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93 lines (82 loc) · 11.5 KB


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


Name Source Version
os_calculator n/a
os_calculator_with_plan n/a


Name Type
azurerm_application_security_group.asg resource
azurerm_marketplace_agreement.plan_acceptance_custom resource
azurerm_marketplace_agreement.plan_acceptance_simple resource
azurerm_network_interface.nic resource
azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association.asg_association resource
azurerm_public_ip.pip resource
azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.windows_vm resource


Name Description Type Default Required
accept_plan Defines whether a plan should be accepted or not bool true no
admin_password The admin password to be used on the VMSS that will be deployed. The password must meet the complexity requirements of Azure. string "" no
admin_username The admin username of the VM that will be deployed. string "LibreDevOpsAdmin" no
allocation_method Defines how an IP address is assigned. Options are Static or Dynamic. string "Dynamic" no
allow_extension_operations Whether extensions are allowed to execute on the VM bool true no
asg_name The name of the application security group to be made string n/a yes
availability_zone The availability zone for the VMs to be created to string null no
custom_source_image_id The ID of a custom source image, if used string null no
data_disk_size_gb Storage data disk size size. number 30 no
enable_accelerated_networking (Optional) Enable accelerated networking on Network interface. bool false no
enable_automatic_updates Should automatic updates be enabled? Defaults to false string false no
enable_encryption_at_host Whether host encryption is enabled bool false no
identity_ids Specifies a list of user managed identity ids to be assigned to the VM. list(string) [] no
identity_type The Managed Service Identity Type of this Virtual Machine. string "" no
license_type Specifies the BYOL Type for this Virtual Machine. This is only applicable to Windows Virtual Machines. Possible values are Windows_Client and Windows_Server string null no
location The location for this resource to be put in string n/a yes
patch_mode The patching mode of the virtual machines being deployed, default is Manual string "Manual" no
pip_custom_dns_label If you are using a public IP and wish to assign a custom DNS label, set here, otherwise, the VM host name will be used any null no
pip_name If you are using a Public IP, set the name in this variable string null no
plan When a plan VM is used with a image not in the calculator, this will contain the variables used map(any) {} no
provision_vm_agent Whether the Azure agent is installed on this VM, default is true bool true no
public_ip_sku If you wish to assign a public IP directly to your nic, set this to Standard string null no
rg_name The name of the resource group, this module does not create a resource group, it is expecting the value of a resource group already exists string n/a yes
source_image_reference Whether the module should use the a custom image map(any) {} no
spot_instance Whether the VM is a spot instance or not bool false no
spot_instance_eviction_policy The eviction policy for a spot instance string null no
spot_instance_max_bid_price The max bid price for a spot instance string null no
static_private_ip If you are using a static IP, set it in this variable string null no
storage_account_type Defines the type of storage account to be created. Valid options are Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Premium_LRS. string "Standard_LRS" no
subnet_id The subnet ID for the NICs which are created with the VMs to be added to string n/a yes
tags A map of the tags to use on the resources that are deployed with this module. map(string)
"source": "terraform"
timezone The timezone for your VM to be deployed with string "GMT Standard Time" no
use_custom_image If you want to use a custom image, this must be set to true bool false no
use_simple_image Whether the module should use the simple OS calculator module, default is true bool true no
use_simple_image_with_plan If you are using the Windows OS Sku Calculator with plan, set this to true. Default is false bool false no
vm_amount A number, with the amount of VMs which is expected to be created number n/a yes
vm_hostname The hostname of the vm string n/a yes
vm_os_disk_size_gb The size of the OS Disk in GiB string "127" no
vm_os_id The resource ID of the image that you want to deploy if you are using a custom image.Note, need to provide is_windows_image = true for windows custom images. string "" no
vm_os_offer The name of the offer of the image that you want to deploy. This is ignored when vm_os_id or vm_os_simple are provided. string "" no
vm_os_publisher The name of the publisher of the image that you want to deploy. This is ignored when vm_os_id or vm_os_simple are provided. string "" no
vm_os_simple Specify WindowsServer, to get the latest image version of the specified os. Do not provide this value if a custom value is used for vm_os_publisher, vm_os_offer, and vm_os_sku. string "" no
vm_os_sku The sku of the image that you want to deploy. This is ignored when vm_os_id or vm_os_simple are provided. string "" no
vm_os_version The version of the image that you want to deploy. This is ignored when vm_os_id or vm_os_simple are provided. string "latest" no
vm_size Specifies the size of the virtual machine. string "Standard_B2ms" no


Name Description
asg_id The id of the ASG
asg_name The name of the ASG
nic_id The ID of the nics
nic_ip_config_name The name of the IP Configurations
nic_ip_private_ip The private IP assigned to the NIC
vm_amount The amount of VMs passed to the vm_amount variable
vm_identity map with key Virtual Machine Id, value list of identity created for the Virtual Machine.
vm_ids Virtual machine ids created.
vm_name n/a
vm_zones map with key Virtual Machine Id, value list of the Availability Zone which the Virtual Machine should be allocated in.