## Quick Start In this guide we'll walk you through how to install particle, create a helm chart and test it. We'll be using the default `driver` and `provisioner`, which are `kind` and `helm`. ### Step 0: Install packages #### Native installation Before we can do anything, we need to have some tools installed. Those will be `helm` and `kubectl`. `kubectl` is not necessary for `particle` to work correctly, we'll use it only to explore the created cluster. Let's install it with `brew`: ```bash brew install kubectl helm ``` If you don't have brew, you'll have to install [helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) and [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/) as its documentations states. Now, you'll need to download particle. Again, if you use brew: ```bash brew tap little-angry-clouds/my-brews brew install particle ``` If you don't, you can get the binary from GitHub's release page, decompress the file and move it to your PATH. ```bash # You need curl and jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) latest=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/little-angry-clouds/particle/releases/latest | jq -r ".assets[].browser_download_url" | grep linux_amd64) # It will return a list of combination of binaries from different architectures and OS, choose the one you want and download it curl $latest -L -o particle.tar.gz tar xzf particle.tar.gz sudo mv particle /usr/local/bin ``` Once downloaded, you should add it your path. It might depend on your system, so you should make sure it's correctly done. Usually moving it to `/usr/local/bin` is enough. ```bash sudo mv particle /usr/local/bin/ sudo chmod 550 /usr/local/bin/particle ``` Once installed, make sure the CLI is correctly installed and run: ```bash particle version ``` You should see the CLI version. #### Use docker image Particle has a lot of dependencies. In the last section we've only seen the mandatory, but if you want to use other verifiers or linters, you'll need to install them as well. To make it easier to have all this packages in one page, there's a docker image with all them at [littleangryclouds/particle](https://hub.docker.com/r/littleangryclouds/particle). It has installed the next tools: - Multiple kubectl versions - Helm 3 - Kind - Bats - Yamllint - Kubeval - kube-score - kube-lint - helmfile It does not have an entrypoint, command or args, so you can use any of it freely. The complete docker order would be: ```yaml docker run -ti --volume $(pwd):/$(pwd | xargs -n1 basename) --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker/ --volume $HOME/.kube/kind-config:/root/.kube/config --net host \ --workdir /$(pwd | xargs -n1 basename) littleangryclouds/particle particle test ``` Now, that's a way too long command, so it would be recommended to do an alias to make the dockerized particle behave exactly like native particle would be: ```sh alias particle="docker run -ti --volume $(pwd):/$(pwd | xargs -n1 basename) --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker/ --volume $HOME/.kube/kind-config:/root/.kube/config --net host --workdir /$(pwd | xargs -n1 basename) littleangryclouds/particle:v0.0.8 particle" ``` Keep in mind that this command uses to mount the host socket to do docker in docker, and to use the host network. ### Step 2: Create a helm chart Now that the CLI is running locally, we'll begin to use it. It's time to create the helm chart. For example purposes, we'll call the chart `nginx`. You could create it with `helm chart create nginx`, but you'd need to add some stuff manually. Luckily, `particle` wrapps that command and does that stuff automatically: ```bash particle init chart nginx ``` If there's no error, this command has created a directory named `nginx`. If you list it, you'll it's pretty much the same as creating the chart with `helm`. The main difference is the `particle` directory, which contains a default `scenario` with some default values. The `particle.yml` will contain something like: ```yaml driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm lint: |- set -e helm lint verifier: name: helm ``` ### Step 3: Modify the chart At this point we have the skeleton created. We just need to add some example functionality and do some tests. We'll only do cosmetic changes, since this is not the point of this document. Let's suppose that instead of adding some cool templates to the chart, we only want to change the name of the deployment. We edit `templates/deployment.yaml` and change it: ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: particle-{{ include "nginx.fullname" . }} # Prior: name: {{ include "nginx.fullname" . }} labels: {{- include "nginx.labels" . | nindent 4 }} spec: {{- if not .Values.autoscaling.enabled }} replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }} {{- end }} ... ``` ### Step 4: Test the chart The next step would be test the chart. Test implies doing a bunch of stuff. We'll see the steps more deeply, but in a nutshell, testing implis running linters, install the chart in a real cluster and verify its state. Particle is initialized with the default configuration, which means that all the tools used in the testing are done with the `helm` binary. For the sake of simplification in this example, the testing examples are: - Lint with `helm lint` - Create the kubernetes cluster with `kind` - Install the chart with `helm upgrade --install` - Verify that the state is the one desired with `helm test` - Destroy the kubernetes cluster All this, and more, will happen when you execute `particle test`. Here you can see a screencast of the execution of particle and the exploration of the cluster state with kubectl. ![Particle screencast](./img/particle.svg "Particle screencast") To add more tests, you may check [helm's documentation](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/chart_tests/). And that's it! If you want to continue learning how `particle` works, make sure to check out the rest of the documentation. # Configuration At the moment of writing the documentation, the default configuration file is the next. The default `driver` is `kind`, the default `provisioner` is `helm`, the default `verifier` is `helm` and the default `linter` is `helm`. This is a minimal example: ```yaml --- driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm linter: |- set -e helm lint verifier: |- set -e helm test chart dependency: name: helm ``` And this is a more complete example: ```yaml --- driver: name: kind values: kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane kubeadmConfigPatches: - | kind: InitConfiguration nodeRegistration: kubeletExtraArgs: node-labels: "ingress-ready=true" extraPortMappings: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 8080 protocol: TCP provisioner: name: helm values: ingress: enabled: true hosts: - paths: - / lint: |- set -e helm lint yamllint values.yaml helm template . | kubeval verifier: |- set -e bats particle/default/test.bats dependency: name: helm ``` ## Driver - **name**: The driver name. **Required** - Supported values: `kind` - **kubernetes-version**: The kubernetes version. The versions are `kind`'s node [tags](https://hub.docker.com/r/kindest/node/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated). **Optional** - **values**: The configuration for the driver. When using `kind`, it would be the values for the [kind cluster](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/configuration/). **Optional** ```yaml driver: name: kind kubernetes-version: v1.21.2 values: kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane kubeadmConfigPatches: - | kind: InitConfiguration nodeRegistration: kubeletExtraArgs: node-labels: "ingress-ready=true" extraPortMappings: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 8080 protocol: TCP ``` ## Provisioner - **name**: The `provisioner` name. **Required** - Supported values: `helm` - **values**: The configuration for the provisioner. When using `helm`, it would be the values for the helm chart. **Optional** ```yaml provisioner: name: helm values: ingress: enabled: true ``` ## Verifier It doesn't accept any parameter, just a list of commands that are executed at the OS level. It's recommendable that the first line is `set -e`. This way the step will fail when any of the commands return a failure. ```yaml verifier: |- set -e helm test chart ``` ## Dependency - **name**: The `dependency` manager name. **Required** - **charts**: A list of dependencies to install. **Optional** - **repository-name**: The name of the helm repository. - **repository-url**: The url of the helm repository. ```yaml dependency: name: helm charts: - repository-name: drone repository-url: https://drone.github.io/charts ``` You may see examples [here](#verifiers). ## Prepare - **name**: The name of the helm chart. - **values**: The configuration for the preparation. When using `helm`, it would be the values for the helm chart. **Optional** - **version**: The version of the helm chart. **Optional** ```yaml prepare: - name: drone/drone version: 0.1.7 values: env: DRONE_SERVER_HOST: localhost ``` ## Linter It doesn't accept any parameter, just a list of commands that are executed at the OS level. It's recommendable that the first line is `set -e`. This way the step will fail when any of the commands return a failure. ```yaml linter: |- set -e helm lint ``` You may see examples [here](#linters). # Commands In this section we'll see each command that `particle` supports and explain its function. ## Cleanup It deletes whatever is installed in the kubernetes cluster. That is all that the `converge` and `prepare` commands install. ## Converge It installs the main kubernetes manifests to the cluster. For example, when using the `helm` `provisioner` it will install the developed helm chart. ## Create It creates the kubernetes cluster. For example, when using the `kind` `driver` it will create a `kind` cluster on your computer. ## Dependency It adds the dependencies that the tests might need. For example, when using the `helm` `provisioner` it will add the helm repositories locally executing `helm repo add`. An example use case would be if you're developing an application that connects to a MySQL database, in this section you'd declare the helm chart that you want to deploy before your application. ## Destroy It destroys the kubernetes cluster. For example, when using the `kind` `driver` it will destroy the `kind` cluster on your computer. ## Init It creates all the local files, from the kubernetes manifests to the `particle.yml` file. For example, when using the `helm` `provisioner` it will basically wrap the `helm init` command. ## Lint It checks that all the files are correctly linted. It's not integrated in `particle`, in the sense that it doesn't offer an API. You can pass to it any number of verifiers and the ones you want. It will all be executed as a shell script. By default, it will execute `helm lint`. You can see more in the [linters section](#linters). ## Prepare It installs the dependencies that the `dependency` command makes available. For example, when using the `helm` `provisioner` it will install all the declared charts. ## Syntax It checks that `particle.yml` has the correct syntax. It basically checks its schema, if it has keys that particle doesn't support, it will fail. ## Verify It executes the tests that check that what's deployed in the cluster, it's in the desired state. It's not integrated in `particle`, in the sense that it doesn't offer an API. You can pass to it any number of verifiers and the ones you want. It will all be executed as a shell script. By default, it will execute `helm test`. You can see more in the [verifiers section](#verifiers). # CI Examples In this section we'll se how to use Particle with different CI and different methods of installation. ## Github Actions In this is an example, we'll be testing a monorepo that contains multiple helm charts with a native installation of all the packages: ```yaml --- name: Tests on: pull_request jobs: particle: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: recursive fetch-depth: 0 - name: Install dependencies run: brew install bats-core kubectl little-angry-clouds/my-brews/particle - name: Run particle for every chart that has a change run: | changed_directories=$(git diff --diff-filter=AM --name-only remotes/origin/master HEAD | grep -vs ".github" || true) changed_directories=$(echo $changed_directories | xargs -n1 dirname | cut -d"/" -f1| sort -u | grep -sv "^.$") for directory in $changed_directories do cd $directory particle test done ``` You may check [this repository](https://github.com/little-angry-clouds/charts) to see a real example. ## Gitlab CI In this is an example we'll be testing a single helm chart using the docker image. To do so, you need to configure a docker service to avoid using the `privileged` flag in the CI, which is always a no-go. ```yaml --- variables: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs" DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: "true" DOCKER_CERT_PATH: "/certs/client" DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://docker:2376" particle: services: - docker:20.10.8-dind image: littleangryclouds/particle:v0.0.8 script: - apt update && apt install iproute2 -y - particle syntax -s gitlab - particle dependency -s gitlab - particle lint -s gitlab - particle cleanup -s gitlab - particle destroy -s gitlab - particle create -s gitlab - sed -i -E -e 's/|0\.0\.0\.0|localhost/docker/g' "$HOME/.kube/config" - particle prepare -s gitlab - particle converge -s gitlab - particle verify -s gitlab - particle cleanup -s gitlab - particle destroy -s gitlab only: - push ``` This job will be activated on every push. Instead of using the plain `particle test` command, there's every command explicitly. That's because it's necessary to modify the `kubeconfig` that kind creates. Instead of pointing to localhost, as does by default, it has to be changed to point to gitlab's docker service. This job will run in any Gitlab Runner with doker with the next configuration: ```toml [[runners]] name = "Docker runner" limit = 0 output_limit = 4096 url = "https://gitlab.com" environment = [] token = "whatever" executor = "docker" [runners.docker] image = "ubuntu" disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false oom_kill_disable = false volumes = ["/certs/client", "/cache"] shm_size = 0 privileged = true tls_verify = true ``` In short, it's necessary to have the `privileged` value in true but we are restricting it to the docker service. You may want to check Gitlab's docker's runner [documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_build.html). # Linters ## Yamllint Yamllint is a linter for YAML files. It's not usable for the helm template files, since is not plain YAML. But we can use it with the `values.yaml` and `Chart.yaml` files1 ### Install The quick way is: ```sh sudo pip install yamllint ``` Check [their documentation](https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#installing-yamllint) to see more ways. ### Example ```yaml driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm lint: |- set -e yamllint values.yaml helm lint verifier: |- set -e helm test nginx dependency: name: helm ``` ## Kubeval Kubeval is a tool for validating a Kubernetes YAML or JSON configuration file. It does so using schemas generated from the Kubernetes OpenAPI specification, and therefore can validate schemas for multiple versions of Kubernetes. ### Install If you have brew: ```sh brew tap instrumenta/instrumenta brew install kubeval ``` Check [their documentation](https://www.kubeval.com/installation/) to see more ways. ### Example ```yaml driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm lint: |- set -e helm template . | kubeval helm lint verifier: |- set -e helm test nginx dependency: name: helm ``` ## Kube-score Kube-score is a tool that performs static code analysis of your Kubernetes object definitions. The output is a list of recommendations of what you can improve to make your application more secure and resilient. Some of the rules are pretty opiniated, so keep it in mind. ### Install If you have brew: ```sh brew install kube-score/tap/kube-score ``` Check [their documentation](https://www.kubeval.com/installation/) to see more ways. ### Example The next example disables all the tests that by default would be activated when creating an empty chart. Is your job to make you chart comply with theese checks and then you stop ignoring them. ```yaml --- driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm lint: |- set -e yamllint values.yaml helm template . | kube-score score --ignore-test pod-probes --ignore-test \ pod-networkpolicy --ignore-test container-resources --ignore-test \ container-image-pull-policy --ignore-test container-security-context \ --ignore-test container-image-tag --ignore-test container-security-context - helm lint verifier: |- set -e helm test nginx dependency: name: helm ``` You can see a list of the checks and its IDs [here](https://github.com/zegl/kube-score/blob/master/README_CHECKS.md). ## KubeLinter ### Install If you have brew: ```sh brew install kube-linter ``` Check [their documentation](https://docs.kubelinter.io/#/?id=installing-kubelinter) to see more ways. ### Example The next example disables all the tests that by default would be activated when creating an empty chart. Is your job to make you chart comply with theese checks and then you stop ignoring them. To deactivate all the examples, you should create a `.kube-linter.yml` file at the root of your directory with the next contents: ```yaml --- checks: addAllBuiltIn: true exclude: - "privileged-ports" - "default-service-account" - "no-liveness-probe" - "no-read-only-root-fs" - "no-readiness-probe" - "required-annotation-email" - "required-label-owner" - "run-as-non-root" - "unset-cpu-requirements" - "unset-memory-requirements" ``` And the next is the `particle` configuration: ```yaml --- driver: name: kind provisioner: name: helm lint: |- set -e yamllint values.yaml helm template . | kube-linter lint - helm lint verifier: |- set -e helm test nginx dependency: name: helm ``` You can see a list of the checks and its IDs [here](https://docs.kubelinter.io/#/generated/checks). # Verifiers ## Bats [Bats](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core) is an automated testing system. It provides an extensible framework to do automated testing. ### Install If you have brew: ```sh brew install bats ``` Check [their documentation](https://bats-core.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html) to see more ways. The next bit it's to install interesting bats libraries. It's a bit hacky, but it should work, it's been tested. ```bash #!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Install libraries mkdir -p bats/lib/ git clone https://github.com/ztombol/bats-support bats/lib/bats-support git clone https://github.com/ztombol/bats-assert bats/lib/bats-assert detiktmp="$(mktemp -d detik.XXXXX)" cd "${detiktmp}" wget https://github.com/bats-core/bats-detik/archive/refs/heads/master.zip unzip master.zip cd .. cp ${detiktmp}/bats-detik-master/lib/*.bash bats/lib/ rm -rf "${detiktmp}" chmod +x bats/lib/*.bash ``` ### Example Save the next file at `particle/default/test.bats`: ```bash # Beware, this test assumes that the chart is called "nginx" and the provider is helm # It uses relatives paths because of how bats loads its libraries load "../../bats/lib/detik" load "../../bats/lib/linter" load "../../bats/lib/bats-support/load" load "../../bats/lib/bats-assert/load" DETIK_CLIENT_NAME="kubectl" @test "verify the deployment" { run verify "there are 2 pods named 'nginx'" assert_success run verify "there is 1 service named 'nginx'" assert_success } ``` Change the verifier configuration on your `particle.yml` file: ```yaml verifier: |- set -e bats particle/default/test.bats ``` If your test fails, it won't show bats's error. To do so, enable the `--debug` flag. There's more examples [here](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-detik#examples). And this one is a [real test](https://github.com/little-angry-clouds/charts/blob/master/alertmanager-actions/particle/default/test.bats) that I use for my charts. # Provisioners ## Helm ## Helmfile