- This is a command-line Chess game implemented with a multi-threaded AI player algorithm using Java.
- The following Chess features are implemented:
- all piece-specific rules including castling, en-passant, promotion
- checkmate & stalemate detection
- threefold repetition rule
Demo Screenshots:
How to run the game:
- alternative 1:
- please have Java JDK 16.0.2 or newer installed on your system
- in a terminal window, run the "chess.jar" file in the same directory as this README file using the following command: "java -jar chess.jar"
- alternative 2:
- using a Java IDE configured with Java 16.0.2, run the main function inside Main.java
- alternative 1:
How to play the game:
- the user is White and the AI player is Black
- the user is prompted to make the first move by entering:
- the start position of the move (a piece belonging to the user)
- the destination position of the move (a desired destination square)
- the AI player (Black) then makes its move and the updated state of the chess board is displayed
- if an opponent is put in check after a move is made by either player, it will be announced in the console
- the previous steps are repeated until one of the following situations occur:
- stalemate is detected, in which case a message will be displayed and the program terminates
- checkmate is detected, in which case the winner is announced and the program terminates
- the game draws by the threefold repetition rule: the state of the Chess board remains unchanged after 3 turns
Time complexity: Please see time_complexity.txt for detailed analysis