rando function to rando-daemon, to indicate it is now a daemon, and we add a new rando function who communicates with the rando-daemon over its stdin and stdout pipes created by the coproc command coproc RANDO { rando-daemon; }. In this invocation RANDO is instantiated as an array of file descriptors connected to the rando-daemon with ${RANDO[0]} being its stdout and ${RANDO[1]} being its stdin. We also retool rando-daemon to loop forever reading from stdin and writing its responses to stdout. With those changes made the function can now use a local associative array to cache results as the array will persist as long as the coproc is running.

As with any shell | the message format over the pipes is free form, here I chose to use tab delimited data as it makes for a pretty simple solution.

Emojify With Coprocs

Given our new knowledge of coprocs we can retool the slow short-code-emoji function as a coproc daemon, adding a while loop reading from stdin. Our stdin query response is enhanced to include a tab delimited return code and emoji:

function short-code-emoji-daemon {
  local short_code
  local cldr_file
  local tts
  local emoji
  declare -a query
  declare -A emoji_cache
  while IFS=$'\t' read -ra query; do
    tts=${short_code//_/ }
    if ! [[ -v "emoji_cache[$short_code]" ]]; then
      if ! emoji=$(
        jq -r --arg tts "${tts}" '
          .annotations.annotations |
          to_entries[] |
          select(.value.tts[0] == $tts) |
          .key' <"$cldr_file"
      ); then
        printf 'ERROR: Unable to parse cldr json\n' >&2
        printf '%d\t%s\n' 1 ""
      if [[ -z "$emoji" ]]; then
    printf '%d\t%s\n' 0 "${emoji_cache[$short_code]}"

Then we add a query function to communicate with our daemon:

short-code-emoji() {
  local IFS=$'\t'
  local ret
  local resp
  printf '%s\n' "$*" >&"${SHORT_CODE_EMOJI[1]}"
  read -r ret resp <&"${SHORT_CODE_EMOJI[0]}"
  printf '%s\n' "$resp"
  return "$ret"

Here we improve the short-code-emoji query function a bit to allow the daemon's response to include the return code as well as the emoji. This allows the query function to receive errors from the coproc daemon and return them in the same manner as a typical Bash function. Now we are ready to compare our memoized emojiy with the original one.

Benchmarking Coprocs

So did our coproc improve the speed of our fancy emojifier?

Memoized with Coprocs

$ time ./emojify <input >/dev/null

real    0m0.239s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.006s


$ time ./emojify-orig <input >/dev/null

real    0m0.569s
user    0m0.555s
sys     0m0.017s

Indeed, over a 40% speedup! Now we don't have to wait for our emoji to render!

$ echo ':raising_hands:' | ./emojify

Using this same technique on our iptables generator gained us a speedup of 5.4 seconds off a previous total runtime of 14.8 seconds!


Bash functions are strange and attempting to view them akin to functions in typical languages will cause a lot of pain in my experience. However, viewing functions as separate commands exposes the nice symmetry between commands you execute in Bash and your own functions. Coprocs are an interesting and fun way to extend that view of Bash functions and turn them into long running daemons. There is some discussion of this blog post on

Further Reading

  1. emojify - full source code both with and without coprocs
  2. Bash manual on coprocs
  3. How do you use the command coproc in various shells?: Wonderful reply by Stéphane Chazelas on the topic of coproc usage.
  4. Using more than one coproc?


Thanks to Randall Mason, Stephen Gelman, & Brett Kochendorfer for providing feedback on this post.