This repository is responsible to create the lightblue project deploy on any machine using Docker.
You will need to have Docker and Terraform installed.
Why not Docker Compose? I wasn't able to get it to work on Fedora 22 and got fed up with it.
To install Terraform, just download and unpack it. No setup is needed.
Clone this repository. Assuming you have docker available via tcp://, run (where script is):
terraform apply
You can specify versions:
terraform apply -var 'lightblue_version=2.7.0'
By default, latest version is taken. See Docker Hub for a list of all available lightblue versions. For 1.x versions you'll need to use 1.x branch of this repository.
To install docker-compose, follow the OS specific installation instructions here.
Clone this repository, then in the root folder of the repo
docker-compose up
docker-compose stop
to stop the containers.
Once started, you will have following services available:
- Data endpoint: http://localhost:8080/rest/data
- Metadata endpoint: http://localhost:8080/rest/metadata
Here is how you can link lightblue containers togeather using docker:
docker run -d --name mongodb mongod --rest --httpinterface --smallfiles
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 9999:9999 --name lightblue --link mongodb:mongodb /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ -b
See dockerlinks documentation for details. WARNING: Until fixed, linking does not work on Fedora 22! Adjust firewall settings: sudo iptables -A DOCKER -p tcp -j ACCEPT
The license of lightblue is GPLv3. See LICENSE in root of project for the full text.