Description of the node parameters and how to tune them.
This document is work-in-progress.
- match_dist_min (float, default:
, unit: meter):
Point to map distance larger than match_dist_min is ignored in the likelihood calculation. - match_dist_flat (float, default:
, unit: meter):
Point-to-map distance smaller than match_dist_flat is clipped to match_dist_flat. Set to three-sigma of the input pointcloud noise or larger to avoid fixing to local minimums.
- match_ratio_thresh (float, default:
, unit: ratio):
Trigger the expansion resetting if the ratio of the measured points which have corresponding map points is smaller than match_ratio_thresh. Set 0.0 to disable the expansion resetting. - expansion_var_(x|y|z) (float, default:
, unit: meter):
Gaussian noise distribution to expand the particle distribution on the expansion resetting. - expansion_var_(roll|pitch|yaw) (float, default:
, unit: radian):
Gaussian noise distribution to expand the particle distribution on the expansion resetting.
- odom_err_lin_lin (float, default:
, unit: meter/meter):
Standard deviation of the translational error per unit of the translational component of the robot's motion. - odom_err_lin_ang (float, default:
, unit: radian/meter):
Standard deviation of the rotational error per unit of the translational component of the robot's motion. - odom_err_ang_lin (float, default:
, unit: meter/radian):
Standard deviation of the translational error per unit of the rotational component of the robot's motion. - odom_err_ang_ang (float, default:
, unit: radian/rad):
Standard deviation of the rotational error per unit of the rotational component of the robot's motion. - odom_err_integ_lin_tc (float, default:
, unit: second):
Time constant to forget the integral of the translational odometry error. - odom_err_integ_lin_sigma (float, default:
, unit: meter):
Acceptable range of the integral of the translational odometry error. - odom_err_integ_ang_tc (float, default:
, unit: second):
Time constant to forget the integral of the rotational odometry error. - odom_err_integ_ang_sigma (float, default:
, unit: radian):
Acceptable range of the integral of the rotational odometry error.