A fundamental algorithm of mcl_3dl node is Monte Carlo localization (MCL), aka particle filter localization. MCL represents a probabilistic distribution of estimated pose as density and weight of particles and estimates the pose from the distribution.
In general, beam_range_finder_model can reduce false positive matching of the measured point in the map, but is heavier than likelihood_field_range_finder_model. (These models are well-described in the book Probabilistic Robotics, by Thrun, Burgard, and Fox.)
mcl_3dl node uses both beam_range_finder_model and likelihood_field_range_finder_model to perform good matching result with light computation power. The node calculates a likelihood of each particle by multiplying a likelihood of likelihood_field_range_finder_model, by using a larger number of randomly sampled points, and a likelihood of beam_range_finder_model, by using only a few randomly sampled points. It realizes pointcloud matching with small computation power with rejecting matched-but-wrong matches.
In this implementation, the likelihood of likelihood_field_range_finder_model is a summation of distances from each measured point to closest point in the map. The closest point search uses chunked Kd-tree, and the measured point is voxel filtered and random sampled to reduce computation power.
Likelihood of beam_range_finder_model is calculated by ray casting.
Where N
is the number of rays of measured point, n
is the number of the rays which passes through objects described in the map, and alpha is a rejection weight, the likelihood is given as alpha^(n/N)
In some environments like a floor with a sparse wall, e.g., temporary scaffolds with guard rails, distance in Z-direction must be less cared, since the number of points which can fix estimated Z position is relatively large.
In mcl_3dl node, the weight coefficient of distance calculation is changed by parameters.
For example in a scaffold based plant, (dist_weight_x, dist_weight_y, dist_weight_z)=(1.0, 1.0, 5.0)
seems reasonable.
A likelihood of the vehicle posture is calculated by taking a difference between the acceleration vector in IMU data and particle pose.
The pose of the particles is predicted according to odometry data with noise parameters. Using odometry data compensated by IMU is recommended.
mcl_3dl node resamples particles by copying particles which have large probability according to the distribution. Copied particles are spread by the Gaussian noise.
mcl_3dl has an ad-hoc implementation of the expansion resetting method. (More theoretical method and its implementation were proposed in [Ueda 2004].)
The node spreads particle distribution by given Gaussian noise if the ratio of the measured points which have corresponding map points is smaller than the threshold.
By using the expansion resetting, the particle distribution can recover the true pose even if there are local minimum solutions, as shown on the right side of the figure below.