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Xubuntu - Hardware Trends (Desktops)

A project to identify most popular hardware characteristics and track their change over time based on data collected by Linux users at

Anyone can contribute to this report by the hw-probe tool:

sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload

This report is for one last month. Overall report since the beginning of time: TestDays

Period: Dec, 2024.




Installed operating systems



Name Desktops Percent
Xubuntu 24.04 9 69.23%
Xubuntu 20.04 2 15.38%
Xubuntu 22.04 1 7.69%
Xubuntu 18.04 1 7.69%

OS Family

OS without a version

OS Family

OS Family

Name Desktops Percent
Xubuntu 13 100%


Version of the Linux kernel



Version Desktops Percent
6.8.0-51-generic 5 38.46%
6.8.12-4-pve 2 15.38%
6.8.0-49-generic 2 15.38%
6.8.0-50-lowlatency 1 7.69%
6.8.0-50-generic 1 7.69%
6.8.0-45-generic 1 7.69%
4.15.0-202-generic 1 7.69%

Kernel Family

Linux kernel without a distro release

Kernel Family

Kernel Family

Version Desktops Percent
6.8.0 10 76.92%
6.8.12 2 15.38%
4.15.0 1 7.69%

Kernel Major Ver.

Linux kernel major version

Kernel Major Ver.

Kernel Major Ver.

Version Desktops Percent
6.8 12 92.31%
4.15 1 7.69%


OS architecture (x86_64, i586, etc.)



Name Desktops Percent
x86_64 13 100%


Desktop Environment



Name Desktops Percent
XFCE 12 92.31%
LXQt 1 7.69%

Display Server

X11 or Wayland

Display Server

Display Server

Name Desktops Percent
X11 12 92.31%
Tty 1 7.69%

Display Manager

SDDM, LightDM, etc.

Display Manager

Display Manager

Name Desktops Percent
LightDM 12 92.31%
SDDM 1 7.69%

OS Lang


OS Lang

OS Lang

Lang Desktops Percent
en_US 5 38.46%
C 3 23.08%
pt_BR 1 7.69%
it_IT 1 7.69%
fr_FR 1 7.69%
eu_ES 1 7.69%
Unknown 1 7.69%

Boot Mode


Boot Mode

Boot Mode

Mode Desktops Percent
BIOS 9 69.23%
EFI 4 30.77%


Type of filesystem



Type Desktops Percent
Tmpfs 8 61.54%
Ext4 5 38.46%

Part. scheme

Scheme of partitioning

Part. scheme

Part. scheme

Type Desktops Percent
GPT 9 69.23%
MBR 2 15.38%
Unknown 2 15.38%

Dual Boot with Linux/BSD

Hosting more than one Linux/BSD

Dual Boot with Linux/BSD

Dual Boot with Linux/BSD

Dual boot Desktops Percent
No 9 69.23%
Yes 4 30.77%

Dual Boot (Win)

Hosting Linux and Windows

Dual Boot (Win)

Dual Boot (Win)

Dual boot Desktops Percent
No 10 76.92%
Yes 3 23.08%



Motherboard manufacturer



Name Desktops Percent
ASUSTek Computer 3 23.08%
ASRock 2 15.38%
Unknown 2 15.38%
Lenovo 1 7.69%
Intel 1 7.69%
Gigabyte Technology 1 7.69%
Dell 1 7.69%
BESSTAR Tech 1 7.69%
Apple 1 7.69%


Motherboard model



Name Desktops Percent
Unknown 2 15.38%
Lenovo ThinkCentre M83 10AM0009US 1 7.69%
Intel H61 V1.6B 1 7.69%
Gigabyte H410M H V3 1 7.69%
Dell OptiPlex 790 1 7.69%
BESSTAR Tech HX90 1 7.69%
ASUS MINIPC PB50 1 7.69%
ASUS M5A78L-M LX3 1 7.69%
ASUS M5A78L-M LX PLUS 1 7.69%
ASRock G31M-GS 1 7.69%
ASRock B75M 1 7.69%
Apple MacPro5,1 1 7.69%

Model Family

Motherboard model prefix

Model Family

Model Family

Name Desktops Percent
ASUS M5A78L-M 2 15.38%
Unknown 2 15.38%
Lenovo ThinkCentre 1 7.69%
Intel H61 1 7.69%
Gigabyte H410M 1 7.69%
Dell OptiPlex 1 7.69%
BESSTAR Tech HX90 1 7.69%
ASRock G31M-GS 1 7.69%
ASRock B75M 1 7.69%
Apple MacPro5 1 7.69%

MFG Year

Motherboard manufacture year

MFG Year

MFG Year

Year Desktops Percent
2023 3 23.08%
2021 2 15.38%
2012 2 15.38%
2011 2 15.38%
2022 1 7.69%
2013 1 7.69%
2010 1 7.69%
2008 1 7.69%

Form Factor

Physical design of the computer

Form Factor

Form Factor

Name Desktops Percent
Desktop 13 100%

Secure Boot

Enabled or disabled

Secure Boot

Secure Boot

State Desktops Percent
Disabled 13 100%


Have coreboot on board



Used Desktops Percent
No 13 100%

RAM Size

Total RAM memory

RAM Size

RAM Size

Size in GB Desktops Percent
4.01-8.0 4 30.77%
16.01-24.0 3 23.08%
32.01-64.0 2 15.38%
8.01-16.0 2 15.38%
3.01-4.0 1 7.69%
64.01-256.0 1 7.69%

RAM Used

Used RAM memory

RAM Used

RAM Used

Used GB Desktops Percent
1.01-2.0 9 69.23%
2.01-3.0 2 15.38%
32.01-64.0 1 7.69%
8.01-16.0 1 7.69%

Total Drives

Number of drives on board

Total Drives

Total Drives

Drives Desktops Percent
1 5 38.46%
2 4 30.77%
3 3 23.08%
6 1 7.69%


Has CD-ROM on board



Presented Desktops Percent
No 10 76.92%
Yes 3 23.08%

Has Ethernet

Has Ethernet on board

Has Ethernet

Has Ethernet

Presented Desktops Percent
Yes 13 100%

Has WiFi

Has WiFi module

Has WiFi

Has WiFi

Presented Desktops Percent
No 7 53.85%
Yes 6 46.15%

Has Bluetooth

Has Bluetooth module

Has Bluetooth

Has Bluetooth

Presented Desktops Percent
No 7 53.85%
Yes 6 46.15%



Geographic location (country)



Country Desktops Percent
USA 5 38.46%
Russia 2 15.38%
Ukraine 1 7.69%
Spain 1 7.69%
Italy 1 7.69%
France 1 7.69%
Brazil 1 7.69%
Austria 1 7.69%


Geographic location (city)



City Desktops Percent
Omsk 2 15.38%
Vienna 1 7.69%
Toul 1 7.69%
Tampa 1 7.69%
Rochester 1 7.69%
Reno 1 7.69%
Manassas 1 7.69%
Lviv 1 7.69%
Hyannis 1 7.69%
Ferrara 1 7.69%
Eibar 1 7.69%
Curitiba 1 7.69%


Drive Vendor

Hard drive vendors

Drive Vendor

Drive Vendor

Vendor Desktops Drives Percent
Samsung Electronics 6 6 26.09%
WDC 4 7 17.39%
Seagate 3 4 13.04%
Unknown 2 2 8.7%
Kingston 2 2 8.7%
Toshiba 1 1 4.35%
SanDisk 1 1 4.35%
Intel 1 2 4.35%
HUSKY 1 1 4.35%
Hitachi 1 1 4.35%
ASMT 1 1 4.35%

Drive Model

Hard drive models

Drive Model

Drive Model

Model Desktops Percent
WDC WD20EARS-00M 2 7.69%
Unknown NVMe SSD Drive 512GB 2 7.69%
Seagate ST1000DM003-1CH162 1TB 2 7.69%
WDC WD5000AZLX-00K2TA0 500GB 1 3.85%
WDC WD40EFRX-68N32N0 4TB 1 3.85%
WDC WD30EFRX-68EUZN0 3TB 1 3.85%
Toshiba HDWD130 3TB 1 3.85%
Seagate ST500DM002-1BD142 500GB 1 3.85%
Seagate ST3500413AS 500GB 1 3.85%
SanDisk Z400s 2.5 7MM 256GB SSD 1 3.85%
Samsung SSD 980 500GB 1 3.85%
Samsung SSD 870 EVO 2TB 1 3.85%
Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB 1 3.85%
Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB 1 3.85%
Samsung SP2004C 200GB 1 3.85%
Samsung HD161GJ 160GB 1 3.85%
Kingston SA400S37480G 480GB SSD 1 3.85%
Kingston RBUSNS8180DS3128GJ 128GB SSD 1 3.85%
Intel SSDSA2M160G2GC 160GB 1 3.85%
Intel SSDSA2CW160G3 160GB 1 3.85%
HUSKY SSD 128GB 1 3.85%
Hitachi HDS721075CLA332 752GB 1 3.85%
ASMT 2115 320GB 1 3.85%

HDD Vendor

Hard disk drive vendors

HDD Vendor

HDD Vendor

Vendor Desktops Drives Percent
WDC 4 7 33.33%
Seagate 3 4 25%
Samsung Electronics 2 2 16.67%
Toshiba 1 1 8.33%
Hitachi 1 1 8.33%
ASMT 1 1 8.33%

SSD Vendor

Solid state drive vendors

SSD Vendor

SSD Vendor

Vendor Desktops Drives Percent
Samsung Electronics 3 3 37.5%
Kingston 2 2 25%
SanDisk 1 1 12.5%
Intel 1 2 12.5%
HUSKY 1 1 12.5%

Drive Kind


Drive Kind

Drive Kind

Kind Desktops Drives Percent
SSD 8 9 42.11%
HDD 8 16 42.11%
NVMe 3 3 15.79%

Drive Connector

SATA, SAS, NVMe, etc.

Drive Connector

Drive Connector

Type Desktops Drives Percent
SATA 12 24 75%
NVMe 3 3 18.75%
SAS 1 1 6.25%

Drive Size

Size of hard drive

Drive Size

Drive Size

Size in TB Desktops Drives Percent
0.01-0.5 10 13 50%
0.51-1.0 4 4 20%
1.01-2.0 3 3 15%
2.01-3.0 2 3 10%
3.01-4.0 1 2 5%

Space Total

Amount of disk space available on the file system

Space Total

Space Total

Size in GB Desktops Percent
101-250 3 23.08%
More than 3000 2 15.38%
251-500 2 15.38%
21-50 2 15.38%
1001-2000 2 15.38%
501-1000 1 7.69%
51-100 1 7.69%

Space Used

Amount of used disk space

Space Used

Space Used

Used GB Desktops Percent
1-20 3 23.08%
251-500 2 15.38%
21-50 2 15.38%
101-250 2 15.38%
2001-3000 1 7.69%
1001-2000 1 7.69%
501-1000 1 7.69%
51-100 1 7.69%

Malfunc. Drives

Drive models with a malfunction

Malfunc. Drives

Malfunc. Drives

Model Desktops Drives Percent
Toshiba HDWD130 3TB 1 1 25%
Seagate ST500DM002-1BD142 500GB 1 1 25%
Samsung Electronics SP2004C 200GB 1 1 25%
Intel SSDSA2M160G2GC 160GB 1 1 25%

Malfunc. Drive Vendor

Vendors of faulty drives

Malfunc. Drive Vendor

Malfunc. Drive Vendor

Vendor Desktops Drives Percent
Toshiba 1 1 25%
Seagate 1 1 25%
Samsung Electronics 1 1 25%
Intel 1 1 25%

Malfunc. HDD Vendor

Vendors of faulty HDD drives

Malfunc. HDD Vendor

Malfunc. HDD Vendor

Vendor Desktops Drives Percent
Toshiba 1 1 33.33%
Seagate 1 1 33.33%
Samsung Electronics 1 1 33.33%

Malfunc. Drive Kind

Kinds of faulty drives

Malfunc. Drive Kind

Malfunc. Drive Kind

Kind Desktops Drives Percent
SSD 1 1 50%
HDD 1 3 50%

Failed Drives

Failed drive models

Zero info for selected period =(

Failed Drive Vendor

Failed drive vendors

Zero info for selected period =(

Drive Status

Number of failed and malfunc. drives

Drive Status

Drive Status

Status Desktops Drives Percent
Detected 10 18 71.43%
Malfunc 2 4 14.29%
Works 2 6 14.29%

Storage controller

Storage Vendor

Storage controller vendors

Storage Vendor

Storage Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Intel 9 52.94%
AMD 4 23.53%
ADATA Technology 2 11.76%
Samsung Electronics 1 5.88%
ASMedia Technology 1 5.88%

Storage Model

Storage controller models

Storage Model

Storage Model

Model Desktops Percent
Intel Jasper Lake SATA AHCI Controller 2 10%
Intel 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller [AHCI mode] 2 10%
AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 IDE Controller 2 10%
AMD FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode] 2 10%
ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro PCIe Gen3x4 M.2 2280 Solid State Drive 2 10%
Samsung NVMe SSD Controller 980 (DRAM-less) 1 5%
Intel NM10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller [IDE mode] 1 5%
Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SATA AHCI Controller 1 5%
Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller 1 5%
Intel 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller 1 [AHCI mode] 1 5%
Intel 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 6 port Desktop SATA AHCI Controller 1 5%
Intel 500 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller 1 5%
ASMedia ASM1061/ASM1062 Serial ATA Controller 1 5%
AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [IDE mode] 1 5%
AMD SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode] 1 5%

Storage Kind

Kind of storage controller (IDE, SATA, NVMe, SAS, ...)

Storage Kind

Storage Kind

Kind Desktops Percent
SATA 12 66.67%
NVMe 3 16.67%
IDE 3 16.67%


CPU Vendor

Processor vendors

CPU Vendor

CPU Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Intel 9 69.23%
AMD 4 30.77%

CPU Model

Processor models

CPU Model

CPU Model

Model Desktops Percent
Intel Celeron N5095 @ 2.00GHz 2 15.38%
Intel Xeon CPU X5675 @ 3.07GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Core i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Core i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Core i3-3245 CPU @ 3.40GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Core i3-3240 CPU @ 3.40GHz 1 7.69%
Intel Celeron CPU E3300 @ 2.50GHz 1 7.69%
AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics 1 7.69%
AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 1 7.69%
AMD FX-8300 Eight-Core Processor 1 7.69%
AMD FX-4300 Quad-Core Processor 1 7.69%

CPU Model Family

Processor model prefix

CPU Model Family

CPU Model Family

Model Desktops Percent
Intel Celeron 3 23.08%
Intel Core i7 2 15.38%
Intel Core i3 2 15.38%
AMD FX 2 15.38%
Intel Xeon 1 7.69%
Intel Core i5 1 7.69%
AMD Ryzen 9 1 7.69%
AMD Ryzen 5 1 7.69%

CPU Cores

Number of processor cores

CPU Cores

CPU Cores

Number Desktops Percent
4 6 46.15%
2 4 30.77%
8 2 15.38%
12 1 7.69%

CPU Sockets

Number of sockets

CPU Sockets

CPU Sockets

Number Desktops Percent
1 12 92.31%
2 1 7.69%

CPU Threads

Threads per core (Hyper-Threading)

CPU Threads

CPU Threads

Number Desktops Percent
2 9 69.23%
1 4 30.77%

CPU Op-Modes

CPU Operation Modes (32-bit, 64-bit)

CPU Op-Modes

CPU Op-Modes

Op mode Desktops Percent
32-bit, 64-bit 13 100%

CPU Microcode

Microcode number

CPU Microcode

CPU Microcode

Number Desktops Percent
Unknown 13 100%

CPU Microarch


CPU Microarch

CPU Microarch

Name Desktops Percent
Tremont 2 15.38%
Piledriver 2 15.38%
IvyBridge 2 15.38%
Zen+ 1 7.69%
Zen 3 1 7.69%
Westmere 1 7.69%
SandyBridge 1 7.69%
Penryn 1 7.69%
Haswell 1 7.69%
CometLake 1 7.69%


GPU Vendor

Vendors of graphics cards

GPU Vendor

GPU Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Intel 6 46.15%
AMD 5 38.46%
Nvidia 2 15.38%

GPU Model

Graphics card models

GPU Model

GPU Model

Model Desktops Percent
Intel JasperLake [UHD Graphics] 2 15.38%
AMD Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770] 2 15.38%
Nvidia GK208B [GeForce GT 730] 1 7.69%
Nvidia GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] 1 7.69%
Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller 1 7.69%
Intel IvyBridge GT2 [HD Graphics 4000] 1 7.69%
Intel 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller 1 7.69%
Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller 1 7.69%
AMD RS780L [Radeon 3000] 1 7.69%
AMD Picasso/Raven 2 [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series] 1 7.69%
AMD Cezanne [Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series] 1 7.69%

GPU Combo

Combinations of graphics cards

GPU Combo

GPU Combo

Name Desktops Percent
1 x Intel 6 46.15%
1 x AMD 5 38.46%
1 x Nvidia 2 15.38%

GPU Driver

Free vs proprietary

GPU Driver

GPU Driver

Driver Desktops Percent
Free 11 84.62%
Proprietary 2 15.38%

GPU Memory

Total video memory

GPU Memory

GPU Memory

Size in GB Desktops Percent
Unknown 9 69.23%
0.01-0.5 2 15.38%
7.01-8.0 1 7.69%
1.01-2.0 1 7.69%


Monitor Vendor

Monitor vendors

Monitor Vendor

Monitor Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Samsung Electronics 2 13.33%
Hewlett-Packard 2 13.33%
CS_ 2 13.33%
BenQ 2 13.33%
Philips 1 6.67%
LG Electronics 1 6.67%
HannStar 1 6.67%
Goldstar 1 6.67%
Dell 1 6.67%
AOC 1 6.67%
Ancor Communications 1 6.67%

Monitor Model

Monitor models

Monitor Model

Monitor Model

Model Desktops Percent
CS_ LCD Monitor CS_5211 1920x1080 519x324mm 24.1-inch 2 12.5%
Samsung Electronics SyncMaster SAM0375 1680x1050 494x320mm 23.2-inch 1 6.25%
Samsung Electronics C27F390 SAM0D32 1920x1080 600x340mm 27.2-inch 1 6.25%
Philips LCD Monitor PHL 246E9Q 1920x1080 1 6.25%
LG Electronics LCD Monitor LG ULTRAWIDE 7680x1080 1 6.25%
LG Electronics LCD Monitor LG ULTRAWIDE 1 6.25%
Hewlett-Packard w2408 HWP26CF 1920x1200 518x324mm 24.1-inch 1 6.25%
Hewlett-Packard P242va HWP3238 1920x1080 531x299mm 24.0-inch 1 6.25%
HannStar HL205DPB HSD62E0 1600x900 430x240mm 19.4-inch 1 6.25%
Goldstar E2242 GSM58BE 1920x1080 477x268mm 21.5-inch 1 6.25%
Dell U2711 DELA055 2560x1440 597x336mm 27.0-inch 1 6.25%
BenQ GL2055 BNQ78B8 1600x900 443x249mm 20.0-inch 1 6.25%
BenQ BenQG2110W BNQ7811 1680x1050 474x296mm 22.0-inch 1 6.25%
AOC F22 AOC2200 1920x1080 470x260mm 21.1-inch 1 6.25%
Ancor Communications VE247 ACI2493 1920x1080 531x299mm 24.0-inch 1 6.25%

Monitor Resolution

Monitor screen resolution

Monitor Resolution

Monitor Resolution

Resolution Desktops Percent
1920x1080 (FHD) 8 50%
1680x1050 (WSXGA+) 2 12.5%
1600x900 (HD+) 2 12.5%
7680x1080 1 6.25%
2560x1440 (QHD) 1 6.25%
1920x1200 (WUXGA) 1 6.25%
Unknown 1 6.25%

Monitor Diagonal

Diagonal size in inches

Monitor Diagonal

Monitor Diagonal

Inches Desktops Percent
24 6 40%
Unknown 2 13.33%
40 1 6.67%
27 1 6.67%
23 1 6.67%
22 1 6.67%
21 1 6.67%
20 1 6.67%
19 1 6.67%

Monitor Width

Physical width

Monitor Width

Monitor Width

Width in mm Desktops Percent
501-600 7 50%
401-500 4 28.57%
Unknown 2 14.29%
801-900 1 7.14%

Aspect Ratio

Proportional relationship between the width and the height

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio

Ratio Desktops Percent
16/9 7 50%
16/10 4 28.57%
Unknown 2 14.29%
3/2 1 7.14%

Monitor Area

Area in inch²

Monitor Area

Monitor Area

Area in inch² Desktops Percent
201-250 5 35.71%
251-300 3 21.43%
151-200 2 14.29%
Unknown 2 14.29%
301-350 1 7.14%
501-1000 1 7.14%

Pixel Density

Pixels per inch

Pixel Density

Pixel Density

Density Desktops Percent
51-100 9 69.23%
101-120 2 15.38%
Unknown 2 15.38%

Multiple Monitors

Total monitors connected

Multiple Monitors

Multiple Monitors

Total Desktops Percent
1 11 84.62%
3 1 7.69%
2 1 7.69%


Net Controller Vendor

Controller vendors

Net Controller Vendor

Net Controller Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Realtek Semiconductor 8 40%
Intel 5 25%
Qualcomm Atheros 2 10%
QinHeng Electronics 2 10%
Qualcomm Atheros Communications 1 5%
MediaTek 1 5%
Broadcom 1 5%

Net Controller Model

Controller models

Net Controller Model

Net Controller Model

Model Desktops Percent
Realtek RTL8111/8168/8211/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller 6 27.27%
QinHeng SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 2 9.09%
Realtek RTL8814AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter 1 4.55%
Realtek RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller 1 4.55%
Realtek 802.11ac NIC 1 4.55%
Qualcomm Atheros QCA8171 Gigabit Ethernet 1 4.55%
Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 802.11n 1 4.55%
Qualcomm Atheros AR2413/AR2414 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5005G(S) 802.11bg] 1 4.55%
MediaTek MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi 6E 80MHz 1 4.55%
Intel Wireless 8265 / 8275 1 4.55%
Intel I211 Gigabit Network Connection 1 4.55%
Intel Ethernet Controller I226-V 1 4.55%
Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM 1 4.55%
Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (Lewisville) 1 4.55%
Intel 82574L Gigabit Network Connection 1 4.55%
Broadcom BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller 1 4.55%

Wireless Vendor

Wireless vendors

Wireless Vendor

Wireless Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Realtek Semiconductor 1 16.67%
Qualcomm Atheros Communications 1 16.67%
Qualcomm Atheros 1 16.67%
MediaTek 1 16.67%
Intel 1 16.67%
Broadcom 1 16.67%

Wireless Model

Wireless models

Wireless Model

Wireless Model

Model Desktops Percent
Realtek RTL8814AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter 1 14.29%
Realtek 802.11ac NIC 1 14.29%
Qualcomm Atheros AR9271 802.11n 1 14.29%
Qualcomm Atheros AR2413/AR2414 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5005G(S) 802.11bg] 1 14.29%
MediaTek MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi 6E 80MHz 1 14.29%
Intel Wireless 8265 / 8275 1 14.29%
Broadcom BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller 1 14.29%

Ethernet Vendor

Ethernet vendors

Ethernet Vendor

Ethernet Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Realtek Semiconductor 7 53.85%
Intel 5 38.46%
Qualcomm Atheros 1 7.69%

Ethernet Model

Ethernet models

Ethernet Model

Ethernet Model

Model Desktops Percent
Realtek RTL8111/8168/8211/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller 6 46.15%
Realtek RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller 1 7.69%
Qualcomm Atheros QCA8171 Gigabit Ethernet 1 7.69%
Intel I211 Gigabit Network Connection 1 7.69%
Intel Ethernet Controller I226-V 1 7.69%
Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM 1 7.69%
Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (Lewisville) 1 7.69%
Intel 82574L Gigabit Network Connection 1 7.69%

Net Controller Kind

Ethernet, WiFi or modem

Net Controller Kind

Net Controller Kind

Kind Desktops Percent
Ethernet 13 61.9%
WiFi 6 28.57%
Modem 2 9.52%

Used Controller

Currently used network controller

Used Controller

Used Controller

Kind Desktops Percent
Ethernet 10 71.43%
WiFi 4 28.57%


Total network controllers on board



Total Desktops Percent
1 9 69.23%
2 3 23.08%
3 1 7.69%


IPv6 vs IPv4



Used Desktops Percent
No 10 76.92%
Yes 3 23.08%


Bluetooth Vendor

Controller vendors

Bluetooth Vendor

Bluetooth Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Cambridge Silicon Radio 2 33.33%
MediaTek 1 16.67%
Intel 1 16.67%
Broadcom 1 16.67%
Apple 1 16.67%

Bluetooth Model

Controller models

Bluetooth Model

Bluetooth Model

Model Desktops Percent
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) 2 33.33%
MediaTek Wireless_Device 1 16.67%
Intel Bluetooth wireless interface 1 16.67%
Broadcom BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0 1 16.67%
Apple Built-in Bluetooth 2.0+EDR HCI 1 16.67%


Sound Vendor

Sound card vendors

Sound Vendor

Sound Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Intel 9 45%
AMD 6 30%
Nvidia 2 10%
Texas Instruments 1 5%
Jieli Technology 1 5%
C-Media Electronics 1 5%

Sound Model

Sound card models

Sound Model

Sound Model

Model Desktops Percent
Intel Jasper Lake HD Audio 2 8.7%
Intel 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller 2 8.7%
AMD SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) 2 8.7%
AMD Juniper HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5700 Series] 2 8.7%
AMD Family 17h/19h/1ah HD Audio Controller 2 8.7%
Texas Instruments PCM2704 16-bit stereo audio DAC 1 4.35%
Nvidia GK208 HDMI/DP Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Nvidia GA104 High Definition Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Jieli Technology GO Work USB 1 4.35%
Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Intel Smart Sound Technology (SST) Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Intel NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Intel 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller 1 4.35%
Intel 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller 1 4.35%
C-Media Electronics Audio Adapter (Unitek Y-247A) 1 4.35%
AMD Renoir Radeon High Definition Audio Controller 1 4.35%
AMD Raven/Raven2/Fenghuang HDMI/DP Audio Controller 1 4.35%


Memory Vendor

Memory module vendors

Memory Vendor

Memory Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Unknown 2 33.33%
Crucial 2 33.33%
Team 1 16.67%
Samsung Electronics 1 16.67%

Memory Model

Memory module models

Memory Model

Memory Model

Model Desktops Percent
Crucial RAM CT8G4SFS832A.M8FR 8GB SODIMM DDR4 3200MT/s 2 28.57%
Unknown RAM Module 8GB DIMM 667MT/s 1 14.29%
Unknown RAM Module 4GB DIMM 667MT/s 1 14.29%
Unknown RAM Module 2GB DIMM SDRAM 1 14.29%
Team RAM TEAMGROUP-SD4-3200 16GB SODIMM DDR4 3200MT/s 1 14.29%
Samsung RAM Module 16384MB DIMM DDR3 1333MT/s 1 14.29%

Memory Kind

Memory module kinds

Memory Kind

Memory Kind

Kind Desktops Percent
DDR4 3 50%
SDRAM 1 16.67%
DDR3 1 16.67%
Unknown 1 16.67%

Memory Form Factor

Physical design of the memory module

Memory Form Factor

Memory Form Factor

Name Desktops Percent
SODIMM 3 50%
DIMM 3 50%

Memory Size

Memory module size

Memory Size

Memory Size

Size Desktops Percent
8192 3 42.86%
32768 1 14.29%
16384 1 14.29%
4096 1 14.29%
2048 1 14.29%

Memory Speed

Memory module speed

Memory Speed

Memory Speed

Speed Desktops Percent
3200 3 50%
1333 1 16.67%
667 1 16.67%
Unknown 1 16.67%

Printers & scanners

Printer Vendor

Printer device vendors

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Printer Model

Printer device models

Zero info for selected period =(

Scanner Vendor

Scanner device vendors

Zero info for selected period =(

Scanner Model

Scanner device models

Zero info for selected period =(


Camera Vendor

Camera device vendors

Camera Vendor

Camera Vendor

Vendor Desktops Percent
Logitech 1 100%

Camera Model

Camera device models

Camera Model

Camera Model

Model Desktops Percent
Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam 1 100%


Fingerprint Vendor

Fingerprint sensor vendors

Zero info for selected period =(

Fingerprint Model

Fingerprint sensor models

Zero info for selected period =(

Chipcard Vendor

Chipcard module vendors

Zero info for selected period =(

Chipcard Model

Chipcard module models

Zero info for selected period =(


Unsupported Devices

Total unsupported devices on board

Unsupported Devices

Unsupported Devices

Total Desktops Percent
0 12 92.31%
2 1 7.69%

Unsupported Device Types

Types of unsupported devices

Unsupported Device Types

Unsupported Device Types

Type Desktops Percent
Sound 1 50%
Graphics card 1 50%