- mock json data on both client side and server side
npm install mockjson
var mock = require('mockjson');
require by requireJS, seaJS or esl, any standary client amd loader
var mock = require('../mockJSON');
mock.data.USERNAME = ['jack', 'willian', 'jerry'];
mock.data.GENDER = ['boy', 'girl', 'other'];
var temp = {
"id|+1": 10000,
"name": "@USERNAME",
"gender|0-1": "@GENDER",
"vip|0-1": false
var json = mock.generate(temp);
var userList = {
"data|1-30": [
"id|1000-5000": 1000,
"name": "@USERNAME",
"budy|0-200": ["@NUMBER"]
mock.set('GET/user/list', userList);
function response(path, param, callback) {
var result = mock.get('GET/user/list', {
path: path,
param: param
* generate attributes with function;
* @param {Objects} context depends on args passed to `mock.get`
* @param {number} idx the index of temperary generating
mock.data.IDEA = function(context, idx) {
context || (context = {param: {ideaid: idx}});
var param = context.param;
var idea = {
index: idx,
ideaid: param.ideaid,
title: mock.generate("BUY BEST @KEYWORDS @PROVINCE"),
content: ""
param.unitid && (idea.unitid == param.unitid);
return idea;
mock.set(/GET\/idea\/.*/, {
"idea|0-10": "@IDEA"
var data = mock.get("GET/idea/list", {param: {
userid: 1233,
unitid: 111,
ideaid: 1333
var pkg = require('./mypackage');
var fruit = mock.get('fruit');
var orange = mock.get('orange');
-- the content of mypackage.js
is listed as:
// local variables
exports.data = {
'COLOR': ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
'SHAPE': ['rect', 'triangle', 'circle', 'ball'],
'FRUIT': ['apple', 'orangle', 'peach', 'berry']
// template fruit
exports.fruit = {
"name": "@FRUIT",
"color": "@COLOR",
"shape": "@SHAPE",
"number|0-5": "@NUMBER"
// template orange
exports.orange = {
"color": "@COLOR",
"shape": "@SHAPE",
"number|0-5": "@NUMBER"
including the template file can auto loading all the exports.xxx
object as tamplate;
and exports.data
as local variable in package
> mock.generate("@NUMBER")
> {"list|0-9": "@NUMBER"}
"list" : "863802"
> {"list|1-9": ["@NUMBER"]}
"list" : [ "5", "6", "8"]
> {"list|0-1": true}
{"list" : false}
> {"user|3-3": [{"id|+1": 13}]}
"user" : [
{"id" : 13},
{"id" : 14},
{"id" : 15}