We test the installation with
- GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- CUDA == 11.3, V11.3.58
$ conda env create -f environment.yaml
$ conda activate cpf
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements@git.txt
$ pip install pytorch3d --no-index --no-cache-dir --find-links https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/packaging/wheels/py310_cu113_pyt1110/download.html
$ cd thirdparty
# create a __init__.py in dex_ycb_toolkit
$ touch ./dex-ycb-toolkit/dex_ycb_toolkit/__init__.py
$ pip install ./dex-ycb-toolkit
# check install success:
$ python -c "from dex_ycb_toolkit.dex_ycb import DexYCBDataset"
$ cd thirdparty/libmesh
$ python setup.py build_ext --inplace
# check install success: (in the project root directory)
$ python -c "import thirdparty.libmesh"
Get the MANO hand model mano_v1_2.zip
from the MANO website.
- click
on the top menu, this requires register & login. - on the Download page, navigate to Models & Code section, and click
Models & Code
, themano_v1_2.zip
will be downloaded automatically. - Unzip
and copy it into anassets
Download the contents of the handobjectconsist/assets, unzip, and put them in the assets
the assets
folder should have the following structure:
├── anchor
│ ├── anchor_mapping_path.pkl
│ ├── anchor_weight.txt
│ ├── face_vertex_idx.txt
│ └── merged_vertex_assignment.txt
├── closed_hand
│ └── hand_mesh_close.obj
├── fhbhands_fits
│ ├── Subject_1
│ ├── ...
│ └── Subject_6
├── hand_palm_full.txt
├── mano
│ ├── fhb_skel_centeridx0.pkl
│ └── fhb_skel_centeridx9.pkl
├── mano_v1_2
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── LICENSE.txt
│ ├── models
│ └── webuser
Download the fphab following the official instructions, and link it to
. -
Resize the original full-res images based on the handobjectconsist/reduce_fphab.py.
Download our fhbhand supplimentary file fhbhands_supp.tar.gz, and link it to
The fphab-related data in the project should has the following structure:
├── fhbhands
│ ├── action_object_info.txt
│ ├── action_sequences_normalized
│ ├── change_log.txt
│ ├── data_split_action_recognition.txt
│ ├── file_system.jpg
│ ├── Hand_pose_annotation_v1
│ ├── Object_6D_pose_annotation_v1_1
│ ├── Object_models
│ ├── Subjects_info
│ └── Video_files_480
├── fhbhands_supp
│ ├── Object_contact_region_annotation_v512
│ ├── Object_models
│ └── Object_models_binvox
- Download the HO3D dataset (version 2) following the official instructions and link it to
. - Download our YCB models supplimentary YCB_models_supp_v2.tar.gz and link it to
. - Download our synthetic data: HO3D_ycba.tar.gz and HO3D_syntht.tar.gz, link them to
The HO3D-related data in the project should has the following structure:
├── HO3D
│ ├── evaluation
│ ├── evaluation.txt
│ ├── train
│ └── train.txt
├── HO3D_supp_v2
│ ├── evaluation
│ └── train
├── HO3D_syntht
│ └── train
├── HO3D_ycba
│ ├── 003_cracker_box
│ ├── 004_sugar_box
│ ├── 006_mustard_bottle
│ ├── 010_potted_meat_can
│ ├── 011_banana
│ ├── 019_pitcher_base
│ ├── 021_bleach_cleanser
│ ├── 025_mug
│ ├── 035_power_drill
│ └── 037_scissors
├── YCB_models_supp_v2
│ ├── 002_master_chef_can
│ ├── 003_cracker_box
│ └── ...
We use the DexYCB to aid in training the contact recovery model.
- Download DexYCB dataset from the official site, unzip and link the dataset to
. - Download our DexYCB supplimentary file DexYCB_supp.tar.gz and link it to
The DexYCB-related data in the project should has the following structure:
├── DexYCB
│ ├── 20200709-subject-01
│ ├── ...
│ ├── 20201022-subject-10
│ ├── bop
│ ├── calibration
│ └── models
├── DexYCB_supp
│ ├── 20200709-subject-01
│ ├── ...
│ └── 20201022-subject-10
Download our model ckeckpoints at here and put the contents in the checkpoints
The legacy
folder contains the checkpoints for the hand-object pose estimation network (HoNet) and the contact recovery network (PiCR) in our ICCV 2021 conference paper.
The verified
folder contains the checkpoints for the contact recovery network (PiCR) that is re-trained within this repository (the checkpoints used in: